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QSL Information Pages - Equatorial-Guinea (GNE)

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28051 km2
486100 inhabitants
capital : Malabo

Radio broadcast stations :
AM 0, FM 2, shortwave 4 (1998)


Last update for this page :
Sonntag, 17. Mai 2020

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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations from Equatorial-Guinea

Equatorial-Guinea Previous Page : Egypt Next Page : Eritrea

  1. Domestic
  2. R Nacional Bata
  3. R Nacional Malabo

Domestic Stations

R Nacional Bata Index Equatorial-Guinea Index Africa

R. Nacional Guinea Equatorial 5005 kHz, det. PPC-card and report returned confirmed in 53 days/ IRC R.Sonntag-D direct to QIP Jan 88
R. Nacional, 5003, PPC returned thanks to help of a Guinean friend. It arrived sealed and signed by "Director de la Dirección Técnica". 16 weeks. A.Fernández Llorella-E HCDX-ML Jul 02
Ayer recibí lo que con buena voluntad podría definirse como una QSL-letter de R. Nacional Bata (identificada en la carta como Radio Bata), Guinea Ecuatorial. Carta mecanografiada en papel simple, no membretado. Indica la fecha de recepción (23/09/06) y la frecuencia (5005 kHz) y confirma que los datos de escucha fueron correctos. Está firmada por el Sr. Julián Esono Ela, quien muy amablemente me cuenta diversos aspectos de la historia y geografía de su país. Dice que conduce un programa de correspondencia que va los domingos a partir de las 21 horas (supongo que hora local) y que dura 40 - 45 minutos. En ese programa se leen las cartas enviadas por los DXistas. Mi carta, dice, fue leída en dos oportunidades, la última el 5 de noviembre. Envié 2 IRCs y demoró unas 8 semanas. Creo que es lo más parecido a una QSL que voy a lograr de esa emisora. La conservaré junto con el sobre, que dicho sea de paso viene franqueado con un lindo sello alusivo a los 100 años del fallecimiento de Emile Zola. Como cosa curiosa indica la potencia como 5000 kW, lo que ni aún cambiando los kW por W coincidiría con el WRTH (50 kW). Dada la relativa facilidad con que se sintoniza por aquí me quedo con lo indicado en el WRTH. M.Knochen-URG Conexion Digital 396 Dez 06
Radio Bata QSL: I just sent some reception reports to the address that is listed in PASSPORT. The return address on the envelope has the station name and the exact Apartado as in PPWBR. The V/S is completely illegible, not even able to make out the first initial letters. It is just a plain-jane f/d letter in Spanish, which I would not have cared if they wrote it on a napkin. S.Price-PA-USA DXLD 6-185 Dez 06
Radio Bata P/D SP ltr in 406 days for $2.00, local postcard, and an audio cassette tape. V/S Julian Esono Ela. R.Comeau-MA-USA DXplorer-ML Dez 06
Radio Bata, Eqt. Guinea, 5005. Full Data QSL Letter in 15 months [a follow up for 1990 -QIP] for a October 2005 reception report. S.J.Price-PA-USA HCDX-ML Dez 06
Ayer recibí lo que con buena voluntad podría definirse como una QSL-letter de R. Nacional Bata (identificada en la carta como Radio Bata), Guinea Ecuatorial. Carta mecanografiada en papel simple, no membretado. Indica la fecha de recepción (23/09/06) y la frecuencia (5005 kHz) y confirma que los datos de escucha fueron correctos. Está firmada por el Sr. Julián Esono Ela, quien muy amablemente me cuenta diversos aspectos de la historia y geografía de su país. Dice que conduce un programa de correspondencia que va los domingos a partir de las 21 horas (supongo que hora local) y que dura 40 - 45 minutos. En ese programa se leen las cartas enviadas por los DXistas. Mi carta, dice, fue leída en dos oportunidades, la última el 5 de noviembre. Envié 2 IRCs y demoró unas 8 semanas. Creo que es lo más parecido a una QSL que voy a lograr de esa emisora. La conservaré junto con el sobre, que dicho sea de paso viene franqueado con un lindo sello alusivo a los 100 años del fallecimiento de Emile Zola. Como cosa curiosa indica la potencia como 5000 kW, lo que ni aún cambiando los kW por W coincidiría con el WRTH (50 kW). Dada la relativa facilidad con que se sintoniza por aquí me quedo con lo indicado en el WRTH. M.Knochen-URG Lista Conexion Digital-ML Dez 06
R. NACIONAL BATA 5005 kHz REPLY BY PERS. LETTER in 56 days. SENT 2 IRC, Spanish Report, 2 IRCs !!. V/s: JULIAN ESONO ELA (Locutor). ADDRESS as WRTH 2006. (June 2006) M.Knochen-URG Play-DX 2007 Jan 07
5005 Radio Bata, Eqt. Guinea, Full Data QSL Letter in 15 years for a October 2005 reception report. Enclosed one US dollar for return Postage (SP) Now that is a great QSL to get...once a very 'black' station which refused all attempts to get replies from- E.Kusalik-AB-CAN ODXA 2007-02 Feb 07
Radio Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial-Radio Bata, 5005 Khz Date/Frequency letter in 1 year for $1.00 US. V/S is Julian Esono Ela. I have been trying to get a verification out of this station since "Mad Uncle Macias' " government was overthrown in 1979. I sent them a report a year. J.M.Fisher-MA-USA DXplorer-ML Mrz 07
Heute ein QSL-Brief von Radio Bata (Äquatorial Guinea) nach mehreren Anläufen erstmals eingetroffen. RR war von Nov 2005, für die 5005 kHz. H.Süss-AUT A-DX-ML Apr 07
Radio Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial-Radio Bata, 5005 kHz Date/Frequency letter in 1 year for $1.00 US from v/s Julian Esono Ela. John says " I have been trying to get a verification out of this station since "Mad Uncle Macias' " government was overthrown in 1979. I sent them a report a year. Really happy with this one". J.Fisher-MA-USA CIDX 2007-04 Apr 07
Es ist kaum zu glauben: Heute lag wieder ein Brief aus Ãquatorial-Guinea in meinem Briefkasten und ich dachte, da kommt wieder ein Bettelbrief. Aber nein, es war ein QSL-Brief drin für einen Report, den ich am 11. November 2005 abgeschickt hatte. Unterzeichnet ist der Brief von Julián Esono Ela. R.Bagattini-SUI A-DX-ML Mai 07
Radio Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial de Bata, 5005 kHz, ppc in 836 days for RR in Spainsh + 1 IRC after 3 f/ups. S.Kolesov-RUS direct to QIP Jun 07
RN Bata / 5005 kHz, 90 Tage, PPC / $ F.Hunger-D ADDX 2007-02 Aug 07
Radio Bata aus Äquatorialguinea war nach Radio Cameroun die 2. Tropenbandstation die ich empfangen konnte. 17 Jahre und viele, viele Empfangsberichte später kam endlich eine Bestätigung in Form eines teildet. Briefes mit einer Laufzeit von 171 Tagen. v/s war Julián Esonso Ela, Präsentator des Hörerpostprogrammes "Cartas del oyente", welches jeden Sonntag um 2100 Lokalzeit ausgestrahlt wird. Adresse: Radio Bata, Apartado 749, Bata, Äquatorialguinea. P.Robic-AUT A-DX-ML Aug 07
R Nac Bata - 5005 kHz, qsl-letter, 5 months (v/s Julian Esmo Ela) A.Schwegeler-D BDXC-UK 2007-10 Okt 07
R. Bata, Rio Muni, 5005 kHz, personal letter in Spanish, info on Eq. Guinea in 42 days after f/up, no IRC, v/s Julián Esono Ela (Presentador del programa "Cartas del Oyente"). (via D.Monferini-I) V.Korinek-AFS direct to QIP Dez 07
5005 kHz RADIO BATA, GNE 110gg letter + folder v/s Juliàn Esono Ela (Presentador del Programa Cartas del Oyente) RADIO BATA, Apartado 749 Repùblica de Guinea Ecuatorial M.Giroletti-I BCLNews-ML Mrz 10

R Nacional Malabo Index Equatorial-Guinea Index Africa

6250.4 Radio Nacional, Malabo Full data card for a Spanish report and $ 1.00 in 9 weeks. The verification signer, Sr. Manuel Chema Lobede, wrote in Spanish that if I send at least $ 10.00 he would send me stamps and objects from his country ! G.Maroti-NY-USA Cumbre DX 180 Mrz 98
Radio Nacional Malabo 6250, f /d " Blue QSL " card in 45 days for US $ 1. N.Pimblett-AB-CAN CIDX QSL Column 1998-06 Jun 98
Radio Nacional Malabo 6250, confirm after follow up in 80 days with full data QSL, v/s Manuel Sobede Inspector de Servicios de Radio TV D.Canonica-SUI direct to QIP Feb 99
6250 R. Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial, full detail prepared card, and the stations own full detail card. v/s appears to be Manuel Chema Lobede. This in one month for a Spanish report, after one follow-up for a self-addressed, stamped envelope (used). S.Martin-CA-USA Cumbre DX 273 Dez 99

Relayed Stations or Programs

Ledbetter Bible Answer Program (GNE) Index Equatorial-Guinea Index Africa

15190, Ledbetter Bible Answer Program via Radio Africa "kind of" verified in 6 days with a no data almost helpful statement: "This is Spencer Ledbetter from the Ledbetter Bible Answer Program that is broadcasting in Equatorial Guinea. I appreciate your report. I'm not familiar with a QSL verification but if you tell me what it is, I will seek to comply. Thanks for listening! God Bless you and your family! If I can help you in any way, let me know!" I wrote back to "let him know" so we shall see if anything positive develops. I?m optimistic although historical experience with many individual religious broadcasters (program providers) hasn?t been good overall. R.D'Angelo-PA-USA DXplorer-ML Jun 05
I sent my report for the Ledbetter Bible Answer Program via Radio Africa to two separate e-mail addresses. One was direct to the ministry at Info[ät] The other was to the station at Radioafrica[ät] The reply came direct from Spencer Ledbetter but I am not certain which e-mail address got the message to him. However, the reply came from Spencer's direct e-mail address which is Spnc679[ät] In today's mail I received a postal reply direct from Radio Africa for a report to the Radioafrica[ät] R.D'Angelo-PA-USA DXplorer-ML Jun 05

R Africa (GNE) Index Equatorial-Guinea Index Africa

R Africa 9554 kHz, det. qsl-card in 25 days, letter / $ R.Sonntag-D direct to QIP Sep 1988
9851,7 kHz, Malabo 18:10 03.01.89 22.02.89 50 days, QSL : kort mm G.Nilsson-S direct to QIP Feb 1989
Radio Africa 2000, 6910 kHz verified with a det, card in 59 days. P.Robic-AUT direct to QIP Sep 1992
Radio Africa 15190. Full data card in 22 days. T.Vaughan-G direct to QIP Jun 1995
Received R Africa QSL 15185 fd-cd sched (1US) after 40d. A.Brückner-D DX Window 006 Mrz 1996
15190 Radio Africa A full data QSL card (unsigned), broadcast schedule and personal letter from Terry Kraemer. Received in 10 days for a taped report and return postage sent to Pan American Broadcasting, 20410 Town Center Lane # 200, Cupertino, CA 95014. M.Prindle-NY-USA Cumbre DX 091 Jun 1996
R East Africa 15190 qsl-card no r.postage 11 days P.Travers-G WDXC QSL Report Jun 1996
R Afrika Malabo det. Karte Radio Africa Logo 15186 kHz 1855 27.06.96 23 Tage D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Jul 1996
R Africa 7195 qsl-card no r.postage 22 days Z.Elias-CZE WDXC QSL Report Jan 1997
R.East Africa, Malabo on 15190, QSL card, personal letter, schedules v/s Terry Kreamer in 7 weeks (SWN-Denmark March 1997) V.Korinek-AFS TFW Mrz 1997
15185.5 Radio Africa verified with standard full data card, letter, and program schedule in 14 days from Cuppertino, CA address. Signer of the letter was Terry Kraemer. R.D'Angelo-PA-USA Cumbre DX 150 Aug 1997
R. Africa / 15186 kHz, 47 days, det. qsl-card, infos / $, picture postcard W.Kaiser-D ADDX 1998-21 Nov 1998
Radio Africa 15185, f /d " Logo " card, schedule and personal letter in 47 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 1998-11 Nov 1998
R Africa 15186 qsl-card, 1 IRC 24 days C.Richardson-G WDXC QSL Report Nov 1998
Radio AFRICA 15190 kHz v/s Terry Kramer. QTH : Pan American Broadcasting, 20410 Town Center Lane 200, Cupertino, CA 95014 USA (Atividade DX Oct.98, DX-clube Paulista, Brasil) J.Cordeiro Pereira-B Play-DX 1006 Dez 1998
R.Africa aus Malabo (15185 kHz) bestätigte in nur 13 Tagen Laufzeit mit det. Karte und Programminfo via Pan American Broadcasting, 20410 Town Center Lane#200, Cupertino CA 95014. v/s ist Terry Kraemer. Beilage : 1 $, Postkarte E.Gehrig-E direct to QIP Mrz 1999
15185.2, R. East Africa via Malabo, plain blue card with full-data. They ticked stn name of R. East Africa, as distinct from R. Africa or R. Africa #2. Accompanying ltr came from v/s Terry Kraemer at the Cupertino, CA address; in 20 days. D.Foster-AUS Numero Uno 1526 Mai 1999
Radio Africa 15190, f /d " Blue Logo " card, letter and schedule in 40 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 1999-06 Jun 1999
Radio Africa No. 2 IRC E 15185 68 days, Det. K., Bf., Sendeplan P.E.Boeck-D RMRC-D Webpage Jun 1999
R. East Africa / 15186 kHz, 17 days, qsl-card, qsl-letter, program guide, / $ D.H.Friese-D ADDX 1999-14 Jul 1999
R.Africa / 15185 kHz, 35 days, qsl-card / $ W.Jangel-D ADDX 1999-14 Jul 1999
R.Africa 15185.4 kHz : Full data card with personal letter and schedule in 35 days. J.Yamada-J Listening Points Japan 1999-17 Okt 1999
Radio Africa / Radio East Africa on 15185 in two months. Reception report sent to Radio Africa, 20410 Town Center Lane, Suite 200, Cuperino, CA 95014 USA. M.Méndez-E Cumbre DX 273 Dez 1999
15185.5 Radio Africa f/d blue QSL Card in 7 weeks via Pan American Broadcasting 20410 Town Centre Lane Suite 200 Cupertino CA 95014 with schedule of religious broadcasts & letter for US mint stamps. v/s Terry Kraemer L.Morris-SA-AUS Cumbre DX 286 Mrz 2000
R. Africa No. 2 / 15185 kHz, 68 days, detailed qsl-card, PG / IRC P.E.Boeck-D ADDX 2000-07 Apr 2000
R. Africa / 15185 kHz, 60 days, detailed qsl-card, pers. qsl-letter, prog.-guide, / $ E.Röscher-D ADDX 2000-12 Jun 2000
Radio Africa, 15185 kHz. QSL card and letter, full of details, and some religious info, schedule, etc. v/s was Andrea Palomo. Report was send to : Pan American Broadcasting, 20410 Town Center Lane Suite 200, Cupertino CA 95014, USA. Other address is P.O.Box 851, Malabo, EQUATORIAL GUINEA. All in 45 days. J.Antonio Arranz Sanz-E HCDX-ML Okt 2000
15184.75 kHz, Radio Africa, full data form letter with station stamp, in 3 weeks, to California USA address, for taped report and IRC, no v/s. J.Talbot-AB-CAN HCDX-ML Jan 2001
15185 Radio Africa from Bata, Malabo heard 26 December2000 at 2025. Full data QSL received in 30 days from Cupertino, California, for a SASE and report to Cupertino + $ 1 + New Mexico postcard. G.Glotzbach-NM-USA Cumbre DX 333 Feb 2001
15185 Radio Africa, tarjeta QSL por un reporte enviado en diciembre del 2000. La QSL fue recibida el pasado 16 de mayo de 2003. No V/S C.Pérez Dioses-PRU Conexion Digital 213 Mai 2003
Auch ich habe heute mit der Post die QSL-karte von Radio Africa 2 erhalten. Die Laufzeit betrug 52 Tage. Mein Empfangsdatum war der 25.Feb.2005. D.Knust-D A-DX-ML Apr 2005
Heute erhielt ich eine neue (Abbildung eines Mitarbeiters vor einer Vitrine Radio Africa) det. QSL-Karte von Radio Africa Network über die Frequenz 15190 kHz mit einem Brief und 3 Seiten Programm Informationen über die US Adresse Pan American Broadcasting 2021 The Almeda Suite 240 San Jose CA 95126-1145 USA. D.Kraus-D A-DX-ML Apr 2005
Radio Africa Network 15190 kHz, 60 Tage, det. Karte, Brief, Programmseiten /3 Dollar D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Apr 2005
Radio Africa No. 2, Mabalo 15190 kHz, letter + full data card, Radio Africa Network, 2021 The Alameda Suite 240, San Jose CA 95126-1145, USA, 6 weeks G.Huijbens-BEL direct to QIP Apr 2005
15190, R. Africa, an E-mail rpt with a RealAudio clip to brought a nice looking card with photo of xmtr and an unknown person on front, full-data and stamp of Pierce Intl Communs., Inc. on back. Also skeds and ltr (no V/S), all sent from Pan American B/Cing, 2021 The Alameda (Suite 240), San Jose, CA 95126-1145. Card shows that address and also P.O. Box 851, Malabo. Sked on card is: R. Africa, 7190 & 15190, daily 1700-2300; R. Africa #2, 15190, Mon-Fri 0800-1300; and R. East Africa, 15190, Sat & Sun 0700-1600. Also sent current printed skeds showing individual prgms. In 2 mos. (no E-mail reply rcvd). J.Berg-MA-USA DXplorer-ML Apr 2005
R Africa 15190 kart sch 1m T.Nyen-NOR Norwegian DX News 2005-03 Apr 2005
15190 - Radio Africa - Bata - GNE. Recebido cartao QSL, carta pessoal e sked. 55 dias. V/S: Ilegivel. QTH: 2021 The Alameda Suite 240, San Jose, CA 95126, EUA. I.Dias da Silva Júnior-SP-B Atividade DX 248 Mai 2005
MALABO, 15190, R.Africa, f/d card picturing unid. man at transmitter, personal letter and schedule in 16 days for an SASE (used) sent to the PAB-San Jose CA. address. S.R.Barbour Jr.-NH-USA Cumbre DX-ML Mai 2005
Radio Africa 15190 kHz verified with det. card and programme schedule in 30 days. 1 US-$ for RP. QTH: PanAmerican Broadcasting, 2021 The Alameda Ste 240, San Jose, CA 95126, USA. P.Robic-AUT direct to QIP Mai 2005
R Africa 15.190 kHz, f/d QSL card + letter via Pan American BC, USA, 70 days, rp 1 US$ R.Bessler-D direct to QIP Mai 2005
R Africa #2, Bata 15190 kHz, kart brev 47d Svar via Pan Am Bc, Cupertino, CA. B.Tandberg-NOR Norwegian DX News 2005-04 Mai 2005
Radio Africa, 15190, Malabo-Bioko Island, full data card showing transmitter and man with red shirt Standing in front of it with full data on back. Schedules for the various religious programs carried and a letter from Pan American World Broadcasting in 3 weeks from: 2021 The Alameda, Suite 240, San Jose, CA 95126-1145. C.Lobdell-MA-USA DXplorer-ML Jun 2005
15190, Radio Africa verified an e-mail report to with a full data "Radio Africa Network" card, letter and comprehensive schedule postal reply in 7 days from California. The following schedule was on the card: Radio Africa: 7190 kHz and 15190 kHz daily at 1700-2300 UTC; Radio East Africa: 15190 kHz on Saturday and Sunday at 0700-1600 UTC; and Radio Africa #2: 15190 kHz Monday through Friday at 0700-1200 UTC. R.D'Angelo-PA-USA DXplorer-ML Jun 2005
R.Africa 15190 kHz QSL card, letter in 49d for English report with 1$. Ke.Hashimoto-J Japan Premium 372 Jun 2005
Radio Africa 15190, f/d QSL-card, form letter and programme schedule in just 12 days for e-mail report sent to A.Skalmeraas-NOR direct to QIP Jun 2005
R Africa e-mail 15190 kHz, f/dc 25 days, A.Bollin-D BDXC-UK 2005-07 Jul 2005
Radio Africa, the qsl card read P.O. Box 851, Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, for report on 15190kHz of march 6, 2005. also accompanied by a letter from pan Africa broadcasting, encouraging me to write to individual programs. E.Ezeani-NIG direct to QIP Aug 2005
R Africa 2 15190 b k 21-150 days v/s Rev. B.R.Hicks. Bjorn sendte rapporten til Christ Gospel Church i Jeffersonville, Indiana. B.Tandberg-NOR Norwegian DX News 2005-06 Okt 2005
R Africa 2 15190 b k 21-150 days v/s Rev. B.R.Hicks. Bjorn sendte rapporten til Christ Gospel Church i Jeffersonville, Indiana. T.-H.Ekblom-FIN Norwegian DX News 2005-06 Okt 2005
Radio Africa, 15190 kHz, 28 days. QSL from Pan American Broadcasting headquarters in USA. Sent two reports: one to the broadcast relayed via Juelich, the second one to Radio Africa. Only the latter was confirmed. Wrote to: Pan American Broadcasting, 2021 The Alameda Suite 240, San Jose CA 95126-1145, USA. There is also a direct address on the card (Radio Africa Network, P.O.Box 851, Malabo, Equatorial Guinea), but I believe the US one is more reliable. D.Mezin-RUS Signal DX 154 Okt 2005
R Africa 15190 k b sch 12 days A.Skalmeraas-NOR Norwegian DX News 2005-08 Nov 2005
15190 Radio Africa 2, Guinea Ecuatorial - Qsl card 25 dias. H.Goyena-ARG Conexion Digital 369 Mai 2006
Recibida QSL de Radio East África, confirmando escucha en 15190 kHz del 18 Junio 2006, demoró 9 días. Informe enviado en línea a: , carta personalizada en inglés y listado de la programación. Datos de la QSL [..]. RADIO AFRICA NETWORK PO BOX 851, MALABO, EQUATORIAL GUINEA. [..] For Information and Program Schedules Write to: PAN AMERICAN BROADCASTING, 2021 The Alameda Suite 240, San Jose CA 95126-1145, USA J.Miguel Romero Romero-E Cumbre DX-ML Jun 2006
Africa No. 2 / 15190 kHz, 12 Tage, det. K, B, PG via USA / $ S.Arndt-D ADDX 2007-02 Feb 2007
RADIO AFRICA 15190 Full Data QSL in 22 Days send audio tape NO IRC no V/s: Address: Radio Africa Network P.o.Box 851 Malabo or Pan American Broadcasting 2021 The Alameda Suite 240 San Josè CA 95126-1145 USA. (via D.Monferini-I) M.Rossi-I direct to QIP Mai 2007
15190 kHz Radio Africa#2, Malabo, QSL-c, letter, schedule in 26 days report sent via web form. N.Eramo-ARG direct to QIP Mai 2007
R. East Africa, 15190, f/d card, letter and sked from Pan American Broadcasting, 2021 The Alameda, Ste 240, San Jose, CA 95126, in 23 days for web report using the form at qslreports.htm. Card is identical to JB's R. Africa card on DXplorer S&S except "Radio East Africa" is overprinted on the face at the lower left. J.Herkimer-NY-USA DXplorer-ML Jun 2007
Radio East Africa, 15190 kHz. Report sent via site, reply came in 24 days. See image at A.Myadel-BLR Signal DX 173 Jun 2007
15.190 kHz, Radio Africa 2 Escuchada el 08-08-07 a las 0805 UTC en inglés. Recibida Tarjeta QSL, carta personalizada y esquema de programacion. Datos completos. No V/S Informe enviado a: Demoro 6 días. J.Robledillo Jaén-E Conexion Digital 438 Sep 2007
RADIO EAST AFRICA 15190 kHz, QSL-card f/d, personal letter, info in 14 d. QTH: via website (via D.Monferini-ITA) S.Gómez-E direct to QIP Okt 2007
Equatorial Guinea (Bata) 15190, Radio Africa verified with a full data "paper" card of engineer standing in front of transmitter in 16 days for an electronic report to Pan American Broadcasting. Two letters, one in e-mail format but printed on Pan American Broadcasting letterhead signed by Robin Boggs and the other which seemed to be a standard letter encouraging letters to the ministries heard plus complete Radio Africa program schedule. R.D'Angelo-PA-USA DXplorer-ML Okt 2008
15190 RADIO AFRICA Tarjeta QSL. v/s Jeff Bernald. Esquemas de programas y horarios de las emisoras de la Radio Africa Network. Informe enviado a traves: recibido desde USA Demoro: 57 dias. R.Orlando Rodriguez R.-CLM Lista Conexion Digital-ML Mai 2010
15190 Radio Africa, Malabo. Date, Time & Frequency QSL Card showing Station Engineer, standing in front of the Studio Transmitter Room, of Radio Africa. Also sent from Pan American Broadcasting was a cover letter, complete program schedule for the organization, which use these transmitter facilities. Reply came from Pan American, California address, for both a posted e-mail initial report, subsequently a follow-up, with reply in 8 months total time. V/s: Jeff Bernald, Pan American Broadcasting. For reports direct to the station the address is: Radio Africa network, P.O.Box 851, Malabo, Equatorial Guinea. E.Kusalik-AB-CAN ODXA-ML Mai 2010

R East Africa see R Africa (GNE)

The Salvation Army (GNE) Index Equatorial-Guinea Index Africa

Heute kam von The Salvation Army, der Heilsarmee, ein QSL-Brief für ihr Programm "Wonderful Words of Life" über Radio Africa 2, Bata, Äquatorial-Guinea, zwar keine Daten, aber ich meine "... We recently received your reception report and we are happy to verify that have heard out 15-minute weekly program on Radio Africa 2, Equatorial Guinea, Bata." kann ich mal ausnahmsweise als QSL werten. Neues Rundfunkland ;-) Was mich sehr gefreut hat, dass sie ursprünglich mir in einer Emal schrieben: [..] dieser "standard letter" aber nun doch eine QSL ist. Scheinbar denken die, was keine QSL-Karte ist keine QSL ;-). RR ging per an Email an Pauline_Elder [ät] Adresse: The Salvation Army, Radio Ministries, 1424 NE Expressway, Atlanta GA 30329-2088, USA. v/s: Major Pauline Elder, Audience Correspondent, Radio Ministries T.M.Rösner-D A-DX-ML Mrz 05

Truth for the World (GNE) Index Equatorial-Guinea Index Africa

15190, Truth for the Word via Radio Africa verified by signing and stamping my prepared card and sent a short letter thanking me for the reception report from v/s Don Blackwell, Director of Broadcasting in 90 days. The letter noted that "We have found it to be most helpful and have even used it to correct a problem with our broadcast over Radio Africa. The very specific details that you included are very beneficial." Not sure what I said but I haven?t heard Radio Africa since, hi! R.D'Angelo-PA-USA DXplorer-ML Aug 05


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