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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations
from the Andaman & Nicobar Islands
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AIR Port Blair Index Andaman
& Nicobar Islands Index Asia
4760 kHz, Port Blair Andamanerna 15:15 28.10.89 12.04.90 166 days, QSL : brev v/s : R Venegopal | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Apr 90 |
AIR Port Blair, 4760, f/d card in 6 months after f/u (1 year in total). v/s A.S. Guin. What's odd is that both of my reports were sent to Port Blair, but this QSL is from New Delhi. No complaints from me, however ! | N.Grace-DC-USA | Jihad DX 53 | Okt 95 |
AIR Port Blair 4760 f /d card for EE report, MS and IRC in 400 days. There was a v/s but it is illegible. Report was mailed directly to station as it appeared in the India Broadbase but QSL was postmarked in New Deli which validates that belief that AIR QSL's originate in basically one location. | C.Rippel-VA-USA | Cumbre DX 071 | Feb 96 |
AIR Port Blair, Card from Delhi for Delhi response to supplement Pt. Blair letter direct, f /dcard in 153 days for report to Pt. Blair. This was my VIC#226. | D.Henderson-MD-USA | Cumbre DX 094 | Jul 96 |
4760 Today I received a QSL-card from the AIR central adress in New Delhi for my receptionreport concerning reception of AIR Port Blair, Andaman Islands in December 1994. - One report and two follow ups to Delhi were necessary to receive the card. A direct report to the Andaman Islands did not work. | M.van Arnhem-HOL | DX Window 032b | Okt 96 |
AIR Port Blair on 4760 kHz, in 210 days, QSL card f /d report sent to Port Blair but replied from Delhi ! No IRC. (via Play DX 910 Nov. 18 1996) | N.Reiner-D | TFW | Nov 96 |
AIR Port Blair on 4760 cd after f/up total 22 months. (SWN Dec. 96) | M.van Arnhem-HOL | TFW | Dez 96 |
AIR Port Blair 4760 card 9 months | B.Mjelde-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Jan 97 |
AIR Port Blair 4760 (via Delhi) card 9 months. | T.Nielsen-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Feb 98 |
4760, AIR Pt. Blair, after 166 days with card via New Delhi, v/s A.K. Bhatnagar | K.W.Elsebusch-D | Cumbre DX 180 | Mrz 98 |
My registered letter to P. L. Thakur at AIR - Port Blair has been returned to me unaccepted and with a note on the envelope that P. L. Thakur is no longer at the station. The address used including the name P. L. Thakur (general contact) come out of Passport to World Band Radio. My next effort will be to send a registered letter to " General Correspondent " at the station. That is, unless anyone has a better idea. | R.E.Hankison-KS-USA | Cumbre DX 199 | Jul 98 |
4760 AIR Port Blair Partial data card depicting statue of an elephant holding its mahout in its trunk received in one month for an English report sent registered mail to " General Correspondent. " v/s is A. K. Bhatnagar, Director (Frequency Assignments). Note : this was my second attempt to QSL via registered mail. The first attempt was returned because the correspondent listed in " Passport to World Band Radio " had left the station. If you have an outstanding request of AIR Port Blair for a QSL, you might want to remail to this gentleman. | R.E.Hankison-KS-USA | Cumbre DX 203 | Aug 98 |
4760, AIR-Port Blair, full-data card of -Court Dancer, Brihadisvara Temple- in 5 mos. for 2 IRCs and registered ltr. QSL via New Delhi, v/s A. K. Bhatnagar, Director of Fqy Assignments. | H.Sellers-ON-CAN | Numero Uno 1489 | Aug 98 |
AIR Port Blair / 4760 kHz 210 days B / $ (back); RR to Port Blair, QSL aus Delhi | W.Jangel-D | ADDX 1999-06 | Mrz 99 |
AIR Port Blair 4760, QSL-card in 15 months for a cassette report. Sent 2 IRCs. Report sent directly to Port Blair, but the reply came from Delhi, v/s A.K. Bhatnagar, Director (Freq. Assignments) | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | direct to QIP | Mrz 99 |
(Port Blair) 4760 AIR Full data card signed by A. K. Bhatnagar. Time on this is unknown as the card is unsolicited and a duplicate of the one received about 9 months ago. I can't read the post mark, so I can't tell whether this was mailed a month ago or a year ago. No follow ups were ever sent on the original report - I am happy to have the card, but also a bit mystified | R.E.Hankison-KS-USA | Cumbre DX 237 | Apr 99 |
AIR Port Blair 4760 qsl-card (fra Dehli) | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 1999-06 | Jun 99 |
4760 kHz. AIR PORT BLAIR, via : Directorate General, All India Radio, A. V. Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi 100001, India. Tarjeta QSL con datos completos. v/s A. K. Bnat Nagar. Verificó en 11 meses y 23 dias. | M.A.Cornachioni-ARG | Conexion Digital 021 | Sep 99 |
AIR Port Blair w / f/d Sun Temple card in 230 days for registered letter and 3 IRC's sent to Port Blair address. Card was signed by A.K. Bhatnagar, Director, Frequency Assignments, and was mailed from New Delhi. | B.Churchill-CA-USA | Cumbre DX 262 | Okt 99 |
AIR Port Blair 4760 f/d Sun Temple card in 23 months, v/s A K Bhatnagar. I sent many follow ups for this one; the report was even mailed from within India for me. Judging by the recent wave of AIR QSLs it seems Mr Bhatnagar is finally cleaning out his inbox. | G.Maroti-NY-USA | Cumbre DX 263 | Okt 99 |
AIR PORT BLAIR 4760 kHz card 240d.Sent 1 IRC, REPLY FROM DIRECTORATE GENERAL ALL INDIA Radio A.V.BHAWAN, SANSAD MARG., NEW DELHI 110001. | G.Bellabarba-I | Play-DX 1049 | Dez 99 |
AIR Port Blair 4760 kHz, card, rp : 1, 245 days. | J.Parker-G | WDXC QSL Report | Jan 00 |
4760 AIR Port Blair full data QSL in 274 days. | S.Delle Vedove-I | Cumbre DX 285 | Mrz 00 |
AIR Port Blair Mr. A.K. Bhatnagar confirm two ! reports of 01.10.99 and 13.11.99 with two different QSL, reports send at this addresse : 1) Dilanipur Port Blair 744 102, South Andaman 2) 24 Coubert Avenue 744 102 Gorimedu. | D.Canonica-SUI | A-DX-ML | Mai 00 |
AIR Port Blair : If I am correctly informed A.K.Bhatnagar works for AIR Frequency Control unit in Delhi, so the reports must have been sent to him from Andaman Island - this is quite normal when reporting regional / local AIR-stations due to their rules of answering foreign listerner's reports. | P.-O.Stenman-FIN | HCDX-ML | Mai 00 |
4760, AIR-Port Blair, color photo-card with full-data confirmation on back; in 7 mos. for direct taped rpt and $ 1, reply from Delhi, usual v/s. | T.Williamson-ON-CAN | Numero Uno 1597 | Sep 00 |
4760, AIR Port Blair, full data "Minar, Delhi" card, v/s A.K Bhatnagar, in 7 weeks, IRC Rp. | J.Talbot-AB-CAN | HCDX-ML | Apr 03 |
Nachdem gestern von AIR Port Blair nach 120 Tagen Laufzeit ein QSL-Brief eintraf, testete ich die qrg am Abend mit folgendem Ergebnis [...]: | W.D.Behnke-D | A-DX-ML | Feb 04 |
AIR Port Blair, 4760, f/d letter w/ details, station and island info in 70 days for 1 IRC (returned) and and EG report sent registered mail. V/S K.S. Venkateswarlu, Station Engineer. Nice stamps on envelope too! Extremely pleased with this, my first, AIR QSL. | S.R.Barbour Jr-NH-USA | HCDX-ML | Feb 04 |
AIR Port Blair sase 4760 kHz, lt 21 days, (Reply direct. v/s K.S. Venkateswarlu, Station Engineer. Sent lt, tr) | G.Brown-G | BDXC-UK 2004-04 | Apr 04 |
AIR Port Blair 4760 Full data QSL letter from the station in 19 months after follow-up, two years and 15 days after the original report. The v/s is K S Venkateswarlu, Station Engineer. The letter refers only to my follow up report, and includes a brief apology for the delay. The QSL concludes with the magic word every DXer likes to hear: "These blessed islands attract any nature-lover, who seeks absolute peace and tranquility in the lap of Mother Nature." No, wait, that's not the good bit. This is: "We would like to keep receiving reception reports from you whenever possible." Never, ever give up. My thank you note goes out with Friday's mail. | G.Bishop-FL-USA | Cumbre DX-ML | Apr 04 |
AIR Port Blair 4760 kHz, letter $-ret (direkte) 9m v/s K.S. Venkateswarlu, Station Eng. Denne ser ut til å være inne i en svarsperiode nå. Benytt sjansen til å få dette landet i permen! | O.Forr-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2004-03 | Apr 04 |
AIR Port Blair 4760 kHz, letter $-ret (direkte) 9m v/s K.S. Venkateswarlu, Station Eng. Denne ser ut til å være inne i en svarsperiode nå. Benytt sjansen til å få dette landet i permen! | Ø.Kolobekken-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2004-03 | Apr 04 |
Das neue Radioland gab es aber dann am folgenden Tag mit der QSL von AIR Port Blair/4760 kHz (detaillierter und freundlicher Brief). V/s war K S Venkateswarlu - Station Engineer, die verwendete Adresse AIR, Port Blair 744102, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, India. Laufzeit: 52 Tage. | E.Glantschnig-SUI | direct to QIP | Mai 04 |
AIR Port Blair 4760, detailed personal letter direct from Port Blair in 60 days, v/s K S Venkateswarlu, Station Engineer, Report sent by eMail to eMail-confirmation in 1 hour from ks_venkateswarlu@hotmail.com | R.Sonntag-D | direct to QIP | Dez 04 |
4760 AIR Port Blair. Full data letter signed by V.S. Venkateswarlu, Station Engineer, for 2002 reception after 2 postal and 2 email followups. Email of 12/13/2004 to pblairpb@sancharnet.in specifying correspondence for Mr. K. S. Venkateswarlu was answered via email on 12/14 stating that he was verifying the report and would respond regarding its accuracy. Letter was dated 12/17 and mailed 12/20. Letter also contained information about the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and a request for recordings to accompany future reports. Although the station can be heard here marginally a few times a year, this was the only reception worthy of a report. Country verified number 199. | J.Evans-TN-USA | Cumbre DX-ML | Jan 05 |
4.760 kHz, email reply 1 d, full data letter 30 d, v/s K.S. Venkateswarlu, Station Engineer, pblairpb@sancharnet.in | R.Bessler-D | direct to QIP | Jan 05 |
ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS: All India Radio Port Blair 4,760. I received a full-data letter from K.S. Venkatesarlu in 6 weeks. Earlier I received an e-mail letter from him stating the QSL was on its way. The long personal letter has interesting information about the station and Andaman and Nicobar Islands. This was for a logging in Bao Loc, Vietnam. I've received no response to a number of reports for Port Blair loggings in Kansas. According to various reports Mr. Venkatesarlu was scheduled to be transferred to a different AIR site during December. I hope the station and staff survived the tsunami in good shape. Strangely, I had not heard Port Blair from Kansas this winter, but since the tsunami I`ve heard what is apparently Port Blair several times. I wish it were Leh, but I doubt that it is. | W.Craighead-KS-USA | DXplorer-ML | Jan 05 |
AIR Port Blair 4760 langt brev 15d v/s K.S.Venkateswarlu, Station Engineer | B.Tandberg-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-02 | Feb 05 |
AIR Port Blair / 4760 kHz, 60 Tage, det. B direkt aus Port Blair / RR per eMail | R.Sonntag-D | ADDX 2005-04 | Apr 05 |
Heute erhielt ich einen voll det. QSL-Brief von Radio Port Blair über die Frequenz 4760 KHz vom 03.02.2005 1642 to 1700 hrs UTC mit weiteren ausführlichen Angaben über die Sendestation und eingesetzte Frequenzen. Adresse Prasar Bharthi, Broadcasting Corporation of India. All India Radio, Port Blair - 744102. Unterzeichner war R. Natarajan, Asstt. Station Engineer for Station Engineer. Einen Dankesbrief für meine Spende für die Flutopfer und einen Zeitungsausschnitt wo Spender aufgeführt wurden. | D.Kraus-D | A-DX-ML | Apr 05 |
Radio Port Blair 4760 kHz, 63 Tage, det. Brief von Mr. R. Natarajan Asstt. Station Engineer for Station Engineer / 2 Dollar wieder retour | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Apr 05 |
AIR Port Blair, 4760 kHz, Full data QSL card in 6 weeks Rp 1 US$ via Directorate General All India Radio, Mr Y.K. Sharma, Director Spectrum Management and Synergy, Akashvani Bhawan, 1 Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110001. | G.Schotmans-BEL | direct to QIP | Mai 06 |
AIR Port Blair QSL: Received a full data QSL letter thru email (as word attachment) on 12 Oct, 2011 for a report posted (thru India Post) on 30th Sept 2011, v/s V.G.Suresh Babu, AE, All India Radio, Port Blair, email id airportblair at rediffmail.com | A.Gupta-IND | dx_india-ML | Okt 11 |
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