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Page : Soviet
Union |
Tajikistan (since 1991) |
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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations from Tajikistan
Tajikistan Previous Page : Soviet Union Next Page : Turkmenistan
External Service
R Dushanbe [since 1991 R Tajikistan]
Index Tajikistan Index Former
Soviet Union
no logs so far / see under Soviet Union
R Tajikistan [until 1991 R
Dushanbe] Index Tajikistan Index Former
Soviet Union
7245 kHz, Dushanbe 16:45 11.08.93 18.10.93 68 days, QSL : 3-sidigt handskrivet brev + vykort v/s : Raisa Muhutdinova | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Okt 93 |
Radio Tadjikistan 7245 kHz verified with a det. Letter in 315 days. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Jul 95 |
R.Tajikistan, 7245, full-data fill-in-type EG letter; v/s Raisa Muhutdinova, English Branch; 7 mos. after f/up, total 19 mos. | H.Kuhl-D | Cumbre DX 075 | Feb 96 |
Today I received a QSL letter from Radio Tajikistan English Sce, Ul. Chapayev 31, 734025 Dushanbe, Tajikistan v/s Editor : Gulnaz Abdullaeva. I included a Dollar with my report. He writes : -The Dollar was very helpful for us to speed up sending your letter. This was the first time when we managed to receive money by mail because of disorder at post offices. Probably it would be more safe for you to send international coupon for covering postal costs. P.S. I'm fond of collecting maps of different countries of the world. I would be very grateful for a map of your country.- (via DX Window, Apr 5) | M.van Arnhem-HOL | BC-DX 302 | Apr 97 |
Radio TAJIKISTAN, v/s- Mr. Ramazonov Nasrulio, foreign relations (reply in Engish) asking 5 (five) US $ to cover the cost of the reply, asking not to send IRC cause not exchangable in his country. QTH : Radio Tajikistan, International Service, Chapaev Street 31, Dushanbe 744025 | G.Carlo Panzeri-I (sticker) | Play-DX 1022 | Apr 99 |
TAJIK Radio 7515 kHz, QSL-letter IN RUSSIAN + PERS. letter IN ENGLISH 321d. NO IRC. v/s : NASRULLO RAMAZONOV Editor in Chief. after follow up, sent 2 $. qth : INTERNational SERVICE, 31 CHAPAEV Street, DUSHANBE 734025. | S.M.Kolesov-UKR | Play-DX 1059 | Mrz 00 |
TJK, 7245 with a specified letter in English. I sent the report to and got the answer from Television and Radio Communications Ltd, (Teleradiocom). (A report in 1998 to R Tadjikistan resulted in a personal letter / verification from an employee at the English dept. with a request for contribution of money to buy a flat for USD 5, 000). (SWB translation per Nilsson via Johnson Dec 31) | L.Rydén-S | Cumbre DX 328 | Jan 01 |
Verification letter via email received from R Tajikistan after an email report. Quote: "Dear Sir your reception report was found correct. Thank you for your listening. Sincerely, Nasrullo Ramazonov Radio Tajikistan, World Service" | S.Chakroborty-IND | DXLD 2-064 | Apr 02 |
VoT 7245 kHz 252d SENT 1 $. QTH: Chapaev Street 31, 744025 Dushanbe. | F.Carnevalini-I | Play-DX 1164 | Aug 02 |
Tajik Radio hat mir in einem persönlichen sehr netten, aber undetailierten Brief den Empfang vom 6. Oktober 2003 auf 7.245 kHz bestätigt. Unterschrieben hat "Mr. Rahmonov Abdujabbor, Chairman of Committee on TV and Radio under the Government of Republic of Tajikistan". Die Antwort erhielt ich ca. vier Wochen nach einem Erinnerungsfax auf die 00992372213495. Herr Rahmonov teilte mir darin auch mit, das er sich an meinen Brief mit Postkarte, Sticker und IRC erinnern könne und diesen vor langer Zeit angeblich schon einmal beantwortet hat. Für mich war es aber leider kein neues Land, da mir im letzten Jahr die VOR schnell und problemlos das Tajik Relais detailiert mit QSL Karte bestätigt hatte. Trotzdem war die Freude natürlich groß. | R.Bessler-D | A-DX-ML | Nov 04 |
Today I received back my registered mail return receipt for a reception report, CD recording and other goodies I sent to Tajik Radio about 6 weeks ago. Hopefully the report will eventually produce a QSL from this much-wanted station. | J.Pogue-TN-USA | HCDX-ML | Mai 07 |
Relayed Stations or Programs
Bible Voice (TJK) Index
Tajikistan Index Former
Soviet Union
BIBLE VOICE Yangi Yul 7485 kHz, Cartolina QSL in 30 giorni. E-rpt con ID MP3 spedito a: mail@biblevoice.org | L.Botto Fiora-I | BCL-News-ML | Jul 10 |
R Prague (TJK) Index
Tajikistan Index Former
Soviet Union
R. PRAGUE Yangi Yul 5830 kHz, Cartolina QSL, schede, adesivo e spugna in 7 giorni. E-rpt spedito a: cr@radio.cz | L.Botto Fiora-I | BCL-News-ML | Apr 07 |
5840, R. Prague relay, card (incl. the site), schedule, stickers, a coaster in 13 days. | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Aug 07 |
TAJIKISTAN: R. Prague relay, 5840 kHz, card, schedule, coaster, stickers in 13 days, no IRC. (via D.Monferini-ITA) | S.Gomez-E | direct to QIP | Nov 07 |
R Netherlands (TJK) Index
Tajikistan Index Former
Soviet Union
RN/Dushanbe-9860, card in 4 weeks. | L.Weirell-S | direct to QIP | Jun 94 |
R Netherlands Dushanbe det. Karte The Happy Station Team 5905 kHz 0030 20.01.95 12 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Feb 95 |
R Nederland 9860 qsl-card no r.postage 35 days. | J.Parker-G | WDXC QSL Report | Dez 96 |
R Nederland 4965 qsl-card no r.postage 40 days | Z.Liangas-GRC | WDXC QSL Report | Dez 96 |
Radio Nederland Relay Dushanbe 4965 kHz verified with a det. Card in 553 days. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Jan 97 |
R Nederland, Dushanbe 5905 card 2 weeks | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Jan 97 |
R. Nederland via Tajikistan on 4965 kHz, QSL v/s Asbar N Krisna Indonesian Sect. (my 179th Country !) no irc in 620 days (Gatflash ! # 92) | R.Pavanello-I | TFW | Jan 97 |
4965 Radio Nederland relay via Dushanbe. Full data Radio Nederland card with site listed as Dushanbe, Tajikstan. Signed by Asbari N. Krisna, DX. Komunikasi, Indonesian Service. Took 1 Year for report to Hilversum. New S / W Country # 189 Verified. It only took 6 days for the card to get here from Holland.so they must have held it in storage for a year before sending it ! | R.S.Ross-ON-CAN | Cumbre DX 124 | Feb 97 |
R Nederland Orzu rel 4965 card 1.5ĺ. | T.-H.Ekblom-DNK | Norwegian DX News | Feb 97 |
R.Netherlands on 4965, QSL, f /d in 270 days, no IRC sent (Play DX # 941 June 30) | G.Domina-F | TFW 032 | Jul 97 |
R.Netherlands on 4965 via tx Dushanbe, QSL f /d v/s Asbari N.Krisha, Asian service in 113 days, no IRC sent. (N.Rizzi, Italia / Play DX # 941 June 30) | N.Rizzi-I | TFW 032 | Jul 97 |
R.Netherlands (Dushambe) on 4965, QSL in 125 days, v/s Asbari N. Krisna (DX section Indonesian) (Gral Liguria / Play DX # 944 28 July) | L.Botto Fiora-I | TFW 034 | Aug 97 |
R Nederland, Dushanbé 4965 card. | B.Mjelde-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Okt 97 |
R Nederland via Dushanbe 5905 qsl-card no r.postage 42 days. | P.Miroshnikov-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Mrz 98 |
R Santec (TJK) Index Tajikistan Index Former
Soviet Union
11510 - R. Santec - Dushanbe-Orzu-TJK - Recebido QSL full data, belo cartăo postal com agradecimento por todos os IR's enviados e livreto "A força da oraçăo - Sentido e finalidade da tua vida na Terra - A lei de causa e efeito (Lei do carma)". Pouco menos de 2 semanas. V/S: Janette Wood et al. obs: IR enviado por e-mail: info[ät]radio-santec.com. QTH: Marenstrasse 1, D-97070, Würzburg, Alemanha. | R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B | DXCB 2002-08 | Aug 02 |
Vo America (TJK) Index Tajikistan Index Former Soviet Union
QSL card pertaining to the previous broadcast season: 972 kHz via Tajikistan | S.Basu-IND | Cumbre DX-ML | Jan 07 |
Vo Russia (TJK) Index Tajikistan Index Former
Soviet Union
Voice of Russia Orzu 648 qsl-card no r.postage 34 days. | I.Wilson-G | WDXC QSL Report | Feb 97 |
Voice of Russia Dushanbe relay 4940. Full data card in 95 days. | T.Vaughan-G | direct to QIP | Feb 98 |
VoR 4975, f /d " Country scene " card, schedule and letter in 6 weeks. | N.Pimblett-AB-CAN | CIDX 1998-06 | Jun 98 |
Voice of RUSSIA tx YANGI YUL 4975 kHz. QSL card + letter + various 45d. NO IRC. QTH : Pyatnitskaya 25, CIS-113326 Moscow, Russia. v/s : Olga Troshina, segr. (Gral Liguria) | L.Botto Fiora-I | Play-DX 0985 | Jun 98 |
Voice of Russia via Dushanbe Tajikistan. Full data QSL including transmitter site received for 18 May 2000 report of 11500 kHz at 0000 UTC. The envelope now also has " Radio Voice of Russia " on it instead of the old radio Moscow envelopes they had been using up until the time the temporarily quit issuing QSL cards awhile back. | L.Silvi-OH-USA | HCDX-ML | Aug 00 |
Voice of RUSSIA 4975 kHz VIA TX YANGI YUL, QSL + letter + REPORT FORM 61d. NO IRC.v/s : TANYA STUKOVA. RPT TO MOSCOW Hq. | L.Botto Fiora-I | Play-DX 1088 | Nov 00 |
V of Russia relay 17495 kHz, card, rp : no, 28 days. | N.Sharpe-G | WDXC QSL Report | Apr 01 |
7330, 9450, 9860, 9965, 11510 e 12060 - Voz da Rússia - Moscou (RUS), Moscou (RUS), Moscou (RUS), Yerevan - Kamo (ARM), Dushambe - Orzu (TJK) e Moscou (RUS) Recebida folha impressa confirmando 27 IR's. Em outro envelope foi recebida folha impressa confirmando 16 IR's e folheto com o schedule e a relaçăo dos programas apresentados pela VOR. - 31 dias e ???. V/S: Yuri Tchupin Gromov, Diretor do Departamneto de Portuguęs QTH: 25 ul. Pyatinitskya, Moscow, 113326 Rússia IR's enviados por e-mail: letters@vor.ru | R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B | Atividade DX 115 | Sep 02 |
9945 kHz e 11510 kHz - La Voz de Rusia, via Dujanbe-Orzu - 106 dias. Recebido cartăo QSL, 2 postais, cartăo de boas festas e carta. QTH: Pyatnitskaya 25, Moscou 113326, Russia OBS: O QSL recebido foi emitido em alusăo aos 70 anos do servico em castelhano da emissora; esse QSL foi usado para confirmar somente escutas do programa DX "Frecuencia RM", feitas em 2002. O QSL tem dimensőes de 13 x 21 cm. | L.Carqueja da Silva-RJ-B | Atividade DX 137 | Feb 03 |
7570 kHz 27-01-2003 00:14 UTC R. A Voz da Rússia, QSL full data, com uma foto do 19ş centenário do Grande Palácio do Kremlin e uma foto de um Rádio sintonizado na Voz da Rússia e a frase " We talk to the whole world ". Recebi 29 dias após ter enviado por via postal para A Voz da Rússia - 25, ul. Pyatnitskaya, Moscow 113326 Rússia. Esta transmissăo é feita em portuguęs para o Brasil, diariamente de 0000 'as 0100 UTC desde Dushanbe-Orzu, Kurgan-Tyube, Tadzhikistan (ITU= TJK) com 500 kW. Duas curiosidades, a primeira é o formato do cartăo QSL que tem 20 cm de altura por 10 cm de largura e as fotos săo na vertical a segunda curiosidade é que minha correspondęncia levou cerca de 8 dias para chegar 'a Rússia e o retorno deles demorou cerca de 21 dias pois A Voz da Rússia postou no dia 05-02-2003 por via aérea; 21 dias entre Rússia e Brasil deve ter sido com o 14BIS ! | A.Marques de Azevedo-MG-B | Atividade DX 147 | Mai 03 |
11510 - R. Voz da Rússia - Dushanbe-Orzu-TJK - QSL, carta, postal, cartăo para IR, selo da URSS (relíquia). 108 dias. V/S: Pessoal da Frecuencia RM. E-mail: frecrm@vor.ru. QTH: ul. Pyatnitskaya 25, 113326 Moscou, Rússia | J.Moacir Portera de Melo-MT-B | DXCB 2003-10 | Okt 03 |
Vo Russia / 4975 kHz, 22 Tage, det. QSL-Karte mit QTH, Weihnachtskarte / RR per eMail | E.Röscher-D | ADDX 2004-03 | Feb 04 |
VOR, 4.965 kHz, via Dushanbe, full data QSL card, RR-form, letter, schedule, 60 days, no rp | R.Bessler-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 04 |
VOICE OF RUSSIA –Relay Station – Dushambe, Date : February 29, 2004, Hour : 08.00 UTC, Freq : 17495 kHz. Vrs. : none | C.Pérez Dioses-PRU | HCDX-ML | Mai 04 |
Vo Russia Relay / 4975 kHz, 21 Tage, det. K mit Sendestandort / RR per eMail | R.Sonntag-D | ADDX 2004-12 | Jun 04 |
Voice of Russia 17525 kHz, 36 Tage, det. Brief, PG | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jul 04 |
Voice of Russia 17525 kHz, 36 Tage, det. Karte / 1Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jul 04 |
Voice of Russia 4965 kHz, 50 Tage, det. Karte, teildet. Brief, Empfangsberichtsvordruck / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Okt 04 |
Vo Russia/Dushanbe 4965 e-post kart brev sch 28d v/s Olga Troshina, World Service | B.Tandberg-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-03 | Apr 05 |
Vo Russia/Dushanbe 4965 e-post kart brev sch 28d v/s Olga Troshina, World Service | T.Nilsen-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-03 | Apr 05 |
Vo Russia/Yangiyul 11755 k 18 days | B.Tandberg-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-05 | Sep 05 |
VoRussia, Moskau 12.115 kHz, RUS tx-site: Dushanbe gehört in: AUT/Attersee K, pers.B/E, E-form, Questionary 06.08.2005 17.10.2005 61 Tage | H.Süss-AUT | direct to QIP | Okt 05 |
Voice of Russia 4940 kHz, 365 Tage, det. Karte Motiv Greater Neva, Spit of the Vasillievsky Island White night. Palace Bridge open nach reminder / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Nov 05 |
Voice of Russia 4975 kHz, 365 Tage, det. Karte Motiv Winter Palace nach reminder / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Nov 05 |
Voice of Russia 4965 kHz, 450 Tage, det. Karte Motiv St. Peter and Paul Cathedral nach reminder, persönlicher Brief, Frequenzplan / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Nov 05 |
Vo Russia/Yangiyul 4965 e-post k 1 day - 3 weeks | T.Woxen-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2006-01 | Jan 06 |
QSL: Voice of Russia in English on 17495 kHz from 0800-0900 UTC via Dushanbe, Tajikistan. | S.Basu-IND | Cumbre DX-ML | Jul 06 |
Voice of Russia, 9.545 kHz, in Spanish to South America, verify one reception report from February 2006 with QSL "Defence of Sebastopol" (from 60th Anniversary of the Great Patriotic War serial). Also sended card of Aeroflot plane, letter of "Pancho" Rodríguez (announcer of "Frecuencia RM", DX programme of VoR in Spanish), and programme schedule. Confirmed in 153 days. (Listened in Puerto Montt, south of Chile). | E.Peńailillo-CHL | direct to QIP | Jul 06 |
Voice of Russia Relay Dushanbe 4975 kHz verified with a det. card (incl. tx site) in 30 days. QTH: Pyatnitzkaya 25, 115326 Moscow, Russia. v/s Evdokiya Tolkachyova. | P.Robic-AUT | A-DX-ML | Mrz 08 |
WYFR (TJK) Index Tajikistan Index Former
Soviet Union
WYFR FAMILY RADIO Yangi Yul 5865 kHz, Cartolina QSL, schedules, adesivi, calendarietti e opuscoli religiosi in 48 giorni. No RP. QTH: Oakland-CA 94621 (USA). | L.Botto Fiora-I | ForumRadio-ML | Mrz 07 |
5865 Family Radio Hindi BCB to India via Dushanbe. Full data ( with site) 30th anniversary card with a large brown envelope filled with religious information in 90 days. Postal Report to California address. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Apr 07 |
5865 Family Radio Hindi Test BCB to India via Dushanbe. Full data ( with site) 30th anniversary card with a large brown envelope filled with religious information in 42 days. Sent a E-mail rpt for this Test BCB to: intl@familyradio.com & familyradio@familyradio.org. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Apr 07 |
Index Tajikistan Index Former Soviet Union Previous Page : Soviet Union Next Page : Turkmenistan