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BC-DX QSL-Information for Clandestine Radio Stations broadcasting
to Iran
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Democratic Vo Iran Index Iran Index Clandestine
- | Democratic Voice of Iran on 5900, personal letter via fax in UK + 44 541 525051, v/s Shahrlar Azari (DSWCI SWN 10/97) | B.Fransson-S | TFW 041 | Okt 97 |
- | Democratic V.o Iran on 5900, ppc, letter in 43 days (DSWCI SWN # 12 Dec 97) | J.Campbell-G | TFW 046 | Dez 97 |
- | Democratic Voice of Iran 5835. Part data letter in 8 days. Address; DVI, BCM Box 5842, London WC1N 3XX, GB. | T.Vaughan-G | direct to QIP | Feb 98 |
- | Democratic Voice of Iran 5900 PPC no r.postage 78 days. | G.Grigoriev-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Mrz 98 |
- | DEMOCRATIC Voice of IRAN 5835 kHz QSL letter, v/s Taji Azar, project leader, sent 1 IRC, reply in 20 d. QTH DVI, BCM, Box 5842, London, WC1N 3XX, United Kingdom. Asking for repot. via FAX : (+ 44) 154-1525051 or via E-mail : taji.azar[ät] | G.Bellabarba-I | Play-DX 0988 | Aug 98 |
- | Democratic Voice of Iran : c / o BCM Box 5842, London WC1N 3XX, GB, W : E : mail[ät] F : (44) 541 52 5051, verified with a fully-detailed QSL-form tx power given as 250 kW. address information from letterhead corresponds with CRI's data | M.Mäkeläinen-FIN | CRW 016 | Okt 98 |
- | 5835 Democratic Voice of Iran verified with a fully-detailed QSL-form from DVI, BCM Box 5842, London WC1N 3XX, United Kingdom. Fax given as (44) 541 52 5051, email : mail[ät], web-page :, tx power given as 250 kW. | M.Mäkeläinen-FIN | Cumbre DX 214 | Okt 98 |
- | DEMOCRATIC Voice of IRAN 5835 Hz QSL certificate in 8d. NO IRC QTH : DVI-BCM, P.O.Box 5842, K London, WC1N 3XX, United Kingdom. (Gral Liguria) | L.B.Fiora-I | Play-DX 1001 | Nov 98 |
Iran of Tomorrow Index Iran
Index Clandestine
[MDA] | Sedaye Jambushi Iran e Farda via Moldova 7490 kHz verified with an undet. letter in 18 days. 1 US-$ for RP. QTH: 17328 Ventura Blvd. #209, Encino, CA 91316, USA. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Mai 05 |
R Barabari Index Iran
Index Clandestine
- | 7470 Radio Barabari My follow-up reception report for December 2002 to info[ät] came back after four days as 'undeliverable' from my mail server. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Mai 03 |
- | 7470 Radio Barabari (Forward) My report to their Vancouver address was returned back to me with written notice as 'wrong box' and 'Please let Post Office Clerk know if this name belongs to your box' Obviously, some one at the Post Office was doing some detective work. The address used was P.O. Box 47040 Vancouver, British Columbia, V6G 3E1 | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Jun 03 |
R Democracy Shorayee Index Iran
Index Clandestine
- | I got a nice personal email confirmation from Radio Democracy Shorayee, new Iraninan exile broadcaster on 7435 kHz. Website, only in Farsi, , where also the email address is: | B.Fransson-S | direct to QIP | Nov 06 |
[KAZ] | Radio Democracy Shorayee 7435 kHz verified with an undet. e-mail in 1 day. E-mail: . | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Nov 06 |
- | RADIO DEMOCRACY SHORAYEE 7470 kHz, E-QSL in 2 giorni. E-RPT spedito a:, also Radio Council Democracy [QIP] | L.Botto Fiora-I | ForumRadio-ML | Mrz 07 |
- | 12120, R. Democracy Shorayee, e-mail verie in 1 day from | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Aug 07 |
- | R. Democracy Shorayee, 12120 kHz, e-mail verie in 1 day from <> (via D.Monferini-ITA) | S.Gomez-E | direct to QIP | Nov 07 |
[RUS] | Radio Democracy Shorayee 7470 kHz verified with an undet. letter in 43 days. 1 US-$ for RP. QTH: P.O.Box 398, 1500 Kobenhavn V, Denmark. | P.Robic-AUT | A-DX-ML | Mrz 08 |
[D] | R Democracy Shorayee e-mail, 7470 kHz, e-mail, 2 days | J.Parker-G | BDXC-UK 2007-12 | Apr 08 |
R Farda Index Iran
Index Clandestine
R Farda | - | 9585 - R. Farda Recebido e-QSL para escuta da Radio Farda as 0030 UTC em 31 Dezembro 2002 , informaram que ainda nao possuem cartao QSL. E-mail: | D.Rogério-SP-B | Atividade DX 132 | Jan 2003 |
R Farda | - | 9585 - R. Farda - 5 dias. Recebido e-QSL para o informe enviado em 10 de Janeiro de 2003 | S.Cássio Martins Santos-SP-B | Atividade DX 132 | Jan 2003 |
R Farda | - | Radio Farda, Kavalla 15290. Standard brief email veri in 2d for email rpt. "Thank you for your email to Radio Farda. We are happy to have you as a listener. We do not have QSL cards yet, so please accept this email as a confirmation of your reception report below. Your friends at Radio Farda" | R.Jary-SA-AUS | Cumbre DX-ML | Jan 2003 |
R Farda | - | Radio Farda (via ?) 9785 n/d e-mail reply in 1 day for a report to Based on replies posted by other DXers, this looks like a generic response.Asked about site, but no info at all. | S.R.Barbour Jr.-NH-USA | direct to QIP | Jan 2003 |
R Farda | - | 9535 & 11730 & 15140 Radio Farda. Two e-mail replies, two weeks apart for one e-mail report and the other for a postal report to the Washington address of RFE/RL. The replies, acknowledged my reception and apologized for not having any QSL's to reply with. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | Cumbre DX-ML | Feb 2003 |
R Farda | - | Radio Farda 11845 kHz, 15 Tage, teildet. Brief auf Papier von Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty v/s Jarka Polakova Administative assistant of Radio Farda Vinohradska 1 110 00 Praha / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Feb 2003 |
R Farda | - | Radio FARDA bestätigte nach 15 Tagen mit teildet. Brief auf Papier von Radio FREE EUROPE / Radio LIBERTY. Unterzeichnerin war Jarka Polakova Administative assistant of Radio FARDA in Vinohradska 1 110 00 Praha. Ich hörte die Frequenz 11875 kHz um 0550 UTC-Zeit am 15.01.2003 | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Feb 2003 |
R Farda | - | Received a email verification of my Saturday (2-16-03) report in three days from Radio Farda today. Send reports via their comment feedback address on their website ( They do not have Qsl cards available as of yet. EQSL better than nothing I guess!. | B.Combs-NM-USA | HCDX-ML | Feb 2003 |
R Farda | [CLN] | R.Farda via Iranawila, 21575, full-data e-mail verie in 2 days. | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Mrz 2003 |
R Farda | [G] | R.Farda via Wooferton, 15410, full-data e-mail verie in 3 days. | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Mrz 2003 |
R Farda | [GRC] | R.Farda, Kavala, 9435, full-data e-mail verie in 2 days. | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Mrz 2003 |
R Farda | [KWT] | R Farda 1593 e-post 2d | K.-E.Stridh-S | Norwegian DX News 2003-02 | Mrz 2003 |
R Farda | [UAE] | R Farda/Al Dhabbaya 1539 e-post Sendinger på farsi i samarbeid mellom VoA og RFE/RL - popmusikk og nyheter etter mønster fra arabiskspråklige R Sawa. | K.-E.Stridh-S | Norwegian DX News 2003-02 | Mrz 2003 |
R Farda | - | Radio Farda Hier ist der Text, den ich als Antwort (nach zwei Tagen) auf eine email an die Station erhalten habe. Etwas enttäuscht bin ich schon, aber das Wörtchen "yet" stimmt mich zuversichtlich. Sie haben "noch" keine QSL-Karten. Könnte sich also noch Šndern. Frequenz war 13,680 MHz, weiss jemand das QTH? "Thank you for your email to Radio Farda. We are happy to have you as a listener. We do not have QSL cards yet, so please accept this email as a confirmation of your reception report below. Your friends at Radio Farda" | J.Leyder-LUX | A-DX-ML | Apr 2003 |
R Farda | [D] | R Farda via Jülich no ret. postage 9785 qsl-card 65 days | P.Gager-AUT | BDXC-UK 2003-04 | Apr 2003 |
R Farda | [MRC] | R Farda (via Briech) no ret. postage 11835 qsl-card 65 days | P.Gager-AUT | BDXC-UK 2003-04 | Apr 2003 |
R Farda | - | Radio Farda: Email with: "Thank you for your email to Radio Farda. We are happy to have you as a listener. We do not have QSL cards yet, so please accept this email as a confirmation of your reception report below. "Exactly the same txt as Radio Sawa's Email-QSLs. Should be a valid QSL ? for email-RR after 1w ( | T.M.Rösner-D | direct to QIP | Apr 2003 |
R Farda | [D] | 13680, R.Farda via Lampertheim, full data e-mail verie in 12 days. | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Apr 2003 |
R Farda | [D] | 9515, R.Farda via Biblis, full data e-mail verie in 5 hours. | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Apr 2003 |
R Farda | [MRC] | 17675, R.Farda relay, full data e-mail verie in 10 hours. | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Apr 2003 |
R Farda | [THA] | 9785, R.Farda via Udor Thani, full data e-mail verie in 7 days. | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Apr 2003 |
R Farda | [KWT] | R Farda 1593 e-post 12d Adresse: | B.Tandberg-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2003-03 | Apr 2003 |
R Farda | [GRC] | R Farda 13680 e-post 2d Torre har ikke oppgitt QTH, men jeg har for-søksvis plassert den her fordi senderen i Kavala brukes på frekvensen mye av dagen. | T.-H.Ekblom-FIN | Norwegian DX News 2003-03 | Apr 2003 |
R Farda | - | Radio Farda (13680 kHz - Kavalla) : f/d QSL-card via VoA, including handwritten remark "RADIO FARDA", after 2m fr eRR. "Gleiche QSL" wie von Radio SAWA seinerzeit. | T.M.Rösner-D | direct to QIP | Mai 2003 |
R Farda | [KWT] | R Farda e-mail 1593 e-mail 1 days | A.Bollin-D | BDXC-UK 2003-06 | Jun 2003 |
R Farda | - | Radio Farda 21530 kHz, 7 Tage, undet. Brief in neuer Aufmachung / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jun 2003 |
R Farda | - | Note of warning: I sent an inquirery
(non-report) via this same webpage; and my comment was sent back to me
with the same verbage added that: a) they did not have qsl cards yet,
however b) they were able to verify my "report." So my comment
was "verified." It appears that this comments section is an
auto-mated response page. Try and type "anything" on this page,
and see what you het in 2-3 days. This is why I DO NOT accept
e-verifications. I want to see paper!!!!! The frequencies of R FARDA are
listed on the VOA listings as "VOA." You may wish to get your
qsls through VOA for these sites. I sent some reports but am still
awaiting replys by mail. |
K.Rychalsky-CT-USA | HCDX-ML | Jul 2003 |
R Farda | - | Heute war bei meiner Post eine QSL Karte von RFE / Radio Liberty. Das außergewöhnliche daran, der Empfangsbericht vom 15.2.03 war an Radio Farda gerichtet. Leider steht auf der QSL nur Frequenz 21575 kHz, Zeit 13.05 UTC und Datum 15.2.03, kein Senderstandort. Der Stempel ist von Washington. Was hat RFE und Radio Farda gemeinsam und welcher Senderstandort könnte das sein? | F.Latsch-AUT | A-DX-ML | Feb 2004 |
R Farda | - | MOROCCO - 9805 R Farda p/d cd in 37 ds after f/ups. Sent rpt to Washington but card came from RFE in Prague | S.Paszkiewicz-WI-USA | DXplorer-ML | Mrz 2004 |
R Farda | [UAE] | ABU DHABI : RADIO FARDA 1539 kHz RELAY SADIYAT, EMAIL REPLY in 2 d. EMAIL : WEB : | V.Korinek-AFS | Play-DX 2003-4 | Apr 2004 |
R Farda | [MRC] | R. Farda / 17845 kHz, 20 Tage, undetail. letter, Sticker | O.Schmitt-D | ADDX 2004-18 | Sep 2004 |
R Farda | [MRC] | Radio Farda 9865 kHz, P/D "RFE/RL headquarters" card from Washington office in 54 days. | D.Gauvin-NB-CAN | CIDX 2004-11 | Nov 2004 |
R Farda | [MRC] | R Farda/Briech 9585 brev 2 uke (weeks) | A.Husdal-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-02 | Feb 2005 |
R Farda | [UAE] | R Farda/Dhabbaya 1170 brev 2 uke (weeks) | A.Husdal-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-02 | Feb 2005 |
R Farda | [CLN] | R Farda/Iranawila 9350 kart | C.W.Englund-S | Norwegian DX News 2005-02 | Feb 2005 |
R Farda | [TJK] | R Farda/Dushanbe 5860 kart avis 2penner alm | K.-E.Stridh-S | Norwegian DX News 2005-02 | Feb 2005 |
R Farda | [MRC] | R Farda, Briech 9585+ Dhabiyya 1170 verified on same letter. | A.Husdal-NOR | Webpage | Feb 2005 |
R Farda | [GRC] | 9435 kHz - R. Farda, via Kavala-GRC. Recebido: cartao QSL. 234 dias. V/S: ? QTH: Vinohradska 1, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic | R.Walter Grimm-SP-B | Atividade DX 243 | Mrz 2005 |
R Farda | [CLN] | R Farda/Iranawila 7580 brev 2 uke (weeks) | A.Husdal-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-03 | Apr 2005 |
R Farda | [GRC] | R Farda/Kavala 11845 brev 2 uke (weeks) | A.Husdal-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-03 | Apr 2005 |
R Farda | [UAE] | R Farda/Dhabbaya 1575 kart 2 uke (weeks) | A.Husdal-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-03 | Apr 2005 |
R Farda | [D] | R. Farda via Lampertheim / 13680 kHz, 25 Tage, det. VoA-K ohne Angabe „Farda“, Sticker | O.Schmitt-D | ADDX 2005-06 | Jun 2005 |
R Farda | [GRC] | Radio Farda 9775. Full-data RFE/RL Headquarters card in 7 months. | W.Craighead-KS-USA | DXplorer-ML | Dez 2005 |
R Farda | [UAE] | Radio Farda 1170 kHz. Full data Radio Free Europe QSL card (of all things!!) for IRC, v/s illegible (CE) | C.A.Edwards-NT-AUS | direct to QIP | Jan 2006 |
R Farda | - | I got a prepared card in today's mail for a UAE Radio Farda 1575 reception on OCT 24 2005. The comment on the card: "Very strange, but correct" An additional note was also enclosed: "Just got your mail. Thanks for reporting Radio Farda Medium Wave reception. Wish Iranian people were able to receive it without jamming." Behruz Nikzat, News Director. Return address: Behruz Kikzat, Radio Farda, Suite 400, 1201 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036. This is the 46th country I have verified on medium wave, and my most distant reception (via WTFDA-AM) | J.R.Renfrew-NY-USA | DXLD 6-027 | Feb 2006 |
R Farda | [UAE] | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 1575 R. Farda Dhabbaya QSL card 181d. v/s: none (from Prague address) | M.Procop-OH-USA | AMFMTVDX-ML | Apr 2006 |
R Farda | [UAE] | R Farda Relay IRC as return postage, 1575 kHz, qsl-card 20 days | J.Parker-G | BDXC-UK 2006-04 | Apr 2006 |
R Farda | [UAE] | Radio Farda 1170 kHz and 1575 kHz. A sign of VOA clearing it's old reception reports, full data QSL card plus calendar, etc for old 2005 report, sent originally to usual 330 Independence etc address in WRTH (CE) | C.A.Edwards-NT-AUS | direct to QIP | Mai 2006 |
R Farda | [UAE] | QSL received today for my 10/30/05 reception of Radio Farda on 1575 kHz from the UAE. The postage meter stamp shows it was mailed from Prague; the picture on the reverse is of a glass window at the entranceway with the RFE/RL logo. There is a reflection on the glass of buildings with "Patria" (horizontal) and "Oracle" (red; vertical) on them. | P.Taylor-WA-USA | IRCA-ML | Mai 2006 |
R Farda | [UAE] | R Farda US$ 1575 kHz, qsl-card 61 days (report sent to Radio Free Europe/R Liberty Prague address) | A.Schwegeler-D | BDXC-UK 2006-11 | Nov 2006 |
R Farda | [D] | RADIO FARDA via Wertachtal on 7105. E-mail from Walter Brodowsky in 7 hours. | W.Craighead-KS-USA | Cumbre DX-ML | Nov 2006 |
R Farda | [UAE] | Radio Farda Relay Dhabbaya 1575 kHz verified with a det. card (without tx-site) in 42 days. QTH: VoA, 330 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20237, USA. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Dez 2006 |
R Farda | [UAE] | Radio Farda 1575 kHz, 50 Tage, det. Karte via Voice of Amerika / 1 Dollar gehört in UAE | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jan 2007 |
R Farda | [D] | RADIO FARDA via WERTACHTAL, 9755. Full-data, including site, Prague RFE/RL building card in 7 months. | W.Craighead-KS-USA | DXplorer-ML | Jan 2007 |
R Farda | [SLK] | Radio Farda, parte de Radio Liberty-Radio Free Europe, 12.140 kHz, transmisiones en persa a Irán desde Iranawila. Confirma 2 informes de recepción con tarjeta QSL con imagen de su edificio corportativo. Confirmado en 134 días. Informes enviados por e-mail. | E.Peñailillo-CHL | direct to QIP | Apr 2007 |
R Farda | [UAE] | 1575 kHz - R. Farda, via Dhabayya. Recebido: QSL. 488 dias (follow-up enviado em 07.03.07). V/S: ?. Informe de recepção enviado por e-mail: | R.Walter Grimm-SP-B | Conexion Digital 423 | Jun 2007 |
R Farda | - | Radio Farda via Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 15690 kHz, 320 Tage, det. Karte mit QTH Iranawila / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Aug 2007 |
R Farda | [MRC] | VOA-RADIO FARDA-Briech 15165 kHz, QSL-card, no mention of Farda, no site in 42d. QTH: (via D.Monferini-ITA) | S.Gómez-E | direct to QIP | Okt 2007 |
R Farda | [D] | GERMANY: RADIO FARDA via WERTACHTAL, 9510. Full-data Media Broadcast antenna scenes e-QSL card from Michael Puetz in 4 months. | W.Craighead-KS-USA | DXplorer-ML | Dez 2008 |
R Farda | [UAE] | 1575 UAE, Radio Farda, received QSL card via Radio Liberty in 3 weeks. 1201 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington DC. 20036. No V/S. MW QSL: 3005, Country 96 (UAE). | P.Martin-OR-USA | mwoz-ML | Feb 2009 |
R Farda | [D] | Radio Farda via Wertachtal, 7280 kHz, full data RFE card in 120 days after follow-up sent to RFE in Prag. | V.Korinek-AFS | Play-DX-ML | Aug 2010 |
R Free Iran Index Iran Index Clandestine
[G] | 12025, Voice of Free Iran prgm via RFE / RL-Wofferton, full-data ltr, RFE / RL pamphlet, in 3 wks., v/s David Walcutt (Broadcast Operations Liaison). | V.Korinek-AFS | Numero Uno 1524 | Apr 99 |
[G] | Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Woofferton; Farsi Service; 11785 kHz; April 1, 1999; 16.21-16.38 UT; verification letter v/s David Walcutt, Broadcast Operations Liaison; 62 days; leaflet included received from 1201 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA; English report in postcard sent to Vinohradska 1, 11000 Prague 1, Czech. | S.Ashar Depok-INS | Laporan-DX 99-07/08 | Jul 99 |
R International Index Iran Index Clandestine
[MDA] | Radio International 7520 via Moldova. No data e-mail reply for follow up report in 2 hours. v/s Azer Majedi. Report sent to radio7520[ät] | T.Vaughan-G | direct to QIP | Mai 00 |
[MDA] | 7520, R. International via Grigoriopol, E-mail verie ltr from v/s Azar Majedi at radio7520[ät], in one day. Tried the E-mail approach because my postal rpt to BM Box 1499, London WC1N 3XX had just been returned with the annotation " GON AWAY " (love the spelling). (Foster-OZ) | D.Foster-AUS | Numero Uno 1580 | Mai 00 |
[MDA] | Ltr for R International (7520) has been returned back in 101 days Adress void with black marker and stamp shown 'RETURN SENDER GON AWAY ' (seems like pidgin english !) | Z.Liangas-GRC | HCDX-ML | Jun 00 |
[MDA] | 15550, R. International, verified in about 6 hrs. via E-mail to a rpt to the Radio7520[ät] address. v/s Ms. Azar Majedi said the following in her reply : " Thanks for your mail. I am surprised that our b / cing could be hrd in US. I read your mail with pleasure. I was wondering if ordinary SW radios could also receive our b / cing. Radio International is a left radio with socialist tendencies. Our b / cing as you realized is in Persian and is aimed at Iran. Our prgms have basically a political nature. Best regards, Ms. Azar Majedi. " | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Numero Uno 1594 | Sep 00 |
[MDA] | Radio International 15550, No data e-mail reply in 2 days. Report sent to radio7520[ät] v/s : Azar Majedi. | Ke.Hashimoto-J | direct to QIP | Okt 00 |
[MDA] | 7520 Radio International via Tiraspol (Grigoriopol) Relay. Verie statement reply to an e-mail document attachment to Radio7520[ät] brought back at reply, confirming my report. Also stated that none of my previous reports had reached them as well and thanked me for my interest. v/s Azar Majedi (E.Kusalik-CAN) | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | ODXA QSL Album 2000-10 | Okt 00 |
[MDA] | R International 7520 kHz, e-mail, rp : e 1 day. | J.Parker-G | WDXC QSL Report | Nov 00 |
[MDA] | R International/Grigoriopol 15550 em f/up. | K.Norlin-S | Norwegian DX News 2000-10 | Dez 00 |
[MDA] | 7520, R. Anternacional-e, simple E-mail "tnx for being a listener," promising a postal mail address, since the one in London (noted in CRW) is "changing"; in 2 wks. for E-mail rpt to radio7520[ät] From Ms. Azar Majedi, for a b/c from one of the Moldovan xmtrs. | D.Henderson-MD-USA | Numero Uno 1613 | Jan 01 |
[MDA] | R International 15550 kHz, e/e, rp : no, 6 hours. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | WDXC QSL Report | Jan 01 |
[MDA] | Today I recieved my first "clandestine" QSL. Iran - Radio Anternacional 9940 kHz. A n/d e-mail reply in 2 days from "azar majedi"; who was pleased I could hear them in the US thanking me for my report. | S.R.Barbour Jr-NH-USA | direct to QIP | Okt 02 |
R Iran Index Iran Index Clandestine
R Iran - det. Brief Vordruck 7170 kHz - 20.01.89 24 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Feb 89 |
R Iran of Tomorrow Index Iran Index Clandestine
- | R. Iran of Tomorrow QSL : I am forwarding the email as I received it. From : " A Qat " riot_studio[ät] To : dandan2[ät] X-OriginalArrivalTime : 16 Jan 2001 20 : 08 : 57.0528 (UTC) " sir : The mp3 you send us today is our broadcast ! It is very useful for us, how our broadcast is hearable to the audience ! Please continue with your support and thank you very much ! Regards, riot " | D.Henderson-MD-USA | direct to QIP | Jan 01 |
- | R. Iran of Tomorrow (R.Tomorrow's Iran) 5830 kHz, e-mail letter (No data) in 389 days. Report sent to riot_studio[ät] v/s : A Qat (name ?) | Ke.Hashimoto-J | direct to QIP | Jan 01 |
[MDA] | 12055, R. Iran of Tomorrow (via Grigoriopol), E-mail response from A. Qat at riot_studio[ät], taking 12 wks. Apologized for delay and said "we are grateful to see our audience is interested [in] our broadcast," and "we are very glad about your support, please continue." (Foster-OZ) | D.Foster-AUS | Numero Uno 1614 | Jan 01 |
R Payam-e Dost Index Iran Index Clandestine
R.Baha'i Int 7460 via Moldova site. email per Passport, s/on 0230 in Farsi, to close 0315, SIO 555. VG Payam-E Doost id at sign on 27 june, then 15 mins of childrens Bible story 0248 www details, 0312 kHz details. | R.Killick-NZL | HCDX-ML | Jun 04 |
R Pedar Index Iran Index Clandestine
- | On April 27th I got a nice acknowledge QSL-letter from Radio Pedar. The address on the envelope: Channel One TV, 6203 B Variel Avenue, Woodland Hills, CA 91367, USA. The letter text says that they are fighting for human rights and democracy in Iran. The frequency is now changed to 17735 kHz (ex 9740 kHz). Though this new frequency is not very well received in Iran, they are still one this frequency and working with the broadcasting company to change it to a more suitable one. | B.Fransson-S | direct to QIP | Apr 04 |
- | Today I received a Letter from Radio Pedar / Channel One TV in 30 days. 1 US-$ for RP. QTH: Channel One TV, 6203 B. Variel Ave., Woodland Hills, CA 91367, USA. The programme is aired from 10.30-11.30 AM Pacific Daylight Saving Time (1730-1830 UTC) on 17735 kHz. They hope to extend the time to about 3 hours. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Apr 04 |
[G] | 17735, R. Pedar (via Rampisham), no-data "thank you" ltr in one mo. for rpt with CD recording, V/S just "R. Pedar." This is part of Channel One TV in California, and the SW xmsn is one hour of a political talk show. Address: Channel one TV, 6203 B Variel Ave., Woodland Hills, CA 91367. | J.Berg-MA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Apr 04 |
- | In today's snail mail, there was a friendly, no data letter from clandestine Radio Pedar. I don't know what the transmitter site is. The frequency I heard them on was 9740 kHz. Here is some of what they said " Some of you dear listeners had referred to the previous frequency, 9740 kHz, which now is being changed to 17735 or 17.90 meter. Though this new frequency is not very well received in Iran, we are still on this frequency and working with the broadcasting company provided us this frequency to change to a more suitable one." and " we hope to expand broadcast time to about three hours, as soon as we could solve the technical difficulties.' This letter came in 25 days with a .37 cent US poatage stamp for return postage.The report was sent to 6203 B Variel Av, Woodland Hills, CA 91367 USA. | J.M.Fisher-MA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Apr 04 |
- | 17735 Radio Pedar (Father Radio) via Rampisham, UK. Full data PPC Card, signed with additional comments on the back of the card. The v/s mentioned that "my report was correct and that we are surprised that you received the signal with such strength, beamed from England to Iran'" Also indicated that 'now we are broadcasting on 15585 kHz at the same time' This for a report to Channel One TV 6203 B Varice Avenue, Woodland Hills, California, 91367, reply in 29 days. v/s illegible | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Mai 04 |
- | R. Pedar, 17735, partial data pers. letter in 8 weeks. | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Aug 04 |
R Sedaye Zan / Vo Woman Index Iran Index Clandestine
Radio Sedaye Zan (Voice of Women) bestätigte meinen Empfangsbericht an radio[ät] innerhalb von 8 Stunden mit einer undet. e-mail. v/s war Fariba, production manager of Radio VOW. Das Programm wird samstags um 1900 UTC auf 9495 kHz via Jülich ausgestrahlt und richtet sich an die Frauen im Iran. | P.Robic-AUT | A-DX-ML | Nov 04 |
I got the following message and "QSL" from Radio Voice of Women, clandestine for Iran yesterday: "Dear Björn, Thank you so much for your report… and details of the program. We really appriciate your message. Can you send us more information on the reception? Was the volume ok? [..] Thanks again, Fariba, Production manager of Radio VOW" The address I used: email: radio[ät] website: | B.Fransson-S | HCDX-ML | Nov 04 |
R Vo Iran / R Seda-ye
Iran Index Iran Index Clandestine
[TJK] | 7480, R. Sedaye Iran (via Tajikistan), has a new address for those seeking QSLs : KRSI, 9744 Wilshire Blvd (Suite 207), Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Their old address (PWBR-2000) was in Santa Monica, but has been invalid for the past six mos. | D.Henderson-MD-USA | direct to QIP | Jan 01 |
- | Just wanted to let you know that my letter / report for the station, Radyo Seda-ye Iran, was returned from the London, GB address (BM BOX 1499 London WC1N3XX) The reply stated : 'NO longer at this address - return to sender' Have you heard anything to differ this ? or if they have a new address ? I'm just wondering if the box is just closed or if they have moved to a new one ? Any help or reply would be welcome. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Jan 01 |
- | Radio SEDAYE IRAN 17510 kHz letter not signed. Address: 9744 WILSHIRE BLVD, SUITE 207, ZIP*90212 BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA. Web : http://WWW.KRSI.NET | G.Bellabarba-I | Play-DX 1175 | Nov 02 |
- | R.Sedaye Iran (K.R.S.I.), 11575, full-data form-letter in 5 weeks. Address: 9744 Wilshire Blvd., #207, Beverly Hills, CA 90212, U.S.A. | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Mrz 03 |
- | 11635 Radyo Sedya-ye Iran. Confirmation letter stating my letter had some changes and they are on 17525 now. Also received back my Prepared Verification Sheet with full data and signed. This in response to my fourth attempt, after sending a follow-up to their Beverly Hills address for my 2 years, 7 month old report. v/s illegible. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Mai 03 |
- | 11575, R. Sedaye Iran (KRSI), good looking ltr veri with incorrect fqy (17525), also info sheet. Rptd to and replied from KRSI, 9744 Wilshire Blvd. (207), Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Oddly, says xmtr site is "Mount Wilson," maybe referring to the Mt. Wilson Observatory near Los Angeles? In 6 wks. for CD rpt. Pretty extensive website at | J.Berg-MA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Mai 03 |
- | 17525 K.R.S.I. Radio Sedaye Iran, 9744 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 207, Beverly Hills, CA 90212, Estados Unidos. QSL letter around 20 days. V/S: illegible. In the letter appear the following web site: | A.L.Slaen-ARG | direct to QIP | Jun 03 |
- | Radio Sedaye Iran (KRSI) verified my reception report with US$1 by a QSL letter after 16 days. Signed but the signature was illegible. Address: 9744 Wilshire Blvd. Ste. 207, Beverly Hills, CA 90212, U.S.A. Schedule: 1530-1730 11575 kHz(Moldova) URL: Telephone: +1 (310) 888-2818; FAX: +1 (310) 859-8444. | T.Aklabayashi-J | DXLD 5-109 | Jul 05 |
- | Radio Sedaye Iran (K.R.S.I) 11,575 (via Sofia?). Partial-data letter for a logging in Vietnam. | W.Craighead-KS-USA | DXplorer-ML | Sep 05 |
R Zamaneh Index Iran Index Clandestine
[UKR] | Radio Zamaneh 6245 kHz verified with a det. card in 54 days. RR sent by e-mail to postal address: Linnaeusstraat 35-F, NL-1093 EE Amsterdam, The Netherlands. v/s Mehdi Jami, RZ director. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Okt 06 |
[UKR] | Today I got a very nice picture QSL card from the iranian exile Radio Zamaneh (6245 kHz), Amsterdam, The Netherlands for my eRR. Full detailed QSL without location of the transmitter. | T.M.Rösner-D | DXLD-ML | Okt 06 |
[UKR] | Today I received after 46 days a nice Persian style QSL-card of clandestine Radio Zamaneh on 6245 kHz by ordinary mail from Linnaeusstraat 35-F, NL-1093 EE Amsterdam, the Netherlands, signed Mehdi Jami, RZ Director. I sent my reception report by e-mail to The Russian transmitter was not mentioned on the QSL. | A.Petersen-DNK | DXplorer-ML | Okt 06 |
[UKR] | 6245, R. Zamaneh, a beautifully designed, full-data QSL-card rcvd for an e-mail rpt with RealAudio recording. Card depicts a book with stn logo on the right, lstnr's full-data details on the left, and a small "QSL-card depicting a microphone" clipped to the top of the left-hand page. I sent my rpt to both and to stn director Mehdi Jami at; Jami replied with an e-mail of tnx, saying he would send a card. (He also translated my rpt into Farsi and posted it on their website at ) Card was accompanied by a separate white card from Jami, "Dear radio-lover," thanking for the rpt. Rcvd in 6 wks from Holland, return addresses on envelope given as: Linnaeusstraat 35-F, 1093-EE Amsterdam, and Postbox 92027, 1090-AA Amsterdam. | J.Berg-MA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Okt 06 |
[UKR] | I received one of my most beautiful QSL cards ever during the week. It is from Radio Zamaneh and pictures a book (The Holy Quran?) with a complete QSL text to the left and a very nice logo of the station (I think!) to the right. Also a small paper from Mehdi Jami, RZ Director, thanking for the "excellent report". Addresses on the envelope: Linnaeusstraat 35-F, 1093 EE Amsterdam, Postbox 92027, 1090 AA Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The first address is a good remembrance of the Swedish "Linneaus Year", celebrated over all Sweden next year! | B.Fransson-S | HCDX-ML | Okt 06 |
[UKR] | R. Zamaneh 6245 kHz - Linnaeusstraat 35-F - 1093 EE Amsterdam - ( o Postbus 92027 - 1090 AA Amsterdam ) - Olanda con QSL in 44 giorni per rapporto inviato a v/s Mehdi Jami Director. | R.Pavanello-I | direct to QIP | Nov 06 |
- | R. Zamaneh, 6245, nice looking f/d QSL card in 7-1/2 weeks for an e-mail rpt with mp3 recording to both and Also received a separate "Dear radio-lover" thank you card signed by Mehdi Jami, RZ Director. Envelope was mailed from Amsterdam. A beautifully designed QSL package! | J.Herkimer-NY-USA | DXplorer-ML | Nov 06 |
- | 6245, R. Zamaneh, a beautifully designed, full-data QSL-card rcvd for an e-mail rpt with RealAudio recording. Card depicts a book with stn logo on the right, lstnr's full-data details on the left, and a small "QSL-card depicting a microphone" clipped to the top of the left-hand page. I sent my rpt to both and to stn director Mehdi Jami at; Jami replied with an e-mail of tnx, saying he would send a card. (He also translated my rpt into Farsi and posted it on their website at ) Card was accompanied by a separate white card from Jami, "Dear radio-lover," thanking for the rpt. Rcvd in 6 wks from Holland, return addresses on envelope given as: Linnaeusstraat 35-F, 1093-EE Amsterdam, and Postbox 92027, 1090-AA Amsterdam. Very nice. | J.Berg-MA-USA | ODXA 2006-12 | Dez 06 |
- | Von Radio Zamaneh kam eine individuell gestaltete QSL. | P.Vaegler-D | A-DX-ML | Feb 07 |
[RUS] | R Zamaneh e-mail 6245 kHz, qsl-card 43 days | J.Parker-G | BDXC-UK 2007-02 | Feb 07 |
- | Radio Zamaneh 6245 kHz, 125 days, det. Karte, Visitenkarte / 2 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Feb 07 |
- | Heute lag eine sehr schöne Foto-QSL von Radio Zamaneh im Briefkasten. Laufzeit ca. 4 Wochen. | F.-W.Adam-D | A-DX-ML | Mrz 07 |
- | Radio Zamaneh 6245 kHz, 140 days, det. Karte, Visitenkarte zweite Bestätigung | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 07 |
- | 6245 Radio Zamaneh (via Simferopol/Mykolaiv.Ukraine Transmitters) In response to my initial e-mail report with a MP3 audio attachment, received a QSL card depicting Postcards themes with Radio Zamaneh indicated. The next day received another full data card; this for an e-mail report with details for my second logging of this station. Replies in 2 months time from these e-mail address’s where I directed my reports too: and v/s M.Jami RZ Director. | E.Kusalik-ALB-CAN | direct to QIP | Mrz 07 |
- | 6245 Radio Zamaneh, Linnaeusstraat 35-F, 1093 EE Ámsterdam, The Netherlands. QSL Card full data in 23 days.- Very nice QSL with my name and all information about the log. The station sent me a card with the Radio Zamaneh Director’s cumpliments. V/S: Mehdi Jami, RZ Director | A.Slaen-ARG | Noticias DX-ML | Mrz 07 |
- | R. Zamaneh / 6245 kHz, 115 Tage, detaillierte Karte / RR per eMail | E.Röscher-D | ADDX 2007-04 | Apr 07 |
- | R. Zamaneh / 6245 kHz, 112 Tage, detaillierte Karte / $ | J.Waga-D | ADDX 2007-04 | Apr 07 |
- | R Zamaneh e-mail 6245 kHz, 2 qsl-card 93 days (email report sent to v/s Mehdi Jami, Director) | D.Kenny-G | BDXC-UK 207-04 | Apr 07 |
- | 6245, Radio Zamaneh verified via the Amsterdam address with a photo quality full data card in 160 days with a brief note on cardboard stock from v/s Mehdi Jami, RZ Director. Reply apparently came by surface mail spending seven weeks in transit. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Mai 07 |
- | R. Zamaneh / 6245 kHz, 31 Tage, detaillierte Karte, Grußkarte / $ | F.W.Adam-D | ADDX 2007-06 | Jun 07 |
- | Radio Zamaneh, 6245 kHz, Bericht per E-Mail, 46 Tage, det Karte v/s M.Jami. | P.Vaegler-D | direct to QIP | Jun 07 |
- | 16/May/2007, QSL card from Radio Zamaneh, 03/Mar/2007, 6245 kHz. Sent report to contact Q | I.Zelenyi-RUS | Signal 171b | Jun 07 |
Vo the Mojahed Index Iran Index Clandestine
- | 6540 / 6250, Voice of the Mojahed verified a follow-up report from 1993 in 962 days by signing my prepared card from v/s Mr. Majid Taleghani. He gave the address as : Mr. Majid Taleghani, Mojahedines de Peuple d'Iran, 17 rue des Gords, F-95430 Auvers-sur-oise, France Needless to say I am quite pleased with this one since I had long ago given up on these guys. I was surprise to say the least. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Cumbre DX 077 | Mrz 96 |
- | My letter with a report to the Voice of Mojahed address in England (M.I.S.S., BM Box 9720, London WC1N 3XX) has been returned with a remark -Return to sender - no longer at this address-. (Grigoriev via Kropf) | G.Grigoriev-RUS | Cumbre DX 079 | Mrz 96 |
- | Voice of the Mojahed 5450 kHz verified with an undet. Letter in 71 days. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Dez 96 |
- | Voice of Mojahed, c / o Heibatollahi, Postfach 502107, 50981 Koeln, Germany. QSL letter from VoM received here, the mailing address was given in Germany, but the envelope was stamped and came from Iraq. (via BCDX 389) | R.Pankov-BUL | CRW 016 | Okt 98 |
- | 6540 Voice of Mojahed On September the 12th I sent another follow-up to this e-mail address mojahed[ät] requesting clarification on a previous logging. October the 4th received back a verification response stating that my report was some what out of date but still correct and also that they had never received any of my previous correspondences. Strange, for this being as I have sent (since 1988) reports to a least six different postal address's (the last to Iraq in February 2000) Just the same the wait was well worth it.v/s Public Relations | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Okt 01 |
Index Iran Index Clandestine Previous Page : To Indonesia Next Page : To Iraq