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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations from Hong Kong
Hong Kong Previous Page : East Timor Next Page : India 1
Domestic Stations
Quote AM 864 Index Hong Kong Index Asia
Quote AM, Peng Chau 864 trivelig email 3 weeks, (e-mail : divine[ät]netvigator.com) | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 1998-09 | Nov 98 |
Quote 864 e-mail via Arnstein (rpt vår 97) | B.Mjelde-NOR | Norwegian DX News 1998-10 | Dez 98 |
Quote 864 brev 13 days, v/s Paul C.K.Lam Engineering Manager. Hong Kong er vel ikke lenger eget radioland etter Kinas overtakelse. | A.Årdal-NOR | Norwegian DX News 1999-01 | Jan 99 |
Quote 846 / 846 kHz, 15 days, B; geh. in HKG. | T.Brandenburg-D | ADDX-Kurier 2000-07 | Apr 00 |
RT Hong Kong Index Hong Kong Index Asia
3943 kHz, Hong Kong 29.07.83 16.08.83 18 days, QSL : kort | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Aug 83 |
3940 RTHK, me too. | H.Pedersen-DNK | DX Window 010 | Apr 96 |
3940 RTHK, beautiful QSL card but sad to say no freq filled in, from RTHK, Broadcasting House, 30 Broadcast Drive, in 22 days for $ 1. | R.Howard-CA-USA | DX Window 010 | Apr 96 |
3940 RTHK card showing HK harbor with stn FM antenna, logo in lower right; veri statement on back, but, as with others, no fqy entered in the -fqy- space. In 3 wks. | J.Berg-MA-USA | Cumbre DX 085 | Mai 96 |
3940.00 RTHK. According to a reply from Hong Kong Telecom, the weather forecast on shortwave which was operated between April 2 + April 21, was transmitted by -Cape D'Aguilar HF Radio Transmitting Station- with callsign -China Sea Race-. This temporal outlet has used -Marconi- brand transmitter H1103 model with an output of 10kW (type of transmission R3E). They issued f / d card with two pictures of transmitter site. v/s : Luis Kam Chuen (Assistant Engineer). QTH : Cape D'Agular Road, sheck o, Hong Kong. P.O.Box : 9896, GPO Hong Kong. TEL : + 852 2888 1128. FAX : + 825 2809 2434. (I also received RTHK's no data QSL cd in two weeks.) | T.Inoue Nozaki-J | Cumbre DX 085 | Mai 96 |
R-TV Hong Kong, 3940, no data color photo card of FM antenna and harbor by air in 3 weeks for $ 1.00. The bad news that the card was blank. There was a space for the frequency, but it was not filled in. I'm sending it back with a polite note, requesting it be filled in. Will see what happens. | C.Lobdell-MA-USA | Cumbre DX 094 | Mai 96 |
After typing in the details and returning my blank card to the stn, I requested the card be signed / authenticated, stamped and returned. It came back in 2 weeks, stamped, signed by W.K. Li, Telecom Engineer, RTHK ! | C.Lobdell-MA-USA | Cumbre DX 097 | Mai 96 |
RTV Hong Kong, 3940, verified with a no-data -Hong Kong Harbour- card in just 23 days, leaving the space for freq blank as with others that have reported receiving a reply. Odd that someone goes to the bother only to leave the freq space blank ! However, nobody has pointed out the interesting -stuff- on the outside of the envelope such as the -Smoking is hazardous to health- declaration on the front or the -WITH CARE THIS ENVELOPE CAN BE RE-USED MANY TIMES. USE ECONOMY LABELS.- | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Cumbre DX 097 | Mai 96 |
3940 Hongkong Telecom's Cape D'Aguilar HF Radio Transmitting Station, very nice folder QSL card with 2 different color photos of xmtr site inserted into the card, confirms freq + date, power : 10 KW PEP, call sign : China Sea Race, v/s Lui Kam Chuen, Assistant Engineer, address : Hongkong Telecom, Cape D'Aguilar Road, Shek O, Hong Kong (also P.O. Box 9896 GPO, Hong Kong), in 25 days for $ 1. This makes up for the no data RTHK QSL card, hi. | R.Howard-CA-USA | DX Window 011 | Mai 96 |
3940 Radio Television Hong Kong via Hong Kong Telecom replied in 25 days with a beautiful full data folding card QSL which included two photographs of Hong Kong Telecom transmitting facilities from v/s Lui Kam Chuen, Assistant Engineer, HF Radio Transmitting Stations. Now I don't need to send back my RTHK no data card for details. this one will do nicely ! | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Cumbre DX 089 | Jun 96 |
I think I'm the only one whose Hong Kong report came back marked -undeliverable.- Rats, my luck. | C.Rippel-VA-USA | Cumbre DX 097 | Aug 96 |
RTVHK 3940, 2 QSL's in one week from Hong Kong ! f/d folding -Harbor- card via Hong Kong Telecom with 2 beautiful photos of the transmitter site and 3 stickers in 24 days for taped report, $ 1.00 US and a local postcard. Report was sent to Hong Kong Telecom International Ltd, Telecom House, 3 Gloucester Rd., Hong Kong. v/s Lui Kam Chuen, Assistant Engineer. Thanks to D'Angelo and Potter via Cumbre DX for info in getting this one. RTVHK finally QSLed 2 days later with n / d antenna / harbor card either from my original or follow-up report to RTVHK address. | M.Mohrmann-VT-USA | Cumbre DX 099 | Aug 96 |
RTVHK FM tower card w / date and freq in 10 mos | S.Price-PA-USA | Cumbre DX 127 | Feb 97 |
Hong-Kong Telecom (Yacht Races) 3 page f /d fold out -Season Greetings- card with 2 inserted glossy 5 X 7- pictures of the Cape D' Anguilar HF Transmitting Station and antenna farm in 18 days after follow up for tape, written report and 2 international reply coupons. v/s Lui Kam Chen, Assistant Engineer | C.Rippel-VA-USA | Cumbre DX 136 | Mai 97 |
RTVHK Full Data prepared card with nice -king's crown RTVHK logo- rubber stamp along with the full data -FM Tower- card in 4 months | S.Price-PA-USA | Cumbre DX 137 | Mai 97 |
RTHK 1044 kHz reported from Horg Kong produced a friendly " iced " letter, refusing to confirm the report cause " we are unable to send you our verification as the receipton 'was made within Hong Kong " v/s : Thomas M.B.Lal for dir.of broad. (very " stupid invitation to send reports (FAKE) from Italy or Russia !) QTH : Broadcasting House, 30 Broadcast Drive, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China. FAX : (+ 852) 2338-0279 (reported in Hong Kong) | B.Gornati-I | Play-DX 0997 | Okt 98 |
QSL: Hong Kong 3940 kHz Heute lag ein detaillierter QSL-Brief des Hong Kong Observatory im Kasten, dazu ein Sendeplan. Verie-Signer ist K.L. Lee. Laufzeit 12 Tage auf einen E-Mail-Bericht mit angehängtem Soundfile an mailbox[ät]hko.gov.hk Der Wetterdienst hat die Sendung produziert, die dann von RTV Hong Kong über Sendeanlagen der Küstenfunkstelle Cape d'Aguilar Radio ausgestrahlt wurden. | M.Elbe-D | A-DX-ML | Okt 02 |
RTV Hongkong schickte gerade diese e-Mail-QSL: "Dear Martin Elbe.Thank you for your enquiry. RTHK has 7 radio broadcasting channels which are broadcast in AM and FM. We only provide occasional short wave weather reports for the Yacht race. It's so lucky that you could pick up our short wave signals. Kind regards. RTHK Corporate Communications Unit" Hoffentlich kommt "The Real Stuff" noch hinterher. Ich hatte ein Soundfile angehängt, um das Elend zu dokumentieren. Alle anderen auf der Website angegebenen E-Mail-Adressen gingen nicht, nur ccu[ät]rthk.org.hk Laufzeit 1 Tag. | M.Elbe-D | A-DX-ML | Okt 02 |
QSL from RTHK 3940 USB. | J.Savolainen-FIN | HCDX-ML | Okt 02 |
Radio Television Hong Kong 3940 p/d QSL-card in 3 weeks for mint stamps on a tape report. | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | direct to QIP | Nov 02 |
After 4 weeks I received a QSL-card from Radio TV Hong Kong 3940 kHz. | M.van Arnhem-HOL | direct to QIP | Nov 02 |
RTV Hongkong 3940 kHz 8 (special weather forecast for the Hainan Yacht race 2002) verified with partly det. card in 30 days. 1 IRC for RP. QTH: Radio Television Hong Kong, Broadcasting House, 30 Broadcast Drive, Kowloon, Hongkong, P.R. of China. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Nov 02 |
Radio Television Hong Kong verified with detailed paper QSL-card the 10 minutes weather forecasts on 3940 on the Hongkong-Hainan yacht race. | M.Schnitzer-D | HCDX-ML | Nov 02 |
RTHK Hongkong / 3940 kHz, 1 Tage, eMail-QSL / RR per eMail | A.Schmid-D | ADDX 2002-23 | Dez 02 |
R.TV Hong Kong 3940 kHz: partial data "Hong Kong Harbour" card in 24 days. | J.Yamada-J | Jembatan DX 144 | Dez 02 |
Radio Television Hongkong bestätigte meinen e-Mail-Bericht über die Yacht-Race-Sendungen auf 3940 kHz mit einer schönen Karte. Laufzeit 110 Tage. | M.Elbe-D | A-DX-ML | Feb 03 |
RTHK no ret. postage 3940 qsl-card 30 days (special weather broadcast heard during yacht race) | D.Kenny-G | BDXC-UK 2003-02 | Feb 03 |
Received Friday 6, 2003 very nice colour full a QSL card from Radio TV Hong Kong on 3940 kHz for an e-mail report in return 97 days. | Z.Elias-CZE | HCDX-ML | Feb 03 |
RTHK Hongkong / 3940 kHz, 109 Tage, schöne teildetailed qsl-card / RR per eMail | A.Schmid-D | ADDX 2003-06 | Mrz 03 |
R.TV Hong Kong, 3940kHz, QSL card in 28 days for EG report & 1$. Special Weather Forecast broadcast for Hinan Yacht Race 2002. | K.Hashimoto-J | direct to QIP | Mrz 03 |
RTHK e-mail 3940 p/d 60 days | A.Bollin-D | BDXC-UK 2003-04 | Apr 03 |
RTV Hong Kong 3940 kHz, k | K.Norlin-S | Norwegian DX News 2003-08 | Nov 03 |
Yacht race QSL : QSL fax from the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club for their April 9, 2004 weather broadcast on 8749.00 Khz at 1833HKT. Broadcast was for boats participating in the 2004 China Sea Yacht Race. Report sent via e-mail April 10. Full detail fax received April 21. Signed by Ailsa Angus, Sailing Manager. | G.Froemming-AZ-USA | HCDX-ML | Apr 04 |
RHKYR, 8749U, Friendly letter from Radio Television Hong Kong regarding my report of the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Race weather transmissions stating that what I heard April 9, 2004 was not a regular broadcast by RTHK but a HF weather broadcast facilitated by PCCW, their technical contractor, whom they forwarded my letter too. This explains my second PCCW QSL received earlier this week. This in 43 days for 1 IRC. V/S, Ms. Rachel Chan, Director of Broadcasting. | S.R.Barbour Jr-NH-USA | Cumbre DX-ML | Mai 04 |
8749 USB Cape d'Aguilar HF Radio Transmitting Station Partial data "Seasons Greetings" tri-fold QSL card with photo of Hong Kong Harbor. Received in 2 weeks for an e-mail reception report and audio clip. v/s Cheng Kwok Sum, Assistant Engineer | G.Maroti-NY-USA | direct to QIP | Mai 04 |
RHKYR, 8749U, p/d (date & frequency) "PCCW Seasons Greeting" tri-panel folding card w/ Pacific Century CyberWorks info, lots of data such as station: Cape d'Aguilar HF Radio Transmitting Station and global co-ordinates; service: HF Ship-Shore Radio Telephone; frequency, time: 24 hours daily (?); transmitter used: ALPHA 87AS; Power: 1.5 kW PEP; Aerial used: Cage Dipole (Omni) and type of transmission: J3E. V/S, Cheng Kwok Sum, Asst. Engineer, HF Radio Transmitting Stations. This in 22 days for 1 IRC to the Cape d'Aguilar Road, POB 9896, Hong Kong address. Verie pleased with this! | S.R.Barbour Jr-NH-USA | HCDX-ML | Mai 04 |
Hong Kong Radio (Cape d'Aguilar HF Radio) 8749 kHz QSL card (v/s:Cheng Kwok Sum) and letter in 19d for English report with 1$. Special Weather Forecast for China Sea Race. | K.Hashimoto-J | direct to QIP | Nov 04 |
8749U kHz, Cape D'Aguilar Radio, p/d Folder card like one posted in NUS&S for the October races in 17 days for cassette, SAE and addr label (none used). I believe my r.p. was I IRC. Also enclosed pix of antenna farm. V/s Cheng Kwok Sum, Ass't. Engr. | J.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | DXplorer-ML | Jan 05 |
Relayed Stations or Programs
BBC (HKG) Index Hong Kong Index Asia
7180 kHz, Hong Kong 15:50 29.12.91 20.01.92 22 days, QSL : kort | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Jan 92 |
BBC - det. Karte Bank of China 15280 kHz 0900 25.05.96 52 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jul 96 |
On 14 September -DX Partyline- ran an interesting feature from BBC employee Richard Buckby detailing his visit to the Beeb's Hong Kong relay station. Of great interest to DXers was that the manager, Miles Ahston, will verify reports sent direct to him. The address you'll need is : East Asian Relay Company Ltd. Tsang Tsui Broadca- sting Station Nim Wan Tuen Mun Hong Kong (HCJB DX Partyline via ARDXC via R. Jary) | ? | Cumbre DX 100 | Aug 96 |
BBC East Asia Relay Station 15280 qsl-card no r.postage 56 days, v/s : Nile Ashton | A.Ogorodnik-BLR | WDXC QSL Report | Sep 96 |
BBC East Asia Relay Station, QSL card directly from Hong Kong in 2 weeks for mint stamps. v/s Miles Ashton, Company Manager. | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | direct to QIP | Okt 96 |
5990 BBC East Asia Relay f /d 'Chinese Junk' cd. in 36 ds. for $ 1. v/s : Miles Ashton | T.Palmersheim-MT-USA | Cumbre DX 115 | Dez 96 |
BBC on 5990 fd cd in 28 days. (SWN Dec. 96) | W.Gotthardt-D | TFW | Dez 96 |
BBCWS via East Asia Relay; originally submitted 2/96 to London, no veri; resubmitted to EAR Station after closing 10/96; received f/d postcard w / Miles Ashton veri signer after 2 months for 1 IRC, ham QSL and self addressed label (which was used). | B.Saylor-PA-USA | Cumbre DX 122 | Jan 97 |
BBC East Asian Relay Station 15280 qsl-card 1 IRC 29 days, v/s : Miles Ashton. | H.Frankham-G | WDXC QSL Report | Feb 97 |
BBC EA Rel 11955 card 2 months. | J.W.Nielsen-DNK | Norwegian DX News | Mrz 97 |
Time Signal Stations
VRX60 Index Hong
Kong Index Asia
13020.5 (v/s said " 13020.4 "), Hong Kong Observatory / Cape D'Aguilar Radio VRX60 Time Signal Station, full data letter, in 5 weeks, for $ 1 US, v/s K.L. Lee for Director of the Hong Kong Observatory, with detailed schedule. Address : Hong Kong Observatory, 134A Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. E Mail : mailbox[ät]hko.gcn.gov.hk Web : http://www.info.gov.hk / hko / | J.Talbot-AB-CAN | HCDX-ML | Mrz 00 |
VRX Hong Kong Radio 12585,50 1 IRC, AK Report in Englisch, 24 Tage, K, 2 Fotos Details : ja. | Z.Elias-CZE | EAWRC Bulletin 287 | Apr 01 |
12585.5 VRX Hong Kong Radio, Cape d'Aguilar. P/D "Season's Greetings" folder card, 2 photos of Stn bldgs and xmtr complex in 26 days. v/s Kwok, Wai-Kin, Ass't Engineer. | J.Wilkins-CO-USA | DXplorer-ML | Jul 01 |
VRX - Hongkong Radio 12585,50 IRC, AK E 61 Tage, K, Fotos Details : ja. | P.Robic-AUT | EAWRC Bulletin 294 | Nov 01 |
Index Hong Kong Index Asia Previous Page : East Timor Next Page : India 1