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BC-DX QSL-Information for Clandestine Radio Stations broadcasting
to Angola
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VORGAN Index Angola
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- | VORGAN / 7100 kHz, 2000 days, det. qsl-card, letter / $ (returned) took 5 1 / 2 years . | J.Waga-D | ADDX-Kurier 1998-21 | Nov 98 |
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R Ecclesia Index Angola Index Clandestine
- | We've already had requests for QSL's for the Radio Ecclesia transmissions via Radio Netherlands. Unfortunately, Radio Netherlands is not in a position to QSL any of the transmissions of other broadcasters who hire airtime from us. Quite simply, a proper QSL should include verification of program details. As we only provide technical facilities for the other broadcasters, Radio Netherlands does not have those details. Reports should always be sent direct to the broadcasters concerned: they produce the programs, not us. On the other hand, we are happy to verify reports of Radio Netherlands' own programs over any of the shortwave sites we use. (via HCDX & Marcelo) | A.Sennitt-HOL | Cumbre DX 305 | Jul 00 |
- | 15175 Radio Ecclesia. Se recibio QSL por email escribiendo a la siguiente direccion : ecclesia[ät] La confirmacion virtual se recibio en unas 20 horas y el v/s fue el señor Antonio Jaca. | A.L.Slaen-ARG | Conexion Digital 069 | Aug 00 |
[HOL] | QSL Radio Ecclesia, Angola : Radio Ecclesia (Angola) via RN Flevo 15175 kHz, e-mail 2 weeks v/s Antonio Jaca. Address : ecclesia[ät] | H.Romppainen-FIN | direct to QIP | Aug 00 |
[MDG] | Radio Ecclesia via Radio Netherlands Madagascar relay site, 15195. No data e-mail reply in Portuguese, to e-mail report in Portuguese in 3 days. Address; ecclesia[ät] copy of letter : 'Caro Senhor, Agradecemos a informação de recepção que nos envia. Confirmamos serem correctas. Estivemos a emitir nas horas e frequências por vós mencionadas de 17 a 25 de Julho. Presentemente interrompemos estas emissões para acertos técnicos. Agredecemos mais uma vez o interesse pela nossa Rádio., Rádio Ecclesia, Direcção Geral' | T.Vaughan-G | direct to QIP | Aug 00 |
[MDG] | 15195, R. Ecclesia via Madagascar (also 15175 via Flevo), brief but positive E-mail confirmation in 8 days after follow-up. No v/s, but rpt sent to Antonio Jaca (Direccao Geral) at ecclesia[ät] | D.Foster-AUS | Numero Uno 1598 | Okt 00 |
[D ] | 13810, R. Ecclesia (via DTK), very nice logo card in EG ("We confirm that it was our station.."), gives sked, v/s Maria [last name illegible]. Also sent nice postcard. This by postal mail in 3-1/2 mos., and preceded by two E-mail confirmations. No mention of DTK. In separate envelope also sent a color printout of the stn history taken off their website Address on the envelopes is: R. Ecclesia, Rua Ctd Bula 118, C.P. 3579, Luanda, Angola. This for both E-mail and postal rpts. Not direct, of course, but how many ltrs do we get from Angola? | J.Berg-MA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Aug 01 |
[D ] | R. Ecclesia (via DTK) : Second E-mail rcvd, this one from someone different, with different E-mail address. "We have received your letter of July 22, 2001 on which you enformed about our SW transmission. Indeed we confirmed that it was our station, R. Ecclesia, broadcasting from Angola, since April 20, 2001 in the following frequencies: 1. 06h00 on 15545 kHz, 2. 19h00 on 13810 kHz. We would like to thank so much for the information you proved. Best Regards, Sr. Maria. We send already to you a postal mail.." This from what appears to be a special SW E-mail address--"Ondas Curtas" swave[ät] seems to be in response to my postal rpt. Earlier E-mail in response to my E-mail rpt was from Jose Paulo, News Director, reclesia[ät] for a follow-up E-mail rpt to ecclesia[ät] Nothing yet in the postal mail. | J.Berg-MA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Aug 01 |
[D ] | R. Ecclesia (via DTK), not exactly a full-data veri, but this E-mail message: "Jerry. Thanks a lot for your rpt about our SW svc. We Radio Ecclesia are very happy to hear from you. The war still on. People die every day in this country, and we are the only radio which can tell the truth to the people. It is a dangerous job. We want to up date our page in the internet, but money is our headache. If you could help us to find ways to finance this radio or some of its programs, such as human rights, education, information, please contact us through this email. Thanks once more. Best regards, Jose Paulo, News Director of Radio Ecclesia." This a week after a follow-up E-mail rpt to ecclesia[ät] for a May E-mail/postal rpt; however, message rcvd from reclesia[ät] | J.Berg-MA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Aug 01 |
- | Informo aos amigos da lista o QSL recebido no dia de hoje, como segue: 13810kHz Rádio Ecclesia - Angola - Recebido cartão de QSL da emissora e um lindo cartão postal, no qual a Sr. Maria agradece a sintonia, e acusa recebimento de meu IR de recepção, datado de 24/05/2001, e agradece também as informações por mim pres- tadas no IR. A carta saiu de Luanda-Angola, em 07/08/2001, conforme carimbo do cor- reio angolano. Gente, eu estou muito contente em ter recebido este QSL. Vou guardar com muito carinho em minha coleção que está apenas começando. | H.Biancardine-RJ-B | Radioescutas-ML | Aug 01 |
- | 15545, Rádio Ecclésia verified an e-mail report with an e-mail reply in 37 days from v/s Maria Ssps. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Sep 01 |
[D ] | QSL from Radio Ecclesia (via Germany) : I have received two e-mail with the same text in 14 and 15 days. I sent my report by e-mail to: ecclesia[ät] including an audio file.mp3 v/s was Maria. No full date. They replied via: reclesia[ät] and swave[ät] | J.A.Arranz Sanz-E | HCDX-ML | Sep 01 |
[D ] | R Ecclesia/Jülich 13810 e-post k inf 15d. v/s I. Maria | T.-H.Ekblom-DNK | Norwegian DX News 2001-06 | Sep 01 |
- | R Ecclesia 15545 kHz, e-mail, rp : e 37 days. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | WDXC QSL Report | Okt 01 |
[D ] | R Ecclesia/Jülich 13810 e-post 40d. | K.Norlin-S | Norwegian DX News 2001-08 | Dez 01 |
[D ] | Radio Ecclesia 13.810,00 kHz [Jülich-D -QIP], PPC 17 Tage, PPC, Foto Details : ja. | D.Schulz-D | EAWRC Bulletin 298 | Mrz 02 |
- | R. Ecclesia / 15545 kHz, 88 Tage, det. K, AK / 2 IRC. | K.-P.Hilger-D | ADDX 2002-13 | Jul 02 |
[AFS] | Radio Ecclesia, 7205 kHz det. card from SENTECH in 21 days. 1 IRC for RP. v/s Kathy Otto. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Okt 02 |
[AFS] | 7205 - R. Ecclesia - Meyerton-AFS - Recebido QSL e boletim de programação do grupo Sentech. 23 dias. V/S: Kathy Otto. IR enviado por e-mail: ottok[ät] QTH: Private Bag X06, Honeydew 2040, África do Sul. | C.Romais-SP-B | DXCB 2002-11 | Nov 02 |
[AFS] | 7205 – Rádio Ecclésia, via Meyerton, África do Sul. Recebido cartão QSL, em 23 dias, e boletim de programação do grupo Sentech. V/S: Kathy Otto. QTH: Private Bag X06, Honeydew 2040, África do Sul. (Informe enviado ao e-mail: ottok[ät] | C.Romais-RS-B | Lista Condig-ML | Nov 02 |
[AFS] | R.Ecclesia via Sentech, 7205 kHz, full data pers.letter and Sentech sched. in 3 weeks, verie signer: Kathy Otto (Broadcast Planning). | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Nov 04 |
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