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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations from Sierra Leone
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R Unamsil Index Sierra
Leone Index Africa
6137.82 Radio UNSAMIL Freetown. E-mail verification reply back in ten days from Patrick Coker. He acknowledges my reception report of Radio UNSAMIL and also states that my postal reply should be answered. So it seems postal reports are (maybe) getting through. This reply to my reception report of May 20th.02, which I sent a e-mail report follow-up on July the 5th addressed to Station Manager Ms. Sheila Dallas at info[ät]unamsil.org. Patrick thanked me for report and hope that I continue listening to their station. v/s Partick Coker | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | DXplorer-ML | Jul 02 |
QSL from Radio UNAMSIL Received a verification from Radio UNAMSIL in Sierra Leone (6137.8 kHz). Details and more info on the station in a new profile article at http://www.dxing.info/profiles/6138_unamsil.dx Later : Just to clarify, it was an eQSL to an e-report. There seems to problems with mail delivery to Sierra Leone | M.Mäkeläinen-FIN | Shortwave-ML | Jul 02 |
6137,84 kHz, Freetown 23:40 13.05.02 15.07.02 63 days, QSL : email v/s : Patrick Coker bpcoker[ät]yahoo.com | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Jul 02 |
R. UNAMSIL, an exchange of E-mails following postal rpt brought this from Pub. Info. Officer Patrick Coker, bpcoker[ät]yahoo.com: "Dear Mr. Jerry, Thanks for your mail. Based on the information your sent, I can confirm that the transmission were from Radio UNAMSIL. Thanks for listening to Radio UNAMSIL and stay tuned. Please accept my regrets for the delay in responding. This has allowed for adequate clarification. Best regards, Patrick." Not much, but I'll take it for now. | J.Berg-MA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Aug 02 |
6140 (v 6137,4) Radio UNAMSIL confirmed in 121 days with a long letter and schedule. They write that reports from abroad are really wellcome. They received reports from more then 100 dxres. I sent also an audio clip. v/s Sheila Dallas, station manager. Address UNAMSIL Headquarters, Mammy Yoko, POBox 5 Freetown. | G.Bernardini-I | Cumbre DX-ML | Sep 02 |
Radio UNAMSIL confirmed my report sent to them directly on May 17th by a personal and detailed letter. The answer was postmarked UN New York. v/s Sheila Dallas, Station manager and Executive Producer. Address: UNAMSIL Headquarters, Mammy Yoko, P.O. Box 5, Free Town, Sierra Leone. They say they have received around 100 reports from around the world. | H.Kuhl-D | DXplorer-ML | Sep 02 |
R UNAMSIL $1 6140 kHz, p/dl 4m (letter direct, reply via NY) | A.Bollin-D | BDXC-UK 2002-11 | Nov 02 |
6137.8 Radio UNAMSIL Partial data letter direct from Sierra Leone in 3 months for a postal report. V/s Sheila Dallas, Officer-in-Charge of Public Information, Station Manager and Executive Producer. | G.Maroti-NY-USA | Cumbre DX-ML | Nov 02 |
Radio UNAMSIL 6140 kHz, 170 Tage, det. Brief, Info, Brief mit Radio Logo nach reminder Adresse P.O.Box 5 Freetown Sierra Leone UNASIL Headquaters, Mammy Yoko/ 3 Dollar. | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Dez 02 |
Heute kamen bei mir zwei QSL-Karten von der UNO in New York mit dem Aufdruck "Thank you" u. "Details are correct". Vermutl. als Bestätigung für UNAMSIL Radio und UNMEE Radio. Leider scheint es von der UNO keine det. Karten mehr zu geben. Schade. | P.Robic-AUT | A-DX-ML | Jan 03 |
6138, R. UNAMSIL, 3-pg. stn form QSL ltr with prgm sked attached, V/S partly illegible, looks like J. Loovfe for Sheila Dallas, Stn Mgr. In 5 mos. for US$1. (ARDXC via J.Berg-USA) | I.Baxter-AUS | DXplorer-ML | Jan 03 |
6140, Radio UNAMSIL verified with a nice two-page frequency only letter from v/s Sheila Dallas, Station Manager and Executive Producer, at UNAMSIL Headquarters in Freetown in 89 days who sent along a program schedule and a very nice tee shirt. She described the transmitter as a 1 KW Harris make that covers an estimated 85% of the country's 4 million people. They seem pleased with the results considering the difficult terrain of Sierra Leone. She notes reception reports from more than 100 persons scattered around the world. The FM signal is making it into neighboring Guinea, Liberia and Gambia. Needless to say, I am very pleased to have received this package. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Apr 03 |
Hier kam heute auch das UNAMSIL-Päckchen aus Sierra Leone: T-Shirt, Program Guide, UNAMSIL Review "The Countdown Begins", und teilweise detailierter QSL-Brief von v/s Sheila Dallas (Station Manager and Executive Producer Radio UNAMSIL). Ich bin überrascht, denn eigentlich hatte man schon vor zwei Jahren meinen Empfangsbericht per Brief bestätigt. Egal: doppelt hält besser ;-) Vermutlich werden nun alle vorliegenden Empfangsberichte nochmal abgearbeitet. Es besteht also Hoffnung ;-) | H.Kuhl-D | A-DX-ML | Apr 04 |
Große Überraschung beim Öffnen des Briefkastens: Ein großer, zerfetzter Umschlag, vollgepflastert mit UN-Marken. Inhalt: Ein zweiseitiger QSL-Brief von Radio UNAMSIL, 6137 kHz, aus Sierra Leone. Dazu ein Radio UNAMSIL-T-Shirt und Infos zur UNAMSIL-Mission. Verie Signer ist Sheila Dallas, Station Manager and Executive Producer. [..] Laut QSL wird auf 49m ein 1 kW-Harris-Sender benutzt. Und ich war der Meinung, die Kurzwelle wird nicht mehr benutzt, habe schon lange keine Logs mehr gelesen. Auch die Webseite www.unamsil.org ist schon längere Zeit verschwunden. Der Brief wurde am 27.3.04 geschrieben, lag also nicht jahrelang irgendwo in der Ecke. Damit hatte ich überhaupt nicht gerechnet. Laufzeit 2 Jahre und eine Woche! Ich hatte damals sowohl per snailmail mit Dollar als auch per e-mail geschrieben, es gab ein e-mail zurück, daß man mir eine QSL schicken würde. Die QSL-Briefe kamen, überall Hurra-Meldungen, nur mein Bericht war mal wieder nicht im Lotterietopf gewesen. Jetzt auf einmal ohne follow-up das Päckchen aus Sierra Leone! | M.Elbe-D | direct to QIP | Apr 04 |
6137.8 kHz, R. UNAMSIL SIERRA LEONE- UNAMSIL. Received the QSL package as reported by Harald Kuhl of Germany. Had the same enclosures (2-page personal letter, program sked, Jan 04 UNAMSIL Review Magazine and T-Shirt). I had also enclosed a ppc and it was filled out but with freq as 6140 (I reported 6137.8), time as 0000 hours to 2400 hours (rather than the actual time of my report) and the date (which was correct). They list the transmitter power on my prepared card as 100 watts. | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | Cumbre DX-ML | Mai 04 |
QSL from R UNAMSIL in Sierra Leone on 6137.7 who after nearly two years time replied with a letter, T-shirt, paper and scheme. V/s was Sheila Dallas, Station Manager & Executive Producer (in SW Bulletin-S via T.Nilsson-S) | D.Olsson-S | DXLD 4-072 | Mai 04 |
UNAMSIL, Sierra Leone 6140. After a few years another QSL as a formula letter (v/s Sheila Dallas as last time), a booklet with schemes etc, a paper from UNAMSIL and a T-shirt (XL to my great luck). Is the station just on frequency nowadays, so that is the reason we can't here them or is the tropical weather that have degraded the antennas and transmitter? (in SW Bulletin-S via T.Nilsson-S) | J.Edh-S | DXLD 4-072 | Mai 04 |
UNAMSIL. Received the QSL package as reported by Harald Kuhl last week. Had the same enclosures (2-page personal letter, program sked, Jan 04 UNAMSIL Review Magazine and T-Shirt). Three things of note: First, I had enclosed a ppc and it was filled out but with freq as 6140 (I reported 6137.8), time as 0000 hours to 2400 hours (rather than the actual time of my report) and the date (which was correct). Second, they list the TRANSMITTER of 1 kW in the letter, but the POWER on the ppc as 100 watts. Third, they actually wrote regarding a female announcer I reported as being on at 0700 as "No Female Announcer at this time". Other comments included a deep-voiced announcer that I reported on as hosting a program turned out to be Sierra Leone's #1 DJ (DJ Base). Their veri statement in the letter was: "What you heard during those times (I assume other than the reported female at 0700) mentioned seems most accurate according to our log." Seems like they really checked the reports, so I wonder if anyone received or will receive a rejection letter. My package came with a UNAMSIL return addr but the stamps are US- one 37-cent stamp and FIFTEEN 23-cent additional postage stamps plus a 10-cent metered additional postage that was dated Apr 30th (the UN postmarks on the stamps are not dated). This was for a second followup with $2 enclosed. No previous letters were received. Like Harald's, the letter was dated March 27th and the veri signer Sheila Dallas. Total time was 2 years. | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | DXplorer-ML | Mai 04 |
R UNAMSIL - 6140 kHz, nd/lt 2 years, (2nd QSL for 1 report, sent info and t-shirt) | A.Bollin-D | BDXC-UK 2004-06 | Jun 04 |
R. Unamsil, 6139, partial data letter, schedules, Unamsil magazine and T-shirt in 16 months from Sheila Dallas (Station Manager and Executive Producer). | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Aug 04 |
R UNAMSIL 6140 letter inf T-skjorte 1ar, v/s Shelia Dallas, Stn. Mgr. Smapen sak! | T.H.Ekblom-FIN | Norwegian DX News 2004-07 | Okt 04 |
SLBS Index Sierra
Leone Index Africa
SLBS f /d card in 70 days VIA Air Mail for EE Rpt and MS to WRTH address. Interestingly, they also used the address label I included which has my Zip + 4 zipcode. There is a v/s but the signature is illegible. | C.Rippel-USA | Cumbre DX 072 | Feb 96 |
SLBS (3316) Card with full details, 5 weeks. Encl. were special stamps, no return postage. Card was signed by someone else (signature not readable) than the Engineer in charge B.D.H. Taylor, who signed a QSL letter in 1977. | W.Passmann-D | Cumbre DX 078 | Mrz 96 |
SLBS Freetown 3316 qsl-card rp : 1US $ 57 days. | P.Travers-G | WDXC QSL Report | Jun 96 |
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