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QSL Information Pages - Bulgaria (BLG) - Part 2

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110910 km2
7707500 inhabitants
capital : Sofia

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AM 24, FM 93, shortwave 2 (1998)

(Eastern Europe)

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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations from Bulgaria - Part 2

Bulgaria Previous Page : Bulgaria 1 Next Page : Croatia

  1. Relay (other relays)
  2. Eurosonor R (BLG)

Relayed Stations or Programs

Eurosonor R (BLG) Index Bulgaria Index Euro East

Heute kam ein QSL-Brief von Eurosonor Radio auf einen eMail-Bericht für die 1.Sendung vom Sonntag auf 6900 kHz. Angegeben wird eine Sendeleistung von 50 KW. Die Homepage ist mittlerweile auch recht umfangreich - - gibt aber nur den Hinweis "aus einem westeuropäischen Land". Hat jemand eine Vermutung von wo die senden? Eurosonor ist übrigens ein Musikvertrieb aus Offenbach. R.Sonntag-D A-DX-ML Apr 01
6900 Eurosonor Radio e-mail verification in one day for an email reception report. [logged via the Javaradio in Romania.] v/s Christian Schmid He adds- "At the moment I'm not able to say where the tx is located. According to the information given to my HF partner which whom I did the contract, the tx should be located in Western Europe. If I now further details about this, I will inform you of course, as I know, that this is a very interesting question. The transmitter power is 50 kw. More information onto our program will be installed in the next days on our homepage There, we want to present also photos of our staff that you will have a better imagination of us. But perhaps it will be interesting for you that Eurosonor Radio is more or less a private project which resulted from fascination of the dx-hobby on the one and from fascination of music and presentation of music on the other hand. Thanks for writing to us and if you want, tune in next Sunday, same time, same frequency." H.Johnson-USA Cumbre DX 340-4 Apr 01
Eurosonor R, v/s Christian Schmid 6900 kHz, letter, rp : no, 6 days. S.M.Kolesov-UKR WDXC QSL Report Apr 01
SITE? 6900 Eurosonor Radio, partial datail letter in 4 days for email report and no postage. V/s Christian Schmid. R.Lam-SNG Cumbre DX 346 Mai 01
Eurosonor Radio bestätigte per Brief einen Empfangsbericht nach 5 Tagen Laufzeit; v/s Christian Schmid. Gesendet wird weiterhin sonntags um 1600-1700 UTC auf 6900 kHz. H.Kuhl-D direct to QIP Mai 01
6900, Eurosonor Radio, quick full-data reply to an E-mail rpt to radio[ät], with no official postal address. But if anyone has no luck with E-mail and needs to try more traditional methods, a letter to Christian Schmid, Waldstrasse 30, D-63065 Offenbach, Germany, may work. J.Campbell-G Numero Uno 1632 Mai 01
Eurosonor Radio (6900 kHz), full detailed QSL letter, in 7 days. Sent my report to: radio[ät] A.Mak-UKR Signal 014 Mai 01
Eurosonor R 6900 kHz, sh rp : e 7 days. Z.Elias-CZE WDXC QSL Report Mai 01
Ich habe heute nach drei Tagen für meinen e-mail-RR die QSL von Eurosonor Radio erhalten. Als Senderstandort ist "SE Europe" vermerkt. Kann mir jemand von euch sagen, warum die Macher von Eurosonor so ein Geheimnis um den exakten Senderstandort machen? Das sind doch keine Piraten, oder? H.-J.Schmelzer-D A-DX-ML Jun 01
Eurosonor Radio hat jetzt auch eine hübsche QSL-Karte. Lag nach nur 2 Tagen Laufzeit heute im Briefkasten. Man gibt jetzt als Senderstandort "Südosteuropa" an. Die Vermutungen bezüglich Bulgarien waren also wohl richtig. R.Sonntag-D A-DX-ML Jun 01
Eurosonor-QSL : Ich hatte einen eMail-Report an radio[ät] geschickt. Die auf der Karte und auch auf einem früheren QSL-Brief angegebene Postadresse lautet: Waldstr. 30, D-63065 Offenbach. Im Programm wird aber auch nur die eMail-Adresse angegeben. Rückporto ist offensichtlich unnötig. R.Sonntag-D A-DX-ML Jun 01
Just received - in only 4 days - a QSL card from Eurosonor Radio for my report via e-mail for their transmission of June 24 on 9980 kHz with 50 kW. Their addresses: Eurosonor Radio, Waldstrasse 30, D-63065 Offenbach, e-mail: radio[ät] S.Valianti-I DXLD 1-089 Jun 01
9980, Eurosonor Radio, full-data computer-generated card giving xmtr location as "SE-Europe" and power as 50 kw; in three days for E-mailed rpt; [.]. H.Kuhl-D Numero Uno 1634 Jun 01
9980, Eurosonor Radio, nice QSL-card for E-mail rpt to radio[ät] in 5 days for rcpn of their first day of operation on 9980. Mine was #86. Different card design from that of Harald Kuhl (NU 1634). D.Henderson-MD-USA Numero Uno 1635 Jun 01
6900, Eurosonor Radio, thank you ltr from v/s Christian Schmid, officially at radio[ät] although reply actually came via omu46[ät] Schmid said he was located in Frankfurt. Website is Admitted he was not sure of the exact xmtr location, but Bulgaria is "possible." Arrived in one day. D.Foster-AUS Numero Uno 1636 Jun 01
R Eurosonor 6990 kHz, letter, rp : e 10 days. J.Parker-G WDXC QSL Report Jun 01
EUROSONOR Radio 6900 letter 30d. Sent 1 IRC. C.Bellabarba-I Play-DX 1116 Jun 01
Eurosonor Radio, somewhere in SE-Europe, 9980kHz, 50kW. F/d paper QSL cd. RR was sent to radio[ät] A.Ogorodnik-BLR direct to QIP Jul 01
Eurosonor Radio 6900,00 kHz, e-m[ät]il D 10 days, qsl-letter, ja. P.Robic-AUT EAWRC Bulletin 290 Jul 01
R Eurosonor 9980 kHz, f/d card, rp : e 3 days. J.Murphy-IRL WDXC QSL Report Jul 01
Eurosonor R Varna det. Karte Weltkarte 9980 kHz 1645 01.07.01 8 Tage D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Jul 01
Eurosonor Radio bestaetigte einen eMail-Bericht nach drei Tagen mit einer QSL-Karte. Anschrift: radio[ät] oder: Eurosonor Radio, Waldstr. 30, D-63055 Offenbach Die deutschsprachige Sendung besteht aus Musik mit kurzen Ansagen und kommt jeden Sonntag zwischen 1600 und 1700 UTC auf 9980 kHz mit 50 kW ueber Sendeanlagen in Bulgarien. F.Kreuzinger-D A-DX-ML Aug 01
Eurosonor Radio F/D DJ image card received on August 23, to reply my email report on August 12,only 11 days! QTH : Eurosonor Radio,Waldstrasse 30,D-63065 Offenbach, Germany. Email:radio[ät] On the backside of the card,it says: Dear OM,dear radio listener. Eurosonor Radio is pleased to confirm your reception report of our transmission as given below.Thank you for your kind participation. Hoping that you continue enjoying our programmes,we look forward to hear from you again. 73+55,kindly regards and happy listening! Transmission Date 12-08-01 Transmission Time 16:20 UTC, Freq./Power/Mod. 9980/50/AM, Transm.Location SE-Europe, QSL#/Date of Issue 204 15.8.01, Signature Leilli Q.Xiaoli-CHN Cumbre DX 362 Aug 01
Eurosonor Radio - Bulgaria, 50kW. F/d QSL cd (with tx site as Bulgaria) 6955, sent by prioritaire Luftpost, in 13 days for e-mail to radio[ät] A.Ogorodnik-BLR direct to QIP Aug 01
Eurosonor R 9980 k 9d-6u./1682 QTH på denne er vel ikke 100 prosent bekrefta, men jeg tar sjansen på å plassere den her. T.-H.Ekblom-DNK Norwegian DX News 2001-05 Aug 01
Eurosonor R 9980 kHz, f/d card, rp : e/ 18 days. J.Murphy-IRL WDXC QSL Report Aug 01
Eurosonor R./9980 kHz, 12 Tage, K, pers. B. M.Lindner-D ADDX-Kurier 2001-18 Sep 01
Eurosonor R./9980 kHz, 2 Tage, detailed qsl-card / RR per eMail. R.Sonntag-D ADDX-Kurier 2001-18 Sep 01
6900 kHz. Eurosonor Radio, Waldstrasse 30D, 63065 Offenfach. Carta QSL letter (Verificador: Christian Schmid). Verificó en 7 días. S.Gómez-E Conexion Digital 123 Sep 01
9980 kHz. Eurosonor Radio, Waldstrasse 30D, 63065 Offenfach. CartaQSL. Contestó en 4 días. S.Gómez-E Conexion Digital 123 Sep 01
EUROSONOR : Für die wöchentlichen Sendungen 16 UTC auf 9980 kHz (deutsch via Südosteuropa) gibt es insgesamt fünf verschiedene Motive, hier trafen bisher Flaggen, Regenbogen und Notenzeile ein. Rp nicht nötig. Die Empfangsqualität ist je nach Ausbreitungsbedingungen sehr unterschiedlich, hervorzuheben ist die zuverlässige vorherige Bekanntgabe der Programmschwerpunkte. J.Adolph-D Eastside DX 15 Sep 01
EUROSONOR : Für die wöchentlichen Sendungen 16 UTC auf 9980 kHz (deutsch via Südosteuropa) gibt es insgesamt fünf verschiedene Motive, hier trafen bisher Flaggen, Regenbogen und Notenzeile ein. Rp nicht nötig. Die Empfangsqualität ist je nach Ausbreitungsbedingungen sehr unterschiedlich, hervorzuheben ist die zuverlässige vorherige Bekanntgabe der Programmschwerpunkte. J.Adolph-D Eastside DX 15 Sep 01
EUROSONOR : Bei OM Simon-Peter Liehr kam schon nach vier Tagen die QSL-Karte für einen email-RR über 9980 kHz, Motiv: Weltkugel. Adresse: Eurosonor Radio, Waldstraße 30, 63065 Offenbach email: radio[ät] S.-P.Liehr-D Eastside DX 15 Sep 01
Eurosonor R 12115 kHz, card, rp : no, 21 days. Z.Elias-CZE WDXC QSL Report Sep 01
Eurosonor R 6955 kHz, card, rp : no, 21 days. Z.Elias-CZE WDXC QSL Report Sep 01
7590, R. Eurosonor, E-mail rcvd: "Thank you very much for your RealAudio file as well as for your recording which we rcvd a few days ago. We were very surprised that the b/c also can be hrd in the USA/East Coast. We are pleased to confirm with QSL card which is on the way via snailmail. Eurosonor Radio is a very young hobbyist radio project and therefore we don't have any printed information material.." Sending best 73s + 55s to you and your family, Kindly regards, Christian Schmid, radio[ät]" J.Berg-MA-USA DXplorer-ML Okt 01
Eurosonor Radio 9880,00 kHz, Em[ät]iI D 6 Tage, K Details : ja,. T.Brandenburg-D EAWRC Bulletin 293 Okt 01
Eurosonor R 12115 kHz, card, rp : no, 21 days. Z.Elias-CZE WDXC QSL Report Okt 01
EUROSONOR RADIO 21d. NO IRC. L.B.Fiora-I Play-DX 1133 Nov 01
EUROSONOR RADIO 14d.NO IRC. N.Reiner-D Play-DX 1133 Nov 01
EUROSONOR RADIO 6980 QSL-card + Letter + Schedule + CD 14d. SENT 1 IRC + C10 CASSETTE. V/s:CHRISTIAN SCHMID. QTH : WALDSTRASSE 30, DE-63065 OFFENBACH. E-mail: radio[ät] WEB:// R.Scaglione-I Play-DX 1133 Nov 01
EUROSONOR RADIO QSL-card via E-mail 4d. S.Valianti-I Play-DX 1133 Nov 01
Eurosonor R. / div. kHz, 4-72 Tage, detailed qsl-card / RR teilw. per eMail. diverse-D ADDX-Kurier 2001-23 Dez 01
Eurosonor R 6900 k 4d. K.Norlin-S Norwegian DX News 2001-08 Dez 01
Eurosonor R 9980 kHz, card, rp : no, 12 days. R.Takács-ROU WDXC QSL Report Dez 01
Eurosonor Radio - 9980 - det. card, 3 days (!) M.Grallert-D direct to QIP Jan 02
12115 kHz. Eurosonor Radio, Waldstrasse 30, D-63065 Offenbach, Alemania. Tarjeta QSL. Demoró 22 días. S.Gómez-E Conexion Digital 150 Mrz 02
Eurosonor Radio 9.980,00 kHz, 1 US-$, AK, SAE 20 Tage, K Details : ja. D.Schulz-D EAWRC Bulletin 298 Mrz 02
EUROSONOR Radio 9980 kHz QSL-Card N°259 NO IRC. 35d. QTH: Waldstrasse 30, DE-63065 Offenbach, Germany. V.Korinek-AFS Play-DX 1160 Jun 02

R Ezra (BLG) Index Bulgaria Index Euro West

Radio Erza. confirmed 13850 for 1100-1115 UTC broadcast for Sunday 22/4 broadcast, this from John D Hill in a email to myself in repsonse to a report on the 15440 broadcast last week. Also mentioned I was the first report from Australia, and he was mailing out a QSL card in the next few days, he actually asks for reports. I would imagine being non-gov he would like some reply postage costs. J.Wright-AUS Cumbre DX 344 Apr 01
R Ezra, Wavre 15440 e-mail v/s John D. Hill, Water Into Wine Ministry remnant[ät] M.Ritola-FIN direct to QIP Apr 01
R Ezra 15440 kHz, card, rp : sae 9 days. J.Parker-G WDXC QSL Report Apr 01
R Ezra, v/s John D Hill, Station Owner 15440 kHz, card, rp : no, 9 days. S.M.Kolesov-UKR WDXC QSL Report Apr 01
15440 Radio Ezra Card "Putting Sanity back into Christianity", Full details and personal note on the back from statin owner John D Hill, posted from England in reponse to my email report see last weeks Cumbre..confirms the use of Wavre, so Belgium it is! J.Wright-AUS Cumbre DX 345 Mai 01
I have today received a QSL from Radio Ezra for their broadcast on 13 May at 11:00 UTC. They give the transmitter site as Wavre, Belgium running 100 kW. The QSL is signed by John D. Hill Station Owner. Their URL is C.Richardson-G DXLD 1-076 Mai 01
Radio Ezra:15.440 F/D cd in 13 days for e-mail report. v/s John D. Hill, Station Owner R.Comeau-MA-USA direct to QIP Jun 01
13850, R. Ezra, full-data card in 10 days for SAE and rpt to the address on his website. Power given as 100 kw and location as Wavre. Apologized for the difficult audio; said he was having trouble with Microsoft Audio Encoder, whatever that is (though I can believe the association between "Microsoft" and "trouble"), and was trying a new experiment from Jun 3 onwards: putting the microphone in a cardboard tube with a sock over one end (presumably not the end he will be speaking into). June 24 is expected to be the last b/c, possibly because of a combination of expense and poor response from his target area, though he is well supplied with reports from Japan, Australia and NZ. His serial number for my QSL, a nice home-brew creation on his PC, was around 60. He knows about QSLs; he is a member of the British DX Club. It's John Hill. J.Campbell-G Numero Uno 1634 Jun 01
Radio EZRA 15440 TX BULGARIA? QSL-card "PUTTING SANITY BACK INTO." 10d. SIGNED by JOHN D. HILL Station Owner. E-MAIL report IN WEB: // C.Bellabarba-I Play-DX 1116 Jun 01
Radio Ezra 15440 kHz. F/D card in 13 days for e-mail report from v/s John D. Hill, Station Owner. R.Comeau-MA-USA CIDX 2001-07 Jul 01
Radio Ezra 15440,00 kHz, 1 IRC E 14 days, qsl-card, ja. P.Robic-AUT EAWRC Bulletin 290 Jul 01
Radio Ezra 13850 sent QSL card in 3 weeks, stating that "I have had a lot of problems with the audio and hope to sort these out before any future programmes". Signed by John D. Hill, station owner; Water into Wine Ministry, P.O. Box 16, Stockton on Tees TS18 3 GN, U.K. F.Magrone-I HCDX-ML Jul 01
R Ezra 13850 kHz, card, rp : ms 19 days. Z.Elias-CZE WDXC QSL Report Jul 01
Radio Ezra / 13850 kHz, 15 Tage, detailed qsl-card, Visitenkarte / $. J.Waga-D ADDX-Kurier 2001-18 Sep 01
EZRA - WATER INTO WINE : Unter dem Motto "Putting sanity back into Christianity" sendete Radio Ezra einige Monate jeden Sonntag 11 UTC viertel/stündlich philosophische Überlegungen auf 13850 kHz. Offizieller Serdestandort war Wavre, Belgien (100 kW), möglicherweise wurde aber via Südosteuropa gesendet. Die detaillierte QSL-Karte kam ohne Rp nach acht bis zehn Tagen, v/s John D. Hill, Station Owner. (J.Adolph-D, S.-P.Liehr-D) Adresse: Water lnto Wine Ministry, P.O.Box 16, Stocktor on Tees, T518 3GN, United Kingdom Web: J.Adolph-D Eastside DX 15 Sep 01
13850 Radio Ezra, QSL card (their register is number 0044) in 10 days.v/s John D. Hill, Station Owner. My report and an audio clip mp3 were sent to faith[ät] J.A.Arranz Sanz-E HCDX-ML Sep 01
Radio Ezra 13850,00 kHz, IRC, B E 8 Tage, K, PG Details : ja,. T.Brandenburg-D EAWRC Bulletin 293 Okt 01
RADIO EZRA 13850 QSL-card 21d. NO IRC. A.Fernández Llorella-E Play-DX 1133 Nov 01
RADIO EZRA 6900 10d. NO IRC. L.B.Fiora-I Play-DX 1133 Nov 01
R. Ezra / div. kHz, 8-14 Tage, detailed qsl-card / $ od. IRC. diverse-D ADDX-Kurier 2001-23 Dez 01
R Ezra 15440 e-post k. K.Norlin-S Norwegian DX News 2001-08 Dez 01
R Ezra 13850 kHz, card, rp : no, 14 days. R.Takács-ROU WDXC QSL Report Dez 01

R Guangdong Index Bulgaria Index Euro East

Radio Guangdong via WRN Kostinbrod 5760 kHz verified with a partly det. card and letter in 35 days. 1 US-$ for RP. QTH: No. 686 Renminbei Road, Guangzhou 510012, PR of China. P.Robic-AUT direct to QIP Apr 06

United Nations R (BLG) Index Bulgaria Index Euro East

UN Radio via WRN Kostinbrod 5760 kHz verified with an undet. card and schedule in 35 days. QTH: UN Secretary Building, Room S-850A, New York, NY 10017, USA. v/s Promotion + Distribution Team UN Radio. P.Robic-AUT direct to QIP Apr 06

Voice Africa (BLG) Index Bulgaria Index Euro East

The Voice Africa via Plovdiv 9605 kHz verified with a det. card and letter in 85 days. 1 US-$ for RP. QTH: P.O.Box 3040, West Bromwich B70 0EJ, UK. v/s Sandra Joynes. P.Robic-AUT direct to QIP Jan 05
9605, Voice Africa (via Bulgaria), plain green card with "QSL," logo and full-data, incl. site as "Plovdiv, Sofia, Bulgaria"; also thank you ltr from Sandra Joynes, Administrator. Rptd to, and rcvd from, U.K. West Bromwich address. In 5 mos. for CD rpt. J.Berg-MA-USA DXplorer-ML Feb 05
Von der Test Sendung The Voice - Africa Service für Nigeria erhielt ich schon nach 6 Tagen einen volldet. QSL-Karte mit Senderstandort Plovdiv Bulgaria Adresse: The Voice Africa P.O.Box 3040 West Bromwich West Midlands B70 0EJ United Kingdom. D.Kraus-D A-DX-ML Mrz 05
9605, Voice Africa via Plovidiv, Full data Green card with "QSL," logo with site as Plovdiv, Bulgaria, also sent a thank you letter. Reply in 14 days. Rpt. to U.K. West Bromwich address. v/s: Sandra Joynes, Administrator. E.Kusalik-AB-CAN Cumbre DX-ML Mrz 05
Christian Vision, Sofia / Kostinbrod 9650 kHz, full data card for email report to mail[ät], 9 weeks G.Huijbens-BEL direct to QIP Mrz 05
The Voice-Africa Service 13820 kHz, 6 Tage, det. Karte Adresse The Voice Africa P.O.Box 3040 West Bromwich West Midlands B70 0EJ United Kingdom / 3 Dollar D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Mrz 05
The Voice Africa Service 13820 kHz, 56 Tage, det. Karte, Brief / 2 Dollar D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Apr 05
Voice Africa 9680 kHz QSL card (v/s:Sandra Joynes), letter in 33d for English report by e-mail. Ke.Hashimoto-J Japan Premium 362 Apr 05
Vo Africa sae 13820 kHz, lt/c 4 days J.Parker-G BDXC-UK 2005-05 Mai 05
The Voice, Africa Sce./Plovdiv 9805 kart brev 2m v/s Sandra Joynes K.-E.Stridh-S Norwegian DX News 2005-04 Mai 05
Voice Africa via Plovdiv, 9680, full data card and personal letter in 9 weeks via the West Bromwich, UK address. V/s Sandra Joynes. V.Korinek-AFS DXplorer-ML Jun 05
V of Africa $ 13820 kHz, f/dc 3 months P.Cody-IRL BDXC-UK 2005-09 Sep 05

Vo America (BLG) Index Bulgaria Index Euro East

1224 kHz, Vidin 23:00 08.03.94 18.05.94 71 days, QSL : kort info G.Nilsson-S direct to QIP Mai 94
VoA Relay Plovdiv, 13680 kHz verfied with a det. Card in 35 days. P.Robic-AUT direct to QIP Aug 94
VOA Plovdiv 12055 qsl-card no r.postage 27 days. C.Gibbs-G WDXC QSL Report Jan 96
Voice of America 13680 kHz, f/d card, 8/25/94, v/s : John Vodenik "Sunrise [ät] Greenville" card, site : Bulgaria J.Dybka-TX-USA Webpage Jan 00

Index Bulgaria Index Euro East Previous Page : Bulgaria 1 Next Page : Croatia