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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations from Ethiopia
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R Fana Index Ethiopia
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Radio FANA : I received a QSL-card, personal letter and Amharic schedule after 39 days for a report on 6210 kHz. Address is Box 30702, Addis Ababa, verie signer is Mulugeta Gessese, General Manager. Acc. to letter they operate on 1080, 6210 and 9335 kHz, the studio is in front of the Swedish embassy, while the transmitter site is 12 km west of the studio. Operates 52 hrs a week, Mondays to Thursdays 6hrs, on Fridays 8 hrs and Sat / Sun 10 hrs. Interesting, that they still mention 9335 kHz, haven't heard that for around one year. | M.Elbe-D | Cumbre DX 081 | Apr 96 |
R. Fana 6210 f/d sm. green cd. w / station brochure + pers. ltr. in 44 ds. for f / u + $ 1. v/s : Mulugeta Gessese, GM | T.Palmersheim-MT-USA | Cumbre DX 098 | Aug 96 |
R Fana 6210 qsl-card 1 IRC 27 days, v/s : Shemsedin Mohamed, General Manager | Z.Elias-CZE | WDXC QSL Report | Nov 96 |
QSL -letter from Radio Fana. Address : Radio Fana, PO Box 30702, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Tel. 516777 v/s : General Manager : Mulugeta Gessese. | M.van Arnhem-HOL | DX Window 055 | Mrz 97 |
R Fana 6940 card schedule 70 days v/s Mulugeta Gessesse | T.-H.Ekblom-DNK | Norwegian DX News | Apr 97 |
R Fana 6940 qsl-card 1 IRC 37 days | J.Parker-G | WDXC QSL Report | Apr 97 |
Radio Fana sent their usual QSL card, verification signer was General Manager Mulugeta Gessese. While I reported 6940, their QSL just mentions 6210 + 8335. A schedule included says Weekdays 0330-0530, 0900-1100, 1530-1730 (Fridays -1930), weekends 0330-0730, 1500-1800. Languages used are Amharic and Oromiffa. Took 7 months for the answer. | H.Kuhl-D | Cumbre DX 144 | Jun 97 |
R Fana 6940 qsl-card no r.postage 63 days | G.Grigoriev-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Okt 97 |
Radio FANA v/s Hameimat Tekle Haimanot General Manager P.O.Box 30702 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. | D.Canonica-SUI | Cumbre DX 180 | Mrz 98 |
6210 R. Fana; full-detail very small QSL card in 64 days via registered mail, signed and stamped with station seal by Hamelmal Tekle Haimanot, General Manager. Address on card as -Near Black Lion hospital, infront of Sweden Embassy-. Program schedule was also included, which mentioned the current languages in use are Amharic and Oromiffa using 6210 and 6940 kHz. I included a self-addressed, stamped envelope, along with a prepared QSL card, however, neither of these were used. | S.Martin-CA-USA | Cumbre DX 180 | Mrz 98 |
Radio Fana small green QSL card, typewritten, full data with signature and station stamp received by registered mail for $ 1US and 1 IRC. Included schedule in mailing. About 50 days. | L.Silvi-OH-USA | Cumbre DX 182 | Mrz 98 |
R Fana, Addis Abeba 6210 rek card schedule 17 days. | T.Woxen-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Mrz 98 |
R.Fana on 6210, fd card, schedules in 135 days for 1 IRC. (DSWCI, ShortWave News # 3, March 98, QSL Corner) | J.Waga-D | TFW 055 | Mrz 98 |
R.Fana on 6210, fd letter, picture card, v/s Girma Lema, Gen.Mgr, in 9 months. (DSWCI, ShortWave News # 3, March 98, QSL Corner) | T.Mikola-HNG | TFW 055 | Mrz 98 |
R. Fana on 6940, QSL, v/s Hamelmal Tekle Haimanot, in 51 days for 1 USD. (Play DX # 979 April 20) | R.Pavanello-I | TFW 059 | Mai 98 |
6210 Radio Fana full data green Logo card with frequency schedule via registered mail in 59 days after 2 registered f/ups & amp; $ 1.00. v/s : Mulugeta Gesess - General Manager. | J.D.Stephens-AL-USA | Cumbre DX 213 | Okt 98 |
R. Fana / 6210 kHz, 25 days, det. qsl-card, program guide, per regist. mail / special stamps, v/s Hamplmal Tekle Taimanot, General Manager. | H.-J.Koch-D | ADDX 1998-21 | Nov 98 |
R. Fana / 6210 kHz, 53 days, det. qsl-card, program guide / $, picture postcard. | W.Kaiser-D | ADDX 1998-21 | Nov 98 |
Radio Fana 6210. Full data card in 32 days. v/s Mulugeta Gessese, General Manager. | T.Vaughan-G | direct to QIP | Dez 98 |
R Fana 6940 v/s Mulugeta Gessese, GM (1999) | H.Romppainen-FIN | direct to QIP | Jan 99 |
6210 kHz. Radio FANA, P.O.Box 30702, Addis Ababa, Etiopia. Verifico solamente con tarjeta QSL (120 x 96 mm) en 63 dias (v/s General Manager). | M.A.Cornachioni-ARG | Conexion Digital 002 | Apr 99 |
Received today f/d QSL from Radio Fana (P.O. Box 30702, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) after 50 days. v/s is illegible. | E.Gehrig-E | HCDX-ML | Apr 99 |
Fana QSL and schedule, Received after only 27 days a f/d new QSL-card (green) via registered letter for 1 US $. Enclosed was a Transmission Time Schedule (1080 kHz, 6210 kHz, 6940 kHz). All times are local times ! | A.Schmid-D | HCDX-ML | Nov 99 |
R. Fana 6210. Card & schedule in 2m for USD & postcard. v/s Mulugeta Gessese, General Manager. | R.Jary-SA-AUS | Cumbre DX 272 | Dez 99 |
QSL-Karte from Radio Fana (6210 kHz) received : f/d " green " QSL card in 30 d. via registered air mail for a taped report & 1 US- $, QTH : Box 30702, Addis Ababa. v/s Mulugeta Gesses, General Manager. Also broadcast schedule and 5th anniversary sticker received. | G.D'Amico-SUI | HCDX-ML | Jan 00 |
6940 Radio Fana small green & white full data card with transmission schedule in 6 weeks after follow-up by E-mail. v/s Mulugeta Gessese, General Manager | ?-? | Cumbre DX 286 | Mrz 00 |
R Fana 6940 kHz, f/d card, rp : no, 42 days | L.Morris-SA-AUS | WDXC QSL Report | Mrz 00 |
Radio FANA 6940 v/s : MULUGETA GESSESE GEN. MANAGER. (DX-CLUSIVE N*797, JAN. 2000, FINLAND) | J.Mäntylä-FIN | Play-DX 1063 | Apr 00 |
R Fana 6210 Addis Abeba Eth. sent a QSL card, transmission schedule and a sticker. Letter was registered. v/s Mulugeta Gessese - Gen Manager, abt 70 days. | Z.Liangas-GRC | HCDX-ML | Mai 00 |
6210, R. Fana, small green full-data QSL, no power indicated. v/s Mulugeta Gessese, General Mgr. Also 5 yr. anniversary (1987-1992) sticker, sked. In 38 days. | D.Nelson-OR-USA | Numero Uno 1581 | Jun 00 |
R Fana, v/s Mulugeta Gessese, General Manager 6210 kHz, card, rp : no, 70 days | Z.Liangas-GRC | WDXC QSL Report | Jun 00 |
Radio Fana, Äthiopien : QSL kommt auch ohne Dollar sehr schnell. IRC reicht.Ist zwar etwas teurer, aber vielleicht etwas fairer. | G.Opalka-D | A-DX-ML | Feb 01 |
Radio Fana bestätigte einen getapten RR für deren Amharisch-Sendung vom 6.1.2001 von 1541-1642 UTC auf 6940, 00 kHz nach nur 3 Wochen Laufzeit per Übergabeeinschreiben mit QSL-Karte, Antwortbrief und Programschema. [.] In dem beigefügten Brief zeigte sich der " Station Manager " (unleserlich unterschrieben) verwundert, dass ich die Station so weit weg in so guter Qualität habe hören können und lud " alle meine Freunde " (wie er sich ausdrückte) ein, Empfangsberichte einzusenden und versprach diese mit QSL-Karte zu beantworten. RRs können schriftlich oder als Audio-Cassette, die allerdings nicht retourniert werden, eingeschickt werden; die Beilage von " ausreichend " Rückporto wurde erbeten (er teilte aber nicht mit, was für ihn ausreichend bedeutet - ich hatte 2 US-Dollar beigefügt). | M.Reiff-D | A-DX-ML | Feb 01 |
R Fana, v/s Mulgeta Gessebe 6940 kHz, card, rp : 1, 81 days | C.Elliott-TAS-AUS | WDXC QSL Report | Apr 01 |
R Fana, v/s Woldu Yemessel, General Manager. 6210 kHz, card, rp : 1, 46 days | S.M.Kolesov-UKR | WDXC QSL Report | Jun 01 |
Radio Fana: Green QSL card in 25 days for my English reception report with one US dollar. | I.Nagatani-J | Japan Premium 168 | Jul 01 |
Radio Fana, Addis Ababa, 6, 940 kHz., Usual green and white card signed by Woldu Yemessel (?) as General Manager in four weeks for a cassette tape of the reception and $2.00 U.S. sent via registered mail. | E.Tilbury-ALS | direct to QIP | Aug 01 |
R Fana 6940 k b 1m Artig at denne svarer! | Ø.Kolobekken-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2001-05 | Aug 01 |
Habe heute morgen eine QSL von Radio Fana, Äthiopien, erhalten. Empfangsdatum war der 8.9.01 und die Frequenz 6210. Abgeschickt in Addis Ababa am 25.9.01. Angekommen am 11.10.01. Allerdings wäre es noch schneller gegangen, hätten die Leute dort die richtige Anschrift benutzt. Unter dem Bestimmungsland "Luxembourg" stand nämlich auch noch "Germany". Aber die Äthiopier können sich ja nicht auch noch mit der europäischen Geographie auskennen. Interessant weiterhin, dass auf dem Umschlag ein Einschreibeaufkleber der Deutschen Post war. Er wurde m. E. erst vom ersten Postamt auf deutschem Boden hinzugefügt. Frankiert war der Umschlag, der nur noch ein kleines Programm- und Frequenzblatt enthielt, übrigens mit 3,95 Birr. Hat jemand anders auch schon solch eigentümliche Erfahrungen mit dieser oder einer anderen Station gemacht, was die Umschläge und Anschriften angeht? | J.Leyder-LUX | A-DX-ML | Okt 01 |
6940 kHz. Radio Fana, P.O. Box 30702, Addis Abeba. Tarjeta QSL (Verificador: Woldo Yemessel, Gerente General), esquema de horarios de la emisora etíope. Envío de 1 dólar. Verificó en 90 días. | C.Morales-ARG | Conexion Digital 130 | Okt 01 |
6940 Radio Fana via Addis Ababa Full data QSL fom Woldu Yemessel, General Manager, via Registered Mail received in 80 days in response to my mail DX Report + $2 + photos of State of New Mexico transmitter facility. | G.Glotzbach-NM-USA | Cumbre DX 377 | Dez 01 |
Radio Fana 6.940,00 kHz, 1 US-$, AK, SAE 28 Tage, K, Infos Details : ja | D.Schulz-D | EAWRC 298 | Mrz 02 |
R Fana - det. Karte Radio-Logo Karte grün 6940 kHz 1745 20.04.02 34 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mai 02 |
6210 - R. Fana, Addis Ababa - 70 dias. Recebido cartão QSL full data juntamente com boletim de horários e frequências de transmissão. V/S: Woldu Yemessel, General Manager Correspondência recebida através de carta registrada. QTH: Radio Fana, POB 30702, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Gostaria de agradecer aos amigos Carlos Felipe, Ivan Dias, Roberto Landolpho, Marcelo Toniolo e Claudimir G. Faria pelas dicas referentes a algumas escutas principalmente as utilitárias, pois os QSL´s que tenho recebido em sua maior parte foram graças a ajuda de vocês!! E um agradecimento especial ao amigo Wilson Rodrigues que me deu oportunidades de excelentes escutas em seu QTH rural. Obrigado!! | A.Assis de Oliveira-MG-B | Atividade DX 115 | Sep 02 |
6940, R Fana, full data QSL received from v/s: Woldu Yemessel, General Manager. R Fana was founded on Nov 20, 1994 and now transmits 73 hours a week in Amharic, Oromiffa, Afar and Somali. [.]. Address: Radio Fana, P.O. Box 30702, Addis Abeba (via DSWCI DX Window) | B.Pecolatto-I | DXLD 2-199 | Dez 02 |
Heute konnte ich mir das erste Highlight des Jahres von der Post abholen. Radio Fana bestätigte meinen Empfangsbericht über 6210 kHz nach 35 Tagen mit QSL-Karte und Sendeplan per Einschreiben. | F.-W.Adam-D | A-DX-ML | Jan 03 |
6120 - R. Fana - Adis Ababa-ETH - Cartão QSL full data e boletim de programação. 78 dias. V/S: Woldu Yemessel. QTH: P. O. Box 30702, Adis Ababa, Etiópia | J.Roberto da Silva Cunha-MG-B | DXCB 2003-01 | Jan 03 |
6940 kHz Radio Fana, Addis Ababa. QSL card (full data) and schedule of time and frequencies. Card signed by Mr Woldu Yemessel (General Manager) who sent it to me as registered mail. I also sent my package as registered mail that included: 1 CD with a 30 minute recording of the transmission, reception report in English, post card of New York and US$ 2. Got the reply in 36 days. Radio Fana, P.O Box 30702, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | M.Toniolo dos Anjos-NY-USA | HCDX-ML | Feb 03 |
Radio Fana 6940 kHz: conferma (via raccomandata) con QSL in 33 giorni. QTH P.O. BOX 30702 Addis Ababa. v/s Woldu Yemessel (via D.Monferini) | R.Celestre-I | Play-DX-ML | Mrz 03 |
6210 - R. Fana, Addis Ababa - 48 dias. Recebido cartão QSL full data e schedule V/S: Ilegível QTH: PO Box 30702, Addis Ababa, Etiópia Obs: Enviado IR em EE com CD contendo gravação da recepção. | C.Fernandes Lopes-MG-B | Atividade DX 147 | Mai 03 |
Radio Fana: 6940 (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). QSL card signed by Woldu Emessel, General Manager. Schedule. In 46 days. | S.Rogov-LTU | Signal DX 100b | Jun 03 |
6210, Radio Fana full data card received in 5 months for a compact disc of my reception and $1. Address on QSL card "Near Black Lion Hospital in front of Sweden Embassy." (via NASWA Flashsheet) | J.Dybka-TX-USA | DXLD 3-130 | Jul 03 |
R. Fana / 6210 kHz, 25 Tage, detailed card per ES / $ | S.-P.Liehr-D | ADDX 2003-15 | Aug 03 |
Radio Fana 6210/6940, f/d QSL-card and programme schedule by registered mail in 4 weeks for $1 on a tape report. v/s Woldu Temessel, General Manager | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | direct to QIP | Nov 03 |
Radio Fana 6210/6940, f/d QSL-card and programme schedule by registered mail in 4 weeks for $1 on a tape report. v/s Woldu Temessel, General Manager | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | direct to QIP | Nov 03 |
R.Fana, 6210, f/d green card w/ station seal and schedule received via registered mail in 35 days for $2 and an EG rpt. V/S Woldu Yemessel, General Manager. Nice stamps on envelope and several "Fana Radio, Archives and Record Service" ink stamps on reverse. Very pleased with this QSL. | S.R.Barbour Jr-NH-USA | HCDX-ML | Feb 04 |
Radio Fana, 6210 kHz, det. card and schedule sent by registered mail , 38 days / 1 $ | R.Sonntag-D | direct to QIP | Feb 04 |
6210 Radio Fana. Addis Ababa. Full data Green Station QSL card in 30 days. Verie Signature: Woldu Yemessel General Manager. | R.S.Ross-ON-CAN | ODXA 2004-04 | Apr 04 |
6210 Radio Fana. Green QSL Card in 2 months for a Tape recording and $1.00 v/s: Woldu Yemessel. General Manager | T.Williamson-ON-CAN | ODXA 2004-06 | Jun 04 |
R. Fana / 6940 kHz, 32 Tage, detail. card, PG / $ | K.-P.Hilger-D | ADDX 2004-20 | Okt 04 |
6210 kHz - R. Fana, Addis Ababa Recebido cartao QSL e folheto com a programacao. 209 dias. V/S: Woldu Yemessel (General Manager). QTH: P.O.Box 30702, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. | C.Jean Fischer-SC-B | Atividade DX 230 | Dez 04 |
6940 Radio Fana w/ f/d green QSL card and sked in 39 d. Signer was Woldu Yemessel, General Manager. Finally nailed this one after three tries! I e-mailed a 4-minute MP3 recording but don't know if they listened to it. Main rpt was air mailed w/ 2 IRC's. | B.Churchill-CA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Jan 05 |
6210 kHz QSL-card, 1 irc, cd-report | K.Tuominen-FIN | direct to QIP | Jul 05 |
R Fana 6210/6940 k sch (rek) 6 months v/s Woldu Yemessel | K.-E.Stridh-S | Norwegian DX News 2005-06 | Okt 05 |
6210 R. Fana. F/D smallish green "FR" card in 46 days from Woldu Yemessel, G.M. Rec'd via Registered Mail. | J.Wilkins-CO-USA | DXplorer-ML | Feb 06 |
Habe heute morgen eine QSL Karte bekommen von Radio FANA (Ethiopie) per eingeschriebenem Brief, für einen reception report vom 31 Januar 2006, Sendung um 18H30 UTC auf 6940 kHz in Amahrischer Sprache, habe ein audio cassette beigelegt und 1 US Dollar und eine Postkarte, habe 190 Tage gewartet. Zu der QSL ist auch ein Transmission Time Schedule zugelegt. Der Brief hat 2 schöne Briefmarken. Die QSL ist unterschrieben von Woldu Yem.....leider ist die Tinte ausgelaufen und nicht sehr sauber, aber ist besser als nichts. | M.Kurtz-F | direct to QIP | Aug 06 |
R. FANA 6940 kHz, Cartolina QSL e scheda in 200 giorni come raccomandata. RP: 1$. QTH: P.O. Box 30702 - Addis Abeba. V/s: Woldu Yemessel-General Manager. | L.Botto Fiora-I | CoRad Newsletter-ML | Sep 06 |
ETHIOPIA 5970 and 7210, Radio Fana verified with a full data green background transmitter card in 180 days from v/s Woldu Yemessel, General Manager. The response was sent by registered mail. Stamps on envelope featured the critically endangered Black Rhinoceros with the return address indicating it was from the "Radio Fana Share Company." | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Jun 08 |
ETHIOPIA R. Fana full data QSL received by Registered Ethiopian Mail; I sent the report on June 1 and had the reply by July 18. A nice card that came in an envelope with great Rhino stamps. The back of the envelope carries a stamp imprint with the words "Radio Fana Share Company Archives and Record Service." The envelope alone is worth the price of admission. | J.Ronda-OK-USA | DXplorer-ML | Jul 08 |
Vo the Revolution of
Tigray Index Ethiopia Index Africa
V. of the Tigray Revolution, 5500, signed and stamped my prepared card and sent short confirmation letter in 23 days via registered mail from v/s Fre Tesfamichael, Director. Address on envelope and letter : Voice of the Revolution of Tigray, P.O. Box 450, Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia. I don't recall seeing replies from this one, so this could be a first. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Cumbre DX 100 | Aug 96 |
5500, Voice of the Revolution of Tigray, 3-pg. ltr, postcard, ppc filled in and stamped, by registered mail in one mo. for taped rpt. v/s Fre Tesfamichael, who filled in -power- on ppc as -10 kw- and also mentioned 10 kw power in the ltr. -Our radio is not a newly installed radio stn. It has been b / cing ever since 1986 from the bushes of Tigray we used to call the liberated areas during the past armed struggle period we waged against the pro-Soviet fascist regime. The people of the Tigray, led by the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF), fought for 17 years against Soviet intervention and fascist military junta of the Derg. We have paid a lot of sacrifices. At that time the radio was the voice of the people of Tigray. It was installed with the help of Tigrayans living inside and outside Tigray as immigrants in different parts of the world... In 1991 the war ended. The Soviet backed Derg regime was toppled down. Our organization, TPLF, with its sister member organizations of Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) came to power through a democratic election.- Sked given as Mon-Fri at 0330-0500 + 1500-1600 UTC, Sat + Sun at 0400-0800 + 1500-1600 UTC. Tnx to Rich D'Angelo for opening this one up. | J.Berg-MA-USA | Cumbre DX 113 | Nov 96 |
5500 Voice of the Revolution of Tigray very friendly letter of 3 pages received in 39 days + post card, for a recorded report, stamped and signed by v/s Fre Tesfamichael, Director of VORT. I returned the post card with the details of my report as I hope to receive a full data QSL card. | G.Ivan Barrera-ARG | Cumbre DX 114 | Nov 96 |
5500 Voice of the Revolution of Tigray. Extremely nice 3-page letter (with some exact paragraphs as reported by Jerry Berg in Cumbre DX DX #113), postcard, + stamped prepared -card- in 46 ds for tape, EG report, and $ 1. Thanks to Rich D'Angelo for address ! v/s Fre Tesfamichael | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Cumbre DX 116 | Dez 96 |
After four weeks I received a QSL letter from The Voice of the Revolution of Tigray, POBox 450, Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia; v/s Fre Tesfamichael; also postcard was enclosed. The same day I received a Season's Greetings card from Radio Ethiopia. (via DX Window, Jan 6) | M.van Arnhem-HOL | BC-DX 283 | Jan 97 |
Voice Of The Revolution Of Tigray, 5500, no data form letter and post card in 6 weeks for taped report from Fre Tesfamichael, Director. | C.Lobdell-MA-USA | Cumbre DX 122 | Jan 97 |
Voice of Revolution Tigray on 7515, v/s Fre Tesfami Chael, Director. QTH : P.O. Box 450, Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia. (Play DX # 916 6 / 01 1997) | B.Fransson-S | TFW | Jan 97 |
V. of Revolution of Tigray on 5500, QSL letter in 33 days for 1 USD, v/s Fre Tesfa Michael, Dir. QTH : P.O : Box 450, Mekalla, Ethiopia. (Play DX #921 Feb.10 1997) | R.Pavanello-I | TFW | Feb 97 |
V. of Revolution of Tigray on 5500, sent 1 USD reply in 29 days. Schedule : 5500 + 7515 kHz, Daily 1500-1600; Monday to Friday 0330-0500; Saturday and Sunday 0400-0800. (Play DX #921 Feb.10 1997) | H.-D.Buschau-D | TFW | Feb 97 |
Voice of Tigray Revolution 7515 qsl-letter 1 IRC 29 days | Z.Elias-CZE | WDXC QSL Report | Feb 97 |
Voice of Tigray Revolution 7515 qsl-letter 1 IRC 32 days, v/s : Fre Tesfamichael, Director | J.Parker-G | WDXC QSL Report | Feb 97 |
VO Tigray Revolution, received registered full-data verification letter in 6 weeks from Fre Tesfamichael, PO Box 450, Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia. Also signed and stamped my prepared card with -Tigray Peoples Revolutionary Front.. Voice of the Revolution of Tigray-, mentioned 10 kW. | J.R.Renfrew-NY-USA | Cumbre DX 131 | Mrz 97 |
6315 - Voice of Revolution of Tigray at 15.15 UTC on 28th Feb with programme in Tigrigna language. QRM from a utility station 5500 kHz in parallel to 6315. - Received a full data verification letter by registered post from this station for 7515 + 5500 kHz. | G.R.Prahlada-IND | DX Window 055 | Mrz 97 |
V.o.Tigray Revolution on 7515, letter, postcard in 20 days (SWN-Denmark March 1997) | I.Cameron-G | TFW | Mrz 97 |
5500 kHz Voice of the Revolution of Tigray, full data QSL card signed and stamped by Mr. Fre Tesfamichael in 55 days by registered air mail, this was after receive a partial data letter received previously, full details in a post card of -Blue Nile bridge- printed in Addis Ababa that I sent as ppc. | G.Ivan Barrera-ARG | BC-DX 300 | Apr 97 |
V of the Revolution of Tigray 5500 qsl-letter 1 IRC 37 days, v/s : Fre Tesfamichael, Director | I.Zhurkin-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Mai 97 |
V of the Revolution of Tigray 7515 qsl-letter no r.postage 61 days | G.Grigoriev-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Mai 97 |
Voice of the Revolution of Tigray on 7515, QSL letter, picture card v/s Fre Tesfa Michael. in 54 days. QTH : P.O.Box 450, Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia. (Radiorama 7 / 97) | L.Botto Fiora-I | TFW 034 | Aug 97 |
V o the Tigray Revolution on 6315, fd letter, QSL card in 61 days for 1 IRC (DSWCI SWN # 12 Dec 97) | C.Ghibaudo-F | TFW 046 | Dez 97 |
V.o.the Tigray Revolution on 5500, registered letter, postcard, v/s Fre Tesfamichael, Dir., in 59 days. (DSWCI, SWN # 3, March 98, QSL Corner) | T.-H.Ekblom-DNK | TFW 055 | Mrz 98 |
Voice of Revolution of Tigray 5500 qsl-letter no r.postage 68 days | P.Miroshnikov-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Mrz 98 |
5500, Voice of the Tigray Revolution, two-pg. form ltr with name and address added, outlining stn history and present. v/s Fre Tesfamichael. | D.Martin-VIC-AUS | Numero Uno 1477 | Mai 98 |
Voice of the Revolutionary of Tigray 5500, f /d two page verie letter and postcard in 66 days from v/s Fre Tesfamichael. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 1998-09 | Sep 98 |
5500 Voice of the Revolution of Tigray sent QSL letter after only 20 days (and 1 $) -.The VORT used ID broadcasted using 10 KW shortwave transmitter from the capital city of Tigray (one of the autonomous regional states of Ethiopia), Mekelle for 25 hrs. Weekly, on 5500 kHz & 7515 kHz short wave. Its present air time are as follows : Monday to Friday 0400-0500 0930-1030 1500-1900, Saturday & Sunday 0400- 0900 1100-1630. These airtime programs can be expanded for the future. v/s is Fre Tesfamichael Director, addr.VORT P.O.BOX 450 Mekelle Tigray Ethiopia | D.Canonica-SUI | DX Window 131 | Sep 98 |
Vo Tigre Revolution / 5500 kHz, 48 days, det. qsl-letter, picture postcard / picture postcard | W.Kaiser-D | ADDX 1998-21 | Nov 98 |
Gestern kam der QSL-Letter von Radio Voice of the Revolution of Tigray (Ethiopia). Die Station konnte ich, dank des Tips von OM Enzio Gehring, am 4. Februar 99 von 18.30-19.00h auf 5500 kHz hören. Laut dem Schreiben des Senders wird mit 10 KW, wie folgt gesendet : Montag-Freitag 04.00-05.00, 09.30-10.30, 15.00-19.00 h UTC Samstag & Sonntag 04.00-09.00 und 11.00-16.30 h UTC Die Frequenzen sind 5500 kHz und 7515 kHz. Der QSL-Letter ist vom Director der VORT, Mr. Fre Tesfamichael, unterzeichnet. | H.-J.Brustmann-D | ADXB-OE-ML | Mrz 99 |
5500 Voice of the Revolution of Tigray full- data 2-page letter (same one received by others, with interesting history of the region) and postcard, verie signer Fre Tesfamichael, Director. Received in 53 days via registered mail for taped report and one dollar. Much needed and appreciated, as I've never managed to get a reply from Radio Ethiopia. | R.Stewart-MO-USA | Cumbre DX 233 | Mrz 99 |
Vo Tigray Revolution hat jetzt auch hier bestätigt mit det. Brief, v/s Fre Tesfamichael, Laufzeit 46 Tage. Wunderschöne Briefmarken auf dem Umschlag, außerdem gab's det. Stationsinfos und eine Ansichtskarte aus dem Gebiet Tigray. Insgesamt ein Schmuckstück für die Sammlung. | E.Gehrig-E | direct to QIP | Mrz 99 |
Die Voice of the Revolution of Tigre bestätigte nach 35 Tagen einen englischsprachigen RR über die Frequenz ab 04.58 UTC eingesetzte QRG 5500 kHz mit einem detaillienem QSL-Brief. v/s Fre Tesfamichael, Rp 1 US. Das ist der Stationsdirektor. Manchmal liegt auch eine Ansichtskarte mit touristisch sehenswerten Motiven bei. Als weitere Frequenz wurde in dem Schreiben die 7515 kHz genannt, die altemierend zu 6315 eingesetzt wird und manchmal recht gut in Europa hörbar ist. Da auf 7515 am Nachmittag noch andere Sender aktiv sind, sollten aber eindeutige IDs abgewartet werden. Der Sender war jahrelang eine gegen die Zentral regiemng in Addis Abeba gerichtete Clandestine-Station, ist aber seit dem Regierungswechsel der offizielle Regionalsender. Adr. : Voice of the Revolution of Tigray, P.O.Box 450, Mekele, Ethiopia / Äthiopien. | M.Schöch-D | Eastside DX 05 | Mrz 99 |
QSL received from the V of Tigray revolution front in about abt 50 days. Letter included : a 2 page letter anda visitcard from Ethiopia It is really one excellent letter ! Adress is Fre Tesfamichael, Voice of the Rev of Tigray, POB 450, Mekelle Tigray, Ethiopia | Z.Liangas-GRC | HCDX-ML | Mrz 99 |
Vo Revolution of Tigray / 5500 kHz, 27 days, detailed qsl-letter, picture postcard, (per registered mail) / $ | J.Waga-D | ADDX 1999-11 | Jun 99 |
Voice of the Tigray Revolution, standard full- data letter signed by Fre Tesfamichael in 91 days. | B.Churchill-CA-USA | Cumbre DX 248 | Jun 99 |
VoTigray Revolution 5500. Personal letter with history of station and postcard, schedule, 7 weeks for USD & postcard. v/s Fre Tesfamichael, Voice of the Revolution of Tigray, PO Box 450, Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia. Sked given is Mon-Fri 0400-0500, 0930- 1030, 1500-1900; Sa-Su 0400-0900 & 1100-1600 on 5500 and 7515. | R.Jary-SA-AUS | Cumbre DX 261 | Sep 99 |
5500 kHz, Mekelle Tigray 17:00 10.08.99 14.09.99 35 days, QSL : brev vykort v/s : Fre Tesfamichael | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Sep 99 |
Vo Rev. of Tigray / 5500 kHz, 29 days, detailed qsl-letter, picture postcard, per registered mail / $ | A.Schmid-D | ADDX 1999-20 | Okt 99 |
Voice of REVOLUTION OF TIGRAY 5500 kHz letter + POST CARD, 28d. SENT 1 US $. v/s : Mr. FRE TESFAMICAEL DIRECTOR. QTH : P.O.BOX 450 ME- KELLE, TIGRAY. | N.Reiner-D | Play-DX 1049 | Dez 99 |
Am Do 16.3. kam eingeschriebener und ausfuehrlicher Brief von 'Voice of the Revolution of Tigray' als Antwort auf RR von 13.1.00 ueber Empfang auf 5500 kHz. Unterzeichnet : Fre Tesfamichael, Director, VORT. | H.Meixner-AUT | A-DX-ML | Mrz 00 |
Voice of the Tigre Revolution 5500 f/d form letter, postcard, stamps after 9 weeks, received by reg.mail, v/s Fre Tesfamichael. | R.Vos-HOL | direct to QIP | Mrz 00 |
Voice of The Revolution of Tigray : 5.500 f /d ltr w / station seal in 63 days for $ 1.00 and audio cassette. Also rcvd postcard. v/s and address : Fre Tesfamicael, Voice of The Revolution of Tigray, P.O. Box 450, Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia. Very informative letter. | R.Comeau-MA-USA | direct to QIP | Apr 00 |
Have just received the latest schedule from The Voice Of The Revolution Of Tigray along with a QSL. They are now on two frequencies with 10KW. 5500kHz and 7515kHz. Monday to Friday. 0400-0500 0930-1030. 1500-1900. Saturday / Sunday. 0400-0900. 1100-1630. | I.Cattermole-NZL | Cumbre DX 293 | Mai 00 |
5500, Voice of the Tigray Revolution, full-data (no power) ltr by registered mail for taped rpt in 72 days, v/s Fre Tesfamichael, Director. | D.Nelson-OR-USA | Numero Uno 1583 | Jun 00 |
Vo Tigray Revolution 5500,00 kHz, 1 US-$, Report in Englisch, 39 Tage, langer B, PPC, Details : ja | A.Schwegeler-D | EAWRC 288 | Mai 01 |
Vo Tigray Revolution / 5500 kHz, 60 days, detailed qsl-letter, / $. | F.Büttner-D | ADDX 2001-12 | Jun 01 |
The Voice of Tigre Revolution 5500 kHz, 60 Tage, det. PPC, det. Brief, Postkarte per R-Brief/ per Einschreiben 3 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Dez 01 |
Vo Tigray Revolution / 5500 kHz, 30 Tage, detailed letter, AK / IRC | H.Wolff-D | ADDX 2003-06 | Mrz 03 |
Gestern kam nach einem Monat ein eingeschriebener Brief der Voice of Tigray Revolution aus Makelle in Äthiopien. Das persönliche Schreiben beinhaltete die Empfangsdaten, QSL-Karte war keine dabei, dafür drei Sondermarken mit Tiermotiven auf dem Umschlag. | J.Leyder-LUX | A-DX-ML | Dez 03 |
Voice of the Revolution of Tigray, Mekelle, 5500 kHz, QSL letter in 31 days after my follow-up and 1 IRC. V/s: Fre Tesfamichael, Director. Station's address: Fre Tesfamichael, Voice of The Revolution of Tigray, P.O.Box 450, Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia. | S.M.Kolesov-UKR | Signal DX118 | Dez 03 |
Vo Tigray Revolution 2 IRC 5500 kHz, lettter, 49 days | T.Edge-G | BDXC-UK 2004-01 | Jan 04 |
Vo the Tigray Revoluton 5500 b nyttårsk 33 d | B.Tandberg-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2004-01 | Jan 04 |
VOICE OF TIGRAY REVOLUTION 6350 kHz LETTER in 92 d. SENT 1 IRC. V/s : FRE TESFA MICAEL (Director) ADDRESS : P.O.BOX 450, MAKELLE, TIGRAI. | F.Carnevalini-I | Play-DX J2003-4 | Apr 04 |
Vo Revolution Tigray / 5500 kHz, 40 Tage, det. pers. letter / SBM | J.Leyder-LUX | ADDX 2004-18 | Sep 04 |
6350 kHz - R. Voice of the Revolution of Tigray, Mekelle-Etiopia. Recebido: Carta confirmatoria e cartao postal. 83 dias. V/S: Mr. Fre Tesfamichael, Director VORT. QTH: Voice of the Revolution of Tigray, P.O. Box 450, Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia. | R.Walter Grimm-SP-B | Atividade-DX 247 | Apr 05 |
Voice of the Revolution of Tigray 5500 kHz, 58 Tage, det. Brief, Karte / 2 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Apr 05 |
Vo the Revolution of Tigray 5.500 kHz, f/d registered letter, v/s Fre Tesfamichael, 60 days, rp 1 US$ | R.Bessler-D | direct to QIP | Apr 05 |
I received a QSL letter from Fre Tesfamichael, Director of the Voice of the Revolution of Tigray in 73 days for my English reception report with US$1. According to the letter, they broadcast Mon.-Fri. 0400-0500 UT, 0930-1030, 1500-1900. Sat. & Sun. 0400-0900, 1100-1630 on 5500 & 7515 kHz with 10 kW. | I.Nagatani-J | DXLD 5-061 | Apr 05 |
5500 kHz - Voice of the Revolution of Tigray, Mekelle, Tigray. Recebido carta de confirmacao e cartao postal. 81 dias. V/S: Fre Tesfamichael (Director VORT). QTH: P.O.Box 450, Mekelle, Tigray, Etiopia. | C.Jean Fischer-SC-B | Atividade-DX 249 | Mai 05 |
External Service
R Ethiopia Index Ethiopia Index Africa
Vo Ethiopia Ethiopia det. Karte Antenne Karte gelb 9662 kHz 1800 09.06.89 58 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Aug 89 |
9560 Radio Ethiopia Plain, blue card with date, time and frequency reported. No veri-signer. Received in ten months for an English report and three IRC's. Also received program schedule and a tourism brochure about ancient city of Harar. | R.E.Hankison-KS-USA | Cumbre DX 074 | Feb 96 |
R. Ethiopia, 11800, full-data card, sticker, sked, tourist info, stamps, letter from v/s Ms. Woinshet Woldeyes, Audience Relations Service, P.O. Box 654, Addis Ababa; 3 weeks. Report sent to P.O. Box 1020, which seems to be for National Service, while Box 654 is for External Service. | H.Kuhl-D | Cumbre DX 075 | Feb 96 |
9560 R Ethiopia; stations own f/d blue card, prgm schedule, sticker, tourist info, and personal letter from v/s Miss Woinshet Woldeyes, Audience Relations Service. Received in 33 days, after two f/ups, for a '94 report and mint stamps (used, but not cancelled on envelope !) | S.Martin-CA-USA | Cumbre DX 114 | Nov 96 |
R Ethiopia A letter from Woinshet Woldeyes, a sticker, schedule, season's greetings card with -We love you ! - typed in, and a blank QSL. Is this a do-it-yourself model ? In 41 ds for EG report, cassette + $ 1. Guess I'll give it another shot. | A.Yoder-NY-USA | Cumbre DX 124 | Feb 97 |
R. Ethiopia on 9560, QSL, schedule, sticker in 35 days for 1 USD (Play DX # 926 16 / 03 1997) | L.Botto Fiora-I | TFW | Mrz 97 |
7110 R Ethiopia Domestic Service. Full Data 'Blue' card addressed to -The Dearest Mr. Price- (wish my students felt that way !) along with a station sticker, travel info, personal letter apologizing for the delay, and a schedule. All in 5 yrs worth of rpts. Schedule : National Service Frequencies are 9705, 7110, 5990, 873, 855, 684. External Svc 16h-17h UT on 11800, 9560, 7165. | S.Price-PA-USA | Cumbre DX 136 | Mai 97 |
7110 Radio Ethiopia full data card in 2 months for an English report, tape and 2 IRCs. Also received program schedule and station sticker. Verification signer was Miss Woinshet Woldeyes, Audience Relations. | E.Rausch-NJ-USA | Cumbre DX 142 | Jun 97 |
R. Ethiopia/9705 kHz, 36 days, qsl-card, program guide, Sticker, Tourism-Infos, pers. qsl-letter / $, picture postcard, v/s Miss Woinshet Woldujes | K.Oxenbauer-D | ADDX 1998-21 | Nov 98 |
R. ETHIOPIA 7165 Feb.1, Full data card, schedule and letter in 33days with 2 IRCs. | K.Oikawa-J | Listening Points Japan 1999-05 | Mrz 99 |
Radio ETHIOPIA 7166 kHz QSL card + sticker in 200d. sent 1 US $ v/s : Miss Woinshet Woldeyes, segr. QTH : Box 664 Addis Abeba. | M.Giroletti-I | Play-DX 1022 | Apr 99 |
Heute erhielt ich nach einer Laufzeit von 65 Tage eine detaillierte QSL-Karte von R. Ethiopia Für meinen Empfang vom 31.03.1999 auf der Frequenz von 7165 kHz. Sendesprache war englisch (16 : 28 - 16 : 59 UTC). Im Briefumschlag befand sich ausserdem noch ein pers. Brief, Infos ueber Aethiopien, eine Ansichtskarte und ein Sticker. Der Brief war von Miss Woinshit Woldyes (Audience Relations & Programme / Exchange Service Secretary) unterschrieben. | W.Stengel-D | A-DX-ML | Jun 99 |
Radio ETHIOPIA 7185 kHz P / d card sent 1 US $ 55d. v/s : Miss Woinshet Woldeyes (Kurzwellenfreunde Sachsen, DX News, March 99) | ?-? | Play-DX 1028 | Jun 99 |
R. Ethiopia / 7185 kHz, 55 days, detailed qsl-card, qsl-letter, sticker, program guide, / $, picture postcard,; v/s Miss Woinshet Woldeyes. | E.Röscher-D | ADDX 1999-14 | Jul 99 |
Radio Ethiopia 9560 kHz, Card, schedule and letter in 69 days for English report with 1 $. | I.Nagatani-J | Japan Premium 1999-08 | Aug 99 |
9704 kHz. Radio ETIOPIA, P.O. Box 654, Addis Ababa, Republica Federal Democratica de Etiopia. Tarjeta QSL, carta personal, calcomania, esquema de transmisiones y folleto turistico. Contesto en 1 mes. | A.L.Slaen-ARG | Conexion Digital 018 | Sep 99 |
Radio Ethiopia bestätigte die selten hörbare Frequenz 7165. kHz nach 55 Tagen mit erster und nach 151 Tagen mit zweiter QSL-Karte, außerdem lagen Programminfo und Sticker bei. OM Eckhard Röscher hatte einen US-Dollar als Rückporto beigelegt Im starken Gegensatz zu früheren Zeiten scheint man bei der Station also aktuell an Empfangsberichten interessiert zu sein. Adresse : Radio Ethiopia, P.O.Box 654, Addis Abeba, Äthiopien / Ethiopia. | E.Röscher-D | Eastside DX 07 | Sep 99 |
R. Ethiopia 5990.5 Box 654 Addis Ababa f/d qsl, letter, sticker, sched, tourist info, 2 irc, 75 days. | W.Mola-I | Gatflash-I 146 | Sep 99 |
Radio ETHIOPIA 9560 kHz QSL + sticker reply in EE in 210d. sent 1 US $ after a F / up ! v/s : Miss Wdinshut Woldeyes, audience relations (in QSL Report, June 99, Naswa, USA) | ?.Molander-USA | Play-DX 1036 | Sep 99 |
7110 Radio Ethiopia blue full-data card unsigned, also a note signed by Woinshet Woldeyes, Audience Relations and Programme Exchange Service Secretary. Also enclosed were a schedule, station decal, and an Ethiopian Tourism Commission brochure. Some nifty stamps on the envelope too. Received in 63 days for taped report and $ 1. A previous report a year or two ago went unanswered (probably undelivered). | R.Stewart-MO-USA | Cumbre DX 274 | Dez 99 |
R Ethiopia 7165 card sch turistinfo brevlapp 7 weeks. | Ø.Kolobekken-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2000-01 | Jan 00 |
R. Ethiopia / 7165 kHz, 46 days, detailed qsl-card, PG, pers. qsl-letter, Info, Sticker / $ zurück | A.Schmid-D | ADDX 2000-04 | Feb 00 |
7165 Radio Ethiopia small blue logo card with full data and schedule, letter, stickers & brochures on tourism in 3 weeks for follow up letter by E-mail to radioethiopia@angelfire.com. v/s Miss Woinshet Woldeyes, Audience Relations & Program Exchange Service, Secretary | L.Morris-SA-AUS | Cumbre DX 286 | Mrz 00 |
R. Ethiopia / 7165 kHz, 67 days, detailed qsl-card, pers. qsl-letter, PG, Sticker, Tourist-Info / IRC. | R.Sonntag-D | ADDX 2000-07 | Apr 00 |
Radio Ethiopia 7110, f /d " Blue " card with personal letter, schedule and sticker in 1 month for US $ 1. | A.Loudell-DE-USA | CIDX 2000-05 | Mai 00 |
QSL Radio Ethiopia, 9705, Addis Abeba, 1020 P.O. Box 654 hat nach 26 Monaten einen Bericht vom Oktober 2000 mit Brief + "Blue card" bestätigt. Rückporto war ein $. Man muß das Hobby eben ein bischen langfristig anlegen und beim Warten auf QSLs etwas ethiopische Mentalität mitbringen. | M.Zwoch-D | A-DX-ML | Dez 02 |
Radio Ethiopia 7165 kHz: conferma (via raccomandata) con QSL+lettera+schedule in 35 giorni. QTH: Radio Ethiopia , Ext. Service, P.O. BOX 654, Addis Ababa. V/s Melesse Edea (via D.Monferini) | R.Celestre-I | Play-DX-ML | Mrz 03 |
7110 - Radio Ethiopia - Addis Ababa - ETH - Recebido cartão QSL, carta pessoale boletim de programação. Enviado 1 IRC. 121 dias. V/S: Melesse Edea, English Programmes. QTH: PO Box 1020, Addis Ababa, Etiópia | I.Dias da Silva Júnior-SP-B | Radioescutas-ML | Mai 03 |
R. Ethiopia / 9705 kHz, 10 Tage, detailed card, netter pers. letter, PG; per ES | H.Matt-D | ADDX 2003-15 | Aug 03 |
Hallo, am Ende des Jahres noch eine schöne QSL von Radio Ethiopia , eng. Sendung, 9560 kHz, Karte, Brief mit schönen Briefmarken v/s: Melessee Edea Radio Ethiopia P.O.Box 1020 Addis Abeba Ethiopia.Ich hatte einen Brief per Einschreiben geschickt mit 1 US-$ Beilage. Die Antwort kam per Einschreiben zurück. | F.Hunger-D | A-DX-ML | Dez 03 |
Hallo, vom französischen Dienst von Radio Ethiopien kam heute ein Brief, in dem man sich zwar für mein Schreiben vom 20. November bedankt, aber meinen Empfangsbericht mit keiner Silbe erwähnt. Habe es jetzt mal mit einer vorbereiteten Karte probiert, die heute noch nach Addis Ababa abgeht. 3 schöne Sonderbriefmarken oben links auf dem Umschlag hat sogar der Poststempel veprasst. (Da gehören sie ja auch nicht hin ;-)) | J.Leyder-LUX | A-DX-ML | Dez 03 |
Nachdem ich gestern einen undet. Brief aus Addis Ababa bekomen habe, folgte heute ein Einschreiben mit einer QSL-Karte! Das WRTH 2003 schreibt ja nur von einem Brief, mit dem bestätigt werden soll. Ich weiss auch nicht woran es liegt, aber ich scheine in letzter Zeit etwas Glueck mit den QSLs zu haben. Vielleicht liegt es am "exotischen" QTH? Der gestrige Brief war vom franzoesischen Dienst, der von 1700-1800 UTC sendet. Heutige QSL kam vom englischen Dienst, der von 1600-1700 UTC im Aether ist. QRG beide Male 9560 kHz. V/s war Melesse Edea (Head English Programmes) Bei den Franzosen war es Tesfaye Wolde Michael (journaliste). Als email wird angegeben: radio.Ethiopia@telecom.net.et. | J.Leyder-LUX | A-DX-ML | Dez 03 |
9560 Radio Ethiopia, P.O.Box 1020, Addis Ababa. NO IRC. NO $. Tiempo de demora 50 dias, QSL- con datos y carta QSL con datos completos. Verificada por Melesse Edea, Head English Programmes | J.Hernández Madrid-E | Conexion Digital 245 | Jan 04 |
R Ethiopia 9560 kHz, card letter sch (rek) 14 weeks | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2004-05 | Sep 04 |
R. Ethiopia / 9560 kHz, 91 Tage, det. Karte., PG / 1$, SBM | W.Fiedler-D | ADDX 2005-02 | Feb 05 |
R. Ethiopia / 7165 kHz, 22 Tage, detaillierte Karte, Brief / IRC (zurück) | A.Heiles-LUX | ADDX 2007-04 | Apr 07 |
Relayed Stations or Programs
UNMEE R Index Ethiopia Index Africa
Heute kamen bei mir zwei QSL-Karten von der UNO in New York mit dem Aufdruck "Thank you" u. "Details are correct". Vermutl. als Bestätigung für UNAMSIL Radio und UNMEE Radio. Leider scheint es von der UNO keine det. Karten mehr zu geben. Schade. | P.Robic-AUT | A-DX-ML | Jan 03 |
Index Ethiopia Index Africa Previous Page : Eritrea Next Page : Europa Island