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Mongolia (Asia) |
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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations from Mongolia
Mongolia Previous Page : Maldives Next Page : Myanmar
Domestic Stations
Mongolian National R Index Mongolia Index Asia
4.895 kHz, f/d QSL card, postcard, pers. letter, v/s Z. Densmaa, Mail Editor, as she told me, I've listened to a "domestic program of Mongolean Radio", 3 month, rp 1 US$ | R.Bessler-D | direct to QIP | Jul 04 |
Mongolian National Radio 4830 kHz and 4895 kHz verified with a det. card in 35 days. 1 US-$ for RP. QTH: C.P.O. 365, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia. v/s Densmaa, mail editor of VoM (e-mail: densmaa9@yahoo.com) | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Mrz 05 |
MR 4895 kHz, VOM QSL-card, postcard, letter, sked in 56 days. V/s Densmaa. Z mail editor, VOM. Address: The VOICE OF MONGOLIA C.P.O. Box 365, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia. | S.Kolesov-RUS | direct to QIP | Jan 06 |
164 MONGOLIA, Ulaanbaatar, rec full detail QSL card, along with postcard, tourist info and verie letter in 73d for CD/cassette report and $2 rp. V/S: Densmaa Zorigt-Mail editor, Voice of Mongolia. Address: The Voice of Mongolia, CPO Box 365, Ulaanbaator 13, Mongolia. I am really pleased with this one. | P.Martin-OR-USA | mwoz-ML | Nov 06 |
R Khekh Tangar (2nd Domestic
Svc) Index Mongolia Index Asia
4850, Radiostation Khekh Tangar (Blue Sky), broadcasting here since April 15, 1994, in Mongolian. I have QSL letter from this station, v/s Director, A.Buidakhmet. (DX Window) | F.Brazhnikov-RUS | Cumbre DX 212 | Okt 98 |
I've got a verification from Khekh Tenger, the 2nd program of Mongolian Radio. Report sent to: Ulaanbaatar-II, Khuvsgalchdyn zam-3, Central Radio & TV, radiostation Khekh Tenger. Sender's address on the reply was the same as Voice of Mongolia: Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar-13, P.O.Box 365, Russian section. A quote from their QSL letter (written in Russian, translated by Signal editor) : ".Radio station Khekh Tenger broadcasts a news bulletin in Russian daily at 10 and 19 hours Ulaanbaatar time. We're planning to add Soviet and Russian songs before and after that newscast." | V.Kovalenko-RUS | Signal 051 | Apr 02 |
External Service
R Ulan Bator [since 1997 Vo Mongolia]
Index Mongolia Index Asia
R Ulan Bator - det. Karte Ornamente 11990 kHz 1200 14.04.89 63 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jun 89 |
R. Ulan Bator, 7530, full-data native W card in 1-1 / 2 months for EG rpt tape and $ 2. Also personal letter, sked, pgm guide sticker, copy of Mongol Messenger. v/s D. Batbayar Mail Editor. | E.Rausch-NJ-USA | Cumbre DX 075 | Feb 96 |
R Ulaan Baatar 7539 qsl-card no r.postage 50 days | Z.Liangas-GRC | WDXC QSL Report | Dez 96 |
Vo Mongolia [until 1996 R Ulan Bator]
Index Mongolia Index Asia
The Voice of Mongolia provides QSLs for every qualifying reception report, and 9 different QSLs are available. Reception reports and letters shouldbe sent to the language sections (i.e. English section), Voice of Mongolia, C.P.O.Box 365, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia. Two IRC's or 1 $ to cover postage expenses would be appreciated. -I am the Mail Editor at the English section and would be very happy to assist you further. Thank you for your co-operation. (via DX Window, Mar 20) | D.Batbayar-MNG | BC-DX 299 | Mrz 97 |
V.o.Mongolia on 12085, fd QSL card in 58 days (DSWCI SWN 08/97) | M.Mitsuaki-J | TFW 034 | Aug 97 |
Vo Mongolia 15170 kHz, p/d confirmation letter in 24 days, schedule, info, promised qsl-card was not included | R.Sonntag-D | direct to QIP | Sep 97 |
Today I received a nice QSL-letter, card and info frm The Voice of Mongolia, after about 4 weeks for my report on 15170 kHz. v/s : Battsetseg. Adress : CPO Box 365, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia. e-mail adres : mrtv@magicnet.mn. | M.van Arnhem-HOL | DX Window 086 | Okt 97 |
V.o.Mongolia on 12085 in 114 days, v/s D.Batbayar (DX Post, Australia, Aug 97 / Play DX 951 Oct 6) | J.Plummer-AUS | TFW 039 | Okt 97 |
Voice of Mongolia 15170 qsl-card 268 days, v/s : David O'Connor. | M.Beesley-G | WDXC QSL Report | Okt 97 |
Voice of Mongolia 12085 qsl-card no r.postage 49 days. | P.Miroshnikov-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Okt 97 |
12085 V. of Mongolia f/d card, personal letter and " Mongol Messenger " newspaper in 7 weeks. | G.Maroti-NY-USA | Cumbre DX 168 | Dez 97 |
V o Mongolia on 12025, fd card, schedule, info in 96 days (DSWCI, Denmark, SWN # 1 Jan 1998 Vol 42 , QSL Corner) | M.A.Cornachioni-ARG | TFW 049 | Jan 98 |
V.o.Mongolia on 15170, QSL, letter, schedules, newspaper, v/s Lhagvadulam, chief editor of Russian section, in 90 days. (Play DX # 969 Feb. 16) | S.M.Kolesov-UKR | TFW 053 | Mrz 98 |
Voice of Mongolia 15170 qsl-card no r.postage 76 days. | G.Grigoriev-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Mrz 98 |
12085 Voice of Mongolia verify with a beautifull postcard (photo-style) in 2 month. | G.Szucs-HNG | Cumbre DX 192 | Mai 98 |
12085 Radio Ulan Bator (or so says the card) partial data card without veri-signer. Concentric radio waves emanating from stylized gold tower (all on blue background. Received in five months for an English report plus three IRC, plus an English follow up with $ 1.00 enclosed. Also received some very nice mint stamps. | R.E.Hankison-KS-USA | Cumbre DX 192 | Mai 98 |
12085 Voice of Mongolia Photo QSL, personal letter and program guide with the history of radio. 2 IRCs and a tape of the program confirmed in 3 months. | M.Caneva-ARG | Cumbre DX 193 | Jun 98 |
Voice of Mongolia 12085, beautiful postcard showing couple in traditional garb on Mongolian steppe in 4 months for US $ 1 e-mail listed as mrtv@magicnet.mn | C.Pygott-? | ODXA 1999-03 | Mrz 99 |
Vo Mongolia / 12085 kHz, 64 days, detailed qsl-card. | M.Weidner-D | ADDX 1999-23 | Dez 99 |
Voice of Mongolia, full data, QSL color postcard of people in native costume on the grassy rocky hills, in 5 months, from V.O.Mongolia, C.P.O. Box 365, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia, with pamphlet on V.o.Mongolia and Mongolian Airlines, personal letter signed by Ms. Zaya | C.P.Crawford-KY-USA | Cumbre DX 272 | Dez 99 |
12015 Voice of Mongolia heard 27 August 1999 at 1228- 1229 in English. QSL consisted of two picture postcards, one with verification and personal note in English, + schedule in 5 languages. Responding in 324 days to my DX Report following two mail reminders, a FAX reminder, and an e-mail reminder. | G.Glotzbach-NM-USA | Cumbre DX 305 | Jul 00 |
12015 kHz. Voice of Mongolia, P.O.Box 365, Ulaan Bator 13. Tarjeta QSL completa, envio de dos postales y folleto de frecuencias. Envio de 2 cupones IRC. Contesto en 90 dias. | R.Vázquez Dourado-E | Conexion Digital 069 | Aug 00 |
Erhielt heute eine handgeschriebene Postkarte und ein Programmheft von Vo Mongolia (Laufzeit 64 Tage nach Erinnerungsschreiben). In der Postkarte, die nur mit " staff " unterzeichnet war, dankte man mir für mein Interesse an den Sendungen, auf meinen Empfangsbericht wurde aber sonst keinerlei Bezug genommen. | E.Gehrig-E | A-DX-ML | Sep 00 |
12085, Voice of Mongolia, no-data " thank you for showing interest in our prgm " card in 22 mos. for an EG rpt and $ 1. Said they have a mailbag prgm on Mon & Tue. Also rcvd a sked which incl. a Domestic and Intl Flight sked for Mongolian Airlines. | F.S.Kohlbrenner-PA-USA | Numero Uno 1596 | Sep 00 |
12085, Voice of Mongolia, same no data response reported by Kohlbrenner in last week's NU, in " only " 675 days. Why do they bother responding this way ? Their postcard mentions a mailbag prgm on Monday and that more information about Mongolia is available at an online newspaper in EG at http://www.mongoliathisweek.mn/ Unfortunately, when I visited this site it turns out to be a paid subscriptions newspaper service. Perhaps I'll pick up on JB's suggestion last week and do an in-person visit one day. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Numero Uno 1597 | Sep 00 |
Voice of Mongolia, 12085 kHz, QSL-card and schedule in 16 days. Rp : 2 IRCs. Vs Ms.Bolor Purevdorj, Producer-editor, English Section. | W.Phillips-G | direct to QIP | Okt 00 |
The Voice of Mongolia, 12015 kHz. QSL card, schedule programme and airlines' schedule. v/s : A.Zaya. He saw : " Badbayar does not work for VoM aymore. Anyway, Thanks a lot ". They replied in 140 days. | J.A.Arranz Sanz-E | HCDX-ML | Okt 00 |
Voice of Mongolia hat offenbar keine QSL-Karten mehr. Der RR über den Empfang auf 12015 kHz wurde nach 36 Tagen mit undetaillierter aber sehr freundlicher Grußkarte 'Sunrise in Gobi' bestätigt. Außerdem lagen Stationsinfos, Sticker und mongolische Briefmarken bei. Rp 1 US. Adr. : Voice of Mongolia, P.O.Box 365, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia. | J.Adolph-D | Eastside DX 12 | Nov 00 |
Voice of Mongolia 12015,00 kHz, - 469 Tage, K, PG, ST Details : ja. | P.E.Boeck-D | EAWRC 283 | Dez 00 |
Voice of Mongolia 12085 kHz, n/d, rp : no, 675 days. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | WDXC QSL Report | Jan 01 |
VOICE OF MONGOLIA 12015 QSL + SCHEDULE. V/s: A ZAYA. 140d. NO IRC. QTH : CPO BOX 465, ULAN BAATAAR. | D.Canonica-SUI | Play-DX 1095 | Jan 01 |
Vo Mongolia / 12015, 469 days, detailed QSL-card, PG, Sticker. | P.E.Boeck-D | ADDX 2001-03 | Feb 01 |
I had Radio Ulan Bator verified in the late '60's with a very lovely personal letter, the final paragraph of which wishing me a "Merry Xmas and a Happy New!" Over the years I've had opportunity to request information from them, i.e., program schedules, and they have always been the picture of cooperation. With each reply came a personal note, some great post cards, often several Mongolian stamps and, on one occasion, a couple of issues of the Mongolian Times. The impression given is that this is a national trait, that is to say, an overt warmth and friendship extended to strangers. It just seemed to go far beyond what would normally be expected from any radio service. Has anyone else noticed this? | O.Siegel-ON-CAN | ODXA-ML | Dez 01 |
Mongolia QSL - A full data hand written QSL received from the Voice of Mongolia, in 39 days, for an English Report and $1 return postage. QSL was a color photo of a camel, two circular houses, and motorcycles. Heard at 1030 UTC on 12085 kHz on October 20 and 21. Also a nice individual letter, including the following: “Congratulations on persevering for so long, especially as of course for some reason we do not target either of the Americas, despite the fruitful market it would seem to offer! Our masters have their own wise reasons, not doubt.” Letter and QSL signed by David O’Connor, Editor, Voice of Mongolia. This is (I think) about #127 or so verified, and one of my most wanted cards for years, having only heard them about 3 times previously, and never as good as this past October the Mohawk Valley SWL Club DX camp. | R.Chambers-NY-USA | ODXA-ML | Dez 01 |
12085 - MNG - Voice of Mongolia - Ulanbaatar - Recebido belíssimo cartão QSL, sked, informações sob re o país e simpática carta pessoal. Demora de 79 dias. v/s: David O'Connor, Editor. QTH : Voice of Mongolia, CPO Box 365, Ulanbaatar 13, Mongolia. Sem dúvida alguma esta confirmação tem diversos aspectos interessantes: o próprio QSL, que é muito bonito, mostrando imagens de templos e monges budistas em fotos maravilhosas. A carta pessoal ressaltava que meu informe estava muito bom, apesar de eu não entender nada do conteúdo da transmissão (em Mongol). Isso serve para reafirmar que mesmo que ouçamos transmissões em idiomas totalmente irreconhecíveis é possível obter o tão almejado QSL. Este é meu rádio país de número 36. | I.Dias da Silva Júnior-SP-B | Radioescutas-ML | Jan 02 |
Was lange währt, währt gut: Nach eineinhalb Jahren vergeblichen Versuchen (immer dominierte Damaskus) gelang mir am 05.02.2002 der Empfang der Voice of Mongolia um 1030 auf 12085 kHz. Meinen vorab gemailten Empfangsbericht (an radio-internet@magicnet.mn wie im WRTH 2002 angegeben) bestätigte (?) die Station heute vorab per email und kündigte die Übersendung der QSL-Karte an, sobald der schriftliche Bericht mit IRC eingegangen sei. | M.Reiff-D | direct to QIP | Feb 02 |
Vo Mongolia 12085 k b sch inf 33d v/s David O´Connor, Editor | B.Tandberg-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2002-03 | Apr 02 |
12085 kHz - Voz da Mongólia, Ulaanbaatar. Recebido cartão QSL, esquema de horários e freqüências e folhetos sobre a Mongólia, em 38 dias. v/s: David O’Connor, Editor. QTH : CPO Box 365, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongólia. | C.Romais-RS-B | Radioescutas-ML | Apr 02 |
12085 - Voice of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar - 50 diasapós f/up via carta registrada (a primeira carta en viada em junho de 2001 não chegou à emissora) Recebido cartão QSL full data e carta pessoal. v/s: David O' Connor, Editor QTH : CPO Box 365, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia | N.Ribas-SE-B | Atividade DX 094 Extra I | Mai 02 |
12085 - Voz da Mongólia - Ulaanbaatar-MNG - Recebido cartão QSL, esquema de horários e freqüências e folhetos sobre a Mongólia. 38 dias. V/S: David O'Connor, Editor. QTH: C. P. O. Box 365, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongólia. | C.Romais-SP-B | DXCB 2002-05 | Mai 02 |
Vo Mongolia / 12085 kHz, 31 Tage, det. K, pers. B / IRC. | P.Vaegler-D | ADDX 2002-13 | Jul 02 |
Recebi uma carta da Voice of Mongolia, seção japonesa, confirmando a minha recepção do dia 07/03/2002. Além da confirmação, recebi um outro texto, escrito em japonês, que traz a foto de um antílope no alto da página e no verso várias outras fotos de outros animais. Porém, o que mais me surpreendeu foi que veio um osso junto com as cartas. Alguém saberia me explicar o siginificado desse osso? Suponho que seja do antílope que citei, mas não tenho certeza. | M.Antonio Archanjo-SP-B | Atividade DX 104 | Jul 02 |
12085 Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, rec. a nice waterfall full detail QSL card in 62d for taped report. They enclosed a 50 note piece and two uncancelled Mongolian stamps, along with a form letter in CC and a program sked in EE. The report was sent to the Chinese section. | P.Martin-OR-USA | HCDX-ML | Jun 03 |
Heute traf die lange ersehnte QSL-Karte der Voice of Mongolia ein. Die Station scheint wieder eigene QSL-karten zu haben. Die heute eingetroffene zeigt auf der Vorderseite einen Yak vor einer Bergkulisse, die von einer bedrohlichen Wolkenformation eingehüllt ist. v/s ist der "Mail Editor" Z. Densmaa, der auch zwei persönliche Briefe unterzeichnete. Ich hörte die Station an meinem letzten Aufenthaltstag bei Wilhelm Herbst in Nord-DNK am 06.02.2002 von 1030-1100 auf 12085 kHz, von dort aus abgeschickt am 07.02.2002. Da eine Antwort ausblieb, schickte ich am 04.08.2003 einen Reminder bei Einschreiben zusammen mit einer vorbereiteten PPC. Gesamtlaufzeit: 588 Tage, 45 Tage nach Reminder. | M.Reiff-D | direct to QIP | Sep 03 |
12085 Voice of Mongolia, P.O.Box 365, Ulaanbaatar, QSL-c, f/d, personal letter, V/S Z. Densmaa, Mail Editor in 46 days 2 IRC | N.Eramo-ARG | direct to QIP | Okt 03 |
Vo Mongolia / 12085 kHz, 16 Tage, det. QSL-Karte, Tourist-Infos | K.-U.Hoefs-D | ADDX 2002-23 | Dez 03 |
Vo Mongolia / 12015 kHz, 29 Tage, det. QSL-Karte, B, PG,Tourist-Info / 1$, IRC | W.Jangel-D | ADDX 2004-03 | Feb 04 |
12085 kHz - R. Voz da Mongólia - Ulaambaatar. Recebido QSL, 3 postais, 2 cartões telefônicos, carta, Schedule. 28 Dias. V/S: Z. Densmaa - OBS: I.R enviado para o e-mail: mr@mongol.net. QTH CPO Box 365 Ulaanbaatar Mongólia. | L.dos Santos Nascimento-MG-B | Atividade DX 201 | Mai 04 |
Voice of Mongolia 4895 kHz, 40 Tage, det. Karte Motiv schneebedeckter Berg mit Jurden Zelte im Vordergrund, persönlicher Brief, PG / 2 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mai 04 |
12085 kHz R. Voice of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar. Recebido: Cartão QSL (belíssimo!!!!), cartão postal (idem!!!!), carta pessoal e boletim de horários e frequencias. 509 dias (IR resubmetido via eletronica em 02.06.04). V/S: Z.Densmaa, Mail Editor, Voice of Mongolia. QTH: CPO Box 365, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia. Email: mr@mongol.net. | R.Walter Grimm-SP-B | Atividade DX 208 | Jul 04 |
Vo Mongolia / 12015 kHz, 45 Tage, detail. QSL-Card, pers. letter, PG, AK / IRC | P.Vaegler-D | ADDX 2004-18 | Sep 04 |
12085 kHz - R. Voz da Mongolia - Ulaanbaatar Recebidos QSL, Carta Pessoal e Schedule 18 dias. V/S: Z. Densmaa I.R enviado para o e-mail: mr@mongol.net QTH: C.P.O Box 365 Ulaanbaatar 13 Mongolia. | L.dos Santos Nascimento-MG-B | Atividade DX 225 | Nov 04 |
Vo Mongolia 12085 card letter 3pk schedule 1m, - Send med et heste-postkort, sa smelter de helt, lyder oppfordringen fra Arvid, som selv oppgir a ha bidratt med "et utdanka gammelt ok fra Leangen"... | A.Husdal-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2004-08 | Nov 04 |
12085 kHz - Voice Of Mongolia. Confirmacao de escuta consistindo de um cartao QSL mostrando uma paisagem rural mongol e um cartao de boas festas (com fotos de edificios no estilo sovietico). 86 dias. V/S: Densmaa - Mail Editor of English Section. QTH: The Voice of Mongolia - The English Section C.P.O. Box 365, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia | ?-B | Atividade DX 232 | Jan 05 |
V of Mongolia no return postage 12015 kHz, card 31 days | D.Kenny-G | BDXC-UK 2005-01 | Jan 05 |
12085, The Voice of Mongolia, Recibida tarjeta QSL con datos completos y tarjeta postal "Visit Mongolia", con vistas del país, en 18 días. V/S: Densmaa, Mail editor of the Voice of Mongolia. Esta escucha corresponde a una de sus transmisiones en inglés, 1000 UTC del día 25 de Diciembre. Se envió el informe a la siguiente dirección, y se andjuntó 1 IRC. The Voice of Mongolia, English Service, P.O. Box 365, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia. Y también se envío por e-mail a: mr@mongol.net | M.Méndez-E | direct to QIP | Jan 05 |
Vo Mongolia / 12085 kHz, 22 Tage, det. Karte, pers. B, AK, PG / $ | E.Röscher-D | ADDX 2005-02 | Feb 05 |
Vo Mongolia / 12085 kHz, 34 Tage, det. Karte, B, PG | M.Martin-D | ADDX 2005-02 | Feb 05 |
12085 kHz - R. Voz da Mongolia - Ulaanbaatar - MNG. Recebido QSL, Cartao de Natal. 73 dias. V/S: Z.Densmaa. QTH: C.P.O Box 365, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia. | L.dos Santos Nascimento-MG-B | Atividade DX 239 | Feb 05 |
Hallo Freunde des Hobbys, nach mehreren Versuchen traf heute ein Luftpostbrief mit QSL sowie einer Postkarte von der Vo Mongolia ein.Die Laufzeit betrug 24 Tage. | D.Rosenau-D | A-DX-ML | Mrz 05 |
Vo Mongolia 12085 kart pk sch 6 uke (weeks) | C.W.Englund-S | Norwegian DX News 2005-03 | Apr 05 |
Vo Mongolia / 12085 kHz, 38 Tage, det. QSL-K / $ | D.Rosenau-D | ADDX 2005-10 | Okt 05 |
Vo Mongolia / 12085 kHz, 15 Tage, det. QSL-K | L.Janßen-D | ADDX 2005-10 | Okt 05 |
R Ulan Bator: Die Laufzeit für eine QSL war 31 Tage für einen RR von Ende Oktober. Sie scheinen sich nach RR`s zu sehnen. | R-Ladusch-D | A-DX-ML | Dez 05 |
Vo Mongolia 12085 k b sch 44 days | T.Nielsen-NZL | Norwegian DX News 2006-02 | Feb 06 |
Vo Mongolia: nach zwei Wochen kam auf einen Email RR an vorgenannte Station eine det. QSL, ein pers.Brief und eine ältere Ausgabe des Mongol Messenger. 73 | T.Lindenthal-D | A-DX-ML | Mrz 06 |
Voice of Mongolia 12085 kHz. Full data QSL card, v/s Densmaa Z, Mail Editor. | C.A.Edwards-NT-AUS | direct to QIP | Mrz 06 |
Voice of Mongolia 12085 kHz, 400 Tage, teildet. E-Mail nach reminder QSL Karte soll noch folgen | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 06 |
Voice of Mongolia 12085 kHz QSL card + Letter Address : P.o.Box 365, Ulaan Bataar 1. NO SENT Rp. (via D.Monferini-I) | M.Vizzoni-I | CoRad Newsletter-ML | Apr 06 |
Voice of Mongolia, 12.085 kHz, broadcasts in English to SEAs, confirmed two reception reports (from January 2006) with two QSLs "Visit Mongolia". Also Mrs. Z. Densmaa, Mail Editor, sended a kindly letter, programme schedule, Mongol bus tickets and a beatiful postcard. Confirmed in 87 days. (In other letter they sended a newspaper, "Mongol Messenger", in a special edition from the Bush's visit to Mongolia, in November 2005) | E.Peñailillo-CHL | direct to QIP | Apr 06 |
Voice of Mongolia, 12.085 kHz, broadcasts in English to SEAs, confirmed two reception reports (from February 2006) with two QSLs "Visit Mongolia". Also send letter, postcard and programme schedule. Confirmed in 63 days. Listened in Puerto Montt, more than 1.000 kilometers at south of Santiago, Chile. | E.Peñailillo-CHL | direct to QIP | Apr 06 |
12085 kHz, Voice of Mongolia, full data QSL-card (excl. tx site), cards shows the mountains and 'Visit Mongolia', v/s Z.Densmaa , mail editor VoM. The letter also contained a schedule, a few stamps, a further postcard, an edition of the Mongol Messenger (in English) and a personal letter of the v/s. In 41 days for a report in English with no rp to Vo Mongolia, CPO Box 365, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. | M.Schöch-D | direct to QIP | Apr 06 |
Hoy recibí tres QSL de La Voice of Mongolia, el tiempo de demora entre el envío de los informes de recepción y la llegada de las QSL es de aproximadamente 60 días. Dirección (servicio en inglés): The English Section, The Voice of Mongolia, C.P.O. Box 365, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia. Se me olvidó decir que para enviar informes de recepción para Voice of Mongolia, es necesario incluir un IRC (o cupón de canje internacional). | P.De los Ríos-CHL | Noticias DX-ML | Apr 06 |
Vo Mongolia / 12085 kHz, 63 Tage, 2 detailierte Karte, AK, Programm-Guide, Brief nach f/up | S.Arndt-D | ADDX 2006-06 | Jun 06 |
Vo Mongolia / 12085 kHz, 52 Tage, detailierte Karte, Brief, Programm-Guide / IRC, $ | C.P.Schenk-D | ADDX 2006-08 | Aug 06 |
12085 La Voz de Mongolia C.P.O Box 365 Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia - QSL-card + postal + horario + folletos turisticos 50 dias. | H.Goyena-ARG | Conexion Digital 386 | Sep 06 |
Vo Mongolia /12085 kHz, 49 Tage, det. K, AK, Info, PG | D.Kähler-D | ADDX 2006-10 | Okt 06 |
Voice of Mongolia, 12085 kHz. Received detailled QSL card, letter, schedule, greetings card and tourist information leaflet after 35 days. RR sent by postal mail with 2 IRCs. | Th.Voelkner-D | direct to QIP | Nov 06 |
Heute gibt es ein verspätetes Weihnachtsgeschenk: gleich 2 Briefe aus der Mongolei! Einer mit einer sehr schönen Grußkarte zum neuen Jahr und dann der zweite Brief mit QSL-Karte (super Landschaftsaufnahme), Sendeplan, einer Karte mit Pferderennenmotiv und einem deutschsprachigen (!) Flyer mit touristischen Infos. | R.Schuttkowski-D | A-DX-ML | Dez 06 |
Tarjeta QSL "Visit Mongolia" con imagen de un rebaño de animales similares a renos, completa, V/S "Densmaa, Mail Editor, VOM". Corresponde a una escucha de la transmisión en inglés del 23/9 1000-1030 UTC en 12085 kHz. No indica potencia ni sitio transmisor. Viene acompañada por una carta personal firmada por Densmaa Zorigt, tarjeta postal con imagen de típicas tiendas circulares blancas y rebaños pastando en el Gobi, folleto turístico en alemán "Ziel Mongolei", pero que en un sector lleva la leyenda "In the steppes of Genghis Khan" Esta gente si que sabe atraer el turismo de aventura Envié 2 IRCs, y demoró 70 días. | M.Knochen-URG | Conexion Digital 397 | Dez 06 |
The Voice of Mongolia 4895 kHz, 54 Tage, det. Karte, Motiv Gebirgslandschaft mit See im Vordergrund, Grußkarte, persönlicher Brief, PG, Info über die Mongolei in deutsch/ 2 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Dez 06 |
Here comes something truly unusual - I must say its THE event this year in my DX hobby: The Voice of Mongolia is a very nice station and their Mailbag editor Densmaa Zorigt is very keen on contacts with listeners. When perusing my old log book from the late 1940'ies a couple of months ago, I stopped at Radio Ulanbator heard on 8400 kHz several times late 1949 and early 1950. I never got a verification, in spite of good reception reports. Now I sent a follow-up and today arrived a letter with three different old (yellowish!) QSL cards from Radio Ulanbator and a modern card for a fresh report on the Voice of Mongolia. These QSLs confirm my reception 57 YEARS AGO! I just wonder if anybody beats the record. You can imagine my feelings of pride and pleasure! The Voice of Mongolia will remain one of my favourites, not only because of this but also due to nice programs and excellent communication with DXers | U.Qvick-S | DXLD 6-185 | Dez 06 |
Voice of Mongolia 4830 kHz, 40 Tage, det. Karte Motiv Landschaftsaufnahme, Grußkarte Motiv Altai Mountains, PG / 2 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jan 07 |
VOICE of MONGOLIA 12085 kHz QSL Card + Letter in 30 days, NO Rp. ADDRESS : P.O.BOX 365, ULAAN BAATAR. (April 2006) | M.Vizzoni-I | Play-DX 2007 | Jan 07 |
Vo Mongolia / 12085 kHz, 45 Tage, det. K, PG | M.Keulertz-E | ADDX 2007-02 | Feb 07 |
Vo Mongolia / 12085 kHz, 47 Tage, det. K, PG, AK, SBM, Tourist-Info / IRC | R.Sonntag-D | ADDX 2007-02 | Feb 07 |
Vo Mongolia / 12085 kHz, 54 Tage, det. K, AK, pers. B, PG, Info / IRC | U.Wicke-D | ADDX 2007-02 | Feb 07 |
The Voice of Mongolia 12085 kHz, 42 days, det. Karte Motiv Landschaftsaufnahme, persönlicher Brief, Info über die Mongolai, Klappgrußkarte Motiv mongolische Kinder vor Jurden, PG / 2 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 07 |
Voz de Mongolia, 12.085 kHz, transmisiones en inglés al Sudeste de Asia. Confirma cuatro informes de recepción con tarjetas QSLs: una de luchadores mongoles, y otra de la Corporación de Turismo de Mongolia. También envían postal y folleto turístico. Informes enviados por vía postal a The Voice of Mongolia, English Section, C.P.O. Box 365, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia. Demoraron 75 días en confirmar. V/S: Densmaa Zorigt, Mail Editor. (Thanks again, Mrs. Densmaa). | E.Peñailillo-CHL | direct to QIP | Mrz 07 |
Vo Mongolia / 12085 kHz, 26 Tage, detaillierte Karte, Ansichtskarte, persönlicher Brief, Programmheft, Touristinfo in D / $ | K.P.Hilger-D | ADDX 2007-04 | Apr 07 |
Voice of Mongolia 12085 kHz verified with a det. QSL card, New Year´s Greeting card and schedule in 52 days. QTH: C.P.OBox 365, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia. v/s Mrs. Densmaa, mail editor VoM. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Jan 08 |
12085 kHz The Voice of Mongolia. Tarjeta QSL. V/S Densmaa Zorigt, Mail Editor. Carta personal, Esquema y Horario. Demoro: 110 días. Informe enviando a: densmaa9@yahoo.com cc. mr@mogol.net. incluyendo archivo de audio .mp3 | R.Rodriguez R.-CLM | Lista-Condig-ML | Jun 10 |
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