CRW - pictures
and texts about NTS
articles and pictures regarding Clandestine Radio Station
update for this page :
Donnerstag, 14. August 2003
contact me via www.schoechi.de
Information and pictures have
been provided by Sergei Sosedkin
Date sent : Tue, 30 May 2000 14 : 02 : 39 -0700 (PDT)
From : Sergei Sosedkin
Subject : Radio Free Russia
To : Martin Schoech
Hi, Martin !
I wrote a little more about Radio Free Russia before, here's a
copy for you--in case you decide to use it :
Radio Free Russia was run by NTS (Popular Labor Union) --Russian
oppositional anti-Communist organization actively supported by
CIA. Located in Frankfurt, NTS advocated the violent overthrow of
the Soviet regime. CIA's funding of NTS stopped only in 1989. Of
course, in the 70s CIA's connection was still denied. NTS is
famous for publishing books written by the " unpublishable
" Soviet authors and smuggled out of the USSR.
Not much is known about NTS's highly secretive station Radio Free
Russia. It began broadcasting sometime in the 50s and was on the
air through the mid 70s. It was a clandestine operation run out
of West Germany. At some point, it had relays from South Korea
and perhaps Taiwan. German " Free Russia " used txs of
10 kW. It was jammed so heavily that I doubt it had any audience
in the Soviet Union. RFR was also known for using the Russian
military frequencies to reach the Soviet forces in East Germany.
The station was shut down by West-German authorities when their
" real politik " began (diplomatic recognition of GDR,
better relation with USSR, etc.).
These days, one can hear a station with a similar name
broadcasting on several AM-frequencies out of Moscow. Ironically,
contemporary " Free Russia " is run by the Communists.
It is an officially registered operation opposing the Kremlin
authorities. I guess people behind this " Free Russia
"; would not mind some kind of violent revolution, either.
Date sent : Fri, 28 Jul 2000 15 : 28 : 12 -0700 (PDT)
From : Sergei Sosedkin
Subject : Re : once more - thank you !
To : Martin Schoech
Here are the pictures of :
-the first transmitter of Radio Free Russia (1950); 
-RFR's broadcasting position (summer 1957); 
-a building [somewhere in West Germany] that used to house a
monitoring service of RFR, after an explosion
(summer 1958). The attack was alledgly conducted by the Soviet
-RFR's tx [probably in 1958]; 
--installing [transmitting] antenna on a tree; 
--RFR's schedule in 1958. The text says : 
Listen to Radio Station NTS (of Russian Solidarists) " Free
Russia " ! [We are] on the short waves 46.7 and 26.0 meters
(6.4 and 11.55 MHz) 10 : 30-15 : 30 and 17 : 00-20 : 30 Central
European Time, 12 : 30-17 : 30 and 19 : 00-22 : 30 Moscow Time.
In case of jamming our radio transmitting wave length extends or
shortens by half a meter.
All six pictures are taken from the uncopyrated Russian-language
booklet of NTS titled " Radio Free Russia : The
Revolutionary Message on the Air " presumably published in
West Germany in 1958.