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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations
from Bhutan
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I received a QSL from Bhutan in 1990. This was for a reception in 1989 on the frequency of 5023.1. They were running 10kw at the time. I sent a prepared card, and an envelope and $ 1. This card was signed and stamped by the station engineer, and was sent direct from the station in Bhutan. Unfortunately I can't read the name of the station engineer. | S.Lare-MI-USA | HCDX-ML | Jun 99 |
I received a QSL from Radio Bhutan on 5030 a number of years ago. The verie signer was Miss Mohini Shepherd, I think from memory. | T.Magon-AUS | HCDX-ML | Jun 99 |
"You simply send your report to : Bhutan Broadcasting Service, P.O. Box 101 Thimpu, Bhutan." - Yes, that will reach them. But the other way round is the problem. They are black, I never got a direct QSL. And I haven't seen a direct QSL reported anywhere for many years. | M.Elbe-D | HCDX-ML | Nov 99 |
Add my name to list of those DXers fortunate to have received a QSL from the Bhutan Broadcasting Service. I received a full-data card and personal letter via registered mail in 5 weeks after my one and only report. In the letter, v/s Thinley Tobgay Dorji gave me credit for designing a QSL card on which the BBS based their new QSL card design. " Thank you for designing a QSL card for us we finally designed one ourselves based on yours. " A subtle irony is that the stamps on the envelope commemorated the 500th anniversary of America. Based on some E-mails I had with a reporter at the BBS, they haven't had a QSL card in years. He acknowledged that this was an area they " needed to work on. " A scan of the QSL card and audio clips of my reception of the BBS are posted at : http://home.att.net/~curious.george/ | G.Maroti-NY-USA | HCDX-ML | Apr 00 |
Nice surprice when the mail was delivered today. A QSL from Bhutan Broadcasting Service Corporation with registred mail ! Full data simple QSL-card with a dragon wishing happy new 2000 (seems that they have printed a new stock of QSL-cards), and a short letter with greetings from Bhutan and excusing for the late reply (report from November 4th 1999). Signed by Thinley Tobgay Dorji, Coordinator, News & Currant Affairs Division. Has also e-mailaddress : news@druknet.net.bt. | J.Edh-S | HCDX-ML | Apr 00 |
Nice surprise for me too ! as I got my QSL this morning by registered mail giving the same e-mail address : news@druknet.net.bt. but here is the Phone and Fax Number of BBS : Tel + 23071, 26072 FAX 00 975 230 73 | M.Vaghjee-MAU | HCDX-ML | Apr 00 |
5025 BBS Nice f/d card in 50 days after several f / u's for a 92 rpt. Illegible v/s. | T.Palmersheim-MT-USA | HCDX-ML | Mai 00 |
I got a nice one today.Bhutan Broadcasting Service, 6035 kHz, for logging on 2 January, nice card/letter direct. | D.Henderson-MD-USA | DXplorer-ML | Jul 01 |
I received a long awaited QSL card from Bhutan Broadcasting Service today and a letter signed by Sonam Tobgay, Station Engineer. The card was supposed to be for a reception from November 16, 1992 on 5025 kHz but alas it was filled out for the day he sent the letter (July 2, 2001), on 6035 kHz and the wrong time to boot! He does have an e-mail address (toby@bbs.com.bt) so I've tried a gentle follow-up to see if I could get a corrected QSL. He was still in school when I heard this broadcast from BBS! The QSL card is very interesting.on the back it says the card is printed from traditional Bhutanese handmade paper made from the Daphne plant, widely found in Bhutan. The BBS web site is pretty interesting. profiles and pictures of key staff, including Sonam, as well as pictures from around the station and the radio and TV schedules. | B.Churchill-CA-USA | Cumbre DX 358 | Aug 01 |
5030 kHz Bhutan Broad. Service Opened up the mailbox to look for that airmail envelope and did get a beautiful certificate for Lighthouse Weekend- a lighthouse in Suffolk County, NY. Flipping thru the bills, I came upon a letter from Bhutan. They have apparently verified my Dec 1993 reports of the 8th and 18th with their attractive QSL and a personal letter apologizing for the delay. QSL signer is Sonam Tobgay, Station Engineer (that's who I sent my 1993 report to, as well). I had eventually QSLd them via the UN Embassy in 1994. NO follow-ups issued for these reports. The card had the wrong date (had date of issue, 10 July 2001), wrong time (10 AM local), wrong frequency (6035) and wrong address (I'm not a Rural Route any longer) ! Luckily I'm not female and got married or it would have been the wrong name, too!! | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | DXplorer-ML | Sep 01 |
Bhutan Broadcasting Service Corp, 6035, full data QSL card via snail mail. with a personal letter for the delay in reply. v/s: Dorji Wangchuk, station engineer. The QSL describes " This card is printed on traditional Bhutanese handmade paper. The paper is made from daphne plant which is widely found in Bhutan". The QSL card, covering letter & envelope are made by the same paper. | S.Chakroborty-IND | Cumbre DX 405 | Jun 02 |
Bhutan Broadcasting Service Corporation 5025 kHz, F/D very colourful "Logo" card printed on traditional Bhutanese paper made from the daphne plant and personal letter on the same paper (as was the envelope) in 110 days from v/s Dorji Wangchuk, Station Engineer for a e-mail F/up report with attached wav.file. - Check out their website at www.bbs.com.bt - [Long version :] As the heat wave continues out west a big surprise arrived in my mailbox this past month. An envelope addressed to my wife Doris arrived from Bhutan. Inside was a letter, also addressed to Doris and two QSL cards (one addressed to Doris and one to myself). What it seems to have happened is when I sent an e-mail to Radio Bhutan with an audio wav.file attached, I did not log Doris off the computer so the e-mail when via her MS Outlook thus attaching her name to the e-mail. I guess we really confused them at Radio Bhutan so they sent one card to Doris and one to me. Doris gets her first ever QSL card and go figure.from Bhutan. (md) | M.Delmage-AB-CAN | CIDX 2002-08 | Aug 02 |
Bhutan BS / 5030 kHz, 128 Tage, det. K, B / 2 IRC; geh. in IND. | M.Arndt-D | ADDX 2002-18 | Sep 02 |
BBS, direct QSL rcvd. I could receive Bhutan from time to time in 1993-94, but only in Nov-Dec. Many years ago I rcvd the blue UN card. Some months ago I visited the BBS webpage and had the idea of sending an E-mail. With it I also sent a scan of the ltr I rcvd years ago from Bhutan with their newspaper "Kuensel" from Sangay Agency, which rcvd my 1993 rpt and asked me to subscribe. I did not subscribe (too expensive), but it made good material for "Weltweit Hoeren," the well known GM DX magazine. But I never rcvd a QSL. With the E-mail I also sent my cover design for an article about BBS for the GM "Radio-Kurier." I never had more fun with a QSL; the only mistake is the wrong date (June 8, 2002), but for me it's one of the finest pieces in my collection. | C.Ratzer-AUT | DXplorer-ML | Sep 02 |
BBS 6035 kHz V/s: DHEN DUP TSHERING (JUNIOR ASSISTENT ENGINEER) (SWB 1503, SWEDEN) | C.Brunström-S | Play-DX J2003 | Apr 03 |
Bhutan BS 6035 kHz, e-post 9d v/s Dhendup Tshering, Junior Engineer, lovet også å sende brev på gamlemåten. | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2004-04 | Mai 04 |
I just received a reply from Bhutan Bs, confirming an e- report sent on 16th February for a reception of BBS 6035 kHz on 11th February 2006 at 01.20 UTC (hrd in our location in Liguria). I had sent my mail to webmaster@bbs.com.bt. Unfortunately their reply is only signed as "Web team". | A.Lawendel-I | direct to QIP | Feb 06 |
Soeben kam schon die QSL aus Bhutan per E-Mail, inkl. freundliche E-Mail. Laufzeit: Eine Stunde. Holla! | D.Kähler-D | A-DX-ML | Nov 08 |
Nach langem, zähen Ringen hat sich der Bhutan Broadcasting Service erweichen lassen, auf einen e-Mail-Bericht eine als jpg-Attachement ausgestellte QSL rauszurücken. Schwierige Geburt... Wer da noch was laufen hat, sollte das eben offene Fenster nutzen! v/s ist der Chief Engineer Dorji Wangchuk, dwangk@gmail.com Laufzeit 2 Tage. Danke an Christoph und Patrick für die Info! Die QSL ist unter http://home.wolfsburg.de/elbe/bhutan zu finden. | M.Elbe-D | A-DX-ML | Nov 08 |
BHUTAN BS 6035 kHz, E-QSL in 394 giorni. E-rpt con ID MP3 spedito a: dwangk@bbs.com.bt V/s: Dorij Wangchuk - Head Transmission. Il rapporto era stato inviato ad altri indirizzi di posta elettronica nel 2007 ma non aveva ottenuto risposta. | L.Botto Fiora-I | Bcl-News-ML | Dez 08 |
Bhuthan B.S. 6035 kHz - bbs@bbs.com.bt con e-mail allegata da ngawangdorji23@gmail.com in 65 giorni. v/s Ngawang Dorji BBS Transmission Head. 192mo country. | R.Pavanello-I | direct to QIP | Feb 09 |
Bhutan Broadcasting Service 6035 kHz, 860 Tage, 3 Tage nach reminder undet. E-Mail / 3 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Dez 09 |
Relayed Stations or Programs
United Nations R (BTN) Index Bhutan Index Asia
5025 kHz, Thimpu 14:31 06.03.92 10.03.93 76 days, QSL : kort info Ny rapport : 24.12.92 | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Mrz 93 |
5025 UN Radio Via BBS. Two full data QSL cards from UN Radio in New York in 10 and 24 days for 1991 reception. Three reports sent direct to Bhutan have gone unanswered. Never give up. | B.Harms-MD-USA | Cumbre DX 177 | Feb 98 |
Here in the States, it's impossible to hear Bhutan on the East Coast for their UN broadcast in English, which I believe is at 1430 UTC. I recorded them at 1200 UTC on 5030 kHz in Dzongkha, the national language of Bhutan (per their response) and sent the report to : Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Bhutan to the United Nations, 2 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017. I received a no-data personal letter and full-data prepared card, both signed by Thinley Dorji, Second Secretary. They also sent along the program schedule for the week of my reception report. I visited Sheryl Paszkiewicz, a NASWA Log Report editor in 1993 and she showed me a letter from DIRECT from Bhutan. I don't recall if she received a full-data or no-data QSL or even if it was a QSL; just that the letter was from Bhutan and the envelope had Bhutanese (?) stamps on it. I should have mentioned that my QSL was from 1994, so I'm not sure if Thinley Dorji is still at the UN Mission, but she appeared to have some idea about reception reports and QSLs, so I'm sure I wasn't the first one to get a verification by this means. | J.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | HCDX-ML | Jun 99 |
Received my QSL from Bhutan via the UN Permanent Mission of Bhutan back in 1994. Never did QSL my direct report. The addr is : Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Bhutan to the United Nations, Two United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, Veri signer was Thinley Dorji, Second Secretary who is still listed in the 2000 Passport Book as a contact. She filled out my self-prepared card and also confirmed my report and recording with a no data personal letter. | J.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | HCDX-ML | Nov 99 |
You can send a report to United Nations Radio; Bhutan is carrying a UN Radio programme on Tuesdays or Thursdays. But as UN Radio is confirming everything, that does not qualify as a " real " QSL. | M.Elbe-D | HCDX-ML | Nov 99 |
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