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BC-DX QSL-Information for Clandestine Radio Stations broadcasting
to Korea North
Korea North Previous Page : To Kazakhstan Next Page : To Korea South
Echo of Hope Index Korea North Index Clandestine
[KOR] | 6348 Echo of Hope, via KBS, Korean Broadcasting System, #18, Yoido-dong, Youngdungpo-gu, Seul 150-790, South Korea. QSL card from KBS full data in 77 days. Sent KBS magazines. | A.L.Slaen-ARG | direct to QIP | Sep 02 |
Free North Korea R Index Korea North Index Clandestine
- | La casella di Free North Korea R. potrebbe non essere più valida perché un rapporto d'ascolto mi è tornato indietro. | L.Botto Fiora-I | Shortwave-ML | Sep 09 |
Furusato no Kaze Index Korea North Index Clandestine
[TWN] | NIHON/FURUSATO NO KAZE via TAIWAN, 9780. No-data letter in 11 days for an e-mail report to info@rachi. thanking me for my reception report and stating they do not issue verification cards. Also enclosed 3 “For the Return of All of the Abductees” brochures with info in English on the abduction issue and photos of and data on a number of the abductees. Return address on letter and envelope: Policy Planning Division, Headquarters for the Abduction Issue, Cabinet Secretariat, 1-6-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100 - 8968, Japan. Some sites say 9780 at 1600 is Nihon while others say it’s Furusato, and they also disagree as to which broadcast is in Korean and which is in Japanese, so I’m not sure which I heard. | W.Craighead-KS-USA | direct to QIP | Jun 07 |
[TWN] | 9780 Furusato no Kaze (via Taiwan). Received 'a thank you for my report of Furusato no Kaze' letter. In the letter, they stated that they no not have QSL Cards ( returned my PPC's not stamped or signed either) Received several booklets on Abductees that have been missing. This for a Postal report with a MP3 CD Recording. Mentioned too that return postage is not need, as a this week received back money remittance in the form of a Canadian Postal Money for $1.07 posted from Ottawa! Reply in 54 days. v/s: Toshiyuki Mizutani | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Sep 07 |
[AUS] | Frusato No Kaze, via Darwin, 11775, received non detailed letter and non detailed e-mail from Mr. Sunochi Tomoyuki. Some brochures too. Address: Policy Planning Division, Headquarters for the Abduction Issue, Cabinet Secretariat, Gov. of jaan, 1-6-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan. E-mail: | A.F.Llorella-E | HCDX-ML | Jun 08 |
[AUS] | AUSTRALIA: FURUSATO NO KAZE, 11775, & NIPPON NO KAZE, 11690 via CVC, DARWIN. Partial-data e-QSL in 3 days for a report to Included is their postal address: Policy Planning Division, Headquarters for the Abduction Issue, Cabinet Secretariat, Gov. of Japan, 1-6-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Also, usual antenna & transmitter site cards, indicating languages (Japanese for Furusato and Korean for Nippon) but not program names, in 24 days for reports to: CVC International Relay Station, PO Box 6361, Maroochydore, QLD 4558, Australia. [for my logging at Bao Loc, Lam Dong, Vietnam] | W.Craighead-KS-USA | DXplorer-ML | Jul 08 |
[TWA] | TAIWAN: FURUSATO NO KAZE, 9780 via TAINAN. Partial-data e-QSL in 3 days for a report to Included is their postal address: Policy Planning Division, Headquarters for the Abduction Issue, Cabinet Secretariat, Gov. of Japan, 1-6-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan. | W.Craighead-KS-USA | DXplorer-ML | Jul 08 |
Nihon no Kaze Index Korea North Index Clandestine
Nihon no Kaze | [TWN] | Nihon no Kaze 9820 kHz (via Tanshui, TWN) verified my e-mail report to info@ with an undet. letter and information about Japanese Abductees in 7 days. QTH: Policy Planing Division, Headquarters for the Abduction Issue, Cabinet Secretariat, 1-6-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8968, Japan. v/s Toshiyuki Mizutani. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Aug 2007 |
Nihon no Kaze | [AUS] | 9690, Nippon no Kaze via Darwin, Australia responded to an electronic report to with an electronic reply from in 3 days from the Policy Planning Division of the Headquarters for the Abduction Issue, a Cabinet Secretariat position within the Government of Japan. The e-mail reply noted "Thank you for sending a reception report of "Nippon no Kaze (il bon ue baram)". We are very glad to20receive your report from U.S.A! Unfortunately, we do not issue any verification (SWL/QSL) cards and letters, but according to the description you gave us, we can confirm it was our Korean program." They mentioned that the organization is also broadcasting the Japanese program "Furusato no Kaze" in order to send messages and information to the Japanese abductees in North Korea [...] | R.D´Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Dez 2008 |
Open R Index Korea North Index Clandestine
Open R | - | Open R. for North Korea 5880 kHz e-QSL letter (No data) in 111 d for English report with 1$. | Ke.Hashimoto-J | direct to QIP | Aug 2006 |
Open R | [TWN] | Open Radio for North Korea 7390 kHz verified with a det. letter in 201 days. 1 US-$ for RP. QTH: P.O.Box 158, Mapo, Seoul 121-600, Republic of Korea. v/s Young Howard. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Aug 2007 |
Open R | [HWA] | 9930 Open Radio for North Korea via KWHR. Full data ( with name of the program) "20 years of short wave Ministry to the World" QSL for a e-mail report. Postal Reply in 3 months for this one. v/s: L.W.Vehorn | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Okt 2007 |
Open R | - | 9930, Open Radio for North Korea via KWHR in Naalehu, Hawaii verified with a date/frequency letter in 50 days for a report sent to P. O. Box 158, Mapo, Seoul 121-600, Republic of Korea address from v/s Young Howard. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Dez 2007 |
Open R | [TWN] | Open Radio for North Korea 7390 kHz verified with a det. letter and programme schedule in 675 days. 1 US-$ for RP. QTH: P.O.Box 158, Mapo, Seoul 121-600, Rep. of Korea. v/s Han Gwang Hee, programme director. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Okt 2008 |
Open R | [HWA] | HAWAII: OPEN RADIO FOR NORTH KOREA via KWHR; 9930. Full data (except site) personal letter from Han Gwang Hee and program schedule in 13 months. Letter says they don’t have QSL cards due to “a temporary printing difficulty. The usual cards will resume very soon.” Address: P.O. Box 158, Mapo, Seoul, 121-600, Rep. of Korea. | W.Craighead-KS-USA | DXplorer-ML | Okt 2008 |
Open R | - | Open Radio for North Korea : Am Montag erhalten. QSL Brief mit Absende-Datum Oct.17., fuer RR vom 01.04.2008 Auszug: Thank you for your recent letter and reception report. We appreciate your interest in our station, and your reports of reception conditions are very important to us. We are happy to confirm your reception of Open Radio for North Korea. [..]Frequency 9930 kHz We're sorry that we currently have to issue QSL letters rather than cards, as a result of a temporary printing difficulty. The ususual cards will resume very soon. [..] Han Gwang Hee, Programme Director,, | P.Gager-AUT | A-DX-ML | Nov 2008 |
Open R | [HWA] | 9930, Open Radio for North Korea via KWHR transmitter at Naalehu, Hawaii (not noted in letter) verified with a short letter in 475 days noting that they are issuing QSL letters instead of cards "as a result of printing difficulty" although they anticipate issuing cards in the near future. A copy of their current program schedule was also enclosed. | R.D´Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Nov 2008 |
Open R | [ARM] | CLANDESTINE (North Korea) 9950, Open Radio for North Korea via Gavar, Armenia (site not noted in letter) verified with a short letter in 20 days noting that they are issuing QSL letters instead of cards "as a result of printing difficulty" although they anticipate issuing cards in the near future. A copy of their current program schedule was also enclosed. | R.D´Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Dez 2008 |
Open R | [ARM] | OPEN RADIO FOR NORTH KOREA Kamo 11640 kHz, Lettera QSL e CD audio in 155 giorni. RP: 1$. QTH: P.O. Box 158 - Mapo - Seul 121-600 (Corea del Sud). V/s: Han Gwan Hee - Programme Director. Inviato CD MP3. | L.Botto Fiora-I | BCL-News-ML | Okt 2009 |
Shiokaze / See Breeze Index Korea North Index Clandestine
[RUS] | Shiokaze 5890 kHz Thanks card in 6d for Japanese report with 1000 yen. | K.Hashimoto-J | direct to QIP | Nov 05 |
- | 5890 Shiokaze. F/D blue and white card with COMJAN acronym, printed frequency, and handwritten "thank you" note with date and time; no site indicated. The card contains a lot of other printed text, all in Japanese, which I will try and get translated. Rec'd in 11 days via WRTH address. | J.Wilkins-CO-USA | Cumbre DX-ML | Mrz 06 |
[RUS] | Shiokaze via Angarsk 5890 kHz verified with a partly det. card in 14 days. 2 US-$ for RP. QTH: 3-8-401 Koraku 2-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0004, Japan. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Apr 06 |
- | Radio Shiokaze 5890 kHz, 9 Tage, det. Karte / 2 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mai 06 |
- | Shiokaze via Taiwan (presumed), f/d blue & white "RESCUE! Abductees by N. Korea – Shortwave - Shiokaze" COMJAN card. Date, time and frequency hand written, as the printed frequency is their newest one (9485 kHz). Received from Tokyo, in 13 days for an e-mailed report, in English, to | R.Howard-CA-USA | direct to QIP | Jul 06 |
- | And today, 17 July, I received from SHIOKAZE a full-data [except site] blue on white card verifying reception on 9855. This 1 month after sending a report to Shiokaze, 3-8-401 Koraku 2-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0004, Japan. | W.Craighead-KS-USA | DXplorer-ML | Jul 06 |
- | 9855, Shiokaze, f/d "Rescue-COMJAN" card with handwritten date/UTC/freq in 20 days for $1. Card lists "Shiokaze One" and "Shiokaze Two" as 9785 and 9485 kHz, respectively. | S.R.Barbour Jr-NH-USA | HCDX-ML | Jul 06 |
[RUS] | R. Shiokaze / 5890 kHz, 5 Tage, detailierte Karte / $ | E.Röscher-D | ADDX 2006-08 | Aug 06 |
- | 9485 Skiokaze (Sea Breeze) via Taiwan. The full data Blue and White QSL Card, with COMJAN imprinted with Korean Lettering. This in response to my e-mail report ( for July 12.06. Reply in 16 days. Web site: | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Aug 06 |
- | 9855, Shiokaze (Sea Breeze) verified an a postal report with a full data Japanese/English QSL postcard in 17 days that included the date, time and frequency handwritten on the card with the wrong frequencies printed on the card in 15 days. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Aug 06 |
- | Shiokaze R., 5890, card in 30 days. | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Aug 06 |
- | 9485 Shiokaze f/d (except site) "Rescue! Abductees by N. Korea" card in 12 days for an English report emailed to No v/s. | M.Schiefelbein-MO-USA | direct to QIP | Sep 06 |
[TWN] | R. Shiokaze via TWN / 9785 kHz, 14 Tage, K | J.Waga-D | ADDX 2006-10 | Okt 06 |
- | Shioakze e-mail 9485 kHz, qsl-card 7 days (presumably via Taiwan. Nice looking blue and white "COMJAM" QSL with "Rescue! Abductees by N.Korea-Short Wave Shiokaze. Full data on back…got date wrong!) | J.Berg-MA-USA | BDXC-UK 2006-10 | Okt 06 |
- | 9485, Shiokaze, blue/black card in 9 days for an email report and audio clip. This is the same card as Ron Howard's [..]. | J.Herkimer-NY-USA | DXplorer-ML | Okt 06 |
- | Shiokaze: QSL-card arrived in 10 days for an email report. | H.Klemetz-S | DXLD-ML | Nov 06 |
- | 9485, Shiokaze (Sea Breeze), presumably viaTaiwan, nice-looking blue-and-white "COMJAM" QSL with "Rescue! Abductees by N. Korea - Short Wave - Shiokaze" plus fqys and tel.-FAX-URL contact info in EG, the rest in Japanese, full-data penned in (got date wrong). In 7 (!) days after e-rpt and audio clip; QSL mailed from Japan. | J.Berg-MA-USA | ODXA 2006-12 | Dez 06 |
[TWN] | Shiokaze on 9950 kHz. Received detailled QSL card after 9 days. RR sent by e-mail to | Th.Voelkner-D | direct to QIP | Jan 07 |
[TWN] | 9855 Shiokaze International Communications, Shiokaze (Sea Breeze) broadcasts to North Korea and is presented by the independent investigating organization: "Investigation Commission on Missing Japanese Probably Related to North Korea" I sent my reception report by email and received my QSL Card full data in 18 days QSL, f/d blue & white printed: "Rescue! Abductees by N. Korea – Shortwave - Shiokaze" COMJAN card. Date, time and frequency hand written, as the printed frequency is their new frequencies 9645 kHz & 9950 kHz | A.L.Slaen-ARG | BCL-News-ML | Feb 07 |
[TWN] | Shiokaze e-mail 9950 kHz, qsl-card 19 days (From Japan to Japanese abductees in N Korea.Reports to | D.Kenny-G | BDXC-UK 2007-02 | Feb 07 |
[TWN] | Shiokaze e-mail 9950 kHz, qsl-card 17 days | J.Parker-G | BDXC-UK 2007-02 | Feb 07 |
[TWN] | Shiokaze Shortwave. 9950 f/d blue & white cd. with Japanese, Korean, and English text in 10 ds. for e-mail rpt. | J.D.Stephens-AL-USA | direct to QIP | Mrz 07 |
[TMN] | Shiokaze / 9950 kHz, 20 Tage, detaillierte Karte / $ | K.P.Hilger-D | ADDX 2007-04 | Apr 07 |
[TWN] | RADIO SHIOKAZE , 9950 kHz. full data , tarjeta QSL, demoró 30 dias IR enviado a 2-3-8-401 Koraku Bunkyo Ward Tokyo 112-0004 Japan | C.Perez Dioses-PRU | ConDig 417 | Apr 07 |
- | Shiokaze via Taiwan 9950 kHz, cd 2 weeks. rr sent via e-mail to (via D.Monferini-I) | N.Reiner-D | CoRad-NL-ML | Apr 07 |
[TWN] | Shiokaze via Taiwan 9950 kHz, cd 2 weeks. rr sent via e-mail to | N.Reiner-D | direct to QIP | Apr 07 |
[TWN] | 9485 Shiokaze & Radio Free Chosum. Sent a CD MP3 form report to the Shiokaze station covering a listening period for both stations. Received back the usual COMJAN blue/white(shows the 6045 & 9845 frequencies) card, with date, time and frequency. I requested the program name for Radio Free Chosum but alias not indicated on the QSL card. Reply in 20 days time. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Mai 07 |
- | Shiokaze: 6045 kHz, QSL-card in 10 days. Tel:03-5684-5058 FAX:03-5684-5059 URL: http://www/ | S.Kolesov-RUS | direct to QIP | Aug 07 |
[J] | Shiokaze : 6045 kHz, QSL-card in 10 days. Tel:03-5684-5058 FAX:03-5684-5059 URL: http://www/ | S.Kolesov-RUS | direct to QIP | Aug 07 |
[TWN] | Shiokaze : 9485 kHz, QSL-card in 10 days. Tel:03-5684-5058 FAX:03-5684-5059 URL: http://www/ | S.Kolesov-RUS | direct to QIP | Aug 07 |
[TWN] | Shiokaze, 9485 kHz, QSL-card in 10 days. Tel:03-5684-5058 FAX:03-5684-5059 URL: http://www/ | S.Kolesov-RUS | direct to QIP | Aug 07 |
[J] | Shiokaze (Sea Breeze) JAPAN 5985 kHz. Received f/d 'COMJAN' card in 16 days. No v/s. Details written in the blue ribbon loop area. First QSL received using the Eton E1; I am really impressed with this radio! I wish I still had the AOR 7030 to do a side-by-side with. | T.Palmersheim-MT-USA | HCDX-ML | Mrz 08 |
[J] | JSR Shortwave Shiokaze : URL laut Info: http://www/ ? Brief-Auszug " Unfortunately we do not issue Verification Cards (SWL card) but we enclosed brochures: "For the Return of All of the Abductees". v/s Toshiyuki Mizutani". Dranbleiben zahlt sich manchmal doch aus. Hab es deshalb nochmals aus Korea versucht. Resultat = eine schoene QSL Karte (zu einem tragischen Thema). Gehoert am 29.03. in Korea 1400 utc 5985 kHz. v/d qsl card frankiert mit zwei Sonderbriefmarken am 08.04.08 Blauer Ribbon (?) mit Aufschrift "JSR Shortwave Shiokaze Rescue!Abductees by N. Korea" 5:30~6:00AM 5965 kHz 23:00~23:00 (?)PM 5985 kHz Thank you for listening COMJAN Tel..Fax..URL..und das ganze auch in J. | P.Gager-AUT | A-DX-ML | Apr 08 |
[J] | Shiokaze 6020, via Yamata, Japan: COMJAN "JSR Shiokaze" blue ribbon QSL card from Tokyo in 11 days, full data but no site given, for an emailed report in English, along with an attached audio clip, sent to: <>. | R.Howard-CA-USA | direct to QIP | Apr 08 |
- | 6020, Shiokaze: COMJAN "JSR Shiokaze" blue ribbon QSL card from Tokyo in 11 days, full data but no site given, for an emailed report in English, along with an attached audio clip | R.Howard-CA-USA | DXLD-ML | Apr 08 |
- | 6005, Shiokaze: the newest COMJAN "JSR Shiokaze" blue ribbon QSL card from Tokyo in 8 days, QSL printed with the current frequencies: 5965 & 6045 and 6005 & 6020, full data but no site given, for an email sent to COMJAN commenting on the interference from Echo of Hope on 6003. Slightly different design than the one that I received from them last month. Surprised to receive this, as I had not requested a QSL. Since May 9, through May 12, they are heard back on 6020 again, *1400-1430* | R.Howard-CA-USA | DXLD-ML | Mai 08 |
Vo Wilderness Index Korea North Index Clandestine
[TWN] | CMI Voice of Wilderness 9795 kHz verified with a undet. letter in 36 days. 1 US-$ for RP. The report was sent to: Cornerstone Ministries Int., P.O.Box 4002, Tustin, CA 92781, USA. The reply came from: Cornerstone, Yeong Dong, P.O.Box 8, Seoul 135-660, Korea. v/s Hosea, program director of CMI Voice of Wilderness. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Dez 07 |
[RUS] | 11640 kHz via Russia, Voice of
Wilderness, full data QSL-letter wich a brochure about Cornerstone
Ministries, 7days after sendig e-mail,Cornerstone Ministries Int. P.O.Box
4002 Tustin CA-92781 USA V/s Andrew Currie, QSL e-mail in 2 days from V/s
Bahnseok Lee via |
A.Spiegel-D | direct to QIP | Jul 08 |
[ARM] | 11640, Voice of the Wilderness (via Yerevan), partial-data ltr in 10 days for EG rpt to California address from Cornerstone Ministries, with fqy given and full verie statement. V/S Michael Jeter. | D.Henderson-MD-USA | DXplorer-ML | Jul 08 |
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