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BC-DX QSL-Information for Clandestine Radio Stations broadcasting
to Eritrea
Eritrea Previous Page : To El Salvador Next Page : To Ethiopia
Millennium Voice Index Eritrea
Index Clandestine
- | 21550 Millennium Voice sent a brief thanks to a reception report sent to Millenniumvoice[ät] | M.Fathi-D | Cumbre DX 390 | Mrz 02 |
Vo Delina
Index Eritrea Index Clandestine
- | Voice of Delina, Eritrean clandestine on 15650 kHz. E-mail, confirming my reception report on the initital broadcast on January 1st. QSL from Tesfa Delina Foundation, V/s: Tes. | B.Fransson-S | HCDX-ML | Jan 05 |
- | Voice of Delina verified my reception report with US$1 by a Prepared Form QSL card in English after 12 days. Signed as ``Tesfa``, which may mean ``Tesfaldet A. Meharenna`` Address: Tesfa Delina Foundation, 17326 Edwards Rd A-230, Cerritos, CA 90703, U.S.A. Schedule: Sat 1500-1600 15660 kHz Tigrina URL: (in Amharic) In the URL other clandestine stations -- Voice of Democratic Eritrea, Voice of Liberty, Voice of Eritrean People, which may be under the same control, are also listed. | T.Aklabayashi-J | DXLD 5-109 | Jul 05 |
- | 12130 Voice of Delina via TDP-Armavia. Full data Prepared QSL Cards, signed, for my Postal rpt to their California address. Reply in 12 days. Report sent to this address: Tesfa Delina Foundation, 17326 Road, A-230 Cerritos, California. 90703 v/s illegible | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Sep 05 |
- | Voice of Delina 12130 kHz Prepared QSL card in 7d for English report & Prepared QSL card with 1$. | Ke.Hashimoto-J | direct to QIP | Sep 05 |
- | One week after sending a follow-up report to Voice of Delina for reception on 15650, I received my report back with a personal note. It stated they do not have QSL cards at this time and "please be assured you heard us." Signature not legible. My report was sent to Voice of Delina, c/o Tesfa Delina Foundation, Inc., 17326 Edwards Rd., A-230, Cerritos, CA 90703, following up a March 5, 2005, report for reception on that day. Site? At the time of this logging various sources suggested Bulgaria, although Russia is mentioned for more recent frequencies. | W.Craighead-KS-USA | direct to QIP | Feb 06 |
- | Voice of Delina 7560 kHz, 21 Tage, det. PPC via Voice of Delina 17326 Edwards Rd. Suite A-230 Cerritos, CA 90703 USA | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 06 |
[RUS] | (stazione chiusa) VOICE OF DELINA Krasnodar 12130 kHz, Cartolina QSL TDP in 4 anni. RP: 1$. QTH: TDP - P.O. Box 1 - B-2310 Rijkevorsel (Belgio). V/s: Ludo Maes. | L.Botto Fiora-I | | Okt 09 |
Vo Democratic Alliance of Eritrea
Index Eritrea Index Clandestine
[ETH] | Heute eingetroffen: PPC mit allen Daten, incl. Senderstandort Äthiopien von der "Voice of Democratic Alliance of Eritrea", gehört am 19.11.2006 von 1500 bis 1600 UTC via Radio Ethiopia auf 7.165 kHz. (ging übrigens auch heute wieder ganz gut). Mein Empfangsbericht ging an: Voice of Democratic Alliance, c/o Eritrean Democratic Alliance, P.O. Box 13043, Khartoum, Sudan. Die Antwort kam im Brief mit schönen Marken von M. Asmerom, Box 123065, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. handschriftlich ergänzt wurde: "Yes, you are right. That is the Radio of Eritrean Democracy Alliance". | R.Bessler-D | A-DX-ML | Jan 07 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea
Index Eritrea Index Clandestine
Vo Democratic Eritrea | - | I am very proud to show you today a new QSL from the Eritrean Liberation front ELF-RC receoved today 12-3-98 in 20 days ! Below is their letter retyped (it is the firt time that my OCR program has been crashed) - This is to confirm your reception of our radio transmission The Voice of Democratic Eritrea on the time and frequency your recorded : congratulations YOU happen to be one among the first persons around the world who reported back After all this transmission which preaches democracy peace reconciliation and justice will no doubt play a crucial role in the ongoing pacification and democratization process in Eritrea and the entire region. Thank you for the interest you have taken in our transmission take care and keep in touch. Cordially, Seyoum O Michael Mm of Executive Committee ELF RC, POBox 200343, 53134 Bonn FRG, tel fax 49 0 228356 181 email -- I think that this can be possibly the most significant letter I ever had from a clandestine station ! They also maintain a web page found at | Z.Liangas-GRC | TFW 055 | Mrz 1998 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | - | 9230, Voice of Democratic Eritrea, stnd ltr from v/s Seyoum O. Michael (Member of Executive Committee, ELF-RC). ELF-RC is the Eritrean Liberation Front Revolutionary Council. Arrived from P.O. Box 200343, 53134 Bonn, Germany, in 17 days after follow-up, total wait 4 mos. | D.Foster-AUS | Numero Uno 1475 | Mai 1998 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | [D] | The Voice of Democratic Eritrea, P O Box 200343, 53134 Bonn, Germany, v/s : Seyoum O. Michael, Mem. of Executive Committee ELF-RC, answered with a very nice personal letter and confirmation in English (frequency was 9230 kHz). | B.Fransson-S | CRW 017 | Nov 1998 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | [D] | Voice of DEMOCRATIC ERITREA 9230 kHz p / d letter 30d. v/s : Seyoun O. Michael. QTH : Eritrean Liberation Front, P.O.Box 200 343, DE-53134 Bonn, Germany (Naswa, Dec. 98, USA) | K.W.Field-USA | Play-DX 1013 | Feb 1999 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | [D] | 15670 The Voice of Democratic Eritrea sent a letter v/s Seyoum O.Michel, Postfach 1946, D-65428 Ruesselheim, Germany saying that, quote "you happen to be among the first few around the world who correctly monitored our transmissions and reported back" - I think that there are quite many "before me". | T.-H.Ekblom-DNK | Cumbre DX 380 | Jan 2002 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | [D] | Vo Democratic Eritrea/Nauen 15670 b 107d v/s Seyoum O. Michael, Postfach 1946, D-65428 Rüsselheim. | T.-H.Ekblom-FIN | Norwegian DX News 2002-01 | Jan 2002 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | [D] | 15670 Voice of Democratic Eritrea, via Jülich, full detailed letter in 4 weeks. Addr: Postfach 1946, D-65428 Ruesselheim, Germany. | A.Fernández Llorella-E | HCDX-ML | Feb 2002 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | [D] | Vo Democratic Eritrea 15.670,00 kHz [Jülich-D -QIP], PPC 11 Tage, PPC Details : ja. | D.Schulz-D | EAWRC 298 | Mrz 2002 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | [D] | Voice of Demokratic Eritrea 5925 kHz 225d. Letter. | F.Carnevalini-I | Play-DX 1161 | Jun 2002 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | [D] | Voice of Demokratik Eritrea (VORE) 15670 kHz Letter after F/up 22d. NO IRC. QTH: Voice of Democratic Eritrea ELF/RC POST FACH 1946, DE-65428 Russelheim, Germany. | S.M.Kolesov-UKR | Play-DX 1161 | Jun 2002 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | [D] | 15670 VO Democratic Eritrea: report returned by Deutsche Post in 48 days, marked "Empfanger"(?) and "Adresse insuffisante", from the Bonn, Germany address. Tomorrow morning (12/06) I will try mailing to the Ruesselheim, Germany address. | S.R.Barbour Jr.-NH-USA | direct to QIP | Dez 2002 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | [D] | VOICE OF DEMOCRATIC ERITREA - ELF-RC. - Pf. 1946 - 65409 Rüsselsheim - Germany con QSL in 16 giorni. 1 IRC+C10. La QSL scannerizzata è già nella nostra gallery. | R.Scaglione-I | BCL-News-ML | Mrz 2003 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | [D] | VO Democratic Eritrea 15670 Short, f/d QSL letter in 84 ds for 1 IRC for rpt. to the Rüsselsheim, Germany address. 133 ds in all, rpt. originally sent to the Bonn, Germany address was returned by Luftpost. v/s Illegible over "VODE "ink-stamp. | S.R.Barbour Jr.-NH-USA | direct to QIP | Mrz 2003 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | [D] | 15670, Voice of Democratic Eritrea verified by report by signing and stamping my prepared card in 20 days for US$1.00 return postage indicating power as "100 watts." I suspect the power may be wrong, possibly 100 KW? | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Mrz 2003 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | [D] | V.of Democratic Eritrea, 15670, full-data QSL sheet in 10 months. Address: Postfach 1946, 65409 Rüsselsheim, Germany. | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Mrz 2003 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | [D] | 15670, Voice of Democratic Eritrea, full-data paper QSL card, good veri statement, handstamp, personal note about lstng at 1600 LT Saturday on 5925. V/S appears to be same as name in envelope return address, i.e. Neguse Tseggon. Rptd to and rcvd from P.O. Box 1946, 65409 Rüsselsheim, Germany. Also says 100 kw, 130 degrees Mon-Thu, non-directional to Europe on Sat. In 2 wks. for CD rpt. | J.Berg-MA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Apr 2003 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | [D] | 15670 kHz. VOICE OF DEMOCRATIC ERITREA, ELF-RC, Postfach 1946, 65409 Rüsselsheim (Alemania). Tarjeta Qsl en papel con datos completos, No IRC idioma verificado:Tigrina y Arabe, el tiempo de demora fue de 34 dias. Esta emisora transmitia a traves de la planta alemana de Jülich de la DTK | J.Hernández Madrid-E | Lista Conexion Digital-ML | Apr 2003 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | [D] | VOICE OF DEMOCRATIC ERITREA 15670 kHz QSL-STENCIL 300 d. NO IRC. ADDRESS : P.O.BOX 1946, DE-RUESSELSHEIM, GERMANY. | ?-? | Play-DX 2003 | Apr 2003 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | [D] | Vo Dem. Eritrea / 15670 kHz, 9 Tage, detailed card / Rp. | S.-P.Liehr-D | ADDX 2003-15 | Aug 2003 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | [D] | 5925 kHz, VOICE OF DEMOCRATIC ERITREA (Dimtsi Dimocrasyawit Eritrea), (Clandestine via DTK Jülich), full data A5 qsl-letter with personal remark, v/s Neguse Tseggou, In 24 days for a report with 1 EUR in stamps to : Voice of Democratic Eritrea, Postfach 1946, 65409 Rüsselsheim, Deutschland. | M.Schöch-D | direct to QIP | Sep 2003 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | [D] | Vo Dem. Eritrea / 5925 kHz, 16 Tage, det. B / Rp. | K.-P.Hilger-D | ADDX 2003-19 | Okt 2003 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | - | Vo Dem. Eritrea IRC 15610 kHz, lettter, 18 days | J.Parker-G | BDXC-UK 2004-01 | Jan 2004 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | - | Voice of Democratic Eritrea 9820 kHz, 11 Tage, det. Brief via Adresse Postfach 1946 65409 Rüsselheim / Portersatz | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 2005 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | [D] | 13630 Voice of Democratic Eritrea via DTK-Telekom via Julich Transmitter. E-mail verification response for a e-mail report to:Walter.Brodowsky Reply in 2 days v/s: Walter Brodowsky. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Mai 2007 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | [D] | 13630 Voice of Democratica Eritrea ( via DTK-Jülich Transmitter).My CD Report to: Postfach 1946, 65409 Rüsselsheim, Germany , was 'returned to sender with insufficient address indicated'. This after 2 months in transit. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Jun 2007 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | [D] | My reception report (letter with MP3 CD Recording) for Voice of Democratic Eritrea, 13630 kHz ( via Julich) c/o EFF-RC Office, Neue-Mainzer Street 24, D-60311 Frankfurt am Main, Germany was returned after 3 months, indicated as 'non responsive' and 'insufficient address'(?) . | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Okt 2007 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | [D] | 13630 Voice of Democratica Eritrea via DTK-Julich Transmitter. Received a e-mail verification reply to my last Postal attempt sent to the Frankfurt address. V/S confirmed my report as them and appreciate for me writing to them, confirming the date and time of this reception. This for a CD MP3 Postal report to Eritreisches Zentrum 2, stock(2nd Floor) Neue Mainzer Strasse 24, D-60311 Frankfurt, Germany. Special thanks to Bernd Trutenau for assistance on the correct address for this one. Reply in 8 days, after sending second follow-up to the posted address, total of eight months. v/s: Neguse Tseggai, Head of Administration Body. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Okt 2007 |
Vo Democratic Eritrea | [D] | Voice of Democratic Eritrea 13820 kHz verified with a det. pdf-File via Media Broadcast in 109 days. E-mail: v/s Michael Puetz | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Nov 2008 |
Vo Eritrea Index Eritrea Index Clandestine
[ETH] | Voice of Eritrea (via Ethiopia), 7165 kHz, Email verie in 135 days, V/s : Samuel Andeberhan. He says he is writing from Addis Ababa, QTH: Email | V.Korinek-AFS | Play-DX-ML | Aug 10 |
Vo Eritrean People Index Eritrea Index Clandestine
- | V. of Eritrean People, 13690 kHz, partial data e-mail verie in 8 hours from webmaster[ät] | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Mrz 04 |
Vo Liberty Eritrea Index Eritrea Index Clandestine
[RUS] | Voice of Liberty Eritrea 9485 kHz, 1306 Tage, det Karte via TDP, P.O.Box 1, 2310 Rijkevorsel, Belgium/ 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Sep 09 |
[RUS] | (stazione chiusa) VOICE OF LIBERTY ERITREA Samara 15675 kHz, Cartolina QSL TDP in 5 anni. RP: 1$. QTH: TDP - P.O. Box 1 - B-2310 Rijkevorsel (Belgio). V/s: Ludo Maes. | L.Botto Fiora-I | | Okt 09 |
[RUS] | (stazione chiusa) VOICE OF LIBERTY ERITREA Krasnodar 15675 kHz, Cartolina QSL TDP in 4 anni. RP: 1$. QTH: TDP - P.O. Box 1 - B-2310 Rijkevorsel (Belgio). V/s: Ludo Maes. | L.Botto Fiora-I | | Okt 09 |
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