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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations from Kenya
Kenya Previous Page :Juan de Nova Next Page : Lesotho
Domestic Stations
Kenya BC Index Kenya
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Kenya Broadcasting Corporation on 4935, handwritten personal letter in 12 weeks for 2 IRCs. v/s Richard Mwangi Ngare | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | direct to QIP | Aug 95 |
4935 Kenya Broadcasting Corporation Martin Ouma Ojwach at the Maralal transmitter station will only accept tape reports, but he will verify with a letter. You can reach him at Maralal transmitter station, P.O. Box 38, Maralal. | M.Vaghjee-MAU | Cumbre DX 150 | Aug 97 |
4935 KBC full-detail prepared card in 35 days after a second follow-up report, 30 months total. Also received a friendly letter from the verification signer Martin Ouma Ojwach, Senior Superintendent of Electronics, stating " Rated power output of Langata Shortwave station is 100kWs. I may not tell you precisely the power they were radiating at the time you tuned. I therefore leave the space blank in your QSL card ". This for a self-addressed, stamped envelope, which was used, to the Maralal transmitting station, P.O. Box 38, Maralal. | S.Martin-CA-USA | Cumbre DX 160 | Okt 97 |
4935 KBC full-data prepared card signed / stamped by Martin Ouma Ojwach, Engineer in Charge; also sent personal letter on KBC letterhead. Received in 87 days for $ 1, two IRCs and a self-addressed envelope (used in reply). Address : KBC Maralal Transmitting Station, P.O.Box 38, Maralal, Kenya. | R.Stewart-MO-USA | Cumbre DX 177 | Mrz 98 |
QSL KBC Nairobi : KBC Nairobi bestätigte die Somali-Sendung auf 4885 kHz nach 240 Tagen mit persönlichem Brief, unterzeichnet von Weche B. Francis. Heute kam auch noch eine virtuelle Weihnachtskarte, auf die man bei Bedarf mit einem " Gift Certificate " antworten kann (was wohl als Wink mit dem Zaunpfahl zu verstehen sein dürfte.). | E.Gehrig-E | A-DX-ML | Dez 00 |
4935 Kenya Broadcasting Corporation No data, hand-written letter on KBS stationary signed by Weche B. Francis acknowledging my (fifth) follow up letter dated April 20, 2001 and promising to verify my report from December of 1997. (Not much of a QSL, but I think I will count it, as my report documented a strong signal with confirmed identification.) Mr. Francis noted that Henry Makokha, the veri-signer noted in Passport "is fine although now in a different department". | R.E.Hankison-KS-USA | Cumbre DX 353 | Jun 01 |
A surprise in the post today from Kenya. This was from my last report of 13 months ago addressed to Martin Ouma Ojach, Engineer at the PO Box 38, Marala Transmitter Station. The letter (on plain white paper) was from a 41 year old named Robinson Wanjau Githae who says that Martin has retired and he now is the present Eng. in Charge. He gave the date & freq of my reception and mentioned how much they enjoyed listening to my tape. No "official" confirmation was noted but close enough for these days. He mentioned that KBC is no longer on short wave in English but still on AM 1386 kHz. (I have seen recent reports of EE on short wave?). Interesting to say the least. Because the envelope and letter contain no official KBC logo etc I will have to do some further investigation to see if this guy actually does work for KBC. He did ask for some information about engineering in Canada and did use the PO Box 38 as his return address, so.. Taped report and 1 IRC. | M.Delmage-AB-CAN | HCDX-ML | Jul 01 |
Kenya BC, Maralal 1386 kHz, ste letter 10u v/s Robinson Wanjau Githae | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2003-08 | Nov 03 |
VOICE OF KENYA 954 kHz TX NYAMNINIA, Pers.LETTER in 210 d. NO IRC SENT !. V/s : J.B.GARI OGUMA (Engineer in Charge) ADDRESS : NYAMNINIA TRANSMITTER STATION, P.O.BOX 752, YALA. | V.Korinek-AFS | Play-DX J2003-4 | Apr 04 |
4935 Kenya Broadcasting Corporation. Full data Letter from Edith R.N. Njeru, in 10 years tine after sending my reports to the Kenya High Commission in Ottawa. He mentioned the address for reports as KBC P.O. Box 30456 Nairobi Kenya E-mail: mdkbc[ät]swiftkenya.com Neil mentions that this is the longest ever to get a QSL reply. A thank you letter was sent in response to the reply | N.Carleton-ON-CAN | ODXA 2004-12 | Dez 04 |
Die Kenya Broadcasting Corp. bestätigte meinen Empfangsbericht über den Kiswahili-Service auf 846 kHz (Nyamninia) innerhalb von 42 Tagen mit einem teildet. Brief. QTH: P.O.Box 30456, Nairobi, Kenya. v/s Isaac Muchomba M´Maeria. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Aug 05 |
Kenya BC Maralal Index Kenya
Index Africa
KBC Maralal 1386 qsl-letter 2 IRC 42 days, v/s : Martin Ouma Ojwach, Senior Superintendent-Electronics, Engineer-In Charge : Maralal Station, PO Box 38, Maralal, Kenya. | M.Hattam-G | WDXC QSL Report | Jan 97 |
KBC No data QSL letter from a report sent to the " Engineer in Charge " - Martin Ouma Ojwach at the Maralal Station. He replied in 2 months, and said that the $ 1.00 I enclosed never reached him. | G.Maroti-NY-USA | Cumbre DX 160 | Okt 97 |
KBC 1386 qsl-letter no r.postage 98 days. | G.Grigoriev-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Okt 97 |
I had the same problem with Kenya 1386. All reports to Nairobi were ignored. Writing directly to the transmitter-station then finally did the trick. Back in October 96 I got a nice verification letter for 1386 kHz from Martin Ouma Ojwach, Senior Superintendent-Electronics, Engineer-in-Charge of Maralal Station (what a title! :-) Address is P.O.Box 38, Maralal, Kenya. He wrote, that they'd highly appreciate a recording on cassette. Don't know if this guy is still there, but I think it's worth a try. | M.Elbe-D | HCDX-ML | Aug 01 |
1386 kHz, Nairobi 03:25 12.12.00 25.02.02 43 days, QSL : letter v/s : E.R.N. Njeru mdkbc[ät]swiftkenya.com Ny rapport : 13.01.02 | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Feb 02 |
Ich erhielt heute via Wilhelm Herbst in Fjerritslev, DNK u.a. eine QSL von KBC Maralal. Offensichtlich liest niemand die den Empfangsberichten beigefügten Schreiben richtig durch, da ich um Übersendung an meine Heimatanschrift in Wuppertal bat. Der Brief datiert vom 4. März, also nur 6 Wochen nach meiner Empfangsbobachtung vom 23. Januar. Der der QSL beigefügt persönliche Brief wurde von Robinson Wanjou unterzeichnet, der sich als "Engineer in Carge of the Maralal Radio Station" bezeichnete. | M.Reiff-D | A-DX-ML | Apr 02 |
Today, I received a QSL card from KBC Maralal 1386 kHz after 25 weeks, directly from the transmitter site's address : Maralal Radio Station, PO Box 38, Maralal, Kenya. My report was sent off by registered mail and included an IRC. The reply included a nice and friendly personal letter typed on a good old typewriter, a picture postcard and a photocopy from the back of a spare QSL card they apparently don't want to give away for obvious reasons. The photocopy is filled in with all details. The enclosed letter mentioned also that the former v/s Mr. M. Ouma Ojwach in now retired. The present Engineer in charge and v/s is Mr. Robinson W. Githae. | G.Schotmans-BEL | direct to QIP | Apr 02 |
KBC Maralal 1386 kHz 60d. SENT 1 IRC. | S.Nuzzi-I | Play-DX 1162 | Jul 02 |
KBC Maralal, 1386, Received full detailed QSL-letter and personal letter for one dollar in 21 weeks. v/s Robinson W. Githae. Addr: Box 38, Maralal, Kenya. | A.Fernández Llorella-E | direct to QIP | Feb 03 |
KBC 1386 kHz, TX MARALAL. QSL- CARD, VERY NICE PERS.LETTER, PHOTO of THE V/s. 180 d. V/s: UNREADABLE(Engineer-in-Charge).ADDRESS : MARALAL STATION, P.O. BOX 38, MARALAL. | V.Korinek-AFS | Play-DX J2003 | Apr 03 |
Maralal R. Stn. / 1386 kHz, 36 Tage, B / $ | M.Arndt-D | ADDX 2003-15 | Aug 03 |
Kenya BC, Maralal, 1386, f/d QSL-letter and a very nice 3 page personal handwritten letter (very rare these days) from v/s Robinson Wanjau Githae, Engineer in Charge. All in 10 weeks for a tape report with 1 IRC. Address: Kenya Broadcasting Corporation, Maralal Radio Station, P.O. Box 38, Maralal, Kenya. Transmitter power indicated as 25 kw, not 100kw as listed in the WRTH. | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | direct to QIP | Okt 03 |
KBC 1$ 1386 kHz, d/l 140 days (direct via station) | A.Bollin-D | BDXC-UK 2004-02 | Feb 04 |
Vo Kenya Index Kenya
Index Africa
Vo Kenya 4915 kHz, det.qsl-folder in 54 days / IRC | R.Sonntag-D | direct to QIP | Nov 82 |
Vo Kenya Nairobi det. Aerogramm verschiedene Bilder 4934 kHz 1830 20.03.89 58 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mai 89 |
Vo Kenya Nairobi det. Aerogramm verschiedene Bilder 4885 kHz 1900 03.06.89 17 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jun 89 |
Vo Kenya 4934 kHz, det. qsl-folder in 21 days / IRC | R.Sonntag-D | direct to QIP | Aug 89 |
V o Kenya 4934, letter in 8 weeks for 1 IRC, | L.Weirell-S | direct to QIP | Aug 91 |
Relayed Stations or Programs
Adventist World R (KEN) Index Kenya
Index Africa
AWR AFRICA NAIROBI 7270 kHz v/s : Sam Mislani (african region director) original rpt 03 decembre 1994 ! QTH : P.O.Box 422i6 Nairobi (Atividade DX 169) | J.Cordeiro Pereira-B | Play-DX 1001 | Nov 98 |
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