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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations from the
Falkland Islands
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Domestic Stations
FIRS Index Falkland
Islands Index America South
2370 kHz, Stanley 03.08.80 13.09.80 41 days, QSL : kort v/s : Mary A Queen | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Sep 1980 |
FIBS no rp, 530 kHz, qsl-letter, 132 days. (heard in Brazil) | P.Gager-AUT | BDXC-UK 2002-09 | Sep 2002 |
3958, Falkland Islands Broadcasting Service verified with short personal letter and by signing my prepared card in 40 days for a follow up report (almost 24 years from initial report) from v/s Corina Bishop, Station Manager at Falkland Islands Radio Station. I asked about the possibility of doing a shortwave broadcast to which she replied, "Also, I am afraid that we are unable to do a special broadcast on shortwave." | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Feb 2008 |
FALKLAND IS. 530 MW, Falklands Is. Radio Svc, QSL rcvd for postal mail rpt and an audio clip; they said they don't have any QSL-cards at the moment but will send one later. In 60 days. | V.Castaño-URG | Lista Conexion Digital-ML | Aug 2008 |
530 kHz FALKLAND ISLANDS: FIRS (Falkland Islands Radio Service), Stanley, 16 dias. Recebido: cartão QSL da emissora (paisagem de uma praia de uma das ilhas e o mapa da região), adesivos e o schedule da semana (programação diária). Emissora sintonizada em São Bernardo-SP, em 7 de abril às 0156 UTC, enviado um e-mail no dia seguinte ( CBishop@firs.co.fk ), tendo recebido resposta um dia após com informação de que iriam me confirmar por cartão QSL. No verso do cartão, a mensagem: “Dear Rudolf, I am writing to confirm your reception report, Falkland Islands Radio Service, 530 kHz, 5th April 2009, 01:56 UTC), Kind regards, Corina Goss, Station Manager’ | R.Walter Grimm-SP-B | mw-br-ML | Mrz 2009 |
Acabo de receber o QSL confirmando escuta realizada em 22.06.2009 da Falklands Radio - 530 MHz.- Junto do cartão QSL vieram vários adesivos "FIRS" e uma planilha de programação da radio. | E.L.Castaldelli-B | radioecutas-ML | Okt 2009 |
530 kHz Falklands Islands Radio Service (FIRS), Stanley. 86 dias. Recebido cartão QSL e 3 adesivos da emissora. V/S: Corina Goss. Informe de recepção enviado para cgoss@firs.co.fk | F.Mattos-SC-B | radioecutas-ML | Jun 2010 |
530 kHz - Falkland Islands Radio Service, Stanley. Recebido cartão QSL. 120 dias. V/S: Corina Goss. IR enviado por e-mail: cgoss@firs.co.fk | F.Silva-SC-B | radioecutas-ML | Jun 2010 |
QSL Falklands Radio 530 kHz Bonito cartão QSL, captação de 27 de maio 2010 em 530 kHz. Junto com o cartão alguns adesivos da emissora. Interessante lembrar que a propagação tem apresentado abertura para o Sul, vale tentar essa confirmação. | S.Campos-RJ-B | radioecutas-ML | Jun 2010 |
Relayed Stations or Programs
BFBS Falklands Index Falkland Islands Index America South
Proof that patience pays off after all; on a whim I faxed a report to BFBS Falklands for a Feb 13 1987 reception 3958 on Mar 8 1006 On Mar 19 got a very nice BFBS card verifying reception and indicating Falklands location - signed by Steve Brearton, Station Manager. I had heard BFBS programming on the Falkland Is. BC Station transmitter at 0850 to 0925 w / ID's for both FIBS Falklands and BFBS Falklands. Steve said that SW ceased later in 1987, so I guess I got a good logging in the nick of time ! My ex-Navy status helped here I believe. I have scored 3 / 3 on Faxed reports with no written follow-ups - maybe there's a message here ? ? Tried the same tactic with Capital Radio Transkei on 3930 for an equally old logging w / no results yet. [I seem to remember that the Falklands used to be very strict in verifying reports, but it appears that a more reasonable policy has now been implemented. Time to re-send those old reports. (ed.)] | B.Churchill-CA-USA | Cumbre DX 078 | Mrz 96 |
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