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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations from Guyana
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Domestic Stations
Guyana BC Index Guyana
Index America South
5950 kHz, Georgetown 09.12.79 26.01.80 48 days, QSL : tryckt brev v/s : L R E Case | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Jan 1980 |
GBC, 3290. Date and freq only form letter, in 30 days from Chief Engineer, Siroxley Goodman, for US $ 1 rp. Had previously been sending a very old report, from the early 1980's, without any response from the station, so this was on my most- wanted list ! Obviously, now is the time to QSL GBC, before the novelty of their new transmitters wears off ! Also received a -one-sheet- on Guyana, with a scribbled note indicating the GBC operates -stand-by links- on FM 102.5 (250 watts) and 101.1 (20 watts). | D.Sharp-FL-USA | Cumbre DX 093 | Jul 1996 |
3290.0 GBC Georgetown They QSLed with a nice full-detailed personal letter within 40 days. Verie-signer is Indira Anandjit, Personnel Assistant. | M.Elbe-D | DX Window 022 | Jul 1996 |
GBC, 3290, date-only form letter in 2 mo. for taped rpt, v/s S. Goodman, CE. -This is a new Energy Onix SW xmtr which operates on dual freq. This xmtr company is in Hudson, NY.- | J.Berg-MA-USA | Cumbre DX 100 | Aug 1996 |
Guyana Broadcasting Corp. 3290 a date only form letter signed by M. Phillips in 1 month for an English report, $ 1 and local radio station stickers. | M.Prindle-NY-USA | Cumbre DX 127 | Feb 1997 |
QSL letter and card received from Guyana Broadcasting Corporation 3290 after 6 months, signed Indira Anandjit, personnel assistant. Reception report July 30, 1996 on 3290 kHz and a late-night musical. | W.Mellquist-S | Cumbre DX 127 | Feb 1997 |
GBC Georgetown on 3290, folder form letter, info, v/s M. Phillips in 6 months and half with 1 USD after a f/up (SWN-Denmark March 1997) | M.McGovern-IRL | TFW | Mrz 1997 |
GBC Georgetown 3290 qsl-letter rp : 1US $ 190 days, v/s : M Phillips. | M.McGovern-IRL | WDXC QSL Report | Apr 1997 |
Voice of Guyana 3290 qsl-letter 1 IRC 23 days. | Z.Elias-CZE | WDXC QSL Report | Mai 1997 |
GBC Georgetown on 3290, letter, NY folder in 193 days for 1 IRC (DSWCI -SWN, QSL Corner June 97) | H.-D.Buschau-D | TFW 031 | Jun 1997 |
GBC Georgetown on 3290, fd kond letter, sticker in 7 weeks (DSWCI SWN 10/97) | N.Reiner-D | TFW 041 | Okt 1997 |
Guyana Broadcasting Co. on 3290, letter, infos in 43 days for 1 USD (hrd when in Antigua / Play DX # 958 Nov 24) | S.Mannelli-I | TFW 044 | Nov 1997 |
Voice of Guyana 3290 qsl-letter 1 IRC 67 days, v/s : M Phillips pp S Goodman. | J.Crowley-IRL | WDXC QSL Report | Jan 1998 |
Guyana Broadcasting Corporation 5949.4. Prepared card signed by S. Goodman, Chief Engineer. Received 8 years after the first in a long series of unanswered reports. This verification was for a January 1998 reception. It was hand delivered to the Chief Engineer by an amateur radio operator friend in June. $ 2 return postage. | J.Evans-TN-USA | Cumbre DX 204 | Aug 1998 |
Voice of Guyana 5950, P / D " form " letter in 1 month from v/s M. Phillips for S. Goodman, CE for a f/up report and US $ 1. | M.Delmage-AB-CAN | CIDX 2000-03 | Mrz 2000 |
Received a standard QSL letter from the GBC Guyana 3290 kHz after 1 follow up total 80 weeks, v/s S.Goodman, Chief engineer. The rr was about a BBC px. | R.Vos-HOL | direct to QIP | Jul 2000 |
GBC Guyana - Mr. Goodman must have cleaned out the files as I too received a f /d form letter after I asked for all details from a previous report. Mine was for the 5 MHz reception from July 1999. On a post-it note he mentioned my first report did not include a date but a copy of the original report shows that it did. | M.Delmage-AB-CAN | HCDX-ML | Jul 2000 |
3290, GBC, stnd QSL ltr after one follow-up, total 80 wks., v/s S. Goodman, CE. (in HCDX) | R.Vos-HOL | Numero Uno 1587 | Jul 2000 |
Guyana BC Corp - det. PPC det. PPC 560 kHz 1355 10.11.00 52 Tage, heard in Tobago | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jan 2001 |
GBC Georgetown (3290) verified by letter without details a report from September 7, 1997 (no follow up!). Signed by M. Phillip. | W.Passmann-D | HCDX-ML | Jun 2001 |
GUYANA BC 3290 FORM-letter 180d. SENT 1 IRC. V/s: M.PHILLIPS. QTH : BROADCASTING HOUSE, 44 HIGH Street, WERK-EN-RUST, GEORGETOWN. | A.Fernández Llorella-E | Play-DX 1134 | Dez 2001 |
3290 - Guyana Broadcasting Corporation, Georgetown - 64 dias. Recebido carta QSL "partial data" e folheto sobre dados geográficos da Guyana. v/s: W. Carr. Enviado relatório de recepção e 1 IRC. QTH : Guyana Broadcasting Corporation, 44 High Street, Werk-en Rust, Guyana. Meu 132º pais confirmado. | M.Toniolo dos Anjos-NY-USA | Atividade DX 106 B | Jul 2002 |
GBC Georgetown confirmed today my reception report dated 16 Dec 98 by letter signed by S. Goodman, Chief Engineer. This station was in no hurry to answer (770d after f/up, 1348d in total). | E.Gehrig-E | HCDX-ML | Aug 2002 |
3290 - Guyana Broadcasting Corporation, Georgetown - 714 dias. Recebida carta QSL e folheto "Geographical Data". v/s: S. Goodman, Chief Engineer. Enviado 1 IRC. Vamos aproveitar que parece que eles estão limpando a gaveta e finalmente enviando os QSL's. Esse é o meu segundo QSL da Guyana em 3 semanas. Porém esse informe foi enviado em Maio de 2000. | M.Toniolo dos Anjos-NY-USA | Atividade DX 111 | Sep 2002 |
GUYANA BROADCASTING CORPORATION 5950 kHz letter signed by W. CARR (CHIEF ENGINNER) Address: 44 HIGH Street, WERK-EN-RUST, GEORGETOWN. | G.Bellabarba-I | Play-DX 1175 | Nov 2002 |
Guyana Broadcasting Corporation, 3291.25 kHz, date and frequency form letter with verification statement, v/s Winston Carr Maintenance Engineer-Transmitters, with info sheet on Guyana, in 2 months, for taped report and 2 IRCs Rp. Mailed from Cuba. | J.Talbot-AB-CAN | Cumbre DX-ML | Dez 2002 |
3290 - Voice of Guyana - Georgetown-GUY - Recebida carta QSL, cartão de visitas, folheto com informações sobre a Guiana e uma carta pessoal redigida de próprio punho por Winston Carr, engenheiro de manutenção dos transmissores. 90 dias. V/S: Wisnton Carr, Maintenance Enginner-Transmitters. QTH: Operations Centre, 44 High Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown, Guiana. | C.Fernandes Lopes-MG-B | DXCB 2002-12 | Dez 2002 |
3290 kHz - R. Voz da Guiana - Georgetown - Guiana. Recebido carta confirmatoria. 37 dias. V/S: S. Goodman. QTH: Operations Centre, 44 High Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown, Guiana. (via radioescutas) | M.Rogerio Rodrigues-B | Atividade DX 226 | Nov 2004 |
Radio Guayana, Upata 820 kHz, heard: 18.2.1985 SFF?, QSL 2005 | J.Solatie-FIN | mwdx-ML | Dez 2005 |
3291.2, Guyana B/Cing Corp., partial-data form ltr in 70 days, V/S S. Goodman, Chief Engineer. (H. Watanabe & Uemura-Japan, R. Nuevo Mundo) Photo of QSL in the RNM bltn shows address as: National Communications Network, Inc. Radio, Homestretch Ave., D’Urban Park, Georgetown, Guyana. Gives fqys as 3290 and 5950. | J.Berg-MA-USA | Cumbre DX-ML | Apr 2006 |
Voice of Guyana, Sparendaam 3290 kHz, letter, v/s S. Goodman, Homestretch Av., D'Urban Park, Gerorgetown, 9 weeks | G.Huijbens-BEL | direct to QIP | Mai 2006 |
National Communictions Network 3291,16 kHz verified with a partly detailed letter in 48 days. 1 US-$ for RP. QTH: Broadcasting House, P.O.Box 10760, Georgetown. v/s S. Goodman, chief engineer. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Mai 2006 |
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