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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations from
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Domestic Stations
Aasiaat R Index Greenland Index America
518 - GREENLAND, Aasiaat Radio sent QSL in about 2 weeks by surface mail for e-mail Navtex report. QSL was a folded sheet of paper with photo of tx site on one side and QSL message on the other. v/s Bo Mogensen, Trafikchef. No return address on envelope, but report was sent to tele@tele.gl which I found on their website http://www.tele.gl/dk/Kystradio/GMDSS/index.htm The site also lists a surface address Postboks 1002, 3900 Nuuk. | B.Portzer-USA | IRCA-ML | Dez 09 |
Ammassalik R Index Greenland Index America
Today I got a nice reply from Ammassalik Radio, Greenland, confirming my reception of "OZL" on 3815 kHz on the 23rd of October 2005. I think the v/s name is Bo Magnuson (or similar) and his title is "Master". Address on the envelope: Teleservicecenter Aasiaat, Postbox 217, DK-3950 Aasiaat. | B.Fransson-S | HCDX-ML | Nov 05 |
3815 OZL Ammassalik Radio for rebroadcast of KNR programming on December 7 (via DX Tuner UK). E-mail QSL in 45 min with simple statement: "Your reception report is correct" (similar to what I received from Peace Radio in Sudan a few months back). No signature on e-mail but sent to Gerda Vilholm per Mika Mäkeläinen's QSL response on DXplorer. Thanks, Mika! | B.W.Churchill-CA-USA | CDX-ML | Dez 05 |
Kalaallit Nunaata R Index Greenland Index America
Re 'Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa, Greenland' Same here. They seem to be black nowadays. In '96 I got at least an e-mail-QSL for a report on 650 kHz. Verie-signer at that time was Ilanguak Olsen, ilanguak@knr.gl I have no clue, if he's still working with KNR. He wrote, that at that time the technical departement moved house, and the box with reception-reports was lost. All new reports would result in a QSL. Needless to say, that all reports sent after that time weren't answered either. | M.Elbe-D | HCDX-ML | Okt 2003 |
KNR, which I picked up last winter on 3815 kHz USB on the LEM206 DXpedition (http://www.dxing.info/dxpeditions/lem206rep.dx) in the Finnish Lapland, has finally confirmed my reception report by email. Contact information for KNR can be found on their website at http://knr.gl/kontakt_knr/index.html. Also a list of email addresses for each division can be found at http://knr.gl/kontakt_knr/afdelinger/index.html. | M.Mäkeläinen-FIN | DXplorer-ML | Okt 2005 |
KNR QSL via OZL: I have got a second verification for my report to Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa, Greenland, broadcasting over utility station Ammassalik Radio (OZL) on 3815 kHz. Earlier (see http://www.dxing.info/community/viewtopic.php?t=1898) I got an eQSL from KNR, and now an eQSL from Ammassalik Radio (OZL), v/s Gerda Vilholm, email OZL @ tele.gl writing in English. | M.Mäkeläinen-FIN | DXplorer-ML | Nov 2005 |
Dear Martin, this is another QSL info for a rare country: Greenland: 3815kHz, email qsl in 2 days, send rpt to info@knr.gl received email qsl from Ivalu Sovndahl Petersen, Communication assistant. This is the email received: "KNR (Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa or Greenland Broadcasting Company) hereby confirms your reception of KNR radio. KNR Radio broadcasts its programs via: Medium wave: 24 hours a day, Upernavik 810 kHz 5 KWatt, Uummannaq 900 kHz 5 KWatt, Qeqertarsuaq 650 kHz 5 KWatt, Nuuk (Telegraføen) 570 kHz 5 KWatt, Simiutaq 720 kHz 10 KWatt. Short wave: The coast radio in Tasiilaq sends the radio news (3815 kHz) from KNR at 12 pm to 1.15 pm and at 6 pm to 7.15 pm. Greenlandic time. If you are interested in further information please have a look at our website www.knr.gl Yours Sincerely Ivalu Søvndahl Pedersen, Communication assistant" | D.Tambuchi-I | direct to QIP | Feb 2006 |
Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa Tasiilaq 3815 kHz verified with a partly det. e-mail from isp@knr.gl in 1 day. v/s Miss Ivalu Sovndahl Pedersen, communication assistant. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Feb 2006 |
KNR Tasiilaq 3815 e-post m/2 vedl. 2 days (pm), v/s Kristian. Over 20 ar siden forrige KB-QSL, men det var kanskje fra en annen sender...? | B.Tandberg-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2006-02 | Feb 2006 |
KNR - 650 e-mail after 1 h (f7up) | L.Weirell-S | direct to QIP | Feb 2006 |
Auch ich habe heute eine undetailierte E-Mail von Radio Grönland erhalten.Es wurde mir mitgeteilt das ein QSL Brief unterwegs ist. | D.Kraus-D | A-DX-ML | Mrz 2006 |
Auch ich habe heute einen detaillierte QSL Brief von Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa Grönland erhalten. V/S Ms. Ivalu Sövndahl Pedersen | D.Kraus-D | A-DX-ML | Mrz 2006 |
Heute lag ein detailierter QSL-Brief von Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa 3815 kHz in meinem Brierkasten. Laufzeit: 49 Tage. QTH: Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa, Vandsövej 15, Postbox 1007, DK-3900 Nuuk. v/s war Ms. Ivalu Sövndahl Pedersen, communication assistant. | P.Robic-AUT | A-DX-ML | Mrz 2006 |
Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa - KNR scheint sich zu einem Super-Bestätiger zu entwickeln. Nachdem in der Liste in den vergangenen Wochen einige QSL-Meldungen waren, ging auch bei mir heute ein QSL-Brief ein für den Empfang einer Sendung am 16.03.06. Der Empfangsbericht wurde per mail am 19.03.06 geschickt -- Laufzeit sage und schreibe NUR SECHS TAGE. | W.-D.Behnke-D | A-DX-ML | Mrz 2006 |
Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa (KNR) 3815 kHz, 364 Tage, undet. E-Mail nach reminder 1 Tag QSL Brief soll folgen | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 2006 |
Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa (KNR) 3815 kHz, 370 Tage, det. Brief nach reminder / 3 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 2006 |
KNR, Greenland Broadcasting Company, 3815 kHz USB f/d letter at 20 days v/s: Ms.Ivalu Sovndahl Pedersen, Communication assistant. She says the coast radio in Tasiilaq sends the radio news (3815kHz) from KNR at 12pm to 1.15pm and at 6pm to 7.15pm greenlandic time. | H.Yokoi-J | direct to QIP | Mrz 2006 |
Mega-thrilled to receive a full-data QSL letter from KNR Greenland in about 2 months for one of their 3815 USB transmissions. V/s: Ms. Ivalu S?vndahl Pedersen - Communications Assistant. Address: Kalaalit Nunaata Radioa - TV, Vands?vej 15, Postbok 1007, DK-3900, Nuuk, Greenland. | J.D.Stephens-AL-USA | HCDX-ML | Mrz 2006 |
Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa 3815 n/d e-mail from OZL Ammassalik Radio in 1 day for an e-mail report | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | direct to QIP | Mrz 2006 |
Heute erhielt ich von Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa die Frequenz 650 kHz nach reminder via Ms. Ivalu Sovndahl Pedersen bestätigt. Dies ist nun mein 105 Land auf Mittelwelle | D.Kraus-D | A-DX-ML | Apr 2006 |
Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa (KNR) 650 kHz, 1566 Tage, det. Brief nach reminder / 3 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Apr 2006 |
KNR 3815 kHz - Postboks 1007 - 3900 Nuuk - Groenlandia con lettera e adesivo in 12 giorni. v/s Ms. Ivalu Sovndahl Pedersen Communication Assistant. Si 1 IRC. ( 189mo country ). | R.Pavanello-I | direct to QIP | Apr 2006 |
KNR / 3815 kHz, 16 Tage, Brief / IRC | D.Kähler-D | ADDX 2006-08 | Aug 2006 |
Ein f/up eines on-line RRs ueber 3815 wurde nach 14 Tagen mit detailliertem Brief nebst einigen Aufklebern beantwortet, v/s war die schon frueher in der Liste genannte Ms. Ivalu Sovndahl Pederson, Communication assistant, e-mail: isp@knr.gl. Postanschrift: KNR, Postboks 1007, DK-3900 Nuuk, Groenland. Wer 3815 von der Utility Seite bestaetigt haben moechte, kann die zustaendige Kuestenfunkstelle Ammassalik Radio/ OZL via Tele Greenland A/S, Postboks 111, DK-3913 Tasiilaq, Groenland erreichen. Tasiilaq ist bekannterweise auch der Sendestandort, als Sendeleistung wurden 200 Watt angegeben. | E.Glantschnig-SUI | direct to QIP | Aug 2006 |
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