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QSL Information Pages - Qatar (QAT)

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11437 km2
769200 inhabitants
capital : Ad-Dawhah / Dohar

Radio broadcast stations :
AM 6, FM 5, shortwave 1 (1998)


Last update for this page :
Freitag, 01. Mai 2020

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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations from Qatar

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  1. Domestic

Domestic Stations

Qatar BC Index Quatar Index Asia

QBS 11730 kHz, det. qsl-card in 27 days R.Sonntag-D direct to QIP Mai 81
Qatar Broadcasting Service on 11820, QSL card and schedule in 5 months. No return postage sent. v/s Jassim Mohamed Al-Qattan, Head of Public Relations, Exchange and Research A.Skalmeraas-NOR direct to QIP Sep 95
7210 Qatar Broadcasting Service no data QSL sheet in 20 months v/s Jassim Mohammed Al-Qattan Head of Public Relations. E.Rausch-NJ-USA Cumbre DX 160 Okt 97
9570 Qatar Broadcasting Service, Doha, heard 29 August 2000 at 1858-1908 while in Horezu, Romania. SINPO=35523. Full data QSL + cover letter + schedule all in English + booklet on station in French received in 73 days in response to my mail DX Report + $ 1 + 10 U.S. stamps + photo map of Santa Fe. G.Glotzbach-NM-USA Cumbre DX 322 Nov 00
17770 QBS, Ministry of Information, Qatar Broadcasting Department, Doha. Tarjeta QSL con datos completos, folleto de la emisora, esquema de transmisiones. Tardo 33 dias. v/s Jassem Mohd Al-Qattan, encargado de Relaciones Publicas. A.L.Slaen-ARG Conexion Digital 084 Dez 00
11750 Qatar Broadcasting Service f /d card in 3 weeks after a f / up report; v/s Jassim Mohammed Al-Qattan, Head of Public Relations. In their original reply, I received a 32 page color booklet in French about the QBS and a program schedule, but no QSL ! G.Maroti-NY-USA Cumbre DX 325 Dez 00
f /d QBS " Map " card, booklet in EE about QBS, sticker, letter and schedule in 70 days from v/s Jassem Mohamed Al-Qattan, Head of Public Releations, Exchange and Research for a taped report. P.O. Box 1414 Doha. M.Delmage-AB-CAN HCDX-ML Jan 01
QBS 17895 f /d " Map " card, booklet in EE about QBS, sticker, letter and schedule in 70 days from v/s Jassem Mohamed Al-Qattan, Head of Public Releations, Exchange and Research for a taped report. Used P.O. Box 1414 Doha. That about gets all Mid- East QSLs for me. Too bad Baharin if off of short wave. M.Delmage-AB-CAN CIDX 2001-03 Mrz 01
7210 kHz Qatar Broadcasting Service, Full data QSL along letter, book about Radio Qatar, flag of Qatar and frequency schedule. Received in 42 days. I just sent a reception report and a 1 minute record of their broadcast (*), no IRC and no money. Signed by Jassim Mohammed Al-Qattan (Head of Public Relations, Exchange and Research) (*) this was the first time I used this technique. I recorded just one minute of their broadcast and saved it as a audio file (*.wav) in my FTP site. Then, I wrote the URL of the sound file on my reception report and informed them that it was part of my reception report. This is much better and cheaper than sending an audio cassete tape to the station. M.Toniolo dos Anjos-NY-USA Cumbre DX 339 Mrz 01
Qbs Doha (9535), f/d QSL, booklet, px-schedule, after 72d; V/s Jassem Mohammed Al-Qatan, Head of Public Relations E.Gehrig-E HCDX-ML Apr 01
Qatar Broadcasting Service 9535 kHz, F/D "Map of Qatar" card, personal letter, Map of Qatar and Doha City, sticker and book in 46 days from v/s Jassem Mohd. Al-Qattan. [C/V # 140 for Mark.nice going. (md)] M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 2001-05 Mai 01
Qatar Broadcasting Service 7210 Partial Data QSL with v/s Jassim Mohammed Al-Qattan in a little less than 3 1/2 years for an English report, two IRC and 4 follow ups. R.E.Hankison-KS-USA Cumbre DX 350 Jun 01
Der Auslandsdienst war lange Zeit für seine schwer erhältlichen QSLS bekannt. In den achtziger Jahren gab es immerhin Infomaterial und teildetaillierte Schreiben, Mitte 1988 sogar zweijährige Mitgliedschaften mit entsprechendem Ausweis im Hörerklub. Dann traf allerdings fast ein ganzes Jahrzehnt nur sehr wenig an Bestätigungen ein. Jetzt sieht es wieder besser aus und nach 64d wurde der englischsprachige RR über das Arabisch-Px mit detaillierte QSL-Karte und Stationsin- fos bestätigt. Frequenz war 9535 kHz, Rp 1 IRC, v/s ist Jassim Mohammed Al-Qattan. Adressen: QBS, P.O.Box 1414 bzw. 3939, Doha, Qatar. J.Adolph-D Eastside DX 14 Jun 01
QBS, v/s Jassem Mohd. Al-Qattan 17795 kHz, card, rp : no, 28 days. S.M.Kolesov-UKR WDXC QSL Report Jun 01
R Qatar - det. Karte Quatar 17795 kHz 1350 16.05.01 38 Tage D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Jun 01
Radio Qatar 17795 kHz, 35 Tage, det. Karte,Q.B.S Book, Frequenzplan AD. P.O. Box 3939 Jassim Mohamed Al Qattan/ 3 Dollar, geschrieben an P.O.Box 1414 Doha, erste QSL von Qatar andere P.O.Box 3939 ca 10 mal nichts, Brief mit P.o.Box 3939, Briefumschlag P.O.Box 1414 D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Jul 01
Qatar Broadcasting Service,17795 kHz, f/d card, schedule and booklet on QBS in 6 weeks for tape and $2.00 (US) G.D.Myers-FL-USA direct to QIP Jul 01
Qatar Broadcasting S. 17895,00 kHz, 1 IRC 46 days, qsl-card, PG. Broschüre, details : yes. P.E.Boeck-D EAWRC Bulletin 291 Aug 01
17795 QBS Doha, QAT, QSL-K. v/s Jassem Mohamed IRC AI Quattan S.M.Kolesov-UKR Eastside DX 15 Sep 01
Quatar, QBC 17795kHz letter + QSL in 11 weeks D.van der Knaap-HOL direct to QIP Okt 01
Quatar BC Service 17795,00 kHz, AK E 32 Tage, K, Info, B Details : ja,. T.Brandenburg-D EAWRC Bulletin 293 Okt 01
QBS Doha QAT 17795 68 Tage, det. QSL-K. B // IRC (über Box 3939). M.Martin-D Eastside DX 16 Dez 01
Quatar BC Service 17785,00 kHz, AK E 32 Tage, sehr schöne K, Info Details : ja,. T.Brandenburg-D EAWRC Bulletin 296 Jan 02
QBS no rp, 17795 qsl-card 110 JC ? JC BDXC-UK 2002-05 Mai 02
R Qatar - det. Karte Landkarte Radio-Logo 7210 kHz 1900 08.11.01 204 Tage D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Mai 02
R. Katar / 7210 kHz, 207 Tage, det. qsl-card, PG, Senderbeschreibung D.Stange-D ADDX-Kurier 2003-03 Feb 03
Heute lag ein Brief von QBS Doha im Briefkasten. Dieser enthielt eine Broschüre mit dem Titel "Radio Qatar ... from Doha", einen Programmplan für das englische Programm (ohne Frequenzen) und einem Brief in dem mitgeteilt wird, das QBS keine QSLs mehr ausstellt. P.Robic-AUT A-DX-ML Sep 03
Qatar Radio, QBS, Doha, 17755, Surprised to see a package from Qatar Radio, RTVC Dept. in the PO box today containing a "Radio Qatar..from Doha" booklet (circa. 1991), English service schedule for 27 June, 2003 to First of Ramadan, which of course neglects to mention a single frequency, SW, MW or FM,  a personal letter thanking me for my interest in Qatar Broadcasting Service and, most dissapointing, "We are sorry about a QSL card because we stopped issuing it." V/S Jassim Mohammed Al-Qattan, Head of Public Relations, Exchange and Research. This in 441 days for 1 IRC and an EG rpt. My question to any NASWA "poobahs" reading this, does this count as a QSL toward the NASWA country list or am I stretching this a bit? Doesn't say I heard them, but doesn't say I didn't hear them either, more of an "implied" QSL if you ask me. S.R.Barbour Jr-NH-USA DXplorer-ML Sep 03
RADIO QATAR RTP enviado el 25 de Mayo del 2003  QSL recibida el 20 de septiembre del 2003 Frecuencia : 7210 kHz. Hora : 21.30 UTC VRS/ Jassim Mohammed Al-Qattan Head of Public Relations. C.Perez Dioses-PRU HCDX-ML Sep 03
Quatar BC / 11820 kHz, 138 Tage, Buch, Brief, PG, keine QSL H.Matt-D ADDX-Kurier 2002-23 Dez 03

QBS al-Arish Index Quatar Index Asia

QBS al-Arish 954 M.Ritola-FIN AMDX 6-33 Nov 00

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