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SRS-Deutschland - Drop Box Page

Stations that use the SRS-Deutschland mailbox

QSL Information Pages QIP

Last update for this page :
Samstag, 29. Februar 2020

contact me via

Pirate Radio Address List Piraten.WdB

Get your copy of the Pirate Radio Address List 'Piraten.WdB' via E-mail - order here !

Contact a station :

SRS Deutschland
station name
Postfach 101145
99801 Eisenach
Contact the mailbox :

Martin Schöch
Postfach 101145
99801 Eisenach
Phone & Fax : (UMS)
(Fax not posible from abroad)

E-mail : contact me via

Legend (what does it mean)

Target area International The station is broadcasting on shortwave
Status Inactive The station is not broadcasting at the moment but may be reached through the dropbox
  n.o.a. The station was planned but has not been broadcasting yet (never on air)
  Closed The station's manager does not want to broadcast any more, dropbox is still open
Last time... This is the month that listener's letters were last forwarded to the station's manager
Special remarks No address The station's manager forgot to tell us his new address - no forwarding, sorry
  Raided The station has been visited by the authorities (like FCC) -maybe the station is closed for good

Station name

Target area


Last time
of forwarding


R Dr. Tim international inactive Jan 2015 -
R Laguna international inactive Jun 2017 -
R Thunderbird international active Jan  2020 -

Station name

Target area


Last time of forwarding

Special remarks

Afterburner 48 international inactive - add extra return postage
R Alpenroos international inactive Nov 2006 from the Netherlands, NO GERMAN STAMPS, please !
 (1 or 2 USD instead)
Atelier R international closed
(since 98)
Apr 1999 old name : Noname

Benelux R

international inactive Nov 2017 ex Neede 73, raided
Clinic R international closed May 2003 one time event station
Crystal R international closed
(since 03)
Aug 2003 -
CWR international active Mar 2006 stopped using the SRS Mailbox
De geheime Pirat international inactive -  
Dr. Juice international inactive Dec 2008 -
Dr. Schiwago international special event Feb 2009 -
R Eastside /
Eastside Relay Svc
international inactive Feb 2007 closed  01-03, reopened in 04
East Rock R international inactive
(since 01)
Feb 2002 (via IRRS)
Eldorado R international inactive Jun 2006 add extra return postage
EM R international special event Aug 2008 -
Enjoy R international inactive Mar 2004 add extra return postage
Fantasy R Network international closed
(since 99)
Dec 1999 -
Free R Info German magazine closed
(since 00)
Mar 1999 -
Geronimo SW international closed OP died in 2017 Nov 2016 not from Germany, NO GERMAN STAMPS, please !
 (1 or 2 USD instead)
Helloween R international special event Dez 2013 -
Hot R international inactive Mar 2004 add extra return postage
IRF 510 international special event Nov 2006 special event station
Jodelpiraat international inactive July 2005 -
Klub KW international inactive Oct 2007 -
KWRN international inactive Feb 2012 -
Level 48 international inactive Jun 2010  
Lord R international inactive Mar 2003 now uses SRS Ytterby
Love Parade R international special event Aug 2003 special event station
Old Time R international inactive Dec 2013 not from Germany, NO GERMAN STAMPS, please !
 (1 or 2 USD instead)
On Air AM international inactive Mar 2008 -
Power 41 international inactive Mar 2003 now uses SRS Ytterby
Power AM international inactive Aug 2002 add extra return postage
Powerplay FM inter/national inactive Dez 2007 reactivated in 2007
Pride of the NL international closed Aug 2002 add extra return postage
R Apfelkuchen international special event Jul 2003 verification via SRS Germany
R. Bermudadreieck international inactive May 2015 -
R Bluebell international inactive Jan 2009 -
R Blue Boy international inactive Dec 2004 -
R Blue House international inactive Jan 2008 from Finland, NO GERMAN STAMPS, please !
 (1 or 2 USD instead)
R BOA international inactive Aug 2008  
R. Bobbie international inactive Apr 2008 -
R Broken Dream international closed
(since 00)
Mar 2001 (via IRRS)
R Carneval international inactive Apr 2008 -
R Caroline Eiffel international inactive Dec 2008 -
R Communication Int. international closed
(since 00)
Feb 1999 -
R Devalon international inactive Dez 2013 -
R Face de Blatte international inactive Apr 2013 not from Germany, NO GERMAN STAMPS, please !
 (1 or 2 USD instead)
R Forever international inactive Dez 2005 special delivery (long ..)
R Fox 48 international inactive Dez 2011 not from Germany, NO GERMAN STAMPS, please !
 (1 or 2 USD instead)
R Geronimo international closed Mai 2015 OP died
R Grenzpiraat international inactive Nov 2005 QSO Station
R Isabella international inactive Feb 2005 -
R Jingle Bells international inactive Jan 2009 special event station
R Kakadu international inactive Jan 2009 -
R Kangoo international inactive - -
R Kiloherz international inactive May 2015

NO Forwarding

special delivery (long ..)
R Lancelot international special event Apr 2008 special event station
R Lisa international inactive Mar 2004 -
R Little Star international inactive Apr 2005 -
R Malaisy international inactive since Aug 2008

NO forwarding !

not from Germany, NO GERMAN STAMPS, please !
 (1 or 2 USD instead)
R Maritim international inactive - -

R Merkur

national inactive Feb 2002 now on FM
R Mousjager international inactive Aug 2005 -
R Mistero 
Ghost Planet
international inactive Jul 2014 not from Germany, NO GERMAN STAMPS, please !
 (1 or 2 USD instead)

R Noname (98)

international closed
(since 99)
Mar 1999 new name : Atelier
R Orang Utan international inactive May 2015 not from Germany, NO GERMAN STAMPS, please !
 (1 or 2 USD instead)
R Polkawelle international inactive Jun 2008 -
R RTN international inactive Mar 2007 -
R RWE international active Jan 2009 not from Germany, NO GERMAN STAMPS, please !
 (1 or 2 USD instead)
R Saxonia international OP died Feb 2012 -

R Seepferdchen

international inactive May 2002 -
R Südseemelodie international inactive Sep 2008 -
R Starlight international inactive Dez  2010 not from Germany, NO GERMAN STAMPS, please !
 (1 or 2 USD instead)
R Stereo Mixer international special event - one time event
R Sunshine 2002 international closed Jan 2003 delivery suspended - no qls's
R Toyota international inactive Oct 2006 QSO Station
R Triskydealer international inactive Dec 2003 special event station
R Tukan international inactive Oct 2006 -
R Zolou Kilo international inactive Apr 2008 from France, NO GERMAN STAMPS, please !
 (1 or 2 USD instead)
R Zupfkuchen international special event Sep 2005 verification via  SRS Germany
R Zwarte Geyer international inactive Dez 2004 QSO Station
R Zwarte Jager international inactive Dez 2003 one time event
Rammstein R international special event Mar 2009 -
Reggea R international inactive May 2004 -
Sensation AM international inactive Nov 2003 add extra return postage

Studio Nordlicht

international closed Apr 2002 no funds
Tribute R international inactive Jan 2005 -
World Cup R international special event Oct 2006 -
WR International international active Feb  2014 not from Germany, NO GERMAN STAMPS, please !
 (1 or 2 USD instead)

9 kluge Ratschläge vom SRS Postfach Eisenach

24. Februar 2005 : (auch im Jahr 2018 noch gültig)

Bemerkungen des Betreibers des SRS Postfachs in Eisenach :

Alle Berichte an das Piraten-Postfach in Eisenach sind sehr willkommen, aber einige Berichte machen es mir schwer als Betreiber des Postfach.

Deswegen erscheinen mir einige Bemerkungen nötig zu sein :

1 Bitte schreibt SRS Deutschland in die 1. Zeile wenn ihr einen Bericht nach Eisenach schickt.

2 Wenn ihr nicht genau wisst, wie man das "c/o" anwendet, dann tut dies bitte auch nicht !

SRS Germany
c/o Station ABC

ist Unsinn !

Die Korrekte Verwendung wäre

SRS Deutschland
- Station ABC -
Postfach 101145
99801 Eisenach

3 Verwendet keine (selbsterdachten) Abkürzungen, verwendet den Stationsnamen. E.R. kann Enjoy Radio oder Eldorado Radio heissen, also muss ich den Brief dann doch öffnen ..

4 Wenn ihr nicht sicher seid was ihr gehört habe dann schickt den Bericht mir persönlich (oder besser fragt erst mal per E-mail nach) oder wartet ganz einfach auf die nächste Logliste und versucht dort, die Station zu finden.

5 Bitte schickt keine Briefmarken als Rückporto wenn ihr nicht sicher seit, das diese für das richtige Land sind ! Ich bekomme zahlreiche Berichte für holländische Stationen mit deutschen Briefmarken als Rückporto. Eine Adresse in Deutschland heißt nicht, das es sich um eine deutsche Station handelt !

Bemerkung für alle außerhalb der Euro-Zone : Eine gemeinsame Währung in der Region heißt nicht, das auch die Briefmarken in verschiedenen Euro-Ländern genutzt werden können !

6 Bitte legt Rückport bei. Einige Hörer tun dies leider nicht. Andere Hörer legen nur 'einfaches' Rückport bei. Der 'normale Wert' in Europa ist aber doppeltes Rück-porto (2 mal der Wert für einen einfachen Brief) oder einen US Dollar (bei augenblicklich fallenden Wert stimmt aber leider die Relation nicht). Schickt keine IRCs innerhalb von Europa, das ist Geldverschwendung.

Für Berichte von außerhalb Europas sind IRCs aber eine gute Sache, alte und neue IRCs sind sowohl in Deutschland als auch in den Niederlanden gültig (auch wenn die dort manchmal was anderes erzählen).

7 Schickt möglichst keine Euro-Münzen als Rückporto. Da die Briefe in den Briefverteilzentren der Post automatisch sortiert werden durchlaufen sie zahlreiche Weichen und Andruckwalzen und werden dabei zusammengedrückt. Sind scharf-kantige Dinge enthalten, werden Briefe dabei zerstört. Wenn ihr doch Münzen beilegt bitte mit Klebestreifen an einem Stück Pappe oder so sichern.

8 Bitte schreibt Details in Eure Berichte. Ich sehe öfter mal Berichte die nur aus 'Musik, Ansage, Adresse' bestehen. Wenn ich der Stationsbetreiber wäre würde ich dafür nichts verschicken.

9 Wenn ihr von einer Station (trotz Nachfrage) keine Antwort bekommt bitte informiert mich per E-mail. Denn nur Stationen, die auch Post beantworten dürfen das Postfach in Eisenach nutzen. (Ob sie dann aber fuer Euren Bericht eine QSL verschicken ist ihre Sache.)

Martin aus Eisenach

9 advives on how to send reports to Eisenach :

Feb 25, 2005 : (still valid in 2018)

Remarks from the SRS Drop Box in Eisenach :

All reception reports to Pirate Stations are very welcome, but some reports make it quite difficult for me as the drop box operator.

Thus the following remarks seem to be necessary : 

1 Please include 'SRS Germany' in the first or second line of the address if you want to send a report to the Eisenach Drop-box !

2 If you do not know how to use the c/o please do not use it !

SRS Germany
c/o Station ABC
is nonsense !

The correct way would be
Station ABC
c/o SRS Germany
Postfach 101145
99801 Eisenach

3 Do not use abbreviations, use the station name. E.R. can mean Enjoy Radio or Eldorado Radio, thus I have to open the letter ..

4 If you are not sure about what you heard do send the report to me personally (or ask at first via E-mail) or wait for the next log list and try to find out the station name.

5 Do not send unused stamps unless you are sure you use the  correct currency. I keep getting reports for Dutch stations with  German stamps as return postage. An address in Germany does not necessarily mean that its a German station. 
Remark for all those outside the Euro-zone : A common currency in  the region does NOT mean that stamps can be used in different Euro countries, too !

6 Remember to enclose return postage. Several listeners do not include return postage. Several other listeners include only simply return postage. The normal value (in Europe) is 2 times the postage value for a simple letter (means 2 normal stamps) or 1 USD (Now at the moment that the USD is falling down this relation is not valid.) Do not send IRC's for reports inside Europe, that is wasting money. 

For reports from outside IRC's are a good thing, old and new IRC's are valid in Germany as well as in the Netherlands (even if they sometimes tell something different)

7 Try to avoid sending Euro-Coins as return postage. Since letters undergo a 'treatment' in large 'sorting factories' build by the post these letters that contain sharp things are often destroyed since letter run between several rolls that are pressed together .. If you enclose coins secure them with tape to a sheet of strong paper.

8 Please include good details in your reports. I see many reports that consist of details like 'music announcer address'. If I were the radio station I would not issue a QSL for these reports.

9 If you do not get an answer from a certain station please inform me via E-mail. Stations that do not answer listeners mail are not allowed to use the drop box in Eisenach. 

Yours, Martin from Eisenach

The layout is taken from the Wuppertal-site and SRS-Ytterby-site, resp. Just to create some kind of standard.

For stations that use the Rueil-Cedex dropbox, please click here. - Site closed (2018)

For stations that used the Wuppertal dropbox, please click here. - Site closed (2018)

For stations that used the SRS-Ytterby dropbox, please click here. - Site closed (2018)

For stations that used Hoogeveen 663 dropbox, please click here. - Site closed (2018)