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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations
from Guam
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Domestic Stations
KGUM Asia Index Guam
Index Austr-Oceania
KGUM Agana 567 kHz. Full data email QSL (snail mail & email rpt sent) in 1 week v/s Jon A Anderson, President, Sorensen Pacific Broadcasting, jontalk@k57.com | C.A.Edwards-QLD-AUS | mwdx-ML | Jul 04 |
KGUM Agana 567 brev v/s Jon Anderson, som har slekt i Bodo! | B.Mjelde-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-01 | Jan 05 |
KGUM Newstalk K57 567 e-post 7 month | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-05 | Sep 05 |
KGUM Newstalk 57, Agana 567 kHz, heard: 7.1.2005, QSL 2005 | J.Solatie-FIN | mwdx-ML | Dez 05 |
KSDA Asia Index Guam
Index Austr-Oceania
11980 kHz, Agat 16:00 02.08.87 07.09.87 36 days, QSL : kort dekal mm | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Sep 1987 |
KSDA 9645 kHz, det. qsl-card in 75 days, pennant. info, schedule / $ | R.Sonntag-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 1988 |
KSDA Guam det. Karte Station 13720 kHz 2000 20.05.89 43 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jul 1989 |
AWR 9530 qsl-card no r.postage 53 days. | P.Travers-G | WDXC QSL Report | Feb 1996 |
KSDa 9530 certificate no r.postage 104 days. | P.Miroshnikov-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Jun 1996 |
KSDA AWR 9650 qsl-card rf sch inf 47d. | J.Svendsen-NOR | Norwegian DX News 1996-10 | Dez 1996 |
AWR Asia 7455 qsl-card no r.postage 90 days | Z.Liangas-GRC | WDXC QSL Report | Dez 1996 |
AWR Asia (!) 9530 card schedule sheet 7 weeks. | T.H.Hesjadalen-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Jan 1997 |
AWR Asia 15610 qsl-card no r.postage 52 days. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | WDXC QSL Report | Jan 1997 |
AWR Asia 9495 qsl-card no r.postage 30 days | Z.Liangas-GRC | WDXC QSL Report | Jan 1997 |
KSDA-3 9370 card div 3 months. | B.Erfjord-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Mrz 1997 |
KSDA-4 9650 card div 3 months Bernts AWR-qsl kom i forbindelse med jubileumskonkurransen i fjor. De ble sendt med Surface Mail fra USA., var poststemplet 13.des, og kom fram 14.feb ! | B.Erfjord-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Mrz 1997 |
KSDA 7455 26d/9650 17d f/d card, sked, rpt form, info. | M.Mitsuaki-J | Cumbre DX 134 | Apr 1997 |
KSDA 9530 certificate no r.postage 180 days. | G.Grigoriev-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Apr 1997 |
KSDA 9370 qsl-card 1 IRC 110 days. | J.Parker-G | WDXC QSL Report | Apr 1997 |
KSDA 13720 qsl-card no r.postage 25 days. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | WDXC QSL Report | Apr 1997 |
AWR 9530 qsl-card no r.postage 127 days. | G.Grigoriev-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Mai 1997 |
KSDA 9495 qsl-card no r.postage 85 days. | R.Takács-ROU | WDXC QSL Report | Feb 1998 |
AWR-Asia, Agat, Guam 7.455 kHz, GUM tx-site: Agat gehört in: PHL/Manila K 06.01.1998 31.03.1998 74 Tage | H.Süss-AUT | direct to QIP | Mrz 1998 |
KSDA AWR - They confirmed my English report in 42 days for one IRC by a card with a 3D picture. | D.H.Friese-D | direct to QIP | Apr 1998 |
AWR on 9370, QSL info papers in 65 days for 1 IRC (Play DX 976 April 1) | A.Micheli-I | TFW 058 | Apr 1998 |
AWR 15610, f /d " 25th Anniversary / Globe " card, schedule, AWR Coverage map and AWR stamps in 52 days. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 1998-06 | Jun 1998 |
AWR Asia, Agat 9650 3 days-k schedule 59 days. | T.Nielsen-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Jun 1998 |
KSDA 9650 full data card in 12 days. | M.Mitsuaki-J | Cumbre DX 200 | Jul 1998 |
AWR-Asia, Agat 9650 qsl-card sticker info schedule 85 days. | T.Nielsen-NOR | Norwegian DX News 1998-07 | Aug 1998 |
9370/9650 / 9355 / 11980, AWR via KSDA-1; 2; 3; 4 Transmitter, f/d Cards with sites for each transmitter plus radio stamps in 18 days v/s : Adrian Peterson. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | Numero Uno 1492 | Sep 1998 |
AWR Agat 15310 qsl-card, 2 IRC 23 days. | G.Coles-G | WDXC QSL Report | Okt 1998 |
KSDA / div. kHz, 11-68 days, det. qsl-card, program guide, reception report forms. | diverse-D | ADDX 1998-21 | Nov 1998 |
KSDA/9650 kHz, 92 days, det. 'World's Smallest QSL Card', picture postcard, Sticker, qsl-letter, Info / IRC. | T.Höhne-D | ADDX 1998-21 | Nov 1998 |
KSDA 11775, f /d " Flowers (AWR QSL #2) " card, schedule, report forms and AWR history sheet in 35 days. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 1998-12 | Dez 1998 |
AWR Asia / 15310 kHz 29 days | A.Faust-D | ADDX 1999-02 | Jan 1999 |
AWR-Guam 9650 kHz, QSL card with a stamp " Wavescan DX Contest 1998 ", stamps, mini-calendar, time-indicator, cards, schedule, report cards, and information (result) of this contest, in 97days. Reported with 1 $. (No.39) | T.Gouhara-J | Japan Premium 1999-01 | Jan 1999 |
KSDA / 9385 kHz 26 days detailed QSL card P.Gager-AUT | P.Gager-AUT | ADDX 1999-06 | Mrz 1999 |
AWR Guam, GUM, 9355, 177 Tage, det. Karte (1 IRC). | M.Martin-D | Eastside DX 06 | Jun 1999 |
AWR via KSDA ---- E 7455 9355 11560 11705 11750 11930 15195 15225 15330 15550 15615 21770 14 - 44 days, 19 det. K. für Wavescan 1999, QSL-Sticker, Info, Aufnäher, Wimpel für Kontest, AWR-PPC, RR teilweise von INS. | P.E.Boeck-D | RMRC-D Webpage | Jun 1999 |
AWR-ASIA 17635, f /d " Tumon Bay " card, schedule, report form and pocket calendars in 29 days from v/s Lolita Colegado. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 1999-07 | Jul 1999 |
KSDA / AWR 11660, f /d " Philantrophy Stamp " card in 20 days for US $ 1. | R.Comeau-MA-USA | CIDX 1999-08 | Aug 1999 |
KSDA 11705 kHz, card, rp : 1, 67 days. | N.Borovenski-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Sep 1999 |
AWR-Asia, Agat, Guam 15.195 kHz, GUM tx-site: Agat gehört in: AUT/Döbriach K, E-Form, px-Info 11.07.1999 06.09.1999 23 Tage | H.Süss-AUT | direct to QIP | Sep 1999 |
AWR Asia 11965 kHz, card, rp : no, 38 days. | R.Petraitis-LTU | WDXC QSL Report | Nov 1999 |
KSDA / div. kHz, 13-120 days, detailed qsl-card, RR form, program guide. | diverse-D | ADDX 1999-23 | Dez 1999 |
AWR Asia / 15195 kHz, 23 days, detailed qsl-card, program guide, RR form. | H.Süss-AUT | ADDX 1999-23 | Dez 1999 |
The following is a letter I received from AWR, KSDA in Agat, Guam with my QSL card : " This is to let you know that Adventist World Radio is centralizing the Listener mail department. Instead of handling listener's mail in different areas, it was felt that we can be more effective if this would be handled just in one place. It was, therefore, decided that listener mail to Guam be phased out and all our monitoring be handled by Bernd Friedewald in Germany in cooperation with our Frequency Coordinator. In view of this change, we are requesting you to send your reports to the following address where you will receive further information : ILG Software, Bernd Friedewald, PO Box 1112, D-34567 Homberg, Germany. E-mail awr.monitor@ilgradio.com Reception reports will no longer be processed here on Guam. Guam Listener Mail Dept. " | M.Veldhuis-HOL & M.Mitsuaki-J | Cumbre DX 273 | Dez 1999 |
TWR Asia 11775 kHz, f/d card, 11/28/97, v/s : Not listed "Logo" card, site : Agat Guam | J.Dybka-TX-USA | Webpage | Jan 2000 |
AWR, Guam & Costa Rica : : KSDA-Guam has phased out the issuing of QSL cards. However, KSDA reports will still be verified from the AWR address in England. Write to : Listener mail Coordinator, AWR, 39 Brendon St., London W1, England. Bernd Friedewald in Germany is processing only regular monitoring reports from official AWR monitors, and is not issuing QSL cards on behalf of AWR. -- The left-over QSL-cards from AWR in Costa Rica have been forwarded to Indianapolis, 21 different cards in all. Those who would like to complete their collection of AWR QSL-cards from Costa Rica are invited to send reports on any AWR xmsn to AWR at Box 29235, Indianapolis, IN 46229. The Costa Rica card series available in Indianapolis as long as supplies last are : Volcano Series, six cards; Country Paintings, five cards; Coat of Arms Series, seven cards; and Miscellaneous Cards, three cards. | A.Peterson-IN-USA | Numero Uno 1564 | Feb 2000 |
KSDA / 11795 kHz, 19 days, qsl-card / $, SAE. | D.Schulz-D | ADDX 2000-07 | Apr 2000 |
AWR via KSDA / div. kHz, 14-44 days, 19 detailed qsl-card f. Wavescan, Sicken, Info, Aufnähen. Contest-W. | P.E.Boeck-D | ADDX 2000-07 | Apr 2000 |
AWR (KSDA) 9370, f /d " Sunrise at Bear Rock " card, schedule and sticker in 1 month for ms. | A.Loudell-DE-USA | CIDX 2000-05 | Mai 2000 |
KSDA 15550, f /d " Transmission Towers " card, Bible studies card and schedule in 19 days from v/s R. Kerr. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 2000-06 | Jun 2000 |
11720 kHz, AWR Asia, P.O.Box 8990, Agat, Guam 96928, USA. Tarjeta QSL, esquema de programacion, " AWR Current ", calco, formularios para reportes. Verifico en 76 dias. | M.A.Cornachioni-ARG | Conexion Digital 083 | Dez 2000 |
KSDA Agat Guam 15550,00 kHz, Rp - 19-27 Tage, K, QSL-Brief, Details : ja. | P.E.Boeck-D | EAWRC 283 | Dez 2000 |
AWR-Asia, Agat, Guam 11.980 kHz, GUM tx-site: Agat gehört in: AUT/Strasshof K, pers.Brief, QRG-plan, Mini-Kalender 27.10.2000 27.12.2000 57 Tage | H.Süss-AUT | direct to QIP | Dez 2000 |
KSDA / div., 14-27 days, detailed QSL-card, B. | diverse-D | ADDX 2001-03 | Feb 2001 |
AWR 15195, f /d " Canterbury Cathedral " card, schedule and report form in 22 days from v/s Narine West. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 2001-02 | Feb 2001 |
11755, KSDA, new AWR "QSL Stamps" card, v/s--who else?--Adrian M. Peterson, in 10 days from Indy. Tnx, Adrian. | J.Berg-MA-USA | Numero Uno 1618 | Feb 2001 |
AWR Agat / 11980, 57, qsl-card, personal letter, PG, Kalender. | H.Süss-AUT | ADDX 2001-06 | Mrz 2001 |
11560 AWR - Agat - Recebido belíssimo QSL (QSL Stamps), 2 formulários para informes de recepçăo, carta pessoal em inglęs, calendário comemorativo dos 30 anos da AWR e schedule. 42 dias. v/s: Marine West (AWR Listener Mail). obs: relatório enviado via e-mail. QTH : AWR-Asia, P.O. Box 8990, Agat, Guam 96928 USA ou Adventist World Radio 39 Brendon St London W1H 5HD England - | R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B | DXCB 2001-03 | Mrz 2001 |
11560 AWR - Agat, Recebido belíssimo (Stamps), 2 formulários para informes de recepçăo, carta pessoal em inglęs, calendário comemorativo dos 30 anos da AWR e schedule - 42 dias v/s: Marine West (AWR Listener Mail). obs: relatório enviado via e-mail. QTH : AWR-Asia, P.O. Box 8990, Agat, Guam 96928 USA ou Adventist World Radio 39 Brendon St London W1H 5HD England. | R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B | Atividade DX 018 | Apr 2001 |
KSDA Agat Guam 15225,00 kHz, - 5 Tage, K, B, Info Details : ja. | P.E.Boeck-D | EAWRC 287 | Apr 2001 |
17880 KSDA-AWR, via Londres. Tarjeta QSL recibida en 34 dias. | A.Leonel Slaen-ARG | Conexion Digital 105 | Mai 2001 |
AWR / 11660 kHz, 24 days, detailed qsl-card, RRV. | P.Vaegler-D | ADDX 2001-12 | Jun 2001 |
KSDA Agat 15330,00 kHz, 24 days, qsl-card, B, Info, PG, details : yes. | P.E.Boeck-D | EAWRC 291 | Aug 2001 |
KSDA 15330 kHz, f/d card, rp : no, 43 days. | N.Borovenski-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Okt 2001 |
9740, 11560 e 15620 - Adventist World Radio - Agat (GUM), Agat (GUM) e Meyerton (AFS) - recebido tręs belíssimos QSL's (2 da série K | I.Dias da Silva Júnior-SP-B | DXCB 2001-12 | Dez 2001 |
Adventist World R Guam det. Karte Radio Lira grün 11965 kHz 1730 06.09.01 130 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jan 2002 |
AWR 11730, 15265 and 17635 kHz, F/D "Do-It-Yourself" cards in 90 days. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 2002-02 | Feb 2002 |
AWR / 15725 kHz, 67 Tage, detail. qsl-card, Kalender, Magazin / $; via London. | J.Waga-D | ADDX 2002-08 | Apr 2002 |
INGLATERRA via EMIRADOS ÁRABES UNIDOS, ALEMANHA e GUAM, 61 dias 11795, 11845 e 11975 Adentist World Radio - Al Dhabbaya (Abu Dhabi), Jülich (G) e Agat (GUM) Recebido tręs belíssimos QSL's da nova série entitulada "New Milleniun QSL Cards" (The Ressurection, The Crucifixion e The Second Coming -- todos retratando Jesus Cristo), carta pessoal e folheto. IR's enviados por e-mail: Enviei 4 IR's, mas só 3 foram confirmados com o respectivo QSL. v/s: Guisčle Larmonie, Listener Services QTH : Adventist World Service, Listener Services, 39 Brendon Street, London W1H 5HD, England e-mail: wavescan@awr.org | R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B | Atividade DX 093 | Apr 2002 |
Adventist World Radio 9385 kHz. F/D "Kids Art Contest QSL Series" card in 57 days from v/s Guisele Larmonie, Listener Services. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 2002-04 | Apr 2002 |
AWR/Agat 13840 k b sch blad 222d | B.Tandberg-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2002-03 | Apr 2002 |
KSDA, AWR-Asia, Guam 15.240 kHz, GUM tx-site: Agat gehört in: AUT/Strasshof K, QRG-plan, pers.Brf, Info-Heft 13.08.2001 05.04.2002 249 Tage | H.Süss-AUT | direct to QIP | Apr 2002 |
9385 AWR via Agat f/d art contest QSL series cd in 57 days v/s Guisele Larmonie Listener Services | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | ODXA 2002-06 | Jun 2002 |
Adventist World R Guam det. Karte Newbold 9385 kHz 1630 11.06.02 11 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jun 2002 |
AWR Relay / div. 94-96 Tage, det. K f. Contest. | P.Vaegler-D | ADDX 2002-13 | Jul 2002 |
KSDA, 11560, Full Data Card (Special QSL for JSWC 50th Ann) in 59 days by Air mail for EG report sent by Air mail with $1.00 postage. v/s: irregible. | K.Watanabe-J | Japan Premium 220 | Jul 2002 |
11980 - AWR, Agat - 171 dias. Recebido cartăo QSL alusivo ao aniversário de Marconi. v/s: DX Editor | C.Pérez Dioses-PRU | Atividade DX 107 B | Aug 2002 |
AWR/Agat 13840 k b sch sti kal 350d | B.Tandberg-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2002-05 | Aug 2002 |
17635 - Adventist World Radio, Agat - 11 dias. Recebido belíssimo QSL full data, peretencente ŕ série New Millennium QSL Card Series (The Crucifixion), QSL comemorativo do centenário de Guglielmo Marconi 1901 -- 2001 (em branco), bloco de seloscomemorativo dos 25 anos da AWR, selo da AWR Guam, foto sobre os 750.000 refugiados na área de Goma (Kibumba camp - Zaire), 2 folhetos sobre o "Wavescan 2002 DX Contest", folheto "AWR Current", schedule, 2 bonitos calendários de bolso retratando transmissores da AWR, reguinha e cartăo "2 Young Haitian Children clutched from the jaws of DEATH". v/s: Adrian M. Peterson, Dx Editor. IR enviado por e-mail: wavescan@awr.org Foi escutado programa em chinęs, mas enviado IR e carta em inglęs. QTH : Adventist World Radio, International Relations, Box 29235 Indianapolis - Indiana, 46229, USA | R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B | Atividade DX 113 | Sep 2002 |
AWR August 04, 2002 @1305 UTC in 15385 kHz from KSDA3 Guam @ 100 KW -AWR New Millennium QSL card #4 of July 2002 depicting "The Crucifixion". August 04, 2002 @1330 UTC on 15320 kHz from Abu Dhabi @ 250 KW - AWR New Millennium QSL card #5 of October 2002 depicting "The Resurrection"; those two cards with a radio card featuring Marconi Centenary 1901-2001 (First wireless Communication across the Atlantic December 12, 1901) and details of this years anniversary DX contest + AWR Current spring 2002. In 31 days. | S.Goswami-IND | Cumbre DX-ML | Sep 2002 |
17635 - Adventist World Radio - Agat-GUM - Recebido belíssimo QSL full data, pertencente ŕ série New Millenium QSL Card Series (The Crucifixion), belíssimo QSL comemorativo ao centenário de Guglielmo Marconi 1901-2001 (em branco), bloco de selos comemorativos aos 25 anos da AWR, selo da AWR Guam, foto sobre os 750.000 refugiados na área de Goma (Kibumba Camp - Zaire), 2 folhetos sobre o "Wavescan 2002 DX Contest", folheto "AWR Current", schedule, 2 bonitos calendários de bolso retratando transmissores da AWR, régua e carta "2 Young Haitian Children clutched from the jaws of DEATH". Escutado px em chinęs, mas enviado IR e carta em EE. 11 dias. V/S: Adrian M. Peterson (??), DX Editor. IR enviado por e-mail: wavescan@awr.org. QTH: P. O. Box 29235, Indianapolis, Indiana 46229, EUA. | R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B | DXCB 2002-09 | Sep 2002 |
AWR 11705kHz, QSL card with scene of St Paulcathedral London, newsletter, schedule, wallet calendar,sticker, short note, 8 weeks for 1 IRC | D.Stevens-AUS | ARDXC 443 | Nov 2002 |
Adventist World R - det. Karte A W R QSL #1 1999 Forli Italia Antenne 11850 kHz 1630 01.09.02 87 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Nov 2002 |
KSDA / 15240 kHz, 249 Tage, detailed qsl-card, PG, personal letter, Info. | H.Süss-AUT | ADDX 2002-23 | Dez 2002 |
AWR ADVENTIST WORLD RADIO, Agat (100 Kw) "Wavescan 2002 DX Contest" - KSDA (Estación 3) 15205 kHz (Servicio en indonesio) QSL-c 75d v/s: DX Editor - KSDA (Estación 4) 17635 kHz (Servicio en mandarín) QSL-postal (·) 75d v/s: DX Editor (·) 1 de las 100 copias solamente de una tarjeta postal endosada como tarjeta QSL. QTH: AWR International Relations, Box 29235 Indianapolis, Indiana 46229 - USA | R.Guillermo Margenet-ARG | Conexion Digital 109 | Dez 2002 |
Adventist World Radio Contest 11850 kHz, 110 Tage, det. Karte | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Dez 2002 |
11980 - AWR-Adventist World Radio - Agat-GUM - QSL, carta, boletim de freqüęncias. 60 dias. V/S: Guisčle Berkel-Larmonie. QTH: 39 Brendon Street, London W1H 5HD, Inglaterra. | O.Rodrigues-SP-B | DXCB 2002-12 | Dez 2002 |
15320 kHz, AWR- KSDA station, f/d "The Birth of Jesus" card in 1 mo. for mint stamps (not used) and SAE (used). Sent to 39 Brendon St., London W1H 5HD, England. They also enclosed a few report forms. | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | DXplorer-ML | Dez 2002 |
AWR 9720, 15150 and 15265 kHz, F/D "DIY" card in 32 days from v/s Guisele Berkel-Larmonie, Listeners Services. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 2003-01 | Jan 2003 |
11930, 15370 e 15520 - Adventist World Radio - Agat-GUM (KSDA3), Agat-GUM (KSDA1) e Al Dabbiya-UAE - Recebido tręs belíssimos QSL's (The Ressurection - da série New Millenium QSL Card Series, Early QSL Cards e Monument Valley - QSL feito num grande cartăo postal), cartőes QSL em branco (Worlsd's Smallest QSL Card - um pequeno QSL e Early QSL Cards), folheto (Butterfly World), cartőes ("Two Young haitian children clutched from the jaws of Death", "Showing Love by Giving", "Cambodia" e "Ephimia of Moldova" - sobre uma senhora da República Moldova, que teve poliomielite e agora está numa cadeira de rodas), 3 calendários de bolso (2 de 2001 e 1 de 1991), selo (AWR 2002), schedule e folheto com os vencedores do "Wavescan 2002 DX Contest". ?? dias. V/S: ?. Obs: Os IR's foram enviados por e-mail: wavescan@awr.org. O transmissor KSDA3, localizado em Agat-GUM, foi fechado em 26 de setembro de 2002, segundo nota colocada em um de meus QSL's. QTH: Box 29235, Indianápolis, Indiana 46229, EUA | R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B | DXCB 2003-01 | Jan 2003 |
15660 AWR, Listeners Services, 39 Brendon Street, Londres W1H 5HD, England. QSL card from "New Millennium QSL Card Series" and current schedule in 33 days. V/S: Liilia de Oliveira, Listener Services. | A.Leonel Slaen-ARG | DXplorer-ML | Jan 2003 |
KSDA / div. kHz, 110 bis 113 Tage, det. qsl-card (Wavescan Contest) | diverse-D | ADDX 2003-03 | Feb 2003 |
15615 - KSDA, Agat - 138 dias. Recebido cartăo QSL (11-set-2002), schedule B02, 2 adesivos, 2 cartoes QSL em branco, marcador de livros, régua, resultado do WaveScan 2002 DX Contest, 3 prospectos da ADRA Angels, outros prospectos variados, postal, folha de selos sobre os 25 anos da AWR. V/S: Ilegível QTH: Adventist World Radio, International Relations, Box 29235, Indianapolis IN 46229, EUA Obs: o informe de recepcao na verdade fora enviado por e-mail, e nao para o QTH acima indicado (que consta no envelope recebido da emissora AWR). Informe enviado para o e-mail: wavescan@awr.org | L.Carqueja da Silva-RJ-B | Atividade DX 136 | Feb 2003 |
11930, 11560, 15205 AWR, Listeners Services, 39 Brendon Street, Londres W1H 5HD, Inglaterra. Tres tarjetas QSL que muestran la sede de la Iglesia Adventista del Septimo Dia en Marusevec, Yugoslavia; otra correspondiente a la serie "Early QSL Cards" y la tercera conmemorando los treinta ańos de la emisora (1971-2001). Todas han sido enviadas por informes que le mande a la estacion en el marco del concurso Wavescan DX Contest 2002. V/S: DX Editor. Demora: 83 dias. | A.Leonel Slaen-ARG | Conexion Digital 197 | Feb 2003 |
11640, 11850, 17635 - Adventist World Radio - Agat-GUM, Meyerton-AFS - 3 QSL's, esquema, folhetos, adesivos, selos dos 25 e 30 anos da emissora, resultado do Wavescan DX Contest 2002. 118, 119, 126 dias. V/S: Ilegível, DX-Editor, QTH: Box 29235, Indianapolis, IN, 46229, EUA | J.Moacir Portera de Melo-MT-B | DXCB 2003-02 | Feb 2003 |
15615 - KSDA - Agat-GUM - Cartăo QSL, schedule B02, 2 adesivos, 2 cartőes QSL em branco, marcador de livros, régua, resultado do Wavescan 2002 Dx Contest, 3 prospectos da ADRA Angels, outros prospectos variados, postal, folha de selos sobre os 25 anos da AWR. 138 dias. V/S: ilegível. IR enviado por e-mail: wavescan@awr.org. QTH: Box 29235, Indianapolis, IN 46229, EUA | L.Carqueja da Silva-RJ-B | DXCB 2003-02 | Feb 2003 |
17635 kHz. Adventist World Radio, P.O.Box 29235, Indianapolis IN 46229. Tarjetas QSL (3), folletos de la emisora, tarjetas postales, estampillas, seńalador, lista de ganadores del concurso DX 2002. Contestó en 119 días. | J.Moacir Portera de Melo-MT-B | Conexion Digital 203 | Mrz 2003 |
11980 & 12010 AWR via Agat. Full data 'Seven Language Series' cards in 108-116 days v/s DX editor | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | ODXA 2003-04 | Apr 2003 |
AWR s no 115560 qsl-card, 73 days | R.Lowis-G | BDXC-UK 2003-05 | Mai 2003 |
AWR 11980 kHz, F/D "Creation" card, pocket calendar and report form in 48 days. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 2003-10 | Okt 2003 |
11960 - AWR - Agat-GUM - QSL, carta pessoal. 79 dias. V/S: Guiséle Larmonic. QTH: 39 Brendon Street, Londres W14 54D, Inglaterra | C.Alberto Erdmann-RS-B | DXCB 2003-10 | Okt 2003 |
11980 - AWR - Agat-GUM - QSL, carta pessoal, adesivos. 150 dias. V/S: ilegível. QTH: 39 Brandon Street, Londres W14 54D, Inglaterra | C.Alberto Erdmann-RS-B | DXCB 2003-10 | Okt 2003 |
9385 - KSDA - Agat-GUM - Schedule, revista, QSL. 43 dias. V/S: ilegível. QTH: P. O. Box 8990, Agat, Guam | C.Alberto Erdmann-RS-B | DXCB 2003-10 | Okt 2003 |
9385 kHz: f/d card after 1m fr eRR to mail@awr.org | T.M.Rösner-D | direct to QIP | Nov 2003 |
AWR Agat / 11560 kHz, 63 Tage, det. QSL-Karte | H.-J.Koch-D | ADDX 2002-23 | Dez 2003 |
Thanks to the 2003 AWR's wavescan Dx contest I manage to get the following qsl cards for my reception reports of AWR broadcasts.24/7/03 on 17635 kHz .all verie by Adrian Peterson | E.Ezeani-NIG | direct to QIP | Dez 2003 |
11980 AWR via Agat. F/d "Creation" cd w/ pocket calendar, rpt form in 48 days | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | ODXA 2003-12 | Dez 2003 |
AWR, 15495, f/d "3 Wise Men" cd w/ site in 26 days from UK address for rpt sent to Guam address. | S.R.Barbour Jr.-NH-USA | HCDX-ML | Feb 2004 |
11685 kHz - AWR - Agat. Recebido bonito QSL (mostrando a Arca de Noé), dois belos adesivos pequenos, schedule e jornal Current AWR. ?? dias. V/S: ilegível. Obs: Escuta de programa em chinęs, mas IR em inglęs para o seguinte e-mail: wavescan@awr.org. QTH: Adventist World Radio, 39 Brendon Street, London, W1H 5HD, England | R.Ferraz Pedrosos-PR-B | Atividade DX 191 | Mrz 2004 |
Radio A W R 11980 kHz, 140 Tage, det. Karte Kontest Motiv Weltkarte auf gelber Karte in grün | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 2004 |
AWR 9385 kHz & 11880 kHz RELAY TX, QSLcards + Stickers + info in 30 d. & 46 d. ADDRESS : 39 BRENDON STREET, LONDON, W1H 5HD, UNITED KINGDOM. | S.Gómez-E | Play-DX 2003-4 | Apr 2004 |
11900 kHz AWR, via Agat, Guam. Recebido: Adesivos, pocket calendars 2004, cartăo QSL, carta, schedule. 512 dias (follow-up enviado em 02 de junho ultimo via email). V/S: ?. Informes enviado via postal em 2003, e follow-up enviado via info@awr.org. | R.Walter Grimm-SP-B | Atividade DX 205 | Jun 2004 |
11560 KSDA, P.O. Box 8990, Agat, Guam 96928, QSL full data for JSWC 50th Anniversary. It's a AWR's verification card sent from USA in two years!!! V/S: Adrian M. Peterson | A.Leonel Slaen-ARG | Dxlandia-ML | Jul 2004 |
11980 AWR Special 500th Broadcast via KSDA. Full data (with site) special endorsement sticker of the first AWR Station, KFGZ, 833 kHz, from 1923 QSL Card. Also sent stickers, decals, schedule , pocket calendars, and a full sheet of AWR Radio stamps. This for my rpt sent to their UK address. Reply in 10 days time. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | DXplorer-ML | Aug 2004 |
AWR / 11960 kHz, 154 Tage, detail. QSL-Card f. Contest | E.Röscher-D | ADDX 2004-18 | Sep 2004 |
KSDA / 9385 kHz, 240 Tage, detail. QSL-Card | P.Gager-AUT | ADDX 2004-18 | Sep 2004 |
15215 kHz KSDA GUAM. Recebido cartao QSL AWR radio, adesivos. 25 dias. (via radioescutas) | M.Rogerio Rodrigues-B | Atividade DX 218 | Sep 2004 |
AWR (KSDA) ms 11980 kHz, c 8 days, (Sent to London address. Sent cal, sticker) | ? BAE | BDXC-UK 2004-09 | Sep 2004 |
ADVENTIST WORLD RADIO - 15235 kHz (KSDA, AGAT,GUAM) Special QSL Card for WAVESCAN 500TH EDITION v/s- AP, Adrian Paterson?? in 28 days. | R.Das-IND | DXLD-ML | Sep 2004 |
KSDA / 15235 kHz, 24 Tage, detail. card, PG, Sticker, Infos, Kalender / $ | R.Sonntag-D | ADDX 2004-20 | Okt 2004 |
AWR IRC 9385 kHz, d/c 14 days, (Detailed special card. 500th edition of Wavescan. Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Seventh-day Adventist radio work, this QSL features the first Adventist radio station, KFGZ, which began broadcasting on 360 meters, 833 kHz on 29 April 1923 from a studio on the campus of Emmanuel Missionary College, (now Andrews University) Michigan USA. In 1925 the call sign was Changed to WEMC) | P.Gager-AUT | BDXC-UK 2004-10 | Okt 2004 |
KSDA / 15235 kHz, 9 Tage, det. Sonder-K f. 500. Wavescan, Sticker, PG, Kalender / RR per eMail | E.Röscher-D | ADDX 2004-23 | Dez 2004 |
AWR via KSDA no return postage 9385 kHz, detailed letter 60 days (sent solar pocket calculator, sc, cal) | P.Gager-AUT | BDXC-UK 2005-01 | Jan 2005 |
KSDA-5 /AWR 11975 and 15235 kHz, two F/D "Special AWR" QSL's indicating that the transmission was via transmitter #5 - Guam. I also received a ton of other AWR "goodies" including AWR-QSL Stamps (similar to Ecco Stamps), stickers, tract etc., in 88 days from v/s Adrian M. Peterson, DX Editor. | M.Delmage-AB-CAN | CIDX 2005-01 | Jan 2005 |
KSDA / AWR Agat 11980 kHz, special card, 16 weeks, v/s Adrian M. Peterson | G.Huijbens-BEL | direct to QIP | Jan 2005 |
KSDA5 AWR/Agat 15235 kart brev mm 119d v/s Adrian M Peterson | B.Tandberg-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-01 | Jan 2005 |
AWR/KSDA S $1 15235 kHz, card 165 days, (Contest 2004) | P.Gager-AUT | BDXC-UK 2005-03 | Mrz 2005 |
KSDA / 15235 kHz, 115 Tage, Special QSL KSDA 5, QSL-Marken, Blanko-K via US-Adresse / $ | R.Sonntag-D | ADDX 2005-04 | Apr 2005 |
ADVENTIST WORLD RADIO AWR – AGAT. TARJETA QSL recibida en 40 días la escucha fue El 12 de abril del 2005. 11850 kHz. a las 22.25 UTC en Idioma Ingles. VRS/ Rhoen Catol. QSL enviado desde la oficina de AWR en Singapur, adhesivos, material religioso, programa con horarios y frecuencias. | C.Pérez Dioses-PRU | radioecutas-ML | Mai 2005 |
11980 KSDA via Agat. F/d 'Passport w/ AWR Logo' cd in 29 days. v/s: Adrian Peterson | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | ODXA 2005-08 | Aug 2005 |
AWR- KSDA Tarjeta QSL , literatura religiosa en 30 dias. 15 de enero del 2006. FREC. 11655 kHz. 22.40 UTC. VRS/. Adrian Peterson , DX Editor. | C.Pérez Dioses-PRU | Conexion Digital 364 | Apr 2006 |
3 QSLs for Wavescan reception, in 5 months. Reported to radio@awr.org. Cards came from AWR Asia/Pacific Region Office, 798 Thomson Road, Singapore 298186 | D.Mezin-RUS | direct to QIP | Sep 2006 |
AWR Russian prgr 9510 kHz, verified in 18 days. Return postage: no. R/r in English via e-mail: aspaclistener @ awr.org Reply from AWR Asia/Pacific Region Office, 798 Thomson Road, Singapore 298186, Republic of Singapore. | A.Diadischev-UKR | direct to QIP | Mrz 2007 |
AWR Agat / 12105 kHz, 32 Tage, detaillierte Karte, Kalender, Programmheft / $ | P.Gager-AUT | ADDX 2007-06 | Jun 2007 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific, Date: - 24-06-2007, Frequency: - 11975 kHz (Agat, Guam), Time: - 1300-1328 UTC, Language: - Japanese, Description: - Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope www.awr.org | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Jul 2007 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific Date: - 27-06-2007 Frequency: - 15160 kHz (Germany) Time: - 1530-1600 UTC Language: - Hindi Description: - Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope www.awr.org | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Jul 2007 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific. Date: - 07-07-2007. Frequency: - 11640 kHz (Agat, Guam). Time: - 1600-1630 UTC. Language: - English. Description: - Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope www.awr.org. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Aug 2007 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific, Date: - 22-07-2007, Frequency: - 11805 kHz (Agat, Guam), Time: - 1600-1630 UTC, Language: - English. Description: - Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope www.awr.org. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Aug 2007 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific. Date: - 20-08-2007. Frequency: - 9600 kHz (Agat, Guam). Time: - 1500-1530 UTC. Language: - Tamil. Description: - Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope www.awr.org | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Aug 2007 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific. Date: - 22-08-2007. Frequency: - 15520 kHz (Agat, Guam). Time: - 0100-0200 UTC. Language: - Mandarin. Description: - Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope www.awr.org | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Aug 2007 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific. Date: - 19-08-2007. Frequency: - 11640 kHz (Agat, Guam). Time: - 1600-1630 UTC. Language: - English. Description: - Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope www.awr.org. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Sep 2007 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific. Date: - 01-09-2007. Frequency: - 15445 kHz (Agat, Guam). Time: - 0100-0200 UTC. Language: - Vietnamese. Description: - Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope www.awr.org. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Sep 2007 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific. Date: - 30-08-2007. Frequency: - 15510 kHz (Agat, Guam). Time: - 0030-0100 UTC. Language: - Karen. Description: - Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope www.awr.org. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Sep 2007 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific. Date: - 30-08-2007. Frequency: - 15510 kHz (Agat, Guam). Time: - 0000-00301630 UTC. Language: - Burmese. Description: - Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope www.awr.org. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Sep 2007 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific. Date: - 25-08-2007. Frequency: - 15520 kHz (Agat, Guam). Time: - 0100-0200 UTC. Language: - Mandarin. Description: - Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope www.awr.org. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Sep 2007 |
AWR Asia/Pacific, 23 Aug 2007, 11845 kHz in Russian via Agat. QSL with tx-site. 19 days, RR to radio [at] awr.org | R.Sakaviec-BLR | direct to QIP | Sep 2007 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific. Date: - 08-09-2007. Frequency: - 11885 kHz (Agat, Guam). Time: - 1430-1500 UTC. Language: - Burmese. Description: - Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope www.awr.org. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Okt 2007 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific. Date: - 10-09-2007. Frequency: - 9980 kHz (Agat, Guam). Time: - 1730-1800 UTC. Language: - English. Description: - Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope www.awr.org. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Okt 2007 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific, Date: - 27-10-2007, Frequency: - 9890 kHz (Agat, Guam), Time: - 1730-1800 UTC, Language: - English, Description: - QSL Card verified by Rohen. Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope www.awr.org. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Okt 2007 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific, Date: - 23-10-2007, Frequency: - 17465 kHz (Agat, Guam), Time: - 0300-0330 UTC, Language: - Russian, Description: - QSL Card verified by Rohen. Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope www.awr.org. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Okt 2007 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific, Date: - 15-09-2007, Frequency: - 9725 kHz (Agat, Guam), Time: - 1430-1500 UTC, Language: - Karen. Description: - Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope www.awr.org. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Okt 2007 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific, Date: - 25-10-2007, Frequency: - 15275 kHz (Agat, Guam), Time: - 1330-1400 UTC, Language: - English, Description: - QSL Card verified by Rhoen. Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope www.awr.org. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Nov 2007 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific, Date: - 18-10-2007, Frequency: - 15160 kHz (Wertachtal, Guam), Time: - 1530-1600 UTC, Language: - Hindi, Description: - QSL Card verified by Rhoen. Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope www.awr.org. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Nov 2007 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific, Date: - 11-10-2007, Frequency: - 11805 kHz (Agat, Guam), Time: - 1600-1630 UTC, Language: - English, Description: - QSL Card verified by Rhoen. Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope www.awr.org. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Nov 2007 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific, Date: - 10-10-2007, Frequency: - 11885 kHz (Agat, Guam), Time: - 1430-1500 UTC, Language: - Burmese, Description: - QSL Card verified by Rhoen. Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope www.awr.org. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Nov 2007 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific, Date: - 10-10-2007, Frequency: - 15520 kHz (Agat, Guam), Time: - 0100-0200 UTC, Language: - Mandarin, Description: - QSL Card verified by Rhoen. Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope www.awr.org. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Nov 2007 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific, Date: - 10-10-2007, Frequency: - 15445 kHz (Taiwan), Time: - 0100-0200 UTC, Language: - Vietnamese, Description: - QSL Card verified by Rhoen. Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope www.awr.org. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Nov 2007 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific. Date: - 16-11-2007. Frequency: - 12105 kHz (Agat, Guam). Time: - 1500-1530 UTC. Language: - English. Description: - QSL Card verified by Rhoen. Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope www.awr.org. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Dez 2007 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific. Date: - 25-11-2007. Frequency: - 11610 kHz (Agat, Guam). Time: - 1500-1530 UTC. Language: - Mizo. Description: - QSL Card verified by Rhoen. Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope www.awr.org. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Dez 2007 |
KSDA, AWR Guam, 11980 kHz. Full data AWR QSL's both old and new received in seven weeks for an email to adrian@awr.org and a follow-up to king@awr.org | J.Pukila-ON-CAN | direct to QIP | Jan 2008 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific. Date: - 28-11-2007. Frequency: - 9635 kHz (Guam). Time: - 1400-1500 UTC. Language: - Mandarin. Description: - QSL Card verified by Rhoen. Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope www.awr.org. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Jan 2008 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific. Date: - 03-12-2007. Frequency: - 11940 kHz (Guam). Time: - 1400-1430 UTC. Language: - Chin. Description: - QSL Card verified by Rhoen. The Voice of Hope. Adventist World Radio QSL. , The Voice of Hope "Do not fear for behold I give to you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people."<http://www.awr.org/> Luke 2:10 MKJV. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Jan 2008 |
Station: - AWR Asia/Pacific. Date: - 24-01-2008. Frequency: - 15660 kHz (Guam). Time: - 1330-1400 UTC. Language: - Assamese. Description: - QSL Card verified by Rhoen. The Voice of Hope. Adventist World Radio QSL. , The Voice of Hope "Do not fear for behold I give to you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people." <http://www.awr.org/> Luke 2:10 MKJV. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Feb 2008 |
AWR Asia (KSDA) Guam 11690 kHz f/d card in 25 days. V/s: 'Rhoen'. Schedule card, sticker and several pocket calendars received for $1. | T.Palmersheim-MT-USA | HCDX-ML | Apr 2008 |
KSDA, AWR Guam, 11690 kHz. F/d young boy with radio card received in 5 months. V/s Adrian Peterson. Report was one of three for the 2008 Wavescan DX Contest | J.Pukila-ON-CAN | direct to QIP | Okt 2008 |
Ricevuta in 115 giorni la conferma da*Adventist World Radio-KSDA* via/Agat, Guam./ All'interno della busta (belli i francobolli) la QSL dei 40 anni di AWR e quella del programma DX ascoltato/"Wavescan"./ In aggiunta anche un calendarietto plastificato, materiale pubblicitario ed il regolamento del prossimo Annual DX Contest <http://www.prithwisworld.blogspot.in/2012/02/listen-to-awr-awr-41st-year-annual-dx.html> di AWR. Rapporto inviato via e-mail con allegata unaregistrazione <https://www.box.net/shared/c2f2620fd13fddc10d2a> in mp3 dell'ascolto. Le immagini delle QSL al seguente link: http://diarioradio.blogspot.it/2012/05/qsl-da-awr-ksda-guam.html | R.Rizzardi-I | BCL-News-ML | Mai 2012 |
17635 kHz GUAM AWR, via Agat, 17635 kHz, cartăo QSL, “Listen to AWR” – AWR 41st Year Annual DX Contest, calendário 2012, folheto “Jesus’ return – the hope of the World’, 80 dias, V/S: Dr. Adrian Peterson, DX Editor. | R.Walter Grimm-SP-B | radioecutas-ML | Mai 2012 |
KTWG Index Guam
Index Austr-Oceania
KTWG Agana Guam 801 verification My second MW QSL from Guam came today as Leilani Dahilig sent me a hand-written postcard confirming my Oct 7, 2004 reception. She writes "The audio-file you emailed me was awesome!" It was. It could as well have been recorded on a neighbouring island, judging from the signal level. Btw the address given in WRTH is not correct. As per their own website www.ktwg.com, their mail address is 1868 Halsey Drive, Asan, Guam 96910. Trans World Radio no longer operates this station. | B.Mjelde-NOR | Webpage | Mrz 05 |
KTWG Asan 801 e-post kart 3m v/s Leilani Dahilig, Manager | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-03 | Apr 05 |
KTWG Asan 801 e-post kart 3m v/s Leilani Dahilig, Manager | O.Forr-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-03 | Apr 05 |
KTWG Asan 801 e-post kart 3m v/s Leilani Dahilig, Manager | O.-J.Sagdahl-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-03 | Apr 05 |
KTWG The Cornerstone, Agana 801 kHz, heard: 7.1.2005, QSL 2005 | J.Solatie-FIN | mwdx-ML | Dez 05 |
KTWG Agana 801 kHz. Received full data oversized Guam postcard with friendly note from v/s Leilani Dalulig, KTWG 1868 Halsey Drive, Piti Guam 96915. Note said that she could verify my report after reviewing the station log and that the local ID jingle I heard was actually a recording of her youngest daughter (14 years) and oldest granddaughter (9 years).. | C.A.Edwards-NT-AUS | HCDX-ML | Jun 06 |
KTWR Index Guam
Index Austr-Oceania
KTWR 15365 kHz, det. qsl-card in 79 days, schedule, sticker | R.Sonntag-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 1980 |
KTWR 9600 kHz, det. qsl-card in 19 days, schedule | R.Sonntag-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 1984 |
KTWR Guam det. Karte Steinbrücke 11650 kHz 1500 22.01.89 41 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 1989 |
KTWR, 9815, QSL for Nov. 25 reception of Indonesian pgm, plus personal letter 1996 calendar and their sked. v/s Kathy Gregowsle. | Z.Liangas-GRC | Cumbre DX 070 | Jan 1996 |
KTWR 11830 qsl-card 2 IRC 43 days. | C.Williams-G | WDXC QSL Report | Jun 1996 |
KTWR 9870 qsl-card no r.postage 73 days. | G.Grigoriev-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Okt 1996 |
KTWR 11580 22d f/d card, sked, letter, sti, cal. | M.Mitsuaki-J | Cumbre DX 134 | Apr 1997 |
KTWR 9870 qsl-card SAE 23 days. | P.Miroshnikov-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Apr 1997 |
15200 KTWR Trans World Radio in 6 weeks with panoramic QSL of the station, Program guide, and a personal letter of thanks from Janette McSurk for a reception report with a cassette and 3 IRCs | M.Caneva-ARG | Cumbre DX 173 | Jan 1998 |
KTWR on 11830, f /d QSL card special program for Pacific DX Report by DX-er Bob Padula in 14 days. QTH : 404 Mont Albert Road, Surr v/s Wayne Berger - Chief Engineer | ?-? | Webpage | Jan 1998 |
KTWR 9865 qsl-card 1 IRC 47 days. | P.Travers-G | WDXC QSL Report | Feb 1998 |
KTWR, Agana, Guam 15.200 kHz, GUM tx-site: Agana gehört in: PHL/Boracay K (Foto), / + 2.te QSL and.Motiv später 08.01.1998 30.03.1998 71 Tage | H.Süss-AUT | direct to QIP | Mrz 1998 |
KTWR heard Sept. 7, 1997 from Agana, GUAM. Signed by K. Sregowski. The card said KTWR uses 4 Harris SW-100 100 kW transmitters and 5 TCI 40band curtain antennas. Postmarked GUAM in Dec 29, 1997. The address of KTWR is PO Box CC, Agana, GUAM 96910-8980 | W.Brata-INS | Cumbre DX 189 | Mai 1998 |
KTWR Agana 9865 15330 qsl-card no r.postage 29 days. | Z.Elias-CZE | WDXC QSL Report | Mai 1998 |
11580, KTWR, full-data -20th Anniversary- card and sked in 18 days for follow-up. | J.Wilkins-CO-USA | Numero Uno 1481 | Jun 1998 |
Trans World Radio KTWR Agana (15330 kHz) -Transmitter site QSL card (which also mentioned KTWR's 20th anniversary in 1997) in two weeks for $ 1.00, signed by Janette McGurk. | E.Bueneman-MO-USA | TFW 068 | Okt 1998 |
KTWR/9820 kHz, 30-71 days, det. qsl-card, pers. qsl-letter, program guide, Info calendar / IRC, $. | diverse-D | ADDX 1998-21 | Nov 1998 |
KTWR / 15106 kHz, 17 days, detailed qsl-card / rp. | A.Faust-D | ADDX 1999-02 | Jan 1999 |
KTWR, QSL-Card and frequency-time transmission guide in 50 days. Reception report sent via e-mail to ktwrfreq@twr.hafa.net.gu. | M.Méndez-E | Cumbre DX 230 | Feb 1999 |
KTWR-Guam 11690 kHz, letter & present from X'mas supecial program in 42 days and QSL card in 49 days. Reported with 140 yen-stamp. (No.43) | T.Gouhara-J | Japan Premium 1999-02 | Feb 1999 |
KTWR-Guam 11690 kHz, QSL card in 29 days. Reported with 100yen-stamp. (No.43) | T.Gouhara-J | Japan Premium 1999-02 | Feb 1999 |
KTWR / div. kHz 21-60 days detailed QSL card, pers. QSL letter calendar, px-schedule, Broschüren / $. | diverse-D | ADDX 1999-06 | Mrz 1999 |
KTWR Guam 25 Tage 1 US $ QSL-Karte. | U.Heller-D | Eastside DX 05 | Mrz 1999 |
QSL von KTWR auf E-Mail-RR nach 55 Tagen mit QSL-Karte, KTWR-Sked, TWR-Sked, Minikalender, persönlicher Note und Faltblatt " What can I do to get saved ? ". v/s ist Martha Hollis, datiert ist der Brief auf 14 / Apr/99. | M.Müller-D | ADXB-OE-ML | Apr 1999 |
KTWR / div. kHz, 62 days, qsl-card / $. | P.Gager-AUT | ADDX 1999-11 | Jun 1999 |
15330 KTWR Nice QSL on high quality Kodak photo paper of KTWR's recently completed Log periodic antenna to China durring it's final stage of contruction. Partial info on sticker on back, signed by Kathy Greggowski. Was accompanied by a broadcast schedule, a small book on Christian Doctrine and a hand written letter from Mrs. Greggowski on KWTR stationary congratulating on reception from Wisconsin. Received in 41 days, typed letter and $ 2 enclosed | J.Oldenburg-USA | Cumbre DX 248 | Jun 1999 |
KTWR 9465 kHz, Special QSL card for their Easter program in Japanese. For 56 days. Reported with 100yens stamps. (No.60) | T.Gouhara-J | Japan Premium 1999-06 | Jun 1999 |
KTWR 9865 kHz, card, rp : no, 33 days. | P.Travers-G | WDXC QSL Report | Jun 1999 |
KTWR / 15330 kHz, 27 days, detailed qsl-card, program guide, Info. | W.Scheu-D | ADDX 1999-14 | Jul 1999 |
KTWR-Guam 9465 kHz, QSL card in 59 days. Reported with 100 yen stamp. Card for special program futuring SONY ICF-SW07. (No.70) | T.Gouhara-J | Japan Premium 1999-08 | Aug 1999 |
KTWR, Agana, Guam 15.330 kHz, GUM tx-site: Agana gehört in: AUT/Döbriach K, pers.Brief, QRG-plan, Infomaterial 11.07.1999 09.09.1999 26 Tage | H.Süss-AUT | direct to QIP | Sep 1999 |
KTWR / 15330 kHz, 26 days, detailed qsl-card, pers.qsl-letter, program guide, Infos. | H.Süss-AUT | ADDX 1999-23 | Dez 1999 |
KTWR / 15335 kHz, 47 days, detailed qsl-card, Info. | P.E.Boeck-D | ADDX 1999-23 | Dez 1999 |
KTWR 9870 card sch kal 9 weeks. v/s Janette McDusk | T.H.Hesjadalen-NOR | Norwegian DX News 1999-10 | Dez 1999 |
KTWR 9865 kHz, card, rp : 4 48 days. | N.Borovenski-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Jan 2000 |
KTWR 15330 kHz, card, rp : no, 40 days. | R.Petraitis-LTU | WDXC QSL Report | Jan 2000 |
KTWR 9865 kHz, card, rp : 3 48 days. | N.Borovenski-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Feb 2000 |
KTWR 15330, f /d " Antenna Slew Switches " card, letter, calendar, tract, schedule and report form in 34 days. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 2000-03 | Mrz 2000 |
KTWR, 15330 kHz, QSL-card and schedule in 34 days for 2 IRCs. | W.Phillips-G | direct to QIP | Okt 2000 |
KTWR / 15330, 26 days, K / 2 IRCs. | U.Rademacher-D | ADDX 2000-23 | Dez 2000 |
KTWR 9865 k sch inf 64d. | Ř.J.Vang-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2000-10 | Dez 2000 |
KTWR / 15330, 26 days, detailed QSL-card, PG / RR per Fax. | P.Vaegler-D | ADDX 2001-03 | Feb 2001 |
KTWR Guam det. Karte Construction KTWR 6th Antenna 15330 kHz 0825 21.01.01 66 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 2001 |
KTWR Agana 1530,00 kHz, Rp - 86 Tage, K, PG Details : ja. | P.E.Boeck-D | EAWRC 287 | Apr 2001 |
TWR / 15330 kHz, 81 days, detailed qsl-card, PG / RR per Fax. | P.Vaegler-D | ADDX 2001-12 | Jun 2001 |
KTWR 15330,00 kHz, RR per Fax 83 days, qsl-card, details : yes. | P.Vaegler-D | EAWRC 291 | Aug 2001 |
Full data QSLs without signature received from KTWR in approximately 180 days for two March 2001 reports. One is a postcard with KTWR site at sunset, the other a beautiful photo of Pago Bay with full data QSL sticker (without signature) on the back. Reports were mailed to P.O. Box CC Agat, Guam but the return address on the envelope was: Trans World Radio, Inc, P.O. Box 390, Box Hill, B.C. 3128 Victoria, Australia. The Guam address on the card was also blackened out and a sticker affixed to the card had the same Australia address. I just found a VERY nice personal, handwritten note signed by "Martha Hollis" inside the envelope with my QSL cards from KTWR. Apologizes for the QSL delay, and explains "the mail department recently moved from Guam to Melbourne and we are still getting organized and settled". | L.Silvi-OH-USA | DXLD 1-149 | Okt 2001 |
KTWR 9865 kHz, F/D "Mount Schroeder" card, tract, personal letter and schedule in 122 days from v/s Kathy Gregowske. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 2002-02 | Feb 2002 |
TWR Guam / div. kHz, 29-119 Tage, det. K. | diverse-D | ADDX 2002-18 | Sep 2002 |
KTWR, Reported : 12.05.00, Reply : 03.06.00, UTC : 1501, Lang.: E 15330 kHz, card, schedule 22 days | V.Ostroverkh-D | Signal DX 072 | Sep 2002 |
KTWR, Guam. 15215 kHz, full data QSL in 71 days. The QSL card shows Mount Schroeder. The card was singed by Mrs. Kathy Ross, who I guess should be the head of KTWR Frequency Monitoring Commission (ktwrfreq@guam.twr.org). I emailed my Reception Report to ktwr@twr.org on August 16, 2002 and got her reply letter on October 26. A KTWR B02 schedule and a greeting letter were also sent. | E.Zhou-CHN | direct to QIP | Okt 2002 |
15330, KTWR: For some years I have had a blank KTWR "antenna farm" QSL-card which I have intended to send to them with a rpt. While in Maine I finally took a log of their EG prgm and sent them a rpt. They filled out the card and returned it, full-data, and sent a new card as well, showing Mt. Schroeder, which is at the northern end of their antenna field. Also a friendly note from Kathy Ross, KTWR Fqy Coordination Dept, ktwrfreq@guam.twr.org In 10 days; address for rpts is P.O. Box 8780, Agat, Guam 96928. | J.Berg-MA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Dez 2002 |
KTWR: 15330 (Agana, Guam). QSL card in 55 days. Card features a photo of Pago Bay, in the Eastern part of the island. They wrote that address from WRTH-2002 is no longer valid, and people who wish to contact the station must address their letters to: KTWR, Frequency Coordination, P.O.Box 8780, Agat, Guam 96928. | A.Polyakov-UZB | Signal DX 082 | Dez 2002 |
9500 KTWR 13:45-14:00 Mar 2 F/D V/S George Ross Card with picture of Pago Bay, including cover letter showing that the program heard was in the Swatow language directed to southeast China, also included summer sked to begin 3/30 for a mailed report including postcard and small donation, 15 days, my 51st country verified | J.Miller-MI-USA | Cumbre DX-ML | Mrz 2003 |
9910 - KTWR - Agat-GUM - Recebido carta confirmatória, cartăo QSL, boletim de horários e freqüęncias. 46 dias. V/S: George Ross, KTWR Frequency Coordinator Department. QTH: P. O. Box 8780, Agat, Guam 96928 | R.Walter Grimm-SP-B | DXCB 2003-04 | Apr 2003 |
Trans World Radio (KTWR). 9465 kHz, f/d watercolor card #225 from the Japan SW Club in 3 1/2 months for a written report, SAE (returned) and $1 US. V/s T. Yasuda. Also received postcard of 2002 FIFA World Cup (soccer) with thank you note on back from Nobuya Kato, a postcard of with pix of sushi, a letter about the JSWC and a transit map of Tokyo. | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | DXplorer-ML | Apr 2003 |
15195 - KTWR - Agana - GUM - Recebido cartăo QSL, boletim de programaçăo e carta pessoal. 49 dias. V/S: George Ross. QTH: PO Box 8780, Agat, Guam 96928. | I.Dias da Silva Júnior-SP-B | Atividade DX 154 | Jun 2003 |
KTWR Guam / 15330 kHz, 24 Tage, detailed card, Sticker, PG, pers. letter | H.Matt-D | ADDX 2003-15 | Aug 2003 |
12130 - KTWR - Agana-GUM - QSL, carta pessoal, schedule e folhetos. 134 dias. V/S: Kathy. QTH: P. O. Box CC, Agana, Guam 96910 – USA | C.Alberto Erdmann-RS-B | DXCB 2003-08 | Aug 2003 |
KTWR 12130 kHz, F/D "Pago Bay" card, personal letter and schedule in 1 month from v/s George Ross, Frequency Coordination Department for ms. | A.Loudell-DE-USA | CIDX 2003-01 | Dez 2003 |
KTWR, Agana, Guam 12.130 kHz, GUM tx-site: Agana gehört in: AUT/Döbriach K+B, QRG-plan, Folder 19.07.2004 27.09.2004 50 Tage | H.Süss-AUT | direct to QIP | Sep 2004 |
KTWR Guam / 9975 kHz, 36 Tage, detail. card, personl. letter, PG / 2 IRC | D.Stange-D | ADDX 2004-20 | Okt 2004 |
KTWR 12130 card letter pk schedule 1m | A.Husdal-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2004-08 | Nov 2004 |
TWR Guam / 12130 kHz, 50 Tage, Karte, Brief, PG | H.Süss-AUT | ADDX 2004-23 | Dez 2004 |
15225 kHz - Trans World Radio - Agat Recebido cartăo QSL. Aprox. 5 meses. VRS/ None. Obs.: O QSL veio de Hong Kong. | C.Pérez Dioses-PRU | Conexion Digital 315 | Mai 2005 |
11690 kHz - KTWR - Agat. Recebido belissimo QSL full data (Mt. Schroeder - How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that brings good news?, carta pessoal e schedule para o periodo A05. 18 dias. V/S: Seong Ross. Obs:Escuta de programa em japones, mas IR e carta em ingles.O IR foi enviado para o seguinte e-mail: ktwrfcd@guam.twr.org. QTH: KTWR Frequency Coordination, P.O. Box 8780, Agat, Guam 96928 | R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B | Atividade DX 256 | Jun 2005 |
KTWR/Merizo 11840 e-post k b sch 22 days v/s Mike Sabin, msabin@twr.org. Terje fikk svar fra bade Singapore og Guam. | T.Nielsen-NZL | Norwegian DX News 2005-05 | Sep 2005 |
KTWR Trans World Radio Guam: QSL-card + sked + letter in 88 days for english broadcast report sending to P.O.Box 8780-Agat-Guam-USA. V.S.: George Ross. | R.Tizzi-URG | direct to QIP | Feb 2006 |
KTWR, Frequency Coordination, P.O.Box 8780, Agat, GUAM 96928. Email: ktwrfreq@guam.twr.org guam.twr.org or ktwrfcd@gum.twr.org Schöne QSL- Karte mit Funkhaus- Ansicht, Program Schedule, KTWR Guam Statistical Data Blatt, persönlicher Brief von Sterling Ottun( sottun@guam.twr.org ). Kuvert war mit 7 US- Briefmarken frankiert. Motive Buffalo Bill Cody und der Governor von Puerto Rico. Rückporto war 1 USD/ 53 Tage. | P.Gager-AUT | A-DX-ML | Mai 2006 |
QSL KTWR: heute lagen zwei unterschiedliche QSL´s für zwei Berichte vom 20.12.2006 im Kasten.Bestätigt wurden die QRG´s 15170 und 11840 kHz. v/s Georges Ross | P.Vaegler-D | A-DX-ML | Mai 2007 |
KTWR, 15.170 kHz, transmisiones en inglés al Sudeste de Asia. Confirma dos informes de recepción con tarjeta QSL "We've a story to tell to the nations". Además, envían carta excusándose por la demora, y esquema A-07. Confirmado en 134 días. Informes enviados vía e-mail a ktwrfreq@guam.twr.org V/S: George Ross. | E.Peńailillo-CHL | direct to QIP | Mai 2007 |
9700 TWR Assamese BCB to Asia /India via KTWR,Guam . Full data E-QSL showing the T2F2 antenna, used at the Monitoring Station in India. This in response to a e-mail rpt sent to: ddevadoss@in.twrsa.org. Also received a e-mail verification (QSL) statement. Reply in 70 days. v/s: E.Daniel Devadoss. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Jun 2007 |
KTWR 15120 kHz det. Karte nach 145 Tagen 11840 kHz det.Karte nach 145 Tagen pers. Brief, Sendeplan v/s George Ross. | P.Vaegler-D | direct to QIP | Jun 2007 |
Station: - KTWR Guam. Date: - 11-08-2007. Frequency: - 9975 kHz. Time: - 1400-1430 UTC. Language: - English. Description: - Verified by Sterling Ottun. KTWE Trans World Radio Guam | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Sep 2007 |
KTWR, Merizo, 9975 kHz. A double shot of QSL's. After sending an email report to ktwrfcd@guam.twr.org in July, I got an instant reply saying that George Ross would be out of the office between May and October. I resent the report to an alternate address provided in the email (msabin@guam.twr.org). Four months later, I recieve two envelopes, with two identical copies of everything (QSL, letter from Sterling Ottun, technical data of KTWR site, and skeds) in both of them. | J.Pukila-ON-CAN | direct to QIP | Nov 2007 |
Station: - KTWR Guam. Date: - 29-10-2007. Frequency: - 9975 kHz. Time: - 1400 UTC. Language: - English. Description: - KTWE Trans World Radio Guam. And He said to them, "Go into all the world, proclaim the gospel to all the creation." Mark 16:15. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Feb 2008 |
Station: - Trans World Radio. Date :- 10-10-2007. Frequency:- 12085 kHz (KTWR, Guam). Time: - 0130-0200 UTC. Description: - e-QSL verified by S. Franklin Abraham. T2F Dipole Antenna (middle part) for Remote Monitoring System, TWR ¨C India, Kohima, Nagaland. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Mrz 2008 |
KTWR, Merizo, 11570 kHz. F/d Talofofo Bay card, letter from v/s Kathy Ross, and A08 schedule received in six weeks for an email to ktwrfcd@guam.twr.org. | J.Pukila-ON-CAN | direct to QIP | Jul 2008 |
KUAM Index Guam
Index Austr-Oceania
KUAM Agana 612 kHz. FD letter in 3 days after f/up v/s Jason Salas, News Anchor jason@kuam.com | C.A.Edwards-QLD-AUS | mwoz-ML | Jan 05 |
KUAM Isla61, Agana 612 e-post, v/s Jason Salas | B.Mjelde-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2006-01 | Jan 06 |
Relayed Stations or Programs
Adventist World R see KSDA
AFRTS (GUM) Index Guam Index Austr-Oceania
AFRTS 13362 (USB) Mr. Michael Foutch, Chief Broadcast Operations Specialist confirm in ONE ! day my e-mail report (Canonica) at foutch@mediacen.navy.mil | D.Canonica-SUI | A-DX-ML | Okt 00 |
Inzwischen sind auch die noch ausstehenden " QSLs " für AFRTS-Sendungen via Hawaii und Key West eingetroffen. Allerdings erscheint es mir seltsam, dass z.B. für Puerto Rico und Key West EINE " email QSL " eintraf, die detaillierte Angaben zum Senderstandort und Senderleistung beinhalteten. Dito für Siginella. Dagegen enthielten die " eQSLs " für Diego Garcia und Hawaii keine derartigen Angaben. | M.Reiff-D | A-DX-ML | Okt 00 |
AFRTS : 12.759 usb P / D e-mail response in 6 days. v/s : Michael Foutch JOC. e-mail : qsl@mediacen.navy. e-mail also confirmed this specifically as Diego Garcia. | R.Comeau-MA-USA | direct to QIP | Okt 00 |
AFRTS Diego Garcia confirmation : This email letter arrived today ! 73 from a happy Bjorn Fransson, Gotland, Sweden " This letter serves as confirmation of your August 20, 2000, reception of Armed Forces Radio and Television. The signal originates from Diego Garcia on 4319 kHz and 12579 kHz. AFRTS shortwave radio transmissions have historically existed to provide AFRTS radio service to U.S. Navy vessels and outlying military posts receiving limited American radio or television through other means. The signals will be in existence for a limited time until a new technology, which is currently being tested, allows for reception of AFRTS via satellite. We are pleased that you have received the AFRTS shortwave signal and thank you for your interest and confirmation of the signal's quality, and I apologize for the delay in my response. Sincerely, Michael Foutch, Chief Broadcast Operations Specialist " | B.Fransson-S | HCDX-ML | Okt 00 |
I just received snailmail QSL letters from AFRTS (Guam, Diego Garcia and Sigonella). The address on the envelope is as follows : Department of the Navy, Naval Media Center, Naval District Washington, Anacostia Annex, 2713 Mitscher Road SW, Washington DC 20373-5819, USA. The v/s is Michael Foutch as in the e-mail QSLs earlier. | H.Romppainen-FIN | HCDX-ML | Okt 00 |
Just got email QSL (three in a row) from AFRTS in Sicily, Pearl Harbor and Diego Garcia on reports of reception sent on email and by ordinary mail. Email as follows (same style for Sicily and Pearl Harbor) : [.] | J.Edh-S | HCDX-ML | Okt 00 |
Just received an e-mail verification from the Chief Broadcast Operations Specialist at AFRTS Broadcast Center confirming that the signals I received on 12579 kHz and 4319 kHz originates from Diego Garcia. Nice ! They also say that " The signals will be in existence for a limited time until a new technology, which is currently being tested, allows for reception of AFRTS via satellite ". Time to celebrate ! | S.Björn-S | HCDX-ML | Okt 00 |
Diego Garcia QSL : Received same e-mail QSL today as all of the rest of you. My question is this : concerning NASWA's country count list; as Puerto Rico was added as a SWBC country because of the AFRTS USB transmissions originating from there, is it safe to assume Diego Garcia will follow suit ? | T.Palmersheim-MT-USA | HCDX-ML | Okt 00 |
AFRTS Barrigada 13362 kHz, e-mail, rp : e-m 1 day. | J.Parker-G | WDXC QSL Report | Okt 00 |
13362 kHz, Agana 16:10 12.10.00 13.10.00 1 days, QSL : email v/s : Michael JOC Foutch | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Okt 00 |
5765, AFN, E-mail verie in 27 days. | D.Foster-AUS | Numero Uno 1603 | Nov 00 |
5765, AFRTS, E-mail veri in 3 days from Michael Foutch, Chief Broadcast Officer. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Numero Uno 1606 | Nov 00 |
AFRTS - 10940.5 (Sigonella, Sicily) - 13362 (Guam) - det. pers. letter, v/s Jennifer Gray, Broadcast Operations Specialist, 34 days (16847.5 not listed among authorized frequencies) (Dept. of the Navy, Naval Media Center, Anacostia Annex, 2713 Mitscher Road SW, Washington D.C. 20373-5819, USA) | M.Grallert-D | direct to QIP | Dez 00 |
AFRTS Barrigada 5765 b em. | K.Norlin-S | Norwegian DX News 2000-10 | Dez 00 |
5765, AFRTS, date-fqy ltr in 17 days from Jennifer Gray, Broadcast Operations Specialist. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Numero Uno 1608 | Dez 00 |
13362, AFN, In two mos., 15 days after follow-up. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | Numero Uno 1609 | Dez 00 |
13362, AFN, partial-data personal ltr, in 30 days, v/s Michael Foutch. | V.Korinek-AFS | Numero Uno 1609 | Dez 00 |
AFRTS Barrigada 5765 b 26d. | T.-H.Ekblom-DNK | Norwegian DX News 2001-01 | Jan 01 |
13362U AFN partial-data e-mail verie ltr, in 15 days after f/up v/s Michael Foutch. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | ODXA 2001-01 | Jan 01 |
AFRTS - det. Brief Radio-Logo 12579 kHz - 03.12.00 40 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jan 01 |
AFTRS Guam 13362,00 kHz, 1 US-$, Report in Englisch, 26 Tage, QSL-Brief, Details : ja. | P.Robic-AUT | EAWRC 285 | Feb 01 |
AFRTS 5765 b. v/s Jennifer Gray | K.-E.Stridh-S | Norwegian DX News 2001-02 | Feb 01 |
AFRTS, v/s Jennifer Gray 5765 kHz, card, rp : no, 107 days. | C.Elliott-TAS-AUS | WDXC QSL Report | Apr 01 |
AFRTS Guam / 13362 kHz, 105 days, det. pers. letter; v/s Michael Foutch. | M.Grallert-D | ADDX 2001-12 | Jun 01 |
AFRTS 5765 kHz, letter, rp : no, 170 days | V.Rozhkov-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Jul 01 |
AFRTS Guam 5765,00 kHz, 59 days, B, details : yes. | P.E.Boeck-D | EAWRC 291 | Aug 01 |
5765 (USB), AFRTS, full detailed letter, v/s April Ball, in 4 weeks. | A.Fernández Llorella-E | HCDX-ML | Okt 01 |
AFRTS, v/s Michael Foutch, Chief Broadcast Operations Specialist 5765 kHz, f/d letter, rp : no, 56 days. | N.Borovenski-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Okt 01 |
AFRTS/Barrigada 13362 e.post 12d v/s Bruce Moody, Bc. Operations Specialist (moody@mediacen.navy.mil) er mannen bak dette og alle de andre AFRTS-svarene som er omtalt i mĺnedens spalte. | B.Tandberg-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2002-03 | Apr 02 |
AFRTS no 5765 l 61. (v/s Bruce Moody, Broadcast Operations Specialist) | G.Brown-G | BDXC-UK 2002-05 | Mai 02 |
AFN-Guam, 5765, e-QSL in 4 days by Electronic mail for EG report sent by Electronic mail. v/s: Bruce Moody. | T.Gouhara-J | Cumbre DX 402 | Jun 02 |
AFRTS / 5765 kHz, 58 Tage, det. B / $; v/s April Ball. | W.Jangel-D | ADDX 2002-13 | Jul 02 |
5,765 kHz USB, AFRTS Guam, eMail letter 1d after several f/ups via Washington/DC. Total 26m 2d; v/s Ms April Ball, Broadcast Operation Specialist | K.W.Elsebusch-D | HCDX-ML | Mai 03 |
13362.05 AFRTS Barrigada w/ surprise f/data card in 179 days for f/up e-mail to qsl@dodmedia.osd.mil (the old Navy e-mail did not work). This was from an old reception on May 28, 2004 after two previous follow-ups to the Navy e-mail address. Return address on card given as "Department of Defense, NMC Det AFRTS-DMC, 23755 Z St., Bldg. 2730, Riverside CA 92518-2017". Card signer was partially unreadable but looked like Robert Winkler. Last time I got an actual QSL card from an AFRTS station was the old Far East Network stations on Taiwan and in Japan back in the 70's. AFRTS studios and production facilities are located on March Reserve AFB in Riverside where they moved from the old Burbank site. | B.W.Churchill-CA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Sep 06 |
GUAM - 5765 AFRTS. F/D card w/various military communications logos on front and reception data, including site, on back, received via Snail Mail 7 days after e-mail report via usual e-mail address. V/S usual Robert Winkler. | J.Wilkins-CO-USA | DXplorer-ML | Okt 06 |
American Forces Network (AFN). 5,765 USB f/d logo card in 2 weeks for an e-mailed report. V/s: Robert Winkler. | J.D.Stephens-AL-USA | direct to QIP | Nov 06 |
13362 kHz - AFRTS - American Forces Radio and Television Service. Recebido email e cartao QSL contendo nome da estacao, frequencia, data e horario da escuta. Informe enviado atraves do site da AFRTS, na secao "contact us" 19 dias. V/S Robert W. | T.P.Machado-DF-B | Atividade DX 330 | Dez 06 |
AFRTS – DIEGO GARCIA: TARJETA QSL /QSL CARD. Fecha/ Date : 15-Mar-06. Hora/ Hour : 03.35 UTC. Frec: 125790 kHz. USB. Vrs. Robert Winkler. | C.Pérez Dioses-PRU | direct to QIP | Jan 07 |
5765U Arm Forces Network via Guam. Full data card in 8 days for a e-mail report to: qsl@dodmedia.osd.mil v/s: Robert Winkler | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Jan 07 |
AFRTS IRCs ret 5765u kHz, qsl-card 13 days | C.Stacey-G | BDXC-UK 207-04 | Apr 07 |
13362.0 USB, AFN Guam, f/d cd in 1m. V/S : Robert Winkler. | T.Sejimo-J | DXplorer-ML | Apr 07 |
AFN, 5765 kHz, F/d AFRTS Logo card in 5 days with site for an e-mail report to qsl@dodmedia.osd.mil. V/s Robert Winkler. This is same card, e-mail addr and v/s as Bruce Churchill has on NUS&S. Return addr was Riverside, CA as also reported. | J.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | DXplorer-ML | Aug 07 |
Ich habe gestern eine QSL-Karte für AFN Guam erhalten Laufzeit 12 Tage Geschickt hatte ich eine email an die bekannte Adresse qsl@dodmedia.osd.mil. An WYFR hatte ich mal eine kurze email zum Beginn der Sendungen im 75m Band via Skelton geschickt und ebenfalls eine QSL Karte erhalten an WCNZ MW 1660 Florida ging ein email report und die Bestätigung kam per email. Also alles ist möglich. | D.Knust-D | A-DX-ML | Okt 07 |
AFN Guam 1.10.07 08.15 UTC 13362 kHz. Email an qsl@dodmedia.osd.mil Karte kam am 13.10 per Post. | D.Knust-D | A-DX-ML | Okt 07 |
AFRTS Guam 5765 kHz - Naval Media Center Detachment - Defense Media Center - 23755 Z Stree, BLDG 2730 - Riverside CA 92518 -U.S.A. con QSL in 34 giorni. No IRC ( restituito ). 1500ma stazione confermata. | R.Pavanello-I | direct to QIP | Mrz 08 |
AFRTS 5765USB kHz, Cartolina QSL in 30 giorni. No RP. QTH: Officer in Charge - Defense Media Center - 23755 Z Street - BLDG 2730 - Riverside CA. 92518-2017 (USA). V/s: C. A. Harris - MCC USN. Inviato CD MP3. Il rapporto era giŕ stato spedito a gennaio 2009 con quello di Diego Garcia ma era stato ignorato. L'ho rispedito, di nuovo con il CD MP3 e mi č stato confermato. | L.Botto Fiora-I | BCL-News-ML | Mai 10 |
AWR Singapore (GUM) Index Guam
Index Austr-Oceania
AWR Singapore 9530, via KSDA, QSL card in 12 weeks direct from Singapore office | A.Fernández Llorella-E | direct to QIP | Apr 07 |
EDXP (GUM) Index Guam
Index Austr-Oceania
EDXP via KTWR 11835 qsl-card no r.postage 15 days. | P.Miroshnikov-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Mrz 98 |
"Pacific DX Report"; dieser wird von EDXP mit wunderschönen QSL-Karten bestätigt (O=3) - Na, dann hast Du aber was anderes als ich bekommen. Ich habe vor einigen Jahren mal einen Bericht über die Sendung an Bob Padula geschickt. Zurück kam eine uralte, eselsohrige und ausgeblichene Postkarte aus Mekka (!), der Bestätigungstext mit Leucht-Marker " verschönert ". Nicht unbedingt ein Schmuckstück der Sammlung. | M.Elbe-D | ADXB-OE-ML | Apr 99 |
15330 AWR, 404 Mont Albert Road, Surrey Hills, Victoria 3127, Australia. QSL especial correspondiente al programa EDXP. Tarjeta QSL en 43 dias. v/s Bob Padula. | A.L.Slaen-ARG | Conexion Digital 040 | Jan 00 |
15330; EDXP via KTWR, Agana; card after 22d; v/s Bob Padula | K.W.Elsebusch-D | HCDX-ML | Mai 00 |
Electronic DX Press via KTWR 15330 kHz verified with a det. Card in 14 days. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Mai 00 |
EDXP via KTWR 11755. Postcard of Melbourne with EDXP stickers on back, 1w for stamp. | R.Jary-SA-AUS | HCDX-ML | Jun 00 |
Pacific Dx Rpt. via KTWR / 15330 kHz, 18 days, detailed qsl-card, / $. | W.Jangel-D | ADDX 2000-16 | Aug 00 |
Electr. DX Pr. via KTWR / 15330 kHz, 24 days, detailed qsl-card, / $; v/s Bob Padula, | E.Röscher-D | ADDX 2000-18 | Sep 00 |
The Electronic DX Press, 404 Mont Albert Road, Mont Albert, Victoria 3127, Australia E- mail: news@edxp.org Schöne Ansichtskarte (Lake Catani, Mt. Buffalo, Vic. North- eastern Victoria was "Kelly country",) als QSL-Karte, leider ohne SBM. Dafür aber mit allen Details. Radio EDXP QSL .. 9385 kHz KSDA/ Program EDXP News/ QSL Manager Bob Padula. 26 Tage Laufzeit, posted in the USA, mit green stamp als Rückporto und einer AK aus den USA. | P.Gager-AUT | A-DX-ML | Nov 04 |
9980 EDXP via AWR via KSDA, Agat. Full data 10th Anniversary QSL 'G'Day Mate' electronic e-mail verification for a posting on EDXP web site. Reply in 4 - 5 hours. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Feb 06 |
9980 EDXP via Wavescan/KSDA. Full data EDXP 10th Anniversary Special QSL Card, in 28 days, for a Postal Report. v/s: Bob Padula. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Apr 06 |
Radio EDXP via AWR, 11850, col cd shows Kookaburra, issued by EDXP Foundation Member Mick Ogrizek in Melbourne! Station No 1000 QSLd! | B.Padula-VIC-AUS | DXplorer-ML | Aug 06 |
Radio EDXP 9585, via KSDA, QSL card in 5 weeks for US $, v/s Bob Padula | A.Fernández Llorella-E | direct to QIP | Apr 07 |
JSWC (GUM) Index Guam
Index Austr-Oceania
JSWC /Japan : Sonder-QSL #16 und #17 diese Woche eingetroffen (9760 Kavalla, 9385 Guam), zwei Motive inkl. Fan-Karte 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea Japan (Verfasser freut sich auf die Fußballweltmeisterschaften 2006 in DL.) und Sticker zum gleichen Thema. v/s Nobuya Kato. | W.Eibl-D | A-DX-ML | Jul 02 |
JSWC 50th Anniversary cards, two different cards rcvd showing watercolors by member Kim Yeong-Il, one for xmsn via Guam, other for xmsn via VOA, both full-data (except no site on VOA card). Also sent JSWC info. v/s Nobuya Kato. In four mos. for CD rpt. . | J.Berg-MA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Jul 02 |
QSL from Japan Short Wave Club : 11560 Japan Short Wave Club, 50th Anniversary Committee, P. O. Box 138, Yokohama Port, 231-8691, Japon, in 73 days. Very nice special QSL of 50 anniversary of JSWC for a reception report of AWR-Guam on 11560 kHz. v/s JSWC No. 0125, information about the JSWC and short note by Nobuya Kato (JSWC 8590). He tells me my reception report is the only from Argentine! | A.L.Slaen-ARG | DXplorer-ML | Aug 02 |
JSWC via AWR Guam / 11980 kHz, 121 Tage, detailed qsl-card, pers. K, Info, Sticker / $. | E.Röscher-D | ADDX 2002-23 | Dez 02 |
11890 JSWC via AWR Full data #140 QSL for the special 50th anniversary BCB. Also sent along JSWC information and Postcard of the FIFA World Cup, in 3 1/2 months. v/s T.Yasuda | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | DXplorer-ML | Dez 02 |
Special program of JSWC 50th aniversary via AWR 11980kHz: full data card in 82 days. | J.Yamada-J | Jembatan DX 144 | Dez 02 |
JSWC via KSDA / 11980 kHz, 98 Tage, det. qsl-card, Info / IRC | P.Vaegler-D | ADDX 2003-03 | Feb 03 |
JSWC via AWR ?? kHz, 1 US-$ Sp 106 Tage, QSL-Karte, Info Details: ja | diverse-D | EAWRC Bulletin 310 | Mrz 03 |
Heute traf eine sehr attraktive Sonder QSL - Karte vom Japan Shortwave Club aus Yokomama ein. Bestätigt wurde die Sondersendung via AWR - Guam auf 11980 KHz vom 26.Jan. 03. Die QSL trägt die Nummer 233. Weitere Beilagen waren Infos über den JSWC sowie ein Stadtplan. Der Brief brauchte von Yokohama bis Triptis genau 3 Tage ! Es handelte sich um das 50. Jubiläum des JSWC. | M.Lindner-D | A-DX-ML | Apr 03 |
JSWC via KTWR Guam 11690 kHz verified with a det. card in 100 days. 1 US-% for RP. QTH: 50th Anniv. Committee, P.O.Box 138, Yokohama Port 231-8691, Japan. v/s J. Yasuda. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Apr 03 |
Japan SW Club/Agat 11980 k pk kart inf 85d v/s T. Yasuda bekreftet en spesialsending via AWRs sender. | B.Tandberg-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2003-03 | Apr 03 |
Got a QSL from JSWC (Japan Shortwave Club) for the report sent in January. Card carries a drawing of a volcano and trees, with JSWC abbreviation. Full data, including the relay station (AWR). There was a text on accompanying postcard, saying that my report was the only one from Kazakhstan. 95 days, for 1 IRC. (open_dx) | D.Puzanov-KAZ | Signal 097b | Mai 03 |
Japan Shortwave Club via KSDA-AWR Guam 9385 kHz verified with a det. card in 17 days. 1 US-$ for RP. QTH: JSWC HQ, P.O.Box 29, Sendai 980-8691, Japan. v/s Joshi Othake. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Apr 04 |
Pilipinas DX (GUM) Index Guam
Index Austr-Oceania
Station: - Pilipinas DX. Date: - 12-08-2007. Frequency: - 9980 kHz (KSDA). Time: - 1730-1800 UTC. Language: - English (Wavescan program on AWR). Description: - Verified by Henry L. Umadhay. Taal Volcano. | M.Kumar-IND | direct to QIP | Aug 07 |
Pilipinas DX, via Wavescan-AWR Guam, QSL card full detailed, from pilipinasdx@yahoo.com. v/s Henry L. Umadhay. | A.Fernandez Llorella-E | HCDX-ML | Dez 07 |
Rose DW Listeners Club (GUM) Index Guam
Index Austr-Oceania
11640 AWR Wavescan Special Program ( Interview with Graham Lucas, Head of DW South Asia) on Rose DW Listeners Club, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Nice Glossy QSL Card, showing Nurun Nahar Sattar, Ashik Eqbal Tokon and Grahame Lucas on the front, with details on the reverse. This for a initial Postal Report too: GPO Box 56, Rajshahi 6000, Bangladesh, followed with a e-mail follow-up. E-mail reports can be sent to: rosedwlc@gmail.com Web site is www.rosedwlc.tk Also sent ( the enclosed envelope with nice ICC World Cup 2007 stamps) 2 Taka Bill. Total time of 8 months, 3 months after e-mail follow-up. v/s: Ashik Eqhal Tokon. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | direct to QIP | Jan 08 |
Rose DWLC Special Programe on AWR Wavescan via KSDA 11640 kHz verified with a det. card and Bagladesh banknote in 224 days. 1 US-$ for RP. QTH: Rose DW Listener´s Club, Luximpur Greater Road, GPO Box 56, Rajshahi 6000, Bangla Desh. v/s Ashik Eqbal Tokon. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Jan 08 |
Trans World R see KTWR
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