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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations
from Myanmar
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7185, BBS, generic QSL form ltr, no QSL details although my name and address were written in, in very neat writing, incl. the old AWR DX prgm, "Radio Monitors International," which I have not mentioned to them; clearly states verifying rcpn rpt (50 kw, Feb 19, 1998), heard while on itinerary in Pakistan, this channel not previously verified; also sent two different types of scheduling showing MW as well as SW details. (via J.Berg-USA) | A.Peterson-IN-USA | DXplorer-ML | Jun 02 |
Myanma R see R Myanmar
R Myanmar Index Myanmar
Index Asia
Radio Myanmar 4725 kHz p / d color map card received in 7 months for an English report. What a suprise after having an empty mailbox since April ! | N.Grace-DC-USA | Jihad DX 40 | Jul 95 |
4725, Radio Myanmar verified with a date / frequency globe card in 106 days from v/s Ko Ko Htway, Director. NASWA country #214 verified. Needless to say, I very pleased . | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Cumbre DX 093 | Jul 96 |
R Myanmar (7185) verified with a very nice colourful QSL card within 65 days for 1 IRC. Also enclosed was a detailed, laser-printed schedule booklet. Beautiful stamp on the envelope. | M.Gatzke-D | DX Window 051 | Feb 97 |
4725 R. Myanmar, colorful detailed verification card and sked in 53 days for EG report and one IRC. | H.Sandte-D | Cumbre DX 132 | Apr 97 |
Radio Myanmar 7185 kHz confirmed in 6 months for 3 IRCs and for a recorded report on C30 cassette with a full data QSL card and schedule. v/s Ko Ko Htway, director. Address : R.Myanmar, Radio Division, MTRD, Yangon. | G.Bernardini-I | DX Window 066 | Mai 97 |
R Myanmar 7185 card schedule 3 months -Arild Skalmeraas, Steinkjer, Norway Burma er vel fremdeles offisiell norsk eller. ? | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Jun 97 |
R Myanmar 7185 qsl-card 1 IRC 103 days. | Z.Elias-CZE | WDXC QSL Report | Jun 97 |
Radio MYANMAR - M.T.R.D. - Pyay Road - Yangon 5990 kHz - QSL in 120 dd, 1 USD sent - v/s Ko Ko Htway - Director | S.Mannelli-I | Webpage | Jan 98 |
Radio Myanmar 5986 confirmed a report by a colourful partly detailed QSL card (time missing); usual v/s Ko Ko Htway, Director (Radio). After ignoring all my previous detailed reports and f / ups, this one was for listening to their English service in October 1997 and now got QSLed after the first try. So, may be that is what they want you to report. Their schedule for English reads : 0200-0230 UT on 7185 kcs, 0700-0730 on 9730, 1430-1600 on 5986 (listed 5990). The outlet on 4725 is for their indigenous languages only, but every now and then I hear English lessons on that channel. | H.Kuhl-D | Cumbre DX 179 | Feb 98 |
R.Myanmar on 7185, f/d card, schedules, v/s Ko Ko Htway, dir. (ms), in 28 weeks. (via DSWCI SWN # 10/98) | A.Fernández Llorella-E | TFW 071 | Okt 98 |
Hallo, ich nehme an, dass heute in einigen Briefkästen eine "QSL" von Radio Myanmar lag. Brief undet. von Ko Ko Htway (Director BC) via Ministry of Information Myanma Radio & Television Pyay Road Yangon Fax 951-525428. Der Brief war mit 65 C Strafporto belegt, dieser Betrag wurde von der Eingangsstelle der internationalen Post unter Einbeziehung der Gebührenordnung von Myanmar ermittelt. Man sieht also - die Post denkt mit. Mein Bericht war vom 24.11.2001 (einer von vielen) von 14:27- 14:56 auf 5985,84 kHz. Nach einem Sendeplan wird das englische px von 14:30 bis 16:00 auf dieser QRG und auf mw 576 kHz (die 4725 kHz ist mit * versehen) ausgestrahlt. Also, wer die noch nicht hat, kann doch irgendwann damit rechnen (an diesem Tag hatte ich die mit O=3).. Bemerkung von Ko Ko: I' m very regret for my late reply. It is owing to me by unexpected pressure of work in these days. Das sollte man einfach so hinnehmen,hi. Mich freut einfach, dass es überhaupt gekommen ist. | F.Hunger-D | A-DX-ML | Mai 02 |
4725 Radio Myanmar n/d confirmation letter, program sked, Media index for RR + 1 IRC in 537 days. v/s Ko Ko Htway Director (Broadcasting). Address: Union of Myanmar Ministry of Information, Myanmar Radio & Television (M.R.T.V.) Pyay Road, Yangon (Fax. 951-525428 - Phone: 951-532814) | S.M.Kolesov-UKR | Cumbre DX 401 | Mai 02 |
5985, Radio Myanmar, no data form letter with verification statement "We are pleased to verify your reception of Radio Myanmar", v/s Ko Ko Htway - Director (Broadcasting), original taped report mailed Dec 5/00 (18 months), taped follow-up mailed from Cuba Jan 21/02, received Radio Daily Program and Media Index. In both reports I had enclosed a letter addressed to the station management, that they might again consider replying to DX reception reports. | J.Talbot-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Jun 02 |
Myanmar Radio 5985 kHz. Undet. letter, progr. sched. and media index after 990 days for a taped report and 2 IRC return postage. v/s Ko Ko Htway | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Jun 02 |
Myanmar RTV 7185 b sch inf 5år v/s Ko Ko Htway, Director Broadcasting. | K.-E.Stridh-S | Norwegian DX News 2002-04 | Jun 02 |
I recently received a QSL from R.Myanmar after 873 days for 1 IRC.Reception report sent to Director of broadcasting and verified via a N/D letter signed by KO KO HTWAY. | R.T.Ramachandran-IND | GRDXC-ML | Jul 02 |
Myanmar RTV 5985, letter & info in10 weeks for 1 IRC, | L.Weirell-S | direct to QIP | Nov 02 |
R Myanmar 5985, letter and inf in 10 weeks. Rp: 1 IRC. | L.Weirell-S | direct to QIP | Nov 02 |
MRTV, partial-data QSL ltr, V/S Ko Ko Htway, Director (Broadcasting), also prgm and fqy sked. Address: Union of Myanmar, Ministry of Information, Myanmar Radio & TV (MRTV), Pyay Road, Yangon, tel. 951-532814, FAX 951-525428. | S.Chakroborty-IND | HCDX-ML | Dez 02 |
Radio Myanmar, 4725, n/d verie letter stating, "It was a great pleasure to receive your letter and thank you for your reception report. We are pleased to verify your reception of Radio Myanmar". v/s Ko Ko Htway Director, Broadcasting. This and a Media Index and program schedule in 168 days for 1 IRC to Myanmar RTV, Pyay Road, Yangon, Myanmar. Nice stamps on the envelope. | S.R.Barbour Jr.-NH-USA | DXplorer-ML | Jun 03 |
5985 Myanmar, Yangon. Rec. QSL letter, prog. sked, and freq. list in 85d for taped report. V/S: Ko Ko Htway-Director of Broadcasting. Address: Pyay Road, Yangon Myanmar. I am pleased with this! | P.Martin-OR-USA | HCDX-ML | Jun 03 |
5985 Radio Myanmar No data form letter QSL from v/s Ko Ko Htway stating, "We are pleased to verify your reception of Radio Myanmar". Also enclosed was a program Schedule and Media Index. I have been pursuing this one for over 5 years, with numerous follow-up letters, FAXes, and fresh reports. Really glad to finally have this one in the collection. | G.Maroti-NY-USA | direct to QIP | Jul 03 |
R Myanmar ms 5085 kHz, qsl-letter 212 days (v/s Ko Ko Htway,Director Broadcasting) | G.Brown-G | BDXC-UK 2003-08 | Aug 03 |
Myanmar RTV, undet. QSL-Brief, 169 Tage (mit Entschuldigung wegen spaeter Antwort), huebsche Briefmarken | J.Thiel-D | A-DX-ML | Dez 03 |
5986v, R.Myanmar, p/d (date and time) letter w/ station seal, program guide and media index in 169 days for 1 IRC, EG report and a prepared card (not used). V/S, Ko Ko Htay. Nice block on Myanmar stamps on back of envelope. | S.R.Barbour Jr.-NH-USA | DXplorer-ML | Jul 04 |
5.985,6 kHz, kind pers. letter, nice stamps, 330 days, 120 days after f/up to fax +95 1525428, v/s Ko Ko Htwe, Director Broadcasting, IRC | R.Bessler-D | direct to QIP | Okt 04 |
5985.8 Radio Myanmar. Email QSL letter from Ko Ko Htway, Director of Broadcasting, for 2002 reception after 4 postal and 2 email followups. Email of 7/2/2005 to mrtv@mptmail.net.mm was answer ed on 9/26. Schedule of broadcasts in English and "Myanmar Language" was included. This was my one and only reception of Radio Myanmar. Country verified number 200. | J.Evans-TN-USA | Cumbre DX-ML | Sep 05 |
5985, Myanmar Radio & TV, good looking, colorful folder card with stylized map of Burma, globe and flag on front, full-data and sked on inside, V/S Ko Ko Htway, Dir. of Radio B/Cing, Myanma Radio & TV. Also a stn folder. Return address: Ko Ko Htway, Dir. (Broadcasting), Myanma Radio & TV, Pyay Road, Yangon. For rcpn in Hawaii; rcvd by registered mail, two yrs. total for CD rpt and $1, no follow-ups. A nice surprise. | J.Berg-MA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Sep 06 |
Myanmar R. $1 return postage, 5985 kHz, qsl-card 2 years (v/s Ko Ko Htway, Dir. Address: Ko Ko Htway, Dir. Myanma Radio and TV; Pyay Road, Yangon.) | J.Berg-MA-USA | BDXC-UK 2006-10 | Okt 06 |
Recvd a qsl folder from Radio Myanmar in 3 month for a snail mailed report. My earlier qsl from Myanmar was a qsl letter. Here is the address I used : MYANMA RADIO & TV., ATTN : KO KO HTWAY, DIRECTOR OF RADIO BROADCASTING, 426, PYAY ROAD, KAMAYUT - 11041, YANGON, MYANMAR. | A.Gupta-IND | direct to QIP | Feb 07 |
Delighted to receive full data QSL Card, schedule and personal letter from Ko Ko Htway, Myanma Radio and TV. This QSL was for a 1998 report. I have been trying to QSL this station for over 30 years. [..] | P.Cody-IRL | DX Window 317 | Feb 07 |
Myanma Radio and Television 5986 kHz, 1900 days, det. Faltkarte, nach einigen reminder, alles im R-Brief erhalten / 3 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 07 |
Myanma Radio and Television 4725 kHz, 1900 days, det. Faltkarte, nach einigen reminder / 3 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 07 |
Myanma Radio and Television 5986 kHz, 1900 days, det. Brief mein 207 bestätigtes Radio Land | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 07 |
Myanma Radio and Television 4725 kHz, 1900 days, det. Brief | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 07 |
Got some nice QSL's recently, including one from Myanmar, after at least 25 years of reports! Decided to send this one out Registered Mail with Return Receipt, and included some Myanmar stamps (had to get them from a dealer in Thailand!), 3 I.R.C.'s, $1.00 and a Harpers Ferry postcard, and reports from two separate days, the first for reception on 5986, and the other for first 5040.0, then re-tuned to 5986 at 1200 UT. Well, 5 weeks later, when I was starting to wonder if my letters were even getting through to Myanmar (another N. Korea, I was wondering?), I finally got the Return Receipt back, although there was no signature of recipient, but a couple of official-looking stamps in Myanma alphabet. The very next afternoon, there was a notice in my mailbox (It's a drop 2/3-mi. from here; they don't deliver to the side roads in this huge subdivision) that I had a Registered Letter, and said it was from U Ko Ko Htway, who I recognized to be the v/s for Myanma Radio. So I drove down to the P. O., and sure enough it was the QSL. Included a very nice multi-color folder-card, and also a nice personal letter from Ko Ko Htway (U is a title of respect, kinda like Sir), who seems to take pride in verifying reports. | A.Vranes Jr.-WV-USA | DXLD 7-034 | Mrz 07 |
Radio Myanmar 5985 kHz, Date/Frequency beautiful folder "Map/Flag/Globe" card, program guide and personal letter in 54 days from v/s Ko Ko Htway, Director of Broadcasting for e-mailed report. QSL came via registered mail. After many years of reports via regular mail I finally got through. Very happy with a new country verified...md | M.Delmage-AB-CAN | CIDX 2007-05 | Mai 07 |
Myanmar R $1 7185 kHz, full data folder 10 years (after many f/ups) | P.Cody-IRL | BDXC-UK 207-06 | Jun 07 |
Radio Myanmar 7185 Full data folder Map/Globe card and friendly letter in 6 Months via registered mail. V/S KoKo Htway. Thus ends an almost 20 year epic battle to get a verification out of this station. NASWA Country 202. Very Happy with this and all the QSLs received here. | J.M.Fisher-MA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Jul 07 |
QSL aus Myanmar: Am Freitag kam per Einschreiben eine QSL Karte und ein kleiner Brief in dem ein Mr Ko Ko Htway schreibt in English : ich habe ihren Brief und die Cassette am 2 Mai.2008 erhalten. Er schreibt auch das das Programm jetzt aus Nay Pyi Taw Myanma Radio (not in Yangon) kommt. [..] Geschrieben hatte ich den Bericht am 28.11.2006 ( das ist kein Fehler die Jahreszahl ). das ist für mich ein neuer Rekord in der Laufzeit. Aber auch nach so einer lange Zeit freut man sich über die Antwort. Aufgenommen hatte ich den Start des Programm um 00:30 auf der 7185 kHz Empfänger damals E-1800 mit Wullenweber Antenne. alle Zeiten in UTC. | D.Knust-D | A-DX-ML | Jun 08 |
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