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Page : Germany 10 |
Germany (Western Europe) |
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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations from Germany
- Part 11
Germany Previous Page : Germany 10 Next Page : Gibraltar
Relayed Stations or Programs
Wavescan (D) Index Germany
Index Euro West
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific, Date: - 09-12-2007, Frequency: - 11675 kHz (Wertachtal, Germany). Time: - 1530-1600 UTC. Language: - English/Wavescan. Description: - Special Wavescan QSL Card verified by Rhoen. WAVESCAN, The Voice of Hope a <http://www.awr.org/> program for DX hobbyists and radio listeners! The card depicted photographs of followings: - 1- Rhoen Catolico, Host/Presenter AWR Wavescan, 2- Md. Salahuddin Dolar, Editor/Presenter Bangladesh DX Report, 3- Henry Umadhay, Editor/Presenter Pilipinas DX Report, 4- Bob Padula, Editor/Presenter Australian DX Report, 5- Adrian Peterson, Editor/Presenter AWR Wavescan, 6- Gay Tublles, Presenter Inspirations, 7- Yukiko Tsuli-maki, Presenter Japan (JSWC) DX Report | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Jan 2008 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific. Date: - 30-12-2007. Frequency: - 11675 kHz (Wertachtal, Germany). Time: - 1530-1600 UTC. Language: - English/Wavescan. Description: - Special Wavescan QSL Card verified by Rhoen. WAVESCAN, The Voice of Hope a <http://www.awr.org/> program for DX hobbyists and radio listeners! The card depicted photographs of followings: - 1- Rhoen Catolico, Host/Presenter AWR Wavescan., 2- Md. Salahuddin Dolar, Editor/Presenter Bangladesh DX Report, 3- Henry Umadhay, Editor/Presenter Pilipinas DX Report, 4- Bob Padula, Editor/Presenter Australian DX Report, 5- Adrian Peterson, Editor/Presenter AWR Wavescan, 6- Gay Tublles, Presenter Inspirations, 7- Yukiko Tsuli-maki, Presenter Japan (JSWC) DX Report | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Jan 2008 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific. Date: - 06-01-2008. Frequency: - 11675 kHz (Germany). Time: - 1530-1600 UTC. Language: - English. Description: - Special Wavescan QSL Card verified by Rhoen. WAVESCAN, The Voice of Hope a <http://www.awr.org/> program for DX hobbyists and radio listeners! The card depicted photographs of followings: - Rhoen Catolico, Host/Presenter AWR Wavescan. Md. Salahuddin Dolar, Editor/Presenter Bangladesh DX Report. Henry Umadhay, Editor/Presenter Pilipinas DX Report. Bob Padula, Editor/Presenter Australian DX Report. Adrian Peterson, Editor/Presenter AWR Wavescan. Gay Tublles, Presenter Inspirations. Yukiko Tsuli-maki, Presenter Japan (JSWC) DX Report. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Feb 2008 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific. Date: - 03-02-2008. Frequency: - 11675 kHz (Germany). Time: - 1530-1600 UTC. Language: - English. Description: - Special Wavescan QSL Card verified by Rhoen. WAVESCAN, The Voice of Hope a <http://www.awr.org/> program for DX hobbyists and radio listeners! The card depicted photographs of followings: - Rhoen Catolico, Host/Presenter AWR Wavescan. Md. Salahuddin Dolar, Editor/Presenter Bangladesh DX Report. Henry Umadhay, Editor/Presenter Pilipinas DX Report. Bob Padula, Editor/Presenter Australian DX Report. Adrian Peterson, Editor/Presenter AWR Wavescan. Gay Tublles, Presenter Inspirations. Yukiko Tsuli-maki, Presenter Japan (JSWC) DX Report. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Mrz 2008 |
Waymarks Int Ministries (D) Index Germany
Index Euro West
15650, Waymarks Intl Ministries (via DTK), no-data ltr ment. their relays over R. Africa, DTK, WRML (GA) and an FMer in Nigeria. V/S Loren H. Wilson, Waymarks Radio Pastor. In 10 days for CD rpt. A "prgm QSL." | J.Berg-MA-USA | Dxplorer-ML | Jul 03 |
Waymarks Ministries via DTK Jülich 15650 kHz verified with a partly det. letter and religious information in 14 days. 1 US-$ for RP. QTH: P.O.Box 2324, Macon, GA 31203, USA. v/s Loren H. Wilson, Waymarks Radio Pastor. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Aug 03 |
15650, Waymarks International Radio Ministry via Deutsche Telekom and brokered by Pan American Broadcasting verified with a frequency only letter in 5 days from Loren H. Wilson, Waymarks Radio Pastor. He says the T-Systems broadcast is for the Middle East. Also, he mentions he has "received more than 10,000 letters from listeners" of Radio Africa in Equatorial Guinea in 10+ years of operation in Africa. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Nov 03 |
WAYMARKS via DTK Jülich, 12015 kHz RR-Kopie abgezeichnet zurück, Info, 43 Tage | P.Boeck-D | EAWRC 326 | Jul 04 |
DTK - Jülich: The following Prepared Verification Cards where sent back after posting reports to DTK-Jülich. The Cards where my own design with a photo of the Jülich Towers, super imposed on a verification statement. Cards where signed and stamped. They are: 17555 - Radio Rhino International, 17705 Radio Kompanya Golos Russia, 15650 Waymarks International Ministries, 15650 Greater Victory Church, 15650 World Bible Mission,, 9555 Russian International Radio. Sent along with the reply was three photo's of the Juilch site, one of the transmitter and two of the towers and curtain aerials. Reply in 4 months, two weeks after sending a e-mail follow-up inquiry. V/s: Ralf Welf. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Aug 04 |
West Coast R
Ireland (D) Index Germany Index Euro West
West Coast R I letter 5 months. | G.Fredheim-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Jan 1997 |
West Coast Radio-Jülich 11665. Part data card in 175 days for IRC. | T.Vaughan-G | direct to QIP | Mai 1997 |
9875 West Coast Radio, Ireland. via Jülich. Card in 3 weeks for 1 IRC, All Details, beautiful card shows Croagh Mountain, plus interesting tourist lit, and schedule. | J.Wright-NSW-AUS | Cumbre DX 141 | Jun 1997 |
5910 West Coast Radio Ireland verified with a date / frequency card in 169 days for 2 IRC's from verification signers Michael Cummins and Gerald Delany. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Cumbre DX 142 | Jun 1997 |
West Coast R Ireland via Jülich 6015 qsl-card 1 IRC 167 days, days. | P.Travers-G | WDXC QSL Report | Jun 1997 |
West Coast R Ireland 6015 qsl-card 1 IRC 173 days. | D.Saunders-G | WDXC QSL Report | Jul 1997 |
West Coast R Ireland 6015 qsl-card 1 IRC 181 days. | J.Parker-G | WDXC QSL Report | Jul 1997 |
West Coast R Ireland, Jülich 15625 card information 24 days. | T.-H.Ekblom-DNK | Norwegian DX News | Aug 1997 |
West Coast Radio on 6015, QSL, schedule, info in 191 days for^1 IRC, v/s Michael Commins and Gerard Delaney. QTH : WCR, Clare Morris, County Mayo, Mayo (via TX Deutsche Welle) (in DX s Connection 6/97 / Play DX # 944 28 July) | L.Basso-I | TFW 034 | Aug 1997 |
West Coast R Ireland via Jülich 6015 qsl-card no r.postage 195 days. | Z.Elias-CZE | WDXC QSL Report | Sep 1997 |
West Coast Radio Ireland via Jülich on 11665, f /d form letter, schedule, v/s Gerard Delaney + Michael Dommins, in 150 days. (Play DX # 950 28 Sept) | V.Korinek-AFS | TFW 038 | Okt 1997 |
WCRI on 6015, QSL, schedules, printed letter in 210 days (via Radiorama # 10/97) | A.Griffante-I | TFW 039 | Okt 1997 |
West Coast R 6015 qsl-card no r.postage 106 days. | G.Grigoriev-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Okt 1997 |
West Coast Radio via tx Deutsche Welle on 11665, QSL, leter, schedules, in 179 days for 1 IRC, QTH : Murneen, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland (Play DX # 954 26 October 1997) | S.Mannelli-I | TFW 042 | Nov 1997 |
West Coast Radio via DW Jülich on 11665, QSL, info, v/s Marie and Kay, QSL secretaries, QTH : Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland. (Play DX # 962 Dec. 28 1997) | L.Botto Fiora-I | TFW 048 | Jan 1998 |
West Coast Radio 6015 qsl-card 1 IRC 173 days. | D.Saunders-G | WDXC QSL Report | Apr 1998 |
West Coast Radio Ireland antwortete nach zweieinhalb Monaten mit QSL-Karte und Infoschreiben, daß die Sendungen zeitweise eingestellt werden mußten, aber auf eine Rückkehr noch in diesem Jahr gehofft wird. Frequenz war 6175 kHz via Jülich, Rückporto 1 IRC. RR in englisch. Adr. : WCRI, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland. | J.Adolph-D | Eastside DX 01 | Jun 1998 |
West Coast Radio 11665, f /d " Dolmen-The Burren Co. Clare " card, schedule and letter in 187 days. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 1998-07 | Jul 1998 |
Wonderful Word of Life (D) Index Germany
Index Euro West
V of Hope (Biblis) no rp 9495 kHz, qsl-card 187 days (Now Bible Voice as stated on QSL Card. Addr: Wonderful Word of Life, via Vo Hope Biblis, The Salvation Army, 1424 Northeast Expressway, Atlanta GA 30329 2088, USA) | L.Botto Fiora-I | BDXC-UK 2003-08 | Aug 03 |
World Bible Mission (D) Index Germany
Index Euro West
15650, World Bible Missions verified in 20 days with an e-mail response from Pastor Hogan indicating he listened to shortwave radio and asked advise on where to purchase a better portable. Also, he indicated that he was about to respond to a DX'er in Alberta, Canada. I was able to "guess" that Ed Kusalik was the mystery listener. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Nov 03 |
15650 World Bible Mission via Jülich. Full data PPC and confirmation/information letter, thanking for my interest and for the newspaper article about my short wave listening hobby. Reply in 28 days, and returned my US Dollar. . V/S: Pastor Roy Hogan | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | DXplorer-ML | Dez 03 |
WORLD BIBLE MISSIONS via DTK 12015 kHz, B ohne Details, Info 22 Tage | P.Boeck-D | EAWRC 326 | Jul 04 |
DTK - Jülich: The following Prepared Verification Cards where sent back after posting reports to DTK-Jülich. The Cards where my own design with a photo of the Jülich Towers, super imposed on a verification statement. Cards where signed and stamped. They are: 17555 - Radio Rhino International, 17705 Radio Kompanya Golos Russia, 15650 Waymarks International Ministries, 15650 Greater Victory Church, 15650 World Bible Mission,, 9555 Russian International Radio. Sent along with the reply was three photo's of the Juilch site, one of the transmitter and two of the towers and curtain aerials. Reply in 4 months, two weeks after sending a e-mail follow-up inquiry. V/s: Ralf Welf. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Aug 04 |
World R Network (D) Index Germany
Index Euro West
WRN via Berlin / 97.2 MHz, 30 Tage, det. B / RR per eMail | J.Waga-D | ADDX 2004-12 | Jun 04 |
I received a letter from Sabine Garvol, Back Office Shortwave Sales at T-Systems, in which she stated that my reports from April 4, 2004 to October 2006 were correct. She listed IBC Tamil, CVC, RTI and WRN. Quite a change from Walter Brodowsky (via QSL Report, Aug NASWA Journal) | M.Field-MI-USA | DXLD 7-093 | Aug 07 |
WRMI (D) Index Germany
Index Euro West
Radio Miami International, Juelich: 15650 kHz, Email confirmation in 3 days. v/s Walter Brodowsky, T-Systems Media&Broadcast GmbH Business Unit Broadcasting Account & Product Manager for Short-wave Broadcasting. Postal-Address: Bastionstr. 11 - 19, 52428 Juelich Phone ++49 2461 937164 Fax ++49 2461 937 165 PC-Fax ++49 2151 3660 7467 Mobile ++49 171 563 9738 email Walter.Brodowsky@t-systems.com Internet: www.t-systems-mediabroadcast.de For more information regarding short-wave: http://www.t-systems-mediabroadcast.com/tsi/en/167328/Home/Radio/Distribution | S.M.Kolesov-RUS | direct to QIP | Okt 2007 |
Rádio Miami : Confirmação Recebida da Rádio Miami Internacional,Recebido Cartão Qsl,Relatório Enviado Pelo Formulário da Web no Site da Emissora,23 Dias. Para Resposta a Partir do Envio do Relatório. | A.Robert-B | radioecutas-ML | Mai 2012 |
WYFR (D) Index Germany
Index Euro West
13855 & 15755 WYFR Family Radio's first day of test Transmissions from Jülich 12 February 2001 at 1600, 1831, and 1900 UTC. SINPO=45444 & 35333. Personal confirmation letter from Herr Walter Brodowsky + photo of curtain antennas + current schedule in 8 days in response to my FAX DX Report an hour following the tests. | G.Glotzbach-NM-USA | Cumbre DX 336 | Mrz 2001 |
13855, Family Radio, good straight forward card with all details and site, in 31 days from Oakland, CA. | D.Foster-AUS | Numero Uno 1628 | Apr 2001 |
13855, WYFR (via Jülich), card in 6 wks. | V.Korinek-AFS | Numero Uno 1636 | Jun 2001 |
13855 Family Radio, Oakland, California 94621. Tarjeta QSL con datos completos. Verifico a traves de la misma una transmision via Jülich, Alemania. En realidad, el reporte fue enviado a la DTK, la que verifico la escucha, y a su vez la reenvio a la propia emisora la que tambien lo hizo. Ademas, envio en 35 dias, folletos de la emisora. | A.Leonel Slaen-ARG | Conexion Digital 113 | Jul 2001 |
WYFR, Germany, Jülich Relay, 15775 kHz. P/d QSL card (no tx site), in 90 days | A.Ogorodnik-BLR | direct to QIP | Jul 2001 |
13855, WYFR via Jülich, full data card in 6 weeks. 15670, V.of Ethiopian Mehdin via Jülich, pers.verie letter, sched., transmitter photo from TDK in 8 weeks, v/s Walter Brodowsky (Broadcasting Account Manager). | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Jul 2001 |
WYFR via Jülich 13855,00 kHz, D 22 days, qsl-card, PG, Info ja. | P.Robic-AUT | EAWRC 290 | Jul 2001 |
WYFR FAMILY RADIO INC. RELAY Jülich 15775 QSL-card 39d. NO IRC. QTH : HEGENBERGER ROAD, ZIP*94621 OAKLAND, CA, USA. | L.Botto Fiora-I | Play-DX 1134 | Dez 2001 |
WYFR [not QYFR -QIP] 13.855,00 kHz, PPC 12 Tage [Jülich-D -QIP], B, PPC, Foto Details : ja. | D.Schulz-D | EAWRC 298 | Mrz 2002 |
WYFR (Relay), F/D, no v/s including stickers, and sked for a mailed report, $2 and a local postcard, 27 days. | J.Miller-USA | Cumbre DX 401 | Mai 2002 |
WYFR Relay / 13855 kHz, 44 Tage, det. K, PG, Infos, Kalender. | D.Böcher-D | ADDX 2002-13 | Jul 2002 |
Family Radio Network, qsl card for report of 12th August 2003, on 13590 kHz. NO verie. Can you tell the location of the transmitter? [Jülich -QIP] | E.Ezeani-NIG | direct to QIP | Sep 2003 |
WYFR Relay / 3955 kHz, 28 Tage, 2. det. Sonder-QSL / IRC, SBM | A.Heiles-LUX | ADDX 2005-04 | Apr 2005 |
WYFR Relay / 3955 kHz, 15 Tage, det. K, PG, Schriften / $ | J.Waga-D | ADDX 2005-12 | Dez 2005 |
22.03.2006, 3955 kHz, det. Karte, V/S: ohne, 16 Tage | S.Walzog-D | direct to QIP | Mai 2006 |
WYFR via Jülich mint stamps as return postage, 3955 kHz, qsl-card 55 days | P.Gager-AUT | BDXC-UK 2006-06 | Jun 2006 |
15750 Family Radio via Wertachtal. Full data (with site) 'Three Decades of Faithful Service' with religious material, via California address. Reply in 73 days. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | DXplorer-ML | Jul 2006 |
WYFR Wertachtal 15750 kHz, Lettera QSL in 25 giorni. E-rpt spedito a: Walter.Brodowsky@t-systems.com V/s: Walter Brodowsky. | L.Botto Fiora-I | CoRad Newsletter-ML | Aug 2006 |
15770 Family Radio English & Amharic Broadcast to East Africa via Wertachtal. Full data 'Three Decades of Faithful Service' (w/ site) card, with religious material. Reply in 74 days for a report sent to California Address. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | ODXA 2006-08 | Aug 2006 |
WYFR 3955, 15750 QSL in 226 days with evangelic booklets and pamphlets, stickers, sked. Adr: FAMILY STATIONS, INC. Oakland, California 94621 United States of America Internet: www.familyradio.com E-mail: international@familyradio.com | S.M.Kolesov-RUS | direct to QIP | Sep 2006 |
WYFR 3955, 15750 QSL in 226 days with evangelic booklets and pamphlets, stickers, sked. Adr: FAMILY STATIONS, INC. Oakland, California 94621 United States of America Internet: www.familyradio.com E-mail: international@familyradio.com (via D.Monferini-I) | S.M.Kolesov-RUS | CoRad Newsletter-ML | Dez 2006 |
WYFR Relay / 3955 kHz, 27 Tage, detaillierte Karte, persönlicher Brief, Programmheft, Kalender / 2 $ | I.Kulz-D | ADDX 2007-06 | Jun 2007 |
WYFR Relay / 3955 kHz, 21 Tage, detaillierte Karte mit QTH | P.Gager-AUT | ADDX 2007-02 | Aug 2007 |
WYFR, Nauen: 9485 kHz, Email confirmation in 2 days. v/s Walter Brodowsky, T-Systems Media&Broadcast GmbH Business Unit Broadcasting Account & Product Manager for Short-wave Broadcasting. Postal-Address: Bastionstr. 11 - 19, 52428 Juelich Phone ++49 2461 937164 Fax ++49 2461 937 165 PC-Fax ++49 2151 3660 7467 Mobile ++49 171 563 9738 email Walter.Brodowsky@t-systems.com Internet: www.t-systems-mediabroadcast.de For more information regarding short-wave: http://www.t-systems-mediabroadcast.com/tsi/en/167328/Home/Radio/Distribution | S.M.Kolesov-RUS | direct to QIP | Sep 2007 |
WYFR via Nauen, 9520 kHz, 2 QSL-card f/d, schedule, calendar, sticker, religious promos in 26 & 32 d. QTH: espanol@familyradio.org (via D.Monferini-ITA) | S.Gómez-E | direct to QIP | Okt 2007 |
Family Radio, Julich 5925, Wertachtal 9595 9720 3955, 30th anniversary cards | B.Padula-VIC-AUS | Cumbre DX-ML | Nov 2007 |
WYFR in Arabic via Wertachtal, 11855 kHz. Full data card received in four weeks for an email report to international@familyradio.com. Relay site indicated as "Wertachtal, Saudi Arabia." I have a feeling that this is where the programme was beamed to. | J.Pukila-ON-CAN | direct to QIP | Nov 2007 |
9800 Family Radio Gujarati BCB via Nauen. E-mail verification reply in 48 hours, from DTK-Telekom. v/s: Walter Brodowsky | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Dez 2007 |
9800 Family Radio Gujarati BCB to Bangladesh via Nauen. Full data ( w/ site) 'Three decades of Faithful Service' ( top half of series) with religious material, decals and schedule in 54 days, for a e-mail rpt too: intel@familyradio.com. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Jan 2008 |
WYFR, 3955 kHz via Julich, QSL f/d, sticker,schedule, used stamps, calendars, religious propaganda in 36 d QTH: espanol@familyradio.com | S.Gómez-E | BCL-News-ML | Apr 2008 |
WYFR, 9925, Julich, col cd commemorating 30 years of broadcasting .. postal mailed report. | B.Padula-VIC-AUS | Cumbre DX-ML | Jun 2008 |
7.305 WYFR - Nauen - D - Recebido cartão QSL, marcador de livro, calendário de bolso, adesivo e folheto religioso. 49 dias. V/S: Sem assinatura. Informe enviado por e-mail: espanol@familyradio.com. QTH: Family Stations Inc, International Headquarters, 290 Hegenberger Road, Oakland, CA " 94621. | R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B | radioecutas-ML | Mai 2012 |
Time Signal Stations :
DCF 77 Index Germany
Index Euro West
DCF 77 - Physikalish Technische Bundesanstalt - Labor fur Zeiteinheit - Bundesallee 100 - 38116 Braunschweig 77, 5 kHz - QSL and folder in 8 dd, 1 IRC sent v/s P. Hetzel | S.Mannelli-I | Webpage | Jan 1998 |
DCF-77 Mainfligen 77.5 qsl-card, no ret. postage, 9 days. | G.Coles-G | WDXC QSL Report | Dez 1998 |
DCF 77 Mainflingen det. Karte Logo 77,5 kHz - 01.03.01 9 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 2001 |
Der Zeitzeichensender DCF 77 bestätigte nach 15 Tagen mit teildetaillierter QSL-Karte und umfangreichem Informationsmaterial meinen Empfangsbericht für 77.5 kHz. Ich hatte dem RR einen persönlichen Brief, eine Postkarte und ein SASE beigelegt. Adr.: Physikalisch-Techn. Bundesanstalt, Labor für Zeiteinheit, Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig | M.Martin-D | Eastside DX 19 | Jun 2002 |
Der LW-Sender DCF 77 bestätigte sein z.T. kodiertes Zeitzeichen auf 77.5 kHz nach 7 Tagen mit det. QSL-K. v/s P. Letzel (?) und Infobroschüre, die Briefmarke fürs Porto wurde wieder beigelegt. Adressen: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Labor für Zeiteinheit, Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig bzw. P T B, Postfach 33 45, 38023 Braunschweig. | J.Adolph-D | Eastside DX 20 | Aug 2002 |
PTB (Mainflingen - 77.5 kHz) f/d QSL card after 2d fr eRR (time@ptb.de) | T.M.Rösner-D | direct to QIP | Jun 2003 |
PTB (Mainflingen - 77.5 kHz), f/d QSL card after 5d fr eRR to time@ptb.de; v/s: Dirk Piester, Arbeitsgruppe 4.42 Zeitübertragung (Dirk.Piester@ptb.de), Addr: PTB, Postfach 3345, D-38023 Braunschweig and/or Bundesallee 100, D-38116 Braunschweig | T.M.Rösner-D | direct to QIP | Jun 2003 |
Today I got a QSL-card from the german longwave timesignal radio station DCF77 on 77.5 kHz for a SWL-report to their email address: time@ptb.de Not a really "nice" full-color, but a QSL ;-) | T.M.Rösner-D | HCDX-ML | Jun 2003 |
Phys. Bundesanstalt / 77,5 kHz, 3 Tage, detail. card | D.Stange-D | ADDX 2004-20 | Okt 2004 |
DCF 77 77.5 kHz QSL Card in 10 Days No V/s NO IRC address: WRTH 07. (via D.Monferini-I) | M.Rossi-I | direct to QIP | Mai 2007 |
DCF 77 / 77 kHz, 6 Tage, detaillierte Karte | S.Arndt-D | ADDX 2007-02 | Aug 2007 |
DCF 77, 77,5 kHz time signal qsl + folder 10gg- PTB Physikalisch -Technische Bundesanstalt Braunschwig und Berlin Bundesalle 100, D-38116 Braunswhweig GERMANY - www.ptb.de/zeit | M.Giroletti-I | BCL-News-ML | Jan 2009 |
Index Germany Index Euro West Previous Page : Germany 10 Next Page : Gibraltar