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QSL Information Pages - USA (USA) - Part 13

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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations from the USA - Part 13

USA Previous Page : USA 12 Next Page : USA 14

  1. Domestic
  2. WBET
  3. WBEV
  4. WBEX
  5. WBEZ
  6. WBFC
  7. WBFO
  8. WBFX
  9. WBGG
  10. WBGR
  11. WBGS
  12. WBGU
  13. WBGV
  14. WBGX
  15. WBHE
  16. WBHR
  17. WBHY
  18. WBIE
  19. WBIX
  20. WBIZ
  21. WBKC
  22. WBKL
  23. WBKR
  24. WBKS
  25. WBKV

Domestic Stations

WBET Index USA Index America North

MA 1460 WBET Brockton v/l 6d after f/up#2. v/s: Frank Fitz, PD M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-10 Okt 02

WBEV Index USA Index America North

WBEV 1430 kHz Beaver Dam, WI. No data verie letter from Richard Armon, Operations Director, in 19 days for ms. N.Pimblett-AB-CAN CIDX 2001-02 Feb 01
WBEV Beaver Dam WI 1430 e-post b div. A.Bue-NOR Norwegian DX News 2006-01 Jan 06

WBEX Index USA Index America North

OH 1490 WBEX Chillicothe v/l + window stix in 111d. v/s: Mac Porter, CE M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-05 Mai 02

WBEZ Index USA Index America North

WBEZ 91.5 MHz Chicago, IL. Freq only verie letter, program guide and stickers in 19 days for ms. N.Pimblett-AB-CAN CIDX 2002-09 Sep 2002
IL 91.5 WBEZ Chicago v/l, stickers, business card, newsletter, ham QSL card 23d. v/s: Michael Gilmore, Chief Operator WBEZ-WBEQ-WBEW M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Sep 2010

WBFC Index USA Index America North

KY 1470 WBFC Stanton v/l + my letter returned in 26d after f/up. v/s: William Combs, V.P./PD M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-02 Feb 01

WBFO Index USA Index America North

NY 88.7 WBFO Buffalo, hand written v/l + 2 stix 6d. v/s: David Benders, PD M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2003-08 Aug 03
NY 88.7 WBFO Buffalo, e-mail reply in 5d. V/s David Benders, PD. G.Myers-FL-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Jun 09

WBFX Index USA Index America North

MI 101.3 WBFX Grand Rapids folder + bus. card (Rich Berry-General Sales Manager) + 4 promo letters in 9d, hand written v/l 7d after f/up. v/s: Don Missad, CE M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2000-11 Nov 00
MI 101.3 WBFX Grand Rapids, v/l, STIX in 21d. v/s:Don Mishad. E.Berger-MI-USA DX-MidAmerica 2004-06 Jun 04

WBGG Index USA Index America North

PA 970 WBGG Pittsburgh v/l 6d f/up. v/s: Bob McLaughlin, PD M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Aug 04

WBGR Index USA Index America North

MD 860 WBGR Baltimore v/l + bus. card in 3d after f/up#2. v/s: Holly Hadigian,Office Mgr M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2003-06 Jun 03

WBGS Index USA Index America North

WV 1030 WBGS Point Pleasant v/l + sticker 2d f/up#2. v/s: Shari Cochran, Sr. Account Executive (WBGS/WBYG) M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2004-03 Mrz 04

WBGU Index USA Index America North

OH 88.1 WBGU Bowling Green v/l in 5d after 3rd follow up. v/s: Jeremy Rober, MD E.Berger-MI-USA DX-MidAmerica 2003-06 Jun 03
OH 88.1 WBGU Bowling Green, Second v/l in 9d after 3rd followup. v/s:Thanatos. E.Berger-MI-USA DX-MidAmerica 2003-06 Jun 03
OH 88.1 WBGU Bowling Green v/l, stix 455d f/up#2. v/s: James L. Barnes, Broadcast Engineer M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Feb 09

WBGV Index USA Index America North

MI 92.5 WBGV Marlette Verification on my note in 5d; from Bob A_____ (Illegible) General Manager E.Berger-MI-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-07 Jul 02

WBGX Index USA Index America North

1570 WBGX IL, Harvey, nice friendly handwritten letter on station letterhead in 10d from taped report. V/S; Michael Gallagher-President. He mentioned my distance broke the record. Station has moved from Harvey to Chicago now. New address: 5956 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago IL 60637. I am pleased with this. P.Martin-OR-USA HCDX-ML Jan 04
IL 1570 WBGX Harvey v/note on my report + bus. card 19d. v/s: Michael Gallagher, Owner M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2004-03 Mrz 04
IL 1570 WBGX Harvey, v/l in 17d. v/s:Michael Gallagher, Owner E.Berger-MI-USA DX-MidAmerica 2004-04 Apr 04
WBGX Harvey IL 1570 rpt-ret m/verie A.Bue-NOR Norwegian DX News 2005-05 Sep 05

WBHE Index USA Index America North

NC 1660 WBHE Charlotte flimsy QSL card 109d. v/s: none NOTE: Call letters listed were WFNA, even though it was still WBHE when I logged it! M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Mrz 04

WBHR Index USA Index America North

WBHR Sauk Rapids, MN, 660, letter and coverage map in 22 days, v/s Kim Salitros, program facilitor (heard in Canada) J.Stiller-D direct to QIP Apr 05
MN 660 WBHR Sauk Rapids v/l, stix 30d. v/s: Gary E. Hoppe, Operations M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Apr 06

WBHY Index USA Index America North

AL 88.5 WBHY Mobile v/l, 2 stix, c/map 6d. v/s: Wilbur H Goforth, Pres./GM M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Jun 06
AL 88.5 WBHY Mobile, e-mail reply in 25d. V/s William Goforth, Pres. G.Myers-FL-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Mai 09

WBIE Index USA Index America North

OH 91.5 WBIE Delphos v/l in 17d. v/s:Marvin Sanders, GM E.Berger-MI-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-08 Aug 02
OH 91.5 WBIE Delphos v/l 7d after f/up. v/s: Marvin Sanders,GM (AFR in Tupelo, MS) M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-09 Sep 02

WBIZ Index USA Index America North

WBIZ 1400 kHz Eau Claire, WI. Freq only QSL card, letter, and full data prepared form, from Paul Orth, Chief Engineer for f/up report and SASE. N.Pimblett-AB-CAN CIDX 2006-10 Okt 06

WBIX Index USA Index America North

WBIX Natick MA 1060 n/d e-mail in 1 day for an e-mail report. v/s Carl Abrams, Program Director A.Skalmeraas-NOR direct to QIP Jul 2006
Received an email QSL card for 1060 WBIX. The QSL is for the test transmission on February 24, 2008. QSL from Paul Andrews, Engineer & B.Davies-G IRCA-ML Jul 2008
1060 WBIX NATICK (MA), sent e-F/up, received F/D email in 25h. v/s: Grady Moates, Engineer. grady.moates (a) M.Molano Sánchez-E mwdx-ML Aug 2010
Today in the mail received a nice letter from Jim Pogue with a QSL card for the 2/24/2008 DX Test for WBIX 1060kHz, Natick, Mass! I had almost given up on this one. Thanks a million for the extra effort Jim! T.Jasinski-IL-USA IRCA-ML Okt 2010
My WBIX QSL has arrived.: A big thanks to organiser Jim Pogue for my first ever DX Test QSL. (I've been collecting for over 40 years with a couple given in kc/s!) ?It arrived safely on this side of the pond today. A genuine signed full data QSL! B.Davies-G IRCA-ML Nov 2010
WBIX DX Test from February 24, 2008 QSL received : WBIX QSL and letter from Jim Pogue NRC/IRCA Broadcast Test Coordinator confirming my reception of the WBIX 1060 kHz, Natick, MA DX test on February 24, 2008 0000 - 0040 EST. Received in 993 days. K.Krist-VA-USA mwdx-ML Nov 2010

WBKC Index USA Index America North

OH 1460 WBKC Painesville v/l, postage returned in 4d.v/s:Clarence Bucars, WBKC E.Berger-MI-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-12 Dez 02
OH 1460 WBKC Painesville v/l 480d. v/s: Clarence Bucaro, GM M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Aug 03

WBKL Index USA Index America North

LA 92.7 WBKL Clinton v/l, 2 stix 29d f/up. v/s: Sam Wallington CPBE, Dir. of Eng (K-Love Rocklin CA) M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Dez 06
LA 92.7 WBKL Clinton, v/l, sticker in 14d. V/s Sam Wallington, VP Engr. K-Love. G.Myers-FL-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Mai 09

WBKR Index USA Index America North

KY 92.5 WBKR Owensboro v/l + 2 stix 24d. v/s: Benjamin A. Davis,CE M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Okt 03

WBKS Index USA Index America North

OH 107.1 WBKS Ironton ppc 12d f/up. v/s: Judy Jennings, Market Mgr/VP M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2005-05 Apr 05

WBKV Index USA Index America North

WBKV West Bend WI 1470 letter card information div B.Mjelde-NOR Norwegian DX News Nov 97
WBKV 1470 kHz Confirmation text written on Reception Report SENT 1 $. 13d. V/s: Bob Bonenfant (Program Director). QTH: 2410 South Main Street, Suite A, ZIP*53095 West Bend, WI. C.Rooms-G Play-DX 1166 Sep 02
WBKV West Bend WI 1470 rpt-ret sti cm A.Bue-NOR Norwegian DX News 2005-01 Jan 05
Classic Country WBKV AM 1470, West Bend, WI (4 days)
v/l + Station Info. + Coverage Map + Sticker + Business Card
v/s Bob Bonenfant (Program Director)
M.Tsuyoshi-WI-USA direct to QIP Mrz 07

WBKZ Index USA Index America North

GA 880 WBKZ Jefferson Xmas card signed by everybody at station + bus. card + pen in 82d. v/s: Melvin C. Geter II, GM M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2000-12 Dez 00

WBLA Index USA Index America North

1440 WBLA North Carolina, Elizabethtown full data letter, copy of program log in 5d after a f / u. v/s Lee W. Hauser, P / GM G.D.Myers-FL-USA AMDX 5-51 Mrz 00

WBLF Index USA Index America North

PA 970 WBLF Bellefonte v/l + nxpaper clipping of station ad in 26d. v/s: Dave Shannon,Ops Mgr/PD (WRSC/WBLF) M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-04 Apr 02

WBLK Index USA Index America North

NY 93.7 WBLK Depew v/l 7d after f/up#2. v/s: Joe Chille, Program/Ops Mgr M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2003-01 Jan 03
NY 93.7 WBLK Depew f/d letter in 18d. V/s Lawrence Jones, Engr. Dept. G.Myers-FL-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Aug 07

WBLX Index USA Index America North

AL 92.9 WBLX Mobile v/l 152d f/up. v/s: Dale Holden, C.E./CBRE M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Jul 06

WBMD Index USA Index America North


WBLU Index USA Index America North

MI 88.9 WBLU Grand Rapids v/l 6d. v/s: David Myers, GM M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Sep 08

WBLV Index USA Index America North


WBMH Index USA Index America North

AL 106.1 WBMH Grove Hill v/l, 2 stix, pen 7d f/up#2. v/s: Shirley Chandler, sales M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Jul 07

WBMI Index USA Index America North

MI 105.5 WBMI West Branch v/l + stix 5d. v/s: Luckie Osborne,GM M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Okt 03

WBMQ Index USA Index America North

630 WBMQ GA Savannah. p / d ltr. and sticker in 1 month. v/s Robert Combs, CE. G.D.Myers-FL-USA AMDX 6-30 Okt 00
GA 630 WBMQ Savannah v/l + 4 stix in 47d after f/up#2. v/s: Robert Combs, CE (WBMQ/ WEAS-FM/ WIXV-FM/ WJCL-FM/ WJLG/ WSIS-FM/ WZAT-FM) M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-04 Apr 01

WBNI Index USA Index America North

IN 89.1 WBNI Fort Wayne v/l + notebook + pen + newsletter + mug in 45d. v/s: Bruce R. Haines, GM M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2000-12 Dez 00

WBNO Index USA Index America North

OH 100.9 WBNO Bryan Verification written on my letter in 3d! v/s:Andy (Illegible, but it started with "Bi.") E.Berger-MI-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-06 Jun 02

WBNQ Index USA Index America North

IL 101.5 WBNQ Bloomington v/l + 2 stix + bus. card in 122d. v/s: Tony Travatto,PD M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2003-01 Jan 03

WBNS Index USA Index America North

OH 97.1 WBNS Columbus v/note on card + 3 stix in 10d after f/up. v/s: Robert John, PD M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-02 Feb 01
OH 1460 WBNS Columbus v/l 117d. v/s: Jeff Austin, PD M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-06 Jun 01

WBNV Index USA Index America North

OH 93.5 WBNV Barnesville v/l + 7 stix in 2d after f/up#2 by e-mail. v/s: David L. Wilson, Operations Mgr (WCMJ-FM/ WWKC-FM/ WBNV-FM/ WILE-AM/FM) M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-04 Apr 01

WBNW Index USA Index America North

WBNW 1120 kHz, Concord, MA. Returned my report with the words "Correct. Thank you, good neighbor" written on it. Also sent business card and nice T-shirt and returned my s.a.s.e. in 13 days from v/s Tom Toscano, General Manager. A.Rugg-ON-CAN CIDX 2001-11 Nov 01
MA 1120 WBNW Concord short plain v/l 7d f/up. v/s: Scott Couper, Ops Mgr M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Jul 05

WBOB Index USA Index America North

KY 1160 WBOB Florence v/l 103d f/up#2. v/s looked like: Michelle Powers - for Dan Craig M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Feb 2004
KY 1160 WBOB Florence n/d addr change & thank you for listening sheet in 9d after f/up S.Paszkiewicz-WI-USA DX-MidAmerica 2004-06 Jul 2004
KY 1160 WBOB Florence, v/l in 11d after f/up#4. v/s:Dan Craig, GM E.Berger-MI-USA DX-MidAmerica 2005-05 Mai 2005
1320 WBOB Jacksonville,FL, sent e-F/up, received email in 7d v/s: A.J. Davis, Operations Manager.<wbobprogramming (a)> M.Molano Sánchez-E mwdx-ML Mai 2010

WBOG Index USA Index America North

WBOG 94.5 MHz Tomah, WI Freq only verie letter, bumper sticker, station profile, and Tomah visitor's guide from v/s Brian Winnekins, Operations Director, in 18 days for ms. N.Pimblett-AB-CAN CIDX 2000-10 Okt 00

WBOH Index USA Index America North

5920 WBOH Newport, N.C. USA Full data form letter in 14 days. Apologized for not having QSL cards yet. v/s David Robinson E.Kusalik-AB-CAN DXplorer-ML Okt 2002
5920, WBOH, full-data veri statement in brief ltr on FBN ltrhead. They say they are still in construction phase, will have WBOH QSL-cards once they are fully operational. V/S looks like D. Robinson. Alas, no power indicated. In 2-1/2 wks., and used my SASE. Have not hrd this one on random checks during the last week or so. J.Berg-MA-USA DXplorer-ML Okt 2002
5920 kHz, WBOH- North Carolina, Full-data form letter in one week on Fundamental Broadcasting Network letterhead others have reported. I heard them varying power during my report, but a request to state the power used during the test was not answered. V/S was D. Robinson and my enclosed SASE was used. J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA Cumbre DX-ML Nov 2002
WBOH - 5920 kHz : Een volledige gedetailleerde QSL -brief in 2 weken voor een ontvangstrapport van hun testuitzendingen. Rapport samen met 1 $ verzonden via WBOH, 520 Roberts Road, Newport, NC 28570, USA. V/S: A.Robinson. Voor de toekomst voorziet men QSL-kaarten ! H.Matten-BEL direct to QIP Jan 2003
Heute kam WBOH mit Karte und Programme Guide auf einen e-mail Bericht. Laufzeit 11 Tage. J.Stiller-D A-DX-ML Mrz 2003
Eine Freude für jeden QSL Sammler. - Stimmt haargenau. Heute kam bei mir die QSL für WBOH 5920 kHz an. Karte, Program Guide und Traktate, 14 Tage Laufzeit auf einen e-mail-Bericht mit angehängtem mp3-Soundfile an Verie-Signer R.L. Bendick. M.Elbe-D A-DX-ML Mrz 2003
5920 WBOH, Tarjeta QSL y folletos religiosos en 25 días. Se envió un informe de recepción de una de sus transmisiones de prueba en 5920 kHz a la siguiente direccion: Fundamental Broadcasting Network, 520 Roberts Road, Newport, NC 28570, USA. M.Méndez-E Conexion Digital 204 Mrz 2003
Det. QSL-card for the test-transmission at March 12, 2003 on 5920. Report via eMail, answer with snailmail after 13 days. M.Grill-D direct to QIP Mrz 2003
WBOH 5920 kHz, det. qsl-card for test transmission, schedule, religious booklet in 15 days / 1 US-$ R.Sonntag-D direct to QIP Mrz 2003
WBOH 5920 kHz. Full data FBN lighthouse QSL signed by RL Bendick for tests on 5920 kHz. Received in 13 days for mailed report and $1 US. Address 520 Roberts Road, Newport, NC 28570. Stick on note indicates "Testing began during the first week of March". Program guide has "Worldwide 24 Hour Broadcasting WTJC 9370 kHz Working Till Jesus Comes, WBOH 5920 kHz Worldwide Beacon of Hope" K.Krist-VA-USA DXLD 3-047 Mrz 2003
QSL received from WBOH, Newport, NC for tests on 5920. Full details with "Test" written on card. Card shows lighthouse logo and includes several Bible scriptures. Signed by A. Robinson. Received in 10 days for mailed report. H.Sellers-ON-CAN DXplorer-ML Mrz 2003
5920 WBOH Newport, North Carolina. F/D FBN/Lighthouse card as reported by others for recent test xmsn on 5920 kHz. Rec'd in 12 days from V/S A. Robinson. J.Wilkins-CO-USA DXplorer-ML Mrz 2003
WBOH 5920 f/d "Lighthouse" cd, marked 'Test', and FBN sked in 14 ds for SASE (used). v/s R.J.B endick S.R.Barbour Jr.-NH-USA DXplorer-ML Mrz 2003
5920 WBOH Newport, NC, f/d "Lighthouse" card, FBN (Fundamental Broadcasting Network) program guide, and religious pamphlet in 13 days for 60-cent U.S. stamp (used). v/s A. Robinson. Calls mean Worldwide Beacon Of Hope. They've also got another very out of band SW facility, WTJC-9370 (Working Till Jesus Comes). The FBN program schedule for their flagship in Newport, NC WOTJ-90.7 lists all the FBN affiliates - mostly on FM, but there are 3 AM stations, all in North Carolina: WVBS-1470 Burgaw, WHPY-1590 Clayton, WPIP-880 Winston-Salem M.Brooker-ON-CAN HCDX-ML Mrz 2003
5920 kHz, WBOH USA, NC, Newport, rec. QSL card and prog. sked in 14d. V/S: R.J. Beadide (?). Address: 520 Roberts Road, Newport NC 28570. P.Martin-OR-USA HCDX-ML Mrz 2003
Received my first SWBC QSL in many years today, a card with Bible verses and a picture of a lighthouse from WBOH-5920 in Newport NC, a new station which I heard testing and asking for reports on March 12.They also sent a schedule and a Bible tract, the latter of which was in French. Apparently the calls stand for "Worldwide Beacon of Hope", hence the lighthouse. They are part of the Fundamental Broadcasting Network (FBN) whose flagship station is WOTJ-90.7 in Newport with affiliates throughout the States. They also have another shortwave station, WTJC-9370, "Working Till Jesus Comes".[..] Reports may be directed to: Fundamental Broadcasting Network, 520 Roberts Road, Newport NC 28570, USA. M.Sorensen-CAN ODXA-ML Mrz 2003
WBOH 5920 kHz, Newport, NC. F/D "Lighthouse" card, FBN (Fundamental Broadcasting Network) program guide, and religious pamphlet in 13 days for 60 cent U.S. stamp (used) from v/s A. Robinson. M.Brooker-ON-CAN CIDX 2003-04 Apr 2003
5920 WBOH - card, info & program guide in 2 weeks for USD (Jary) R.Jary-SA-AUS Cumbre DX-ML Apr 2003
WBOH-5920 card after 5 weeks for 1 IRC L.Weirell-S direct to QIP Apr 2003
WBOH 5920 kHz verified with a detailed card and FBN programme information in 15 days. 1 US-$ for RP. QTH: FBN, 520 Roberts Rd., Newport, NC 28570, USA. v/s A. Robinson. P.Robic-AUT direct to QIP Apr 2003
5920, WBOH, nice blue-gold-white card with Bible passages, full-data veri statement, check boxes for WBOH and WTJC, as applicable. Written in is "Test, 20 kw." V/S A. Robinson. In one wk. for CD report. Different from the card I have from them (from 1999). [..] J.Berg-MA-USA DXplorer-ML Apr 2003
5920, WBOH verified with a full data lighthouse card in 12 days from v/s R. L. Bendick indicating "Test." R.D'Angelo-PA-USA DXplorer-ML Apr 2003
WBOH e-mail 5920 f/dc 14 days A.Bollin-D BDXC-UK 2003-05 Mai 2003
WBOH 1$ 5920 qsl-card, 15 days C.Rooms-G BDXC-UK 2003-05 Mai 2003
WBOH ms 5920 qsl-card, 12 days D.Kenny-G BDXC-UK 2003-05 Mai 2003
WBOH 5920 kHz, F/D card, program guide and tract (in French) in 27 days for US$1. N.Pimblett-AB-CAN CIDX 2003-05 Mai 2003
5920, WBOH, NC, full data card, personal note, schedule in 6 weeks. V/s A.Robinson. V.Korinek-AFS DXplorer-ML Jun 2003
WBOH Newport ME 5920 k b inf 14d v/s A. Robinson T.-H.Ekblom-FIN Norwegian DX News 2003-04 Jun 2003
5920 WBOH, Newport N.C. Full data 'Lighthouse logo' card with test broadcast indicated in 10 days. v/s A.Robinson H.Sellers-ON-CAN ODXA 2003-06 Jun 2003
Newport, NC. WBOH 5920 Lighthouse and scripture fd card in 11 days. V/s was A Robinson. Note on card says that "WBOH is about 5 miles from WTJC. Both are in Newport." B.Harms-MD-USA HCDX-ML Jul 2003
WBOH 5920 w/ "Lighthouse" card, bumper sticker, and program guide in 8 days for SASE sent with my report. V/s R. L. Bendick S.Ponder-TX-USA HCDX-ML Jul 2003
WBOH / 5920 kHz, 7 Tage, detailed card / RR per eMail S.-P.Liehr-D ADDX 2003-15 Aug 2003
5920 kHz - WBOH Recebido cartăo QSL. V/S.: năo identificado. QTH: Radio Station WBOH, Grace Missionary Baptist Church, 520 Roberts Road, Newport, N.C. 28570, USA M.Roberto Polheim da Silva-SC-B Atividade DX 162 Aug 2003
WBOH no rp 5920 kHz, qsl-card 19 days L.Botto Fiora-I BDXC-UK 2003-08 Aug 2003
5920 kHz, WBOH, Fundamental Broadcasting Network, 520 Roberts Road, Newport, NC 28570, USA. Tarjeta QSL con datos completos, sked y gran calco. Tardo 17 dias, luego de enviar el reporte por e=mail: . M.A.Cornachioni-ARG Conexion Digital 224 Aug 2003
WBOH, 5920 kHz, Recebido cartăo QSL. V/S.: năo identificado QTH: Radio Station WBOH, Grace Missionary Baptist Church, 520 Roberts Road, Newport, N.C. 28570, USA M.Roberto Polheim da Silva-SC-B direct to QIP Aug 2003
WBOH / 5920 kHz, 15 Tage, det. QSL-Karte, PG, Traktat / $ R.Sonntag-D ADDX 2002-23 Dez 2003
5.920 kHz, 90 days, fulldata card, infos, 1 US$ R.Bessler-D direct to QIP Dez 2003
WBOH: 5920 kHz/Karte/detailliert/30 d A.Schwegeler-D EAWRC 319 Dez 2003
5920 WBOH, QSL, sticker in 1 month and 2 weeks R.Roussel-NB-CAN ODXA 2003-12 Dez 2003
WBOH $1 5920 kHz, qsl-card, 19 days J.Parker-G BDXC-UK 2004-01 Jan 2004
WBOH / 5920 kHz, 24 Tage, det. QSL-Karte, PG, Sticker / RR per eMail E.Röscher-D ADDX 2004-03 Feb 2004
WBOH no ret.-postage, 5920 kHz, f/dc 18 days, (heard on holiday in Mexico) P.Gager-AUT BDXC-UK 2004-02 Feb 2004
WBOH / 5920 kHz, 10 Tage, det. Karte, PG, Sticker / RR per eMail J.Waga-D ADDX 2004-06 Mrz 2004
9370 WTJC, 5920 WBOH Newport NC - QSL card, 2 stickers, small calendar card, program guide 9d, v/s: ?. Robinson, report sent w/ return postage to: Fundamental Broadcasting Network, 520 Roberts Road, Newport NC 28570 M.Procop-OH-USA direct to QIP Mrz 2004
5920 kHz - WBOH - Newport. Recebido cartăo QSL, adesivo, calendário e folheto religioso. 12 dias. Informe enviado por e-mail: V/S: Ilegível. QTH: 520 Roberts Road, Newport, NC 28570, Estados Unidos I.Dias da Silva Júnior-SP-B Atividade DX 200 Mai 2004
5920 kHz - WBOH - Newport. Recebido cartăo QSL full data, folheto "Tudo isso fiz por ti", adesivo e schedule. 8 dias. V/S: A. Robinson. Obs.: IR enviado para o seguinte e-mail: . QTH: Fundamental Broadcasting Network, WOTJ Family Christina Radio, 520 Roberts Road, Newport, NC - 28570 - USA R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B Atividade DX 202 Mai 2004
WBOH / 5920 kHz, 16 Tage, det. K, Sticker, PG, Traktat / 2 IRC K.-P.Hilger-D ADDX 2004-12 Jun 2004
5720 kHz - R. WBOH. 10 dias. V/S.: ???? QTH: IR enviado para o e-mail A.José Torquato-SC-B Atividade DX 203 Jun 2004
5920 kHz - WBOH, Newport. Recebido cartăo QSL, adesivo, folhetos e guia de programaçăo 28 dias. V/S: ilegivel. QTH: 520 Roberts Road, Newport, NC 28570, Estados Unidos C.Jean Fischer-SC-B Atividade DX 209 Jul 2004
WBOH [not WBHO -QIP], Newport NC, 5920 kHz Det. Karte, Sendeplan, sticker, info 7 Tage P.E.Boeck-D EAWRC 326 Jul 2004
5920, WBOH, Fundamental Broadcasting Network, Recibida tarjeta QSL, folleto, pegatina y boletín de programación en 12 días. El informe de recepción se envió por e-mail a la siguiente dirección: M.Méndez-E HCDX-ML Aug 2004
WBOH 5920 kHz, F/D "Scriptures" card from v/s A. Robinson in 43 days. D.Gauvin-NB-CAN CIDX 2004-11 Nov 2004
5920 kHz - WBOH, Newport-NC. Recebido: Cartao QSL, adesivo, folheto e schedule. 26 dias. V/S: Ilegivel. QTH: 520 Roberts Road, Newport, NC 28570, USA. R.Walter Grimm-SP-B Atividade DX 238 Feb 2005
WBOH Newport NC 5920 kart sti sch info v/s A. Robinson K.-E.Stridh-S Norwegian DX News 2005-03 Apr 2005
WBOH Newport / 5920 kHz, 65 Tage, det. QSL-K, Sticker / IRC H.Wolf-D ADDX 2005-10 Okt 2005
WBOH/WTJC, 5290,9370 f/d log cd in one month for $1US-both stations veried on one card address per 2006 WRTH R.Lay-NC-USA direct to QIP Feb 2006
Hoy llego a mi buzon de correos la QSL de WBOH. Me enviaron una pegadina para el auto muy linda, programacion de la emisora y la QSL. Por mi parte, habia enviado un SASE con un reporte de seńal bastante abarcador de: la seńal, de la programacion etc. Mi carta se habia enviado el 18 de abril. H.Pérez-Diaz-PRT Onda Corta PR-ML Mai 2006
QSL CARD FROM WBOH: 5920 WBOH Newport NC. QSL Card, sticker, schedule, 19 dd. Report sent via email to . V/S Clyde I. Eborn. Pictutures available on F.Cecconi-I BCL-News-ML Apr 2007
5920 WBOH FBN Fundamental Broadcasting Network, QSL, sticker, schedule, etc for report to, with audio clips, v/s A. Robinson, 22 days. N.Eramo-ARG direct to QIP Jul 2007
WBOH 5920 kHz QSL f/d, sticker, program in 17 d. v/s: A. Robinson. QTH: (via D.Monferini-ITA) S.Gómez-E direct to QIP Okt 2007

WBPA Index USA Index America North

KY 1460 WBPA Elkhorn City v/l in 7d after second followup. v/s:Randy Jones, PD E.Berger-MI-USA DX-MidAmerica 2003-02 Feb 03

WBPC Index USA Index America North

FL 95.1 WBPC Ebro, p/d e-mail in 11d for written rpt. V/s Jim Dooley, Op. Dir. G.Myers-FL-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Feb 09

WBRB Index USA Index America North

WV 101.3 WBRB Buckhannon v/l + c/map + 2 stix in 8d after f/up. v/s: Dave Logar, Afternoon Drive Personality M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-11 Nov 01

WBRH Index USA Index America North

LA 90.3 WBRH Baton Rouge, v/l note, log sheet, and station profile in 16d. v/s:Larry Davie, Teacher/General Manager (High school station) E.Berger-MI-USA DX-MidAmerica 2004-09 Sep 04

WBRI Index USA Index America North

IN 1500 WBRI Indianapolis v/l and stn pamphlet in 12d.v/s:Stephen R.White,VP/GM E.Berger-MI-USA DX-MidAmerica 2002-10 Okt 02
Indiana: WBRI 1500, partial data letter in 8 days for US$1 (returned). v/s Keith Smiley, Operations Manager. Address was 4802 East 62nd St., Indianapolis, IN 46220. J.Pogue-TN-USA direct to QIP Jan 06

WBRJ Index USA Index America North

OH 910 WBRJ Marietta v/l 20d. v/s: Gary Burton,Eng. M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2003-01 Jan 03

WBRM Index USA Index America North

WBRM Radio 1250 kHz letter 20d. v/s : Annette Bryant, owner QTH : 137 North Garden Street, Marion, NC 28752. FAX : (+ 1) 828-6529700. G.Bellabarba-I Play-DX 1033 Aug 99

WBRN Index USA Index America North

MI 1460 WBRN Big Rapids v/l in 188d. v/s:Richard J. Hampson Jr, President E.Berger-MI-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-08 Aug 02
MI 1460 WBRN Big Rapids v/l 14d. v/s: Robert J. Hampson, Jr,President M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2003-01 Jan 03
Michigan WBRN 1460, partial data letter in 16 days for US$1. v/s Brian Goodenow, Operations Director. Address was 18720 16 Mile Rd., Big Rapids, MI 49307. J.Pogue-TN-USA direct to QIP Feb 06

WBRT Index USA Index America North

KY 1320 WBRT Bardstown v/l 9d. v/s: Kenny Fogle, Station Mgr M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Feb 04

WBRX Index USA Index America North

PA 94.7 WBRX Cresson v/l, stix 221d f/up. v/s: Adam Erikson, PD (Q94) M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Aug 08

WBSC Index USA Index America North

SC 1550 WBSC Bennettsville v/card in 11d. v/s:Rich Gehn (no title) E.Berger-MI-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-03 Mrz 02
WBSC 1550 kHz Bennettsville, SC. Full data black & white QSL card, signed by Rich __ (surname illegible) in 13 months (4 months after f/up with tape). N.Pimblett-AB-CAN CIDX 2002-05 Mai 02
WBSC 1550 kHz, Bennettsville, SC. F/D "Vintage Carolinas map" card and personal letter in 1 month from v/s Rich Gehm, CE for ms. A.Loudell-DE-USA CIDX 2004-03 Mrz 04
SC 1550 WBSC Bennettsville QSL card + ppc + stix 7d f/up#4. v/s: Rich Gehn, Manager M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2004-04 Apr 04

WBSL Index USA Index America North

MS 1190 WBSL Bay St. Louis ppc 7d f/up#3. v/s: Ira Hatchett, GM M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2004-04 Apr 04

WBSN Index USA Index America North

LA 89.1 WBSN New Orleans v/l 7d. v/s: Pat Bene’, Office Mgr M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Jul 08

WBSW Index USA Index America North

IN 90.9 WBSW Marion v/l 6d. v/s: Anthony Hunt,GM M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2004-10 Okt 04

WBSZ Index USA Index America North

WI 93.3 WBSZ Ashland v/l 10d f/ up#2. v/s: Skip Hunter, PD M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Dez 04

WBT Index USA Index America North

WBT Charlotte, NC, 1110 f /d pers letter, f/d card, business card 30d (1 $), v/s Carl East, Assistand Program Director. E-mail M.Elbe-D direct to QIP Jan 98
WBT Charlotte, NC 1110 letter card 3 weeks. T.Woxen-NOR Norwegian DX News Mrz 98
WBT 1110 kHz QSL card 455d. ! NO IRC v/s : Carl East. QTH-. One Julian Price Place, Charlotte, NC 28208. D.Taylor-G Play-DX 0986 Jun 98
WBT Charlotte NC 1110 fol km B.Mjelde-NOR Norwegian DX News 1998-07 Aug 98
WBT Charlotte, NC / 1110 kHz, 21 days, det. qsl-card / $, Sticker, Foto heard in Orlando, FL. W.Werb-D ADDX 1998-21 Nov 98
WBT Charlotte NC 1110 letter. T.B.Vik-NOR Norwegian DX News 1999-07 Aug 99
Received a qsl today from WBT, charlotte, nc. heard them on november 7, 1999 (almost 18 months ago!) when I was living in saratoga springs, new york. G.Lupi-NY-USA AMDX 7-04 Apr 01
NC 1110 WBT Charlotte QSL card + copy of my letter in 4d. v/s: Jerry (?), CE M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-11 Nov 01
WBT 1110 kHz QSL-card 252d. QSL-card 252d. NO IRC. QTH : ONE JULIAN PLACE, ZIP*28208 CHARLOTTE, CT. V.Korinek-AFS Play-DX 1135 Dez 01
WBT 1110 kHz Charlotte, NC. Nice blue and white QSL card not filled in, in 25 days for ms. W.Smith-NB-CAN CIDX 2002-06 Jun 02
WBT 1110 kHz Charlotte, NC., N/D "logo" card in four weeks. D.Gauvin-NB-CAN CIDX 2004-11 Nov 04
WBT, NC / 1110 kHz, 33 Tage, det. Karte, coverage map P.Gager-AUT ADDX 2005-02 Feb 05
WBT Charlotte NC n/d e-mail in 2 weeks for a report and CD recording sent by postal mail. v/s Blair Trosper, Imaging Director A.Skalmeraas-NOR direct to QIP Dez 06

WBTC Index USA Index America North

OH 1540 WBTC Uhrichsville ppc 8d f/up#3+SASE. v/s looked like: David D. LaMoreaux, Engineer M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Aug 06

WBTH Index USA Index America North

WV 1400 WBTH Williamson ppd QSL card + bus. card in 8d after f/up#2. v/s: Vernon Roberts, Operations Mgr M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-09 Sep 01

WBTI Index USA Index America North

MI 96.9 WBTI Lexington, Handwritten verification on my report in 3d after 2nd f/up. v/s:illegible. E.Berger-MI-USA DX-MidAmerica 2005-04 Apr 05

WBTJ Index USA Index America North

OH 101.9 WBTJ Hubbard hand written v/l + listener card in 2d after f/up. v/s: Madelyn Halfacre, PD (34 Federal Plaza W. Suite 1200, Youngstown, OH 44503) M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-07 Jul 01

WBTK Index USA Index America North

VA 1380 WBTK Richmond v/l & prog guide in 228d v/s:Glen Motto, Prod Mgr. E.Berger-MI-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-09 Sep 02
VA 1380 WBTK Richmond v/l + program guide 106d f/up. v/s: David Jackson, GM M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Mai 04

WBTM Index USA Index America North

WBTM 1330 kHz, Danville, VA. P/D personal letter in 23 days from v/s Johnny Cole for ms AND P/D personal letter in 25 days from v/s Dave Hutcheson, Interim PD for ms. A.Loudell-DE-USA CIDX 2005-01 Jan 05

WBTQ Index USA Index America North

WV 93.5 WBTQ Buckhannon v/l 14d after f/up. v/s: William J. Davison,CE (WBTQ/WELK) M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-08 Aug 02

WBTT Index USA Index America North

OH 94.5 WBTT Englewood v/l w/ c/map on it + postage returned in 108d after f/up#3. v/s: Jeffrey Bennett,Director Engineering M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-06 Jun 01
FL 105.5 WBTT Naples Park v/l 51d. v/s: Dick Parrish,CE M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-08 Aug 02

WBTU Index USA Index America North

WBTU 6955 kHz, letter, rp : ms 480 days. R.D'Angelo-PA-USA WDXC QSL Report Apr 00
IN 93.3 WBTU Kendallville v/l 92d after f/up#2. v/s: Irwin H. Young, GM M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-06 Jun 02
IN 93.3 WBTU Kendallville, v/l in 7d. v/s:Dave Michaels, PD E.Berger-MI-USA DX-MidAmerica 2004-06 Jun 04

WBTX Index USA Index America North

VA 1470 WBTX Broadway v/l + log page + schedule in 8d. v/s: Jim Snavely,PD M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-03 Mrz 02
WBTX 1470 kHz, Broadway, VA. F/D very friendly letter, copy of the station log for the period of reception and a coverage map in 24 days from v/s Jim Snavely, Music and Program director for ms. A.Loudell-DE-USA CIDX 2004-03 Mrz 04

WBUC Index USA Index America North

WV 1460 WBUC Buckhannon v/l 14d. v/s: Todd M. Elliot,VP Operations M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2003-01 Jan 03
OH 1460 WBUC Buckhannon, v/l in 8d after second followup. From Todd Elliott, VP of Programming E.Berger-MI-USA DX-MidAmerica 2003-05 Mai 03

WBUF Index USA Index America North

NY 92.1 WBUF Buffalo v/note in 11d. v/s:John Paul (no title) E.Berger-MI-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-08 Aug 2002
NY 92.9 WBUF Buffalo v/l 7d after f/up#2. v/s: Joe Chille,Program/Ops Mgr M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2003-01 Jan 2003
NY 92.9 WBUF Buffalo, v/l in 7d. V/s Lawrence Jones, Asst. Engr. G.D.Myers-FL-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Jun 2010

WBUG Index USA Index America North

WBUG Amsterdam, NY, 1570 kHz bestätigte mit einem netten Brief. Laufzeit 15 Tage nach follow-up, Total 16 Monate. Die Sendeleistung beträgt nur 204 Watt, verie-signer ist Gary van Veghten, Public Affairs Director. WBUG habe ich auf einer DX-pedition in Blokhus / Dänemark gehört. M.Elbe-D direct to QIP Apr 99
WBUG 1570 kHz friendly letter + stickers 20d. NO IRC v/s : Gary Van Veghten, public affairs dir. QTH : P.O.Box 4490, Utica, NY 13504. G.Bellabarba-I Play-DX 1033 Aug 99

WBUK Index USA Index America North

OH 107.5 WBUK Fort Shawnee v/l + stix in 10d. v/s: Eric Hansen,PD M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-05 Mai 01
OH 106.3 WBUK Ottawa, v/l and window cling in 4d after second f/up. v/s:Renee Scott, PD E.Berger-MI-USA DX-MidAmerica 2005-05 Mai 05

WBUL Index USA Index America North

KY 98.1 WBUL Lexington v/l + 2 stix in 9d. v/s: Girard M. Westerberg, Engineering Mgr M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-09 Sep 01

WBUS Index USA Index America North

WBUS-FM - The Bus - Boalsburg-State College, PA. P/D personal verie letter and coverage map from v/s Bob Taylor, Chief Engineer, Forever Broadcasting-State College, in 6 weeks for mint stamps. A.Loudell-DE-USA CIDX 2006-10 Okt 06

WBUV Index USA Index America North

MS 104.9 WBUV Moss Point ppc 10d f/up. v/s: Reggie Bates M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Aug 05

WBUX Index USA Index America North

NC 90.5 WBUX Buxton v/l + stix + bus. card + schedule + NPR station list 27d. v/s: David C. Wright, Associate Director M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Aug 04

WBVB Index USA Index America North

OH 97.1 WBVB Coal Grove ppc 12d f/up. v/s: Judy Jennings, Market Mgr/VP M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2005-05 Apr 05

WBVI Index USA Index America North

OH 96.7 WBVI Fostoria, v/l & STIX in 6d after fifth followup. v/s:Gregory J. Peiffer, President/General Manager. Verification #400! E.Berger-MI-USA DX-MidAmerica 2003-12 Dez 03

WBVM Index USA Index America North

FL 90.5 WBVM Tampa v/l 27d f/up#3. v/s: Michael R. Neese M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Mrz 08

WBVP Index USA Index America North

WBVP 1230 kHz letter + PENS + sticker 20d. signed by : MARK D.PETERSON Sales Mng. QTH : P.O.BOX 719, BEAVER FALLS, PA.-15010. WEB : E-MAIL : wbvp[ät] G.Bellabarba-I Play-DX 1074 Jun 00
PA 1230 WBVP Beaver Falls v/l + stix in 13d. v/s: Mark D. Peterson, Station Mgr (WBVP/WMBA) M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-06 Jun 02

WBVX Index USA Index America North

KY 92.1 WBVX Carlisle ppc 10d f/up#2. v/s: James MacFarlane, Group GM M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2004-06 Jul 04

WBWC Index USA Index America North

OH 88.3 WBWC Berea v/l 26d after f/up. v/s: Stephanie Erdice, Co-GM M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-05 Mai 01
OH 88.3 WBWC Berea v/l in 20d. v/s:Kelly Crowe, OM. E.Berger-MI-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-08 Aug 02

WBWI Index USA Index America North

WI 92.5 WBWI West Bend v/l 17d after f/up. v/s: Jason Mielke, CE (mailed from Bliss Communications, Inc., P.O. Box 5001, Janesville, WI 53547-5001) M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-12 Dez 02

WBWL Index USA Index America North

FL 600 WBWL Jacksonville v/l + my letter returned in 68d after f/up. v/s: Mike Dorwart, PD M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-07 Jul 02

WBXR Index USA Index America North

AL 1140 WBXR Hazel Green v/l + c/map + 2 stix + schedule + bus. card in 7d. v/s: Carla L. Payne,Station Mgr M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-10 Okt 01

WBXX Index USA Index America North

MI 95.3 WBXX Battle Creek v/l 5d. v/s: Tim Collins,Operations Mgr M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-08 Aug 01
MI WBXX 95.3 Battle Creek, v/l, BIZ CARD in 11d. v/s: Bill Anthony, Program Director. E.Berger-MI-USA DX-MidAmerica 2003-10 Okt 03

WBYN Index USA Index America North

WBYN 107.5 MHz, Boyertown, PA. F/D long verie letter in 5 weeks from v/s Wilmer Borneman, CE and P/D verie letter and coverage map in 6 weeks from v/s John White, GM for ms. A.Loudell-DE-USA CIDX 2004-03 Mrz 04

WBYR Index USA Index America North

OH 98.9 WBYR Van Wert v/l + postage returned 5d after f/up. v/s: Jim Fox, Operations Manager M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-02 Feb 01

WBYT Index USA Index America North

IN 100.7 WBYT Elkhart, v/l in 15d. v/s: Gregory Trobridge, CE E.Berger-MI-USA DX-MidAmerica 2003-05 Mai 03
IN 100.7 WBYT Elkhart v/note on my report, bus. card 6d f/up. v/s: Clint Marsh, PD M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Dez 04

WBYZ Index USA Index America North

GA 94.5 WBYZ Baxley v/l 7d. v/s: Larry D. Ring, CE M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2004-07 Jul 04

WBZ Index USA Index America North

WBZ-1030 used to be a great QSLer. Don't know now as I QSL'd them back in the 1960s. Their address : 1170 Soldiers Field Road, Boston MA 02134. P.Martin-OR-USA HCDX-ML Nov 1998
WBZ Boston 1030 ! Ich hatte schon alle Hoffnung aufgegeben, mindestens ein halbes Dutzend Berichte in den letzten 30 Jahren, immer vergeblich. Ein EMail-Reminder brachte dann die Wendung, ich bekam folgendes Mail zurück : " Alas, we are very slow about these cards, but you will get one. Recently we had cards made up and have just begun sending them out. " Hat mich aber letztlich doch überrascht, als die Karte heute gekommen ist. Wer da noch was offen hat : Die Addresse ist, der verie-signer ist Mark Manuelian. Laufzeit nach dem EMail-f/up 24 Tage. M.Elbe-D ADXB-OE-ML Apr 1999
WBZ Boston MA 1030 letter. T.B.Vik-NOR Norwegian DX News 1999-07 Aug 1999
WBZ Boston 1030 letter, QSL-card 3 years 5 months!! v/s Larry L. Beavers, Assistant Chief Engineer. No return postage sent. J.Keskinen-FIN direct to QIP Mai 2000
Today I received verification from WBZ Boston 1030 AM to my report dated in December 1997! In his letter v/s Larry L. Beavers (Assistant Chief Engineer) told that he's just been appointed QSL manager for WBZ and he's now trying to catch up on QSLing. So it's now time for follow-ups? V.Hienonen-FIN HCDX-ML Mai 2001
WBZ 1030 kHz BEUTIFUL QSL-CARD 140d. NO IRC. QTH : 1170 SOLDIERS FIELD ROAD, BOSTON-MA. ZIP*02134 V.Korinek-AFS Play-DX 1120 Aug 2001
Auf einen E-Mail -Report kam nach 5 Tg. eine QSL-Karte mit normaler Post und eine E-Mail von WBZ.Ich hatte die Station schon sehr häufig gehört, aber immer versäumt einen Bericht zu schreiben. Beispielhafte Amerikaner. G.Opalka-D A-DX-ML Mrz 2002
QSL from WBZ 1030 : Email verification and promise of QSL card from Larry L. Beavers CPBE W1GTA Assistant Chief Engineer Very friendly guy! Active HAM. B.Mjelde-NOR Nov 2002
WBZ Boston MA 1030 e-post k b inf cm B.Mjelde-NOR Norwegian DX News 2002-08 Dez 2002
WBZ Boston MA 1030 f/d QSL-card in 17 months for a tape report. A.Skalmeraas-NOR direct to QIP Apr 2006
News Radio 1030, Boston, MA (45 days) v/l, v/s Mark Manuelian (Engineering Manager) M.Tsuyoshi-WI-USA direct to QIP Feb 2008

WBZE Index USA Index America North

FL 98.9 WBZE Tallahassee ppc 8d f/up#7. (no envelope) v/s: John Dawson, P.D. M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Apr 07

WBZW Index USA Index America North

OH 107.7 WBZW Loudonville ppd QSL card + bus. card + my letter returned in 7d. v/s: Arnie Clawson, CE M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-03 Mrz 01

WBZX Index USA Index America North

OH 99.7 WBZX Columbus e-mail v/l 19d, 3 stix + 4 promo letters in 32d. v/s: Bill Bowin, CE M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2000-06 Jun 00
OH 99.7 WBZX Columbus v/l in 56 days after fourth f/up. v/s:David K. Matthews, Assistant CE. E.Berger-MI-USA DX-MidAmerica 2004-10 Okt 04

WBZY Index USA Index America North

PA 1280 WBZY New Castle mailed QSL card 77d after f/up. v/s: Bill King, CE M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2003-07 Jul 03

WBZZ Index USA Index America North

PA 93.7 WBZZ Pittsburgh v/l 21d after f/up#3. v/s: Keith Clark, Director of Operations M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-12 Dez 01

WCAT Index USA Index America North

MA 700 WCAT Orange-Athol v/l 18d. v/s: Joseph P. Flynn M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-11 Nov 02

WCAU Index USA Index America North

WCAU Philadelphia 1210 kHz, n/d confirmation letter in 61 days / IRC R.Sonntag-D direct to QIP Dez 86

WCAW Index USA Index America North

WCAW 680 kHz + WCHS 580 kHz + KICS 96 + WAVF V100 FM, stickers v/s : Paul Wheeler. QTH : 1111 Virginia Street East, Charleston, WV 25301. FAX : (+ 1) 304-3444745. G.C.Panzeri-I (sticker) Play-DX 1037 Sep 99
WV 680 WCAW Charleston v/l (one letter for both WCHS and WCAW) 12d after f/up. v/s: Noel Richardson,VP/Engineering M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2003-02 Feb 03

WCAZ Index USA Index America North

IL 990 WCAZ Carthage v/l + c/map in 62d. (9.1w!) v/s: Chuck Porter, Chief Operator/PD M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2003-01 Dez 02

WCBC Index USA Index America North

MD 1270 WCBC Cumberland v/l 8d f/up. v/s: Kimberly Earnest, Office Mgr M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Jul 05

WCBE Index USA Index America North

OH 90.5 WCBE Columbus v/l + key chain + pen + program guide in 52d. v/s: Richelle Antczak, Operations Assistant M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-03 Mrz 01

WCBG Index USA Index America North

WCBG Chambersburg PA 1590 e-post (pm) K.Norlin-S Norwegian DX News 2004-08 Nov 04

WCBL Index USA Index America North

KY 1290 WCBL Benton Letter returned with verification written on it and STIX in 10d. v/s:Greg Leatz, PD E.Berger-MI-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-03 Mrz 02
KY 1290 WCBL Benton v/l 8d. v/s: L. Nimmo,Secretary M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2003-02 Feb 03

WCBM Index USA Index America North

MD 680 WCBM Baltimore v/l + c/map 5d. v/s: Michael A. Fast, Dir. of Eng. M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2004-03 Mrz 04

WCBS Index USA Index America North

WCBS New York, NY, 880, card, 81 days, (no return postage), M.Elbe-D direct to QIP Jan 1997
WCBS - 51 W. 52nd Street - New York - NY 10019 880 kHz - QSL in 50 dd, 1 USD sent S.Mannelli-I Webpage Jan 1998
880 WCBS New York NY, e-mail verification in 2 weeks to e-mail report sent to v/s Tony Gatto (Editor). QSL-card in sanil mail report in 6 weeks for 1 IRC. V.Hienonen-FIN direct to QIP Jun 1998
WCBS New York NY 880 qsl-card. T.B.Vik-NOR Norwegian DX News 1998-09 Nov 1998
NY 880 WCBS New York v/l, ppc 13d f/up. v/s: Rob Bertrand, Engineering Technician M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Aug 2006
WCBS New York US$ return postage, 880 kHz, qsl-letter 30 days (first letter that I have received regarding overseas reception since I started working at WCBS a year ago-signer, v/s Rob Bertrand, Engineering Technician) (heard by A.S. in Northern Denmark with different beverage antennas) A.Schwegeler-D BDXC-UK 2006-11 Nov 2006

WCBU Index USA Index America North

IL 89.9 WCBU Peoria v/l 7d. v/s: Jonathan Ahl,News Director M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-09 Sep 02

WCBY Index USA Index America North

WCBY Cheboygan MI 1240 b 27d. K.Norlin-S Norwegian DX News 2000-10 Dez 00

WCCD Index USA Index America North

OH 1000 WCCD Parma v/l 96d after f/up. v/s: David S. Johnson,CE M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-08 Aug 01

WCCN Index USA Index America North

WI 1370 WCCN Neillsville v/note on my letter + postage returned + pen in 6d. v/s: Kevin Grap M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2000-05 Mai 00
WCCN 1370 kHz Neillsville, WI. No data verie letter and station info from J.Kevin Gray (?), in 14 days for ms. N.Pimblett-AB-CAN CIDX 2002-02 Feb 02
1370 WCCN Neillsville, WI Cheap looking verie letter on photocopied letterhead, and WCCN-FM 107.5 window sticker, in 17 days for mint stamp (used). No v/s Address: 1201 East Division St., Neillsville, WI 54456 M.Brooker-ON-CAN MWDX-ML Mrz 02

WCCO Index USA Index America North

830 kHz, Minneapolis MN 06:05 12.12.87 12.01.88 31 days, QSL : kort brev mm v/s : Bonnie Bolling G.Nilsson-S direct to QIP Jan 1988
WCCO Minneapolis, MN, 830, e-mail after 5 days, card after 12 days (1 $). v/s Hal Schardin, CE. E-mail H M.Elbe-D direct to QIP Jan 1997
WCCO Minneapolis MN 830. T.B.Vik-NOR Norwegian DX News Apr 1997
WCCO Minneapolis MN 830 email card div 2 weeks A.Bue-NOR Norwegian DX News Jun 1997
WCCO Minneapolis MN 830 card 2 weeks. T.Nielsen-NOR Norwegian DX News Feb 1998
WCCO Minneapolis MN 830 qsl-card, no ret. postage, 22 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN WDXC QSL Report Okt 1998
WCCO Minneapolis, MN - 830 kHz - 'clear channel station' aus Minnesota, QSL-K. nach 3 Monaten. (Empfang auf Reise zum Familientreffen in Minnesota, Simon-Peter Liehr) S.-P.Liehr-D Eastside DX 12 Nov 2000
MN 830 WCCO Minneapolis QSL card 5d after f/up v/s: none, but report was sent to Joe Joncas M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-06 Jun 2002
MN 830 WCCO Minneapolis, V/l in 7d after followup. v/s: Lindsey Peterson, Ass't PD E.Berger-MI-USA DX-MidAmerica 2005-01 Jan 2005
WCCO Minneapolis MN 830 kHz f/d logo card in 3 weeks for rpt. by snail mail and mint stamp V/s Joe Joncas F.Halaburak-QC-CAN direct to QIP Feb 2006
830 WCCO, Minneapolis, MN, sent s-mail report, received QSL-card 5weeks. v/s: WCCO Eng. Joe Joncos M.Molano Sánchez-E mwdx-ML Apr 2010

WCCR Index USA Index America North

PA 92.7 WCCR Clarion hand written v/l + stix + small calendar stix in 108d. v/s: Bill Hearst, GM (WCCR/WWCH) M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-11 Nov 2001
PA 92.7 WCCR Clarion, v/l in 19d. V/s Wayne Brosius, PD. G.D.Myers-FL-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Jun 2010

WCCS Index USA Index America North

PA 1160 WCCS Homer City v/l + stix in 6d. v/s: Ken Hawk, Director of Programming & Promotions M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2003-03 Mrz 03
WCCS 1160 kHz, Homer City-Indiana, PA. P/D letter in 11 months (1 week after f/up and phone call) from v/s Mark. A Bertig, GM for ms. A.Loudell-DE-USA CIDX 2004-03 Mrz 04

WCCW Index USA Index America North

MI 1310 WCCW Traverse City veri message on back of coverage map + NASCAR poster in 14 days. v/s: Jack Leishman, K8XX, CE. J.Falconer-ON-CAN DX-midAMerica 2001-02 Feb 01
WCCW Traverse City, MI 107.5 MHz. Frequency only e-mail verie from Eric Send, Engineering Dept, in 21 days for e-mail report. This was followed a few days later by a snail mail reply consisting of a coverage map with verie statement added, business card, and sticker. N.Pimblett-AB-CAN CIDX 2003-11 Nov 03
MI 1310 WCCW Traverse City v/l, stix 8d f/up. v/s: Brian R. Hale, Operation mgr M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Dez 05
MI 107.5 WCCW Traverse City v/l 6d f/up. v/s: O. David Gauthier, PD M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Feb 07

WCDG Index USA Index America North

NC 92.1 WCDG Moyock, v/l in 14d. V/s Keith "Woody" Kinney, DoE/IT. G.Myers-FL-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Jun 09

WCDK Index USA Index America North

OH 106.3 WCDK Cadiz v/l + letter in 19d after f/up. v/s: H.C. "Hank" Segle, Chief Operator & Engineer-in-Charge M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-03 Mrz 01

WCDL Index USA Index America North

PA 1440 WCDL Carbondale v/l, bus. card 10d. v/s: Ed Histed, WCDL Station Mgr Address: 1 Main Street, Suite 1440, Carbondale, PA 18407 M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Jan 06

WCDO Index USA Index America North

WCDO Sidney NY 1490 b info sti visittk (f/up) K.Norlin-S Norwegian DX News 2002-07 Nov 02

WCDT Index USA Index America North

TN 1340 WCDT Winchester v/l + profile letter + stix in 9d. v/s: Tommy Yarbrough, Owner M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-06 Jun 01

WCDV Index USA Index America North

LA 103.3 WCDV Hammond, e-mail reply in 3d aft. f/u. V/s Douglas E. Allen, CE. G.Myers-FL-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Jun 09

WCED Index USA Index America North

PA 1420 WCED DuBois v/l 31d f/up. v/s: Al Lockwood, Ops Dir. M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Sep 05

WCEN Index USA Index America North

MI 94.5 WCEN Mount Pleasant v/l + stix in 8d. v/s: Richard Sommerville M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2000-07 Jul 00
MI 94.5 WCEN Hemlock v/l in 9d. v/s:Tom "T Bird" Rivers, Asst PD E.Berger-MI-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-09 Sep 02

WCER Index USA Index America North

OH 900 WCER Canton v/l + c/map + mission statement + 3 stix in 10d. v/s: Jack Ambrozic,GM/Owner M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-04 Apr 02

WCFB Index USA Index America North

FL 94.5 WCFB Daytona Beach v/l, v/l w/c/map background, 2 stix, promotional mailing 46d f/up. v/s: Steve Fluker, Dir. of Eng. (WDBO/WWKA/WCFB/WPYO/WHTQ/WMMO) M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Dez 04

WCFR Index USA Index America North

WCFR Springfield VT 1480 e-post, v/s Ray Lemire, GM J.Alvestad-NOR Norwegian DX News 2006-02 Feb 06

WCFX Index USA Index America North

MI 95.3 WCFX Clare hand written v/l 114d after f/up#2. v/s: Bob Peters, GM M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2003-02 Feb 03

WCGC Index USA Index America North

NC 1270 WCGC Belmont v/l 10d. v/s: Larry Hess, sales mgr & Chris Preslar, Engineer M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2004-01 Jan 04

WCGO Index USA Index America North

IL 1600 WCGO Chicago Heights small short hand written v/l clipped to returned reception report 10d after f/up. v/s: ? Middleton M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2003-05 Mai 03

WCHA Index USA Index America North

PA 800 WCHA Chambersburg v/l 14d after f/up#2. v/s: Jeff Baker, CE M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-10 Okt 01

WCHB Index USA Index America North

MI 1200 WCHB Taylor v/l 312d after f/up#3. v/s: Ken Wallace,CE M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2003-02 Feb 03
MI 1200 WCHB Taylor p/d ltr in 6d after sev follow ups v/s Ken Wallace, CE S.Paszkiewicz-WI-USA DX-MidAmerica 2004-03 Mrz 04
WCHB Taylor MI 1200 e-post, v/s Skip Dillard, Operations Mgr. J.Alvestad-NOR Norwegian DX News 2005-08 Nov 05

WCHI Index USA Index America North

OH 1350 WCHI Chillicothe, v/l in 124d. v/s:Mac Porter, CE E.Berger-MI-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-12 Dez 02
WCHI 1350 kHz, Chillicothe, OH. F/D verie letter in 9 weeks from v/s Mac Porter, CE for ms. A.Loudell-DE-USA CIDX 2004-02 Feb 04

WCHS Index USA Index America North

WV 580 WCHS Charleston ppc in 17d after f/up. v/s: Rick Johnson, PD. J.Falconer-ON-CAN DX-midAMerica 2002-11 Nov 02
WV 580 WCHS Charleston v/l (one letter for both WCHS and WCAW) + postage returned 12d after f/up. v/s: Noel Richardson,VP/Engineering M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2003-02 Feb 03

WCHV Index USA Index America North

VA 1260 WCHV Charlottesville v/l 98d. v/s: Regan Keith, AM Ops Dir. (WCHV/WKAV) M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2003-05 Mai 03

WCHY Index USA Index America North

GA 1290 WCHY Savannah v/l + bus. card in 3d after f/up#2. v/s: Jerry Stevens, GM (WAEV/WCHY/ WLVH/WSCA/ WIKZ/WSOK) M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-10 Okt 01

WCID Index USA Index America North

NY 89.1 WCID Friendship v/l + stix in 8d. v/s: Jim Travis, CE M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-09 Sep 01

WCIL Index USA Index America North

IL 1020 WCIL Carbondale v/l 11d. v/s: Jon E. Brookmyer, Systems Engineer M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-11 Nov 02
IL 1020 WCIL Carbondale, v/l in 10d after f/up#2. v/s:Steve Sine, News Director E.Berger-MI-USA DX-MidAmerica 2005-05 Mai 05
IL 101.5 WCIL Carbondale v/l, stix, key chain, T-shirt 33d f/up#2. v/s: Jon Brookmyer, C.E. M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Jul 08

WCIN Index USA Index America North

OH 1480 WCIN Cincinnati ppd QSL card + letter + 3 stix in 6d after f/up#3. v/s: Fredd E. Redd, PD (WD8KAW) M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-07 Jul 01
WCIN Cincinnati OH 1480 letter kass nokkelring 2 jubileumsboker 43d K.Norlin-S Norwegian DX News 2004-08 Nov 04

WCIR Index USA Index America North

WV 103.7 WCIR Beckley v/l + stix in 33d. v/s: Rick Rizer,Group PD (WCIR/WNWR/WIWS) M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2001-09 Sep 01

WCIS Index USA Index America North

NC 760 WCIS Morganton v/l 14d. v/s: April Crain, Office Mgr M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-01 Jan 02

WCIY Index USA Index America North

NY 88.9 WCIY Canandaigua v/l 14d. (500w!) v/s: Jim Travis,CE (Family Life Network) M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-09 Sep 02

WCJO Index USA Index America North

OH 97.7 WCJO Jackson v/l 7d f/up. v/s: Rhonda Burtrand, Office Mgr M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX Jan 04

WCJW Index USA Index America North

NY 1140 WCJW Warsaw v/l, profile 6d. v/s: Lloyd B. Lane, Pres./GM NOTE: "...our most distance DX report was in 2000 from a listener in Elkridge, Maryland..." M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Jan 06

WCKB Index USA Index America North

NC 780 WCKB Dunn v/l + c/map + bus. card in 11d. v/s: Ron Tart,GM M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2003-01 Jan 03

WCKC Index USA Index America North

MI 107.1 WCKC Cadillac hand written v/l 17d after f/up. v/s: none M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2003-01 Jan 03

WCKR Index USA Index America North

NY 92.1 WCKR Hornell, v/l, stickers in 84d aft. f/u. V/s Carol, Traffic Mgr. G.Myers-FL-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Okt 09

WCKS Index USA Index America North

WCKS-810, Jacksonville, AL. P/d letter w/ sticker & coverage map in 3 ds after f/up. V/s: Paula Meadors - Office Manager. J.D.Stephens-AL-USA direct to QIP Feb 07
WCKS-810, Jacksonville, AL. F/d letter with stickers & business card. V/s: Mike Mitchell - News Director. Received one month after I already got a verie letter for this station from another v/s. J.D.Stephens-AL-USA direct to QIP Apr 07

WCKT Index USA Index America North

FL 107.1 WCKT Lehigh Acres v/l 51d. v/s: Dick Parrish,CE (WCKT/WOLZ/WBTT/WKFF) M.Procop-OH-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-08 Aug 02


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