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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations from Congo (Democratic Republic)
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R Kahuzi
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R. Kahuzi, 6210, partial data e-mail verie for a snail mail in 2 weeks. V/s Barbara Smith, Home Office Secretary (in Toccoa, Georgia, USA). QTH: besi@alltel.net. My report has obviously caused some excitement at the station, including on-air greetings, e-mails from 2 other people associated with the station etc. This station cannot be receiving many reports! 2 weeks later I received a beautiful QSL card, from the US address. | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Jun 05 |
6209.7 R Kahuzi attractive, f/d computer-generated card rcvd in 8 days from Believers Express Service Inc. (BESI) Secretary, Barbara Smith. Card included a computer-generated map showing xmtr and rcvr sites. Card was delivered by the BESI President Harold (Smitty) Smith while I was sitting in his barber chair! This will rank among my most unusual veries, if not THE most unusual! Barbara and the station manager Richard McDonald are brother-sister. Card and accompanying photo of the McDonalds will be sent to Sights and Sounds. If anyone has problems getting a QSL from the station, I can help as they are sent from my local area (I'll just get another haircut!). I believe the station may extend its evening hours to broadcast VOA programs rcvd via satellite. The station uses satellite feeds quite extensively for program content. The shortwave transmitter has been operating since Feb 2001 with a nominal power of 1 KW, but with actual power varying from 830-870 watts depending on local electrical supply. | B.Churchill-CA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Sep 06 |
Radio Kahuzi (6209.66 kHz) verified tentative report of 11th September from the kivu-online email address given on their web page. They usually sign on at around 1600, but on Mondays and Fridays they are on the air until 1700. | M.Ritola-FIN | DXplorer-ML | Sep 06 |
Radio Kahuzi aus Bukavu sendet Mo und Fr bis 17.00 UTC auf 6210 kHz. Meistens liegt man aber etwas tiefer. Bei meinen Empfangsversuchen war es immer so um 6209,6 bis 6209,7 kHz. Sendesprachen sind: franz., engl. und swahili. Gestern traf für einen Empfangsbericht vom 18.09.06 eine QSL-Karte ein, nachdem mein mail-Bericht schon am 18.09. vier Stunden später beantwortet wurde. | W.-D.Behnke-D | A-DX-ML | Okt 06 |
6210 R Kahuzi Great QSL package received for a DX Tuner reception out of Johannesburg, South Africa. QSL card showing an aerial view of Bukavu on the front. The back had the details including a map of what seems to be where they got reports from. Other locations were Finland, Austria, Germany, and Italy. There was then a second card enclosed. The front had an outline map of Africa with a hut, palm tree, and local person on it. The inside of the card had the details. The back of the card stated that it was "a design utilizing dried banana bark by members of the Radio Kahuzi Club. There was then a card with a picture of Rich and Kathy McDonald and details of their mission inside. | H.Johnson-WY-USA | Cumbre DX-ML | Okt 06 |
Radio Kahuzi 6209,66 kHz verified with 2 detailed cards in 34 days. The report was sent by e-mail to: radiokahuzi@kivu-online.com | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Okt 06 |
17 Oct received by post from R Kahuzi US office an envelope with Bukavu-scene QSL-card, another QSL-folder plus other info. This was for my 11 Sep reception on 6210 via my home receiver. | J.Savolainen-FIN | HCDX-ML | Okt 06 |
Radio Kahuzi 6210 kHz, 95 Tage, teildet. E-Mail nach reminder nach1 Stunde, QSL-karte soll folgen / 3 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Dez 06 |
Radio Kahuzi, Bukavu 6210kHz f/d cd and Christmas cd at 14 days for e-mail report; reply from "Believer's Express Service Inc." CA, USA | H.Yokoi-J | direct to QIP | Dez 06 |
Radio Kahuzi 6210 kHz, 333 Tage, det. Karte Motiv Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo, det Faltkarte nach 2 reminder / 5 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Aug 07 |
Nach ca. 13 Monaten kam heute eine detaill. QSL von Radio Kahuzi. RR ging direkt in die USA. Anschrift : BESI/Radio Kahuzi, P.O.Box 115, San Marcos CA 92079. | T.Lindenthal-D | A-DX-ML | Feb 08 |
Coincidentally, my wife and I had just visited Radio Kahuzi's home office in San Marcos CA yesterday (2/2) where I received a QSL card for a Nov 2 2007 reception of Radio Kahuzi from DX Tuner Johannesburg. Only the second QSL I had ever received in person, the other one being from the same couple in September 2006. Thus far Radio Kahuzi has survived but the situation is quite perilous at the moment. | B.Churchill-CA-USA | CDX-ML | Feb 08 |
Radio Kahuzi 6210 DR of Congo in Bukavu w/ computer-generated card w/ full details, no signature direct from R. Kahuzi home office in San Marcos CA. Also included nice confirmation note from Rich and Kathy McDonald w/ artistic bird-tree design made from banana bark by members of one of the local Radio Kahuzi "radio clubs". Listeners use Galcom SW radios tuned to 6.210 MHz w/ built-in solar panel. Very compact and rugged design and great idea for building a listener base. E-mail address is radiokahuzi@sbcglobal.net and station blog is at www.radiokahuzi.blogspot.com. QSL was from a November 2 2007 reception from DX Tuner Johannesburg. | B.Churchill-CA-USA | CDX-ML | Feb 08 |
R. Kahuzi 6210 kHz - Ave. Masikits 2 - Muhumba - Bukavu - Repubblica Democratica del Congo con QSL + folder + schedale da P.O. Box 115 - San Marcos CA 92079 - U.S.A. in 166 giorni. v/s Richard & Kathy Mc Donald. Si 1 IRC. | R.Pavanello-I | direct to QIP | Mrz 09 |
R Okapi Index Congo (Dem Rep)
Index Africa
Radio Okapi, no data but confirmation of reception, French e-QSL via Dominique Jaccard with the Hirondelle Foundation (Dominique_Jaccard@hirondelle.org) in 4 days for a French report. Later : Sorry to say when I received the e-mail last night I assumed it was a confirmation but at lunchtime today did a quick check with a French dictionary at the library and find she did NOT confirm my report. Will have to get a full translation to see what happened. Will post more when I find out.Jerry, this response was to a FR e-mail that I sent her. I am waiting, along with everyone else for a response to my airmail letters, one to the Foundation and one via registered mail to Kinshasa, both in FR. Hope I have better luck when they get my mailed reports. | R.Howard-CA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Apr 02 |
Radio Okapi qsl : heute freudige Überraschung. F/d Radio Okapi qsl in 4 Monaten via Schweiz (gegen IRC) | A.Bollin-D | A-DX-ML | Sep 02 |
9550 Radio Okapi, Fondation Hirondelle, 3 Rue Traversiere, 1018 Lausanne, Swiss. Listened in DX-Camp Guamini, a small town to 500 kms to southwest to Buenos Aires, this year. QSL card full data in 5 months approximate. | A.L.Slaen-ARG | Cumbre DX-ML | Sep 02 |
9550, R. Okapi, Logo QSL-card (Date and Frequency indicated) from Fondation Hirondelle in Switzerland. Card had the Logo of the organization on the front, with details of the station on the reverse. Reply in 115 days. Also my US $1.oo was returned! | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | Cumbre DX-ML | Sep 02 |
9550, R. Okapi, QSL-card rcvd from Fondation Hirondelle in Switzerland in 5-1/2 mos. for copy of rpt and CD sent to them covering March rcpn. Has logos of R. Okapi and FH and FH handstamp, full-data (though time not filled in and fqy looks like 1550 rather than 9550); FH logo on back. Apparently the same as rptd in HCDX (see RDXP WE Sep 15). . | J.Berg-MA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Sep 02 |
Received the same card as Jerry [Berg -QIP] but mine has no data filled in. Still hope for a direct rely. | R.Howard-CA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Sep 02 |
QSL: Radio Okapi : hier kam auch die QSL (leider ohne Details). Bericht mit den üblichen Details (ohne Soundfile) ging nach Kinshasa, QSL kam aus der Schweiz. | H.Kuhl-D | A-DX-ML | Nov 02 |
Nachdem ich eine Woche lang jede Nacht mitgeschnitten habe, konnte ich Okapi am 11.11. von 0300-0530 UTC endlich hören. Extrem dünnes Signal, aber eine freie Frequenz. Ein E-Mail-Bericht an den Techniker vor Ort, Georges Schleger, VE2EK, wurde binnen weniger Stunden beantwortet; ich hatte zwei kurze mp3-Files mit der Jingle-ID angehängt, Georges schickte einige Fotos der Station mit. Außerdem versprach er, die Fondation Hirondelle in Lausanne darüber zu informieren, daß der Bericht OK sei und sie doch bitte eine QSL ausstellen sollen. Seine Mailadresse ist schleger@un.org Auf einem der Fotos ist der 49m-Band Sender abgebildet, die Frequenz ist tatsächlich 6030 und nicht 6300 wie öfter gemeldet wurde. Websites: www.radiookapi.net www.monuc.org | M.Elbe-D | A-DX-ML | Nov 02 |
QSL: Radio Okapi : QSL ist inzwischen auch bei mir aufgeschlagen. Es hat nichts gefehlt. Name, QRG, Datum, Station, Stempel. | M.Zwoch-D | A-DX-ML | Nov 02 |
Radio Okapi, Kinshasa, 11690 kHz, answered an e-mailed report to info@hirondelle.org within 8 days with an ink-jet-printer card. Design of the card looks like taken from a PPC. | M.Elbe-D | direct to QIP | Nov 02 |
11690, Radio Okapi sent another reply from Georges Schleger (VE2EK), Communications Officer, Head of Technical Services Radio Okapi, MONUC, in 2 days confirming my report and indicating it will be forwarded to Hirondelle Foundation for a QSL card. His e-mail notes that the station operates at 10 KW with a yagi 3 element antenna pointed to the east at 80 degrees from Kinshasa. He included pictures of himself at the transmitter and a nice shot of the antenna system. Georges can be reached at scheger@un.org | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Nov 02 |
11690, Radio Okapi verified with a date/frequency Fondation Hirondelle card from the foundations headquarters in Switzerland for an e-mail report in 15 days. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Nov 02 |
11690, Radio Opaki replied to my e-mail to the Foundation Hirondelle (Info@hirondelle.org) with an e-mail in 4 minutes and 33 seconds stating: "Thank you very much for your message. We shall ask for some patience from you: the colleague who deals with the QSL requests is off for two weeks. She will give confirmation to your report when she is back. Best regards, Dominique Jaccard, desk officer." So, it would seem reports for this one to the Foundation Hirondelle is the way to go. For those interested, Dominique's e-mail address is: Dominique_Jaccard@hirondelle.org. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Nov 02 |
11690 kHz, 05:00 27.10.02 15.11.02 19 days, QSL : email med bifogade bilder + kort via snailmail v/s : Georges Schleger VE2EK schleger@un.org | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Nov 02 |
Radio Okpai, a partial qsl sent from foundation Hiorndelle, 3 rue traversiere, 1018 lausane-suisse (Switzerland). No indication as to which of my report is being replied to. Must be for a French broadcast. | E.Ezeani-NIG | direct to QIP | Dez 02 |
R Okapi 11690 e-post k, Svar via Fondation Hirondelle i Sveits. | C.Brunström-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2002-08 | Dez 02 |
Radio Okapi 11690 kHz verified with det. card in 17 days. 1 US-$ for RP. QTH: Fondation Hirondelle, 3 rue Traversiere, 1018 Lausanne, Switzerland | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Jan 03 |
Radio Okpai - QSL received from Radio Okapi. That was for my report of 15/11/2002 on 11690 kHz. | E.Ezeani-NIG | direct to QIP | Mrz 03 |
R.Okapi, 9550kHz, QSL card in 25 days for EG report. Report sent to the Fondation Hirondelle by e-mail. | K.Hashimoto-J | direct to QIP | Mrz 03 |
R Okapi 9550 k 20d via Fondation Hirondelle. Forrige gang satte jeg i farten R Congo 5985 under denne over-skrifta, det riktige for denne er sjølsagt Kongo-Brazzaville. | T.-H.Ekblom-FIN | Norwegian DX News 2003-02 | Mrz 03 |
Radio Okapi, 11690 kHz, f/d QSL sheet from Fondation Hirondelle in Switzerland for e-mail report, 80 days | H.-D.Buschau-D | direct to QIP | Apr 03 |
Radio Okapi 6030, f/d QSL-card for a tape report with 1 IRC in 5 weeks from Foundation Hirondelle in Switzerland. v/s D. Bolle. | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | direct to QIP | Jul 03 |
R Okapi no rp 6030u kHz, qsl-card 41 days (addr: Fondation Hirondelle, 3 rue Traversiere,) CH-1018 Lausanne, Switzerland) | L.Botto Fiora-I | BDXC-UK 2003-08 | Aug 03 |
6030 RADIO OKAPI, Fondation Hirondelle, 3 Rue Traversiere. 1018 Lausanne-(Suisse). Qsl con datos completos, NO IRC, No $,tiempo de demora 23 dias, idioma verificado Frances y vernacular. | J.Hernández Madrid-E | Lista Conexion Digital-ML | Aug 03 |
R Okapi 6030 lapp 3u via Fondation Hirondelle i Sveits. | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2003-06 | Sep 03 |
R Okapi 9550 kHz, card på e-post 1m v/s M. Bolle | K.-E.Stridh-S | Norwegian DX News 2003-08 | Nov 03 |
Radio Okapi, Kinshasa IRC 11690 kHz qsl-card 25 days (QSL from Fondation Hirondelle, 3 rue Traversiere, 1018 Lausanne, Switzerland) | D.Kenny-G | BDXC-UK 2003-12 | Dez 03 |
R Okapi 6030 k 4 weeks | R.Håland-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2004-01 | Jan 04 |
Radio Okapi 11690 kHz, 5 Tage, det. Karte via Fondation Hirondelle / 2 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Feb 04 |
R. Okapi, 11690 kHz, full data card in 9 weeks via Fondation Hirondelle; v/s illegible. | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Mrz 04 |
Radio Okapi 11690 kHz, 48 Tage, det. Karte an Radio Okapi nach Brazzaville geschickt QSL aber via Fondation Hirondelle / 2 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Apr 04 |
R. OKAPI 11690 kHz. NO Rp. Two QSL Cards. First from Sentech, South Africa, V/s: Miss Kathy Otto (QSL Mgr.) Second QSL from Foundation Hirondelle, Avenue Du Temple 19c, CH-1012 Lausanne, Suisse. V/s: Nihada Omerovic. (October 2006) | J.Antonio Arranz-E | Play-DX 2007 | Jan 07 |
Außerdem schickte die Fondation Hirondelle noch eine weitere QSL für meinen Bericht an Radio Okapi vom 04.12.06. Gehört hatte ich die 11690 khz, bestätigt wurde die 11890 khz.. Auf der ersten QSL von Radio Okapi wurde mir ja die 9525 khz bestätigt ( eigentlich Star Radio) | P.Vaegler-D | A-DX-ML | Mai 07 |
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