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Kurdistan/ME Shortwave Target List

a list of Clandestine Radio Stations broadcasting to Kurdistan and the Middle East, compiled by Dan Henderson

Clandestine Radio Watch

Last update for this page :
Donnerstag, 14. August 2003

contact me via - Main Page

Based on the nature of Clandestine radio, these schedules are not free of errors. Reports abouts these are welcome.
Please send them to Dan Henderson and to me. Thank you !

FREQ Time Transmitter Location Station Name email web snail mail Do they verify? Affiliation Freq Data as of
3870,8 1735-1755 IRAQ Voice of the Communist Party of Iran Y Y Y UNK KOMALA--Kurdish Organization of Comm Party of Iran 29-Dez-01
3900 0300-0400 IRAQ Voice of Iraqi People Y Y Y UNK Related to Communist party of Iraq 29-Dez-01
3900 1630-1750 IRAQ Voice of Iraqi People Y Y Y UNK Related to Communist party of Iraq 29-Dez-01
3985 0230-0400 IRAN Voice of Iranian Kurdistan Y Y Y UNK Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan 29-Dez-01
3985 1400-1830 IRAN Voice of Iranian Kurdistan Y Y Y UNK Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan 29-Dez-01
4060 0305-0717 IRAQ Voice of the People of Kurdistan Y Y Y Y-snail PUK--Patriotic Union of Kurdistan--US/Iran 27-Dez-01
4060 1240-2110 IRAQ Voice of the People of Kurdistan Y Y Y Y-snail PUK--Patriotic Union of Kurdistan--US/Iran 27-Dez-01
4085 0328-0650 IRAQ Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan Y Y Y Y-email KDP--Kurdish Democratic Party 29-Dez-01
4085 1400-2001 IRAQ Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan Y Y Y Y-email KDP--Kurdish Democratic Party 29-Dez-01
4128,4 0200-0300 IRAQ Radio Kurdistan Y Y N UNK PSK--Kurdistan Socialist Democratic Party--PUK 29-Dez-01
4128,4 1945-2100 IRAQ Radio Kurdistan Y Y N UNK PSK--Kurdistan Socialist Democratic Party--PUK 29-Dez-01
4177 0300-0500 IRAQ Voice of Independence Y Y N UNK PSK--Allied with Kurdistan Socialist Democratic Party--PUK 29-Dez-01
4177 1522-1530 IRAQ Voice of Independence Y Y N UNK PSK--Allied with Kurdistan Socialist Democratic Party--PUK 29-Dez-01
4195 1635-1715 IRAQ Voice of the Worker N N N UNK Revolutionary Workers of Iran 29-Dez-01
4235 0300-0530 IRAQ Voice of Kurdistan Toilers Y Y N Y-email KTP--Kurdistan Toilers Party 29-Dez-01
4235 1500-1730 IRAQ Voice of Kurdistan Toilers Y Y N Y-email KTP--Kurdistan Toilers Party 29-Dez-01
4370 1450-1532 IRAQ Voice of the Communist Party of Iran Y Y N UNK KOMALA--Kurdish Organization of Comm Party of Iran 04-Jan-02
4600 1625-1800 IRAQ V of Kudilara/V of Komala Y Y N UNK Affiliated with Communist Party of Iraq Kurdistan 15-Okt-01
5760 0126-0300? IRAN Sadaa e Mujahedeen e Iran UNK UNK N UNK UNK 11-Dez-01
5830 1800-1830 MOLDOVA Radio Iran of Tomorrow Y Y N Y-email UNK 20-Dez-01
5899 1557-1653 IRAN Voice of Comm Party of Iraqi Kurdistan Y Y N UNK Related to Communist party of Iraq 29-Dez-01
5910 0300-0400 IRAQ Voice of Iraqi People Y Y N UNK Related to Communist party of Iraq 29-Dez-01
5910 1500-1600 IRAQ Voice of Iraqi People Y Y N UNK Related to Communist party of Iraq 29-Dez-01
6810 1650-1755 IRAN Radio Freedom Y Y N UNK Voice of the Communist Party of Iraqi Kurdistan 02-Jan-02
6995 0305-0717 IRAQ Voice of the People of Kurdistan Y Y N Y-snail PUK--Patriotic Union of Kurdistan--US/Iran 27-Dez-01
6995 1240-1802 IRAQ Voice of the People of Kurdistan Y Y N Y-snail PUK--Patriotic Union of Kurdistan--US/Iran 27-Dez-01
7100 0328-0650 IRAQ Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan Y Y N Y-email KDP--Kurdish Democratic Party 29-Dez-01
7100 1400-2001 IRAQ Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan Y Y N Y-email KDP--Kurdish Democratic Party 29-Dez-01
7480 1630-1730 TAJIKISTAN Radio Voice of Iran(Radio Sedaye Iran) Y Y N Y Democracy in Iran via non-religious controlled government 29-Dez-01
7480 1700-1730 MOLDOVA Radio Barabari Y Y N UNK Voice concerns of the people of Iran;M/W/F/Su 06-Dez-01
7480 1800-1830 MOLDOVA Radio Payem-e Doost Y Y N UNK Promote the Ba'hai faith in Iran 27-Dez-01
7520 1730-1815 MOLDOVA Radio Anternational Y Y N Y-email WCP--Workers Communist Party of Iran 06-Dez-01
9535 0335-0415 IRAN Voice of Islamic Revolution of Iraq Y Y N UNK Promotes the uprising of Shiite people in S. Iraq 29-Dez-01
9563 1500-0300 SAUDI ARABIA Voice of Iraqi People N N N UNK Sponsored by US against Iraq Regime 29-Dez-01
11530 1500-1700 ARMENIA Denge Mezopotamia N N N N Promotes the PKK against Turkey 27-Dez-01
11710 1500-0300 SAUDI ARABIA Voice of Iraqi People N N N UNK Sponsored by US against Iraq Regime 29-Dez-01
11785 1600-1850 IRAQ Mother of Battles Radio Y Y N Y UNK 29-Dez-01
15230 0900-1100 UZBEKISTAN Denge Mezopotamia N N N UNK Promotes the PKK against Turkey 29-Dez-01
15690 0500-1000 MOLDOVA KRSI Radio Voice of Iran Y Y N UNK Commercial Operation, apparently for return to royalty in Iran 02-Jan-02
15690 1630-1830 MOLDOVA KRSI Radio Voice of Iran Y Y N UNK Commercial Operation, for return to royalty in Iran 02-Jan-02
4000-13450 0230-0500 IRAQ Voice of the Mojahed Y Y Y Y National Liberation of Iran (Mojaheen); Many frequencies, uses hopping to counter Iran jammers 29-Dez-01
4000-13450 1400-2100 IRAQ Voice of the Mojahed Y Y Y Y National Liberation of Iran (Mojaheen); Many frequencies, uses hopping to counter Iran jammers 29-Dez-01
Sources: DX Publications on the Internet including Glenn Hauser, DSWCI News, and CLANDESTINE RADIO WATCH