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Page : Argentina
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Argentina (Southern America) |
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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations from Argentina
- Part 2
Argentina Previous Page : Argentina 1 Next Page : Argentina 3
Domestic Stations
R Contemporanea Index Argentina Index America
Just received the first QSL from LEM169 DXpedition, from one of the best catches of the DXpedition: Radio Contemporánea, Buenos Aires, on 1129.8 kHz. At the time of listening, this remained a bit of a mystery. An earlier news item on DXing.info revealed that such a station indeed exists in Argentina, but aside from the name, nobody seemed to know anything about the station. Luckily I caught the phone number in one of the promotional announcements that I heard, and after several long phone calls - including being interviewed live on the air - I received an email verification from station manager Alfredo Oscar Culetta. You can read more about the station in the News section. The station even has a website www.radiocontemporanea.com.ar, although there isn't much information yet. | M.Mäkeläinen-FIN | DXing.info | Dez 02 |
R Continental LS4 LS9 Index Argentina Index America
R Continental 9115, card, letter & sticker (recommended letter) in 4 weeks | L.Weirell-S | direct to QIP | Aug 90 |
9115 kHz, Buenos Aires 22:30 09.11.90 15.01.91 67 days, QSL : brev kort info | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Jan 91 |
Radio Continental, 9115 kHz verified with a det. Card in 31 days. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Aug 91 |
Radio CONTINENTAL 20276 kHz LSB (1996 report) visit card QSL text with reception report v/s : Pedro Maccarone, gerente tecnico QTH : Rivadavia 835, Buenos Aires 1002. Tnx help of DXer Monferini visiting the station | S.Gómez-E | Play-DX 1022 | Apr 99 |
15820 kHz. Radio CONTINENTAL, Rivadavia 835, 1002 Buenos Aires. (feeder). Envío de tarjeta QSL y adhesivos de AM 950 R. Libertad y FM105. Contestó en 7 meses. | S.Micciché-I | Conexion Digital 046 | Mrz 00 |
Fortunately, R Continental verifies also these reports. A week or two ago a fellow DXer received his QSL on 15820 kHz. My own Continental QSL dates back to early years of 1990's when they were heard on 9115 kHz. | J.Lehtinen-FIN | HCDX-ML | Mrz 00 |
R Continental (via LTA) 15820 kHz, card, rp : 2, 171 days. | C.Elliott-TAS-AUS | WDXC QSL Report | Apr 01 |
R Continental Buenos Aires det. Karte Radio-Logo 29810 kHz 1020 17.11.01 35 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Dez 01 |
29810 kHz - Nach 79 Tagen bestätigt R.Continental ARG mit QSL.+ 2 Aufkleber FM HIT 105,5 | D.Rose-D | A-DX-ML | Jan 02 |
Gerade war der Postbote da und brachte mir einen schönen Brief aus Argentinien. Radio Continental beantwortete meinen Empfangsbericht über eine Sendung auf 29810 kHz um 13.52 UT vom 15.12.2001 mit einer QSL und 2 Stickern. Meinem RR hatte ich eine Ansichtskarte und 1 Dollar als Rückporto beigelegt. | F.-W.Adam-D | A-DX-ML | Jan 02 |
R Continental - det. Karte Radio-Logo 20276 kHz 2100 03.03.02 39 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Apr 02 |
Radio Continental 20276 kHz 8d. V/s: Pedro Maccarone (Gerente Tecnico) QTH: WRTH 2002. | F.Carnevalini-I | Play-DX 1160 | Jun 02 |
Radio Continental. Received QSL card and two stickers of domesitc FM HIT 105.5 in four months for English/Spanish report, tape recording, US$2, SWL card and used stamps. This is my first Argentinian station confirmed. | R.Lam-SNG | Cumbre Dx 409 | Jul 02 |
Radio Continental 15820 kHz ha confermato in due mesi con form full data e biglietto da visita del gerente tecnico. Vs Pedro Maccarone, gerente tecnico, pmaccarone@continental.com.ar Address: Rivadavia 835 (C1002AAG) - Buenos Aires. http://www.continental.com.ar/ | G.Bernardini-I | BCL-News-ML | Jul 03 |
LS4 R Continental, Buenos Aires 590 brev | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-03 | Apr 05 |
LS4 R Continental 590 e-post v/s Maximo Gorkin | J.Alvestad-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-05 | Sep 05 |
LS9 R Continental, Buenos Aires 590 e-post | O.Forr-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2006-02 | Feb 06 |
R Corazon Index Argentina Index America
104.1 MHz. LRI 347 Radio CORAZON, Bajada Grande, Estafeta 12, 3100 Parana, Entre Rios.Tarjeta QSL. Verifico en 18 dias. | C.A.Pivatto-ARG | Conexion Digital 034 | Dez 99 |
R Córdoba Index Argentina Index America
LV3 Radio CORDOBA 700 kHz fax-letter p / d v/s : Cr. Carlos M.Molina, vicepresidente, after many F / ups, originally reported on old 1200 kHz first rpt 1991 ! Replied in 2 hours via FAX ! (+ 54) 51-227227. | D.Taylor-G | Play-DX 0997 | Okt 98 |
Radio CORDOBA 700 kHz QSLIetter 20d. NO IRC sent QTH : Alvear 139, 6000 Cordoba. | A.L.Slaen-ARG | Play-DX 1013 | Feb 99 |
700 kHz. LV3 Radio CORDOBA, Alvear 139, 5000 Cordoba. Carta QSL (verificador Carlos Molina), calcomanias. Verifico en 11 dias. | H.Oguich-ARG | Conexion Digital 011 | Jul 99 |
LV3 Radio CORDOBA 700 kHz letter + 12 STICKERS AFTER FOLLOW UP.v/s : CARLOS M. MOLINA (ARCTIC RADIO CLUB, APRIL 2000) | R.Wikström-S | Play-DX 1070 | Mai 00 |
RADIO CORDOBA 700 kHz letter 26d. SENT 1 $ (RETURNED!!) QTH : ALVEAR 139, CORDOBA 5000. | C.Rooms-G | Play-DX 1105 | Mrz 01 |
700 R.Cordoba verifico en 2 dias V/S Cadena3 Argentina. La direccion electronica es la misma que consta en WRTH 2003 | C.Rotolo de Moraes-SC-B | Conexion Digital 204 | Mrz 03 |
700 kHz Radio Córdoba, Cordoba. Recebido e-mail confirmatório no mesmo dia do envio do informe de recepção. V/S: Equipe técnica da Radio Cordoba. Endereço eletronico utilizado: audiencia@cadena3.com.ar . | R.Walter Grimm-SP-B | Atividade DX 167 | Sep 03 |
LV3 R Cordoba 700 letter sticker $-ret 10u, v/s Andrea Orgnero | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2004-06 | Okt 04 |
LV3 R Cordoba 700 e-post | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-03 | Apr 05 |
LV3 R Cordoba 700 kHz, e-post | J.Alvestad-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-04 | Mai 05 |
LV3 R. CORDOBA 700 kHz QSL Letter N/d. + Stickers. NO Rp in 329 days. (39 days F/up). V/s : Rocio Olmedo. Email : gcom@cadena3.com.ar WEB : www.cadena3.com ADDRESS : ALVEAR 139, 5000 Cordoba. (via radioescutas-ML, Feb 2007) | R Ferraz Pedroso-B | Play-DX 2007 | Jan 07 |
700 kHz - R. Córdoba - Córdoba - ARG. Recebida carta QSL no data (sem os dados do meu informe) e adesivos automotivos com o logotipo da emissora. 329 dias (39 dias após follow up). V:S: Rocio Olmedo. O e-mail da emissora é: gcom@cadena3.com.ar . QTH: Alvear 139 - 5000 - Córdoba - Repóblica Argentina. | R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B | ConDig 409 | Mrz 07 |
R Coronel Olavarria
Index Argentina Index America South
LV32 Radio CORONEL OLAVARRIA 1160 kHz pers. letter in 16d. Station birthday 12 december 1970. v/s Daniel A. Panarace, gerente general. Sent 1 US $ + Italian radio stickers. QTH : Alsina 3377, 7400 Olavarria FAX : (+ 54) 284-30911 (WRTH 98 is Ok) E-mail : lu32[ät]vaf.corn.ar (reported from Argentina) | C.Bellabarba-I | Play-DX 0997 | Okt 98 |
R Cristal Index Argentina Index America
R Cristal, Lanus (BA) 1290 kHz, e-post Stasjonen har na flyttet til 860 kHz. | J.Alvestad-N | Norwegian DX News 2005-04 | Mai 05 |
R Cuidad de Lanus Index Argentina Index America
Radio CIUDAD DE LANUS 1450 kHz ppc letter f /d power 500 W. v/s : Pablo M. Rojas, responsable tecnico. Reply in 1 year 6m. after F / up. QTH : Esquiu 2855, R. De Escalada, 1826 Bs. As. (hrd on tape via a v/sitor in Argentina in 1996) | G.Bellabarba-I | Play-DX 0995 | Okt 98 |
R Cumbre Index Argentina Index America
LRK202 R Cumbre, Neuquen 1400 brev | T.B.Vik-N | Norwegian DX News 2005-03 | Apr 05 |
R de Cuyo Index Argentina Index America
LV10 R de Cuyo, Mendoza 720 e-post | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-06 | Okt 05 |
R de la Ciudad Index Argentina Index America
1110 kHz R. de la Ciudad - Buenos Aires - ARG. Recebida carta QSL full data, dois adesivos e dois folhetos (um da Radio de la Ciudad - Publica ciudadana portena e outro da Tango FM 92.7 - La unica radio todo tango de Buenos Aires). 34 dias. V/S: Carlos Ulanovsky (Director de LS1 - Radio de la Ciudad e da La 2X4 - FM 92.7). QTH: LS1 Radio de la Ciudad, Sarmiento 1551, 8º piso. (C1042ABC) / Tel: 5371-4646 (lineas rotativas) - Capital Federal - Buenos Aires www.radiodelaciudad.gov.ar | R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B | Atividade DX 218 | Sep 04 |
LS1 RADIO DE LA CIUDAD 1110 kHz BUENOS AIRES. V/s : Licenciando CLAUDIO VIVORI (Dir.Gen.Ajunto) (VIA RADIO DX LEAGUE NEW ZEALAND) | D.Crawford-AUS | Play-DX 2006-01 | Jan 06 |
R Del Litoral Index Argentina Index America
LT15 Radio DEL LITORAL -AM 560 LA VOZ DE LA GENTE-, QSL letter + new stickers. QTH : San Matin 371, Concordia, Entre Rios (R.G.Margenet Argentina) | R.G.Margenet-ARG | Play-DX 0995 | Okt 98 |
560 Radio del Litoral, San Martin 371, 3200 Concordia, Entre Rios. Carta, programacion y calcomanias en 84 dias. v/s Claudio E. Scabuzzo. | C.Rotolo de Moraes-SC-B | Conexion Digital 040 | Jan 00 |
R Diez see R
10 AM
R Dolores Index Argentina Index America
LU27 R.DOLORES 1480 kHz letter 50d. v/s : RAFAEL FREDDI & MAR- CELO A. GARCIA. QTH : GENERAL RICO 424, DOLORES 7100, Bs.As. | G.Bellabarba-I | Play-DX 1049 | Dez 99 |
R El Mundo Index Argentina Index America
R El Mundo, Buenos Aires 1070 qsl-card km | B.Mjelde-NOR | Norwegian DX News 1998-07 | Aug 98 |
LR1 Radio El Mundo, Radiodifusora Baires, Buenos Aires. 1070 [not 1350] kHz. QSL card 30 days + stickers Radio El Mundo 1070 + stickers Horizonte 94.3 FM + CD audio studio quality tape radio in live ! v/s : Sr. Daniel C. Noguera, Jefe Técnico.Address : Tte. Gral. Juan D. Perón 646, C.P. 1038, Buenos Aires, Argentina | J.A.Arranz Sanz-E | HC-DX-ML | Apr 99 |
1070 Radio El Mundo, Tte. General Juan D. Peron 646, 1038 Cap. Fed. Tarjeta QSL con datos completos por un reporte realizado desde America, Pcia. de Bs.As. y respondido en 30 dias. Adhesivos de FM Horizonte de Radio El Mundo. v/s Daniel C. Noguera, Jefe Tecnico. | A.L.Slaen-ARG | Conexion Digital 071 | Sep 00 |
LR1 Radio El Mundo 1070 kHz, Buenos Aires; carta QSL con motivo del programa especial LA Radio ATRASA del 27 / 08 / 00 de los 80 años de la Radiodifusión en Argentina. Demoró 38 días. Verif. : Daniel Camporini. | H.E.Colacce-URG | Conexion Digital 078 | Okt 00 |
1070 kHz, LR1 Radio El Mundo, Presidente Peron 646, 7mo. Piso, 1038 Buenos Aires. Tarjeta QSL del programa " La Radio Atrasa " donde se conmemoro el 80 aniversario de la Radiodifusion Argentina. Ademas carta firmada por Daniel Camporini. Verifico en 34 dias. | M.A.Cornachioni-ARG | Conexion Digital 083 | Dez 00 |
1070 kHz - R. El Mundo - Buenos Aires. Recebida carta QSL full data. V/S: Mariana Fiorini (Gerente General). Obs: O e-mail da gerente é: mfiorini[ät]radioelmundo.com.ar. QTH: Tacuarí 2035/37 - Ciudad Buenos Aires - República Argentina. | R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B | Atividade-DX 164 | Sep 03 |
R Esmeralda Index Argentina Index America
1620-Radio Esmeralda-Buenos Aires, Argentina. Letter in SS in 60 days from : Washington B. Toroco, Encargado De Obra and Pastor Genuario Rodriguez Almeida. along with a key chain, stickers, tourist info. Came Registered. Address : Ministerio Radial y Televisivo, Asociacion Civil Iglesia, Jesus es mi Salvador, Avda San Juan 2461, Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA. | P.Martin-OR-USA | AMDX-NL | Feb 98 |
Radio ESMERALDA 1620 kHz n / d letter v/s : Washington B. Taroco, encargado de obra + letter p / d v/s : Pastor Genuario Rodriguez Almöida, stickers + keyring + info papers 51d. sent registered mail, sent 1US $ + spanish rpt. (NRC, DX-News, VoI.66, n. 8, November 98, USA) | J.D.Stephens-AL-USA | Play-DX 1013 | Feb 99 |
Radio ESMERALDA 1820 kHz long pers. letter, no real QSL, decals, postcard, keyring, sent registered mail, 34d. (Dxer O.AIm, Sweden) | O.AIm-S | Play-DX 1013 | Feb 99 |
1620 kHz, Buenos Aires 02:40 28.12.97 02.02.98 36 days, QSL : stencilbrev dekaler info v/s : Washington B Taraco | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Feb 98 |
R Exitos Index Argentina Index America
R. Exitos, Castelar, B.A., 1610 kHz, e-mail with attached partial data pers. letter in 22 days, v/s Hernan Zabala (Director), QTH: radioexitos1610@yahoo.com.ar. | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Apr 07 |
R Gama Index Argentina Index America
R Gama, Buenos Aires 1400 e-post | T.B.Vik-N | Norwegian DX News 2005-03 | Apr 05 |
R General San Martin Index Argentina Index America
LT2 R General San Martin, Rosario 1230 e-post | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2004-06 | Okt 04 |
R. General San Martin / 610 kHz, 160 Tage, B | P.Gager-AUT | ADDX 2005-10 | Okt 05 |
R Globo FM, Rosário Index Argentina Index America
89,9 - R. Globo FM - Rosário-ARG - Recebido e-mail confirmatório. 12 dias. V/S: Francisci de Maio. E-mail: radioglobo899[ät]hotmail.com. QTH: ? | C.Rotolo de Moraes-SC-B | DXCB 2003-03 | Mrz 03 |
R Goya Index Argentina Index America
1200 kHz - R. Goya, Corrientes. Recebido e-mail confirmatório. 64 dias. V/S: Lorena Demarchi. E-mail: loli_17[ät]hotmail.com Informe enviado via correio convencional. | M.Herondino Cardoso-SC-B | Atividade DX 185 | Feb 04 |
R Gualeguay Index Argentina Index America
LT38 R Gualeguay 1520 e-post v/s Jorge Barroetavena, Jefe de Redaccion | A.Bue-N | Norwegian DX News 2005-03 | Apr 05 |
R Integración Index Argentina Index America
R Integracion no ret. postage 1310 kHz, letter 32 days (Heard in Chile) | P.Gager-AUT | BDXC-UK 2005-06 | Jun 05 |
R La Red LR5 see R
910 AM
R Libertador Index Argentina Index America
LV8 Radio LIBERTADOR 780 kHz v/s : Jose E.Daffunchio, director (Distance 9198, Sweden) | R.Aakesson-S | Play-DX 0997 | Okt 98 |
R Malargue Index Argentina Index America
6160, R. Malargue, returned properly filled in, stamped and signed ppc, along with long personal ltr for Dec 1993 rcpn. This 2+ wks. after 3rd follow-up to a taped rpt. Says no longer using SW (which was 1 kw), only 790 MW and 88.1 FM. v/s Nury Iglesias de Gamboa, Directora, LV19. Rcvd by registerd mail, and used my SASE. Very pleased with this one, the first return in a batch of follow-ups sent out recently, and hopefully a sign of things to come. [..]. | J.Berg-MA-USA | Numero Uno 1619 | Feb 01 |
R Mar del Plata Index Argentina
Index America South
670 kHz Radio Mar del Plata, Mar del Plata. Recebido e-mail confirmatório no mesmo dia do envio. V/S: Ing. Eduardo Caparrós. Endereço eletronico utilizado: lu9-gtc[ät]lacapitalnet.com.ar . | ? | Atividade DX 167 | Sep 03 |
R Mburucuya Index Argentina
Index America South
R Mburucuya 1470 kHz, 2e-poster v/s Dr. Analberto Alcaraz Liuzzi, Coordinator. Vi oppfordrer herved alle lesere til a smake pa dette stasjonsnavnet - helst med rungende rost og ulende u´er! (Leser du QSL-spalta fortsatt, Ivar...?) | J.Alvestad-N | Norwegian DX News 2005-04 | Mai 05 |
R Metro FM Index Argentina
Index America South
95,1 MHz - Radio Metro FM, Buenos Aires, Argentina Recebido PPC assinado (não carimbado) 28 diasV/S: ilegível Relatório enviado por carta QTH: Radio Metro 95,1 FM, Cap. Gral. R. Freire 932, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires - 1426 Capital Federal, Argentina. | F.Silva-SC-B | radioecutas-ML | Apr 12 |
R Mitre Index Argentina
Index America South
Radio Mitre 29810,1 kHz e-mail Reply.79d.V/s: Marcos Taboada, (D.pto Tecnico) .QTH: Mansilla 2668, Buenos Aires 1425. | ?-? | Play-DX 1160 | Jun 02 |
LR6 R Mitre, Buenos Aires 790 e-post | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-06 | Okt 05 |
R Mocovi LT43 Index Argentina Index America
LT43 R Mocovi 800 kHz, e-post 23d v/s Juan Alberto Mierez | J.Alvestad-N | Norwegian DX News 2005-04 | Mai 05 |
R Municipal LS1 Index Argentina Index America
LS1 R Municipal/R de la Ciudad, Buenos Aires 1110 brev | T.B.Vik-N | Norwegian DX News 2005-03 | Apr 05 |
R Murialdo LRJ212 Index Argentina Index America
LRJ212 R Murialdo 1290 kHz, e-post Også denne stasjonen lovet brev i posten. FFN, dessuten. | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2004-04 | Mai 04 |
1290 kHz - R. Murialdo AM Recebido carta QSL, boletim e programacao. Aproximadamente 3 meses. V/S. Tindaro Muscara, Gerente de Coordenacao. QTH: Av. Bandera de los Andes 4404 Villanueva de Guaymallen, Mendoza - Argentina. | C.Pérez Dioses-PRU | Atividade DX 257 | Jul 05 |
Radio MURIALDO 1290 kHz, AM en 30 dias. Tarjeta QSL No 001. 16-02-06, 04.05 UTC. VRS. Padre Jose Luis./ Director. | C.Pérez Dioses-PRU | Conexion Digital 364 | Apr 06 |
1290 kHz Radio Murialdo, Bandera de los Andes 4404, Código Postal 5521 Villa Nueva, Guaymallen, provincia de Mendoza, QSL Card full data. V/S: Tindaro Muscará-Coordinador. Tindaro Muscará was the speaker of “Diexismo Internacional al Día”, the DXer programme of the KGEI station, from San Francisco, CA, USA on 80’s. | A.L.Slaen-ARG | DXplorer-ML | Jul 06 |
R Nacional LRA 1 Index Argentina Index America
870 kHz, Buenos Aires 22:30 04.04.92 05.10.92 184 days, QSL : brev vykort frimärken turistinfo v/s : Claudia Taiana | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Okt 92 |
Radio Nacional LRA1 15345 via RAE. Full data card in 231 days. Report sent to RAE address, the card however has the logo of LRA1. | T.Vaughan-G | direct to QIP | Apr 96 |
Radio NACIONAL LRA 6060 kHz QSL CARD + RPT FORM + SCHEDULE 265d. NO IRC. v/s : SANDRO CENCI. QTH : MAIPU '555, BUENOS AIRES 1006. | R.Scaglione-I | Play-DX 1070 | Mai 00 |
15345 - R. Nacional - General Pacheco - ARG Recebido cartão QSL, boletim de programação, modelo para informes e cartão postal. 84 dias. V/S: Marcela G. R. Campos - Directora. QTH: CC 555 Correo Central, C100WAF, Buenos Aires, Argentina. | I.Dias da Silva Júnior-SP-B | Atividade-DX 162 | Aug 03 |
6060 kHz - R. Nacional, Buenos Aires. Recebido: Email confirmatório. 8 dias. V/S: Marcela Campos, Directora de RAE. QTH: Maipu 555, 1006 Buenos Aires,Rep. Argentina (Email: rae[ät]radionacional.gov.ar). | R.Walter Grimm-SP-B | Atividade-DX 184 | Jan 04 |
LRA1 no return postage, 870 kHz, qsl-card 80 days, (heard in Chile. Sent rr, ms) | P.Gager-AUT | BDXC-UK 2005-07 | Jul 05 |
R Nacional Bahia Blanca
Index Argentina Index America South
LRA13 Radio NACIONAL BAHIA BLANCA 560 kHz QSL letter p / d in 65d. sent 1 US $ + Italian stickers radio 25 kW power AM v/s : Carlos A.Langiano, director progr., Victorio Pasquare, director gereral. QTH : Moreno 30, 1er piso Bahia Blanca 8000 (reported in Argentina) | B.Gornati-I | Play-DX 0997 | Okt 98 |
R Nacional Gualeguaychu
Index Argentina Index America South
1310 - R. Nacional - Gualeguaychu - 92 dias Recebida carta QSL parcialmente preenchida, 4 adesivos e cartão de visitas do v/s. v/s: Alberto José Doratti, Director de Radio Nacional Obs: Não foi enviado IRC e nem dólares para as despesas postais. Segundo o v/s a antena usada para Ondas Médias, é uma Sitelco de 10 Kw. A emissora também transmite em FM e a freqüência usada é 98,7 MHz. Para FM usam um transmissor Sitelco de 5 Kw. O v/s ainda informa na carta que a Rádio Naciona l foi fundada em 07 de dezembro de 1987. QTH : LRA 42 Radio Nacional Gualeguaychu, Urquiza al Oeste, Parada 12, 2820 Gualeguaychu, Entre Rios, Argentina | R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B | Atividade DX 084 | Feb 02 |
R Nacional Rosario Index Argentina Index America
LRA5 Radio NACIONAL ROSARIO 1300 kHz QSL card + letter f /d in 98d sent 1 US $ + Italian stickers v/s Ruben F.Florio, Jefe de la progr. tecnica QTH : Cordoba 1331, Rosario 2000. FAX : (+ 54) 41-218149 (reported in Argentina) | B.Gornati-I | Play-DX 0997 | Okt 98 |
R Nacional Santa Fe
Index Argentina Index America South
LRA14 Radio NACIONAL SANTA FE 540 kHz letter in ltalian / Spanish, not got stickers local, but stickers R.N. Buenos Aires. NO IRC. v/s : AJbeto Emilio Fraga, dir. QTH : Correo Central, Piso 71, 2430 Mendoza. | G.C.Panzeri-I (sticker) | Play-DX 0988 | Aug 98 |
LRA14 Radio NACIONAL SANTA FE 540 kHz QSL letter p / d in 93d sent 1 US $ + italian radio stickers Received schedule + stickers + reception report form of RAE ! v/s : Alberto Emillo Fraga, director. QTH Correo Central, 7° Piso, Mendoza 2430, Santa Fe 3000 (reported in Argentina) | B.Gornati-I | Play-DX 0997 | Okt 98 |
R Nacional Tucuman Index Argentina Index America
LRA 15 Radio NACIONAL TUCUMAN 1190 kHz signed : Victor Hugo Suarez, director. FAX : (+ 54) 081-302409 QTH : San Martin 251, 4° piso, 4000 S.Miguel de Tucuman. | G.Bellabarba-I | Play-DX 1041 | Okt 99 |
R Neuquen LU5 Index Argentina Index America
LU5 R Neuquen 600 kHz, e-post 22d v/s Mauro "El Imitador" - imitatoren. Jans MB-Argentiner nr. 31, hvorav 12 pa de siste sju ukene... | J.Alvestad-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-04 | Mai 05 |
LU5 R Neuquen 600 e-post | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-05 | Sep 05 |
R Nuevo Mundo Index Argentina Index America
LT26 R Nuevo Mundo, Colon 1470 qsl-letter sti inf div., v/s Eduardo Pedro Gonzalez, Journalist | O.Forr-NOR | Norwegian DX News 1999-06 | Jun 99 |
R Olavarria Index Argentina Index America
1160 Radio Olavarria, Alsina 3377, 7400 Olavarria. Carta QSL con datos completos. Calcomanias de FM Cristal. Folletos de la emisora. v/s Daniel A. Panarace, Gerente General. Demoro 2 meses aproximadamente. | A.L.Slaen-ARG | Conexion Digital 084 | Dez 00 |
LU32 1160 kHz QTH : ALSINA 3377, 7400 OLAVARRIA (BUENOS AIRES) E-MAIL: lu32[ät]vaf.com.ar WEB: //www.vaf.com.ar/lu32 | A.L.Slaen-ARG | Play-DX 1105 | Mrz 01 |
R Provincia de BA Index Argentina Index America
LS11 R Provincia de Buenos Aires, La Plata 1270 b (rek) v/s Veronica Ducca, Directora de Noticias | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2003-04 | Jun 03 |
LS11 R Provincia 1270 e-post, v/s Jorge Waisburd | J.Alvestad-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2006-02 | Feb 06 |
1270 kHz - AM Provincia (LS11), Buenos Aires, ARG. Recebido bonito QSL virtual e full data. 5 dias. V/S: Omar Somma. Obs: IR enviado por e-mail: webmaster@amprovincia.com.ar . O V/S informa que a emissora tem um programa dexista, no caso o ?La Rosa de Tokyo?. QTH: Avenida 53, esquina 11 numeros: 810 - Argentina | R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B | Atividade DX 301 | Jun 06 |
LS 11 R. PROVINCIA DE BUENOS AIRES 1270 kHz, QSL Card + Letter in 40 days, NO Rp. V/s: Omar Somma (QSL Manager, La ROSA de TOKYO Dx+Program) WEB : www.radioprovincia.gba.gov.ar/transmision/transmision.htm EMAIL : direccion@amprovincia.com.ar ADDRESS : Avenida 53 esquina 11 n° 810, 1700 La Plata. (July 2006) | C.Perez Dioses-PRU | Play-DX 2007 | Jan 07 |
R Provincia de Corrientes
Index Argentina Index America South
900 kHz. LT7 Radio PROVINCIA DE CORRIENTES, La Rioja 743, 3400 Corrientes. QSL (verificador Hernan Gomez, subdirector). Verifico en 7 dias. | H.Oguich-ARG | Conexion Digital 011 | Jul 99 |
900 kHz - R. Província de Corrientes (LT7) - Corrientes - ARG. Recebido e-mail de agradecimento. Posteriormente recebida carta QSL full data. 15 dias. V/S: Jorge Felix Gomez. Informe enviado para o seguinte e-mail: administrarlt7@hotmail.com . QTH: Radio Província de Corrientes - La Rioja 743 - 3400 - Corrientes - República Argentina. | R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B | ConDig 428 | Jul 07 |
R Provincia de Santa Cruz
Index Argentina Index America South
880 kHz. LU14 Radio PROVINCIA DE SANTA CRUZ (Relay en Las Heras), Av. Roca 823, 1er. Piso, 9400 Rio Gallegos, Pcia. de Santa Cruz. Carta QSL con datos completos, informacion tecnica de la emisora y calcomanias. Verifico en 15 dias. | M.A.Cornachioni-ARG | Conexion Digital 024 | Okt 99 |
LU14 R Provincia de Santa Cruz 830 e-post 29 days | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-05 | Sep 05 |
LU14 R Provincia de Santa Cruz 830 e-post 29 days | J.Alvestad-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-05 | Sep 05 |
LU14 Radio Provincia, Rio Gallegos 830,05 kHz, heard: 22.9.2005, QSL 2005 | J.Solatie-FIN | mwdx-ML | Dez 05 |
R Puerto Deseado Index Argentina Index America
740 kHz ARGENTINA LRI200 R Puerto Deseado, standard VL from Ing. Marcelo Mithieux, Gte Tec of Radio Emisora Cultural S.A. (owners of R Rivadavia, BA 630 kHz). Transmitter is 1kW solid-state into a 74 m mast. The station carries Radio Rivadavia programming between 0200 and 0900 UTC and local for the rest of the day. Also sent a very large selection of tourist brochures (some in English), map and two stickers. The give their web-site as www.sonidouno.com | P.Ormandy-NZL | HCDX-ML | Nov 00 |
R Rafaela Index Argentina Index America
LT28 R Rafaela 1470 e-post | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-05 | Sep 05 |
LT28 R Rafaela, Rafaela 1470 e-post | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-06 | Okt 05 |
R República Index Argentina Index America
R Republica, San Justo 530 e-post (pm) v/s Horacio Alberto Agnese. Dermed har Jan 41 verifiserte MB-argentinere... | J.Alvestad-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-06 | Okt 05 |
R República FM Index Argentina Index America
99,9 - R. República FM - Posadas-ARG - Carta, decalcomania, prospecto. 35 dias. V/S: Marcelo Caballero. E-mail: republica99.9@arnet.com.ar. QTH: Colon, 1628, 6º piso, 3300 Posadas, Misiones, Argentina | C.Rotolo de Moraes-SC-B | DXCB 2003-02 | Feb 03 |
R Ribera Sur Index Argentina Index America
Radio Ribera Sur, Cuartel Noveno, BA 1390 kHz, heard: 19.9.2005 SFF, QSL 2005 | J.Solatie-FIN | mwdx-ML | Dez 05 |
R Rio Cuarto Index Argentina Index America
1010 LV16 Radio Rio Cuarto, Constitucion 399, 5800 Rio Cuarto, Provincia de Cordoba. Carta QSL, folleto de la emisora y seis adhesivos diferentes-tres de la AM y otros tres de la FM. Demoro 20 dias. | A.L.Slaen-ARG | Conexion Digital 076 | Okt 00 |
1010 kHz, Radio Rio Cuarto, Constitucion 399, 5800 Rio Cuarto, Cordoba. Carta QSL con datos completos, calcos AM-FM, folletos de la emisora. Tardo 64 dias. | M.A.Cornachioni-ARG | Conexion Digital 234 | Okt 03 |
R Rio Cuarto 1010 kHz, e-post letter inf 8sti 10-40d | A.Bue-N | Norwegian DX News 2003-08 | Nov 03 |
R Rio Gallegos Index Argentina Index America
Radio RIO GALLEGOS 680 kHz QSL letter - beautiful cloth pennant with penguin in 172d. sent 1 US $. v/s : Mabei Segoda, apoderada secretaria. Station heard and taped in Preston. QTH : LU12, Zapiola 25, 9400 Rio Gallegos. | D.Taylor-G | Play-DX 0995 | Okt 98 |
R Rivadavia Index Argentina Index America
R Rivadavia 9115 kHz, det. qsl-card in 46 days / IRC | R.Sonntag-D | direct to QIP | Okt 84 |
Radio Rivadavia 8098, f /d verie letter in 2 weeks from v/s Ing. Marcelo Mithieux, Gerente Tecnico for US $ 1. [Alan says that the v/s insists that a listener hobbiest must be re-transmitting R. Rivadavia on short wave as this station is only on medium wave 630 kHz. (md)] | A.Loudell-DE-USA | CIDX 1998-12 | Dez 98 |
Radio RIVADAVIA 20820 kHz LSB letter stating the tx is not operated by R.Rivadavia v/s : Marcelo Mithieux, gerente tecnico. QTH : Arenales 2465, Buenos Aires 1124. Tnx help of DXer Monferini visiting the station | S.Gómez-E | Play-DX 1022 | Apr 99 |
630 kHz Radio RIVADAVIA, Arenales 2467, 1124 Buenos Aires. Carta, calcomanias. Contesto en 28 dias. Verificado por Ing. Marcelo Mithieux, Gerente Tecnico. | R.Walter Grimm-SP-B | Conexion Digital 002 | Okt 99 |
QSL : Just received an e-mail reply from Radio Rivadavia (630 kHz) staffer, Patricia Costanzo who works as announcer and news-reader. She also will be asking the technical staff for a written QSL letter and is sending some tourist brochures. Her e-mail address is pacostanzo1[ät]yahoo.com though the report was originally sent to rivadavia[ät]mail.com. The reply took 3 days. | P.Ormandy-NZL | HC-DX-ML | Apr 00 |
Rivadavia 20276 QSL : Radio Rivadavia 20276 confirmed my report in 10 days with full data letter via e-mail. v/s Ing. Marcelo Mithieux, Gerente Tecnico I wrote to them via snail mail. I sent stickers and picture card. | G.Bernardini-I | EDXP-ML | Okt 01 |
R Rocha Index Argentina Index America
R Rocha, La Plata 1570 e-post 5d | J.Alvestad-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-06 | Okt 05 |
R Salta LV9 Index Argentina Index America
LV9 R Salta 840 kHz, letter 4 turistbro 4m | A.Bue-N | Norwegian DX-News 2004-04 | Mai 04 |
R San Jorge Index Argentina Index America
102.7 MHz. Radio SAN JORGE, Manzana 1215, 2461, San Jorge, Santa Fe, Argentina. Tarjeta QSL. Tardo 15 dias. | C.A.Pivatto-ARG | Conexion Digital 029 | Nov 99 |
R San Nicolas Index Argentina Index America
LT24 RADIO SAN NICOLAS. CARTA QSL / QSL LETTER. Date/ Fecha: 22- 06 - 2006. Tour/ Hora: 04.00 UTC. Frequency: 1430 kHz. MW. VRS/ Gustavo Ramini / Gerente. | C.Pérez Dioses-PRU | Conexion Digital 380 | Aug 06 |
LT24 RADIO SAN NICOLAS 1430 kHz QSL LETTER in 30 days NO Rp. V/s : GUSTAVO RAMINI (Gerente) WEB : www.lt24online.com.ar EMAIL : lt24@cablenet.com.ar ADDRESS : AVENIDA MORENO 124, ARG-2900 SAN NICOLAS, Buenos Aires. (August 2006) | C.Perez Dioses-PRU | Play-DX 2007 | Jan 07 |
R Santa Rosa Index Argentina Index America
100.9 MHz. SR1 Radio SANTA ROSA, San Martin 668, 5133 Santa Rosa del Rio Primero, Provincia de Cordoba. Tarjeta QSL (verificador Luis Luque). Respondio en 32 dias. | C.A.Pivatto-ARG | Conexion Digital 024 | Okt 99 |
R Soberania Index Argentina Index America
R Soberania, Buenos Aires 890 e-post | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-06 | Okt 05 |
R Splendid Index Argentina Index America
LR4 Radio Splendid, Buenos Aires 990 kHz, heard: 24.9.2005, QSL 2005 | J.Solatie-FIN | mwdx-ML | Dez 05 |
R Tres Index Argentina Index America
LRF210 R Tres, Trelew 780 e-post 12d, v/s Osvaldo Castro Ruiz, Director | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2004-07 | Okt 04 |
LRF210 Radio Tres, Trelew 780 kHz, heard: 20.9.2005 SFF?, QSL 2005 | J.Solatie-FIN | mwdx-ML | Dez 05 |
R Tres Arroyos Index Argentina Index America
LU24 R Tres Arroyos 820 e-post | J.Alvestad-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-06 | Okt 05 |
LU24 Radio TRESARROYOS 820 kHz QSL letter f /d in 93d sent 1 US $ + italian radio stickers v/s : Hector Ricardo Asef, jefe dela programacion. QTH : Avenida Belgrano 457, Tresarroyos 7500 (reported In Argentina) | B.Gornati-I | Play-DX 0997 | Okt 98 |
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