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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations
from Korea North
Korea North Previous Page : Jordan Next Page : Korea South
Domestic Stations
KCBS Index Korea
North Index Asia
KCBS 2850 kHz QSL NO IRC QTH : Jonsung-dong, Moranbong District, Pyongyang (Conexion GRP 124, Argentina) | C.A.Pivatto-ARG | Play-DX 1028 | Jun 99 |
KCBS/Kanggye 3960 k v inf pin 45 days | T.-H.Ekblom-FIN | Norwegian DX News 2006-02 | Feb 06 |
Korean Central Broadcasting Station 2850 kHz and 4450 kHz verified with a det. card from VoKorea, calendar, programme schedule in 76 days. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Mrz 06 |
2850, Korean Central Broadcasting Station was verified by the Voice of Korea with a full data card with an illegible verie signer in 64 days. The package of goodies included a copy of The Pyongyang Times, two nice looking 2008 calendars, program schedules for Voice of Korea and a Radio Pyongyang pennant. In the accompanying personal letter the mentioned each of my previous reports in recent years and asked me to enter their upcoming writing competition. | R,D'Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Mrz 08 |
PBS Kanggye Index Korea North Index Asia
6398, Pyongyang Broadcasting Station Kanggye verified via the Voice of Korea with a full data card in 86 days from an illegible verie signer. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Apr 05 |
Pyongyang Pangsong Index Korea North Index Asia
Pyongyang Broadcasting Station 6250 kHz verified with a det. Card of the External Service | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Jun 92 |
Pyongyang Pangsong 6250 qsl-card no r.postage 98 days | Z.Liangas-GRC | WDXC QSL Report | Dez 96 |
Pyongyang Broadcasting Station 6250 kHz, VOK QSL, letter, badge, booklet, sked, pennant, pocket calendar, postcard, newspaper in 62 days. QTH: The Radio-Television Broadcasting Committee of the DPRK, Pyongyang. | S.M.Kolesov-RUS | direct to QIP | Jan 06 |
Pyongyang BS / 6250 kHz, 49 Tage, detaillierte Karte vom dt. Dienst, W, Programmheft, Kalender, Zeitung | F.-W.Adam-D | ADDX 2007-02 | Aug 07 |
Pyongyang Broadcasting Station 3320 kHz verified with a det. Voice of Korea QSL card, calender and newspaper in 42 days. QTH: Pyongyang Broadcasting Station, Pyongyang, DPRK. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Jan 08 |
External Service
R Pyongyang [since 2001 Vo
Korea] Index Korea North Index Asia
R Pyongyang 6576 kHz, det. qsl-card in 55 days, letter, pennant, pin, book on Kim Il Sung | R.Sonntag-D | direct to QIP | Jan 80 |
R Pyongyang - det. Karte Gebäude 9345 kHz 1900 23.02.89 45 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Apr 89 |
R Pyongyang - det. Karte Blumen 6576 kHz 1900 20.01.89 86 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Apr 89 |
R Pyongyang - undet. Karte Restaurant Waudo - - 20.01.89 86 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Apr 89 |
R Pyongyang 9345 kHz, det. qsl-card in 77 days, pennant, schedule, calendar, postcards, books | R.Sonntag-D | direct to QIP | Jan 92 |
R Pyongyang 6576 qsl-card no r.postage 82 days. | R.Takács-ROU | WDXC QSL Report | Apr 96 |
R Pyongyang qsl-card no r.postage 60 days | Z.Liangas-GRC | WDXC QSL Report | Dez 96 |
R.Pyongyang on 9977, QSL, pennant, schedule, report form, newspaper in Spanish in 46 days, no IRC sent, Spanish service (Play DX # 926 16 / 03 1997) | J.Quinones A.-PRU | TFW | Jan 97 |
11335 Radio Pyongyong full data -Lily of the Valley- card in 3 months after a follow-up report was mailed on my behalf from Hungary. Also included was a pennant, schedule, newspaper, and a 3-D pocket calendar. The -propaganda machine- at its finest ! | G.Maroti-NY-USA | Cumbre DX 138 | Mai 97 |
Radio Pyongyang 34 days full data card, newspaper. | M.Mitsuaki-J | Cumbre DX 156 | Sep 97 |
R.Pyongyang on 9650, fd card, nx paper in 34 days (DSWCI SWN Nov 97) | M.Mitsuaki-J | TFW 043 | Nov 97 |
Radio PYONGYANG - Pyongyang 6576 kHz - QSL, letter, sticker, pennant and schedule in 65 dd, no IRC | S.Mannelli-I | Webpage | Jan 98 |
R. Pyongyang on 7580, fd card, newspaper in 33 days (DSWCI, SWN # 3, March 98, QSL Corner) | M.Mitsuaki-J | TFW 055 | Mrz 98 |
KDRK/R.Pyöngyang 13.730 kHz, KRE tx-site: Pyöngyang gehört in: PHL/Sebaste K, E-Form., Broschüre 50 J.KDRK 09.01.1998 23.03.1998 63 Tage | H.Süss-AUT | direct to QIP | Mrz 98 |
9325 kHz, Radio Pjongjang, QSL-c (full data) showing May flowers, schedule, pennant, brochure about North Korean Radio, v/s not given, in 93 days for no IRC. | M.Schöch-D | TFW 063 | Jun 98 |
Radio Pyongyang 13760, f /d " Mountain Top View " card, pennant, schedule, station history, letter and books on Kim Jongil and Sinchonm Museum in 114 days. Gee Mark, I know some guys that would kill just for the QSL, forget the rest of the goodies. (md) | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 1998-07 | Jul 98 |
R Pyongyang 13790 qsl-card, no ret. postage, 104 days. | P.Travers-G | WDXC QSL Report | Okt 98 |
R. Pyongyang / div. kHz, 133-226 days, det. qsl-card, program guide, reception report forms, pennant, Info. | diverse-D | ADDX 1998-21 | Nov 98 |
R. Pyongyang / 7375 kHz, 292 days, qsl-card, reception report forms, pennant, korean. Story-book / picture postcard. | T.Brandenburg-D | ADDX 1998-21 | Nov 98 |
R. Pyongyang / 7505 kHz 47 days qsl-card W, Flagge, px-schedule. | W.Stengel-D | ADDX 1999-06 | Mrz 99 |
Schon seit Beginn der neunziger Jahre verschickt die Station verschiedene Blumenmotive als Bestätigung für RRs. Der Postverkehr läuft etwas unregelmäßig, jetzt traf nach drei Monaten eine QSL-Bestätigung für die 18 und 20 UTC sehr unterschiedlich hörbare Frequenz 9325 kHz ein. Rp nicht nötig. Adr. : Radio Pyongjang, Pyongjang. | J.Adolph-D | Eastside DX 05 | Mrz 99 |
R.Pyongyang in 70 days. Recieved QSL, wallet-calendar and the paper named Labor News. | G.Iwata-J | Listening Points Japan 1999-05 | Mrz 99 |
9665 kHz. Radio PYONGYANG, Comite de la Radio y la TV, Pyongyang, Corea del Norte. Tarjeta QSL con ilustracion de un bello paisaje montaNoso. Carta, esquema de emisiones y un ejemplar del semanario en ingles The Pyongyang Times. Libro 'El Gran Hombre Kim Jong IL'. Respuesta en 250 dias. | C.Morales-ARG | Conexion Digital 004 | Mai 99 |
R. Pyongyang / 9325 kHz, 189 qsl-card, Infos. | D.Schulz-D | ADDX 1999-11 | Jun 99 |
R. Pyongyang : Last December I realized I'd never gotten a QSL from North Korea, so I sent off two identical rpts, one to R. China Intl, asking them to forward it to the standard listed address, and the other to the standard listed address, but adding " via Beijing, People's Republic of China. " I got full data QSLs from both rpts (one came in May, the other June). One of the rpts even included a pennant, another the thoughts of the great leader. If anyone needs / wants a QSL from R. Pyongyang, this might be a good time to try. (BADX) | J.Rogers-MA-USA | Numero Uno 1534 | Jul 99 |
17735 kHz. Radio PYONGYANG, External Service, Korean Central Broadcasting Station, Pyongyang, Republica Democratica Popular de Korea. Tarjeta QSL, formularios informes de recepcion, banderin, esquema de programacion, diarios. Demoro 90 dias. | H.Cilmi-ARG | Conexion Digital 030 | Nov 99 |
Radio Pyongyang 11335 kHz, f/d card, 6/4/92, v/s : Not listed "Flowers" card, site : Not listed | J.Dybka-TX-USA | Webpage | Jan 00 |
Radio Pyongyang (KRE) - 9325 - det. Karte, Wimpel, Programm, FreqPlan, 2 Zeitungen, RR, Brosch. (Anekdoten " Der grosse Kim Jong Il " - in Englisch), 81 Tage | M.Grallert-D | direct to QIP | Jul 00 |
R. Pyongyang / 7505 kHz, 30 days, detailed qsl-card, Kalender, prog.-guide, reception report form, W, Zeitungen. | C.Edler-D | ADDX 2000-16 | Aug 00 |
R Pyongyang - det. Karte Triumpfbogen 7505 kHz 1800 06.03.00 160 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Aug 00 |
R. Pyongyang / 9325 kHz, 50 days, qsl-card, letter, programm guide, Into, Zeitungen. | D.Stange-D | ADDX 2000-18 | Sep 00 |
R. Pyongyang / 9325 kHz, 81 days, detailed qsl-card, W, programm guide, Zeitungen, RRV, Broschüre. | M.Grallert-D | ADDX 2000-18 | Sep 00 |
Radio Pyongyang, 9335 kHz. QSL-card, pennant, Pyongyang Times newspaper, schedule, report form, information leaflet and book about socialism written by their 'Dear Leader' Kim Jong Il. Received in 39 days for 2 IRCs. I sent the report via Beijing, China - previous reports which I have sent direct have failed to produce a reply. | W.Phillips-G | direct to QIP | Sep 00 |
11710 R. Pyongyang f/d Central Square cd w / pennant / letter & Kim Jong Il books in 3 months (R.Hopkins-CAN) COUNTRY #157 VERIFIED. Ron mentions that it has taken him 15 years to get this verification. I agree, it took me over 22 years to get my QSL card. finally trying that route that Ron used as well as others via England. | R.Hopkins-BC-CAN | ODXA 2000-12 | Dez 00 |
Radio Pyongyang 9325,00 kHz, Report in Deutsch, 68 Tage, QSL-Karte, Details : ja. | K.Reibold-D | EAWRC 284 | Jan 01 |
R. Pyongyang / 7505, 63 days, detailed QSL-card, RRV, Zeitung. | P.Vaegler-D | ADDX 2001-03 | Feb 01 |
R. Pyonyang / 9325, 111 days, detailed QSL-card, personal letter, RRV, PG, Zeitungen, Broschüre. | E.Röscher-D | ADDX 2001-06 | Mrz 01 |
9325 kHz, 81 Tage, KRE Radio Pyongyang : det.QSL, PG, 2x Zeitung, RRV | M.Martin-D | Eastside DX 13 | Mrz 01 |
15180 - Radio Pyongyang - Pyongyang-KRE - Cartão QSL, carta, 2 jornais e calendário de bolso - 59 dias. QTH : Pyongyang - Democratic People’s Rep. of Korea. | H.de Oliveira Moreira-B | DXCB 2001-05 | Mai 01 |
11710 Radio Pyongyang Kujang f/d 'Mountain Peaks w/ clouds' cd in 104 days w/ schedule/letter & Pyongyang Times Newspaper. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | ODXA 2001-05 | Jun 01 |
Radio Pyönyang 7505,00 kHz, 98 days, qsl-card, RR-Form, Zeitung, details : yes. | P.E.Boeck-D | EAWRC 291 | Aug 01 |
Vo Korea [until 2001 R Pyongyang]
Index Korea
North Index Asia
Vo Korea 6575 k b sch v avis bro 101d | B.Tandberg-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2001-05 | Aug 01 |
Radio Pyongyang 15230 kHz, F/D "Mountains" card, report form and Pyongyang Times in 100 days from v/s illegible. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 2001-09 | Sep 01 |
Voice of Korea, Pyongyang 13650. Full data QSL received with the "Pyongyang Times", pennant, sked, programme guide, all for US1-00 and postcard in 4 months. . | J.Wright-NSW-AUS | Cumbre DX 370 | Okt 01 |
9975 Radio Pyongyang f/d 'Lilies of the Valley' cd w/ newspaper/New Year's card in 4 1/2 months. Peter stated that he sent the report via Beijing to insure delivery. | P.Kerr-ON-CAN | ODXA 2001-10 | Okt 01 |
Stimme Koreas / 9325 kHz, 90 Tage, K, W, PG, RRV, Zeitung, B um weitere RR gebeten. | W.Gosner-D | ADDX 2001-23 | Dez 01 |
Der Auslandsdienst Stimme Koreas (Radio Pjöngjang) bestätigte einen Bericht über 9325 kHz nach 87 Tagen mit det. QSL-Karte, die noch aus dem Bestand von Radio Pjöngjang kommt und eine Stadtansicht der Hauptstadt zeigt. Erinnerungsbogen vor Neubauhäusern in der Innenstadt, Beigelegt wurde wie üblich ein Dankschreiben, der Sendeplan, RR-Vordruck und Infomaterial. Rp ist nicht erforderlich. Sendezeiten des deutschen Programms: 16, 18 und 19 UTC auf 9325 und 7505 kHz. Adresse: Stimme Koreas/Radio Pjöngjang, Deutsche Redaktion, Pjöngjang, KDVR (Nord-Korea). | J.Adolph-D | Eastside DX 16 | Dez 01 |
17735 kHz. Radio Pyongyang, Comité de Radio y Televisión de la RPDC, Pyongyang. Tarjeta QSL, programación de la emisora, carta de la estación, formulario de informe de recepción, folletos turísticos de Corea del Norte, revista Corea Hoy y un ejemplar del periódico Las Novedades de Pyongyang. Contestó en 110 días. | C.Morales-ARG | Conexion Digital 141 | Jan 02 |
11735 kHz - Voice of Korea, Pyongyang. Enviado apenas relatório de recepção acompanhado de postal dos Estados Unidos. O meu relatório foi enviado num envelope lacrado (+ 2 IRC's) para o colega DXista Willi Passmann, de Muelheim, Alemanha, que intermediou o envio de minha carta para Pyongyang. Recebido QSL full data, carta de agradecimento, flâmula, lista de horários/frequências, jornal The Pyongyang Times, folha para novo relatório de recepção, folder colorido mostrando a historia da Radio Pyongyang, dois calendários de bolso com hologramas e revista colorida sobre a Coréia. Esse incrivel pacote de supresas me fez lembrar como isso era normal nos anos 80 pois quase toda emissora internacional ou regional enviava revistas, postais, canetas, flâmulas além de um QSL ou carta de verificação. Hoje em dia infelizmente temos que pedir muito para conseguir apenas uma cartinha de verificação. Demora de 50 dias. v/s: Ilegivel. Radio país confirmado número 123. | M.Toniolo dos Anjos-NY-USA | Radioescutas-ML | Feb 02 |
Vo Korea / 9325 kHz, 62 Tage, detail. qsl-card, PG, Rundschreiben. | K.Oxenbauer-D | ADDX 2002-08 | Apr 02 |
Voice of Korea 11735 kHz, F/D card, pocket calendar and brochures in 50 days. [Andy says that this took many reports since 1987 and perhaps adding the words "via Beijing, CHINA" made the difference. VIC #161. (md)] | A.Rugg-ON-CAN | CIDX 2002-05 | Mai 02 |
11335 kHz, La Voz de Corea, Pyongyang, R.Popular Democratica de Corea, QSL, folleto turistico, pin, revista Corea Hoy, publicacion sobre pintura coreana, 67 dias. | H.Longhi-ARG | Conexion Digital 159 | Mai 02 |
6520 Voz de Corea, Pyongyang. Tarjeta QSL con datos completos, revista y otros folletos de la emisora, ademas de un banderin, todo en 35 dias. | A.L.Slaen-ARG | Conexion Digital 160 | Mai 02 |
R Pyongyang - det. Karte Triumphbogen 9325 kHz 1600 14.01.02 110 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mai 02 |
Voice of Korea. Received in six weeks for tape report: a QSL card, Pyongyang Times nxpaper, megazine, a Korean language nxpaper (for the Apr 25 KPA day issue), a pin, reception report form and broadcast sked. | R.Lam-SNG | Cumbre DX 404 | Jun 02 |
9335 - KRT-Voz da Coréia - Kujang-KRE - QSL, folheto, bandeirola, informativo, postal. 40 dias. V/S: Sección Española. QTH: Pyongyang, República Popular Democrática da Coréia. | O.Rodrigues-SP-B | DXCB 2002-06 | Jun 02 |
Vo Korea / 9325 kHz, 34 Tage, K, Zeitung, Broschüre. | P.Schramm-D | ADDX 2002-13 | Jul 02 |
Voz da Coréia, Kujang - 47 dias. Recebido cartão QSL, bandeirinha, 2 revistas, boletim de frequências, broche, adesivos e uma carta de agradecimento! Não mandei IRC. QTH :Voz da Corea, Programa en Español, Pyongyang, Corea do Norte | E.P.Cecílio Jr-SP-E | Atividade DX 106 B | Jul 02 |
I know that other people have been less than successful with the DPRK but I sent a request via snail mail for a QSL card about a month and a half ago, and today I received a nice little package from Radio Pyongyang/Voice of Korea; had a card, a magazine, newspaper, pennant, reception forms, and a very nice little pin. Of course the publications are very very "Communist," out Stalin-ing Stalin. BTW when I sent the letter I marked it "Via Beijing," don't know if that helps. Later: maybe it had something to do with the fact that I'm Canadian - the DPRK doesn't have too many gripes with us (then again if they knew I worked with Amnesty International...and their country is my responsibility) as well, my birthday is the same as Kim Jong Il (the Great Leader) and I mentioned that in my letter, wishing him a happy birthday. The stuff I received was very interesting! A lapel pin - VOK - QSL card, magazines, a pennant, schedules, forms... send your letter "Via Beijing," that might work. Later : [Congrats, Sue, I am informed by Willi Passmann/DJ 6 JZ in Muelheim/Germany, all incoming postage things from North America will NOT be delivered to Pyongyang. Therefore he offered his address as a pivot to North Korea for North American listeners. But he is not the QSL-Manager (or QSL-Route) for Radio Pyongyang] When does this take effect? I used the address in Passport 2002, and also put "via Beijing" on the envelope. The reception report was for May 22, I sent a letter in June to Pyongyang and on Friday I received my package from the DPRK! I suspect that the "incoming postage things from North America" may apply to mail from the United States, and not Canada. I inquired about mail delivery at our post office when I sent the letter and as far as the postal workers knew, there weren't any problems sending mail to the DPRK except that it's slower. The letter I received in turn invited me to keep writing and that they welcomed my responses in the future. As well, Canada's diplomatic relations with the DPRK - which we formally established late last year - are much better than America's. I hope Willi, unlike so many of my European pals, doesn't equate us (Canada) with the US!! | S.C.Hickey-NF-CAN | GRDXC-ML | Jul 02 |
V. o. Korea 9325 kHz, 94 Tage, det. K., Zeitung, Zeitschrift, Progr. RRV | C.Edler-D | Eastside DX 20 | Aug 02 |
Vo Korea 11335 b v bro avis | C.Brunström-S | Norwegian DX News 2002-05 | Aug 02 |
11335 - Voice of Korea, Kujang - ??? dias. Recebido bonito QSL full data (retratando uma praia norte-coreana), revista Korea, jornal The Pyongyang Times, folheto comemorativo dos 50 anos da Radio Korea (1945 - 1995), belíssima flâmula, formulário para informe de recepção, carta pessoal, schedule e pequeno broche. v/s: Ilegível. QTH : English Department, External Service, Korean Central Broadcasting Station, Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea | R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B | Atividade DX 111 | Sep 02 |
11335 - Voz da Coréia - Kujang-KRE - Carta, esquema, formulário para IR, folheto, broche, revista "Corea de Hoy". 130 dias. V/S: ?? QTH: The Radio - TV Broadcasting Comitee, Pyongyang, Rep. Popular Democrática da Coréia. | J.Moacir Portera de Melo-MT-B | DXCB 2002-09 | Sep 02 |
11335 - Voz da Coréia - Kujang-KRE - Recebido cartão QSL, flâmula, botom, um exemplar da revista "Corea de Hoy", folhetos sobre a estação e esquema de transmissões em espanhol. 139 dias. V/S: ilegível. QTH: Spanish Language Service, Pyongyang, Coréia do Norte. | M.Roberto Polheim da Silva-SC-B | DXCB 2002-09 | Sep 02 |
15245 - Voz da Coréia, Kujang - 42 dias. Recebido cartão QSL, boletim de programação, revista, broche, flâmula e carta pessoal. V/S: Ilegível QTH: Comite de Radio y Television de la RPDC, Pyongyang, Coréia do Norte. | I.Dias da Silva Júnior-SP-B | Atividade DX 116 | Okt 02 |
Stimme Koreas 9.325,00 kHz, 75 days, qsl-card, , Magazine details : ja | P.E.Boeck-D | EAWRC 305 | Okt 02 |
Radio Pjongjang 9325 kHz, 300 Tage, det. Karte, 1 Zeitung, 1 Foreign Trade Prospekt mit Produkten aus Nordkorea, PG, Empfangsvordruck, Anstecknadel, persönlicher Brief / 2 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Nov 02 |
Voice of Korea 13.760,00 kHz, D 35 days, card, PG, Buch details : ja | P.Robic-AUT | EAWRC 306 | Nov 02 |
Vo Korea / 9325 kHz, 94 Tage, detailed qsl-card, Zeitung, PG, RRV. | P.Vaegler-D | ADDX 2002-23 | Dez 02 |
9335 kHz Voice of Korea. Received QSL card, postcard, Pyongyang Times nxpaper, Korea Today magazine, report form, personal letter and a seperate letter annoucing one of those poetry and song writting competitions in two months for English report and tape recording. | R.Lam-SNG | Cumbre DX-ML | Dez 02 |
6575 kHz, VOICE OF KOREA, full data qsl card in English (site not included), card shows a red flower, v/s not readable, also enclosed a newspaper, a magazine, a pin, a rr form and a longer personal letter (the first I ever received from them in 15 years), in 57 days for a report without rp to Radio Pjöngjang, Korean Central Broadcasting Committee, Pyongyang, VR Korea | M.Schöch-D | direct to QIP | Dez 02 |
Has anybody had any success in receiving a QSL card from the Voice of Korea, DPRK. Surprisingly, I did. I sent them 3 reports with letters. And on 26 November & 11 December I received replies to my reports. They sent me QSL's, Juche 91 trade magazine, Pyongyang Times, badges, a pennant, report forms and letters asking me to write to them again. But I written to them before way back in 1993 when it was Radio Pyongyang and sent them about 5 reports and only sent me one QSL. | A.Savage-G | DXing.info | Dez 02 |
Received a qsl in Oct for a report in August. Recently sent a report questioning why they had given up on the poliferation treaty -- received a personal letter and copies of French written paper intidating the reasons, also copy of The Pyongyang Times but unfortunately no QSL !! | R.Lowis-G | DXing.info | Dez 02 |
Happy New Year from DPRK : I sent a reception report to the Voice of Korea (North, not South) in May, got a package from them in July and I guess they haven't forgotten about me, or are trying to establish relations.I received a postcard today from VOK with four male gymnasts on front and on the back was typed a "A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" Wonder if I'm being watched by CSIS? (Canadian equivalent of CIA) Canada Customs has already opened and searched some of my mail from other SW stations, including Iran and a box I received from DW. They even charged me for "handling"! | S.C.Hickey-NF-CAN | GRDXC-ML | Dez 02 |
Vo Korea 13760 k b sch v pin 3blad 122 days | B.Tandberg-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2002-08 | Dez 02 |
Vo Korea / ? kHz, 30 Tage, K, Kalender, Zeitung, Journal, Biographie Kim Jong Il | P.Schramm-D | ADDX 2003-03 | Feb 03 |
9325 - Voice of Korea, Pyongyang - 50 dias. Recebido cartão QSL, carta pessoal, bottom da Radio Voice of Korea, flamula da R. Pyongyang, boletim de horarios e frequencias para transmissões em russo, ingles e espanhol, formulário para informe de recepção, jornal "The Pyongyang Times" (datado de 'January 25, 2003') e a revista "Foreign Trade of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea'. V/S: Ilegivel, English Service, Voice of Korea QTH: The Radio-Television Broadcasting, Committee of the DPRK, Pyongyang OBS: Emissora ouvida em Jacarei-SP, numa mini-expedição antes do Natal. A recepção foi em russo, e procurei descrever os dados de sintonia com os maiores detalhes possiveis... afinal, não entendo uma só palavra em russo, mas valeu aquela situação de se descrever alguns nomes de personalidades, cidades, etc... em boletins de noticias. | R.Walter Grimm-SP-B | Atividade DX 137 | Feb 03 |
Once again the North Koreans have come through for me...on Friday I received a QSL, some magazines, another lapel pin and a letter telling me who to write to get some North Korean music sent to me. The QSL was for a reception report I did in late December, I mailed it the first part of January...didn't take long! Maybe the DPRK people see me as their "friend" in Canada... | S.C.Hickey-NF-CAN | GRDXC-ML | Feb 03 |
11710 The Voice of Korea. Full data card in 2 months | R.Roussel-NB-CAN | ODXA 2003-02 | Feb 03 |
Voice of Korea 11335 kHz, F/D card with program schedule, pennant, Pyongyang Times newspaper, Foreign Trade of the DPRK magazine and order forms for postage stamps in 42 days. | D.Gauvin-NB-CAN | CIDX 2003-04 | Apr 03 |
Voice of Korea - Pyongyang, 9335, Mountain scene card (with Voice of Korea stuck over Radio Pyongyang), letter, Radio Pyongyang banner, English program schedule, pocket calendar, Pyongyang Times paper and Korea Today mag. The calendar changes from a soldier with a gun to a missile when the viewing angle is changed; in 105 days (via Australian DX News) | W.Bastow-? | DXLD 3-058 | Apr 03 |
RADIO PYONGYANG 11335 kHz QSL CARD, PIN, PENNANT CLOTH, MAGAZINE, INFO. 38 d. NO IRC. ADDRESS : SEE WRTH 2003. WEB : http://www.simonbone.com/pyongyang.html | R.Celestre-I | Play-DX J2003 | Apr 03 |
11735 - Rádio Pyongyang, Voz de Coréia - Coréia do Norte, cartão QSL full data, carta pessoal, revista " El Comércio Exterior" volume 4, broche, flâmula, horários e freqüências de tx.. Adrr. Radio Television Broadcasting, Commitee of the DPRK, Pyongyang, Korea 82 dias, V/S: ilegível | A.Deves Sailer-RS-B | Atividade DX 148 | Mai 03 |
I received yet another QSL from the Voice of Korea last week and yesterday I got a nice letter about CDs and cassettes and publications I can order from the DPRK. It was from a person from their "America Bureau!" (HAH!) and he/she (couldn't tell from the name) is interested in learning more about me and my friends... I bet if I were an American I'd be in trouble now, wouldn't I? | S.C.Hickey-NF-CAN | GRDXC-ML | Jun 03 |
Stimme Koreas / 9325 kHz, 35 Tage, detailed card, W, Zeitung, Info, pers. letter | H.Matt-D | ADDX 2003-15 | Aug 03 |
11735 - R. La Voz de Corea - Kujang-KRE - QSL, Botton, formulário para IR, Revista Corea de Hoy. 58 dias. V/S: ilegível. QTH: The Radio-Television Broadcasting Committee of the DPRK, Pyongyang, Coréia do Norte | A.Ferreira Fuzzi-SP-B | DXCB 2003-08 | Aug 03 |
15245 - R. Voz da Coréia - Kujang-KRE - Recebido QSL, grade de programação, formulário para IR, carta de agradecimento, flâmula, folheto informativo sobre a Escola Secundária Superior de Pyongyang , e livreto com 25 páginas sobre a Revolução Socialista Coreana. 70 dias. V/S: Seção Espanhola. QTH: The Radio-Television Broadcasting Committee of the DPRK, Pyongyang, Coréia do Norte | H.Biancardine-RJ-B | DXCB 2003-08 | Aug 03 |
Voice of Korea 11710 kHz, QSL, plus a magazine "Korea Today" and a newspaper, as well in a separate letter information about ordering cassette tapes and a request to "learn more about me and my friends and my interests" in 4 weeks. | S.C.Hickey-NF-CAN | CIDX 2003-09 | Sep 03 |
Voice of Korea 11335 kHz, F/D "Mountain Range" card, letter, reception report forms. Schedule, pin and Foreign Trade magazine in 85 days from v/s illegible. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 2003-10 | Okt 03 |
Vo Korea 9335 kHz, card 2aviser rapportskjema 64d | B.Tandberg-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2003-08 | Nov 03 |
St. Koreas / 9325 kHz, 38 Tage, det. QSL-Karte, B, W, Anstecker, RRV, Zeitung, PG | H.-J.Koch-D | ADDX 2002-23 | Dez 03 |
13770 kHz - La Voz de Corea, Kujang Recebido cartão QSL, revista "Corea Hoy", broche, folhetos 134 dias V/S: Ilegível QTH: Radio TV Broadcasting, Comitee of the DPRK, Spanish Language Service, Pyongyang, North Korea | C.Fernandes Lopes-MG-B | Atividade DX 180 | Dez 03 |
Voice of Korea 11710 kHz card from v/s illegible. Also received a reception report form and a copy of the Pyongyang Times. | S.C.Hickey-NF-CAN | CIDX 2003-01 | Dez 03 |
Stimme Korea 6575 kHz, 100 Tage, det. Karte Motiv Berglandschaft, persönlicher Brief, PG, Empfangsberichtsvordrucke / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Dez 03 |
Stimme Korea 9325 kHz, 430 Tage, det. Karte Motiv Berglandschaft, nach reminder, Kalender, Zeitung, Empfangsberichts Vordrucke / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Dez 03 |
Stimme Koreas / 6575 kHz, 33 Tage, det. Karte, W, PG, RRV, Zeitung | H.-J.Koch-D | ADDX 2004-06 | Mrz 04 |
Stimme Korea 6575 kHz, 52 Tage, det. Karte, Zeitung, Empfangsberichtsvordruck / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Apr 04 |
Voice of Korea 9335 kHz, F/D "Mountains" card, letter, Radio Pyongyang pennant, report form, schedule and The Pyongyang Times newspaper in 43 days from v/s illegible. | M.Delmage-AB-CAN | CIDX 2004-07 | Jul 04 |
Stimme Koreas 7505 kHz, 64 Tage, det. Karte, PG, Zeitung, Empfangsberichts Vordruck / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jul 04 |
Voice of Korea: QSL received... Hi! For a detailed reception report and program comments via regular mail on the April 30 Voice of Korea broadcast (11710 kHz, 1000 UT), I got the following today: a QSL card, blank reception report form, Radio Pyongyang pennant, Voice of Korea pin, frequency schedule, the June 19 issue of P`yongyang Times, and a reply letter. Very nice! Y`know, some stations put together some fairly elaborate packages for listeners; most notable to me are Radio Taiwan International and Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran. However, I didn't expect a two-month turnaround from the DPRK when I've had no luck with larger stations such as Radio Australia. | M.L.Semon-FL-USA | DXLD 4-107 | Jul 04 |
VoKorea, Pyöngyang 15.345 kHz, KRE tx-site: Pyöngyang gehört in: AUT/Strasshof K, Formbrief, QRG-Plan, Anstecknadel, Zeitung 10.06.2004 31.08.2004 59 Tage | H.Süss-AUT | direct to QIP | Aug 04 |
Vo Korea / 6575 kHz, 52-111 Tage, detail. QSL-Card, pers. letter, RRV, Zeitung | diverse-D | ADDX 2004-18 | Sep 04 |
Vo Korea no 15245 kHz, c 46 days, (sent badge, pennant, Pyongyang Times-July 2004 v/s indecipherable-Korean script) | P.Youngs-G | BDXC-UK 2004-09 | Sep 04 |
Stimme Koreas / 9325 kHz, 48 Tage, detail. card, personl. letter, Zeitung | D.Stange-D | ADDX 2004-20 | Okt 04 |
Vo Korea / 15345 kHz, 59 Tage, Karte, Info, Anstecknadel, RRV, PG, Zeitung | H.Süss-AUT | ADDX 2004-23 | Nov 04 |
15180, Voice of Korea verified with a full data mountain scene card from an illegible verie signer in 70 days. Package included a form letter mentioning "Radio Pyongyang = Voice of Korea", "Radio Pyongyang" pennant, "VOK" pin, report form, and a copy of "The Pyongyang Times." This is the first time I have been successful mailing a report from the USA direct to Pyongyang. Other successful attempts have been through an intermediary (Arthur Ward) in England. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Dez 04 |
Voice of Korea 9335 kHz, 3 F/D "Mountain Range" cards, pennants, pins, and Pyongyang Times newspaper in 13 weeks, 14 weeks and 11 months for three reports routed through China, Germany and India. | A.Loudell-DE-USA | CIDX 2005-01 | Jan 05 |
Vo Korea / 9325 kHz, 37 Tage, det. Karte, RRV, Zeitung | M.Martin-D | ADDX 2005-02 | Feb 05 |
R Pyongyang no return postage 13650 kHz, card 60 days (sent Pyongyang Times, pennant, post cards) | D.Rhodes-AUS | BDXC-UK 2005-02 | Feb 05 |
15180 kHz VOZ DE COREA. Tarjeta QSL con datos completos, V/S ilegible. Carta, Banderin, Pin, Tarjetal Postal, Ejemplar del Pyongyang Times (20-11-2004). 90 dias. QTH: The Radio-Television Broadcasting Committee of the DPR of Korea, Pyongyang, Corea del Norte | R.Rodriguez R.-CLM | Conexion Digital 304 | Feb 05 |
Voice of Korea 7570 kHz, F/D "Pyongyang" card, post card, pocket calendar, report form, schedule and Pyongyang Times Newspaper in 79 days. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 2005-03 | Mrz 05 |
Stimme Koreas / 9325 kHz, 120 Tage, det. K, Gruß-K, Zeitung, B, PG, Pin, Kalender | E.Röscher-D | ADDX 2005-04 | Apr 05 |
Stimme Koreas / 9325 kHz, 105 Tage, det. K, AK, Zeitung | P.Vaegeler-D | ADDX 2005-04 | Apr 05 |
7570 Voice of Korea, Pyongyang. F/d "Building" cd w/ schedule/ Calendar/ Newspaper/ postcard in 79 days | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | ODXA 2005-04 | Apr 05 |
9335, VO Korea, f/d "Mountain Scene" card w/ usual package containing pennant, lapel pin, newspaper, schedule, report form and personal form letter in 82 days. "Radio Pyongyang" was whited-out on the cards reverse w/ "Voice of Korea" typed over. | S.R.Barbour-Jr-NH-USA | Cumbre DX-ML | Mai 05 |
Seem to recall some time back discussion on no replies from VoK. I have not had any probs of late, and yesterday for instance got;- 1. R Pyongyang pennant. 2. Voice of Korea lapel badge. 3. Book on Kim Jong IL. 4. EE sched. 5. Report form. 6. Letter. 7. Pocket Calendar and most important QSL card for 3320 kHz. Reports go via Passport addr, with annotation via Beijing, PRC. | R.Killick-NZL | HCDX-ML | Jun 05 |
9535 Voice of Korea, Pyongyang. Within a large brown envelope received the following items: Full data QSL Card, letter, schedule, radio pennant, Lapel Pin and the latest edition of Pyongyang Times. The last time I got a verification reply it took over 20 years, yet this time, reply came in 78 days. My times have changed..... | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Jul 05 |
I saw you keeping a web page about Voice of Korea / Radio Pyongyang QSL - confirmations. I received one confirmation via par avion faxed to +85 02 3814416 on 21st June, 2005. According to the accompanied letter call Voice of Korea belongs to The Radio-Television Broadcasting Committee of the D. P. R. of Korea,Radio Pyongyang, English Service Section. So I can let you know that the QSL -requests should be faxed to +85 02 3814416 and they seem to like to have response to improve DPRKs international visibility. | O.-J.Paloneva-FIN | direct to QIP | Jul 05 |
9335 Voice of Korea in French , 2 QSL in 2 months | R.Roussel-NB-CAN | ODXA 2005-08 | Aug 05 |
Stimme Korea 9325 k mm Har det vaknet en landjeger i Bjarne ogsa, montru...? | B.Mjelde-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-05 | Sep 05 |
VoKorea, Pyöngyang 15.245 kHz, KRE tx-site: Kujang gehört in: AUT/Strasshof K, E-form, px, stamp-Werbung 04.07.2005 02.09.2005 58 Tage | H.Süss-AUT | direct to QIP | Sep 05 |
Vo Korea / 13760 kHz, 83 Tage, det. B | D.Rosenau-D | ADDX 2005-10 | Okt 05 |
R. Pyongyang / 9325 kHz, 75 Tage, det. QSL-K, W | S.Werner-D | ADDX 2005-10 | Okt 05 |
VoKorea, Pyöngyang 12.015 kHz, KRE tx-site: Kujang gehört in: AUT/Attersee K, pers.B/D, E-form, Zeitung, stamp-cd, Zeitung 06.08.2005 20.10.2005 64 Tage | H.Süss-AUT | direct to QIP | Okt 05 |
Vo Korea / 15245 kHz, 58 Tage, det. K, RRV, PG, Werbung | H.Süss-AUT | ADDX 2005-12 | Dez 05 |
VOICE OF KOREA 6250 kHz. QSLcard + Letter + Cloth Pennant + Calendar pocket + Newspaper. NO IRC. in 90 days. Address: VOICE OF KOREA, RADIO TELEVISION BROADCASTING COMMITTEE OF DPRK, PYONGYANG. | P.Albini-I | Play-DX 2006-01 | Jan 06 |
St. Koreas / 9325 kHz, 54 Tage, detail. Karte, Zeitung, W | P.Robic-AUT | ADDX 2006-02 | Feb 06 |
11735 kHz. - La Voz de Corea - Comite de Radio y Television de la RPDC, Pyongyang Tarjeta QSL, Postal, Banderin, Prendedor. Demoro 64 dias. | C.Rojas Gordillo-PRU | direct to QIP | Feb 06 |
Voice of Korea, Pyongyang-9665. If you are a little bit nostalgic it is not wrong to dribble over the oldfashioned brown envelope letter with typewritten address and sender. Content: QSL-card, stencil in English, the propaganda paper "The P`yongyang News" + four calendars, which change colours due to the way you look at them! For this type there obviously are resources! (via SW Bulletin Feb 19, translated by Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) | B.Fransson-S | DXLD 3-033 | Feb 06 |
Nachdem im Januar einen Empfangsbericht (erstmals) an Radio NordKorea via Fax gesandt habe, erhielt ich eine sehr umfangreiche Empfangsbestätigung (detaillierte QSL-Karte, persönliches Anschreiben, Zeitung, Anstecknadel etc.) Anfang März. | J.Schaumann-D | A-DX-ML | Mrz 06 |
Heute kam ein Brief aus Pjöngjang mit QSL-Karte, Wimpel, Anstecknadel (!), Sendeplan und einer englischen Ausgabe der "Pyongyang Times". Schön, so ein komplettes Paket. Da kann sich mancher Sender ein Beispiel nehmen. | R.Schuttkowski-D | A-DX-ML | Apr 06 |
Voice of Korea, 9325 kHz, det. card, schedule, report form, calendar and newspaper in 43 days. They still use "Radio Pyongyang" on the QSL. | R.Sonntag-D | direct to QIP | Apr 06 |
QSL La Voz de Corea, confirmando escucha del 1 de Marzo a las 19:00 UTC por la frecuencia de 7570, acompañada de un pín envuelto en un delicado sobre de papel cebolla, un banderín de Radio Pyonyang, horarios y frecuencias de La Voz de Corea, RPDC (Emisiones en español), un ejemplar del “The Pyonyang Times”, en inglés, concretamente Nº 6, Saturday, February 11, Juche 95 (2006). Una carta personalizada del Servicio Español con encabezamiento en coreano, inglés y francés. The Radio-Televisión Broadcasting Committee of the D.P.R. of Korea. Le Comité de Radiodiffusion-Télévision de la R.P.D. de Corée. Enviada por correo a “Emisiones en español. Pyönyang”, contestada en 40 días. | J.Miguel Romero Romero-E | Sintonia DX-ML | Apr 06 |
Voice of Korea, Kujang 6285 kHz, card + letter, 11 weeks | G.Huijbens-BEL | direct to QIP | Mai 06 |
9345 Radio Pyongyang (Korea del Norte) The Radio-Television Broadcasting Committee of the DPRK, Pyongyang - Qsl-card+banderin+pink+calendario+programacion+periodico Demora de 25 dias | H.Goyena-ARG | Conexion Digital 373 | Jun 06 |
Radio Pyongyang, 6.175 kHz, broadcasts in English, confirmed a reception report (from January 2006) with QSL in 91 days. (Listened in Santiago, Chile)Report sended to: Radio Pyongyang - English Section, The Radio-Television Broadcasting Commitee of the DPRK, Pyongyang, D. P. R. of Korea (North Korea). Also sended "Pyongyang Times", letter, and some souvenirs of the station. | E.Peñailillo-CHL | direct to QIP | Jun 06 |
Voice of Korea: I decided to give it a try, and wrote them a report sent on March 19. Yesterday, June 6, I then got their reply, including a full data QSL card, schedule, letter and 'The Pyongyang Times'. So, I can confirm that their reply does reach Denmark... | E.Koie-DNK | DXLD-ML | Jun 06 |
Stimme Koreas / 9325 kHz, 43-65 Tage, detailierte Karte, Programm-Guide, RRV, Kalender, Zeitung | diverse-D | ADDX 2006-08 | Aug 06 |
Vo Korea no return postage, 11545 kHz, qsl-card 80 days (sent bk, rr, news paper) | G.Skinner-G | BDXC-UK 2006-08 | Aug 06 |
Oggi dopo 47 giorni ho ricevuto Conferma da Radio Pyongyang: 1 Carta QSL, 2 Bandierina, 3 Spilletta, 4 Lettera di conferma e vari depliant con schedule | V.Bongiovanni-I | BCL-News-ML | Nov 06 |
9335, Voice of Korea verified with a full data 'Radio Pyongyang' picture postcard in 69 days. Package arrived in slightly torn brown envelope with a form letter requesting further reports, English program schedule, a copy of The Pyongyang Times, four 2007 pocket calendars, four order forms for from the Korean Stamp Corporation to buy certain Korean mint stamps, and finally an information sheet about a composition contest addressing, among other subjects, 'the immortal exploits performed by the great leader President Kim Il Sung.' The winners of the contest will receive 'souvenirs.' | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Feb 07 |
6285 kHz, Vo Korea, full data qsl-card (tx not mentioned). The card shows 2 buildings at a mountain slope. V/s not readable. The envelope also contained the usual pennant, a schedule, a magazine, 2 calendars, and several order forms from the Korea Stamp Corporation. In 68 days for a report in German without rp to Stimme Koreas, Korean Central Broadcasting Committee, Pyongyang, VR Korea. | M.Schöch-D | direct to QIP | Apr 07 |
Die "English Service Section" der Stimme Koreas bestätigte mir meine Berichte für die Frequenzen 6250 kHz und 6398,5 kHz mit einer QSL-Karte der deutschsprachigen Redaktion. Beigelegt waren weiterhin ein Taschenkalender, SP für deutsches Programm, Werbematerial für Nordkoreanische Briefmarken, die "Pyongyang Times" und ein Wimpel von "Radio Pyongyang". Laufzeit 30 Tage. | F.-W.Adam-D | A-DX-ML | Mai 07 |
Voice of Korea/Radio Pyongyang: 9.335 F/D cd in 106 days. Also received a station pin, pennant, program schedule, three brochures from the Korea Stamp Corporation including one for the "140th Anniversery of Sinking down of the US Aggressive Ship 'General Sherman," a small colorful 3D calander, and a magazine entitled "Foreign Trade of the DPRK," which included an ad for a company selling a UHF marine radio sets. Very interesting QSL package! I have been trying to verify this station many times over the years, usually with no reply. When sending through a Japanese intermediary, I received a letter from a person claiming to be a North Korean dissident working at Radio Pyongyang. My last attempt resulted in a similar package from this station, including a letter referring to an enclosed QSL, but the QSL was missing! Thanks to some friends in Canada who facilitated this for me, I received the QSL this time. Some other notes of interest: both the QSL and letter still refer to this station as "Radio Pyongyang," adespite the name change that has been in effect on air for a few years now, and the trade magazine was a stark contrast to the "Dear Leader" propaganda material that was typically sent until recently. | R.Comeau-MA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Mai 07 |
Stimme Koreas / 9325 kHz, 64 Tage, detaillierte Karte, Programmheft, Info | M.Martin-D | ADDX 2007-06 | Jun 07 |
Voice of Korea F/D QSL card, personal letter (including an invitation to visit North Korea), order forms for stamps, pocket calendar and a Pyongyang Times newspaper. All these goodies were recieved in about three months. Sue says her lack of reports id due to been too lazy to send of reception reports!...I hear yah...md | S.Hickey-NL-CAN | CIDX 2007-06 | Jun 07 |
6285 kHz - Voice of Korea - Pyongyang – KRE. Recebido belo cartão QSL full data, exemplar do jornal "The Pyongyang Times", belíssimo calendário de bolso, schedule e folhetos sobre selos norte-coreanos. ?? dias. V/S: ??. QTH: The Radio - Television Broadcasting Committee of the DPRK, Pyongyang - English Service. | R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B | ConDig 423 | Jun 07 |
12015 kHz - Voice of Korea, Kujang. Recebido cartão QSL, carta pessoal, flâmula, jornal, broche, calendário, esquema de programação e material filatélico. 61 dias. V/S: Servicio Español. QTH: The Radio-Television Broadcasting Committee of DPRK, Pyongyang. | F.Mattos-SC-B | ConDig 429 | Jul 07 |
Voice of Korea, 9335 kHz. I didn't think this would get through at all but that didn't stop a brown paper envelope waiting for me in two month's time. Inside was the QSL (something of a traditional temple, V/s illegible) plus a Radio Pyongyang Pennant, program schedule, lapel pin, 3-D calendar, the latest issue of The Pyongyang Times, and a letter asking me to write more often. | J Pukila-ON-CAN | direct to QIP | Jul 07 |
Vo Korea / 6285 kHz, 51 Tage, detaillierte Karte, Programmheft, RRV, Zeitung | F.-W.Adam-D | ADDX 2007-02 | Aug 07 |
Station: - Voice of Korea, Pyongyang. Date: - 22-07-2007. Frequency: - 15100 kHz. Time: - 0200-0300 UTC. Language: - English. Description: - Photograph of a Historical Building. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Sep 07 |
Gestern kam ein großer Briefumschlag aus Pyongyang. Für einen Bericht vom Januar 08 gab es ein altes Motiv auf der QSL, eine "Pyongyang Times" vom 23.02. einen 3D-Kalender und mehfach Werbung von der "Korean Stamp Coprporation" für die Bestellung nord-koreanischer Briefmarken. Die Preisangabe übrigens in EURO. Auf dieser Werbung waren auch mehrere Fax-Nummern und auch eine E-Mail-Anschrift angegeben. Daher wundert es mich, dass man die Stimme Koreas noch nicht per Mail erreichen kann, wenn es dann doch Internetverbindungen gibt. | P.Vaegler-D | A-DX-ML | Mrz 08 |
VOK, Pyongyang, 3560, col cd shows scene in Pyongyang .. postal mailed report. | B.Padula-Vic-AUS | Cumbre DX-ML | Jun 08 |
NORTH KOREA DPRK Voice of Korea full data QSL in 45 days with a package of newspapers, folders, transmission schedules, Radio Pyongyang pennant and a Voice of Korea pin. | J.Ronda-OK-USA | DXplorer-ML | Jul 08 |
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