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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations from Congo (Republic)
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RTV Congolaise Index Congo (Republic) Index Africa
R.TV Congolaise on 5985, QSL, program schedule in 113 days. No IRC sent. v/s Zaou Mouanda. QTH : P.O.Box 2241, Brazzaville. (DX Clube paulista, Atividade-DX n. 148 / Play DX #921 Feb.10 1997) | C.Alberto Erdmann-RS-B | TFW | Feb 97 |
Very nice surprise in my letter box today : RTV Congo (5985 kHz) confirmed my reception report of 1 May 2000 with a very nicely written personal letter signed by Alphonse Bouya-Dimi, Station Director. In my french reception report, I had enclosed one USD and a postcard of Denia. According to Mrs Bouya-Dimi, Radio Congo broadcasts a Spanish news bulletin daily from 2200-2215h local time. I haven't heard this program yet, but the Station Director is asking for reception reports for this transmission, so all you Spanish-speaking folks out there, there is a challenge for you. According to the information provided, the station transmits daily from 1600 to 1800 on 9610 kHz and from 1800h onward on 5985 kHz using a Siemens transmitter with 100 kW output. BTW, this is the first QSL from Congo I have seen reported in many years. | E.Gehrig-E | HCDX-ML | Jul 00 |
RTV Congolaise / Radio Congo - Eine weitere QSL mit Sticker und offensichtlich persönlicher Antwort in Französisch (kann ich bei der schlechten Qualität des Papiers leider nicht genau sagen) kam von RTV Congolaise aus Brazzaville nach rund 4 Wochen Laufzeit für einen Cassenmitschnitt mit beigefügtem Erläuterungsschreiben in Französisch und - über einen Freund - mit einigen Sätzen in Lingala, einigen Postkarten mit Wuppertaler Motiven und 1 IRC | M.Reiff-D | A-DX-ML | Sep 00 |
5985, Radio Congo verified with a two page handwritten letter in English from Roger Olingou in 782 days for a French report and US$1.00 return postage. My verie signer is a 35-year old English language broadcaster for Radio Congo who apologized for the reply taking so long, "I'm sorry it that it took too much time to reply to your letter. The letter was in the director's office and he gave it to me very late." He invites reports to be directed to him ("Keep writing to me directly so that I reply right away.") at the station (Radio Congo, B. P. 2241, Brazzaville, Congo) or his home address (B. P. 5754 Oueuzé, Brazzaville, Congo). Although my reception report was in French, he informs me that the Congo is a French speaking country. Since people don't understand English they apparently couldn't read my letter. However, he did close indicating he needs a mobile phone but would be willing to accept money to but it himself. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Okt 02 |
R Congo 5985 e-post 2m, v/s Roger Olingou. Denne har ikke akkurat vært raus med svarene på en stund... | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2003-01 | Jan 03 |
Republic of Congo, 5985, Radio Congo, verification statement letter "I must confess and certify that your reception report was true, correct and accurate", v/s Roger Olingou, for EE report and $1 US. This in 2 months, report mailed from El Fasher Sudan by my brother working for a Canadian oil exploration company, reply from Brazzaville. Return address on the envelope: B.P 5378 Quenze', Brazzaville-Congo, (Central Africa). Mr.. Olingou apologizes for the delay in the reply. He hopes to visit Canada, is asking for assistance in finding an organization that may help him with passage and a letter of invitation. Then goes on to ask "...can you kindly help me get a visa". He also mentions that if listeners send $5 US or 5 Euro he will record programmes and cover return air postage. He also tells us that $1 US and 1 Euro notes are not exchangeable into CFA Frcs (African Financial Community), only $5 US and 5 Euro or more. | J.Talbot-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Apr 03 |
After numerous reports and follow-up reports sent to the station during the past 13 years, I also finally received a QSL. The photocopy letter was sent by Roger Olingou, who mentioned that "I must confess and certify that your reception report was true, correct and accurate". However, most of the letter contains detailed instructions on how to support him and his travels financially, he would for instance like to get "a return ticket and some funding for a little stay in your country". He also says that 5 dollars/euros is the minimum to cover return postage from Congo... Some of my reports have contained a return postage, but no more than USD 1. Contact details: Roger Olingou, Radio-Congo, English-Service, B.P. 5378 Ouenzé, Brazzaville, Congo. Phone (00242) 75 58 33, email prof_roger_olingou@yahoo.fr | M.Mäkeläinen-FIN | DXing.info | Apr 03 |
R Congo 4765 b 23m v/s Roger Olingou | B.Tandberg-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2003-03 | Apr 03 |
RADIO CONGO 4765 kHz V/s: ROGER OLINGOU (ENGLISH SERVICE) E-MAIL: prof_roger_olingou@yahoo.fr ADDRESS: P.O.BOX 5378 POUENZE, BRAZZAVILLE (SWB 1503 SWEDEN) | A.Bue-NOR | Play-DX J2003 | Apr 03 |
RADIO CONGO 4765 kHz V/s: ROGER OLINGOU (ENGLISH SERVICE) E-MAIL: prof_roger_olingou@yahoo.fr ADDRESS: P.O.BOX 5378 POUENZE, BRAZZAVILLE (VIA SWB 1504, SWEDEN) | R.Akesson-S | Play-DX J2003 | Apr 03 |
5985 Radio Congo Partial data computer generated letter from v/s Roger Olingou with similar wording as recently reported by Joe Talbot, in 10 weeks for a f/up report in English. Although I used the address first reported by Rich D'Angelo (Radio Congo, B.P. 5754 Oueuzé, Brazzaville, Congo), the return address was from B.P. 5378 Ouenzé. Mr. Olingou advises that the smallest bills that are accepted by the foreign currency exchange are $5.00 or 5 Euros. | G.Maroti-NY-USA | Cumbre DX-ML | Mai 03 |
QSL RTV Congo : Die laufenden Nummern haben allerdings nichts zu besagen. Meine QSL ist vom 28.06.2000 und trägt die Nr. 508. Allerdings betrug die Rücklaufzeit bei mir etwa 2 3/4 Jahre weniger als bei Dir. Mein V/s war übrigens Alphonse Bouya-Dimi. | E.Gehrig-E | A-DX-ML | Aug 03 |
Hallo, da bei mir QSL Nr. 20 (leider nicht ausgefüllt), bin ich wahrscheinlich nicht der einzige, der die TD Du Congo bestätigt erhielt-zumindest im Brief verweist man auf meinen rr vom 30. Januar 2000 auf 5985 kHz. Vs ist Jean Medard Bokatola, le directeur general....Direction Generale de Telediffusion du Congo B.P. 2912 Brazzaville- Congo. Wir danken dem edlen Sponsor, dass diese Station QSL-Karten drucken konnte und ich wünsche allen OM's, denen es so ging wie mir, ebenfalls diesen Erfolg. | F.Hunger-D | A-DX-ML | Aug 03 |
Eine Nachricht, die Hoffnung machen soll: auch bei mir traf heute eine QSL von RTV Congo Brazzaville ein. Dies war die Anwort auf einen Empfangsbericht vom Juli 2000. Die Karte trug die lfd. Nr. 12. Ich denke, bei dieser niedrigen Nummer dürften noch längst nicht alle Berichte an die Station beantwortet sein :-) Den Begleitbrief hat Le directeur général Jean Médard Bokatola unterzeichnet. | J.Waga-D | A-DX-ML | Aug 03 |
QSL RTV Congo : Ja, diese erfreuliche Kampagne scheint noch am Laufen zu sein. Gestern fand ich QSL No. 10 im Briefkasten. An den Report konnte ich mich nicht mehr erinnern. Nach kurzem Kramen auf der Festplatte fand ich ihn. Rpt. ebenfalls vom Juli 2000. | M.Zwoch-D | A-DX-ML | Aug 03 |
Radio Congo 4765 kHz verified with an partly det. letter and a blank QSL-card in 142 days.1 IRC for RP. QTH: Direction Générale de Télédiffusion du Congo, B.P. 2912, Brazzaville, Congo. v/s Jean Médard Bokatola, le directeur général. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Aug 03 |
5985, R. Congo, partial-data form ltr from Roger Olingou, Newscaster, in 84 days for an IRC and $2. Return address: Roger Olingou, R. Congo, P.O. Box 5378 Ouenze, Brazzaville, Congo. Nice "Republique de Congo, Bull Elephant" stamp on envelope. | S.R.Barbour Jr-NH-USA | DXplorer-ML | Aug 03 |
Telediffusion du Congo, 5985 kHz, 2 blank numbered QSL-cards and personal letter in 31 days. Letter indicates that they want back the filled in cards. Adress: B.P.2912, Brazzaville | R.Sonntag-D | direct to QIP | Dez 03 |
Vielleicht erinnern sich einige an die Mails vom November. Damals hatte ich 2 nummerierte Blanko-QSL aus Brazzaville erhalten. Nun, ich habe es gewagt, und eine - wie im damaligen Begleittext gefordert - zurückgeschickt. Verbunden mit einer höflichen Bitte, die QSL bestätigt/gestempelt zurückzuschicken. (Danke nochmal an die Französischexperten unter Euch für die damalige Hilfe). Heute war wieder Post im Briefkasten. Inhalt: Meine ausgefüllte QSL, NICHT gestempelt oder sonstwie verunstaltet, aber mit Klammer an einem Brief befestigt, der ungefähr folgenden Wortlaut hat: "Wir danken für Ihre Korrespondenz vom 24. November 2003 und den gegebenen Details, die auf der QSL-Karte erwähnt wurden. Nach Beurteilung von unserem technischen Departement billigen wir Ihren Bericht durch die QSL-Karte, die wir an Sie zurückschicken." Jetzt habe ich also sowas wie ein Gesamtkunstwerk. Und außerdem lagen noch DREI neue (diesmal unnummerierte) Blanko-QSL-Karten bei! | R.Sonntag-D | A-DX-ML | Jan 04 |
Telediffusion du Congo, 5.985 kHz, blank QSL card after 3 f-ups and letter in French inviting me to send back the filled out card (I'll never do that), V/s Gaspard Bemba, B.P 2912 Brazzaville, Fax (242) 810608, 350 days, rp IRC | R.Bessler-D | direct to QIP | Feb 04 |
R Congo 4765 k ste 37 weeks. Kortet er nærmest som et rapportformular å regne, og ikke er det noen eksemplarisk verie-tekst i brevet heller, forteller Torgeir. | T.Nyen-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2004-01 | Mrz 04 |
Telediffusion du Congo 5985 kHz, 30 Tage, det. Karte, Brief / 2 IRC | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Apr 04 |
RADIO CONGO BRAZZAVILLE 5985 kHz QSLcard F/d, SENT A SASE LETTER, REPLY in 837 d. (REPORTED in 2001) NO FOLLOW UP SENT. V/s : GASPARD BEMBA (Le Directeur de l'Inspection Technique des Reseaux) QTH : BOITE POSTALE 2912, BRAZZAVILLE. | G.Brown-G | Play-DX J2003-4 | Apr 04 |
Rdiff. Congo / 4765 kHz, 100 Tage, undet. K, B / / 2 IRC | K.-P.Hilger-D | ADDX 2004-12 | Jun 04 |
After 22 years of trying, I finally received a f/d QSL card and letter from Radio Congo (per letter), Félix Lossombo, Le Directeur Administratif et Financier for a June 2001 report on 4765 kHz in 10 months after f/u for $5 and a registered letter. [..] I figure this QSL cost me approx. $53.50 to obtain over the last 22 years. | T.Palmersheim-MT-USA | HCDX-ML | Jun 04 |
Telediffusion du Congo 5985 kHz, 85 Tage, det. Karte Motiv Direction Generale Telediffusion du Congo, Brief / 3 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jul 04 |
Telediffusion du Congo 9610 kHz, 85 Tage, det. Karte Motiv Direction Generale Telediffusion du Congo / 3 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jul 04 |
5985, R. Congo, I was quite surprised to find an envelope from the Congo in my mailbox, as I had already received a QSL letter from Roger Olingou about a year ago. However this time the reply came from Felix Lossombo, "Le directeur administratif et financier", along with a full data Radio Congo QSL card. He used my self-addressed adhesive label on the envelope, which means my last follow-up from 2001 had been sitting somewhere in their offices for the past 3 years. According to the Babelfish translation from French to English, their letter acknowledges receiving 3 reports from me, and they will announce my name over the air as one of their listeners from Germany!? Also, it seems that they'd like me to fill out the SINPO code section of the QSL, and mail it back to them. After reading my reply, they will send the card back to me. So it looks like Mr. Lossombo is interested in receiving reception reports. My reports and follow-ups were written in French. | G.Maroti-NY-USA | direct to QIP | Jul 04 |
R. Congo ascoltata su 4765 il 14/7 verso le 1830, ha risposto dopo 30gg con QSL card (conoscono il SINPO!!) + lettera personale. Non avevo inviato IRC ne $$. Télédiffusion du Congo, BP 2912 BRAZZAVILLE (Congo). V/s: Mr. Félix Lossombo. (PAA, via Dario Monferini-I) | P.Albini-I | DXLD 4-125 | Aug 04 |
Rdiff. Congo / 5985 kHz, 730 Tage, undetail. QSL-Card, B / 2 IRC | D.Böcher-D | ADDX 2004-18 | Sep 04 |
5985 kHz, R. Congo. Recebido QSL card e carta pessoal muito bonita. 38 dias. (via radioescutas) | M.Rogerio Rodrigues-B | Atividade DX 218 | Sep 04 |
R Congo 4765 p/d cd & ltr in 35 ds v/s Felix Lossombo. Total time 14 years. THANKS PALMERSHEIM for being the first to release this verie signer's name. VIC 217 | S.Paszkiewicz-WI-USA | DXplorer-ML | Sep 04 |
5985 kHz - Radio Congo, Brazzaville. Recebido cartao QSL parcialmente preenchido e carta em frances. 106 dias. Enviado US$ 1,00 e relatorio em ingles. V/S: Felix Lossombo (Diretor). QTH: BP 2912, Brazzaville, Congo. | C.Jean Fischer-SC-B | Atividade DX 220 | Okt 04 |
Radio Congo 5985 kHz QSL card (v/s:Felix Lossombo) and letter in 32d for French report with 1$. | K.Hashimoto-J | direct to QIP | Nov 04 |
5985, R. Congo, white card (same as earlier posted by George Maroti) with stn name, emblem, "Carte QSL," handwritten number and stn stamp on front, my name on back but other details left blank. Also long ltr in FR, looks like a separately-printed form ltr, V/S Felix Lossombo, Le Directeur Administratif et Financier. Address: B.P. 2912, Brazzaville. In 6 wks. for FR rpt with CD. | J.Berg-MA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Nov 04 |
5985, R.Congo, Blank, "Direction Generale-Telediffusion du Congo" cd and personal letter, both in French. Each w/ red-ink "Rep. du Congo- LE DIRECTUER" station seals. In 39 days for 1 IRC and an English report. V/S, Felix Lossombo. Nice stamps on envelope. | S.R.Barbour Jr-NH-USA | HCDX-ML | Nov 04 |
Rep. of Congo: 5.985 Radio Congo P/D cd and letter in 28 days for m/s. V/S: Expediteur: Mr. Felix LOSSOMBO B.P. 2912 Brazzaville, CONGO. | R.Comeau-MA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Dez 04 |
Brazzaville R Congo no ret. postage 5985 kHz, qsl-card 91 days (also sent long letter in french) | P.Gager-AUT | BDXC-UK 2005-06 | Jun 05 |
Telediff. du Congo / 5985 kHz, 111 Tage, det. QSL-Karte, persönl. B / 2 IRC, v/s Félix Lossombo | E.Röscher-D | ADDX 2005-08 | Aug 05 |
R. Congo / 5985 kHz, 91 Tage, K u. langer B in F | P.Gager-AUT | ADDX 2005-08 | Aug 05 |
5985 kHz - R. Congo - Brazzaville - COG Recebido cartao QSL e carta pessoal. 43 dias. V/S: Felix Lossombo - Le Directeur Administratif et Financier. QTH: Boite Postale 2912, Brazzaville, Congo | I.Dias da Silva Júnior-SP-B | Atividade DX 264 | Aug 05 |
RTV Congolaise, Brazzaville 5985 kHz, card no. 400, v/s Felix Lossombo, BP 2912, Brazzaville, 16 weeks | G.Huijbens-BEL | direct to QIP | Aug 05 |
R Congo 1 $ 9610 kHz, card, 31 days (v/s Felix Lossombo, Directeur Administritif et financier, BP 2912, Brazzaville. Also sent lt.) | D.Kenny-G | BDXC-UK 2005-11 | Nov 05 |
Congo 5985 f/d QSL-card and letter in 9 weeks for a tape report and 1 IRC.
v/s Félix Lossombo, Le directeur administratif et financier |
A.Skalmeraas-NOR | direct to QIP | Dez 05 |
R. CONGO 4765 kHz QSL Letter in 30 days. SENT 1 IRC. | P.Albini-I | Play-DX 2006-01 | Jan 06 |
RDT Congolaise / 5985 kHz, 34 Tage, detail. Karte, B / 2 IRC | B.Schmidt-D | ADDX 2006-02 | Feb 06 |
RADIO CONGO - BRAZZAVILLE 5985 kHz. QSL CARD and perssonal letter received in 5 month from French report and 1 US Dollar note sent to: Radio Congo B.P. 2912 , Brazzaville , CONGO. vrs/ Feliz Lossombo / Le Directeur. | C.Pérez Dioses-PRU | direct to QIP | Feb 06 |
Telediffusion du Congo, Brazzaville, 5985 kHz, QSL QSL, letter signed by Gaspard Bemba, Le directeur de l'inspection technique des reseaux et de la qualite des services Gaspard Bemba after 3 f/ups with 1 IRC in 59 days. Mr. Bemba always includes 1 empty QSL-card which is requested to be filled and sent back. Next response does not contain stamped and signed filled card but new one. Address: Direction Generale de Telediffusion du Congo, Direction des Mesures de l'Inspection Techique des Reseaux et de la Qualite des Services, B.P. 2912 Brazzaville, Congo. Phone: 00242 810608. | S.M.Kolesov-UKR | Signal DX 169 | Jun 06 |
Received a partial data QSL card and letter today from Radio Congo 5985 kHz for reception on 11 January 2005 after 1 followup report and 1 IRC. Verification signer is Jean Médard Bokatola. Quite surprised and pleased to see this in the mailbox after all this time. C/V #221. | S.Lare-MI-USA | SWL Digest-ML | Sep 06 |
RADIO CONGO 5985 kHz P/d. QSL Card for reception 11 January 2005 after 1 F/up. SENT 1 IRC. V/s: Jean Médard Bokatola. (September 2006, via DX LISTENING DIGEST, USA) | S.Lare-USA | Play-DX 2007 | Jan 07 |
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