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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations from Indonesia - Part 2
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A.I.Gunawan-INS (direct to QIP) - March 1999
RRI Makassar Index Indonesia Index Asia
RRI MAKASSAR 4753 letter signed by Mr.MUKIDI (KEPALA STASIUN) QTH : JALAN RIBURANE 3, MAKASSAR, P.O.BOX 1103, MAKASSAR 90011 | G.Bellabarba-I | Play-DX 1094 | Jan 01 |
QSL Karte von RRI Makassar fuer einen Bericht vom 30. April 2001 + 1 IRC. Die Karte ist eine normale Postkarte, auf der Rueckseite ist zweisprachig der QSL Text aufgedruckt, daneben sind noch Angaben zum Sender (20 kW) und der Antenne (Delta Match Dipole) darauf zu finden. Unterzeichner (in?) ist Herr / Frau Mukidi, Head of Station. Diese QSL Karte ist ein gutes Beispiel dafuer, wie man auch mit wenig Aufwand einem europaeischen Hoerer eine Freude bereiten kann. | U.Volk-D | A-DX-ML | Mrz 02 |
4750v RRI-Makassar, Jl. Riburane No. 3, Makassar 90111. Tarjeta QSL con datos completos. Tardo 340 dias. v/s: Salam Hormat, Head of Station. | A.L.Slaen-ARG | Conexion Digital 156 | Apr 02 |
RRI Makassar, Sulawesi, 4750, partial data pers. letter and post-cards in 8 weeks from Drs. H. Sutikno, MM.MBA (The Head of RRI Makassar). | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Aug 04 |
4750, RRI Makassar (Sulawesi) verified by signing and stamping my prepared card in 41 days from v/s Dra. Rasdimanbudi B, Senior Manajer Bagian Adm. & Keuangan. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Feb 05 |
SULAWESI Radio Republik Indonesia Makassar 630 kHz. Friendly full data verification for English and Indonesian report with CD recording & IRC, v/s H. La Sirama, S.Sos., Senior Manager of Broadcasting Division, RRI Makassar, Jalan Riburane No3 Makassar 90111, Indonesia. VERY pleased with this as it's a new MW country for me and I've been sending reception reports for this station since 1993! (CE) | C.A.Edwards-NT-AUS | direct to QIP | Mai 06 |
RRI - Makassar 4750 kHz, P/D verie letter in 72 days for CD report and US$1 from v/s Dra. Rasdimanbudi B. Senior Manager. My report was in Indonesia but reply came in English. | M.Delmage-AB-CAN | CIDX 2006-06 | Jun 06 |
RRI Malang Index Indonesia
Index Asia
RRI Malang, Jawa Timur, 3421 kHz, report after 22 years ! and f / up after 36 days, FD PPd card and Indo letter for Indo rpt and MS. No longer on SW ! | D.Henderson-MD-USA | Cumbre DX 085 | Mai 96 |
RRI Manado Index Indonesia
Index Asia
RRI Manado (3214.8 kHz) verified with own f/d QSL card within 21 days. Verie-signer was Gosther Gultom, Station Manager. | M.Elbe-D | Cumbre DX 067 | Jan 96 |
RRI MANADO 3215 kHz QSL + PERS.LETTER 86d. SENT 1 IRC. v/s : Kepala Seksi Teknik UNTUNG SANTOSO. QTH : JALAN Radio N°1, TIKALA ARES, MANADO 95124, SULAWESI UTARA. | H.-D.Buschau-D | Play-DX 1072 | Jun 00 |
3214,82 kHz, Manado 13:30 01.01.87 21.09.00 268 days, QSL : email med bifogad Wordfil med makrovirus v/s : Untung Santosa Ny rapport : 28.12.99 bandrapport dec99 email fup aug 2000 | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Sep 00 |
RRI Manado 3215 k rek bro 9m | B.Tandberg-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2002-01 | Jan 02 |
RRI Manokwari Index Indonesia Index Asia
RRI Mankowari 3987 b 73 days | K.Norlin-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2002-07 | Nov 02 |
RRI Manokwari 3987.2 Partial data letter with rubber stamp as Cabang Pratama, in 92 days. The letter head can be read as Cabang Pratama RRI Manokwari not Stasiun Regional Manokwari. Changed its status? V/s Eddy Kusbandi, Manager Sub Bag. Administrasi dan Keuangan. According to the reply, RRI Manokwari on 3987 kHz uses the transmitter of Philps Brazil model with 1 kW output installed in 1963 with Delta Mach antenna. | J.Yamada-J | Cumbre DX 371 | Nov 01 |
RRI Mataram Index Indonesia
Index Asia
3223 RRI Mataram; f/d stamped and signed PPC for an IN report and MS. v/s Hamid Djasman. Also sent a personal letter, two tourist postcards, a photo of a woman at the control board, and a photo of a ceremony at the station entrance. Nice package ! This in 32 days. | S.Martin-CA-USA | Cumbre DX 068 | Jan 96 |
RRI Merauke Index Indonesia
Index Asia
3905 RRI Merauke Returned full data prepared card and no data station card. 7 Months total but 1 month after follow up report to RRI Jakarta Network Hqtrs. Send INDO report and SASE (used) v/s : Drs. tunankotta S. | E.Rausch-NJ-USA | Cumbre DX 083 | Apr 96 |
RRI Merauke, 3905 kHz, with f /d ppd card, signed and stamped by Station Manager. Gives Power as 10 Kw, and used 600 Rupees of stamps supplied. Came after 10 1 / 2 months, 22 days after f/up for taped report. My 10th Irian Jaya Indo station QSL'd. | D.Henderson-MD-USA | Cumbre DX 124 | Feb 97 |
Another QSL in from RRI Merauke, 3905 kHz, Irian Jaya, in only 21 days, with f /d 2 page letter in Indonesian from Drs. Buang Akhir, Direktor. If you are interested in REAL DX try the FM outlet here on 90, 0 MHz.It runs 10 watts with Programa 1. Programa 1 runs on SW, FM, and MW (370.37 meters), while Programa 2 runs only on FM--98, 1 MHz. | D.Henderson-MD-USA | Cumbre DX 125 | Feb 97 |
3905 RRI Merauke. p / d logo QSL card in 225 days after 3rd Indo language f/up (this time I sent it to them via registered mail) and $ 1.00. v/s : Drs. Tuanakotta S. | J.D.Stephens-AL-USA | Cumbre DX 168 | Dez 97 |
3905 RRI Merauke QSL for a reception in 1996; 6 months after my last follow up for an Indonesian report, no return postage v/s Drs. Buang Akhir. | H.Romppainen-FIN | Cumbre DX 287 | Mrz 00 |
3905, RRI Merauke, Received via registered mail from Indonesia was my prepared card signed and stamped with all the details filled in. This was in response to a registered f/up report in Indonesian, audio tape, and mint stamps (used) mailed from Hungary for a November 1997 reception. 7,500 rupiah postage was on the envelope. The v/s is illegible. | G.Maroti-NY-USA | DXplorer-ML | Aug 01 |
RRI Nabire Index Indonesia Index Asia
R. Republik Indonesia Nabire verified my reception by the postcard I sent with my Indonesian reception report with one IRC. It took 46days. The signer's name is illegible. | I.Nagatani-J | JAP 461 | Feb 07 |
RRI Palangkaraya Index Indonesia Index Asia
3324,8 kHz, Palangkaraya Kalimantan Tengah 13:40 20.01.93 14.07.93 175 days, QSL : brev v/s : Ricky D. Wader Stn Manager | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Jul 93 |
RRI Palangkaraya 3325 v/s Andy Sunandar (1999) | H.Romppainen-FIN | direct to QIP | Jan 99 |
RRI Palangka Raya 3324.9 letter, v/s Dr.S. Parlin Tobing, Station Manager. | A.Bue-NOR | Jembatan DX 116 | Mai 01 |
Per verie letter from Murniaty Y Oesin, Transmission Dept Manager, RRI Palangkaraya broadcasts daily 2200-1600 on 3325. The operate two SW transmitters, a 50 kW NEC HFB3074 and a Harris BC-10H of 10 kW, feeding an omni-directional antenna. No info on operational schedule of these two transmitters (via BDXC-Communication) | G.Brown-G | DXLD 1-121 | Sep 01 |
RRI Palangkaraya 3325 kHz. Date/freq verie letter from Manager Seksi Siaran in 55 days for $1 U.S. and taped report. | N.Pimblett-AB-CAN | CIDX 2001-12 | Dez 01 |
RRI Palangkaraya 3325 b sch | K.Norlin-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2002-07 | Nov 02 |
RRI Palembang Index Indonesia Index Asia
RRI Palembang 4855.9, f/d stamped and signed my PPC for an IN report and MS. v/s Drs.H. Mursjid Noor. In 7 months after one f / up. | S.Martin-CA-USA | Cumbre DX 066 | Dez 95 |
RRI-Palembang, ltr in Indo. and EG after several follow up rpts since 1991. v/s Ahmad Syukri Ahkab. Uses a Gates xmtr since 1952. (via HC-DX) | R.Vos-HOL | Numero Uno 1500 | Nov 98 |
RRI Palembang 1287 kHz : Full data prepared card in 25days. v/s Ahmad Sjukri Ahkab, Kepala Stasiun. Address : Jl. Radio No.2 Km.4, Palembang 30128. TEL : (0711) 350811, 350927, 351293. FAX : (0711) 350811. This was heard at Jakarta. | J.Yamada-J | Jembatan DX 104 | Sep 00 |
RRI Palu Index Indonesia
Index Asia
RRI Palu, 3960 kHz. Personal ltr and sked with details of all their xmtrs, in 32 wks., v/s Untung Santoso (Kepala Seksi Tehnik). (via Numero Uno No.1464) | V.Korinek-AFS | Jembatan DX 043 | Mrz 98 |
RRI Palu on 3960, personal letter, schedules, info abt tx, v/s Gugun Santoso, 17 years old, son of Kepala Bidang, Teknik chief eng. : Untung Santoso, interested in Dxing, in 2 years and 10 days for 1 IRC and Italian FM radios stickers. (hrd in Australia on 1996 / Play DX 976 April 1) | B.Gornati-I | TFW 058 | Apr 98 |
RRI Pekanbaru Index Indonesia Index Asia
5852 kHz, Pekanbaru 19.10.80 19.11.80 31 days, QSL : brev v/s : Azil Azwar | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Nov 80 |
RRI-Pekanbaru 5040 kHz. Partial data card in IN in 23 days via registered mail. v/s Drs. Mukidi, Kepala. | J.Yamada-J | Cumbre DX 088 | Mai 96 |
5040 RRI Pekabaru f/d PPC signed and stamped by Drs. H. Syamsidi, Kepala Supag Tata Usaha (which I believe is an -Administrative Assistant-). This in 38 days after two f/ups for an IN report and mint stamps (used). I sent the report to former v/s A. Hutasuhut, who sent me a separate, friendly letter in English. It seems he has left the station to pursue a new job in -Commercial Television-. | S.Martin-CA-USA | Cumbre DX 119 | Jan 97 |
RRI Pekanbaru 5040 kHz : Full data letter in 30days via registerd mail. v/s Hendri Yunis, ST, Kepala Stasiun, Ketua DPH. | J.Yamada-J | Jembatan DX 090 | Feb 00 |
5040, RRI-Pekanbaru, verified with full-data personal ltr and they signed / stamped my ppc in 32 days; from v/s Rahman Hakim, Kepala Stasiun. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Numero Uno 1571 | Mrz 00 |
RRI Pekanbaru 5040 kHz, f/d letter, rp : $1 32 days. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | WDXC QSL Report | Jan 01 |
RRI Pemerintah Index Indonesia Index Asia
RRI Pemerintah DaerahTingkai 2 Ngada on 2904 and 500 Watts, schedule : 1755-2200 local time, v/s Drs. Petrus Tena, letter in Indonesian (I have a good translator living in Jakarta ! B.Gornati, Italy), in 130 days for 1 IRC (hrd when in Japan / Play DX # 958 Nov 24) | B.Gornati-I | TFW 044 | Nov 97 |
RRI Pontianak Index Indonesia Index Asia
3345 kHz, Pontianak 19.10.80 10.11.80 22 days, QSL : brev vykort v/s : Suryanta Saleh | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Nov 80 |
3977, RRI-Pontianak, QSL-card and personal ltr by registered mail, 5 wks. after follow-up with SASE, 4 yrs. after original rpt. v/s St. Ruddy Banding, Kepala Seksi Siaran. Street address is same as in WRTH, but P.O. Box is given on ltrhead as Kotak Pos No. 1005. | H.Lazarus-LA-USA | Numero Uno 1526 | Mai 99 |
3976, RRI-Pontianak, tnx to Henry Lazarus tip in NU 1526, I sent an Indo follow-up rpt with $ 2 to Ruddy Banding, at P.O. Box 1005, and one mo. later rcvd via registered mail their full-data card and a personal ltr. This was for Nov 1997 rcpn. There was 9, 500 Rupiah postage on the envelope. | G.Maroti-NY-USA | Numero Uno 1532 | Jun 99 |
RRI-Pontianak : Re QSL ltr (see NU 1532), three names are mentioned in the ltr : Agustinus Campek is the author of the ltr; Rahayu Widati is credited as actually verifying the reception details; and Ruddy Banding is indicated as the stn mngr. Campek's address : Business--Jln. Jend. Sudirman 7, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat; Residence--Jln. Maluku No. 23 A, Rt. 05 Rw. XV, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat 78121. | G.Maroti-NY-USA | Numero Uno 1533 | Jun 99 |
3976, RRI-Pontianak, full-data QSL-card (photo of stn with QSL statement on back) in 3-1 / 2 mos. for ms after 3rd follow-up for a Dec 97 rcpn. v/s St. Ruddy Banding, Kepala Stasiun Kasi Siaran. As with Henry Lazarus and George Maroti, it was rcvd registered, and I used the " Kotak Pos No. 1005 " part of the address in my last follow-up. | J.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | Numero Uno 1543 | Sep 99 |
RRI, Pontianank, 3,976 kHz., f /d prepared and stamped card returned signed and rubber stamped by St. Ruddy Banding, Manager Seksei Siaran in four weeks for a cassette tape of the reception sent via registered mail. | E.Tilbury-ALS | direct to QIP | Aug 01 |
Today I received my 19th regional RRI QSL. RRI Pontianak sent me a nice QSL letter and full data QSL card 5 weeks after I sent a follow up for a 1998 receptionreport. V/s: manajer seksi siaran Mr Ruddy Banding. | M.van Arnhem-HOL | HC-DX-ML | Dez 01 |
RRI, Pontianank, FINALLY!! after 8 reports over 10 years I received a f/d photo of the studio building in 37 days with info on back for a 1997 report on 3976.8 kHz. V/s: St. Ruddy Banding. Indo# 43! | T.Palmersheim-MT-USA | HC-DX-ML | Dez 01 |
RRI Purmayudha Index Indonesia Index Asia
R. Purmayudha, Sukabumi, 1044 kHz : No data personal letter in 58days with Rp.5000. v/s Dadang Supriatna. This was heard at Jakarta. (Jembatan DX 60) | J.Yamada-J | TFW 073 | Nov 98 |
RRI Samarinda Index Indonesia Index Asia
3295 RRI Samarinda; full detail PPC, signed and stamped by Sunendra. This in 37 days (without any follow-ups !), for an IN report and mint stamps. | S.Martin-CA-USA | Cumbre DX 115 | Dez 96 |
RRI Semarang Index Indonesia Index Asia
RRI SEMARANG 3935 kHz very long pers. letter handwritten In IndonesIan (traslated by an office in Jakarta) after 2 F / ups original rpt sent 26 april 1997. sent 2 IRCs each time v/s : Anif Maghfiroh. Station stopped all activities on SW after 1 august 1998, after an order from Jakarta, to earn money (so don't report It again on SW, folks) QTH : Jl. A.Yani 144-146, Semarang 50116 (hrd really In Australia) | B.Gornati-I | Play-DX 1006 | Dez 98 |
RRI Semarang 801 kHz : full data prepared card with schedule and station profile in 43days. v/s : H.Sutakno, SE, Kepala Stasiun. This was heard at Jakarta. | J.Yamada-J | Jembatan DX 106 | Nov 00 |
RRI Serui Index Indonesia
Index Asia
RRI Serui on 4606 hrd in Darwin, Australia and on 7173 hd in Cairns, Australia. Incredible letter in English / Bahasa, v/s Albertus Corputty, QTH : RRI Serui, JLN Pattimura, Serui, in one year and 10 months for 1 IRC. (Play DX # 962 Dec. 28 1997) | B.Gornati-I | TFW 048 | Jan 98 |
4606 RRI Serui partial data letter plus photos of the v/s and his family in 103 days for Indonesian report. and $ 1.00. v/s : Natalis Edowai. | J.D.Stephens-AL-USA | Cumbre DX 182 | Mrz 98 |
RRI SERUI 4606 kHz v/s : Yance Yebi-Yebi (DX-clusive n. 777, Jan. 99, Finland) | T.Talka-FIN | Play-DX 1022 | Apr 99 |
4606 RRI Serui QSL for a reception in 1996; 3 months after my last follow up for an Indonesian report, no return postage v/s Yance Yebi-Yebi. | H.Romppainen-FIN | Cumbre DX 287 | Mrz 00 |
4606, RRI Serui, Full data prepared card received in 7 weeks for an Indonesian f/up report, audio tape, and mint stamps (used) sent via registered mail from Hungary. This was in response to a March, 2000 reception. There are two v/s on the card. One appears to be Y. Kaisiu, the other is Mika Numberi, Asistem Manajer. This card was mailed as a postcard, and wasn't enclosed in an envelope. I use 67 pound cover stock for printing my own cards, and surprisingly the card survived the long journey without any damage. | G.Maroti-NY-USA | DXplorer-ML | Aug 01 |
RRI Serui, 4604.9, returned my PPC (filled out, stamped and signed) along with a letter in English from v/s M. Yawandare, Manager Siaran, in 7 months (it looks like reply was at least 2 months in transit from station). This for Indo report, mint stamps (not used) and postcard. I mailed my report to: Jalan Pattimura Kotak Pos 19, Serui 98213, Papua, Indonesia. Frankly, I wasn't expecting this! | J.Herkimer-NY-USA | DXplorer-ML | Jun 06 |
INDONESIA (Irian Jaya) 4605, RRI Serui verified with a no data handwritten "A Dani warrior holding his "sage" (a long spear) on the way for a battle" card in 106 days from v/s Nelson Gtorus for $1.00 return postage. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Sep 08 |
RRI Sorong Index Indonesia
Index Asia
R.R.I. Sorong. Letter in 77 days for Indo Report + MS. v/s Sallomo Hamid They said they were also on 9748 from 1200 - 1700 (WIT) Now, if only my RRI Dili would show up. | C.Rippel-USA | Cumbre DX 074 | Feb 96 |
4875 RRI Sorong; p / d letter signed and stamped by Drs. Sallomo Hamid, listing these times and freqs. 4875 from 0800-1400 UT and 9748 from 0300-0800 UT. This in 44 days after one f/up for an IN report and mint stamps (used). | S.Martin-CA-USA | Cumbre DX 111 | Nov 96 |
4875 RRI Sorong Personal letter in broken English, thanking me for report and with info on the station. v/s Mughpar Yushaputra, Head of Station. In 7 weeks for USD and postcard. | R.Jary-AUS | Cumbre DX 253 | Jul 99 |
RRI Sorong 4874.5 kHz : No data letter in English with old schedule in 49days for an Indonesian report and $ 1.00. v/s Muchtar Yushaputra.BA, Head of Station. | J.Yamada-J | Listening Points Japan 1999-15 | Aug 99 |
4874.5 RRI Sorong. QSL letter in English for an Indonesian report and IRC in 2 months. v/s Muchtar Yushaputra, SH.BA, Head of Station. | R.Lam-SNG | Cumbre DX 276 | Jan 00 |
RRI Sorong 4874.5 letter, v/s Umar Solle, Station Manager. I heard Sorong in October 1999, but the reception report wasn't sent until January 2001. A big surprise! | A.Bue-NOR | Jembatan DX 116 | Mai 01 |
RRI Sumenep Index Indonesia
Index Asia
RRI Sumenep 3355.3 kHz : No data letter with schedules in 69 days for an Indonesian report and $ 1.00. v/s Dian Irianto, Kepala Stasiun. | J.Yamada-J | Jembatan DX 050 | Jul 98 |
RRI Surabaya Index Indonesia Index Asia
3975 kHz, Surabaya 22.09.82 04.01.83 104 days, QSL : julkort | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Jan 83 |
RRI Surabaya 3985 kHz : Letter with leaflet and transmitter data in 14 days. v/s Drs.E. Agus Widjaja, MM, Kasi Siaran. Address : Jl. Pemuda 82-90, Surabaya 60271. (via Dirgantara Volume 8 No.3) | A.Subagyo-INS | Jembatan DX 048 | Jun 98 |
RRI Surabaya 3985, 8 kHz : No data letter in 23 days. v/s read like Pmidjingat, PLH Kepala Stasiun. | J.Yamada-J | Jembatan DX 065 | Jan 99 |
RRI Surabaya 585 kHz : full data prepared card with personal letter and schedule in 77 days. v/s : Pardjingat, Kepala Seksi Teknik. This was heard at Makassar. | J.Yamada-J | Jembatan DX 106 | Nov 00 |
RRI Surakarta Index Indonesia Index Asia
RRI Surakarta, 4931.7, f/d -Kusuna Sahid Prince Hotel- signed and stamped card, in English. v/s H. Tomo, BA - Head of Broadcasting Section. This after one f/up in 277 days for an IN report and ms. Card was also stamped - Missent to Malaysia- ! | S.Martin-CA-USA | Cumbre DX 065 | Dez 95 |
RRI Surakarta on 4931, QSL letter, v/s Station manager Tomo B.A. (Indonesian DX Review #109, June 97 / Play DX 951 Oct 6) | J.Yamada-J | TFW 039 | Okt 97 |
RRI Surakarta 972 kHz : Full data letter in 27 days. v/s Titiek Sudartik, SH., Kepala. | J.Yamada-J | Jembatan DX 065 | Jan 99 |
RRI Tanjung Karang Index Indonesia Index Asia
3395,1 kHz, Tanjungkarang 15:30 27.02.89 31.03.89 32 days, QSL : brev kort v/s : R Djarot Nursinggih | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Mrz 89 |
3395 RRI Tanjung Karang; f/d PPC signed and stamped by Sutakno, SE. This in 49 days for an IN report and mint stamps (used) after one f/up. | S.Martin-CA-USA | Cumbre DX 114 | Nov 96 |
3395.1 RRI Tangjungkarang f/d prepared cd. in 68 ds. for SASE after 3 rpts. v/s : M. Nasir Agun. | T.Palmersheim-MT-USA | Cumbre DX 129 | Mrz 97 |
RRI Tanjung Karang on 3395, fd long pers letter in 155 days for 1 USD (DSWCI SWN # 12 Dec 97) | D.Nehring-D | TFW 046 | Dez 97 |
3395.2 RRI Tanjung Karang Station full data QSL in 66 days. | S.Delle Vedove-I | Cumbre DX 285 | Mrz 00 |
RRI Tanjunkarang 3395 kHz : full data card in 56 days for an Indonesian report and $ 1. v/s Drs. Soewadji, Kepala Seksi Siaran. Station name was stamped as Tanjungkarang not Bandar Lampung. Also the letters of Directorat Radio not Directorat Jendral Radio were stamped so I presume the officail station name is RRI Tanjungkarang. | J.Yamada-J | Jembatan DX 100 | Aug 00 |
3395 RRI Tanjung Karang. No detail letter for Indonesian rpt and $ 1. Almost everything else : the letter head, post mark and on air station ID says that the name of the town is Bandar Lampung. Looks like there's a silent conspiracy to cahnge the name of the town. hehehe. The v/s, Drs Doewadji (head of broadcast section) did say however that further reports about their programs are welcome. | R.Lam-SNG | Cumbre DX 319 | Okt 00 |
3395 RRI Tanjung Karang. (Cumbre DX followup) The v/s reported in CDX319 is Drs Soewadji (head of broadcast section). | R.Lam-SNG | Cumbre DX 320 | Okt 00 |
RRI Tanjungkarang 1035 kHz : full data prepared card with personal letter in 12days. v/s : Drs. Soewadji, Kepala Seksi Siaran. Sent to the address of the station as RRI Bandar Lampung but the envelope and letterheard of reply were printed as RRI Tanjungkarang. Thia was heard at Jakarta. | J.Yamada-J | Jembatan DX 106 | Nov 00 |
RRI Tanjung Pinang Index Indonesia Index Asia
4920 RRI Tanjung Pinang; full detail prepared card, with station stamp / seal. Verification signer Rosakim S.H. Listed power as 1 kilowatt. This in a short 23 days for a self-addressed stamped envelope (used). | S.Martin-CA-USA | Cumbre DX 158 | Okt 97 |
RRI Ternate Index Indonesia
Index Asia
RRI Ternate, 3345, verified by signing and stamping my prepared card in 80 days for a second follow-up report. v/s illegible. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Cumbre DX 070 | Jan 96 |
RRI Ternate, 3345, stn's own f/d QSL in EG signed and stamped by the -Stasion Manager, - Abd. Latief Kamarudin. This for an IN report and MS in 14 months. Funny thing, I had already received a PPC QSL from this stn back in March '95 for the same report ! | S.Martin-CA-USA | Cumbre DX 075 | Feb 96 |
RRI Ternate 3345 kHz. Full data card in EG w / full data prepared card in 33 days for an IN report and 1 IRC. v/s ABD. Latief Kamarudin, Kepala Stasiun. | J.Yamada-J | Cumbre DX 079 | Mrz 96 |
RRI Ternate 4000 f/d logo card stamped with station seal in 109 days after 2nd followup, this one mailed by a friend visiting the Philippines. v/s : Drs. M. Hasjn Ado. | J.D.Stephens-AL-USA | Cumbre DX 266 | Okt 99 |
RRI Tual Index Indonesia
Index Asia
RRI Tual 5984.3 kHz : f /d PPC, signed and stamped, plus veri ? info ltr in 11 days, after 3rd f/up, for a SASE (used, but reply sent back via reg'ted air, with additional 600 r postage), for a total of 4 years, 3 months time. Address : R.R.I. Stasiun Tual, Jalan Soekarno Hatta, Tual, Propinsi, Maluku Tenggara. Indonesia. v/s : Drs. D.A. Siahainenia, Kepala Stasiun 'This makes it my 75th Indo Verified ! ' (Thanks for very nice information ! -ed) | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | Jembatan DX 051 | Aug 98 |
RRI Ujung Pandang Index Indonesia Index Asia
4753, RRI Ujung Pandang verified by signing and stamping my prepared card in 24 days from v/s L.A. Rachim Ganie who also sent along a program schedule in Indonesian. This was a fresh report after numerous follow-ups went unanswered. [D'Angelo] | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Cumbre DX 063 | Dez 95 |
RRI Ujung Padang 4753 qsl-letter 2 IRC 79 days, v/s : Bambang Padjono | Z.Liangas-GRC | WDXC QSL Report | Jun 96 |
9552.3 RRI Ujung Pandang f/d prepared cd. in 3 wks. after f / u. 12 reports since 1982 ! v/s : Beni Koesbani (Palmersheim - WA) | T.Palmersheim-MT-USA | Cumbre DX 113 | Nov 96 |
4750 RRI Ujung Pandang; full detail prepared card with station seal in 25 days for a new report, as numerous follow-ups from a previous report went unanswered. (Thanks Rich D'Angelo for the idea !). Listed power as 50 kW. Verification signer Beni Koesbani. This for a self-addressed, stamped envelope, which was used. | S.Martin-CA-USA | Cumbre DX 161 | Okt 97 |
RRI Ujung Pandang on 4753, QSL letter, brochure with photos v/s Drs Musitano, head of the station, (reply in good English) in 60 days for 1 IRC (Play DX 951 Oct 6) | B.Gornati-I | TFW 039 | Okt 97 |
4753, RRI-Ujung Pandang / Makassar, rcvd the stn's own plain full-data card, with text in Indo. and EG, 8 wks. after a registered follow-up sent from Hungary for a Dec 1997 rcpn. The card lists both stn names of Makassar and Ujung Pandang. Although I mailed my rpt to P.O. Box 103, the return address was RRI Makassar, Jl. Riburane No. 3, Makassar, Indonesia. The v/s appears to be Mukidi. [.]. -- It appears that all the follow-ups sent on my behalf from Hungary are still reaping rewards. It's probably a combination of the non-USA return address and the fact that they were all sent via registered mail. The score after 8 weeks is 5 QSLs out of 16 follow-ups. Rather disappointing are the follow-ups that were sent out via the Philippines on my behalf. There I'm 0 for 4 after 12 weeks. | G.Maroti-NY-USA | Numero Uno 1589 | Jul 00 |
4753 Radio Republic Indonesia Ujang Pandang f/d Indonesian letter in 2 1/2 months v/s Dr. Mukidi. | P.Kerr-ON-CAN | ODXA QSL Album 2001-10 | Okt 01 |
RRI Yogyakarta Index Indonesia Index Asia
RRI-Yogyakarta, 7098, full data personal letter in Indonesian by sea mail in 9 months for report in Indo. They also sent along a photo of the outside of the RRI-Yogyakarta studios. Letter dated 7 February, so it must have been a slow boat side ! Signed by ub. Kabid Penyelenggaraan Siaran, Martono. | C.Lobdell-MA-USA | Jihad DX 55 | Okt 95 |
7098.56, RRI Yogyakarta, f/d and -thanks for listening- pers. ltr in 10 mo. for $ 1 and photo. v/s : Drs. H. Hamdan Sjahbeni (Kepala Stasiun). The ltr was dated 6 January 1995 ! Guess they're cleaning out the -out basket-. | D.Valko-PA-USA | Jihad DX 55 | Okt 95 |
RSPD Tingkat Index Indonesia Index Asia
2694, RSPD Tingkat II Ende, ppc card and Indonesian ltr in exactly three years, 58 days since follow-up Indonesian rpt with mint stamps (which were used). Ltr says Ende is now on 1188 MW. Ltr and card signed by Pua Muhammad, DA Studio RSPD Ende. For rcpn in Australia. | D.Henderson-MD-USA | Numero Uno 1618 | Feb 01 |
RSPDK Maluku Tengah
Index Indonesia Index Asia
RSPDK Maluku Tengah 3578.3 kHz : Full data personal letter in 8months after a follow up report. v/s Muchlis Hatala. (Palmersheim- U.S.A. via The Journal of NASWA December 1998) | T.Palmersheim-MT-USA | Jembatan DX 065 | Jan 99 |
Suara Simpati Angkasa
Index Indonesia Index Asia
Suara Simpati Angkasa, Pinrang 720 kHz : No data personal letter with schedule in 15days. v/s : M.Yunus Nur. This was heard at Makassar. | J.Yamada-J | Jembatan DX 106 | Nov 00 |
External Service
Vo Indonesia Index Indonesia Index Asia
Vo Indonesia 9675 kHz, det. qsl-card in 64 days, schedule | R.Sonntag-D | direct to QIP | Jun 91 |
Voice of Indonesia 9525. Part data " Letter of appreciation ", 2 inches by 3 inches, in 54 days. | T.Vaughan-G | direct to QIP | Jan 96 |
Voice of Indonesia 9675 qsl-card no r.postage 1410 days. | G.Grigoriev-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Feb 96 |
Voice of Indonesia 9525 qsl-card rp : 1US $ 86 days. | P.Travers-G | WDXC QSL Report | Feb 96 |
9525 The Voice of Indonesia f/d card in 4 months for an IRC. | B.Krepp-MA-USA | Cumbre DX 083 | Apr 96 |
Voice of Indonesia 9525 qsl-card 2105 days. | C.Williams-G | WDXC QSL Report | Apr 96 |
VO Indonesia, 9525.0 kHz, full detailed QSL card and one -50 anniversary of VOI- sticker in 160 days, for One IRC and some used Australian stamps. | J.Kecskes-AUS | Cumbre DX 095 | Jul 96 |
Vo Indonesia - det. Karte Capital city Jakarta 9525 kHz 1800 11.11.95 240 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jul 96 |
Voice of Indonesia 9525 qsl-card no r.postage 68 days. WDXC | P.Travers-G | WDXC QSL Report | Aug 96 |
9525 I received the Japanese program of V.O.Indonesia on kHz on July 13 and sent the reception report to the station. After that I received QSL cards 3 times ! The handwriting of 3 QSLs is apparently different. I am looking forward to the 4th QSL. | J.Yamada-J | DX Window 030 | Sep 96 |
Voice of Indonesia 9525 qsl-card no r.postage 83 days. WDXC QSL | J.Parker-G | WDXC QSL Report | Sep 96 |
9525 VOI partial data (date + freq.) verification card unsigned + VOI sticker in 5 weeks after one follow up + $ 1. Total time was a little over 7 months. | M.Prindle-NY-USA | Cumbre DX 115 | Dez 96 |
Voice of Indonesia 9625 qsl-card no r.postage 359 days. WDXC QSL | R.Takács-ROU | WDXC QSL Report | Feb 97 |
Voice of Indonesia 9525 qsl-card no r.postage 350 days. | J.Crowley-IRL | WDXC QSL Report | Mrz 97 |
V.o.Indonesia on 9525, card, sticker, calendar in 11 months (DSWCI -SWN, QSL Corner June 97) | B.Hein-D | TFW 031 | Jun 97 |
9525 Voice of Indonesia verified with a full data card with schedule on back side in 270 days. Gave English schedule as 0100-0200, 0800-0900, and 2000-2100 all on 9, 525 kHz. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Cumbre DX 152 | Aug 97 |
9525 Voice of Indonesia Full data -Kelimutu Lakes- card, cassette tape of various Indonesian musical styles, 50th Anniversary sticker and personal letter for a FAXed follow-up report; 8 months total. | G.Maroti-NY-USA | Cumbre DX 153 | Aug 97 |
Voice of INDONESIA - P.O.Box 1157 - Jakarta Pusat 9525 kHz - QSL in 339 dd, 1 USD sent | S.Mannelli-I | Webpage | Jan 98 |
RRI/V.o.Indonesia, Djakarta 15.150 kHz, INS tx-site: Djakarta-Cimanggis gehört in: AUT/Strasshof K, QRG-Plan / falsche QRG: 9725 ! 11.10.1997 09.02.1998 121 Tage | H.Süss-AUT | direct to QIP | Feb 98 |
RRI/V.o.Indonesia, Djakarta 9.565 kHz, INS tx-site: Djakarta-Cimanggis gehört in: AUT/Strasshof K(Blatt) 20.04.1998 30.05.1998 30 Tage | H.Süss-AUT | direct to QIP | Mai 98 |
V.O.Indonesia 9525 kHz Full data card in 81days. I received this at the office of V.O.Indonesia at Jakarta. According to Rini whois a announcer of Japanese section, The mailing cost to Japan was up to Rp.7, 500 from Rp.800 at the end of May, so the station can not reply to listeners. (No.17) | J.Yamada-J | Japan Premium | Aug 98 |
Im Hörerpostprogramm wurde mitgeteilt, daß die Postgebühren um 1000 Prozent gestiegen sind. Daher ist nur noch die Beantwortung von RRs mit Rückporto möglich. Beigelegte Dollars scheinen allerdings öfter verlorenzugehen.. Dies ist eine Folge von Währungskrise, Machtwechsel und IWF-verordnetem Spar-kurs. Bleibt zu hoffen, daß irgendwann Besserungen erfolgen. Ende der 8Oer Jahre hatte der Sender nicht mal QSL-Karten und Bestätigungen gab es nur bei persönlichen Besuchen - handschriftlich auf der Px-Ubersicht. Nun sind zwar QSLs vorhanden, aber kein Geld zum Versand da..Das deutsche Px kommt weiterhin auf 15150 kHz von 18-19 UTC mit teilweise starkem QRM von GRC. Wer es versuchen will : P.O.Box 1157, Jakarta 10001, Indonesien. | J.Adolph-D | Eastside DX 02 | Sep 98 |
Vo Indonesia/9525 kHz, 100 days, det. qsl-card / 3IRCs, picture postcard. | M.Rohde-D | ADDX 1998-21 | Nov 98 |
Voice of Indonesia in Japanese. Full-dated card in 95 days with 2IRC. Was problem of postage solved ? (No.30) | G.Iwata-J | Japan Premium | Nov 98 |
V.O.Indoensia QSL received in 60 days. Reported in Japasnese. (No.30) | N.Takeno-J | Japan Premium | Nov 98 |
P.T.Pos Indonesia cut in postage on August 27. The cost from Indonesia to Japan became Rp.2500 by postcard and Rp.4000 by letter (under 20g). The postage by letter to Japan raised from Rp.800 to Rp.7500 in May and V.O.Indonesia stopped sending QSL to listeners in Japan. But recently the reply to Japan was started again with postcard. | J.Yamada-J | Jembatan DX 061 | Nov 98 |
Voice of Indonesia 9525 qsl-card, no ret. postage, 1185 days. | P.Cody-IRL | WDXC QSL Report | Feb 99 |
St. Indonesiens / 15150 kHz 104 days QSL card / $. | W.Stengel-D | ADDX 1999-06 | Mrz 99 |
A registered tape rpt was sent to RRI back in August 1998, was returned after four mos., marked " Not acceptable. " This to the P.O Box 356 address for regional services. Re-sent rpt via registered to Voice of Indonesia / RRI c / o Box 1157. Package was return last week, again indicated as " Not acceptable--Return to sender. " Apparently it appears that tape rpts are not acceptable to Indonesia at this time. Anyone else have this problem ? | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | Numero Uno 1519 | Mrz 99 |
9525 Voice of Indonesia, partial data " Jakarta at dusk " card., in 3 years and 4 months. The card says it verifies a reception on 6 Jan. 1999, but the actual date was 6 Jan. 1996. Handwritten note asks for IRC's rather than mint stamps in future. (The correct ms. I sent in 1996 totaled 1400 rupiahs, but this QSL 3 years later required 5000 rupiahs.) A year ago I had sent a new report by registered mail that was returned unopened, with a notation in Indonesian that could well have meant " address incorrect. " For that report I used the address in WRTH, which is P. O. Box 1157. However, the address on the envelope was Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat 4 & 5 (P. O. Box 1157), Jakarta. | S.George-MA-USA | Cumbre DX 245 | Jun 99 |
St. Indonesiens, 15150, 195Tage, det. Karte (3 IRC !). | M.Martin-D | Eastside DX 06 | Jun 99 |
Vo Indonesia / 15150 kHz, 195-317 days, detailed qsl-card, pers. qsl-letter / 3 IRC. | diverse-D | ADDX 1999-14 | Jul 99 |
Vo Indonesia / 15150 kHz, 65 days, detailed qsl-card, / 3 IRCs. | W.Scheu-D | ADDX 1999-20 | Okt 99 |
Stimme Indonesiens / 15150 kHz, 53-305 days, detailed qsl-card, / IRC. | diverse-D | ADDX 1999-23 | Dez 99 |
Stimme Indonesiens / 15150 kHz, 36-58 days, detailed qsl-card / IRC. | diverse-D | ADDX 2000-07 | Apr 00 |
Stimme Indonesiens - 15150 - det. Karte, Snail Mail, 56 Tage | M.Grallert-D | direct to QIP | Apr 00 |
V.O.Indonesia Japanese. Received QSL, Sticker. 106 days. | Y.Katagiri-J | Japan Premium 2000-04 | Apr 00 |
Voice of Indonesia 15150 kHz, card, rp : no, 283 days | V.Rozhkov-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Mai 00 |
V.o.Indon. 15150 kHz, 49 days, f/d card (on the third try) | E.Bierwirth-D | direct to QIP | Aug 00 |
Vo Indonesia - det. Karte Vulkan 15150 kHz 1800 19.04.00 165 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Okt 00 |
Vo Indonesia / 15150, 54-446 days, detailed QSL-card / 3 IRC. | diverse-D | ADDX 2000-23 | Dez 00 |
Voice of Indonesia 15150,00 kHz, 2 US-$, Report in Deutsch, 188 Tage, QSL-Karte, Details : ja. | K.Reibold-D | EAWRC 284 | Jan 01 |
VOICE OF INDONESIA 15150 QSL-CARD 35d. NO IRC. QTH : P.O.BOX 1157, DJAKARTA 10001. | N.Reiner-D | Play-DX 1094 | Jan 01 |
Vo Indonesia/9525 kHz, 48 days, detailed qsl-card, pers. letter. | K.Oxenbauer-D | ADDX 2001-12 | Jun 01 |
Vo Indonesia 11785,00 kHz, 84 days, Banknote, PG nein. | P.E.Boeck-D | EAWRC 291 | Aug 01 |
V O Indonesia : Recently I also sent them a report (after they reactivated 15150 for Europe in the UT evenings), and after about a month or so I first received their programme folder with photos of the different departments, and two days after that I received their nice QSL card. And later I, too, heard my letter read on the air in their Sunday Mailbag show. I did not send them any IRCs. | E.Koie-DNK | EDXP-ML | Aug 01 |
Vo Indonesia / 11785 kHz, 92 Tage, detailed qsl-card, PG / IRC. | E.Röscher-D | ADDX 2001-23 | Dez 01 |
Meine Erfahrungen mit dem Deutschen Dienst der VOI (bezüglich QSL) sind blitzartig besser geworden, als ich mich direkt an Frau Setio Rini gewendet habe. Vorher blieben meine QSLing-Versuche jahrelang erfolglos. Ob Frau Rini noch im Amt ist? es sind immerhin ein paar Jahre vergangen. | G.D'Amico-SUI | A-DX-ML | Feb 02 |
Eine QSL vom deutschen Dienst Indonesiens trudelte hier, vor 3 Jahren, ein. Es benoetigte insgesamt fuenf Rapports, innerhalb von etwa 10 Jaren, bis der letzte beantwortet wurde. Wohl Glueckssache bei denen, ob eine Antwort geschickt wird. Als Rueckporto lag 1 US-$ bei. | J.Thiel-D | A-DX-ML | Feb 02 |
Meine Erfahrungen mit Indonesien: 2001 Bestätigung nach ca. 2 Monaten, Beilage 1 IRC und Ansichtskarten von Dresden. Rückantwort per Luftpost nach ca. 2 Monaten Aufkleber, QSL - Karte und Programmschema. Frankiert war das ganze mit 14.000 Rupien. | W.Oehmichen-D | A-DX-ML | Feb 02 |
15150 kHz, VOICE OF INDONESIA, full data QSL-card in English (site missing), card shows Main street 'Thamrin' in Jakarta, v/s not given, no further material, but as a separate letter a large frequency schedule with pictures of all foreign language crews, both letters with nice stamps (each 4000 Rp), in 52 days for a report with 1 IRC and 1 USD to Voice of Indonesia, German Service, P.O.Box 1157, Jakarta 10001, Indonesien. | M.Schöch-D | direct to QIP | Apr 02 |
Voice of Indonesia,Jakarta,Indonesia: 5/08/2001 at 20:00 UTC on 15150 kHz. Received a complete QSL card after many temptatives ! Sent 3 IRC to their English Service, P. O. Box 1157, Jakarta | S.Tanini-I | direct to QIP | Apr 02 |
15150 kHz, Voice of Indonesia, f/d "Mt. Kalimantan" card in 2 years, 2 months after 2 follow-ups. Card was initialed but illegible. | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | DXplorer-ML | Apr 02 |
9525 Voice of Indonesia via Jakarta heard 25 March 2000 at 1027-1045. SINPO=34433. Reply on my self-addressed air mail form + 2 VOI postcards with personal notes, v/s Amy Aisha, Presenter, Listeners Mailbag, via Jakarta in 656 days. Responding to my mail DX Report + 3 reminders. Apparently Ms. Aisha also replied on-air 2 September 2001. | G.Glotzbach-NM-USA | Cumbre DX 400 | Mai 02 |
Hatte heute Post von der Stimme Indonesiens. Man bestätigte meinen RR vom 06.05.2002 mit einer QSL und mit separater Post kam der Sendeplan. Als Rückporto habe ich meinem RR einen US-Dollar beigelegt. | F.-W.Adam-D | A-DX-ML | Jun 02 |
Vo Indonesia IRC 11785 f/dc 232 days. | R.Petraitis-LTU | BDXC-UK 2002-06 | Jun 02 |
Für das deutsche Programm 18 UTC auf 15150 kHz sind dekorative QSL-Karten erhältlich, für die einigen Meldungen zufolge vier IRCs zur Beantwortung nötig sind. Freundliche Briefe scheinen jedoch manchmal Wunder zu wirken, hier kam für den Bericht über mehrere Sendungen und zwei beigelegte Antwortscheine nach 72 Tagen die QSL-Karte, auf der die Hochhäuser der Thamrin Street in Jakarta und angedeutete Verkehrsströme zu sehen sind. Adresse: Voice of lndonesia, Overseas Service, Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat 4&5 (P.O.Box 157), Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia. | J.Adolph-D | Eastside DX 19 | Jun 02 |
St. Indonesiens 11785 kHz, 118 Tage, det. K. | C.Edler-D | Eastside DX 20 | Aug 02 |
Vo Indonesia 15150 k sch | C.Brunström-S | Norwegian DX News 2002-05 | Aug 02 |
Vo Indonesia / 15150 kHz, 49 Tage, det. K, PG / 2 IRC. | W.Knippschild-D | ADDX 2002-18 | Sep 02 |
11785 kHz, VOICE OF INDONESIA, P.O.Box 1157, Jakarta 10001, (INDONESIA). Tarjeta QSL con datos completos, en la misma QSL se adjunto el esquema de frecuencias y horarios. Tiempo de demora 242 dias, idioma verificado en Ingles. Verificado por:Amy Aisha. | J.Hernández Madrid-E | Conexion Digital 178 | Sep 02 |
Vo Indonesia 15150 kHz, 3k 92-476d v/s Any Aisha, Presenter Mailbag | B.Tandberg-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2002-06 | Sep 02 |
9525 Voice of Indonesia. Received in 1 year 2 months for English report, 3 IRCs and a follow up report, a hand written verification on the follow up report, which I had sent by email to Liem Kwet Hian in Jakarta, who hand carried my report to the station. v/s Endang R promises a QSL card to come. Card or no, I consider this to be valid QSL already. This ends a 12 years quest for verification from this station. My thanks to Mr Liem for all the legwork. | R.Lam-SNG | Cumbre DX-ML | Okt 02 |
Vo Indonesia / 11785 kHz, 118 Tage, detailed qsl-card. | P.Vaegler-D | ADDX 2002-23 | Dez 02 |
Voice of Indonesia-15150 postcard v/s Iny Sisha, mailbag presenter. | B.-I.Holmberg-S | direct to QIP | Dez 02 |
Voice of Indonesia 15150 kHz, 210 Tage, det. Karte / 2 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Dez 02 |
Ein R-Brief an die P.O. Box 1157 in Jakarta 10001 kam jetzt nach 100 Tagen als nicht abgeholt (non-réclamé) zurueck. Weiß jemand eine zuverlaessige e-mail-Anschrift, damit ich den RR doch noch loswerde? | J.Leyder-LUX | A-DX-ML | Apr 03 |
RRI/V.o.Indonesia, Djakarta 15.150 kHz, INS tx-site: Djakarta-Cimanggis gehört in: AUT/Strasshof B, sticker, Sendeplan 26.04.2003 11.06.2003 38 Tage | H.Süss-AUT | direct to QIP | Jun 03 |
Vo Indonesia / 15150 kHz, 56 Tage, undet. QSL-Brief, PG, Sticker | H.-J.Koch-D | ADDX 2002-23 | Dez 03 |
Vo Indonesia / 15150 kHz, 38 Tage, K, Sticker, PG | H.Süss-AUT | ADDX 2002-23 | Dez 03 |
Vo Indonesia / 15150 kHz, 59 Tage, det. QSL-Karte, pers. B, Sticker, PG / 2 IRC | D.Stange-D | ADDX 2004-03 | Feb 04 |
Gerade kam mit der Post eine QSL-Karte von Voice of Indonesia mit Sticker vom 5.Mai. Beigelegt: 2 IRC. Bericht in Deutsch. Erinnerungsschreiben per Mail. | D.Kähler-D | A-DX-ML | Okt 04 |
Von der Voice of Indonesia ist heute eine QSL und persönlichen Brief angekommen. Hatte ich damit im Moment überhaupt nicht gerechnet. RR war vom 8.10.04 via Luftpost und der BRief ist in Indonesion am 16.12.04 raus und heute (Silvester) angekommen. | M.Goerke-D | A-DX-ML | Dez 04 |
Vo Indonesia / 15150 kHz, 123 Tage, det. Karte, PG / IRC | P.Vaegler-D | ADDX 2005-02 | Feb 05 |
Vo Indonesia / 15150 kHz, 227 Tage, det. K / 2 IRC | D.Kähler-D | ADDX 2005-04 | Apr 05 |
Vo Indonesia / 15150 kHz, 83 Tage, det. K, pers. B | M.Goerke-D | ADDX 2005-04 | Apr 05 |
15150 kHz - Voice of Indonesia (The Overseas Service of Radio Republik Indonesia), Jakarta. Recebido: Cartao QSL, carta, adesivo,schedule. 379 dias. V/S: Deutsche Redaktion der Stimme Indonesiens. QTH: Medan Merdeka Barat 4 - 5, P.O. Box 1157, Jakarta, Indonesia. | R.Walter Grimm-SP-B | Atividade DX 251 | Mai 05 |
Voice of Indonesia 9525 kHz, 60 Tage, det. Karte Motiv A Toraja girl (South Sulawesi), dressed in complete traditional clothing./ 2 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jun 05 |
Vo Indonesia / 15150 kHz, 54 Tage, det. QSL-Karte | P.Gager-AUT | ADDX 2005-08 | Aug 05 |
9525, RRI, "Thank you very much for your reception report of our EG (???) transmission.." e-mail reply in 198 days for an EG postal report. Mentions preparing prg. schedule and QSL cards to download from their website. Sez also b/cing on 11785 and 15150. Not a "real" QSL but first RRI reply for many reports over the past few years. | S.R.Barbour Jr.-NH-USA | HCDX-ML | Aug 05 |
Voice of Indonesia 15150, n/d e-mail in 3 months for an e-mail report. Just signed by "English section" | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | direct to QIP | Aug 05 |
Vo Indonesia / 15150 kHz, 192 Tage, det. B / $ | D.Rosenau-D | ADDX 2005-10 | Okt 05 |
Voice of Indonesia 11.785 QSL rcvd after 3 f/ups in 141 days. | S.M.Kolesov-RUS | direct to QIP | Okt 05 |
Vo Indonesia 15150 b pk sti 133 days, v/s Amy Aisha, Mailbag Presenter | B.Tandberg-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-07 | Okt 05 |
Vo Indonesia 15150 e-post 3 months | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-08 | Nov 05 |
QSL [non], tri-folding combo, Merry Christmas/New Years/freqeuncy schedule/Asia and Europe coverage map card mailed in a nice VOI envelope w/ Indo stamps. Presumably for one of many reports of 9525 sent in the past. Did receive a n/d VOI e-mail reply last summer. Eventually I'll get the QSL..I hope! | S.R.Barbour Jr.-NH-USA | HCDX-ML | Jan 06 |
VOICE OF INDONESIA 11785 kHz. QSLcard in 141 days After 3rd f/up!! NO IRC Sent. Address: WRTH 2006. | S.M.Kolesov-UKR | Play-DX 2006-01 | Jan 06 |
Vo Indonesia 11860 k sch 9 months | C.W.Englund-S | Norwegian DX News 2006-02 | Feb 06 |
QSL Voice of Indonesia ( e-Mail Bericht vom 01.04.06) | P.Vaegler-D | A-DX-ML | Mai 06 |
Vo Indonesia / 15150 kHz, 68 Tage, det. K / 2 IRC | U.Wicke-D | ADDX 2006-10 | Okt 06 |
20.08.2006, 15150 kHz, det. Karte, V/S: ohne, 108 Tage | S.Walzog-D | direct to QIP | Dez 06 |
St. Indonesiens / 15150 kHz, 42 Tage, det. K | M.Geissler-D | ADDX 2007-02 | Feb 07 |
Voice of Indonesia 11785 kHz, 120 Tage, det. Karte Motiv "Ondel-ondel Betawi" /PG, 2 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Aug 07 |
Voice of Indonesia 11785 kHz, 265 Tage, det. Karte Motiv Maskentänze / 1 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mai 08 |
9525 Voice of Indonesia, Jakarta. 151 dias. Recebido: cartão QSL (Blue Crowned Pegeon - Papua). V/S: Ilegível. QTH: Jalan Merdeka Barat 4-5, Jakarta 10110, Indonesia. | F.Mattos-SC-B | radioecutas-ML | Okt 10 |
Relayed Stations or Programs
KangGuru R Index Indonesia
Index Asia
15150 KANG GURU II Radio ENGLISH verified an e-mailed report for their broadcast via RRI Jakarta by e-mail in less than 24 hours. v/s is Kang Guru Project Manager Greg Clough at kangguru@server.indo.net.id. In his e-mail he mentions two recent reports from the USA as well as earlier letters from Pakistan and Somalia. | H.Sandte-D | Cumbre DX 083 | Apr 96 |
9580, KangGuru Radio English prgm via RRI-Jakarta, very friendly ltr from Walter Slamer, Project Mgr, confirming that I hrd them (but no other rcpn details). -Yours is the third letter we have rcvd this year from SW radio enthusiasts. The previous two were from Japan. I understand that my predeccesor rcvd requests similar to yours from 18 countries over the period of his six yr. tenure.- Also sent business card, info sheets and April 1998 ed. of colorful and very professionally done -KangGuru Radio English- magazine. Address : P.O. Box 3095, Denpasar 80030, Bali, Indonesia, E-mail kangguru@denpasar.wasantara.net.id Rcvd in two wks. for a taped rpt. | J.Berg-MA-USA | Numero Uno 1481 | Jun 98 |
Kang Guru Radio English, 9680 kHz : Verie letter with statement in 5 months. Also sent large magazine about Kang Guru Radio Service, all in a large envelope with 29, ooo R. of postage. Their e-mail address is kangguru@denpasar.wasantara.net.id v/s : Walter Slamer, Project Director Requested for PPC's, to be returned but were not (which indicated RRI Program and Site). | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | Jembatan DX 066 | Jan 99 |
Kang Guru Radio English via RRI Jakarta on 11760 kHz : no data letter with magazine and sticker in 127days. v/s Ogi Yutarini, Admin Officer. | J.Yamada-J | Jembatan DX 112 | Jan 01 |
Kang Guru R. English 9680 kHz QSL card (PFC), phamplet, stacker in 245 d for English report with 1$. | Ke.Hashimoto-J | direct to QIP | Aug 06 |
United Nations R (INS)
Index Indonesia Index Asia
"U.N.Calling Asia" via RRI Jakarta, 15125 kHz : Full data card with transmitter site was came from U.N.Radio in 27days for $ 1.00. Enclosed schedule and calender. Unfortunately the program name was not indicated in the QSL. | J.Yamada-J | Jembatan DX 049 | Jul 98 |
Index Indonesia Index Asia Previous Page : Indonesia 1 Next Page : Iran