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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations
from Korea South
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System Index Korea South Index
CHRISTIAN BROADCASTING SYSTEM 837 kHz QSL card f /d but wrong day In 45d. sent 1 IRC + Italian stIckers v/s : not readable QTH : 917-1, Mok Dong Yangchun-ku, Seoul (hrd really In Korea) | B.Gornati-I | Play-DX 1006 | Dez 98 |
HLAF Index Korea
South Index Asia
HLAF MBC Kangnung letter information avis. | B.Mjelde-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Jan 97 |
HLAJ Index Korea
South Index Asia
HLAJ MBC Cheju 774 card information. | B.Mjelde-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Nov 97 |
HLAM Index Korea
South Index Asia
HLAM MBC Mogpo 1386 card. | B.Mjelde-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Nov 97 |
Today I received two cards from Mokpo Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation. Both cards show the building of the station and mention HLAM AM 1386 khz, FM 102,3 Mhz, TV Ch. 7. The other side of the cards read in printed text: "Thank you for your report on the reception of our transmission. We hope you will continue to enjoy our programmes. Mokpo Munhwa Broadcasting Corp., 1096-1. Yongdang-dong, Mokpo SI 530-360. Korea". On one of the cards is a handwritten text: Thank your signal report. My name is Park Jeong ..(?) and Technical Engineer. My station power out is 10 kW, 1386 khz and 102 Mhz. Mokpo is located about 450 km south-west from Seoul." 3 weeks. | M.van Arnhem-HOL | direct to QIP | Mrz 07 |
HLAN Index Korea
South Index Asia
HLAN MBC Chunchon 774 i. | B.Mjelde-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Mrz 98 |
HLAZ Index Korea
South Index Asia
1566 kHz, Seoul 12.10.82 25.10.82 13 days, QSL : kort brev v/s : Jack Z Lentz | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Okt 82 |
HLAZ 1566 kHz QSL after F / up sent to FEBC, Box-88, Seoul 121707 (Medi DX n. 43, December 98, Spain) | J.Mäntylä-FIN | Play-DX 1014 | Feb 99 |
HJAZ 1566, f /d " station photo " card, verie letter, sticker and program schedule in 24 days from v/s Mrs. Karen J. Chase, English Secretary for US $ 1 and taped report. | N.Pimblett-AB-CAN | CIDX 1999-03 | Mrz 99 |
Today I got a very good looking full-detailed QSL card from HLAZ Korea, 1566 kHz. 88 days, report was sent to Box 88, Seoul 121-707 and not to Cheju Island. | M.Elbe-D | HCDX-ML | Dez 00 |
Der bei sehr günstigem Funkwetter und etwas Glück auf 1566 kHz empfangbare religiöse Sender HLAZ bestätigte den Empfang im September 2001 ca. 20-21 UTC nach 15 Tagen mit det. QSL-Karte. Motiv. Antennen. Ich hatte einen Mitschnitt auf CD und 2 IRCs geschickt. Adresse. FEBC (Geukdong Bangsong), P.O.Box 85, Mapo, Seoul 121-707. | S.-P.Liehr-D | Eastside DX 17 | Mrz 02 |
HLAZ Cheju 1566, f/d QSL-card and schedule in 3 weeks for 1 IRC on a cassette report. The report was sent to the Seoul address of FEBC, and the reply also came from Seoul. I also received a nice e-mail reply directly from Jae Ok Yoo (shinwonk@hanmail.net) Station Manager and Engineer at the Cheju transmitter, | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | direct to QIP | Okt 02 |
HLAZ, Chedju-do (island of Chedju). 1566 kHz, full data QSL in 16 days, 1 IRC. ***Previously, I tried them through Chedju-do, but uselessly. So, it’s advisable to use Seoul address. | I.Zhurkin-RUS | direct to QIP | Okt 02 |
HLA 2 no 1566 kHz, f/dc 21 days | R.Petraitis-LTU | BDXC-UK 2002-12 | Dez 02 |
FEB International - HLAZ, 1566 kHz, Cheju transmitter, a full data QSL card in 19 days. A HLKX schedule also enclosed. The card's photo is Cheju transmitter and HLAZ's HQ. | E.Zhou-CHN | direct to QIP | Feb 03 |
1566 HALC FEBC: QSL-card ((3 weeks) (heard at a DX-spedition to Parkalompolo up in the very northern part of Sweden) | C.Olsson-S | Cumbre DX-ML | Mrz 03 |
HLAZ 1.566,00 kHz, FEBC, MPO Box 88, Seoul 121-707 R 21 Tage, QSL-Karte, Details: ja | diverse-D | EAWRC 310 | Mrz 03 |
HLAZ 1566 kHz Korea (FEBC) confirmed in 13 days with a full data QSL card and a schedule. The report was sent via e-mail with an audio clip attached. Address: FEBC Korea, MPO Box 88, Seoul Korea 121-707 - mail: febcadm@febc.net The card shows HLAZ Station and transmitter site. | G.Bernardini-I | HCDX-ML | Nov 03 |
HLAZ-1566, full data English QSL Card (with photo of Cheju HLAZ-1566 xmtr site on front) and Japanese brochure in 19 days airmail for Eng report to Seoul address and US$2. | S.Kamp-USA | HCDX-ML | Nov 03 |
Radio HLAZ 1566 kHz verified with a det. card in 23 days. 2 US-$ for RP. QTH: FEBC Korea, MPO Box 88, Seoul 121-707, Korea. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Feb 05 |
Far East Broadcasting HLAZ 1566 kHz, 25 Tage, det. Karte Motiv Cheju Station & Transmitter site (HLAZ) / 3 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 05 |
HLAZ Cheju-do 1566 e-post (pm). v/s Karen Chase lovte nytrykt kort i posten. | A.Husdal-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-08 | Nov 05 |
New QSL HLAZ-1566: Nice full data 50 year card from FEBC back for report in October. TP #2 and another new country. I'll report details to the appropriate IRCA columns. | M.Foltz-CA-USA | IRCA-ML | Jan 06 |
HLAZ 1566 kHz. FEBC QSLcard in 644 days!! After F/up Via EMail: febcadm@febc.net Sent Audio Clip. V/s: Mrs. Ranny Lee (English Secretarial Assistant) Address: FEBC (Far East Broadcasting Company ) Korea, MPO Box 88, Seoul 121-707. Station Welcome Reports Via EMail !!. (HRD in Acquasparta,Umbria,Italy) | F.Carnevalini-I | Play-DX 2006-01 | Jan 06 |
HLAZ 1566 kHz QSL Card F/d. in 99 days. NO IRC SENT. | R.Strautmalis-LVA | Play-DX 2006-01 | Jan 06 |
1566 HLAZ REP. KOREA, Cheju Island, received beautiful full color post card QSL of HLAZ txsite in 18d for CD report, sent at same time as HLKX. Same V/S: Karen Chase-EE Secretary. Again, I had this one QSL'd from the 70s, but I wanted their new QSL card and boy aren't the two nice ones. Address: FEBC, MPO Box 88, Seoul 121-707, Korea | P.Martin-OR-USA | mwoz-ML | Sep 06 |
QSL card and letter in today from the Director of FEBC-Jeju, Hwang Yong Jin (that's how he signed it; typed name above read "Yong Jin, Hwang") after about a month. This came directly from FEBC, P O Box 1566, 695-750, Jeju. I originally sent the report to Jeju as per WRTH, but also sent a dupe report several weeks later to the lady in Seoul who signed Pat Martin's verie since that seemed to be active. Whatever works. I sent them a CD of some excellent audio recorded in between 5:52-6:45am PDT on September 18. [..] Picture on QSL card looks like their office and transmitter buildings with four in-line towers plus one off-set. [..] | P.Taylor-WA-USA | IRCA-ML | Nov 06 |
HLA2 / 1566 kHz, 28 Tage, det. K / $ | S.Arndt-D | ADDX 2006-12 | Dez 06 |
HLAZ 1566 kHz Email reply in 644 days V/s :Miss Ranny Lee (English Secretarial Assistant Far East Broadcasting Company) ADDRESS : MPO Box 88, KO*121-707 SEOUL . | F.Carnevalini-I | Play-DX 2007 | Jan 07 |
Noch ein QSL- Eingang. FEBC Korea - HLAZ hat nach 99 Tagen mit det. K und PG geantwortet. Geschickt hatte ich den Snail- Mail Brief an die Seoul- Adresse mit 1US$ und einer AK. Es ist eine Sonder-QSL zum 50. Geburtstag von FEBC! | E.Röscher-D | direct to QIP | Feb 07 |
FEBC Korea - HLAZ / 1566 kHz, 99 Tage, detaillierte Karte (50 Jahre FEBC), Programmheft / $ | E.Röscher-D | ADDX 2007-04 | Apr 07 |
HLAZ 1566 full data 50th anniversary QSL card and Japanese language sked in 50 days for $1 US. | N.Pimblett-AB-CAN | CIDX 2007-06 | Jun 07 |
HLAZ, Special HLAZ card mentioning all details. Lots of extra information flyers etc. Heavy envelope. 3 weeks. | G.Schotmans-BEL | direct to QIP | Okt 07 |
Diese Saison war HLAZ so gut zu hören, dass ich mich an einen rpt. gemacht habe. QSL und eine Menge Infomaterial kamen postwendend über die FEBC, 89, SangSu Dong Mapo Gu, Seoul, Korea, MPO. Box 99, 121-707. Selten, dass jemand so prompt und freundlich bestätigt. | M.Zwoch-D | A-DX-ML | Nov 07 |
Verification received from HLAZ FEBC South Korea 1566 kHz. QSL card in 17 weeks. | G.Huijbens-BEL | emwg-ML | Apr 11 |
HLCO Index Korea
South Index Asia
HLCO Cheorwon 1395 kHz. Partial data KBS card returned no v/s, sent a couple of follow ups on this so who knows which attempt/address worked. (CE) | C.A.Edwards-NT-AUS | direct to QIP | Jan 06 |
HLCQ Index Korea
South Index Asia
HLCQ MBC Taejon 765 letter (KK !) div 73 days (pm) | O.Alm-S | Norwegian DX News | Feb 97 |
HLCT Index Korea
South Index Asia
HLCT MBC Taegu 810 letter schedule div v/s Nam, Jo-hoo, Chief Engineer (TV) | O.Alm-S | Norwegian DX News | Feb 97 |
HLKA Index Korea
South Index Asia
711 kHz, Seoul 14:20 22.10.88 05.12.88 44 days, QSL : kort mm | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Dez 88 |
HLKB Index Korea
South Index Asia
HLKB KBS Pusan 891 letter information. | B.Mjelde-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Nov 97 |
HLKI Index Korea
South Index Asia
HLKI KBS Taejon 882 letter div 73 days v/s Don-Su Ahn, Technical Liaison Officer i | O.Alm-S | Norwegian DX News | Feb 97 |
HLKN Index Korea
South Index Asia
April, 2 after 42 days received QSL-letter without details of reception from KBS MOK-PO STATION (HLKN, call isn’t mentioned) (1467 kHz, 50 kW). Sent 1 $. KBS MOK-PO LOCAL STATION HLKN address: 1188-3, Yongdang 1-dong, Mok-po-si, Jeollanam-do 530-360, Republic of Korea. | R.Strautmalis-LVA | Riga DX 2007-05 | Apr 07 |
KBS MOK-PO STATION (HLKN), KOR, 1467 kHz, 50 kW, QSL letter without details of reception, 2 photos, 2 stickers, KBS Annual Report, 2 souvenirs in 44 days, sent 1 $, v/s Jun Chul-ho, Engineer of Mok-po station. Address: 1188-3, Yongdang 1-dong, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do 540-100, Republic of Korea. (via D.Monferini-I) | R.Strautmalis-LVA | direct to QIP | Mai 07 |
HLKR Index Korea
South Index Asia
HLKR KBS Kangnung 864 letter information. | B.Mjelde-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Nov 97 |
HLKU Index Korea
South Index Asia
HLKU Busan 1161 kHz. FD HLKU QSL card attachment in 2 weeks after f/up, v/s shmoon[ät]busanmbc.co.kr (CE) | C.Edwards-QLD-AUS | direct to QIP | Feb 05 |
HLKX Index Korea
South Index Asia
1188 kHz, Inchon 27.10.85 30.04.86 185 days, QSL : kort mm | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Apr 86 |
HLKX FEBC Inchon 1188 qsl-card 2sch 2 weeks | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 1998-09 | Nov 98 |
HLKX 1188 kHz QSL card 12d. sent 1 US $ QTH : FEBC, P.O.Box 88, Map'o, Seoul 121-707 (hrd in UK) | C.Rooms-G | Play-DX 1036 | Sep 99 |
HLKX, Bangsan. 1188 kHz, full data QSL in 16 days, 1 U$ (I simply had no IRC’s and it’s almost impossible to buy them here). Both reports (alongside to HLAZ) were sent to the POBox 88, Seoul 121-707, that’s the Korean state-quarter of the FEBC, as I think. In a week, a lady named Sylvia Kim (assistant, Int’l Program Dep’t) replied to me by email, saying that they’ve got my reports and they’re correct. (ssinga@febc.or.kr). Also, a part of HLKX sked sent. | I.Zhurkin-RUS | direct to QIP | Okt 02 |
HLKX, Bangsan. 1188 kHz, full data QSL in 9 days. The QSL card shows Bangsan Transmitter Site. I emailed my Reception Report to ssinga@febc.or.kr on November 13, 2002 and their air mail appeared in my letterbox on November 22. The letter comes from the P.O.Box 88, Seoul 121-707, the HQ of the FEBC - Korea. Also, a HLKX B02 schedule and a small green card introducing their English program were sent. | E.Zhou-CHN | direct to QIP | Nov 02 |
HLKX / 1188 kHz, 52 Tage, Karte, Info | P.Gager-AUT | ADDX 2006-08 | Aug 06 |
1188 HLKX REP. KOREA, Inchon, received beautiful full color photo post card QSL of the HLKX txsite in 18d for CD report. V/S: Karen Chase-EE Secretary. Mentioned they rarely get reports from the US. Most comes from Europe. Not a new verie, but I wanted the nice QSL card to add to the collection. HLKX is fairly common here in the Fall. Address: FEBC, MPO Box 88, Seoul 121-707, Korea. | P.Martin-OR-USA | mwoz-ML | Sep 06 |
HLQA Index Korea
South Index Asia
HLQA KBS Puyo 927 letter div (dir) 55 days v/s Lee, Dal Seong, CE. | O.Alm-S | Norwegian DX News | Feb 97 |
HLSA Index Korea
South Index Asia
HLSA-639-Korea, letter card and backpack (KBS) really nice. | P.Martin-OR-USA | AMDX 3-46 | Feb 98 |
Index Korea
South Index Asia
1170 kHz, Seoul 27.10.85 09.12.85 43 days, QSL : kort mm | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Dez 85 |
External Service
KBS Seoul - see R Korea Int
KBS World R [until Jul 2005: R
Korea Int] Index Korea South Index Asia
KBS / 15210 kHz, 5 Tage, det. QSL-Karte, PG / RR per eMail | P.Gager-AUT | ADDX 2005-08 | Aug 05 |
KBS / 15210 kHz, 31 Tage, det. QSL-Karte | P.Vaegler-D | ADDX 2005-08 | Aug 05 |
Received an KBS World Radio, Kimjae QSL for a report on 8 May 2005, 15210 Khz, 1000- 1030 UTC in Spanish with broadcast to Europe in 114 days for an email report to spanish@kbs.co.kr Information sheet. My web page of KBS QSL at: http://web.tiscali.it/ondecorte/corea05.html | N.Marabello-I | direct to QIP | Aug 05 |
6145 KBS World Radio in French, QSL ( garden) in 2 months. | R.Roussel-NB-CAN | ODXA 2005-08 | Aug 05 |
KBS World / div. kHz, 28 Tage, det. QSL-K, RRV, Sticker | U.Wicke-D | ADDX 2005-10 | Okt 05 |
Radio Korea International 9870 and 15575 kHz, F/D "Dokdo Island" card, schedule, KBS World Radio and report form in 140 days from v/s Seulku. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 2005-10 | Okt 05 |
KBS World Radio 15210 kHz, 38 days, det. Karte Motiv Manmulsang im Geumgang Gebirge / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Okt 05 |
KBS / 15210 kHz, 40 Tage, det. K | P.Gager-AUT | ADDX 2005-12 | Dez 05 |
KBS World / div. kHz, 33 Tage, det. K, RRV | U.Wicke-D | ADDX 2005-12 | Dez 05 |
KBS World R no return postage, 15210 kHz, card 40 days | P.Gager-AUT | BDXC-UK 2005-12 | Dez 05 |
Radio Korea International 15210 kHz, 34 Tage, det. Karte Motiv Cheonggye-Fluss / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Dez 05 |
Korea BS 9570 k CD div 50 days | T.Nielsen-NZL | Norwegian DX News 2006-01 | Jan 06 |
KBS World Radio 3930 kHz, 32 Tage, det. Karte Motiv Cheonggye-Fluss / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Feb 06 |
KBS World Radio 15210 kHz, 26 Tage, det. Karte Motiv N Seoul Tower auf dem Nam-Berg / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 06 |
9580 kHz KBS World Radio, P.O. Box 150-790 Seoul, Republic of Korea QSL Card full data (not signed) with a beautiful picture of Geumgang Mount (in North Korea), schedule, stiker and others station´s material. Delay: 34 days. | A.Slaen-ARG | BCL-News-ML | Apr 06 |
9580 kHz KBS World Radio, P.O. Box 150-790 Seoul, Republic of Korea. QSL Card full data (not signed) with a beautiful picture of Geumgang Mount (in North Korea), schedule, stiker and others station´s material. Delay: 34 days. | A.L.Slaen-ARG | DXplorer-ML | Apr 06 |
6045 kHz KBS World Radio. QSL Horario, formato pra informes, Boligrafo (obtenido por utilizar la casilla en Argentina). 60 dias Casilla de Correo 950 2000 Rosario Argentina | R.Rodríguez R.-CLM | Conexion Digital 366 | Mai 06 |
KBS World Radio Korea 15210 kHz, 30 Tage, det. Karte Motiv Incheon International Airport: Drehkreuz in Nordostasien / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mai 06 |
19.12.2005, 3955 kHz, det. Karte, V/S: ohne, 150 Tage (RR via Email) | S.Walzog-D | direct to QIP | Mai 06 |
KBS World / 3955 kHz, 29 Tage, det. K, RRV | C.Preutenborbeck-D | ADDX 2006-10 | Okt 06 |
KBS World / div. kHz, 30-37 Tage, det. K, RRV | diverse-D | ADDX 2007-02 | Feb 07 |
9650. KBS World Radio F/D ' picture of a snowy mountain in northeast South Korea' CD, a large desk calendar with pictures of Korean Food. In aprox. 31 days from an email reception report. V/S: card signed by "Seulki". | K.Backer-ON-CAN | ODXA 2007-02 | Feb 07 |
KBS World / 15210 kHz, 33 Tage, detaillierte Karte, RRV | F.W.Adam-D | ADDX 2007-04 | Apr 07 |
Station: - KBS World Radio, Date: - 16-06-2007, Frequency: - 9515 kHz, Time: - 1600-1700 UTC, Language: - English, Description: - B-boys of Korea. A B-boy is a term for a person who's devoted to hip-hop culture and recently refers to a male who practices breakdancing. Korean B-boys have gone to be the world's top level with a number of dancers sweeping international B-boy battles. Their videotaped performances are even being used as texts for European B-boys. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Jul 07 |
Station: - KBS World Radio, Date: - 26-06-2007, Frequency: - 9770 kHz, Time: - 1300-1400 UTC, Language: - English, Description: - B-boys of Korea. A B-boy is a term for a person who’s devoted to hip-hop culture and recently refers to a male who practices breakdancing. Korean B-boys have gone to be the world’s top level with a number of dancers sweeping international B-boy battles. Their videotaped performances are even being used as texts for European B-boys. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Jul 07 |
Station: - KBS World Radio, Date: - 30-06-2007, Frequency: - 9515 kHz, Time: - 1600-1700 UTC, Language: - English, Description: - B-boys of Korea. A B-boy is a term for a person who's devoted to hip-hop culture and recently refers to a male who practices breakdancing. Korean B-boys have gone to be the world's top level with a number of dancers sweeping international B-boy battles. Their videotaped performances are even being used as texts for European B-boys. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Jul 07 |
Station: - KBS World Radio Date: - 17-06-2007 Frequency: - 9515 kHz Time: - 1600-1700 UTC Language: - English Description: - The Seongsan Sunrise Peak. Jeju's volcanic islands and lava tubes have been added to the World Natural Heritage list by UNESCO. It bears great significance in that it's the first time for a natural site in Korea to be registered on the list. The Jeju heritage site consists of Mt Halla, the Seongsan Sunrise Peak, and the island's lava tubes. UNESCO's list of world heritage sites is comprised of location that are deemed to have outstanding value to all mankind. The picture shows the Seongsan Sunrise Peak and Mt Halla on Jeju Island. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Jul 07 |
Station: - KBS World Radio. Date: - 23-07-2007. Frequency: - 9515 kHz. Time: - 1600-1700 UTC. Language: - English. Description: - The Seongsan Sunrise Peak. Jeju's volcanic islands and lava tubes have been added to the World Natural Heritage list by UNESCO. It bears great significance in that it's the first time for a natural site in Korea to be registered on the list. The Jeju heritage site consists of Mt Halla, the Seongsan Sunrise Peak, and the island's lava tubes. UNESCO's list of world heritage sites is comprised of location that are deemed to have outstanding value to all mankind. The picture shows the Seongsan Sunrise Peak and Mt Halla on Jeju Island. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Aug 07 |
Station: - KBS World Radio, Date: - 04-08-2007, Frequency: - 7275 kHz, Time: - 1800-1900 UTC, Language: - English. Description: - The Seongsan Sunrise Peak. Jeju's volcanic islands and lava tubes have been added to the World Natural Heritage list by UNESCO. It bears great significance in that it's the first time for a natural site in Korea to be registered on the list. The Jeju heritage site consists of Mt Halla, the Seongsan Sunrise Peak, and the island's lava tubes. UNESCO's list of world heritage sites is comprised of location that are deemed to have outstanding value to all mankind. The picture shows the Seongsan Sunrise Peak and Mt Halla on Jeju Island. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Aug 07 |
R. Korea [sic], 15360 and 15365 --- this is my third, maybe fourth QSL for the same Arabic program. I received two identical letters in Arabic, 3 identical QSL cards in Arabic and 9 report forms in Arabic. | M.Field-MI-USA | DXLD 7-093 | Aug 07 |
QSL from KBS WORLD RADIO. I was listening to their Russian program on the 15360 kHz frequency 1800-1900 May, 20-June, 7 (tx in UK) | Y.Dimbovsky-LVA | Riga DX 2007-08 | Aug 07 |
Station: - KBS World Radio. Date: - 21-08-2007. Frequency: - 1300-1400 kHz. Time: - 9570 UTC. Language: - English. Description: - The Seongsan Sunrise Peak. Jeju's volcanic islands and lava tubes have been added to the World Natural Heritage list by UNESCO. It bears great significance in that it's the first time for a natural site in Korea to be registered on the list. The Jeju heritage site consists of Mt Halla, the Seongsan Sunrise Peak, and the island's lava tubes. UNESCO's list of world heritage sites is comprised of location that are deemed to have outstanding value to all mankind. The picture shows the Seongsan Sunrise Peak and Mt Halla on Jeju Island.** | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Sep 07 |
Station: - KBS World Radio. Date: - 03-09-2007. Frequency: - 1600-1700 kHz. Time: - 9515 UTC. Language: - English. Description: - The Seongsan Sunrise Peak. Jeju's volcanic islands and lava tubes have been added to the World Natural Heritage list by UNESCO. It bears great significance in that it's the first time for a natural site in Korea to be registered on the list. The Jeju heritage site consists of Mt Halla, the Seongsan Sunrise Peak, and the island's lava tubes. UNESCO's list of world heritage sites is comprised of location that are deemed to have outstanding value to all mankind. The picture shows the Seongsan Sunrise Peak and Mt Halla on Jeju Island. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Sep 07 |
Station: - KBS World Radio, Date: - 15-09-2007, Frequency: - 9515 kHz, Time: - 1600-1700 UTC, Language: - English. Description: - The Seongsan Sunrise Peak. Jeju's volcanic islands and lava tubes have been added to the World Natural Heritage list by UNESCO. It bears great significance in that it's the first time for a natural site in Korea to be registered on the list. The Jeju heritage site consists of Mt Halla, the Seongsan Sunrise Peak, and the island's lava tubes. UNESCO's list of world heritage sites is comprised of location that are deemed to have outstanding value to all mankind. The picture shows the Seongsan Sunrise Peak and Mt Halla on Jeju Island. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Okt 07 |
Station: - KBS World Radio. Date: - 23-09-2007. Frequency: - 7275 kHz. Time: - 1800-1900 UTC. Language: - English. Description: - The Seongsan Sunrise Peak. Jeju's volcanic islands and lava tubes have been added to the World Natural Heritage list by UNESCO. It bears great significance in that it's the first time for a natural site in Korea to be registered on the list. The Jeju heritage site consists of Mt Halla, the Seongsan Sunrise Peak, and the island's lava tubes. UNESCO's list of world heritage sites is comprised of location that are deemed to have outstanding value to all mankind. The picture shows the Seongsan Sunrise Peak and Mt Halla on Jeju Island. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Nov 07 |
Station: - KBS World Radio, Date: - 11-10-2007, Frequency: - 9515 kHz, Time: - 1600-1700 UTC, Language: - English, Description: - The Seongsan Sunrise Peak. Jeju's volcanic islands and lava tubes have been added to the World Natural Heritage list by UNESCO. It bears great significance in that it's the first time for a natural site in Korea to be registered on the list. The Jeju heritage site consists of Mt Halla, the Seongsan Sunrise Peak, and the island's lava tubes. UNESCO's list of world heritage sites is comprised of location that are deemed to have outstanding value to all mankind. The picture shows the Seongsan Sunrise Peak and Mt Halla on Jeju Island. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Nov 07 |
Station: - KBS World Radio. Date: - 08-11-2007. Frequency: - 9515 kHz. Time: - 1600-1700 UTC. Language: - English. Description: - 2007 Inter-Korean Meeting. South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun and North Korean leader Kim Jong-il held summit talks in Pyongyang, North Korea between Oct. 2 and 4, 2007. The two heads issued a 10-point joint declaration on October 4, summarizing their meetings. It was the second encounter between the chiefs of the two Koreas since the historic inter-Korean summit between South Korean President Kim Dae-jung and his North Korean counterpart Kim Jong-il in 2000. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Dez 07 |
Station: - KBS World Radio. Date: - 10-11-2007. Frequency: - 9515 kHz. Time: - 1600-1700 UTC. Language: - English. Description: - 2007 Inter-Korean Meeting. South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun and North Korean leader Kim Jong-il held summit talks in Pyongyang, North Korea between Oct. 2 and 4, 2007. The two heads issued a 10-point joint declaration on October 4, summarizing their meetings. It was the second encounter between the chiefs of the two Koreas since the historic inter-Korean summit between South Korean President Kim Dae-jung and his North Korean counterpart Kim Jong-il in 2000. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Dez 07 |
Station: - KBS World Radio. Date: - 29-11-2007. Frequency: - 9515 kHz. Time: - 1600-1700 UTC. Language: - English. Description: - 2007 Inter-Korean Meeting. South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun and North Korean leader Kim Jong-il held summit talks in Pyongyang, North Korea between Oct. 2 and 4, 2007. The two heads issued a 10-point joint declaration on October 4, summarizing their meetings. It was the second encounter between the chiefs of the two Koreas since the historic inter-Korean summit between South Korean President Kim Dae-jung and his North Korean counterpart Kim Jong-il in 2000. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Jan 08 |
Station: - KBS World Radio. Date: -13-12-2007. Frequency: - 9515 kHz. Time: - 1600-1700 UTC. Language: - English. Description: - 2007 Inter-Korean Meeting. South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun and North Korean leader Kim Jong-il held summit talks in Pyongyang, North Korea between Oct. 2 and 4, 2007. The two heads issued a 10-point joint declaration on October 4, summarizing their meetings. It was the second encounter between the chiefs of the two Koreas since the historic inter-Korean summit between South Korean President Kim Dae-jung and his North Korean counterpart Kim Jong-il in 2000. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Jan 08 |
Station: - KBS World Radio. Date: - 05-01-2008. Frequency: - 7275 kHz. Time: - 1800-1900 UTC. Language: - English. Description: - 2007 Inter-Korean Meeting. South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun and North Korean leader Kim Jong-il held summit talks in Pyongyang, North Korea between Oct. 2 and 4, 2007. The two heads issued a 10-point joint declaration on October 4, summarizing their meetings. It was the second encounter between the chiefs of the two Koreas since the historic inter-Korean summit between South Korean President Kim Dae-jung and his North Korean counterpart Kim Jong-il in 2000. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Feb 08 |
KBS World Radio, Seoul, Korea (42 days) v/card + program schedule + booklet | M.Tsuyoshi-WI-USA | direct to QIP | Feb 08 |
11795 kHz - KBS WORD Radio (em espanhol). Recebido QSL (Tarjeta de Verificacion: Humedal de Upo); formulários para preenchimento de informes de recepção; quatro adesivos retangulares 9x3,5cm. 29 dias. V/S: sem assinatura. Informe enviado por e-mail para spanish@kbs.co.kr . | I.da Cruz Neves-SP-B | radioescutas-ML | Aug 09 |
9570 KBS World Radio, Kimjae 74 dias. Recebido: cartão QSL, modelo para envio de informe de recepção, adesivos e esquema de programação. V/S: KBS World Radio (English Section). 18, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul 150-790, Korea. | F.Mattos-SC-B | radioescutas-ML | Apr 10 |
R Korea Int [since Aug 2005: KBS
World R] Index Korea South Index Asia
R Korea Int - undet. Karte Sport 12 1988 - - 02.12.88 30 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jan 89 |
R Korea Int - undet. Karte Sport 10 1988 - - 31.12.88 30 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jan 89 |
R Korea Int - undet. Karte Sport 11 1988 - - 31.12.88 30 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jan 89 |
R Korea Int - undet. Karte Sport 12 1988 - - 31.12.88 30 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jan 89 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte 1 1989 7550 kHz 1945 23.01.89 34 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Feb 89 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte 2 1989 7550 kHz 1945 21.02.89 33 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 89 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte 3 1989 7550 kHz 2000 20.03.89 35 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Apr 89 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte 5 1989 15515 kHz 2130 12.05.89 29 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jun 89 |
R Korea Int - undet. Karte 5 1989 - - 20.05.89 42 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jul 89 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte 6 1989 7550 kHz 1945 11.06.89 23 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jul 89 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte 6 1989 7550 kHz 1945 20.06.89 40 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jul 89 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte 7 + 8 1989 15515 kHz 2130 05.08.89 34 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Sep 89 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte 7 + 8 1989 15515 kHz 2130 09.08.89 34 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Sep 89 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte 9 1989 7550 kHz 1945 08.09.89 34 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Okt 89 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte 10 1989 7550 kHz 1945 11.10.89 46 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Nov 89 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte 11 1989 6480 kHz 2130 21.11.89 36 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Dez 89 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte 12 1989 7550 kHz 1945 19.12.89 36 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jan 90 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte 1 1990 13610 kHz 1100 20.01.90 20 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Feb 90 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte 2 1990 6480 kHz 2130 12.02.90 32 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 90 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte 3 1990 15515 kHz 2130 29.03.90 30 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Apr 90 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte 4 1990 7550 kHz 1945 08.05.90 32 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jun 90 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte 6 1990 9515 kHz 1730 29.06.90 26 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jul 90 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte 7 1990 7550 kHz 1945 31.07.90 33 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Sep 90 |
R Korea Int - undet. Karte 8 1990 - - 30.08.90 30 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Sep 90 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte 9 1990 7550 kHz 1945 15.09.90 28 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Okt 90 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte 11 1990 7550 kHz 1945 25.11.90 40 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jan 91 |
KBS Seoul 6480 kHz, det. qsl-card in 24 days, sticker, schedule, info | R.Sonntag-D | direct to QIP | Okt 91 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte 95 the Year of Art 3975 kHz 2045 10.12.94 75 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Feb 95 |
R Korea 11810 qsl-card no r.postage 67 days. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | WDXC QSL Report | Jan 96 |
KBS sent QSL for the freq 7550 for 08-09 on 26.12.96 though all the letter referred to 7105 ! Letter received in 25.196 together with other common stuff | Z.Liangas-GRC | Cumbre DX 071 | Feb 96 |
KBS R. Korea, 7550, full-data card, schedule, info from GM service; 2 mos. | H.Kuhl-D | Cumbre DX 075 | Feb 96 |
R Korea 15575 qsl-card no r.postage 20 days. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | WDXC QSL Report | Feb 96 |
R Korea 6480 qsl-card no r.postage 197 days. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | WDXC QSL Report | Mrz 96 |
R Korea 6480 qsl-card no r.postage 44 days. | Z.Elias-CZE | WDXC QSL Report | Mrz 96 |
R Korea 5975 qsl-card no r.postage 23 days. | E.M.Waqson-CAN | WDXC QSL Report | Jun 96 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte Yoon Suk-joong 6145 kHz 2000 21.04.96 60 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jun 96 |
Radio Korea International sent me a Receiving Log, English lang sked, KBS and RKI Newsletters, worldwide transmission sked, and a 43rd anniversary RKI sticker.BUT NO QSL ! in 77 days for Eng report and 2 IRC's. | M.Mohrmann-VT-USA | Cumbre DX 104 | Sep 96 |
R Korea Int. 6480 qsl-card no r.postage 61 days. | G.Grigoriev-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Okt 96 |
R Korea Int. 11810 qsl-card SAE 67 days. | S.Morris-G | WDXC QSL Report | Nov 96 |
KBs 7150 qsl-letter no r.postage 108 days | Z.Liangas-GRC | WDXC QSL Report | Dez 96 |
KBs 11810 qsl-card no r.postage 61 days. | R.Takács-ROU | WDXC QSL Report | Jan 97 |
RKI 5975 41d f/d card, rpt form. | M.Mitsuaki-J | Cumbre DX 134 | Apr 97 |
R Korea Int. 6480 qsl-card no r.postage 88 days. | G.Grigoriev-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Apr 97 |
R Korea Int. qsl-card no r.postage. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | WDXC QSL Report | Apr 97 |
KBS Seoul on 5975, fd card, report form in 41 days (DSWCI -SWN, QSL Corner June 97) | M.Mitsuaki-J | TFW 031 | Jun 97 |
KBS 6480 qsl-card no r.postage 89 days. | R.Martínez-E | WDXC QSL Report | Jun 97 |
R Korea Int. 6480- - no r.postage 229 days. | D.Saunders-G | WDXC QSL Report | Sep 97 |
6480 Radio Korea International finally replied with two different full data cards in 3 weeks after my last follow-up. This one is only worth mentioning because I had an easier time getting a QSL from Radio Pyongyang ! My last follow up was sent to RKI's toll free FAX number (1-888-229-2312) and that did the trick. | G.Maroti-NY-USA | Cumbre DX 163 | Nov 97 |
R.Korea Int. on 5975, fd card, report form in 57 days (DSWCI SWN Nov 97) | M.Mitsuaki-J | TFW 043 | Nov 97 |
R Korea Int. 6480 qsl-card no r.postage 27 days. | Z.Elias-CZE | WDXC QSL Report | Jan 98 |
KBS - 18 Yoido-dong - Seoul 150-790 QSL, pennant, schedule and folder in 43 dd, no IRC | S.Mannelli-I | Webpage | Jan 98 |
R Korea Int. 6480 qsl-card no r.postage 35 days. | Z.Elias-CZE | WDXC QSL Report | Feb 98 |
9640 R.Korea Int., Full data QSL card with -Special Relay of the AWR / DX Report Edition 200- stamps, Schedule and Newsletter (1997.12) on 69 days. | K.Ogino-J | Cumbre DX 180 | Mrz 98 |
R Korea Int. 13670 qsl-card 1 IRC 15 days. | I.Wilson-G | WDXC QSL Report | Apr 98 |
R Korea Int. 6480 qsl-card no r.postage 22 days. | Z.Elias-CZE | WDXC QSL Report | Mai 98 |
Radio KOREA INT. 7550 kHz rpt sent to Deutsche Abteilung, Am Taubertsweg 4, DE-55122 Mainz, Germany (only for German listeners) 2 QSLs + stickers info sheet schedule in 39d. sent 1 US $ Web : www.kbs.co.kr (U.Sennewald, Germany) | U.Sennewald-D | Play-DX 0986 | Jun 98 |
R Korea Int. 6480 qsl-card no r.postage 36 days. | Z.Elias-CZE | WDXC QSL Report | Jul 98 |
R Korea 15575 qsl-card no r.postage 46 days. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | WDXC QSL Report | Aug 98 |
R Korea 6480 qsl-card no r.postage 36 days. | Z.Elias-CZE | WDXC QSL Report | Aug 98 |
Radio Korea International, 15575, f /d " The Rooftile " card, newsletter and schedule in 143 days. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 1998-09 | Sep 98 |
Radio Korea International 9870 and 15575, f /d " Mok-Woo-Jon " card, newsletter and station info in 110 days. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 1998-10 | Okt 98 |
R.Korea Int. on 5975, f/d card, in 53 days. (DSWCI SWN # 10/98) | M.Mitsuaki-J | TFW 071 | Okt 98 |
R Korea Int'l 15575 qsl-card, no ret. postage, 21 days.ch R. | Z.Elias-CZE | WDXC QSL Report | Okt 98 |
RKI / div. kHz, 32-102 days, det. qsl-card, Infos, Sticker, reception report forms, Newsletter. | diverse-D | ADDX 1998-21 | Nov 98 |
RKI / 6480 kHz, 81 days, pecial-QSL '200 DX Reports'- reception report forms, program guide, via English Sce. | T.Brandenburg-D | ADDX 1998-21 | Nov 98 |
Radio Korea International 15575, f /d " The iron-ring door handle " card, report form, letter, schedule and a book called " Lets Learn Korean " in 160 days. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 1998-11 | Nov 98 |
R.Korea Int. on 5975, f/d card, rf (? ?, ed.), in 20 days. (DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner) | M.Mitsuaki-J | TFW 073 | Nov 98 |
R Korea Int'l 13670 qsl-card, 1 IRC 15 days. | I.Wilson-G | WDXC QSL Report | Nov 98 |
KBS 7550 qsl-card sticker 7 weeks. | T.H.Hesjadalen-NOR | Norwegian DX News 1998-10 | Dez 98 |
RKI / 6480 kHz, 85 days, progr. schedule, Sticker. | F.Gärtner-D | ADDX 1999-02 | Jan 99 |
RKI / 6480 kHz, 80 days, detailed qsl, Sticker, progr. schedule, rr forms. | H.-J.Koch-D | ADDX 1999-02 | Jan 99 |
R.Korea Int. 6480 qsl-card sticker schedule 51 days. | T.Nielsen-NOR | Norwegian DX News 1999-01 | Jan 99 |
KBS 9875 qsl-card, no ret. postage, 55 days | A.Baransky-UKR | WDXC QSL Report | Feb 99 |
R Korea Int'l - qsl-card, no ret. postage, 90 days. | N.Zharkov-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Feb 99 |
RKI / 7550 kHz 51 days detailed QSL card, px-schedule, newsletter, rr forms. | E.Röscher-D | ADDX 1999-06 | Mrz 99 |
RKI / 6480 kHz 31 days detailed QSL card. | H.-J.Koch-D | ADDX 1999-06 | Mrz 99 |
RKI bestätigt RRs im ersten Vierteljahr mit einer QSL, die als Motiv eine Collage von modernen und traditionellen Bauten der koreanischen Arcnitektur zeigt. Rp ist weiternin nicht erforderlich. Auf Anfrage wird die CD-Rom, RKI ON LINE " verschickt. Direktempfang ist um 18.00 UTC auf 6480 kHz möglich. | M.Lindner-D | Eastside DX 05 | Mrz 99 |
RKI : Bei der Station ist auch ein koreanisches Sprachbuch mit englischer Übersetzung erhältlich. . Adr. : Radio Korea International, 18 Yo-ui-do-dong, Yongdungpo-gu, Seoul 150-790, Südkorea. | P.Schramm-D | Eastside DX 05 | Mrz 99 |
Radio Korea International 15575, f /d The Year of Architecture card, schedule, report form and Let's Learn Korean booklet in 125 days. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 1999-04 | Apr 99 |
R Korea Int'l 6480 kHz, card, rp : no, 34 days. | Z.Elias-CZE | WDXC QSL Report | Mai 99 |
RKI / 6480 kHz, 37 days, detailed qsl-card, program guide. | K.-P.Schreiber-D | ADDX 1999-11 | Jun 99 |
RKI Seoul / 7550 kHz, 7 days, keine QSL, RR form, Info / RR per Fax. | T.Brandenburg-D | ADDX 1999-11 | Jun 99 |
KBS 15605 kHz, card, rp : no, 56 days | A.Baransky-UKR | WDXC QSL Report | Jun 99 |
KBS 7105 kHz, card, rp : no, 67 days | A.Baransky-UKR | WDXC QSL Report | Jun 99 |
R Korea Int'l 15575 kHz, card, rp : no, 31 days. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | WDXC QSL Report | Jun 99 |
R Korea Int'l 15575 kHz, card, rp : no, 44 days. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | WDXC QSL Report | Jun 99 |
R Korea Int'l many kHz, card, rp : no, 60 days. | N.Zharkov-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Jun 99 |
R Korea Int'l many kHz, card, rp : no, 90 days. | N.Zharkov-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Jun 99 |
RKI / div. kHz, 25-74 days, detailed qsl-card, program guide, RR form. | diverse-D | ADDX 1999-14 | Jul 99 |
Radio Korea 15575, f /d " The Year of the Architecture " card, KBS Newsletter, report form and schedule in 40 days. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 1999-07 | Jul 99 |
11715 kHz. Radio COREA INTERNACIONAL, 18-Yoido-Dong, Youngdungpo-ku, Seul 150-790. Esquema de transmisiones, boletin, tarjeta QSL. Contesto en 130 dias. | E.Manuel Wolter-ARG | Conexion Digital 013 | Jul 99 |
RKI 15575, f /d " Year of Architecture " card, schedule and report form in 45 days. (Barnes, GERMANY) | ?.Barnes-D | CIDX 1999-09 | Sep 99 |
R Korea Int'l 6480 kHz, card, rp : no, 16 days. | Z.Elias-CZE | WDXC QSL Report | Sep 99 |
R Korea Int'l 6480 kHz, card, rp : no, 16 days. | Z.Elias-CZE | WDXC QSL Report | Nov 99 |
RKI / div. kHz, 28-74 days, detailed qsl-card. | diverse-D | ADDX 1999-23 | Dez 99 |
R Korea Int 6480 card sch 2000 kal 56d. | T.Nielsen-NOR | Norwegian DX News 1999-10 | Dez 99 |
15575 Radio Korea International full-data " Seoul World Cup Stadium " card with KBS newsletter, schedule. No signer listed. Received in 45 days for a report on an RKI report form. Needed a full-data verie from them. last time I wrote them they sent me TWO very attractive cards for the same report--not filled out ! (Of course, the handwriting on THIS one isn't very legible, but at least there is writing on it, hi !) | R.Stewart-MO-USA | Cumbre DX 276 | Jan 00 |
Radio Korea 11715 kHz, f/d card, 5/28/93, v/s : Not listed "Radio Korea/BBC" card, site : Not listed | J.Dybka-TX-USA | Webpage | Jan 00 |
RKI / 6145 kHz, 28 days, qsl-card. | M.Lindner-D | ADDX 2000-04 | Feb 00 |
Radio Korea 15575, f /d " World Cup Stadium-Seoul " card, schedule and newsletter in 107 days. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 2000-02 | Feb 00 |
Radio Korea Int'l - 6480 - det. Karte, Progr., Sprachlehrbuch, 9 Tage, im Dezember Tischkalender, 8 Tage Laufzeit | M.Grallert-D | direct to QIP | Feb 00 |
R Korea Int'l 13670 kHz, card, rp : no, 53 days. | C.Williams-G | WDXC QSL Report | Feb 00 |
RKI / div. kHz, 9-72 days, detailed qsl-card, PG, RRV, Broschüre. | diverse-D | ADDX 2000-07 | Apr 00 |
RKI Seoul. 6480 kHz. QSL-Laufzeit : 24 Tage. | R.Weichardt-D | Eastside DX 10 | Mai 00 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte König Taecho, Wang-gon 6480 kHz 1800 16.04.00 34 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mai 00 |
Radio Korea 15575, f /d " The Year of New Arts " card, KBS Newsletter, Report form and Contest entry in 70 days from v/s Amia Park. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 2000-06 | Jun 00 |
11715 kHz. Radio COREA INTERNACIONAL, 18 Yo-ui-do-dong, Youngdungpo-ku Seúl 150-790. Tarjeta QSL, folletos de la emisora. Contestó en 92 días. | J.Moacir Portera de Melo-MT-B | Conexion Digital 055 | Jun 00 |
11715 - Radio Korea Int. - via Sackville-CAN - Cartão QSL, carta e folheto - 56 dias -QTH : Seccion Española, Seoul 150-790 - Coreia do Sul. | J.Moacir Portera de Melo-MT-B | DXCB 2000-07 | Jul 00 |
RKI / div. kHz, 23-35 days, detailed qsl-card, Info, reception report form. | diverse-D | ADDX 2000-16 | Aug 00 |
RKI Seoul hatte im 2.Quartal 2000 als nächste Karte der Serie, 2000 Year of New Arts " Motive von Schauspielern des KBS-Geschichtsdramas Taecho Wang-gon im Angebot. Im Drama wiid das Leben des gleichnamigen Königs aus dem 10.Jahrhundert thematisiert. Der RR über 6145 kHz, 20 UTC deutsch via Skelton-Relais gut hörbar, wurde nach 27 Tagen mit dieser QSL bestätigt. Kein Rp. Adresse : Radio Korea Int., 18, Yoido-dong, Youngdungpo-gu, Seoul 150-790, Rep. Korea. | J.Adolph-D | Eastside DX 11 | Aug 00 |
RKI / div. kHz, 23-35 days, detailed qsl-card, lnto, RRV. | diverse-D | ADDX 2000-18 | Sep 00 |
9580 Radio Corea Internacional, 18 Yoido-dong, Youngdungpo-gu, Seul 150-790. Hermosa tarjeta QSL que muestra el momento en que el presidente de Corea del Sur, Kim Dae-jung es recibido por el presidente del Comité Nacional de Defensa de Corea del Norte, Kim Jong-il en dia 13 de junio de 2000 en el Aeropuerto Sunan de Pyong Yang. Demoro 40 dias | A.Leonel Slaen-ARG | Conexion Digital 077 | Okt 00 |
RKI / div., 22-38 days, detailed QSL-card, Info, RRV. | diverse-D | ADDX 2000-23 | Dez 00 |
RKI Seoul 15575,00 kHz, per Fax Report in Deutsch, 13 Tage, QSL-Karte, Details : ja. | K.Reibold-D | EAWRC 284 | Jan 01 |
KBS Seoul / div., 25-32 days, detailed QSL-card, RRV. | diverse-D | ADDX 2001-03 | Feb 01 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte Samulnori 6480 kHz 1800 20.01.01 30 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Feb 01 |
KBS Seoul / div., 23-33v, detailed QSL-card, RRV. | diverse-D | ADDX 2001-06 | Mrz 01 |
Im 4.Quartal gab es das QSL-Motiv,COEX-3.Asia Europe Meeting." 3955 kHz, Laufzeit ca. 28 Tage. Radio Korea Int., 18 Yoido-dong, Youngdungpo-gu, Seoul 150-790, Rep. Korea. http://rki.kbs.co.kr Kostenloses Fax für DL-Hörer: 0800-181-7108. Normaltarif-Fax: 02-781-3694-6 | J.Adolph-D | Eastside DX 13 | Mrz 01 |
R Korea Int'l 13670 kHz, card, rp : no, 29 days. | Z.Elias-CZE | WDXC QSL Report | Mrz 01 |
RADIO KOREA INTERNational 6145 kHz QSL + STICKERS + DEPLIANT 12d. NO IRC. QTH : YOIDO-DONG 18, YOUNGDEUNGPO-KU, 150-790 SEOUL. | F.Carnevalini-I | Play-DX 1105 | Mrz 01 |
RKI Seoul 7550,00 kHz, RR ex INS - 41 Tage, K, RRV Details : ja. | P.E.Boeck-D | EAWRC 287 | Apr 01 |
QSL von KBS 9570 | U.Dreseler-AUS | A-DX-ML | Mai 01 |
R Korea Int'l 13670 kHz, card, rp : no, 29 days. | Z.Elias-CZE | WDXC QSL Report | Mai 01 |
KBS Seoul / div. kHz, 23-33 days, detailed qsl-card, RRV. | diverse-D | ADDX 2001-12 | Jun 01 |
7550 Radio Corea Internacional, Servicio en Español, Apartado Postal 150-790, Seul. Nueva Tarjeta QSL que muestra una vista del Aeropuerto Internacional de Incheon. 34 dias. | A.Leonel Slaen-ARG | Conexion Digital 111 | Jun 01 |
Nach 43d traf die erste großformatige QSL-Karte aus der aktuellen Serie für 2001 ein. Motive zum Koreabesuchsjahr, diesmal Emblem / Bühnenszene. Adresse: Radio Korea Intemational, Seoul 150-790, Rep. Korea german@kbs.co.kr | J.Adolph-D | Eastside DX 14 | Jun 01 |
RKI Seoul 15575,00 kHz, e-m@il D 13 days, qsl-card, RRV ja. | T.Brandenburg-D | EAWRC 290 | Jul 01 |
6480 RKI full-data card for Email report, took 23 days. Card depicts the Sohae Bridge,9-th longest in the world and was accompanied by a set of postcards for the Visit Korea Year 2001. The v/s is Ms. Moon from RKI's office in Bonn,Germany, but the envelope was still poststamped in Seoul | C.Mocanu-ROU | Cumbre DX 360 | Aug 01 |
R Korea Int. 6580 k sch mm. 122d | B.Tandberg-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2001-05 | Aug 01 |
9650 RKI f/d Icheon In’t Airport w/ booklets in 3 months time. | P.Krochmaluk-ON-CAN | ODXA 2001-08 | Aug 01 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte Sohae-Großbrücke 15575 kHz 2000 05.08.01 24 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Aug 01 |
KBS Seoul / div. kHz, 23-33 Tage, detailed qsl-card, RRV. | diverse-D | ADDX 2001-18 | Sep 01 |
RKI Seoul bestätigte nach einem Monat den RR von OM Alfred Kaden fürs zweite Quartal über die Skelton-Relaisfrequenz 3955 kHz mit Flughafenmotiv. Die Fax-Verbindung war zuletzt immer mal wieder erheblich gestört. Adresse: Radio Korea International, Seoul 150-790, Rep. Korea german@kbs.co.kr | A.Kaden-D | Eastside DX 15 | Sep 01 |
9580 kHz. Radio Corea, Seúl 150. Tarjeta QSL con datos completos, con una vista del Gran Puente sobre el Mar del Oeste. Demoró poco más de un mes. | A.Leonel Slaen-ARG | Conexion Digital 128 | Okt 01 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte König Wang-gon 15575 kHz 2000 29.09.01 32 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Okt 01 |
RCI Relay Kimjae 13705,00 kHz, E 27 Tage, K, PG Details : ja. | P.Robic-AUT | EAWRC 294 | Nov 01 |
R Korea Int'l 15575 kHz, f/d card, rp : no, 63 days. | M.Beesley-G | WDXC QSL Report | Nov 01 |
RKI / div. kHz, 21-23 Tage, detailed qsl-card, RRV. | diverse-D | ADDX 2001-23 | Dez 01 |
9580 - Radio Korea Int. - Kimjae-KOR - Cartão QSL, folhetos, formulário para informe - 37 dias. QTH: Sección Española - Seoul 150-790 - Coréia do Sul. | J.Moacir Portera de Melo-MT-B | DXCB 2001-12 | Dez 01 |
OM Alfred Kaden teilt mit, daß sein Brief an RKI via Mönchengladbach, Bruckner Allee 232 mit dem Postvermerk Adresse unbekannt'. an ihn zurückgeschickt worden ist, woraufhin er ihn direkt nach Seoul schickte. Hier empfehlen sich wiederholte Versuche unter vollständigem ausschreiben des Stationsnamens und der dazugehörigen Abkürzung RKI, deutsche Abteilung. Adresse: Radio Korea International, Seoul 150-790, Rep. Korea german@kbs.co.kr | A.Kaden-D | Eastside DX 16 | Dez 01 |
KBS-R.Korea, Seoul 7.550 kHz, KOR tx-site: Kimje gehört in: AUT/Bad Ischl K, px-heft, E-rpt-form, QRG-plan, sticker 04.10.2001 21.12.2001 53 Tage | H.Süss-AUT | direct to QIP | Dez 01 |
Radio Korea International 15575 kHz, F/D "The Seohae Grand Bridge" card, KBS Newsletter, booklet, schedule, World Cup 2002 folder and report forms in 65 days from v/s illegible. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 2002-01 | Jan 02 |
Radio Korea Int'l - 3955, 7550, 15575 - det. card, picture cards, 21 days | M.Grallert-D | direct to QIP | Jan 02 |
15575 - Rádio Coréia Internacional, Kinjae-KOR - cartão QSL, grade de programação, modelos de informes, folhetos: 'Welcome to Radio Korea International' e '2002 Copa do Mundo Coréia/Japão' - 43 dias. QTH : Apartado Postal 150-790, Seul, Coréia. (informe enviado para o e-mail: spanish@kbs.co.kr) | C.Romais-RS-B | radioecutas-ML | Feb 02 |
15575 - Rádio Coréia Internacional, In-Kimjae, Coréia do Sul. Cartão QSL, boletim de programação, modelos de informes e material turístico. 46 dias. QTH : Seoul 150-790, Coréia do Sul. Endereço eletrônico: spanish@kbs.co.kr | C.Romais-RS-B | radioecutas-ML | Mrz 02 |
7275 - Rádio Coréia Internacional, In-Kimjae, Coréia. Cartão QSL, folhetos sobre a Copa do Mundo e boletim de programação. 41 dias. QTH : Seoul 150-790, Coréia do Sul. Endereço eletrônico: spanish@kbs.co.kr | C.Romais-RS-B | radioecutas-ML | Mrz 02 |
RKI / 7550 kHz, 53 Tage, qsl-card, PG, RRV, Sticker. | H.Süss-AUT | ADDX 2002-08 | Apr 02 |
13670.0 R. Korea Intl, Kimjae 0800 SWBC to Eu in EE with female giving news until music at 0809 until 0813. 24233. | R.Morrison-TN-USA | Cumbre DX 394 | Apr 02 |
R Korea Int - det. Karte Wasserfontäne 7275 kHz 1800 02.03.02 32 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Apr 02 |
9580, 11715 - R. Coréia Internacional - Kimjae-KOR, Sackville-CAN - QSL, informativo da Copa, schedule. 90 dias. V/S: ??. QTH: 18 Yoido-Dong-Young Dungpo-Gu, Seoul, 150-790, Coréia do Sul. | O.Rodrigues-SP-B | DXCB 2002-06 | Jun 02 |
RKI / div. kHz, 25-30 Tage, det. K, RRV. | diverse-D | ADDX 2002-13 | Jul 02 |
7550 - R. Coréia Internacional, Kimjae - 53 dias. Recebido belíssimo QSL comemorativo à Copa do Mundo de Futebol Coréia/Japão 2002, dois belíssimos cartões postais "Visit Korea Year 2001" (Taekwando -- Flying Victory e Namdaemun, National Treasure nº 1), boletim de horários e freqüências (Spring 2002), folheto "Time table for the 24 hour Internet Broadcast Channel, formulários para informe de recepção, jornal "Newsletter" e livreto em português sobre a Copa do Mundo de Futebol na Coréia. v/s: ??. QTH : Radio Korea Internacional, 18 Yoido-Dong, Youngdungpo-gu, Seoul, Korea, 150-970 Obs: IR enviado por e-mail: (spanish@kbs.co.kr). | R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B | Atividade DX 103 B | Jul 02 |
7550 - R. Coréia Internacional - Kimjae-KOR - Recebido belíssimo QSL comemorativo da Copa do Mundo de Futebol de 2002 (o segundo recebido por mim), formulários para IR, jornal "Newsletter", boletim de horários e freqüências Spring 2002 e folheto "Time table for the 24 hour Internet Broadcast Channel". Obs: IR enviado por e-mail: spanish@kbs.co.kr. ?? dias. V/S: ??. QTH: 18, Yoido-dong, Youngdungpo-gu, Seoul, 150-790, Coréia do Sul. | R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B | DXCB 2002-08 | Aug 02 |
RKI / 15575 kHz, 19 Tage, K, RRV, Infos / IRC | A.Heiles-LUX | ADDX 2002-18 | Sep 02 |
RKI / 15575 kHz, 49 Tage, K, RRV. | F.-W.Adam-D | ADDX 2002-18 | Sep 02 |
QSL from RKI : Received QSL card with the poster of the 14th Busan Asian Games as its design, in 6 weeks for an English report. | R.Lam-SNG | Cumbre DX-ML | Okt 02 |
15575 - R. Coréia Intl. - Kimjae-KOR - Recebido QSL comemorativo da Copa do Mundo de Futebol 2002, boletim de programação, carta de agradecimento emitida pela Seção Espanhola da Emissora e um folheto informativo sobre a Copa do Mundo, ilustrando os locais, os Estádios com as respectivas capacidades, horários da competição etc. 55 dias. V/S: ??. QTH: 18, Yoido-dong, Youngdungpo-ku, Seul 150-790, Coréia do Sul. | H.Biancardine-RJ-B | DXCB 2002-10 | Okt 02 |
RKI. Report sent to russian@kbs.co.kr. QSL "14th Asian Games in Pusan", no data besides my name. Received in about two months. | V.Doroshenko-UKR | Signal DX 073 | Okt 02 |
RKI: 15575. F/d QSL for the same report that I described a week ago. Signed by Yevgeniy Shtefan, Russian Service. | V.Doroshenko-UKR | Signal DX 074 | Okt 02 |
9580 - R. Coréia Internacional - Kimjae-KOR - Recebido QSL, modelos de IR e boletins de programação. 38 dias. V/S: Seção em espanhol. IR enviado por e-mail: spanish@kbs.co.kr. QTH: 18, Yoido-dong, 150-970, Coréia do Sul. | C.Romais-SP-B | DXCB 2002-11 | Nov 02 |
15575 - R. Coréia Internacional, Kinjae - 52 dias. Recebido cartão QSL, modelos de informes e boletins de programação. V/S: Serviço em espanhol QTH: 18, Yoido-Dong, 150-970 Coréia do Sul. | L.dos Santos Nascimento-MG-B | Atividade DX 128 | Dez 02 |
9580 Rádio Coréia Internacional, In-Kimjae, Coréia do Sul. Recebidos cartão QSL, boletim de programação, modelos de informes, calendário de mesa, cartão de Natal assinado pelos integrantes da Seção Espanhola, em 34 dias. QTH: 18, Yoido-dong, Seul 150-790, Coréia do Sul. Informe enviado, via-email, para: spanish@kbs.co.kr | C.Romais-RS-B | Conexion Digital 191 | Dez 02 |
9560 Radio Korea International. Full data qsl, v/s not given. Card showing the inter_Korean friendly soccer match. In 33 days, sent to english@kbs.co.kr | E.Ezeani-NIG | direct to QIP | Dez 02 |
Radio Korea International, Seoul transmitter. 7550 kHz, QSL in 32 days. It is a special QSL card showing a Pusan Asian Games poster, signed by Ms Jini, QSL Lady. I emailed my Reception Report to english@kbs.co.kr on August 5, 2002 and got the reply letter on November 6. A Pusan Asian Games stamp package as a prize given to the winner of Autumn quiz was also sent. | E.Zhou-CHN | direct to QIP | Dez 02 |
9650 Radio Korea International. Full data 14th Asian Games card in one month. | P.Krochmaluk-ON-CAN | ODXA 2002-12 | Dez 02 |
9580 - R. Coréia Internacional, In-Kimjae - 34 dias. Recebidos cartão QSL, boletim de programação, modelos de informes, calendário de mesa, cartão de Natal assinado pelos integrantes da Seção Espanhola. QTH: 18, Yoido-dong, Seul 150-790, Coréia do Sul Informe enviado, via-email, para: spanish@kbs.co.kr | C.Romais-RS-B | Atividade DX 132 | Jan 03 |
Radio Korea International 9870, 13670 and 15575 kHz, F/D card, schedule, report forms and tourist Information in 1 year. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 2003-01 | Jan 03 |
9760 - R. Coréia Internacional - Sackville-CAN - QSL, skeed, formulários para IR. 50 dias. V/S: ? QTH: 150-790 Seul, Coréia do Sul | J.Moacir Portera de Melo-MT-B | DXCB 2003-01 | Jan 03 |
KBS-Rádio Coréia Internacional Recebido cartão QSL, vários impresso para informe, esquema de transmissão, adesivo e um calendário de mesa em papel couchê fei em comemoração aos 50 anos da Rádio (uma lindesa). | A.Marques de Azevedo-MG-B | Atividade DX 136 | Feb 03 |
R. Coréia, recebido cartão QSL participacao no concurso 2002, chaveiro, calendário de mesa, cartão QSL mostrando 3 belos exemplares de garotas coreanas (Sonia Cho, Sara Kim, Cecilia Song) que fazem parte do depto. Espanhol mais o Ramiro Trost. | P.Miled-BA-B | Atividade DX 136 | Feb 03 |
9580 - R. Coréia Internacional, In-Kimjae - 60 dias. Recebido cartão QSL (em branco!) especial pelos 40 anos do Servicio en Español, chaveiro e carta. QTH: 18, yoido-dong, youngdungpo-gu, Seul, 150-790, Coréia do Sul. | C.Romais-RS-B | Atividade DX 137 | Feb 03 |
11715 kHz. Radio Corea Internacional, Sección Española, 150-790 Seúl. Tarjeta QSL, folletos de la emisora. Confirmó en 52 días. | J.Moacir Portera de Melo-MT-B | Conexion Digital 196 | Feb 03 |
Radio Korea International 15120 kHz, 36 Tage, det, Karte neues Motiv (Maedeup, das traditionelle Knüpfen) Empfangsberichts Vordrucke / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Feb 03 |
Radio Korea International 15210 kHz, 22 Tage, det. Karte, Empfangsberichtsvordrucke als Aerogramm / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Feb 03 |
9870/13760/15575 Radio Korea International via Kimje. Full data ‘Bridge’ card with schedule/report form and tourist information, in 21-to 31 days | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | ODXA 2003-02 | Feb 03 |
15575 - R. Coréia Internacional - Kimjae-KOR - Recebido QSL, carta de agradecimento, boletim de programação, formulário para IR. 110 dias. V/S: ? . QTH: 18, Yiodo-dong, Youngdungpo-ku, 150-790, Seul, Coréia do Sul | L.dos Santos Nascimento-MG-B | DXCB 2003-03 | Mrz 03 |
Radio Korea International 11810 and 15575 kHz, F/D "An Inter-Korean Friendly Soccer match" card, schedule, RKI info, KBS Newsletter and report form in 100 days. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 2003-04 | Apr 03 |
9760 - R. Coréia Internacional - Sackville-CAN - QSL, schedule. 66 dias. V/S: ?. QTH: Seul 150-790, Coréia do Sul | J.Moacir Portera de Melo-MT-B | DXCB 2003-04 | Apr 03 |
9760 - R. Coréia Internacional - Sackville-CAN - Recebido QSL, schedule, formulário para IR. 73 dias. V/S: ?. QTH: Casilla de Correos 950, 2000 Rosário, SF, Argentina | L.dos Santos Nascimento-MG-B | DXCB 2003-04 | Apr 03 |
11810 & 15575 RKI via Kimje. Full data 'Soccer Match' card with schedule/report form/newsletter in 190 days | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | ODXA 2003-04 | Apr 03 |
9580 e 9640 Rádio Coréia Internacional -- In Kimjae (KOR) -- Recebida duas cartas com um belíssimo QSL full data em cada uma, dois esquemas das emissões via Internet e formulários para IR´s. 35 e 30 dias. V/S: ??. Obs: IR enviado para o e-mail: spanish@kbs.co.kr . QTH: Radio Korea international, Servício en Lengua Española, 18, Yoido-dong, Youngdungpo-gu, Seoul, 150-790, Korea . | R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B | Atividade DX 151 | Mai 03 |
RKI no 13670 qsl-card, 36 days (sent inf,rr,s, and !! IRC !!) | R.Lowis-G | BDXC-UK 2003-05 | Mai 03 |
9760 - R. Coréia Internacional - Sackville-CAN - QSL, boletim, formulário para IR. 61 dias. V/S: ?. QTH: C. C. 950, Rosário, 2000, Argentina | L.dos Santos Nascimento-MG-B | DXCB 2003-05 | Mai 03 |
9760 - R. Coréia Internacional - Sackville-CAN - Recebido QSL, formulário para IR e schedule. 65 dias. V/S:?. QTH: 18, Yoido-dong, Youngdungpo-gu, Seul 150-790, Coréia do Sul | H.Biancardine-RJ-B | DXCB 2003-06 | Jun 03 |
9760 - R. Coréia Internacional - Sackville-CAN - QSL, impressos para IR. 90 dias. V/S: ? QTH: Seul 150-790, Coréia do Sul | J.Moacir Portera de Melo-MT-B | DXCB 2003-06 | Jun 03 |
9580 Rádio Coréia Internacional - In-Kimjae (KOR) Recebido belíssimo cartão QSL (Jasu - Bordados tradicionales), folheto "Time table for the 24 hour Internet Broadcast Channel e 2 formulários para IR. 26 dias. V/S: ??. Obs: IR enviado por e-mail: spanish@kbs.co.kr . QTH: Radio Korea International, #18, Yoido-dong, Youngdungpo-gu, Seoul 150-790, Korea | R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B | Atividade DX 157 | Jul 03 |
Radio Korea International 15210 kHz, 150 Tage, det. Karte Motiv Maedeup, das traditionelle Knüpfen / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jul 03 |
15575 - R. Coréia Internacional - Kimjae-KOR - Recebido QSL, carta de agradecimento, boletim de programação, formulário para IR. 61 dias. V/S: ?. QTH: 18 Yo-ui-do-dong Yongdungp’o-gu, Seul 150-790, Coréia do Sul | L.dos Santos Nascimento-MG-B | DXCB 2003-08 | Aug 03 |
15575 - R. Coréia Internacional - Kimjae-KOR - QSL e CDROM. 68 dias. V/S: Serviço em Espanhol. QTH: 18 Yo-ui-do-dong Yongdungp’o-gu, Seul 150-790, Coréia do Sul | O.Fantinelli-RS-B | DXCB 2003-08 | Aug 03 |
9580 - R. Coréia Internacional - Kimjae-KOR - Recebido QSL e modelo de informe. 41 dias. V/S: ?. QTH: 18 Yo-ui-do-dong Yongdungp’o-gu, Seul 150-790, Coréia do Sul | O.Rodrigues-SP-B | DXCB 2003-08 | Aug 03 |
15575 - R.Coréia Internacional - Kimjae-KOR - Recebido QSL, espeque de transmissão em espanhol, formulários p/informe de recepção. 46 dias. V/S: Seção Espanhola. QTH: Seul 150-790 - Coréia do Sul | H.Biancardine-RJ-B | DXCB 2003-09 | Sep 03 |
15575 - R. Coréia Internacional - Kimjae-KOR - QSL (Iasu: bordados tradicionais), CDROM. 32 dias. V/S: ?. QTH: Seul 150-790, Coréia do Sul | O.Fantinelli-RS-B | DXCB 2003-09 | Sep 03 |
KBS-R.Korea, Seoul 15.575 kHz, KOR tx-site: Kimje gehört in: AUT/Döbriach K, E-Form 14.07.2003 15.09.2003 52 Tage | H.Süss-AUT | direct to QIP | Sep 03 |
9580 R. Coréia Internacional - In-Kimjae - KOR. Recebido bonito QSL full data comemorativo dos 50 anos da RKI, schedule e formulários para IR's. ?? dias. V/S: ??. Obs: IR enviado para o seguinte e-mail: spanish@kbs.co.kr. QTH: Radio Coréia Internacional, KBS, Apartado Postal 150-790, Seoul, Republic of Korea. | R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B | Atividade DX 169 | Okt 03 |
15575 - R. Coréia Internacional, Kimjae, 40 dias. Recebido cartão QSL, modelos para informes e boletim de programação. QTH: 18, Yoido-dong, Youngdungpo-ku, Seul, 150-790, Coréia do Sul. Informe enviado para o endereço eletrônico: spanish@kbs.co.kr | C.Romais-RS-B | Atividade DX 172 | Okt 03 |
Radio Korea International 9650 kHz, F/D "pottery" card with schedule and a dozen blank QSL cards in six weeks from v/s "QSL Lady Jiny". | D.Gauvin-NB-CAN | CIDX 2003-10 | Okt 03 |
RKI 7275, 11810 and 15575 kHz, F/D "Tradition Crochet" card and schedule in 75 days for IRC (returned). | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 2003-10 | Okt 03 |
9580 - R. Coréia Internacional - Kimjae-KOR - Recebido bonito QSL full data comemorativo dos 50 anos da RKI, schedule e formulários para IR's. ?? dias. V/S: ??. Obs: IR enviado para o seguinte e-mail: spanish@kbs.co.kr. QTH: Apartado Postal 150-790, Seul, Coréia do Sul | R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B | DXCB 2003-10 | Okt 03 |
RKI / div. kHz, 31-52 Tage, det. QSL-Karte , RRV | diverse-D | ADDX 2002-23 | Dez 03 |
Radio Korea International 15210 kHz, 30 Tage, det. Karte Motiv Koryo Dynastie (919-1392), PG, Empfangsberichtsvordrucke / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Dez 03 |
Radio Korea International 15210 kHz/Karte/detailliert/31 d IPG | D.Schulz-D | EAWRC 319 | Dez 03 |
Korea, Radio Korea Int, 13670 kHz, after 83 days, the brand new card depicts an art work of "Koryo Dynasty", v/s nil. | S.Chakroborty-IND | GRDXC-ML | Dez 03 |
Ich habe am 20.01.2004 eine QSL von Radio Korea mit "Schnitzarbeiten an Türen des Hauptgebäudedes HWaeomsa-Tempels" erhalten. | P.Tasch-D | A-DX-ML | Jan 04 |
9760 kHz - R.Korea Internacional. Recebido QSL, esquema de transmissão em espanhol e modêlo para IR. 37 dias. V/S: Serviço em Espanhol. IR enviado por e-mail spanish@kbs.co.kr . QTH: Seoul 150-790 - República da Korea. | H.Biancardine-RJ-B | Atividade DX 183 | Jan 04 |
Radio Korea International 15210 kHz, 27 Tage, det. Karte, Motiv Schnitzarbeiten an Türen des Hauptgebäudes des Hwaeomsa-Tempel, PG,Empfangsberichts Vordrucke / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jan 04 |
Radio Korea International 15210 kHz, 40 Tage, det. Karte Motiv Koryo Dynastie (919-1392),Info,PG,Empfangsberichtsvordrucke / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jan 04 |
RKI / 15210 kHz, 31 Tage, det. QSL-Karte, PG | D.Stange-D | ADDX 2004-03 | Feb 04 |
RKI / 15210 kHz, 29-40 Tage, det. Karte, PG | diverse-D | ADDX 2004-06 | Mrz 04 |
9580 kHz. Radio Corea Internacional, Seúl 150-790. Tarjeta QSL, esquema de transmisiones. Verificó en 44 días. | J.Moacir Portera de Melo-MT-B | Conexion Digital 253 | Mrz 04 |
9760 kHz - R. Corea Internacional - Sackville. Recebido QSL, Schedule, Impressos para I.R's 35 dias V/s: ?? IR enviado para o e-mail: spanish@kbs.co.kr QTH: Apartado Postal 150-790 - Seul Coreia do Sul. | L.dos Santos Nascimento-MG-B | Conexion Digital 257 | Apr 04 |
11715 kHz. Radio Corea Internacional, Sección Española, Seúl 150-790. Tarjeta QSL, folletos de la emisora. Verificó en 41 días. | J.Moacir Portera de Melo-MT-B | Conexion Digital 258 | Apr 04 |
R. Korea International 9515 kHz 1/04/2004 2005 UTC ricevuta cartolina QSL in 21 giorni. Rapporto inviato via e-mail. http://web.tiscali.it/ondecorte/corea04.html | N.Marabello-I | direct to QIP | Apr 04 |
RKI / 15210 kHz, 39 Tage, det. K, PG, RRV | H.-J.Koch-D | ADDX 2004-12 | Jun 04 |
RKI KIMJAE, 15210 kHz Det. Karte, Sendeplan, RR-Vordruck 31 Tage | P.E.Boeck-D | EAWRC 326 | Jul 04 |
Radio Korea International 15210 kHz, 40 Tage, det. Karte Motiv 50 Jahre Radio Korea / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Aug 04 |
Radio Korea International 15210 kHz, 40 Tage, det. Karte Motiv Ajaeng / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Aug 04 |
Radio Korea International 15210 kHz, 40 Tage, det. Karte Motiv Haegeum / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Aug 04 |
9580 R. Corea Internacional QSL, FPR, sked. enviado a: spanish@kbs.co.kr. Verifico en 18 dias | M.Gremoliche-ARG | Conexion Digital 281 | Sep 04 |
On August 31, 2004 I Received two Radio Korea International QSL card : 2 August 2004, 15210 kHz, 10:00 -10:30 UTC in Spanish, in 29 days for a e-mail report. without V/S. QTH: Radio Korea International, KBS P.O.Box 150-790, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Web page of QSL of R. Korea International at: http://web.tiscali.it/ondecorte/corea04.html | N.Marabello-I | direct to QIP | Sep 04 |
RKI / 15210 kHz, 28-31 Tage, detail. card, RRV | diverse-D | ADDX 2004-20 | Okt 04 |
9760 kHz. Radio Corea Internacional, Sección Española, Seúl 150-790. Tarjeta QSL, esquema de transmisiones. Respondió en 31 días. | J.Moacir Portera de Melo-MT-B | Conexion Digital 285 | Okt 04 |
I have received a Radio Korea International QSL card featuring Taegum. 11 September 2004, 9515 kHz, 20:00-21:00 UTC in Spanish, SINPO 34433 in 21 days for a e-mail report. Station address is: K.B.S., P.O. Box 150-790 Seoul, Republic of Korea Web:http://rki.kbs.co.kr/s_index.asp | N.Marabello-I | direct to QIP | Okt 04 |
R. Korea International, Kimjae, 15210 kHz. October 13, 2004. sent reception report via e-mail and received new full data QSL in 17 days, featuring Taegum popular instrument. QTH: Radio Korea International, 18 Yoido-dong, Youngdungpo-gu, SEOUL 150-790 - Korea. | N.Marabello-I | direct to QIP | Okt 04 |
K.B.S. Radio Korea Internacional 31mts 10.00 utc via sackville recibi un sobre conteniendo un CD , QSL 40 aniversario, lista de frequencias formularios entre otros. informe enviado por correo aereo a korea. la verificacion llego en 28 dias. QTH : de envio 18, yoido - dong, youngdungpo - gu - seul 150 -790 , korea. Argentina (opcional). E-Mail spanish@kbs.co.kr | H.Alvaro Gutierrez-PRU | Conexion Digital 298 | Jan 05 |
RKI / 15210 kHz, 28 Tage, det. Karte / RR per Fax | P.Vaegler-D | ADDX 2005-02 | Feb 05 |
R Korea Int no return postage 9570 kHz, card 30 days | D.Rhodes-AUS | BDXC-UK 2005-02 | Feb 05 |
R Korea Int no return postage 9570 kHz, full data card, 21 days | D.Rhodes-AUS | BDXC-UK 2005-03 | Mrz 05 |
RKI / div. kHz, 34 Tage, det. K, RRV | U.Wicke-D | ADDX 2005-04 | Apr 05 |
KBS E-mail 15210 kHz, qsl-card 5 days (5 days after e-mail report. Sent sch.) | P.Gager-AUT | BDXC-UK 2005-06 | Jun 05 |
9870 RKI via Kimje. F/d " Changeokgung Palace" cd, w/ schedule/rpt form in 44 days | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | ODXA 2005-06 | Jun 05 |
9650 Radio Korea International. Full data " Secret Garden in Changdeokgung Palace" in 35 days | P.Krochmaluk-ON-CAN | ODXA 2005-06 | Jun 05 |
Radio Korea International 9870 and 15575 kHz, F/D "Dokoo Island" card, schedule, report form and KBS World Radio bulletin in 125 days from v/s Seulku. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 2005-08 | Aug 05 |
Relayed Stations or Programs
Adventist World R (KOR) Index Korea South Index Asia
AWR 9640 Special relay via R. Korea Int., 2 full-data QSL cards, calendar and AWR time-indicator for English report and 1 IRC in 22 days. One of the cards is world- map card, other is AWR-Asia (KSDA) 's card pictured octagonal temple, both are with the special original stamps. | K.Ogino-J | Cumbre DX 174 | Jan 98 |
AWR via Kimjae, 9515 kHz verified with a det. Card in 80 days. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Mrz 98 |
Adventest World Radio 6480. Special relay via Radio Korea International. Full data card in 97 days. | T.Vaughan-G | direct to QIP | Mrz 98 |
6480 kHz AWR via RKI, Kimje kort, stickers 4m. | H.V.Lollike-DNK | DDXLK qsl-hjørnet 1998-11 | Nov 98 |
AWR / R Korea Int'l 13670 qsl-card, 1 IRC 89 days. | I.Wilson-G | WDXC QSL Report | Nov 98 |
AFN Korea Index Korea South Index Asia
AFN Youngsan 1530 kHz and Kunsan AB 1440 kHz. Full data verification letter received from v/s Wally Cornelison, Operations Manager, American Forces Network Korea, Unit 15324 APO AP 96205-5324. | C.A.Edwards-NT-AUS | direct to QIP | Mrz 06 |
R Canada Int (KOR) Index Korea South Index Asia
Radio Canada International 7260, f /d " RCMP " card, sticker and personal note in 11 days. | A.Loudell-DE-USA | CIDX 1999-02 | Feb 99 |
R Canada Int'l relay 13710 kHz, card, rp : no, 14 days. | S.M.Kolesov-UKR | WDXC QSL Report | Jun 99 |
R Canada Int'l relay 13710 kHz, card, rp : no, 17 days. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | WDXC QSL Report | Aug 99 |
Radio Canada International 13710, f /d " Year of the Youth " card in 17 days from v/s Bill Westenhaver. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 1999-09 | Sep 99 |
Radio Canada In't full data Fessenden & Marconi Commemorative Cards for the following relay sites. 13755 - Sackville 15330 - Wertachtal, Germany 17740 - Madagascar 5865 - Hoerby, Sweden 11835 - Mossebrunn Austria 7150 - Kimjae Korea (Rep.) 9680/11890 - Yamata Japan. Reply in 22 days. v/s Bill Westenhaver | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | DXplorer-ML | Jul 01 |
R Canada Int relay no 9680 qsl-card 42. | P.Gager-AUT | BDXC-UK 2002-04 | Apr 02 |
15575 kHz. Radio Corea Internacional KBS, Seúl. 2 Tarjetas QSL, formularios de informes de recepción, carta de la emisora, esquema de horarios y frecuencias. Verificó en 35 días. | D.Martínez Martínez-E | Conexion Digital 163 | Jun 02 |
R Canada Int Rly no 9810 qsl-card, 17 days | B.Guerree-F | BDXC-UK 2003-05 | Mai 03 |
Time Signal Stations :
HLA Index Korea
South Index Asia
HLA time signal station 5000 qsl-card no r.postage 103 days, v/s : Yoon chan P., T / F Laboratory. | P.Miroshnikov-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Apr 97 |
Index Korea South Index Asia Previous Page : Korea North Next Page : Kuwait