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BC-DX QSL-Information for Clandestine Radio Stations broadcasting
to Nigeria
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R Democrat Intl -
see R Kudirat
R Kudirat Index Nigeria
Index Clandestine
- | 11900 15120 Radio Democrat Intl Nigeria full data paper card in 1 months for $ 1.00. vs Kayode Fayemi Director of Communications NALICON. | E.Rausch-NJ-USA | Cumbre DX 095 | Jul 96 |
- | 11900 / 15120, R. Democrat Intl Nigeria, sent plain paper, computer-generated -QSL- -Verification of Reception, - full-data (date, time, fqy, listener's name) except that spaces for power, xmtr location and seal are included but left blank. Signature filled in just as -R.D.I.Nig.- Also short, unsigned form ltr from Kayode Fayemi, Director of Communications, NALICON : -This is just a short note to let you know that we really appreciate your writing to us to let us know that you have been tuning in to our stn. We are extremely delighted to know that our b / cs have gone far beyond our intended target, which is Nigeria and W. Africa. For some of you whom have requested to know the xmtr location, we apologise that for now this cannot yet be revealed for political and security reasons. R. Democrat Nigeria will also like to point out that the QSL-cards you are now receiving are temporary, as soon as we are settled we shall have properly printed QSL's with the station seal and stamp. These shall be sent to you as soon as they are ready, for you to add to your collection. Best regards.- Postmarked in the U.K., no return address, rcvd in a month for a taped rpt sent to the U.K. P.O. box. | J.Berg-MA-USA | Cumbre DX 095 | Jul 96 |
- | 15120, RDIN, temp stencil and letter by Mr. Kayode Fayemi, Director of Communications NALICON telling 'no indication of transmitter site because of political reasons. After 16 d. | K.W.Elsebusch-D | Cumbre DX 095 | Jul 96 |
[AFS] | Radio Democrat International Nigeria-Meyerton 7195. Part data letter (no mention of transmitter site) in 7 days. | T.Vaughan-G | direct to QIP | Jul 96 |
- | Radio Democrat International verifying by means of a paper card their transmission on 15.120 kHz. QSL received after 3 weeks. Also, a letter was enclosed apologising that the transmitter location can not yet be revealed for political and security reasons. Proper printed QSL's will be sent as soon as they are ready. | M.van Arnhem-HOL | DX Window 021 | Jul 96 |
- | R. Democrat Int'l Nigeria, 6205, taped report via registered airmail to NALICON, POB 9663, London SE1 3LZ, U.K., returned w / label -Return to sender, not known.- What is the correct address of NALICON in U.K. ? | G.Ivan Barrera-ARG | Cumbre DX 100 | Aug 96 |
- | 7195 Radio Kudirat Nigeria (formerly Radio Democrat International) verified in 101 days with a computer generated form letter with full details (excluding the confidential transmitter site) at the bottom of the letter hand written from v/s Kayode Fayemi, Director of Communications, NALICON. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Cumbre DX 100 | Aug 96 |
- | Radio Kudirat Nigeria 6205, full data green sheet in 2 months for 2 IRCs. Letter says that -properly printed QSLs with the station seal and stamp- will be sent out when they are ready. / s / : Kayode Fayemi, Director Of Communications, NALICON. | C.Lobdell-MA-USA | Cumbre DX 114 | Nov 96 |
[AFS] | Radio Kudirat Nigeria 6205-Meyerton. Part Data letter in 28 days. v/s Kayode Fayerni, Director of Communications, NALICON. | T.Vaughan-G | direct to QIP | Nov 96 |
- | R Kudirat Nigeria 6205 qsl-letter SAE 59 days, v/s : Kayode Fayemi, Director of Communications NALICON. | H.Frankham-G | WDXC QSL Report | Nov 96 |
- | R Kudirat Nigeria 6205 qsl-letter no r.postage 120 days | Z.Liangas-GRC | WDXC QSL Report | Nov 96 |
[AFS] | R Kudirat via Meyerton 6205 kHz, det. qsl-letter without transmitter site in 96 days via P.O.Box 9663, London SE1 3ZD / $ | R.Sonntag-D | direct to QIP | Nov 96 |
[AFS] | R Kudirat Nigeria Meyerton 6205 qsl-letter SAE 25 days. | C.Williams-G | WDXC QSL Report | Dez 96 |
[AFS] | R Kudirat Nigeria Meyerton 6205 qsl-letter SAE 67 days. | J.Parker-G | WDXC QSL Report | Dez 96 |
[AFS] | R Kudirat Nigeria Meyerton 6205 sheet SAE 21 days. | P.Travers-G | WDXC QSL Report | Dez 96 |
- | R. Kudirat, Nigeria on 6205, in 60 days with no IRC sent. (Play DX # 916 6 / 01 1997) | F.Magrone-I | TFW | Jan 97 |
- | R. Kudirat, Nigeria on 6205, in 77 days with 1 USD. (Play DX # 916 6 / 01 1997) | L.Basso-I | TFW | Jan 97 |
- | R. Kudirat, Nigeria on 6205, letter in 76 days, v/s Kayode Fayemi, Dir. of Comm Sent 1 USD. QTH : P.O.Box 9663, London SE1 3ZD, United Kingdom. (Play DX # 916 6 / 01 1997) | R.Pavanello-I | TFW | Jan 97 |
- | Kudirat, Nigeria on 6205, in 49 days with 1 USD. (Play DX # 916 6 / 01 1997) | S.Gómez-E | TFW | Jan 97 |
- | R Kudirat Nigeria 6205 sheet no r.postage 60 days. | Z.Elias-CZE | WDXC QSL Report | Jan 97 |
[AFS] | R.Kudirak via Meyerton, South Africa on 6205, QSL letter in 85 days, no IRC sent, v/s Kayode Fayemi (Play DX # 926 16 / 03 1997) | L.Botto Fiora-I | TFW | Mrz 97 |
- | R.Kudirat Nigeria on 6205, f /d letter in 56 days, v/s Kayode Fayemi, Director of Comm.Nalicom (Play DX # 932 28 / 04 / 1997) | V.Korinek-AFS | TFW | Apr 97 |
- | R Kudirat Nigeria 6205 qsl-letter SAE 95 days. | G.Grigoriev-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Apr 97 |
- | R Kudirat Nigeria 6205 qsl-letter no r.postage 149 days, v/s : Kayode Fayemi, Director of Communications Nalicon, PO Box 9663, London Se 1 3ZD, England. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | WDXC QSL Report | Apr 97 |
- | R Kudirat Nigeria 6205 qsl-letter no r.postage 40 days, v/s : Kathy Otto | Z.Liangas-GRC | WDXC QSL Report | Apr 97 |
- | R.Kudirat on 6205, QSL folder in 150 days, rpt sent to London, UK, v/s Kayode Fayemi, Dir. of Comm. Nalicom. QTH : P.O.Box 9663, London SE 1 - 3ZD, GB (Play DX # 944 28 July) | A.Micheli-I | TFW 034 | Aug 97 |
- | R Kudirat 6205 qsl-letter no r.postage 118 days, v/s : Kayode Fayemi. | P.Miroshnikov-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Okt 97 |
- | Radio DEMOCRAT INTERNational NIGERIA - P.O.Box 9663 - London SE1 3LZ - UK 15120 kHz - QSL and letter in 11 dd, 1 USD | S.Mannelli-I | Webpage | Jan 98 |
- | R Kudirat via WWCr 5070 qsl-letter no r.postage 68 days. | R.Takács-ROU | WDXC QSL Report | Feb 98 |
- | R Kuridat Nigeria 6205 letter 93 days. v/s Kayode Fayemi | T.-H.Ekblom-DNK | Norwegian DX News | Mrz 98 |
- | R.Kuridat / 6205 kHz, 240 days, qsl-letter. | H.Kuhl-D | ADDX 1998-21 | Nov 98 |
[AFS] | 11540 Radio Kudirat, Voice of Democracy. Letter reply from Millingo Nkosi at Sentech, advised me that my report was to old for verification propose. As well, he indicated that 11680 Voice of Free Nigeria (FNM) never did broadcast via Meyerton. Oh well... | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | Cumbre DX-ML | Feb 03 |
R Nadeco Index Nigeria
Index Clandestine
- | 5070 Radio Nadeco verified by partly detailed prepared letter, also sent a huge information package from their U.S. address in 3 weeks. | H.Kuhl-D | Cumbre DX 150 | Aug 97 |
- | 5070 Radio NADECO verified with a full data photocopy signed by Martins Anyaegtu in 38 days via Washington address. A hand written note on the photocopied verification stated : " Radio NADECO is an opposition radio established by Nigeria's main opposition group, NADECO, to inform Nigerians and members of the international community about the evil effects of military rule in Nigeria. The staff strength is made up of volunteers who are fighting through legitimate means to end military rule in Nigeria. " | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Cumbre DX 161 | Okt 97 |
- | R Nadeco via WWCr 15685 PPC SAE 16 days. | Z.Elias-CZE | WDXC QSL Report | Nov 97 |
- | R Nadeco via WWCr 5070 qsl-letter 1 IRC 62 days. | L.Roithmeir-G | WDXC QSL Report | Dez 97 |
[USA] | 5070, Radio NADECO (via WWCR), full-data photocopy certificate-type QSL signed by Martins Anyaegtu in 7 weeks for US $ 1. Address used was NAtional DEmocratic COalition (NADECO), 514 10th Street, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20004. A handwritten note on the photocopied verification stated : -NADECO is the main opposition group to the military rule in Nigeria. Some of its members have been killed while others have been forced into exile. Radio NADECO was established by NADECO-US / Canada and all the staff are volunteers. Our objective is educate Nigerians and members of the international community on the evil effects of military rule in Nigeria. We hope to buy [sic] so doing restore democracy in Nigeria and we will continue to pursue this objective through legitimate means.- | H.Sellers-ON-CAN | ODXA QSL Album 1998-02 | Feb 98 |
- | R Nadeco 5070 qsl-letter rp : 1US $ 66 days. | J.Parker-G | WDXC QSL Report | Feb 98 |
R New Nigeria Index Nigeria Index Clandestine
- | R. New Nigeria on 11995, QSL via e-mail in only 19 hours ! (DSWCI SWN # 12 Dec 97) | C.Ghibaudo-F | TFW 046 | Dez 97 |
[D ] | 5910 Voice of New Nigeria (NAGDHR) via Jülich Date/FrequencyVerification letter confirming that I heard this station broadcast viaJülich, back in 1997. Reply in 34 days. Various attempts to different address in the US resulted in no replies so I decided to send a report direct to Jülich Transmitter Site. v/s Walter Brodowsky | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Feb 02 |
[D ] | 5905 V. of New Nigeria via Jülich. PFC, nice letter, sked, and photo of Jülich facility in 135 days for f/up on a 1997 logging. v/s Walter Brodowsky, Account Manager. | J.Wilkins-CO-USA | DXplorer-ML | Sep 02 |
R Saa Index Nigeria Index Clandestine
[F] | 15180 Radio Saa via Issoundon. Full data (including Power, antenna type; transmitter site) Alliss Rotatable Antenna in Issoudun, France QSL Card, in 15 days. This for a CD MP3 rpt / EG & FR Rpt, PPC ( not used). Address for rpts: TDF-Radio Business Unit, Short-wave Department 10, rud'Oradour sur Glane, 75732 Paris CEDEX 15, France. TNX to Wendel for opening a route for this one! | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Apr 07 |
[F] | RADIO SAA via ISSOUDUN, FRANCE, 15180. From TDF, full-data (including transmitter site & power—and program name!) French/English “Alliss – Rotatable antenna in Issoudun card in 16 days. Address on the card, which is approximately the one to which I mailed my report: TDF – Radio Business Unit, Short-wave Department, 10, rue d’Oradour sur Glane, 75732 Paris cedex 15, France. This is for the March 14 broadcast which consisted entirely of patriotic or national vocal music. Although there is now severe interference from the BBC in Arabic, based on the timings of the music, this TDP-brokered program to seems to still be re-running that same program. | W.Craighead-KS-USA | direct to QIP | Apr 07 |
[F] | Radio Saa 15180 kHz verified via TDF with a det. card incl. programme name in 23 days. 1 IRC for RP. QTH: TDF - Radio Business Unit, Shortwave Department, 10 Rue d´Oradour sur Glane, 75732 Paris Cedex 15. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Mai 07 |
Vo Biafra Int Index Nigeria Index Clandestine
[RUS] | I got a nice and personal e-mail reply from Voice of Biafra International today, signed: Oguchi Nkwocha, MD (A Biafran Citizen). Address: He said that they buy airtime from a broadcasting station and that they would like to own their own station some day. Next transmission is next Saturday at 19.00-20.00 on 12125 kHz (a move from 12120). | B.Fransson-S | direct to QIP | Sep 01 |
[RUS] | Voice of Biafra International 12120 kHz, e-mail QSL letter in 1 day. Report sent to v/s:Oguchi Nkwocha, MD, A Biafran Citizen | K.Hashimoto-J | direct to QIP | Sep 01 |
[RUS] | Yesterday I received this QSL from email in 2 days : "Dear Arnaldo: Thank you so much for listening, monitoring and confirming our broadcast! Voice of Biafra International is owned and produced by Igbo organizations focused on actualizing Biafra. We buy airtime from a broadcasting station--we would like to own our own station someday. Thank you, again, Sir. Our next broadcast will be same time, but on 12125 (instead of 12120) kHz. See you then! Oguchi Nkwocha, MD A Biafran Citizen | A.L.Slaen-ARG | HCDX-ML | Sep 01 |
[RUS] | Vo Biafra 12120 e-post 2d. v/s Dir. Oguchi Nkwocha. QTH for denne er foreløpig ikke bekrefta, sanns. i Russland eller en av de gamle sovjet-republikkene. | T.-H.Ekblom-DNK | Norwegian DX News 2001-06 | Sep 01 |
[RUS] | Recebida confirmação por e-mail da escuta da Rádio Voice of Biafra International, através do Sr. Oguchi, e-mail :, apenas um dia após o envio de relatório e arquivo de gravaçao da escuta. A emissora volta a transmitir hoje entre 1900 e 2000 por 12125 kHz. | S.Cássio Martins Santos-SP-B | Radioescutas-ML | Sep 01 |
[RUS] | Vo Biafra Int - det. Karte Ludo Maes QSL TDP 12125 kHz 1900 13.10.01 28 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Nov 01 |
[RUS] | Vo Biafra Int. 12120 e-post 2d. | K.Norlin-S | Norwegian DX News 2001-08 | Dez 01 |
[RUS] | Patrick Robic from Austria received a QSL from Ludo Maes' TDP (bearing the internal No 7) for a report about a bc from the Voice of Biafra Int. (via M.Schöch-D) | P.Robic-AUT | A-DX-ML | Jan 02 |
[RUS] | Vo Biafra Int./Samara 12125 k 1m Svar via | K.-E.Stridh-S | Norwegian DX News 2002-01 | Jan 02 |
[RUS] | Three QSL cards of TDP stations received on Jan.29 2002,they are: Radio EZRA, 07/10/2001,0855-0930 UTC 12110 kHz, Eurosonor Radio, 12/08/2001,1620-1700 UTC 9980 kHz, Voice of Biafra International, 01/09/2001 12120 kHz., Mail reception report with 2 IRCs. QTH : TDP, P.O.Box 1, 2310 Rijkevorsel, Belgium Also you can see the QSL image on their website | Q.Xiaoli-CHN | EDXP-ML | Feb 02 |
[RUS] | 12125, Voice of Biafra International verified through Transmitter Documentation Project office in Belgium with a full data card in 134 days presumably signed by Ludo Maes. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Mrz 02 |
[RUS] | 12125 Voice of Biafra International. Reporte de recepcion enviado a la siguiente direccion de correo electronico: Verifico en 24 horas, con un mensaje con datos completos firmado por el seNor Oguchi Nkwocha, quien se identifica como "A Biafran Citizen" | A.L.Slaen-ARG | Conexion Digital 160 | Mai 02 |
[RUS] | 12125 kHz (Russia), VOICE OF BIAFRA INTERNational, partial data QSL-card in English (site missing) from TDP (VoBI's aitrime broker), card shows ' and a transmitter-tower', v/s Ludo Maes, card no 52, in 110 days for a report with 1 USD RP to TDP, c/o Ludo Maes, P.O. Box 1, 2310 Rijkevorsel, Belgien. | M.Schöch-D | direct to QIP | Mai 02 |
[RUS] | Voice of Biafra International, 12125 kHz, for report of transmission via Jülich [not Russia ? -QIP] to TDP in Belgium, in 158 days, for EE report. Blue Card with with on front. Full data on back. | D.Henderson-MD-USA | DXplorer-ML | Mai 02 |
[RUS] | 12120 kHz, Voice of Biafra International, QSL from TDP - Belgium rcvd in 71 days. | G.Ivan Barrera-ARG | DXplorer-ML | Mai 02 |
[RUS] | Voice of Biafra International, 12125 kHz, to TDP in Belgium,reply in 54 days, for EE report. Blue Card with with on front. Full data on back. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Jun 02 |
[RUS] | 12125, Voice of Biafra, full data tower card, in 5 weeks to Ludo Maes in Belgium, for rp. Ed Kusalik tells me that Ludo replies to reports on behalf of the program clients. So a big thank you to Ludo Maes for his concern over our reports! | J.Talbot-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Jun 02 |
[RUS] | Vo Biafra / 12125 kHz, 116 Tage, K via TDP / $. | F.-W.Adam-D | ADDX 2002-18 | Sep 02 |
[RUS] | 12120 kHz, Voice of Biafra International, full data QSL ppc rcvd in 466 days from the following addr.: Radio Biafra International; 733 15th St NW Suite 700; Washington DC 20005; USA. "First Day Transmission". In its handwrite letter, Mr. C. Osondu talk me that "we are involved in a struggle to librate our people from the criminal nigerian govt. We don't have money to make QSL cards and we like the one you did. Can you make a few copies and send to us at Voice of Biafra; 733 15th Street; Washington DC 20005. Thanks. Ch.... Osondu". | G.Ivan Barrera-ARG | direct to QIP | Jan 03 |
[RUS] | 12125 kHz, Voice of BIAFRA INT, signed my ppc, card shows 'Biafra flag', v/s Ch. O. Sonden (?) also enclosed personal letter, containt short political explanation and asked for more copies of my ppc "We don't have money for QSL-cards and we like the one you made. Can you please make more copies and send to us ?", in 465 days for a report with 1 USD to Voice Of Biafra International, 733 15th St NW, Suite 700, Washington DC 20005, USA. Answer came from same address, without any follow-up (report was about their 3rd broadcast, in Sep 2001. This seems to be the first 'hardcopy' qsl from the station itself. Earlier qsls were E-mail letters from the station (for a short time after the station started) or were issued by Ludo Maes of TDP (airtime broker). | M.Schöch-D | direct to QIP | Jan 03 |
[RUS] | Voice of Biafra International via Samara, Russia. 12,125 partial-data card received in 9 months. Card is the Kansas photo card I enclosed with my report; they removed my message label and wrote a verie message on the card. My report was sent to: 733 15th St. NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20005. Signature looks like Chima Osandu. | W.Craighead-KS-USA | direct to QIP | Jan 03 |
[RUS] | 15670, Voice of Biafra International replied my e-mail in 2 days to an e-mail report to the Biafra Foundation ( from v/s Chima Osondu mentioning "We do not have QSL cards now, but please accept this and remember that we have moved to frequency 7380 kHz or 41 meter band on Saturdays between 2100-2200 UTC. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Feb 03 |
[RUS] | Voice of Biafra international email qsl : I got an email reply from Oguchi Nkwocha, MD ( Part of it reads "we do verify your report ", attached at the end was my report of 7th december 2002. the reply was send by email and reply came back the same day. | E.Ezeani-NIG | direct to QIP | Mrz 03 |
[RUS] | Voice of Biafra Int., 12120 kHz, QSL card (PFC) (v/s:Chima Osondu) and a personal letter in 484 days for EG report & 1$. Report sent to Washington Office. (This QSL can be seen at | K.Hashimoto-J | direct to QIP | Mrz 03 |
[RUS] | 12125, Voice of Biafra International, full-data E-mail reply from V/S Chima Osondu for Oct 2001 postal report and a couple of postal and E-mail follow-ups. This came from on the same day as my latest E-follow-up, which I sent separately to and (apparently it is the first address that worked). | J.Berg-MA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Apr 03 |
[RUS] | 12125 Voice of Biafra After seeing Jerry Berg's reply and wanting a reply direct (which I have one via TDF/Ludo Maes)sent a follow-up to Received back a full data e-mail verification, within eight hours of sending. V/s, Chima Osondu says they are on 7830 now. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Mai 03 |
[RUS] | On Monday I sent a reception report for a second time to Voice of Biafra International,as I heard that other people have been getting replies from them,first report sent 20/09/2001 Never got any reply,so they accepted this old report and I got an electronic email qsl card. | P.Bailey-AUS | direct to QIP | Mai 03 |
[RUS] | 12125, Voice of Biafra International, verified with e-mail QSL. I also tried the same thing before Berg reported in DX Window no.219, would be effective. | M.Ishii-J | DX Window 221 | Jun 03 |
[RUS] | Vo Biafra / 12125 kHz, 648 Tage, det. eMail / 1 Tag nach f/up per email | A.Schmid-D | ADDX 2003-15 | Aug 03 |
[RUS] | Voice of Biafra International Received a full-data (except site) card from Ludo Maes at TDP verifying reception of Voice of Biafra International on 12,125 kHz. in 18 months. Presumed via Samara. | W.Craighead-KS-USA | direct to QIP | Sep 03 |
[RUS] | 12125 - Voice of Biafra International - ?? - QSL. 306 dias. V/s: Ludo Maes. QTH: POB 1, 2310 Rijkevorsel, Bélgica | J.Roberto da Silva Cunha-MG-B | DXCB 2003-09 | Sep 03 |
[RUS] | V.of Biafra Int., 7380, full data e-mail verie in 2 days, v/s Chima | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Dez 03 |
[RUS] | Vo Biafra / 12125 kHz, 360 Tage, K / $ | D.Schulz-D | ADDX 2004-06 | Mrz 04 |
[RUS] | R. BIAFRA INTERNATIONAL 12120 kHz QSLcard in 191 d. REPORT SENT TO TDP SERVICE, BELGIUM. V/s : LUDO MAES (Director) ADDRESS : P.O.BOX 1, B-2310 RIJKEVORSEL, BELGIUM.SENT 1 IRC. | F.Carnevalini-I | Play-DX J2003-4 | Apr 04 |
[AFS] | Vo Biafra Int. E-mail 7380 kHz, E-mail 7 days | J.Parker-G | BDXC-UK 2005-05 | Mai 05 |
- | Voice of Biafra International 7,380. After reporting 2 non-QSLs in the past few days, it’s good to be able to report an actual verie. I received a full-data [except site] personal letter in 2 months from the VBI Washington, DC, address. Signature is Chima Osondu. Has Meyerton definitely been established as the site for these broadcasts now? A report to SENTECH brought a very nice calendar but nothing else. I know Kathy Otto can verify some non-South African broadcasters and not others. | W.Craighead-KS-USA | DXplorer-ML | Mai 05 |
- | 7380 R. Voice of Biafra (clandestina) QSL Electronica 15 dias. | H.Goyena-ARG | Conexion Digital 361 | Apr 06 |
- | V. of Biafra International --- my report was returned by the USPO although it was sent to the DC address in the PWBR. (via QSL Report, March NASWA Journal) | M.Field-MI-USA | DXLD 7-028 | Mrz 07 |
[USA] | 15665.3o Voice of Biafra International via WHRI, Cypress Creek Transmitter. Full data ( with name of the program) "20 years of short wave Ministry to the World" QSL for a e-mail report. Postal Reply in 20 days for this one. v/s: L.W.Vehorn | E.Kusalik-AL-CAN | direct to QIP | Okt 07 |
[USA] | 15665, Voice of Biafra International via WHRI (specifically the WHR 1 transmitter in Cypress Creek, SC) verified with a full data "Over 20 Years of Shortwave Ministry to the World" card in 151 days for a report send to South Bend, IN address. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Jul 08 |
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