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Peru (Southern America) |
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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations from Peru - Part 1
Peru Previous Page : Paraguay Next Page : Peru 2
Domestic Stations
Callao Super R OBX4W Index Peru
Index America South
OBX4W Callao Super R, Lima 1400 e-post | O.Forr-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-08 | Nov 05 |
CPN R OAX4B Index Peru
Index America South
CPN Radio, Lima 1470 e-post. | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2002-02 | Mrz 02 |
C.P.N. Radio 1470 kHz e-mail reply 360d. NO IRC. V/s: Patricia Ambulodigue Tito (Productora de Programacion) e-mail: debussy29[ät]hotmail.com QTH: Jiron Salaverry, 152, Miraflores, Lima. (WRTH 2002 wrong) (Dxer Vashek Korinek, South Africa) | V.Korinek-AFS | Play-DX 1163 | Jul 02 |
OAX4B CPN Radio 1470 e-post 5u Det er alltid hyggelig når splitternye bidrags-ytere dukker opp i spalta. Velkommen! | R.Granholm-FIN | Norwegian DX News 2002-05 | Aug 02 |
CPN Radio, Arequipa 6141 e-post fra Lima | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2003-01 | Jan 03 |
Estación Tarapoto Index Peru Index America South
6238 R. Estación Yurimaguas is off the air since Christmas last year. As the Stn Mgr didn't QSL, nor the gentleman who presented the 1000-1100 show, I wrote to the fellow who was hiring the 1200 time slot, and, lo, he answered immediately... - There might be a fair chance to get a QSL from this station by writing to Estación Tarapoto (5014.8v), addr. per WRTH 95, for the two stations belong to the same company, and the Tarapoto and Yurimaguas Stn Mgrs are probably relatives, as both of them have Hidalgo as their first surname. However, I don't know if such a verie would be of any value, now that the Tarapoto gentleman has sent a verification, on the Estación Tarapoto stationery, to a Swedish DXer who thought he was hearing Estación Tarapoto on 6238 ! In his letter, he says he's happy to know that they are being heard not only nationwide but also internationally... The Swedish DXer enclosed a tape recording, and, according to the Stn Mgr the program matched the one broadcast by... Estación Tarapoto... I have spent several hours listening to both stations, and I have yet to notice a hook-up or relay, so this verie must be considered as a verification of courteousy only. -- (...) | H.Klemetz-CLM | Dateline Bogotá 1995 | Jan 95 |
Estacion Yurimaguas
Index Peru Index America
6238 R Estación Yurimaguas, Calle Comercio 102, Yurimaguas, has made a comeback to sw, ex-5046.3 (..) The prgr host mentioned his private address on the air, Jirón Malapi 203, Sector de Moralillos, but no written reply ever materialized, so in order to obtain a written document from the stn I decided to write to the producer of " Enseñanza y aprendizaje ", broadcast at 1100. As a result there was a greeting on the air on Dec 14, and another one in writing a few days later. In his written reply, the producer designates me as his " International Educational Advisor ". Well, well.. that's not precisely a QSL, but something anyway. (..) | H.Klemetz-CLM | Dateline Bogotá 1994 | Jan 94 |
6238 R. Estación Yurimaguas is off the air since Christmas last year. As the Stn Mgr didn't QSL, nor the gentleman who presented the 1000-1100 show, I wrote to the fellow who was hiring the 1200 time slot, and, lo, he answered immediately... - There might be a fair chance to get a QSL from this station by writing to Estación Tarapoto (5014.8v), addr. per WRTH 95, for the two stations belong to the same company, and the Tarapoto and Yurimaguas Stn Mgrs are probably relatives, as both of them have Hidalgo as their first surname. However, I don't know if such a verie would be of any value, now that the Tarapoto gentleman has sent a verification, on the Estación Tarapoto stationery, to a Swedish DXer who thought he was hearing Estación Tarapoto on 6238 ! In his letter, he says he's happy to know that they are being heard not only nationwide but also internationally... The Swedish DXer enclosed a tape recording, and, according to the Stn Mgr the program matched the one broadcast by... Estación Tarapoto... I have spent several hours listening to both stations, and I have yet to notice a hook-up or relay, so this verie must be considered as a verification of courteousy only. -- (...) | H.Klemetz-CLM | Dateline Bogotá 1995 | Jan 95 |
6238, Estacion Yurimaguas verified by signing and stamping my prepared card and sent a two-page personal letter in 32 days for a follow-up report from v/s Adolfo Ojanama Tanchiva, Periodista who also sent a picture of himself seated behind the station console. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Cumbre DX 065 | Dez 95 |
La Voz de Chiriaco Index Peru Index America South
5264.8 Radio 5264 -La Voz de Chiriaco- sent a pleasant package with full data QSL card with station stamp shows -Radio 5264 EIRL - Jr. Ricardo Palma s / n, Chiriaco, Imaza-, full data QSL letter, and station information. Verification signatures are Santos Castaneda Cubas (Director Gerente) and Hildebrando Lopez Pintado (Director) who made response For my questionnaire with following information. Station address : Jr. Ricardo Palma s / n, Chiriaco, Distrito de Imaza, Provincia de Bagua, Departamento de Amazonas, Peru. (Relampago DX) | T.Inoue Nozaki-J | DX Window 110 | Apr 97 |
R. 5264, LV de Chiriaco, 5264 kHz QSL card and long personal letter in 3 months after f/up. v/s Santos Castañeda, gerente, and Hildebrando López P., director. Presently off the air, but to be reactivated in April, the station is looking for -economic or spiritual- help which can be sent in a -well closed envelope to our address- or -by phoning INTERNET : QSY07141 to niftyserve-or-jp Radio nuevo Mundo in Tokyo, Japan-. (Quoted verbatim and edited in EE by my friend HK). | R.Rodriguez R.-CLM | TFW 056 | Mrz 98 |
LV de Chiriaco Radio 5264 on 5264.70, QSL card f /d, QSL letter, personal letter after 2 years, v/s Santos Castaneda C., gerente, and Hildebrando Lopez Pintado, director, promising pennant, no F / up, sent 1 USD and Italian FM station stickers (Play DX 979 April 27) | B.Gornati-I | TFW 059 | Mai 98 |
LA VOZ DE CHIRIACO 5264 kHz QSL card and long personal letter in 90d. after F / up. v/s : Santos Castaneda, gerente, Hildebrando Lopez P., director. Off the air at present, plans to reactive soon. . | R.Rodriguez R.-CLM | Play-DX 0985 | Jun 98 |
La Voz de Huamanga Index Peru Index America South
6200 La Voz de Huamanga sent a very vague verification letter and pennant in 936 days via Henry Lazarus. Wording could be more precise. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Cumbre DX 079 | Mrz 96 |
5385 Radio Huarmaca, personal letter with a rather vague but fairly good no data verie statement and a post card with a handwritten note 2 1 / 2 months after follow-up. PPC not returned. v/s Simon Zavaleta Perez. I do not have an address because the v/s wrote the letter on blank stationary and sent it in an SASE. | H.Lazarus-LA-USA | Cumbre DX 143 | Jun 97 |
R.Huarmaca on 5385, sent F / up, utilized 1st SASE sent ! In 75 days, v/s Simon Zavaleta Perez (in Fine Tuning 876, USA / Play DX 951 Oct 6) | H.Lazarus-LA-USA | TFW 039 | Okt 97 |
La Voz de la Amistad
Index Peru Index America
4000.4 kHz, La V de la Amistad, Trujillo (..) On Jun 14, 1054, spkr bidding listeners farewell, asking for comment in writing to " La V de la Amistad, R San Juan " at a P O Box which I could not make out. After adstring into prgr " Fortaleza peruana " which is a secular music prgr handled by a femal DJ and singer, " La Norteñita ". Address for this prgr is given in c / o R San Juan as Pasaje San Martín 300, Urbanización Alto Mochica, Trujillo. Their Apartado Postal sounds like 352 but I am not sure if it is in the Trujillo main P O or somewhere else. 4000.4 Nice letter and cassette with interesting huaylas and huaynos received from Miguel Bacilio A. whose record company, APROBA, sponsors the " Fortaleza peruana " prgr on R San Juan, Trujillo, Peru, mentioned in a previous Dateline Bogotá issue. Letter confirms that La V de la Amistad is a block of rlg prgr. (..) ---4000.5 R San Juan, Trujillo, Peru, on and off during past few days. The company sponsoring " Fortaleza peruana " show, 1100-1200, sent me five cassette tapes, including one of the Jun. 25 show where they acknowledged receipt of my report. Quite interesting to have in lieu of a written QSL on San Juan stationery.-- (..) | H.Klemetz-CLM | Dateline Bogotá 1996 | Jan 96 |
La Voz de la Selva Index Peru Index America South
4824.4, LV de la Selva, for SP rpt, tape, SASE, several Oregon postcards; sent Apr 30, ppc and ltr rcvd May 13. v/s Julia Jauregui Rengifo, Directora. | D.Nelson-OR-USA | Numero Uno 1578 | Mai 00 |
Julia Jáuregui, Direktorin von Radio La Voz de la Selva, bestätigte heute mit einer sehr nett geschriebenen detaillierten mail den Empfang der Neujahrssendung, die hier am 01.01.2001 mit einem unwahrscheinlichen Signal bis gegen 0830 UTC einfiel. | E.Gehrig-E | A-DX-ML | Jan 01 |
LV de la Selva (4825), f/d e-mail in 21d for taped report and 1 USD, v/s Julia Jáuregui, directora | E.Gehrig-E | HCDX-ML | Jan 01 |
4825 - La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos - 22 dias Recebido cartão QSL com todos os dados, acompanhado de carta pessoal. O relatório foi enviado em carta registradada. v/s: Sra. Julia Jauregui Rengifo - Diretora QTH : Calle Abtao 255, Apartado 207, Iquitos - Loreto, Peru. | N.Ribas-SE-B | Atividade-DX 065 | Okt 01 |
4824.5 kHz, Radio LV de la Selva. Enclosed in their very colorful envelope was a personal letter explaining they enclosed QSL cards and went on to explain the purpose of their station including 30 years of broadcasting. Also enclosed was my f/d PPC for one report and their own f/d QSL featuring a drawing of a man playing the manguare (musical instrument) for another report. All 3 were signed by Julia Jauregui, Directora. A prog sked for 2001 was included too. All for mint stamps (not used) and address label (used) in 2 1/2 months. I sent the letter and cassette registered. Addr per 2001 PWBR. E-Mail given as Ivsradio[ät]terra.com.pe | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | DXplorer-ML | Dez 01 |
La Voz de la Selva 4825 confirmed my report in only 50 days with fuld data QSL card, letter, schedule, 2 staff photos, greetings card, used Peruan stamps. I sent a recorded file and 2 dollars. v/s Julia Jauregui, Directora. Address: Calle Abtao 255 (apartado 207) Iquitos. E-mail: Ivsradio[ät]terra.com.pe | G.Bernardini-I | HCDX-ML | Jan 02 |
4824.4 La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos, heard 30 January 2000 at 005-1018. SINPO=15311. "Transformation of a witch into a snake" QSL +personal letter v/s Julia Jauregui Rengifo, via Iquitos in 908 days. Responding to my mail DX Report + 6 mail reminders + fax reminder +registered letter + post paid reply package.10 in all. MORAL: Never give up! | G.Glotzbach-NM-USA | Cumbre DX 411 | Aug 02 |
4824 kHz - La Voz de la Selva. Recebido carta confirmatoria e adesivo. Aproximadamente 4 meses, depois de follow-up e ligacao telefonica. V/S: Ruben Meza Santillan, Chefe de programacao. | C.Perez Dioses-PRU | Atividade DX 262 | Aug 05 |
La Voz de las Huarinjas
Index Peru Index America
Two QSL letters in an envelope addressed to Rafael Rodriguez, one for Rafael and another one for myself, from R -La Voz de las Huarinjas-, in Huancabamba, Peru. In the letters signed by Alfonso García Silva, -gerente director-, and Bill Yeltsin, -administrador- (yes, Yeltsin, exactly as the Russian leader !), it says that the station started broadcasting June 1, 1997, on 7003 kHz. No power indicated. The letter also states that the -enchanted- Huarinjas lake district near Huancabamba is the hub of nature-healers and shamans, -known in Peru and on an international lever-, Señor García not being just one of the lot, but in fact the actual president of the -Asociación de Curanderos- (Association of Nature Healers) of Huancabamba. (Klemetz) | R.Rodriguez R.-CLM | DX Window 117 | Mai 97 |
6820 kHz. Radio La Voz de las Huarinjas - Huancabamba - Piura - PERU Certificado de Sintonia. Demoro 14 dias. | C.Rojas Gordillo-PRU | direct to QIP | Feb 06 |
La Voz del Alto Mayo
Index Peru Index America
Radio La Voz del Alto Mayo 6137.4 My prepared card and a verification letter back in 4 months for mint stamps. Verification signer was Victor Bustamante Sanchez, Gerente Proiertario. Pardon my poor understanding of his letter but it seems that the station is owned by the Bustamante family. They speak of their frequency as 6130 and have invited me to visit the -exotic and virgin- Peruvian jungle. The transmitter is a 1, 500 watt unit made in Trujillo using a 20 meter high antenna. The return address is : La Voz del Alto Mayo, Carretera km. 459, Nueva Cajamarca, Provincia de Rioja, Region San Martin. | H.Johnson-USA | Lanza's R News 14 | Dez 93 |
La Voz del Campesino Index Peru Index America South
Radio La Voz del Campesino- Huarmaca, 6956.6 kHz, f/d Maroti card via TIN, also for an April 2000 reception. V/s Fernando R. Pacheco Torres- Locutor/Operador. Power 1000 watts. Also sent 3 photos- one each of the studio, exploded view of station name sign and the building. | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | DXplorer-ML | Feb 03 |
R. La Voz del Campesino de Huarmaca, 6957, partial data e-mail verie in 18 months. V/s Fermin Santos (La Gerencia). | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Jun 05 |
La Voz del Destino Index Peru Index America
6324 kHz, Radio Difusora Comercial La Voz del Destino with f/d Maroti card, f/d personal letter, business card and ad sheet calling himself "The Messenger of Destiny" (fortune teller) for an October 2002 reception. 400 watts. V/s Pablo Caro Dávila, Gerente. Addr: Jr. Santa Rosa No. 199, Nueva Cajamarca, San Martín. | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | CDX-ML | Jan 04 |
La Voz del Marañón
Index Peru Index America
5604.1 kHz, La Voz del Marañón - Stn owner Eduardo Diaz Coronado sent me a handwritten letter [with sorts of a QSL text] apologizing for being late in answering my report. Mailed in mid-Oct, his letter reached me only in Dec, due to the negligence of Avianca [Colombian P O] postal clerks. Addr given as Jr. Bolognesi 130 [report was sent to # 1300, though], Cajabamba, Peru. In his letter, Diaz says he will play selections of Cajamarcan music for me every evening on the " Brisas del Maranon " prgr, 2300-0030. With the letter came one of the strangest picture photographs I've ever received from a radio station, a panoramic view of terraced pastures, with an Indian woman sitting in the grass some 50 feet behind what is to be seen in the foreground of the picture, a solitary white cow ! | H.Klemetz-CLM | Dateline Bogotá 1996 | Jan 96 |
R.Maranon on 4835 kHz v/s LuisTtavara, director. The station is sending a pennant ! (QSL on the air, n.6/96 Malmoe KVK, Sweden via Play DX 911 Nov.25 1996) | R.Aakesson-S | TFW | Nov 96 |
La Voz Oxapampa Index Peru Index America South
R LV Oxapampa 3260 e-post Svar på en rapport fra 1999. | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2003-03 | Apr 03 |
Nueva Q OCU4J Index Peru Index America South
1570 OCU4J NUEVA-Q, sent e-report, received F/D email in 2h. v/s: Manuel Soto, Gerente de Operaciones <msoto (a) crpradio.com.pe> | M.Molano Sánchez-E | mwdx-ML | Mai 2010 |
Ondas Azul Index Peru Index America South
4800,6 kHz, Puno 23:10 03.01.88 22.04.88 110 days, QSL : kort v/s : Mauricio Rodriguez | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Apr 88 |
Ondas del Huallaga Index Peru Index America South
3329,5 kHz, Huánuco 02:00 26.07.93 12.08.93 17 days, QSL : tryckt brev, foto, turistinfo, standar v/s : Flaviano Llanos M Representante Legal | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Aug 1993 |
Radio Onda del Huallaga, Huanuco, 3330, partial data filled-in form letter, photo of area feature, and very colorful pennant in 127 days. Letter said Peru formed two new provinces in May, Yarawilca (? -bad typing over the white-out) with the capital of Chavinillo and Lauricocha, with the capital Jesus. These were formed in the VIII Region out of the departments of Pasco, Huanuco and Junin. v/s Flaviano Llanos M., Representante Legal. | K.MacHarg-EQA | Jihad DX 49 | Sep 1995 |
3330, Radio -Ondas del Huallaga- verified with a date / freq form letter with typed verification text in 38 days from v/s Flaviano Llanos M., Representante Legal. Also sent nice pennant and photo of Huanuco. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Cumbre DX 094 | Mai 1996 |
R. Ondas del Huallaga on 3330, letter, pennant and a photo of the region in 3 months for mint stamps. v/s Flaviano Llanos M., Representante Legal | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | direct to QIP | Apr 1997 |
R Ondas de Huallaga 3330 letter. | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Apr 1997 |
ONDAS DEL HUALLAGA 3330 kHz QSL on postcad 43d. v/s : Plaviano Llanos M., received nice cloth pennant. QTH : Jiron Leoncio Prado 723, Apatado 343, Huanuco | W.Monges-VEN | Play-DX 0995 | Okt 1998 |
Ondas del Rio Mayo Index Peru Index America
6797.7 kHz, Radio Difusora Comercial "Ondas del Rio Mayo" with f/d Maroti card and n/d personal letter for a February 2000 reception. 1000 watts. V/s Edilderto (Edilberto on return addr) Peralta Lozada, Gerente General. Addr: Jr. Huallaga No. 348, Distrito Nueva Cajamarca, Provincia de Rioja, Región San Martín. | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | CDX-ML | Jan 04 |
Ondas del Pacifico Index Peru Index America
Radio Ondas del Pacifico- Ayabaca, 6782.7 kHz, f/d Maroti card via TIN's trip. This for a November 2001 reception. Report was never sent direct. TIN brought my original with him. V/s illegible. Power 600 watts. Also sent 3 photos- one each of the studio, the transmitter and the building. | J.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | DXplorer-ML | Feb 03 |
6783, R.Ondas del Pacifico, Ayabaca, partial data personal letter in 19 months. V/s Hermino Velazco Cruz. Thanks to Takayuki Inoue Nozaki who collected the letter from the station where it had been on a stand-by for over a year due to the lack of funds to post it. | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Apr 03 |
ONDAS DEL PACIFICO 6.783 kHz.Con grata sorpresa encontre en mi Apartado una carta del Colega TIN en la cual adjunta una carta de verificacion de la emisora Ondas del Pacifico; TIN me comenta que durante su visita a esta estacion durante finales del año pasado encontro mi reporte y la verificacion fechada desde el 27 de septiembre del 2001, que el dueño no habia podido enviar por falta de dinero.Quiero a traves de este medio (ya que no tengo contacto directo con él) hacerle llegar mis gracias al colega por la molestia en hacerme llegar este "QSL absolutamente raro" como él lo llama.Cabe anotar que de tiempo atras tengo grabado saludos musicales que el director me envio a traves de la emisora, a solicitud mia ya que es una realidad que la mayoria de emisoras peruanas no contestan los reportes, esta es una forma que utilizo para obtener un bonito recuerdo de las mismas. | R.Rodriguez-CLM | ListaConDig-ML | Mai 03 |
Ondas del Sur Oriente
Index Peru Index America
Ondas Del Sur Oriente, 5068 kHz. According to a QSL letter recently received from Roberto Challco Cusihuallpa, the director of the program -Horizonte Deportivo-, he wants to exchange letters and materials about sports in Spanish. (PLAYDX #837) | B.Gornati-I | Jihad DX 33 | Mai 95 |
The following prepared card veries were rcvd tnx to the very valuable assistance of TIN during his recent trip to Peru : [.] 5068, Ondas del Sur Oriente (original rpt Nov 94). [.]. Muchas gracias, TIN, for all your help ! | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Numero Uno 1601 | Okt 00 |
Ondas del Sur Oriente 5068 kHz, rp : ?, 2600 days. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | WDXC QSL Report | Jan 01 |
Ondas del Titicaca Index Peru Index America South
4922, Ondas del Titicaca, 4921, straightforward verie ltr with ppc from not quite legible v/s at Jr. Arequipa 835 (WRTH99 shows 833), Apartado 3, Puno. TIN collected this good one for a 10 yr. old rpt. | D.Foster-AUS | Numero Uno 1548 | Okt 99 |
4922, Ondas del Titicaca, ppc via TIN for ancient 1983 log. Gracias, mi viajero ! | J.Wilkins-CO-USA | Numero Uno 1548 | Okt 99 |
R Agricultura Index Peru Index America South
R Agricultura 1580 card. | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Jan 97 |
Radio AGRICULTURA 1590 kHz LIMA, REPLY BY E-MAIL : Ludex123[ät]yahoo.com v/s : LUZ DEXTRE (ARCTIC Radio CLUB, APRIL 2000) | R.Wikström-S | Play-DX 1073 | Jun 00 |
R.AGRICULTURA LIMA 1590 kHz E-MAIL REPLY v/s : FRANKLIN GAMBINI.E-MAIL : radioagriculturadelperu[ät]yahoo.com (ETER AKTUELLT, SWEDEN, n°6-7, SWEDEN) | B.Fransson-S | Play-DX 1085 | Okt 00 |
Radio Agricultura l590 kHz QSL-Card 42d. NO IRC. QTH: Casilla Postal 11-0625, Lima 11. | V.Korinek-AFS | Play-DX 1163 | Jul 02 |
R Alegria Index Peru
Index America South
1340 OAU4Q R.ALEGRÍA, LIMA, Perú. Sent e-report, received email in 74d. v/s: Doris Díaz Chavéz, Directora/Propietaria. Thanks to Henrik Klemetz for his help to QSL this one!. | M.Molano Sánchez-E | mwdx-ML | Nov 2010 |
R Altura Index Peru
Index America South
Radio Altura- Huarmaca, 6480 kHz, 2 f/d Maroti cards via Takayuki Inoue Nozaki (TIN) on his Dec 2002 trip to Perú. This for an April 2000 reception. While TIN was at the station, he found my original report, thus the 2 cards. V/s illegible. Power 1000 watts. TIN also sent a photo of the studio. | J.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | DXplorer-ML | Feb 03 |
R America Index Peru
Index America South
R América 6010.7 letter 2 stickers visiting card div (rek) 6 weeks Sitat -Arnstein Bue, Trondheim, Norway : " Jeg hadde jaktet på denne stasjonen i 14 år da jeg hørte den i halvtimen før Rodal løp 800-meterfinalen i Atlanta-OL ! " | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Jun 97 |
9510 kHz, Lima 15.08.82 22.09.82 38 days, QSL : brev v/s : Carlos Antonio Aguirre | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Sep 82 |
R Amistad Index Peru
Index America South
Radio AMISTAD 4515 kHz REPLY BY E-MAIL : spacemaster[ät]hotbot.com (SHORTWAVE BULLETIN 1430, APRIL 2000) | R.Wikström-S | Play-DX 1073 | Jun 00 |
R Ancash Index Peru
Index America South
4991 kHz, Huaraz 05:30 26.12.87 02.02.88 38 days, QSL : brev v/s : Armanso Moreno Romero | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Feb 88 |
Radio Ancash 4991 kHz verifued with a det. Letter and post card in 40 days. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Jul 92 |
R Ancash / 4992.5 : So ganz taufrisch ist mein QSL-Brief nicht mehr, stammt vom Oktober 1990. Damals hat R. Ancash immer gut geantwortet, der Brief war vom Direktor der Station, Sr. Armando Moreno Romero unterzeichnet. Der gute Mann betrieb damals in Huaraz auch einen Autovertrieb (zwar nicht Volkswagen sondern nur Toyota und Volvo, aber immerhin. : -) Insofern ist es gut möglich, daß er noch dort ist. Adresse : Casilla Postal 210, Huaraz, Ancash. Viel Glück ! | M.Elbe-D | A-DX-ML | Jan 01 |
4991.8 kHz, Radio Ancash, f/d Maroti ppc in 6 mos. After sending my report to Cesar Perez Dioses of Chimbote, Peru. This for $5 (requested by Cesar via the station) and SAE (used).Cesar visited the station obtained the signed QSL and mailed it. This for an April 2000 reception. 4990 kHz is listed on the card. V/s is Dante Moreno Neglia- Gerente de Programacion. Power listed as 5 kW. The station requested via Cesar and I sent Cesar a bunch of the Maroti cards for use by the station. | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | Dxplorer-ML | Feb 04 |
R Atlantida Index Peru Index America South
R Atlantida 4790 kHz, det. personal confirmation letter in 221 days, postcard / IRC | R.Sonntag-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 85 |
R.Atlantida on 4790, very friendly personal letter, a Tourist Trail booklet dated April 97, with a map of Iquitos, list of local fiestas (next coming : 08 December, Fiesta de la Purisima), pennant Trocha Turistica, v/s Sra Carmela Lopez Paredes, directora program Trocha Turistica (tourist trail) every day at 2300 UTC; next 28 January 1998 will be the 25th anniversary of the pgm. S.ra Carmela has the pleasure to confirm reports of her pgm with a beautiful pennant (20 different colours in 25 years). In 100 days for 1 IRC. (Play DX # 955 Nov 03) | B.Gornati-I | TFW 042 | Nov 97 |
R.Atlantida on 4790, pd letter after 2 f/ups, via Carmela Lopez Paredes, producer of Trocha Turistica, in 2 years and 9 months for 1 USD (DSWCI SWN Nov 97) | P.Cody-IRL | TFW 043 | Nov 97 |
R Atlantida 4790 qsl-letter rp : 1US $ 1000 days, v/s : Carmela Lopez Paredes (producer of Trocha Turistica). | P.Cox-G | WDXC QSL Report | Nov 97 |
Radio ATLANTIDA 4790 kHz v/s : Miss Carmela Lopez Paredes, segr. QTH : Jiron Arica 1083, Iquitos (Dxclusive n. 780, Finland, Feb. 99) | T.Talka-FIN | Play-DX 1022 | Apr 99 |
R.Atlantida, 4790 kHz, f/d copy of a PPC prepared by Nicolas Grace C + personal letter. This for an old report dated 16.Dec.1996 ! v/s Pablo Rojas Bardales. QTH : Bermudes #445, Iquitos, Peru | G.D'Amico-SUI | HC-DX-ML | Mrz 00 |
4790, Radio Atlántida verified with a no data plain sheet of paper personal letter using a bad ribbon, station pennant and tourist brochures from v/s Carmelo Lopez Paredes in 36 days for US$1.00 return postage. She is the announcer for a program called "Trocha Turistica" who has been a celebrated 30 years of broadcasting on January 28th. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | DX-plorer-ML | Mrz 03 |
R Ayabaca Index Peru
Index America South
7142, R. Ayabaca, 2 ppc's, personal ltr, prgm sked and cassette of Peruvian mx (almost all huaynos) rcvd in 4-1 / 2 mos. after follow-up, 8-1 / 2 mos. after original taped rpt. v/s Jose Heli Requejo Aldean, Gerente. Address : Jiron Montero 437, Ayabaca, Dpto. Piura. Stn stamp carries slogan, -Voz y Sentimiento de los Pueblos Andinos del Norte del Peru, - and fqy of 7150. However, typed ltrhead gives fqy as 7142. | H.Lazarus-LA-USA | Numero Uno 1490 | Sep 98 |
R Ayaviri Index Peru
Index America South
4606, R. Ayaviri, ppc and brief note, also a QSL-card from an illegible v/s. Follow-up for a 1996 rpt. | D.Martin-VIC-AUS | Numero Uno 1549 | Okt 99 |
R Bambamarca Index Peru Index America South
R Bambamarca 4419 b. | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2001-04 | Jun 01 |
R Bethel Index Peru
Index America South
RADIO BETHEL 5940 kHz - Apartado 1669 - Arequipa - Perù con lettera, cartoline di Arequipa e portachiavi in 32 giorni. V/s Rev.do Josuè Ascarruz Pacheco Movimiento Misionero Mundial Presbitero zona Sur Perù. 1 IRC (via R.Scaglione) | R.Pavanello-I | BCL-News-ML | Jul 02 |
Radio Bethel Arequipa, 5940 kHz, f/d Maroti ppc and p/d personal letter in 28 days for registered report with cassette. Address label, envelope and mint stamps were enclosed but none were used. Letter and station stamp both show 5950 as freq, but body of letter has been changed to 5940. Also enclosed were 2 beautiful postcards of Arequipa. V/s is Rvdo. Josue (accent over e) Ascarruz Pacheco- Gerente. Power is 1000 watts. Postal address as in 2002 PWBR. E-mail addr on the letter is Arequipa_Josue[ät]hotmail.com | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | DXplorer-ML | Jul 02 |
5940,1 kHz, Arequipa 01:00 26.05.02 15.07.02 50 days, QSL : brev dekaler vykort v/s : José Ascarruz Pachecho Arequipa_Josue[ät]hotmail.com | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Jul 02 |
R Bethel Arequipa 5940 kHz, letter sti pers.card | C.Brunström-S | Norwegian DX News 2002-06 | Sep 02 |
R Bethel, Arequipa 5940,1 b 2pk 3m | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2003-01 | Jan 03 |
R Bethel, Arequipa 5940,1 b 2pk 3m | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2003-01 | Jan 03 |
R Bolivar Index Peru
Index America South
5460.4, R. Bolivar, five-page friendly ltr and pennant for first follow-up, in 3 mo. v/s Julio Davila Echeverria, Gerente Titular. Ltr includes some useful information about the Bolivar Province (Mr. Echeverria is also a professor at Nuestra Senor Fatima College). But, regrettably, there is very little information about the stn, excepting that it has changed its name from " Radio la Voz de Bolivar " to " R. Bolivar, " and the date of the foundation is Apr 13, 1998. Needless to say, the pennant is very, very splendid ! | S.Yamada-J | Numero Uno 1537 | Aug 99 |
R Callao Index Peru
Index America South
R Callao, Lima 1400 e-post. Årets gjeveste julegave på Mysen? | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2001-02 | Feb 01 |
R Campesina Index Peru Index America South
CAJAMARCA: RADIO CAMPESINA .: CARTA QSL /QSL LETTER. Fecha/ Date : 28-Oct-06. Hora/ Hour : 03.00 UTC. Frec: 1050 kHz.. Vrs. Juan lobato Yarango / Administrador. Confirmación recogida personalmente durante una vista a esa emisora | C.Pérez Dioses-PRU | direct to QIP | Jan 07 |
R Chanchamayo Index Peru Index America South
4895, R. Chanchamayo, ppc, stn card (not really a QSL-card), about one year after a follow-up and five yrs. after original rpt. SASE used, but they added some postage, bringing the postage total up to 5.40 soles. v/s Augusto Espejo Portocarrero. Address on card appears to be Jr. Tarma 545, La Merced. There are some other numbers after " 545, " but they look like a phone number. The " stn card " seems to thank people in advance for sending them magazines, brochures, audio and video cassettes, and CDs. It bears the name " R. Chanchamayo 2000, " perhaps meaning that they have changed their name, perhaps not. The card also bears the slogan, " La Voz de la Capital Cafetalera del Peru, " which I suspect roughly means the Voice of the Coffee-Growing Capital of Peru. The stn is generally supportive of liberal or left-wing causes, as the card gives some of their themes as ecology, women's rights, children's rights, " no violence, " and agriculture. It also says that their audience consists of the population in general, " native communities " (perhaps meaning Indian communities) and campesino communities. | H.Lazarus-LA-USA | Numero Uno 1564 | Feb 00 |
R Chaski Index Peru
Index America South
5981, R. Chaski, ppc and confirmation ltr from v/s Felipe S. Velarde Hinojosa M. (Representante Legal) at new address : Alameda Pachacutec B-5, Apartado 713, Cusco. 15 mos. altogether, with follow-up via TIN producing the goods. The feature of this response was the enclosed magnificant pennant showing Machu Picchu. | D.Foster-AUS | Numero Uno 1548 | Okt 99 |
The following prepared card veries were rcvd tnx to the very valuable assistance of TIN during his recent trip to Peru : [.] 5981, R. Chasqui, v/s Felipe S. Velarde Hinojosa M., Representante Legal (original rpt Feb 99). [.]. Muchas gracias, TIN, for all your help ! | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Numero Uno 1601 | Okt 00 |
R Comas Index Peru
Index America South
R Comas 3251 letter. | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Jan 1997 |
3250.8 Radio Comas no data letter and photo of station building and antenna tower. Vs Edger saldana in 3 weeks. | E.Rausch-NJ-USA | Cumbre DX 158 | Okt 1997 |
3250.8 R Comas replied with letter, sked, picture photographs and business card from Gamaniel Francisco Chahua, all in less than a fortnight. (Dateline Bogotá October 12, 1997) | H.Klemetz-CLM | TFW 040 | Okt 1997 |
3250,8 kHz, Lima Lima 02:10 17.09.97 13.10.97 26 days, QSL : brev foto och programschema v/s : Gamaniel Fransisco Chahua - Producter | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Okt 1997 |
R.Comas television on 3250, personal letter, photo of studio, v/s Gamaniel Francisco Chahua, in 20 days for 1 USD (Play DX # 958 Nov 24) | M.Schnitzer-D | TFW 044 | Nov 1997 |
3250 Radio Comas Television Partial data letter with program schedule, promotional flyer, business cards and photo of station staff and building in 48 days for a Spanish report and $ 1 U.S. Verie signer : Gamaniel Francisco Chahua, Productior y Programador. | J.D.Stephens-AL-USA | Cumbre DX 167 | Dez 1997 |
R. Comas Television on 3251, v/s Gamaniel Francisco Chahua (Distance DX 20 - 1997, Sweden / Play DX # 963 Jan 5) | R.Akesson-S | TFW 049 | Jan 1998 |
R Comas Televisión 3250.8 letter information 1 months. | Ø.Kolobekken-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Feb 1998 |
3250.78 Radio Comas, Lima; made a quick reply in 10 days, by 3 pages' QSL letter with program guide and photocopies of audience research report in 3 years. Verification signature is Juan Rafael Saldana Reategui (Relaciones Publicas). He kindly gave a valuable piece of information about the station.Radio Comas gratefully wish for reception reports on the shortwave signal. If the reports are correct in the details as to programming and the quality of reception, the station will verify with a QSL letter. Send your reports to the following address : Avenida Estados Unidos No. 327 Urbanizacion Huaquillay, Km. 10 de la Avenida Tupac Amaru, Distrito de Comas, Lima, Peru. (RPDX copyright) | T.Inoue Nozaki-J | DX Window 128 | Aug 1998 |
OBX4 R Comas, Comas 3250 2s-b foto inf., v/s Gamaniel Francisco Chahua | O.Forr-NOR | Norwegian DX News 1999-06 | Jun 1999 |
Today I received long personal QSL letter from Radio Comas heard on 3250 kHz, along with a photo of the station. v/s was Gamaniel Francisco Chanua, Productor-Programador AM, FM. | R.Vos-HOL | HCDX-ML | Jul 1999 |
3251, R. Comas TV, finally verified in 571 days (I didn't send any follow-ups according to my records) with a two-page personal ltr from v/s Gamaniel Francisco Chahua, Productor y Programador General, Jefe y Editor de Prensa Voz Oficial. He enclosed a business card and a ltr-sized stn " poster. " According to the ltr, the stn began operations in June 1977 on 1300 MW. About 7 years thereafter the 101.7 FM channel began operating, and about a year later the SW operation commenced. Although the ltr was dated Mar 24, the postmark on the ltr indicates it was actually mailed on June 28. So, for at least 90 + days of this very long response time, my QSL was just sitting somewhere (at the stn or in the local post office or.). | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Numero Uno 1534 | Jul 1999 |
Radio COMAS TELEVISION 3250 kHz 2 pages QSL letter + station poster + business card by registered mail. Not sent Rp ! QTH : Avenida Estados Unidos 327, Urbanisacion Huaquillay-Comas, Lima 7. v/s : Gamaniel Francisco Chahua, prod. & progr. general, jefe editor de prensa | W.Monges-VEN | Play-DX 1031 | Jul 1999 |
R Comas TV 3250 kHz, letter, rp : $1 317 days. | Z.Elias-CZE | WDXC QSL Report | Sep 1999 |
R. Comas / 3250 kHz, 224 days, partly det. pers.qsl-letter, Stationsfoto, Visitenkarte, Info, Schlüsselanhänger / $ | A.Schmid-D | ADDX 1999-20 | Okt 1999 |
R Comas 3250 kHz, letter, rp : $1 317 days. | Z.Elias-CZE | WDXC QSL Report | Nov 1999 |
Radio COMAS TV 3251 kHz p / d pers. letter + business card + key ring + poster 360d. NO IRC sent v/s : Gamaniel Francisco Chahua, productor y programmador general QTH : Avenida Estados Unidos 327, Urb. Huaquillay, Comas, Lima. | V.Korinek-AFS | Play-DX 1043 | Nov 1999 |
R Comas 3250, 7 letter visittk 1år | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 1999-10 | Dez 1999 |
R Comas TV, v/s Gamaniel Francisco Chahua, Productor y Programador General, Jefe y Editor de Presna Voz Oficial. 3251 kHz, f/d letter, rp : no, 571 days. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | WDXC QSL Report | Apr 2000 |
Thanks to the NU tip about TIN's trip to Peru, I contacted him and he was able to secure QSLs from the following stns for me. All the ppc's were signed and stamped. TIN did a very thorough job. All " elapsed time to QSL " periods are based on date original rpt was sent. Thanks so much, TIN ! -- 3250, R. Comas TV, 7 mos., originally sent tape and ms, v/s Julio Saldana Grandes, Gerente General. [.] | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | Numero Uno 1601 | Okt 2000 |
4880.8 Radio Comas Television, Av. Estados Unidos 327, Comas, Lima. Certificado QSL con datos completos y carta con informacion. Verifico en 43 dias. | M.A.Cornachioni-ARG | Conexion Digital 086 | Dez 2000 |
4880 kHz Radio Comas, Lima-PRU, 59 dias. Recebido: E-mail confirmatório, informando estarem enviando uma carta e a certificação de sintonia, via correio normal. QTH : rtcomas@pop2.terra.com.pe. (**) Escuta verificada em São José-SC | R.Walter Grimm-SP-B | Atividade DX 014 | Mrz 2001 |
3250.7/4880 Radio Comas heard 5 July 2001 at 1110-1120. SINPO+25322. Personal letter in Spanish + BEAUTIFUL "QSL Certificado De Sintona" + schedule + notepad + plastic bag received in 16 days. I tried something new: I mailed my usual DX Report + four small gifts; then sent an Email telling the public relations director it was coming. Bingo, my first QSL from Peru. In gratitude I Emailed my muchas gracias. | G.Glotzbach-NM-USA | Cumbre DX 358 | Aug 2001 |
COMAS RADIO TELEVISION 4880 Letter + Info 60d. SENT 1 IRC. V/s: JUAN RAFAEL SALDANA REATEGUI Relaciones Publicas. QTH : AVENIDA DE ESTADOS UNIDOS 327, COMAS, LIMA. E-mail: rtcomas@terra.com.pe | ?-? | Play-DX 1134 | Dez 2001 |
Yesterday I received a QSL from Radio Comas Televisión in Perú. It consists of an information letter and a QSL certificate. The letter is signed by Edgar Saldaña Reátegui, Jefe de Prensa, e-mail: edgarsaldana@latinmail.com The certificate is signed by Julio Saldaña Reátegui, Gerente Comercial. By e-mail he can be reached via: rtcomas@protelsa.com.pe I had sent a snail mail follow-up with a dollar and some enclosures and an e-mail follow-up. The e-mail follow-up was also answered a few days ago. I had used the following address, from which there was also the reply: rtcomas@terra.com.pe Snail mail address is: Radio Comas Televisión S.R. Ltda., Av. Estados Unidos 327, Comas Km. 10 Av. Túpac Amaru, Lima, Perú. I should perhaps mention that all this was for a report of September 2000 when the station was on 4880 kHz. They also indicate this frequency in their letter head now. So I am not sure where they transmit now, because in the meantime I saw them reported on 3250 kHz again. | H.-D.Buschau-D | direct to QIP | Jul 2002 |
R Continental Index Peru Index America South
R. Continental OAX6D on 6055.3 f/d prepared cd. w / p / d letter in 52 days for 1 USD. This was after a f/up in Spanish, sticker v/s J. Antonio Umbart D., Director General. (The Journal Dec. 96) | T.Palmersheim-WA-USA | TFW | Dez 96 |
6055, R. Continental, ppc signed by illegible v/s for rpt dating from 1996. QSL forwarded by the inimitable TIN. | D.Foster-AUS | Numero Uno 1548 | Okt 99 |
6055, R. Continental, ppc signed by two illegible v/s, a follow-up for a 1987 rpt so it's possibly my longest outstanding QSL . | D.Martin-VIC-AUS | Numero Uno 1549 | Okt 99 |
R Continental, Arequipa 6055 kHz, letter (pm) v/s Arturo Valdivia vil gjerne ha brevvenner. arturito67pe[ät]yahoo.es | K.-E.Stridh-S | Norwegian DX-News 2004-05 | Sep 04 |
R Cora Index Peru
Index America South
4914,5 kHz, Lima 04:00 07.03.91 05.04.91 29 days, QSL : brev kort dekaler v/s : Juan Ramirez Lazo | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Apr 1991 |
4914.5 Radio Cora file card-sized QSL card plus f/d letter; both signed by Juan Ramirez Lazo, Director General, in 517 days for an English report, two follow ups and seven IRC. | R.E.Hankison-KS-USA | Cumbre DX 096 | Jul 1996 |
R Cora Lima 4915 qsl-card rp : 1US $ 68 days. | P.Travers-G | WDXC QSL Report | Aug 1996 |
R. Cora on 4915 green and pink QSL certificate suitable for framing w / personal letter and stickers in 6 weeks after a f / up report in Spanish. v/s juan ramirez lazo, Director Propietario. Tnx to D Angelo and Paszkiewicz for help on this one. (The Journal Dec. 96) | H.Lazarus-LA-USA | TFW | Dez 1996 |
R.Cora on 4915, certificado de sintonia, 3 stickers, v/s Juan Ramirez Lazo, dir, in 256 days (in Atividade DX # 157, Aug 97, DX Clube Paulista / Play DX 951 Oct 6) | P.Machado Coelho de Castro-SP-B | TFW 039 | Okt 1997 |
Radio CORA - Centro Civico - Lima 1 4915 kHz - QSL, letter and stickers in 102 dd, 1 USD sent - v/s Juan Ramirez Lazo - Gerente | S.Mannelli-I | Webpage | Jan 1998 |
Radio CORA DEL PERU 4914, 6 kHz Big QSL certificate sent 1 US $ + Italian radio stickers v/s : Juan Ramirez Lazo, reply in 90d. QTH : Centro Civico, Oficina 5, Lima 1. | G.Bellabarba-I | Play-DX 1002 | Nov 1998 |
R. Cora del Perú 4915, QSL diploma, stickers and a 20 page leaflet about the history of the station in 1 year for mint stamps. v/s Juan Ramirez Lazo, Director Propietario | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | direct to QIP | Jan 1999 |
R CORA QSL Card, 2stickers and broucher in 345 days with 1 $ US. (No.42) | H.Katayama-J | Japan Premium 1999-02 | Feb 1999 |
Radio Cora 4915 kHz, p/d letter 4/14/95, v/s : Juan Ramirez Lazo on letterhead, site : Not listed | J.Dybka-TX-USA | Webpage | Jan 2000 |
Thanks to the NU tip about TIN's trip to Peru, I contacted him and he was able to secure QSLs from the following stns for me. All the ppc's were signed and stamped. TIN did a very thorough job. All " elapsed time to QSL " periods are based on date original rpt was sent. Thanks so much, TIN ! [.] - 4915, R. Cora, ppc plus very nice no-data Certificado de Sintonia in 5-1 / 2 mos., originally sent tape and ms, v/s Juan Ramirez Lazo, Director Propietario. [.] | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | Numero Uno 1601 | Okt 2000 |
R Coremarca Index Peru Index America South
5.646 kHz Radio COREMARCA, escuchada el 01.05.01, Jr. Jaime de Martínez, Bambamarca, Perú; Director Sr. Virgilio Carranza Tello, confirmó con QSL por e mail a los 49 días, manifestando que la emisora es una pequeña Radio, de línea educativa. Promete enviar mas detalles por correo tradicional. | J.Carlos Buscaglia-ARG | Conexion Digital 112 | Jun 01 |
R Cultural Amauta Index Peru Index America South
I have just received a e-mail verie from Peruvian, Radio Cultural Amauta 4955kHz. It was in response to a posted report last Decembe and doesn't appear on PWBR etc. Their e-mail is arca@terra.com.pe (via P.Ormandy-NZL) | I.Cattermole-NZL | direct to QIP | Jan 01 |
4955, R. Cultural Amauta, veri ltr and Xmas card with artist's impression of stn bldng, in 3 mos. for rpt, tape, $1. v/s Demetria Montes Sinforoso, Gerente, Apartado 24, Huanta, Ayacucho, Peru. | T.Williamson-ON-CAN | Numero Uno 1614 | Jan 01 |
R Cultura Amauta 4955 b k e-post. | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2001-02 | Feb 01 |
4955 I received a Christmas card and a personal letter in Spanish from Radio Cultural Amauta (Huanta), signed by Mrs. Demetria Montes Sinforoso (Manager), thanking my report but not confirming the data, just informing the time of shortwave transmission : 10 : 00 to 14 : 00 and 21 : 00 to 02 : 00h UTC (a little bit different from WRTH and Passport to World Band Radio information). Report was sent to Jr.Cahuide 278, Apartado 24, Huanta, Ayacucho - Peru, with post card and 1 US $. Replied after 269 days. There is a printed e-mail address on the letter : cpdayni@hys.com.pe. | N.Ribas-SE-B | Cumbre DX 336 | Mrz 01 |
RADIO CULTURAL AMAUTA 4955 V/s: S.ra NOE'SOLIER QUISPE Administradora (SWB SWEDEN, VIA SCANDINAVIAN LA-SUMMERY Nr.87/01) | C.Brunström-S | Play-DX 1107 | Apr 01 |
RADIO CULTURAL AMAUTA 4955 V/s: S.ra NOE'SOLIER QUISPE Administradora (SWB SWEDEN, VIA SCANDINAVIAN LA-SUMMERY Nr.87/01) | R.Wikström-S | Play-DX 1107 | Apr 01 |
This day I received a nice QSL letter and card from Radio Cultural Amauta Peru 4955 kHz after 15 months about. v/s was Demetria Montes Sinforoso, Administradora ARCA. E-mail adresses: arca@terra.com.pe & montessd@terra.com.pe. | R.Vos-HOL | direct to QIP | Mai 01 |
4955, R. Cultural Amauta, a professional E-mail verie in 26 wks., v/s Demetria Montes Sinforoso (Administradora) at arca@terra.com.pe. | V.Korinek-AFS | Numero Uno 1629 | Mai 01 |
4955 kHz. Radio Cultural Amauta, Apartado 24, Huanta. Carta QSL confirmación de mi reporte de junio de 1.999 a travésde una carta firmada por Demetria Montes Sinforoso, que tiene el cargo de Administadora. Envío de una foto de la casa donde funciona la emisora. En la carta se comenta que se está poniendo al dia con la correspondencia del exterior. Se le puede escribir a: arca@terra.com.pe | R.Rodriguez R.-CLM | Conexion Digital 110 | Jun 01 |
R. Cultural Amauta / 4955 kHz, 323 Tage, teildetailed qsl-letter, Grußkarte / $; v/s Demetria Montes Sinforoso | A.Schmid-D | ADDX 2001-18 | Sep 01 |
Radio Cultural Amauta, 4955 kHz, no data friendly pers. letter + sked after 126 days, for US dollar. v/s Demetria Montes Sinforoso, Administradora Asociación Radio Cultural Amauta. Addr.: Jr. Cahuide No. 278, Apartado 24, Huanta, Perú. e-mail: arca@terra.com.pe website: www.rca.es.vg | H.-D.Buschau-D | direct to QIP | Nov 01 |
Radio Cultural Amauta 4955 kHz Letter + Info. 142d. Sent 1 IRC. V/s: Mrs Demetria Montes Sinforoso, Administradora. QTH: Jiron Cahuide 278, Huanta. | R.Pavanello-I | Play-DX 1163 | Jul 02 |
QSL R. Cultural Amauta, Huanta. Ogni tanto rispondono: Ecco la simpatica risposta di Demetria Montes di Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, Peru, 4955. | S.Micciché-I | Dxlandia-ML | Dez 02 |
R Cultural Amauta, Huanta 4955 e-post 5m | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2003-01 | Jan 03 |
Radio Cultural Amauta 4955, n/d e-mail in 3 weeks from Gamaliel Berrocal (gberrocal_5@yahoo.es). 3 months later I received a f/d QSL card and an information leaflet by regular mail. This for a tape recording and mint stamps. | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | direct to QIP | Jun 05 |
OAX5S R Cultural Amauta, Huanta 4955 e-post k inf 3-15 weeks | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-08 | Nov 05 |
R. Cultural Amauta / 4955 kHz, 138 Tage, undet. B per ES, Info / $; v/s Pelagio Naupa Sálvez | J.Waga-D | ADDX 2005-12 | Dez 05 |
4955 kHz. Radio Cultural Amauta. Jr. Cahuide Nº 278 - Huanta - Ayacucho. Certificado de Sintonia firmada por Administrador Pelagio Ñaupa Galvez y Miriam Gavilan locutora. Almanaque y Calendario 2006, y polo ( t-shirt ) de la radio. Ademas de carta personal de Miriam Gavilan. Demoro 12 dias. | C.Rojas Gordillo-PRU | direct to QIP | Dez 05 |
R. CULTURAL AMAUTA 4955 kHz. QSL Letter in 150 days. SENT 5 Euro !! + Taped RPT C15 + Italian Stickers + Postcard. Address: Jiron Cahuide 278 or Casilla Postal 24, Huanta. EMail: arca@terra.com.pe V/s : Sra DEMETRIA MONTES. | P.Albini-I | Play-DX 2006-01 | Jan 06 |
RADIO CULTURAL AMAUTA 4955 kHz. QSL LETTER , t-shit and 2006 calendar in 1 month fror spanish report sent to: RADIO CULTURAL AMAUTA, P.O.Box 24, Huanta , Ayacucho , PERU / vrs/ Pelagio Ñaupa /Administrador. | C.Pérez Dioses-PRU | direct to QIP | Feb 06 |
R Cultural Amauta $ as return postage, 4955 kHz, full data letter 62 days (v/s Pelagio Naupa Galvez) | P.Cody-IRL | BDXC-UK 2006-04 | Apr 06 |
R Cumbre Index Peru
Index America South
R Cumbre, Huyancayo 1240 e-post | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-06 | Okt 05 |
R Cusco Index Peru
Index America South
6203,7 kHz, Cusco Cusco 23:00 27.02.93 10.06.93 103 days, QSL : brev dekal v/s : Raul Siu Almonte Gerente General | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Jun 93 |
6193.7 kHz, R. Cusco with f/d ppc (George Maroti's design) via Carlos Gamarra Moscoso of R. La Hora for taped report, mint stamps (used) $2 US and SAE (not used) in 3 weeks. V/s Lic. Yoklin Siu Olivera, Gerente. 3 Radio Cusco stickers also enclosed. Another signature on the card is illegible. They put 6193.7 kHz (the freq I reported to them) on the card. | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | Cumbre Dx 399 | Mai 02 |
R Cusco 6195 kHz, card sti | C.Brunström-S | Norwegian DX News 2002-06 | Sep 02 |
R del Pacifico Index Peru Index America South
R. del Pacifico on 4975, QSL card v/s P.G. Ferreyra in 5 months for 1 USD (KD / DSWCI -SWN, QSL Corner June 97) | ? KD | TFW 031 | Jun 97 |
R.del Pacifico (4975 kHz) verified after 47 days with a qsl-card. The rr contained a sticker, stamps and one IRC G.Opalka-D | G.Opalka-D | ADDX 1999-03 | Feb 99 |
R. del Pacifico 4874.8. Folder card with welcomes in different languages on front, incorrect frequency of 9675, as well as brief handwritten note thanking me for report. No veri signer but email address of postmast@pacifico.com.pe. 5 months for USD. | R.Jary-SA-AUS | Cumbre DX 229 | Feb 99 |
9975 kHz. Radio DEL PACIFICO, Apartado 4236, Lima 1. QSL folder. Contesto en 146 dias. | M.Middondo-ARG | Conexion Digital 009 | Jun 99 |
R. del Pacifico 4975, letter, sticker in 17 months for US $1. v/s Julio Villarreal Córdova, Productor y Coordinador for the childrens programme "El mundo de los niños" which is aired over the station. Sr. Villarreal also included a cassette recording of the programme and sounds like a very friendly person who could be contacted for QSLs from Radio del Pacifico. E-mail address: mundokids@terra.com.pe The envelope was, for some reason, posted from Germany. | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | direct to QIP | Jun 01 |
4975 kHz R. del Pacifico F/d ppc and business card in 6 months. V/s Pedro Ferreira Garcia, Director Ejecutivo. Stn power is 5000 watts. Thanks to TIN's latest trip to Perú ! | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | DXplorer-ML | Okt 01 |
R del Pacifico, F/u stamped, addressed envelope 4975 ppc 360. (v/s Julio Villareal Cordova, Productor) | G.Brown-G | BDXC-UK 2002-04 | Apr 02 |
9674.8 Radio del Pacifico. Letter + 2 calendars + calling card + personalized audio tape received in 419 days, v/s Sr. Julio Villarreal, via Charlotte, NC. Responding to my mail DX Report + 2 reminders. | G.Glotzbach-NM-USA | Cumbre DX 401 | Mai 02 |
R del Pacifico 4975 p/d ltr in 1 mo v/s Omar Larrazabal Bernal. Says this is their 40th anniv and they are now on 24 hours. Email addr: grupacificomunicartv@hotmail.com. | S.Paszkiewicz-WI-USA | DXplorer-ML | Sep 03 |
R. DEL PACIFICO 4975 kHz Letter + Pocket Calendar + Key Ring in 352 days. Sent 1 US $. V/s : Julio Villareal Cordoba (Director) ADDRESS : Apartado 4236, Lima 1. (reply in 2006) | F.Carnevalini-I | Play-DX 2007 | Jan 07 |
4974.8, Radio del Pacífico, Lima, recibida carta QSL vía e-mail, en un archivo Word, con logotipo de la emisora y datos completos, V/S Doris Manco Flores. Tardaron en contestar 133 días. El informe de recepción se envió por carta, adjuntando 1 US $ a la siguiente dirección: Radio del Pacífico, Av. Guzmán Blanco 465 7ª piso Lima - Perú. Se reclamó varias veces por e-mail la confirmación en la dirección: informes@grupopacifico.org. | M.Méndez-E | direct to QIP | Nov 06 |
R Diez Index Peru
Index America South
5116.4 (...) Radio Diez, la radio de los triunfadores ". A news broadcast, ending 0100, on Oct 19, " Yo soy la voz del pueblo ", presented by Luis Ugaz Espinoza, revealed that this station is a wellknown one. A new correspondent from somewhere out in the Amazon jungle was greeted on the air and people wishing to become new correspondents were asked to send ina letter and aphotograph to the following address, " Radio Diez, Iquitos ". So that was the address I put on the envelope for my report - and letter of intention - which has now been acknowledged on the air. (...) Letters and reports are wanted, so it appears, not only from with Peru itself, but also from Brazil, Ecuador and Colombia. The address has later been given in a more explicit fashion as " Jirón Elías Aguirre 857, Iquitos ", and the phone number 094 - 232330. " If you want to greet someone for his birthday or so, do let us know, no matter if he is living abroad ", so the saying goes. (...) In addition to multiple greetings on the air I also received by mail a very nice QSL package in the form of a two-page letter, various picture postcards from Iquitos and one of the station's bingo cards. | H.Klemetz-CLM | Dateline Bogotá 1994 | Jan 94 |
5116.4 kHz, R. Diez, Iquitos, unheard in Jan. A two-page QSL letter, four photographs, a bingo card etc. arrived here in late December 1994 (..). | H.Klemetz-CLM | Dateline Bogotá 1995 | Jan 95 |
R Difusora, Huanta
Index Peru Index America
R. Difusora Huanta, 4888, e-mail verie in 3 years and 7 months (never give up hope!), v/s Edgar Ramos Marquez (Owner's son), his address: kpunk474[ät]hotmail.com. | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Jan 04 |
R Doble N
Index Peru Index America
R El Sol de los Andes
Index Peru Index America
Radio El Sol de los Andes, 3230 n / d letter in 6 months after third f / u + second address tried (Total 4 years). v/s Enrique Caceres Escalante, Gerente. | N.Grace-DC-USA | Cumbre DX 064 | Dez 95 |
3229, R. El Sol de los Andes, ppc, no-data ltr, follow-up for 1986 log, v/s Gaby Merma Figueroa, Admninistradora. Tnx to TIN ! | J.Wilkins-CO-USA | Numero Uno 1548 | Okt 99 |
3230, R. El Sol de los Andes, ppc and ltr, follow-up for a 1997 logging, v/s Gaby Merma Figueroa, Admninistradora. Tnx to TIN for collecting this on his travels, along with the QSLs below . | D.Martin-VIC-AUS | Numero Uno 1549 | Okt 99 |
3230, R. El Sol de los Andes, QSL ltr and stamped / signed ppc from v/s Gaby Merma Figueroa (Administradora); for an old 1987 rpt tnx to TIN's visit. | D.Foster-AUS | Numero Uno 1551 | Nov 99 |
Radio EL SOL DE LOS ANDES 3230 E-MAIL letter 60d. signed by Segetaria DIANA AMPUERO MOLINA (SHE EXPLAIN STATION AS NO MONEY TO REPLY BY letter) reportS VIA E-MAIL WELCOMED TO: dianaampuero79[ät]latinmail.com | G.Bellabarba-I | Play-DX 1107 | Apr 01 |
R Espinar OAZ7G Index Peru Index America
OAZ7G R Espinar, Yauri 1475 b | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2003-06 | Sep 03 |
R Frecuencia San Ignacio
Index Peru Index America
5700 kHz, R Frecuencia San Ignacio (..) In a QSL-letter published in various bulletins, stn manager does not request CD records, as one of the recipients said, but rather a CD player. As the manager was QSL-ing several people abroad, he thought maybe he would be receiving three or four different players for Christmas. | H.Klemetz-CLM | Dateline Bogotá 1995 | Jan 95 |
R Frecuencia VH Index Peru Index America South
4485 kHz R. Frecuencia VH "La Voz de Celedin" F/d ppc and freq-only personal letter in 5½ months. V/s Fernando Vasquez Castro, Directo-Gerente. Stn power is 500 watts. Thanks to TIN's latest trip to Perú ! | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | DXplorer-ML | Okt 01 |
Radio Frecuencia VH , Celendin Cajamarca, 4485 kHz., full data Tarjeta QSL preparada, demoró 4 meses, VRS. Eleuterio Vásquez Castro, Director Gerente, IR , enviado a Jr. Arica , cuadra 5, Celendin , Cajamarca, PERÚ. | C.Perez Dioses-PRU | ConDig 417 | Apr 07 |
R Gotas de Oro Index Peru Index America South
4567v R Gotas de Oro, Chiclayo, has certified my reception from last year (on 4524) by means of a letter. Letterhead shows -drops of gold- (liquid, not solid..) and signature is illegible. Secretary Celia Purizaca Suxe knows what DXing is about, so letters can be addressed to the station, in care of her, Calle Primero de Mayo 278, Urb. Urrunaga, Distrito Jose Leonardo Ortiz, Chiclayo. Return postage would be appreciated. A pennant is in the making, says Celia in a separate message. | H.Klemetz-CLM | Cumbre DX 127 | Feb 97 |
4572, R. Gotas de Oro (stamped " R. Uno 1430 AM "), v/s Plutarco Chamba F. (Gerente). | D.Martin-VIC-AUS | Numero Uno 1504 | Dez 98 |
R Horizonte Index Peru Index America South
5008,8 kHz, Chachapoyas Amazonas 00:50 10.07.92 05.01.93 80 days, QSL : kort brev v/s : José M. Garcia Castanedo Ny rapport : 17.10.92 | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Jan 93 |
Radio Horizonte 5020 kHz verified with a det. Card and post cards in 47 days | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Sep 95 |
5020, R. Horizonte, Chachapoyas, full data QSL letter received in 5 weeks. v/s Rocio Garcia Rubio, Directora, wrote that the station is an educational, politically active and populist station. It is dependent upon the Diocese of Chachapoyas; and its programming is intended to carry out Christ's work. Radio Horizonte broadcasts a variety or programming, including a daily comprehensive newscast and informational program, as well as musical programs during which various topics are discussed and promoted, including health, agriculture, women, ecology and other issues. Radio Horizonte is a member of the Coordinadora Nacional de Radio and of the Asociacion Mundial de Radiodifusion Comunitaria (AMARC). It uses an Elcom Bauer transmitter with 1000-5000 watts. Many thanks to Don Moore for helping with the translation. (DXFL) | H.Lazarus-LA-USA | DX Window 025 | Aug 96 |
R. Horizonte, Chachapoyas on 5020, v/s M.Soledad Sanchez Castro, administr. (Distance # 09/97 / Play DX # 955 Nov 03) | B.Norgren-S | TFW 042 | Nov 97 |
5020 R Horizonte partial data verie letter, full data paper " Certificado de Sintonia ", and full data QSL card - all for the same report, in 52 days for Spanish report and $ 1.00. 3 veries in one envelope ! v/s : Dolores Gutierrez Atienza - Administradora. | J.D.Stephens-AL-USA | Cumbre DX 168 | Dez 97 |
R.Horizonte on 5020, QSL certificado after F / up, v/s Sra Dolores Gutierrez Atienza, administradora (in Distance 15/97, Sweden / Play DX # 969 Feb. 16) | J.Oscarsson-S | TFW 053 | Mrz 98 |
5019.92 Radio Horizonte, Chachapoyas; made a reply with a full data QSL letter, two different QSL cards, and a cassette tape of regional folklore, for third follow-up reports in 3 years. Verification signature is Ing. Maria Dolores Gutierrez Atienza, the station administrator. They welcome correspondence and reception report, and issues QSL card for correct report. New street address : Jiron Amazonas No.1177, Chachapoyas, Provincia de Chachapoyas, Departamento de Amazonas, Peru. (Relampago DX # 92 Feb. 98) | T.Inoue Nozaki-J | TFW 055 | Mrz 98 |
R. Horizonte on 5018, QSL card and form letter in 5 weeks. No return postage sent. v/s Ing. Dolores Guitérrez Atienza, Administradora | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | direct to QIP | Mai 98 |
5018.7, R. Horizonte, full-data card, printed ltr by registered mail in 23 days. v/s Dolores Gutierrez Atienza, Administradora. Address : Jr. Amazonas 1177, Apartado 69, Chachapoyas, Depto. Amazonas. | T.Sejimo-J | Numero Uno 1498 | Okt 98 |
R.Horizonte on 5018, f/d card, stencilled letter, v/s Ing. Dolores Gutierrez Atienza, administradora, registered anwer, in 5 months. (DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner) | A.Schmid-D | TFW 073 | Nov 98 |
R.Horizonte on 5020, f/d card, pers letter, v/s Ing. Dolores Gutierrez Atienza, administradora, in 6 weeks. (DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner) | T.Mikola-HNG | TFW 073 | Nov 98 |
OBX9K R Horizonte, Chachapoyas 5019.2 qsl-letter. | O.Forr-NOR | Norwegian DX News 1998-10 | Dez 98 |
5020, R. Horizonte, verified a follow-up rpt in 198 days with a full-data form ltr from an illegible v/s. The ltr mentions that they commenced b / cing on SW in 1989 with a 1.5 kw xmtr; prgms emphasize educational, musical and recreational themes with an evangelical prospective. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Numero Uno 1578 | Mai 00 |
R Horizonte 5020 kHz, letter, rp : $1 198 days. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | WDXC QSL Report | Jan 01 |
R. Horizonte / 5020 kHz, 156 Tage, PPC, B per ES / $, nach f/up; v/s Percy Chuquizuta Alvorado | J.Waga-D | ADDX 2002-23 | Dez 03 |
5020 KHz, Radio Horizonte (Chachapoyas) with f/d Maroti card and n/d personal letter for two April 2001 receptions. 5000 watts. V/s Percy Chuquizuta Alvarado, Administrador. Addr: Jr. Amazonas No, 1177, Apartado 6, Chachapoyas. | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | CDX-ML | Jan 04 |
R Huancabamba Index Peru Index America South
6535 Radio Difusora Huancabamba, verified by letter, v/s Federico Ibañez Maticorena, Administrador, with the cordial help of Pedro F. Arrunategui, who visited the station. Studios located at Calle Unión No. 409, Huancabamba, Piura - Región Grau. (source : http://www.makelainen.com/dx/index.htm) | ? | Cumbre DX 318 | Okt 00 |
R Huanta 2000 Index Peru Index America South
4746,6 kHz, Huanta Ayacucho 23:10 23.01.92 23.08.95 1139 days, QSL : stencilbrev vykort v/s : Ronaldo Sapaico Maravi Dpto Tecnico Ny rapport : 10.07.92 | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Aug 95 |
RADIO HUANTA 2000 4746, 5 kHz LETTER 39 d. SENT 1 $. V/s: RAMIRO VELAPATINO MARCA (JEFE DE LA PROGRAMACION) E-MAIL : rami1082[ät]hotmail.com ADDRESS: JIRON GERVASIO SANTILLANA 455, HUANTA. | F.Carnevalini-I | Play DX 2003 | Apr 03 |
R Ilucan, Cutervo OAW2B Index Peru Index America South
Radio Ilucan-Cutervo, wonderful two page personal letter in SS received by special delivery in 6 weeks from Jose Galvez Salazar. Lots of interesting info on the station and his family is given. He also mentions a visit from -TIN- from the land of the -Sol Naciente-. So perhaps we should thank him for his goodwill done on behalf of DXers ! Also sent nice color photo of the center of Cutervo. SS report and self addressed envelope (not used) plus one US $ 1.00 sent. | C.Lobdell-MA-USA | Jihad DX 31 | Mai 95 |
5620,93 kHz, Cutervo Cajamarca 00:25 19.07.95 14.09.95 57 days, QSL : Långt trevligt brev v/s : José Galvez Salazar Gerente Administrativo | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Sep 95 |
5691, Radio Illucan verified with a nice 2-page personal letter (okay, it was obviously computer generated) in 187 days from v/s Jose Galvez Salazar, Gerente Administrativo. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Cumbre DX 085 | Mai 96 |
R Ilucan 5620 letter. | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Apr 97 |
Radio Ilucan 5678, confirm with nice PC letter and photo my report of 27 / 12/99, v/s José Galvez Salazar, Gerente Radio Ilucan, ADDR. Jr. Lima N° 290-Cutervo. | D.Canonica-SUI | HCDX-ML | Apr 00 |
5678, R. Ilucan, date-only personal ltr with full-data ppc in 3 wks. for ms (not used) and cassette tape. Card had MW fqy of 1000 written down under kHz, but not their's. I think they put power down by mistake. Also enclosed photo of beautifully landscaped church. v/s Jose Galvez Salazar, Gerente. | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | Numero Uno 1574 | Apr 00 |
Radio Ilucan from Cutervo, Perú operating on 5678 kHz answered my report. The v/s was JOSE GALVEZ SALAZAR, GERENTE RADIO ILUCAN-CUTERVO. | J.Hytonen-FIN | direct to QIP | Aug 03 |
OAW2B R Ilucan, Cutervo 5678 fin e-post v/s José Galvez Salazar | O.Forr-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2003-05 | Aug 03 |
R. Ilucan, Cutervo, 5678 kHz, partial data e-mail verie in 16 weeks; v/s Jose Galvez Salazar. | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Mrz 04 |
R. ILUCAN 5678 kHz V/s : JOSE GALVEZ SALAZAR (Director) QTH : JIRON LIMA 290, CUTERVO (WRTH 2004) (VIA SWB, SWEDEN) | B.Fransson-S | Play DX J2003-4 | Apr 04 |
R Imagen Index Peru
Index America South
4970 Radio Imagen partial data personal letter in 114 days, plus photo of local hotel, clipping from magazine and tourist brochure. v/s Adith Chumbe Vasquez, Secretaria. | K.MacHarg-EQA | Cumbre DX 062 | Dez 1995 |
R.Imagen - 4969 in 1995 v/s Adith Chumbe Vasquez, sent report with casssette & $ 1 note to the addresse written on the WRTH | J.Nishikawa-J | HCDX-ML | Apr 2000 |
R. Imagen / 4970 kHz, 82 days, part. detailed letter, PPC, W, Foto / nach f/up | A.Schmid-D | ADDX 2000-18 | Sep 2000 |
R Imperio Index Peru
Index America South
4389, R. Imperio, verified with a " confirmed " notation on my ltr in 31 days. However, this wasn't your usual reply. Pedro F. Arrunátegui was visiting R. Imperio in Chiclayo recently and saw a photocopy of my report with the " confirmed " endorsement at the bottom. They apparently sent the original to me, but I have not received it as yet. PFA made a scan of the copy and sent it to JB, as he did not have my E-mail address. As JB mentioned when he forwarded it to me, " It is a small DX world out there. " | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Numero Uno 1609 | Dez 00 |
R Imperio, Chiclayo 4389 b kass. v/s Ulises Vásquez Sánches sendte Tore én time med "La Voz de Salvacion" | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2001-06 | Sep 01 |
4389 kHz R. Imperio F/d ppc in 9½ months. V/s Ulises Vasquez Sangur, Director. Stn power is 300 watts. Thanks to TIN's latest trip to Perú ! | J.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | DXplorer-ML | Okt 01 |
4389 Radio Imperio, Chiclayo verie letter/'Certificado' paper cd, photo of church/sticker of Pentecostal Harvest Church (which they belong to) in 6 wks for a Tape rpt & US $1 v/s Ulises Vasquez Sanchez ADDRESS: Avenue Pedro Rusiz 1250, Urb, San Juan, Chiclayo, Peru | T.Williamson-ON-CAN | ODXA QSL Album 2001-10 | Okt 01 |
R Inca Index Peru
Index America South
CAJAMARCA: RADIO INCA : CARTA QSL /QSL LETTER. Fecha/ Date : 29-Oct-06. Hora/ Hour : 02.00 UTC. Frec: 1510 kHz.. Vrs. Gonzalo Urteaga / Gerente. Confirmación recogida personalmente durante una vista a esa emisora | C.Pérez Dioses-PRU | direct to QIP | Jan 07 |
R Jaen Index Peru
Index America South
5005, R. Jaen, rather odd ltr rcvd by registered mail, not from R. Jaen, but from a church in Morro Solar, Jaen, which puts on the prgm " El Pentecostes de Hoy " on R. Jaen on Mon-Sat at 0700-0730 and on Sunday at 0700-0900 Peruvian time. There is no question that they are the sponsors and authors of this prgm, as they call it " our prgm " (" nuestro programa radial ") and say that " we b / c evangelistic mx, spirtual advice and the Word of God... "). They don't ask for anything; rather, the ltr is just like the " thank you for your rpt " ltrs which are so often rcvd from LA stns. They thanked me for " your ltr dated Nov 17, 1995 from New Orleans, LA 70116 of USA to R. Jaen 'La Voz de la Frontera, ' Calle Mariscal Castilla 439, Jaen, Departamento de Cajamarca, Peru. " The name of the church is Iglesia Pentecostes del Nazreno (accent over final e in Pentecostes), and the ltr is written by the Pastor, Antonio Quintana Herrera. The address of the church is Tupac Amaru 438, Morro Solar, Jaen, Peru (there is an accent over the u in Tupac), or Apartado 67 " del correo central de Jaen. " Apparently TIN's visit to the stn must have caused them to send the rpt to the church, although TIN isn't mentioned in the ltr. | H.Lazarus-LA-USA | Numero Uno 1500 | Nov 98 |
5005, R. Jaen, signed and stamped ppc, v/s Luis A. Vilchez Ochoa (Administrador). | D.Martin-VIC-AUS | Numero Uno 1504 | Dez 98 |
R Juanji Index Peru
Index America South
Radio Juanji, 6260, really nice 4 page personal letter in SS from the station owner's son, plus a color photo of station entrance, by registered air mail in 5 weeks after 3rd follow up report. Total time was 4 years. Neatly typed letter gives detailed info on the history of station. Letter gives station location as : Provincia De Mariscal Caceres, Juanjui, Depto de San Martin, but reply was from : John Wiley Villanueva, Jiron Cerro de Pasco #461, Urb : -Aran Juez-, Trujillo, Depto La Libertad, Peru. | C.Lobdell-MA-USA | Cumbre DX 066 | Dez 95 |
R JVL Index Peru
Index America South
R. JVL on 6261, v/s John Villanueva Lara. (Distance DX 20 - 1997, Sweden / Play DX # 963 Jan 5) | R.Akesson-S | TFW 049 | Jan 1998 |
R La Hora Index Peru
Index America South
4859,8 kHz, Cusco Cusco 23:10 24.01.92 18.02.92 25 days, QSL : kort | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Feb 92 |
4855 R La Hora verified by letter from Sr. Carlos Gamarra M, director. They have the slogan : Voz é imagen de la region Inka;. Mr. Gamarras gives the address to write to : Av. Garcilaso 411, Distrito de Wanchac, Cusco, Peru. He is a shortwave listener, too, and would like to buy a SW receiver, as his Nordmende 8015 dates back to 1957. | M.Ritola-FIN | HCDX-ML | Aug 98 |
Today I received a nice QSL-letter from Radio La Hora, Cusco, Peru on 4855 kHz. Veriesigner Lic. Carlos Gamarra Moscoso, the new director of this station. He tells that he has the intention to reply to all receptionreports. He is very interested in shortwave radio and wants to know more about receivers, international shortwave stations and DX clubs. So, do include some information when sending him a receptionreport ! At the moment they are transmitting with 1 kW, but as from december they will be using 2 kW ad he is very interested in receptionreports concerning this new power. The adress of Radio La Hora : Avenida Garcilaso 180 or Apartado 540, Cusco. Telephone : 231371 and 225615. Mr. Gamarra is requesting receptionreports to his adress : Carlos Gamarra Moscoso, Avenida Garcilaso 411, Distrito de Wanchaq, Cusco, Peru | M.van Arnhem-HOL | DX Window 133 | Sep 98 |
Radio LA HORA 4855 kHz, Cusco v/s : Carlos Gamarra Moscoso (JTM, ON, Sweden in Slas n. 65/98) | ? JTM | Play-DX 0997 | Okt 98 |
4855 Radio La Hora Friendly letter in SS for SS rpt and 1 USD from Carlos Gamarra M (Director), received in 1 month, also requested I send him a Radio Australia sked, (no problemo), as I do the R Australia QSLs etc. | J.Wright-NSW-AUS | Cumbre DX 215 | Nov 98 |
OAZ7A R La Hora 4855.5 trivelig qsl-letter 5 weeks, v/s Carlos Gamarra M., Director | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 1998-09 | Nov 98 |
4855, R. La Hora : Ltr rcvd from Carlos Gamarra Moscoso, Director de Frequencias of R. La Hora, Avenida Garcilaso 411, Distrito de Wanchaq, Cusco, Peru, the new director of the stn. He says he is going to confirm all the old rcpn rpts found on his desk at the moment of entering in the radio. The stn is on 4855 kHz with 1 kw. He is a radio listener, and has monitored some stns like R. Virgen del Carmen and R. Comas. He requests rcpn rpts and other illustrative material. (DX-Window) | M.Cerveglieri-I | Numero Uno 1508 | Jan 99 |
Radio LA HORA 4855 kHz QSL card 39d. NO IRC QTH : Av.Garcilazo 180, Cusco. | A.L.Slaen-ARG | Play-DX 1014 | Feb 99 |
Radio LA HORA 4865, 6 kHz letter 90d. NO IRC v/s : Carlos Gamarra N., director (NASWA, QSL Report, The Journal, Nov. 98, USA) | S.Barto-USA | Play-DX 1014 | Feb 99 |
OAZ7A R.La Hora 4855 letter. | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News 1999-07 | Aug 99 |
R. La Hora / 4855 kHz, 20 days, pers.qsl-letter. | G.Opalka-D | ADDX 1999-20 | Okt 99 |
4855, R. La Hora, brief ltr and ppc, v/s Carlos Gamarra Moscoso, follow-up for a 1997 rpt. | D.Martin-VIC-AUS | Numero Uno 1549 | Okt 99 |
Radio LA HORA 4855 kHz letter 38d. v/s : Carlos Gamarra, sent 1 IRC QTH : Avenida Garcilaso 180, Cusco. | R.Pavanello-I | Play-DX 1043 | Nov 99 |
4855, R. La Hora, full-data 5 x 9 " computer-generated card in red print with Inca ruins silhouetted in background (famous mountain but forgot name), in 18 days for SAE and mint stamps (both used), and cassette tape. Long typewritten message on back that covers the whole card. v/s Carlos Gamarra Moscose, Fqy Director. Also rcvd paper pennant. He wants me to put his pennant with others I have rcvd, take a picture and send the pix to him. Also wanted to know how I got his address (Av. Carciloso No. 411, Wanchaq, Cusco, Peru). I saw it in some publication but don't remember which one [HC-DX in NU 1574--JB] so can't give proper credit. They are to go to 2 kw from 1 kw in the near future. He is a DXer, knows about QSLs and would like info on SW rcvrs and antennas. I am going to send him some, but it probably would help your chances at a response to send a pamphlet to him with your rpt. | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | Numero Uno 1579 | Mai 00 |
4855, R. La Hora (NU 1579) : Avenue name in the address should be Av. Garcilaso rather than Carciloso; the name surely honors Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, a colonial Inca historian and writer of his culture. | H.Nigro-URG | Numero Uno 1580 | Mai 00 |
4855 R. La Hora, NU 1579 & 1580 : Horacio is correct about the street address spelling. I noticed I also spelled Carlos' name as Moscose. It should be Moscoso. | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | Numero Uno 1581 | Jun 00 |
4855, R. La Hora, full-data QSL-card (per other rptrs), red background, looks computer generated but on thick card; also paper pennant, in 7 wks. after follow-up to 1996 rpt. From Moscose at Wanchaq adress (see NU 1579). He says anyone whose rpts are not answered should write again. | T.Williamson-ON-CAN | Numero Uno 1591 | Aug 00 |
R. La Hora / 4977 kHz, 18 days, detailed qsl-card, mit pers. Zeilen / nach f/up | A.Schmid-D | ADDX 2000-18 | Sep 00 |
4855, R. La Hora, great looking QSL-card and paper pennant from Carlos Gamarra Moscoso, Av. Garcilaso No. 411, Wanchaq, Cusco, Director de Frequencias. It seems the same as the one rcvd by John Sgrulletta (NU 1579, 1580, 1581), but slightly smaller and seemingly not computer generated. Also has long typed message on the back. One of the nicer cards from Peru. In 69 mos. total (1994 taped rpt), about one month after follow-up to this v/s, who is a DXer. Card also shows the printed name of Edmundo Montesinos Gallo, Director Gerente. Note on the back [tnx to Don Moore for translation] suggests that Carlos is not initiating replies to old rpts (like mine) which he has but in which the address may now be out of date. He definitely does want to QSL, however. So if you have a rpt pending there, send a follow-up with your current address. [.]. (Berg-MA) | J.Berg-MA-USA | Numero Uno 1597 | Sep 00 |
4855, R. La Hora, full-data QSL (same as JB got a few weeks ago) and paper pennant for rpt left at stn by TIN a few weeks ago. Had already rcvd ppc for this and R. San Miguel from TIN a few weeks ago. Tnx TIN ! | D.Moore-IA-USA | Numero Uno 1603 | Nov 00 |
4855, R. La Hora, full-data QSL (same as JB got a few weeks ago) and paper pennant for rpt left at stn by TIN a few weeks ago. Had already rcvd ppc for this and R. San Miguel from TIN a few weeks ago. Tnx TIN ! (Moore-IA) In 399 days with card, nice note, and pennant from v/s Carlos Gamarra Moscoso, Director de Frecuencias. Thanks to TIN, who visited the stn and encouraged the v/s to reply. In the note he refers to TIN as " Takakuki, un gran amigo. " | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Numero Uno 1603 | Nov 00 |
R La Hora, v/s Carlos Gamarra Moscoso, Director de Frecuencias 4855 kHz, card, rp : no, 399 days. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | WDXC QSL Report | Jan 01 |
Radio La Hora, Cusco, 4855 kHz confirm with QSL and pennant! v/s Carlos Gamarra Moscoso, Director; addr. Av. Garcilaso N° 411, Wanchaq, Cusco, Peru. He say that the station is very interesting to receive reception report because in this moment is on the air the new TX "marca Continental de 2 kw de potencia". Mr. Gamarra (he's DXer) has the possibility to confirm reception report of this radio stations: Radio LTC, Juliaca (6010 kHz), Radio La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos and Radio Sicuani, Cusco! Only send the report to his addresse. | D.Canonica-SUI | direct to QIP | Jul 01 |
4855, Radio La Hora, F/d letter in 1 mo. V/s Carlos Gamarra Moscoso Director Freq, Dept. (typewritten "Carta de Confirmacion de Sintonia", not the computer-generated card I received last time), and also a typewritten personal letter, for mint stamps and SAE (both used) and pictures of the La Hora pennant with others in my collection (he requested this at the time he QSLd my first report). I sent this report because I was trying to QSL Radio Sicuani via Carlos per reports in HC-DX. | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | DXplorer-ML | Dez 01 |
R La Hora l,p TR stamped, addressed envelope 4855 qsl-card 20. (v/s Carlos Gamara Moscoso, Dir.of Frecuencias) | G.Brown-G | BDXC-UK 2002-05 | Mai 02 |
Radio La Hora 4.855,00 kHz, 1 US-$ 39 Tage, K, W, pers. B Details : ja | A.Schwegeler-D | EAWRC 302 | Jul 02 |
Radio La Hora 4855 kHz QSL-Card very nice, Paper Multicolored Pennant. 20d. NO IRC !! V/s: DXer Carlos Gamarra Moscoso. He collect pennants, stickers and QSLs. Personal address for Reports : Avenida Garcilaso 411, Cusco, Distrito de Wanchaq. | P.Albini-I | Play-DX 1163 | Jul 02 |
Radio La Hora 4855, 3 kHz Letter + CLOTH PENNANT !! (not paper pennant!!) V/s: Carlos Gamarra Moscoso Director (QSL-Report, NASWA, USA) | S.Barto-USA | Play-DX 1163 | Jul 02 |
R. La Hora / 4855 kHz, 48 Tage, det. K, W, B / $; v/s Sr. G. Moscoso. | M.Arndt-D | ADDX 2002-18 | Sep 02 |
4855,6 Radio La Hora, Av. Garcilaso 180, Cusco. QSL card full data in 29 days. Very nice !!. Sent me a paper pennat too. v/s: Carlos Gamarra. He is also a DXer from 1975 and has three old receivers: a Normende Bois, a Sava and a RCA Victor. He use three antenna dipole for listen to the radio. | A.L.Slaen-ARG | DXplorer-ML | Sep 02 |
Radio La Hora 4.855,00 kHz, IRC S 40 card, details : ja | P.Robic-AUT | EAWRC 306 | Nov 02 |
R La Hora, Cusco 4856,2 k | O.Forr-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2003-03 | Apr 03 |
RADIO LA HORA 4855 kHz 60 d. SENT 1 $. | B.Gornati-I | Play-DX J2003 | Apr 03 |
4855 - R. La Hora - Cusco-PRU - QSL, carta e flâmula. 89 dias. V/S: Edmundo M. Gallo e Carlos G. Moscoso. QTH: Av. Garcilleso, 411, Wanchaq, Cusco, Peru | O.Fantinelli-RS-B | DXCB 2003-05 | Mai 03 |
4855 kHz, Radio La Hora, full data "Radio La Hora" card, v/s Carlos Gamarra Moscoso-Director De Frecuencias, in 1 month after assistance from a Peruvian friend, 3 months total, received pennant. Address on envelope: Av, Gercilaso No 411, Wanchaq-Cusco, Peru. Thank to my Peruvian friend for making this my 1st Peruvian QSL possible! | J.Talbot-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Jul 03 |
R La Hora 4855 k papirvimpel 2m | G.Fredheim-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2003-05 | Aug 03 |
4855 Radio La Hora, Cusco, Informe enviado en Julio del 2003 Tarjeta QSL recibida el 11 de septiembre del 2003 V/S: CARLOS GAMARRA MOSCOSO, Director de Frecuencias QTH: Av. Gracilazo 411 Wanchaq, Cusco, Peru | C.Pérez Dioses-PRU | Conexion Digital 228 | Sep 03 |
R La Hora 4856 k b pappvimpel 1m v/s Carlos Gamarra Moscono | K.-E.Stridh-S | Norwegian DX News 2003-06 | Sep 03 |
4855 kHz - R. La Hora, Cusco, Peru. Recebido QSL full data azul com imagem de Machu Pichu em segundo plano e banderin. 28 dias. V/S: Carlos Gamarra Moscoso (Director de Frecuencias). QTH: Av. Garcilaso, 411, Wanchaq, Cusco, Peru. | M.Martins Pontes-SP-B | Atividade DX 180 | Dez 03 |
4856 kHz - R. La Hora, Cusco. Recebido cartão QSL, flâmula e carta pessoal. 21 dias. V/S: Carlos Gamarra Moscoso (Diretor de Frequências). QTH: Av. Garcilaso 411, Wanchaq, Cusco, Peru. | R.Walter Grimm-SP-B | Atividade DX 202 | Mai 04 |
Radio La Hora, 4855 Very nice f/d card, stamped twice, & signed by Edmundo Montesinos Gallo (Gerente General) and Carlos Gamarra Moscoso (Director de Frequncias). Also included a red & white cardstock pennant. In about 5 months for $1, CD recording, & SP report. | A.Yoder-PA-USA | Cumbre DX-ML | Jun 04 |
R La Hora $1 4856 kHz, fd/c 64 days, (v/s Carlos Gammora Moscoso) | P.Cody-IRL | BDXC-UK 2004-10 | Okt 04 |
4586, Radio La Hora, Cuzco, Recibida carta con banderín de la emisora y tarjeta QSL con datos completos, con sello de la emisora y firmada por el Gerente General, D. Edmundo Montesinos Gallo y el Director de Frecuencias, D. Carlos Gamarra Moscoso. Tardó en llegar dos meses y medio aproximadamente y junto al informe de recepción se envió 1 US $ para ayuda del sello de retorno. Dirección a la que se envió el informe: D. Carlos Gamarra Moscoso (Radio La Hora), Avenida Garcilaso 411, Wanchaq, Cuzco, Perú. La carta con el informe se envió el día 28 de Julio de 2004. Se recibió la carta con la tarjeta QSL el día 15 de Octubre de 2004. D. Carlos Gamarra Moscoso, Director de Frecuencias, me cuenta, por mail aparte, que él también es DX-ista, y que usa para la escucha varios aparatos Normende de tubos. | M.Méndez-E | direct to QIP | Okt 04 |
R La Hora 4855,7 e-post kart v (svar nr.2) v/s Carlos Gamarra Moscoso | K.-E.Stridh-S | Norwegian DX News 2005-02 | Feb 05 |
Radio La Hora 4855, f/d QSL card and paper pennant in 7 months for a tape recording and mint stamps. v/s Edmundo Montesinos Gallo, Gerente General and Carlos Gamarra Moscoso, Director de frecuencias. Carlos also sent me a kind e-mail. | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | direct to QIP | Feb 05 |
4855 KHZ RADIO LA HORA. QSL firmada por el Director Gerente Edmundo Montesinos Gallo y Director de Frecuencias Carlos Gamarra Moscoso. Demoro 22 dias. QTH : Radio La Hora, Sr.Carlos Gamarra Moscoso, Av. Garcilaso 411, Wanchaq. Cusco. | C.Rojas Gordillo-PRU | direct to QIP | Okt 05 |
OAZ7A R La Hora, Cusco 4855 k v e-post 7 months | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-08 | Nov 05 |
R. La Hora / 4855 kHz, 317 Tage, detailierte Karte, W / $, f/up,v/s Carlos Gamarra Moscoso „mil disculpas por la excesiva demora“ | J.Waga-D | ADDX 2006-06 | Jun 06 |
R. La Hora / 4855 kHz, 318 Tage, detailierte Karte, W / $, f/up | E.Röscher-D | ADDX 2006-08 | Aug 06 |
4855 kHz - R. La Hora - Cusco. Recebido cartao QSL full data, carta pessoal e certificado de verificacao de sintonia internacional. 15 dias. V/S: Edmundo Montesinos, Gerente Geral e Carlos Gamarra Moscoso, Diretor de Frequencias. QTH: Av. Garcilaso 411, Celular 9-639504, Tel. 221153, Wanchaq, Cusco, Peru. | R.Guillermo Margenet-ARG | Atividade DX 321 | Okt 06 |
A quince días de haber enviado un informe de recepción sonoro por correo electrónico a: adalidcusco@hotmail.com, que corresponde al programa deportivo \\\"Adalid\\\" de Radio La Hora (4855.5 KHz) dirigido por CARLOS GAMARRA MOSCOSO, recibí una completa Tarjeta QSL (20,50 x 10,70 centímetros) en cuyo anverso se observa la inscripción \\\"Tarjeta de verificación de Sintonía Internacional\\\" y las firmas de Edmundo Montesinos, Gerente General, y de Carlos Gamarra Moscoso, Director de Frecuencias. Al dorso Gamarra Moscoso me hace saber que \\\"También ayudamos con cartas QSL\\\'s para R. Sicuani, R. Paucartambo, R. Quillabamba, R. Melodía, R. Tacna, R. Universal, R.Onda Imperial y otras del sur del Perú\\\". Asimismo ha incluido un banderín de cartón con dedicatoria personal. En el anverso dice \\\"Radio La Hora, Cusco, Perú -Frecuencias 1400 Khg 4855 O.C. 2 KW - Una Radio para todos\\\". La direción de la emisora es Av. Garcilaso 411, Celular 9-639504, Tel. 221153, Wanchaq, Cusco, Perú. | R.Guillermo Margenet-ARG | Conexion Digital 389 | Okt 06 |
A quince días de haber enviado un informe de recepción sonoro por correo electrónico a adalidcusco@hotmail.com, que corresponde al programa deportivo *"Adalid*" de Radio La Hora (4855.5 KHz) dirigido por CARLOS GAMARRA MOSCOSO, recibí una completa tarjeta QSL (20,50 x 10,70 centímetros) en cuyo anverso se observa la inscripción *"Tarjeta de verificación de Sintonía Internacional*" y las firmas de Edmundo Montesinos, Gerente General, y de Carlos Gamarra Moscoso, Director de Frecuencias. Al dorso Gamarra Moscoso me hace saber que *"También ayudamos con cartas QSL*'s para R. Sicuani, R. Paucartambo, R. Quillabamba, R. Melodía, R. Tacna, R. Universal, R. Onda Imperial y otras del sur del Perú*". Asimismo ha incluido un banderín de cartón con dedicatoria personal. En el anverso dice *"Radio La Hora, Cusco, Perú - Frecuencias 1400 kHz 4855 O.C. 2 KW - Una Radio para todos*". La direción de la emisora es Av. Garcilaso 411, Celular 9-639504, Tel. 221153, Wanchaq, Cusco, Perú. | R.Guillermo Margenet-ARG | Noticias DX-ML | Okt 06 |
R. LA HORA 4855,5 kHz QSL Card + Letter from REPORTED SPORT PROGRAM "Adalid" de R. La Hora of CARLOS GAMARRA MOSCOSO, QSL Card (20,50 x 10,70 cm) V/s: Edmundo Montesinos (Gerente General) & V/s: Carlos Gamarra Moscoso (Director de Frecuencias) RPT SENT TO EMAIL as REQUESTED : adalidcusco@hotmail.com ADRESS : Avenida Garcilaso 411, Wanchaq, Cusco. (October 2006) | R.Guillermo Margenet-ARG | Play-DX 2007 | Jan 07 |
R. La Hora / 4856 kHz, 50 Tage, det. K, W / $, IRC, SAE | C.P.Schenk-E | ADDX 2007-02 | Feb 07 |
QSL R. La Hora, Cusco, PRU ........ nach 37 Tagen Laufzeit mit QSL-Karte und einem Papierwimpel. Bestätigt wurde die qrg 4855 kHz von 23.22-00.22 UTC. | W.-D.Behnke-D | A-DX-ML | Feb 07 |
R. La Hora / 4857 kHz, 30 Tage, detaillierte Karte, W / $ | S.Arndt-D | ADDX 2007-02 | Aug 07 |
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