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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations from Georgia
Georgia Previous Page : Estonia Next Page : Kaliningrad
Domestic Stations
R Hara Index Georgia
Index Former Soviet Union
R Hara, Dusheti 4875 e-mail v/s zourab.shengelia[ät]usa.net | M.Ritola-FIN | direct to QIP | Apr 01 |
R Hara : It's nice to know that you are interested in our radio founded on April 1999. In the information on your website the contact address of our institute is mentioned to be unknown. Our address is: Rustaveli Ave. 52, II floor, apt. 211-212, Tbilisi, Georgia. Author of the program is Mr.Zourab Shengelia. Radio "Hara" is broadcasted more then two years four times a week. Duration of each program is 40-45 minutes. To specify areas of hearence and quality of signal received from the beginning was broadcasred only Abkhazian music. From April, 1999 several regular rubrics are broadcasted: "world today", "criminal chronicle", "news", "cultural chronicle", "sport chronicle", " literary page", "gossip from Hollywood", "horoscope", "modern music", etc. Radio "Hara" deals with nearly all the problems but consciously avoids only the theme of Georgian-Abkhazian conflict.. Dear Martin, Your question is very precise :-) The station name is "Hara". "Hara" is an Abkhazian form of "We". | N.Berdznishvili-GEO | direct to QIP | Mai 01 |
Radio Hara, 4875: n/d letter in 9 months. V/s: Nino Berdznishvili, Manager of the Project. Address: The Institute of Georgian-Abkhazian Relations, 52 [missing..] | J.Nishikawa-J | HCDX-ML | Apr 02 |
About 10 months ago I sent an e-mail reception report to Radio Hara, Georgia, 4875 kHz. Today, 13 Feb, received two e-mails with .doc files from Zourab Shengelia (league [ät] geoconst.org.ge) One was nice detailed QSL and the other was a letter telling about Radio Hara and The Institute of Georgian-Abkhazian Relations. The letter says they've been heard in Singapore and Japan and in several countries of Europe. | J.Savolainen-FIN | direct to QIP | Feb 04 |
Radio Hara 4875 kHz verified my RR after 38 days with a f/d letter and Info-Sheet. v/s Nino Berdznishvili. The Institute of Georgian- Abkhazian Relations - Radio Hara - 52 Rustaveli Avenue apt.211-212, Tbilisi, Georgia, 38008, zourab.shengelia[ät]hotmail.com league[ät]geoconst.org.ge | K.-P.Hilger-D | BC-DX 662 | Mrz 04 |
Radio Hara 4875 kHz verified with a det. letter and information in 53 days. 1 US-$ for RP. QTH: Rustaveli Ave. 52 / II. Floor / Apt. 211-212, Tbilisi 380008, Georgia. v/s Nino Berdznishvili, manager of the project. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Mrz 04 |
4875 kHz. Radio Hara,52 Rustaveli Avenue, apt. 211-212, Tbilisi, Georgia, 380008. Carta QSL con datos completos, Carta informativa sobre el intituto de relaciones Geogianas y Abkhazianas,NO IRC, tiempo de demora 384 dias.Lenguaje verificado Abkhaziano. | J.Hernandez Madrid-E | Conexion Digital 261 | Apr 04 |
R. Hara / 4875 kHz, 38 Tage, det. B, Info / $ | K.-P.Hilger-D | ADDX 2004-20 | Okt 04 |
R Imedi Index Georgia
Index Former Soviet Union
Radio Imedi, Tbilisi 105.9 MHz, (2.5 kw) ppc 10 weeks. addr.: 5 Ljubljana Street, Tbilisi 0159 (hrd in Georgia) | N.Reiner-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 08 |
External Service
R Tbilisi [since 1991 R
Georgia] Index Georgia
Index Former Soviet Union
no logs so far / see under Soviet Union
R Georgia
[until 1991 R Tbilisi] Index Georgia Index Former
Soviet Union
R Georgia 11910 kHz, det. qsl-letter in 144 days, schedule | R.Sonntag-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 97 |
Georgian R 11815 qsl-letter 1 IRC 913 days, days. | P.Travers-G | WDXC QSL Report | Okt 97 |
R Georgia 11910 11910 qsl-letter no r.postage 198 / 556 days. | J.Parker-G | WDXC QSL Report | Nov 97 |
Die deutsche Redaktion von -Radio Georgien- (68 M Kostava Str., 380071 Tbilissi, Georgien) bestaetigte einen Empfangsbericht nach sechs Monaten mit einem QSL-Brief, der auf die Rueckseite des laufenden Sendeplans geschrieben war. Dem Empfangs- bericht hatten ein US-Dollar und Informationmaterial beigelegen. Fuer die Situation in Georgien mag es bezeichnend sein, dass der Poststempel des Briefes immer noch die Bezeichnung -CCCP- (UdSSR) trug. | H.Biener-D | NTT Aktuell | Mrz 98 |
R Georgia Dusheti det. Brief Vordruck 11805 kHz 0700 14.12.97 79 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 98 |
R Tbilisi 5040 sent full QSL card, post card and programme schedule in 70 days. Addr. : Radio Georgia M. Kostava str. 68, Tbilisi 380071, Rep. of Georgia. | D.Canonica-SUI | Cumbre DX 211 | Okt 98 |
5040, Georgian Radio, full-data QSL form letter on the back of an xmsn sked with fqy and date filled in, along with a postcard and blank QSL card (except for signature), verifying a Jan 94 rpt. Latest follow-up was in July 95, so it has been a full 3 years and 3 mos. at least. Sent to Quito and forwarded here by HCJB. Very pleased. I've been trying to verify them since first hrd in Jun 75 ! v/s is mostly illegible, but what is legible looks like it could be Helena Apkhadze, to whom I sent the rpt. | R.McVicar-NY-USA | Numero Uno 1498 | Okt 98 |
R. Georgia / ? ? kHz, 260 days, qsl-letter / IRC. | H.Krüger-D | ADDX 1998-21 | Nov 98 |
R. Georgia / 11910 kHz, 379 days, qsl-letter per regist. mail. | T.Brandenburg-D | ADDX 1998-21 | Nov 98 |
GEORGIAN Radio 5040 kHz letter 350d. sent 1 IRC NO F / up. QTH : 68 M. Kostava Str., Tblissi 380071. | R.Pavanello-I | Play-DX 1001 | Nov 98 |
Radio Georgien bestätigte nach 177 Tagen einen Empfangsbericht vom 1.3.98 über 11805 kHz mit detailliertem Brief. Als Rp ist ein IRC sinnvoll. Jetzt kommen die Programme in deutsch von 7.00 bis 7.30 auf 11805 sowie 20.00 bis 20.30 auf 11760 kHz. Englisch u.a. um 6.30 auf 11805, 8.30 und 9.30 auf 11910 sowie 19.30 auf 6230 kHz. Adresse : Radio Georgien, 68 M. Kostava Street, 380071 Tbilissi. | M.Martin-D | Eastside DX 04 | Dez 98 |
R. Georgien / 11805 kHz, 177 days, detailed qsl-letter. | M.Martin-D | ADDX 1999-02 | Jan 99 |
R Georgia 11910 qsl-card, 1 IRC 210 days. | P.Cody-IRL | WDXC QSL Report | Feb 99 |
Radio Tblissi 11805 kHz QSL f /d + sked in 52d. after 3 F / up rpts, sent 1 US $ v/s : Helen Apkhadze, editor (Miss) (Naswa, Dec. 98, USA) | J.D.Stephens-AL-USA | Play-DX 1013 | Feb 99 |
5040, Radio Georgia. Full data postcard of antenna signed by editor in 30 months. | M.Vaghjee-MAU | DX Window 161 | Apr 99 |
Radio GEORGIA 11910 kHz QSL letter n / d 60d. sent 1 IRC QTH : 68 M. Kostava Str., Tbilisi 380071. FAX : (+ 107) 8832-955137. | D.Monferini-I | Play-DX 1022 | Apr 99 |
R. Tbilisi / 11910 kHz, 265 days, detailed qsl-letter, / IRC. | G.Klösel-D | ADDX 1999-20 | Okt 99 |
Stimme Georgiens : Mein Bestätigungsbrief stammt noch von etwas früher her. Auf meinen Empfangsbericht von Februar 1994 bekam ich nach ca. 530 Tagen die Antwort. Was ich an diesem Brief besonders schätze ist dass er persönlich verfasst wurde (handschriftlich) und sogar eine kurze Vorstellung der einzelnen Mitarbeiter der deutschen Redaktion enthaltet. | E.Bergmann-D | A-DX-ML | Okt 02 |
Ich hatte die Stimme Georgiens im Herbst 1997 mit ihrer deutschen Sendung empfangen und einen Bericht geschickt. Nach 6 Monaten erhielt ich dann einen det. QSL-Brief der deutschen Abteilung. Wenn ich mir so die Meldungen (z.B. bei www.schoechi.de) anschaue, scheine ich wirklich Glück gehabt zu haben. | M.Grill-D | A-DX-ML | Okt 02 |
Soviel ich mich erinnern kann, hat Radio Georgien einmal verlauten lassen sie antworte nur sehr selten auf Briefe aus Finanziellen Gründen. Es wird also kaum QSL's geben. Was machmal früher bei Radio Afghanistan geklappt hat: ein leeres weisses Blatt Papier beilegen. Wahrscheinlich haben sie nicht einmal genügend Papier. | R.Ruckstuhl-D | A-DX-ML | Okt 02 |
[Re : hat einer der listenteilnehmer in letzter zeit mal eine qsl der deutschen sendungen vom Radiosender Georgien erhalten?] Meine diesbezüglichen Erfahrungen sind eher negativ. Am 15.08.02 schrieb ich per e-mail einen Empfangsbericht ohne auch nur das Wort QSL zu erwähnen. Drei Stunden später war eine Rückantwort da: ".vielen Dank fuer fuer Ihre Mail vom 15.08.2002. Wir, das ganze Team des deutschen Dienstes, freuen uns, das Sie uns hoeren. Fuer die weiteren Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfuegung. Mit besten Gruessen aus Tbilissi, Ihr Geotvr.ge-Team" Eine nachfolgende mail blieb jedoch bis heute unbeantwortet. Die darin gestellten Fragen deshalb auch. Fazit: schwieriges Unterfangen! | W.-D.Behnke-D | A-DX-ML | Okt 02 |
TV-Radio Georgia 11805 kHz, 80 Tage, persöhnlicher Vordruckbrief mit allen Details sogar Sendesprache Deutsch vom 14.12.1997 UTC-Zeit 0700-0730 v/s Irma Jegetsclkori | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Okt 02 |
R. Georgien / 11805 kHz, 135 Tage, PPC / IRC | P.Vaegeler-D | ADDX 2003-12 | Jun 03 |
R. Georgien / 11805 kHz, 96 Tage, details letter / RR via ADDX | P.Vaegeler-D | ADDX 2003-12 | Jun 03 |
R. Georgien / 11805 kHz, 20 Tage, 2 detailed card, PG | H.Matt-D | ADDX 2003-15 | Aug 03 |
R Georgia 11805 e-post 55 d, v/s Irina Gegetschschkori, Maka Maisuradse | B.Tandberg-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2004-01 | Jan 04 |
11.805 kHz, f/d QSL card, postcard, schedule, RR by email to lia_mumladse@yahoo.de and letter to Tbilisi, rp 1 US$ (stolen on the way), 4 month, v/s Lia Mumladse and Irina Gegetschkori, German program editors | R.Bessler-D | direct to QIP | Jan 05 |
RADIO GEORGIA Dusheti 11910 kHz, Cartolina QSL in 932 giorni. Inviati due rapporti d'ascolto per posta tradizionale all'indirizzo: Kostava Street 68, Tbilisi 380071. | L.Botto Fiora-I | BCL-News-ML | Feb 05 |
Nach 775 Tagen bestätigte Radio Georgien einen Bericht über das Deutsche Programm vom 02.02.2003 auf 11805 KHz, ebenso wurde die Troppenband Frequenz 4540 KHz vom 06.02.2005 bestätigt. Die QSL Karten zeigen den Fernsehturm. Also haben alle Hoffnung, welche an den Sender geschrieben haben. | D.Kraus-D | A-DX-ML | Mrz 05 |
... und wenn man sie gegen das Licht hält, entdeckt man den 2-sprachigen Aufdruck (georg./russ.) "Fernsehen - Radio Grusiniens" und weiter rechts in Englisch "Tbilisi Feorgien SSR - USSR". Die QSL wurde also noch in glorreichen Zeiten gedruckt und ist überklebt. Mit anderen Worten: nach mehr als 30 Jahren vergeblicher x Versuche und einer vor wenigen Wochen geschriebenen Kritik (ging auch über die Liste) habe ich heute ebenfalls eine QSL, eine Ansichtskarte und einen Ausdruck des gesamten Sendeplanes (Sprache/Zeit/QRG) erhalten. Werde gleich eine Dankesmail an Lia Mumladse verfassen. | W.-D.Behnke-D | A-DX-ML | Mrz 05 |
Radio Georgien 11805 kHz, 775 Tage, det. Karte, Motiv Fernsehturm, via Lia Mumladse Radiosender Georgien Kostavastr. 68 380015 Tbilissi Georgien / 2 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 05 |
Radio Georgien 4540 kHz, 38 Tage, det. Karte, Motiv Fernsehturm, via Lia Mumladse Radiosender Georgien Kostavastr. 68 380015 Tbilissi Georgien / 2 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 05 |
Radio Georgien / 11805 kHz, 58 Tage, det. K, PG / RR per e-Mail | E.Röscher-D | ADDX 2005-04 | Apr 05 |
4540, The Georgian TV Radio Corporation. After 15 weeks I received a QSL card from English Service of Radio Georgia. The card shows an antenna on a hill. The other side was a QSL text with all details. However, this text was pasted upon the old QSL text of TV-Radio-Tbilisi, USSR! (via DSWCI DX Window) | M.van Arnhem-HOL | DXLD 5-076 | Mai 05 |
R. Georgien / 11910 kHz, 428 Tage, detailierte Karte | W.Kaiser-D | ADDX 2006-08 | Aug 06 |
Relayed Stations or Programs
Vo Hope (GEO) Index Georgia Index Former
Soviet Union
Voice of Hope / Tbilisi 9310 card 10 days | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Jan 97 |
Voice of Hope / Tbilisi 9310 card 10 days | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Jan 97 |
7520 kHz, Tbilisi 18:55 17.03.97 27.03.97 10 days, QSL : kort | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Mrz 97 |
7520 V of Hope, Tbilisi Great looking oversized card, specially printed for this site. -The Voice of Hope, European Beacon, Tbilisi, Georgia- on front, along with colorful drawing of beams going out from Georgia to Europe, and small picture of the transmitter site; full-data on back, along with Hereford address and invitation to check out the VoH Web site. Power is 100 kW, 302 degrees from Dusheti (42.03 N / 44.41 E). In three weeks for taped report. Worth having. | J.Berg-MA-USA & E.Rausch-USA | Cumbre DX 132 | Apr 97 |
7520 Voice of Hope via Tbilisi f/d card in 2 weeks for $ 1.00. | G.Maroti-NY-USA | Cumbre DX 133 | Apr 97 |
Voice of Hope-Dusheti 7520. Full data card in 14 days. | T.Vaughan-G | direct to QIP | Apr 97 |
Vo Hope 7520 card 11 days. | P.C.Bøgseth-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Apr 97 |
9310 Voice of Hope Usual map card, but ticked Los Angeles site. 3 weeks for $ 1 US. | J.Wright-AUS | Cumbre DX 140 | Mai 97 |
Voice of Hope 9310 sheet SAE 6 days. | P.Travers-G | WDXC QSL Report | Mai 97 |
Vo Hope Dusheti det. Karte Vordruck Karte grau 9310 kHz 1800 02.05.97 8 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mai 97 |
12120 The Voice of Hope, Received a QSL card regarding a test transmission on May 15. "We are transmitting with 100 kW from Dusheti (42.03N / 44.41E). | P.Pijpers-HOL | Cumbre DX 141 | Jun 97 |
Voice of Hope on 9310, QSL card in 2 weeks for 1 IRC from their headquarters in Hereford, GB. | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | direct to QIP | Jun 97 |
Voice of Hope Dusheti, 9310 kHz verified with a det. Card in 14 days. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Jun 97 |
12120, The Voice of Hope, Received QSL card on June 3 for reception report of test transmission on May 15. -We are transmitting with 100 kW from Dusheti. | P.Pijpers-HOL | DX Window 068 | Jun 97 |
VoHope, Dusheti 9310 card information 11 days. | T.-H.Ekblom-DNK | Norwegian DX News | Jun 97 |
V.o.Hope, Dusheti on 7520, fd card (british ms), QTH : Box 109, Hereford HR4 9XR, United Kingdom, in 11 days (DSWCI -SWN, QSL Corner June 97) | C.Ghibaudo-F | TFW 031 | Jun 97 |
V.o.Hope, Dusheti on 7520, large card in 11 days (DSWCI -SWN, QSL Corner June 97) | H.-D.Buschau-D | TFW 031 | Jun 97 |
Voice of Hope test Full-data QSL for May 15th broadcast, received in 45 days to confirm my e-mail report. Some stamps were also enclosed. They are transmitting with 100 kW from Dusheti (42.03 N / 44.41 E). | Q.Xiaoli-CHN | Cumbre DX 145 | Jul 97 |
Voice of Hope 7520 qsl-card SAE 11 days. | J.Parker-G | WDXC QSL Report | Jul 97 |
7520 VO Hope, Dusheti (100 kW), full data QSL card and High Adventure schedule. Sent to PO Box 109 Herefore HR4 9XR England. | J.R.Renfrew-NY-USA | Cumbre DX 155 | Sep 97 |
V.o.Hope on 9310, folder QSL card in 16 days (DSWCI SWN Sept 97) | L.Roithmeir-G | TFW 037 | Sep 97 |
Voice of Hope transmits from Georgia. I received a QSL card after sending a report to : High Adventure Ministries, PO Box 109, Hereford HR4 9XR, England. | P.Pijpers-HOL | DX Window 085 | Okt 97 |
Voice of Hope 7520 qsl-card no r.postage 46 days. | G.Grigoriev-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Okt 97 |
Vo Hope 9310 card 2 weeks. | B.Mjelde-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Nov 97 |
V.o.Hope, Tbilisi on 12120, QSL card, info in 2 months (DSWCI SWN Nov 97) | M.Decock-BEL | TFW 043 | Nov 97 |
Voice of Hope Dusheti 6290 f/d QSL info sched no irc 8 dd | W.Mola-I | Gatflash-I 112 | Dez 97 |
Voice of Hope 9310 qsl-card no r.postage 62 days. | L.Roithmeir-G | WDXC QSL Report | Dez 97 |
V o Hope on 9310, fd card, in 6 weeks (via DSWCI, Denmark, SWN # 1 Jan 1998 Vol 42, QSL Corner). | A.Fernández Llorella-E | TFW 049 | Jan 98 |
V o Hope on 9310, fd card, schedule in 39 days (DSWCI, Denmark, SWN # 1 Jan 1998 Vol 42, QSL Corner). | M.A.Cornachioni-ARG | TFW 049 | Jan 98 |
V o Hope on 9310, fd card, in 10 days (DSWCI, Denmark, SWN # 1 Jan 1998 Vol 42, QSL Corner). | R.Holler-D | TFW 049 | Jan 98 |
Voice of Hope Dusheti 6290 qsl-card no r.postage 8 days. | Z.Elias-CZE | WDXC QSL Report | Jan 98 |
Vo Hope Dusheti det. Karte Vordruck Karte grün 6290 kHz 1800 15.12.97 24 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jan 98 |
Vo Hope, Tblisi 6290 / 9310 card information 3 weeks. /. Dette er vel Asia selv om Norge jo har Georgia i EM-pulje (eller har vi ikke det ?) | T.Nilsen-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Feb 98 |
Voice of Hope 9310 qsl-card no r.postage 28 days. | R.Takács-ROU | WDXC QSL Report | Feb 98 |
VoHope, Tblisi 9310 card 2 weeks. | T.Woxen-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Mrz 98 |
V.o.Hope, Dusheti on 6290, fd card, info in 29 days (DSWCI, SWN # 3, March 98, QSL Corner) | T.Mikola-HNG | TFW 055 | Mrz 98 |
V.o.Hope on 6290, QSL card f /d, info in 10 days (Play DX 974 March 23) | S.Gómez-E | TFW 057 | Apr 98 |
12125 Voice of Hope via Dusheti. Full-data card in 27 days for US $ 1. Card shows Christian mosaic : Loaves and Fishes- Very beautiful. Nice addition to any collection. | W.Flynn-OR-USA | Cumbre DX 190 | Mai 98 |
AWR Tbilisi 12120 qsl-card no r.postage 65 days. | I.Zhurkin-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Mai 98 |
HIGH ADVENTURE MINISTRIES 7475 kHz QSL in 95d. tx Dusheti, sent 1 IRC. QTH : P.O.Box 109, Hereford HR4 9XR, United Kingdom web site : WwW.highadventure.org | B.Gornati-I | Play-DX 0988 | Aug 98 |
Voice of Hope 9310, f /d " Gospel scripture / Mosaic " card and schedule in 39 days. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 1998-09 | Sep 98 |
TV-Radio Tbilisi. 11805 f/d -Transmitter Tower- cd. w / postcard + frequency sked in 52 ds. after 3rd f/up. and $ 1.00. Latest f/up sent registered mail. v/s : Helen Apkhadze - Editor. | J.D.Stephens-AL-USA | Cumbre DX 210 | Okt 98 |
Voice of Hope, Dusheti, 12, 125 kHz., f/d card w / site from Hereford, England in 4 weeks for $ 1.00 U.S. Also sent copy of report to the Voice of Hope California, USA address and received a f/d Voice of Hope map card w / site in 6 weeks, also for 1US $ | E.Tilbury-ALS | direct to QIP | Okt 98 |
Vo Hope / div. kHz, 10-68 days, det. qsl-card, program guide / $ . | diverse-D | ADDX 1998-21 | Nov 98 |
V.o.Hope, Dusheti, on 6290, f/d card from Hereford, England, in 5 weeks. (DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner) | T.Mikola-HNG | TFW 073 | Nov 98 |
VoHope / 9310 kHz, 28 days, qsl-card / picture postcard, $. | F.-W.Adam-D | ADDX 1999-02 | Jan 99 |
Vo Hope / div. kHz, 14-16 days, detailed qsl-card. | diverse-D | ADDX 1999-20 | Okt 99 |
Voice of Hope 9310 kHz, f/d card, 10/24/97, v/s : Not listed "Ancient Mosaic" card, site : Dusheti | J.Dybka-TX-USA | Webpage | Jan 00 |
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