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Angola (excl. Cabinda) |
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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations from Angola
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Domestic Stations
Emissora Provincial da
Index Angola Index Africa
Em P da Huila 4820.2 Got a QSL (postcard) with hand written details on reverse through a pen friend in Lubango Huila. He had to go to the station .. they didn't know what a QSL was ... anyway the pen friend is a DX'er so my Portuguese report helped. Received in 11 months for 1 US dollar | J.Wright-AUS | Cumbre DX 151 | Aug 97 |
Emissora Provincial
de Benguela
Index Angola Index Africa
Emissora Provincial de Benguela. 5040 p / d map / antenna / rabbit w / microphone card, n / d paper -Verification of Reception-, and friendly 2 page letter - all in English. in 99 days after 2nd followup (this one sent via Registered Mail) and $ 1.00. v/s : Carlos A.A. Gregorio -Station Director. | J.D.Stephens-AL-USA | Cumbre DX 169 | Dez 97 |
EMISSORA PROVINCIAL DE BENGUELA 1503 kHz LETTER 185d. SENT 1 US $ . QTH : C.P.19, AVENIDA 10 DE FEVREIRO, BENGUELA. (MEDIUMWAVE NEWS APRIL 2000, United Kingdom) | S.Whitt-G | Play-DX 1070 | Mai 00 |
Em. Bengula, partial-data ltr in broken EG from director. He says the last ltr from the USA he got was from Ralph Perry in 1997 [maybe he means 1979? JB]. Hrd in 1994. This after several follow-ups. Either the files are being cleaned out or with the civil war winding down, the mail is getting through. (via J.Berg-USA) | J.Fisher-MA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Aug 02 |
R Bengo Index Angola Index Africa
R. BENGO, CAXITO 1134 kHz. Pers.Letter + Station Info + Photo in 168 days. NO IRC SENT. V/s: Antonio Ntiama Sabastiao Helena (Diretor) Address: Rua 5 de Outubro, Caxito, Bengo. | V.Korinek-AFS | Play-DX 2006-01 | Jan 06 |
R Nacional Angola Index Angola Index Africa
4950 kHz. Radio Nacional de Angola, Rua Comandante Gika, C.P. 1329, Luanda. Tarjeta QSL. Demoró 233 días. | J.Hernández Madrid-E | Conexion Digital 164 | Jun 02 |
4950 - R. Nacional de Angola - Mulenvos-AGL - Recebido carta confirmando recepção e cartão postal. 72 dias. V/S: não assinada. QTH: Caixa Postal 1329, Luanda, Angola. | M.Roberto Polheim da Silva-SC-B | DXCB 2002-09 | Sep 02 |
4940 - Rádio Nacional de Angola - Mulenvos - AGL - Recebido cartão QSL e carta pessoal. Enviado 1 IRC. 114 dias. V/S: Ilegível. QTH: Caixa Postal 1329, Luanda, Angola IDS | I.Dias da Silva Júnior-SP-B | Radioescutas-ML | Apr 03 |
Recebi ontem (24/04/2003) QSL da Radio Nacional de Angola, juntamente com carta pessoal, demorou 225 dias. IR enviado por e-mail: josela30@hotmail.com. V/S: não assinado. QTH: Caixa Postal 1329, Luanda, Angola. E-mail: diop@rna.ao | J.Roberto da Silva Cunha-MG-B | Radioescutas-ML | Apr 03 |
4950, Radio Nacional de Angola, Full data (wrong date however) tri-lingual computer generated QSL card in 4 months for a fresh report after numerous follow-ups since 1997 went un-answered. A big thank you to Marcelo Toniolo who helped me translate my report to Portuguese. | G.Maroti-NY-USA | direct to QIP | Jun 03 |
Radio Nacional: 4.950 F/D cd in 107 days for MS and PP report (used a free internet translator). Also rcvd ltr. C/V #165. R. Nacional de Angola, Caixa Postal 1329, Luanda, ANGOLA | R.Comeau-MA-USA | direct to QIP | Jun 03 |
Radio Nacional de Angola, 4950 kHz, QSL, lt in 90 days after 1 f/up with 1 IRC. QTH: Cx. Postal 1329, Luanda. Fax (00244-2)324123. E-mail: diop@rna.ao. | S.M.Kolesov-UKR | Signal DX 113b | Okt 03 |
RN Angola / 4950 kHz, 159 Tage, undet. eMail | H.Matt-D | ADDX 2002-23 | Dez 03 |
4951 kHz Radio Nacional de Angola, Luanda. Recebido: Email confirmatório. 45 dias. V/S: Edith Daniel, Gabinete de Intercambio, Opinião Pública e Relações Internacionais. QTH: Caixa Postal 1329, Luanda, Angola. | R.Walter Grimm-SP-B | Atividade DX 189 | Feb 04 |
RADIO NACIONAL DE ANGOLA QSL received via e-mail on February 13th, 2004 I listened to that station on january 14,2004 at 04.40 to 05.20 Utc on 4950 kHz VRS/ Alberto Souza Promised to send to QSL via air mail. | C.Pérez Dioses-PRU | HCDX-ML | Feb 04 |
R Nac de Angola 4950 kHz, 2 e-post 2d v/s Maritza Paulo og Engrácia Mota. For QSL er Departamento1332@hotmail.com den korrekte e-postadressa. | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2004-04 | Mai 04 |
Following the note seen in DXLD concerning the new Maritza Paulo's E-mail address for reports to Radio Nacional de Angola Departamento133 @ hotmail.com I sent my old one dated December 2003 (already sent without results to two other E-addresses) and finally the reply came in just 24 hrs -:) | L.Botto Fiora-I | DXLD-ML | Jun 04 |
Radio Nacional de Angola: ich habe auch den Eindruck, daß dort ein wenig aufgeräumt und der QSL-Berg abgearbeitet wird. Gestern erhielt ich ebenfalls ein Einschreiben aus Angola für einen Bericht vom 11. Januar 2004. | J.Thiel-D | A-DX-ML | Mrz 05 |
Nachdem sich vor ein paar Tagen schon jemand gemeldet hat, dass er eine Karte von Radio Nacional de Angola bekommen hat, ist mir heute das gleiche passiert. Allerdings mit längerer Wartezeit. Vielleicht bauen sie ja die Pendenzen ab? Per Einschreibebrief wurde ein RR in Portugiesisch von März 2004 bestätigt. Ohne Reminder meinerseits. Beigelegt war damals eine Ansichtskarte und 1$. Die QSL-Karte wurde am 21. Mai 2004 ausgefüllt. Keine Ahnung wo die Karte bis zum Poststempeldatum vom 4. März 2005 herumgelegen ist. | S.Blatter-SUI | A-DX-ML | Mrz 05 |
4950 kHz - R. Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos Recebido cartao QSL e carta. 330 dias. Enviado 1 IRC. V/S: nenhum. QTH: CP 1329, Luanda, Angola. | C.Jean Fischer-SC-B | Atividade DX 241 | Mrz 05 |
4950 kHz - R. Nacional de Angola, Luanda - ANGOLA, Recebido carta pessoal e cartao QSL. 148 dias. V/S: ? QTH: Caixa Postal 1329, Luanda, Angola. (via lista radioescutas) | M.Rogerio Rodrigues-B | Atividade DX 242 | Mrz 05 |
Radio Nacional de Angola 4950 kHz, 345 Tage, det. Karte zweite Bestätigung,persönlicher Brief in Portugisisch per R-Brief | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 05 |
Radio Nacional de Angola 4950 kHz, 345 Tage, det. Karte,persönlich Brief in Englisch per R-Brief / 2 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 05 |
Radio Nacional de Angola, 4950 kHz, Full data card + letter, 16 weeks afther many letters in the past, Cx. Postal 1329, Luanda | G.Huijbens-BEL | direct to QIP | Mrz 05 |
Radio Nacional de Angola 4950 kHz verified with a det. card and letter in 339 days. 1 IRC for RP. QTH: C.P. 1329, Luanda, Angola. e-mail: diop@rna.ao | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Mrz 05 |
4950, R. Nacional de Angola --- After 9 weeks the station sent me a nice QSL-card and letter. In the past I have sent many letters to this station without success. Now, this time, I was lucky to receive their answer (via DSWCI DX Window) | M.van Arnhem-HOL | DXLD 5-076 | Mai 05 |
RN Angola / 4950 kHz, 268 Tage, det. K, persönl. B per ES / IRC, f/up | E.Röscher-D | ADDX 2005-06 | Jun 05 |
Radio Nacional De Angola, a beautiful yellow coloured qsl card for my report on 4950kHz of 27:08:04. | E.Ezeani-NIG | direct to QIP | Aug 05 |
R Nac de Angola 4950 k ste (rek) 14 weeks | T.Nyen-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-05 | Sep 05 |
RN Angola / 4950 kHz, 430 Tage, det. QSL-K, B / Mitschnitt, IRC | H.Wolf-D | ADDX 2005-10 | Okt 05 |
RN Angola / 4950 kHz, 172 Tage, detail. Karte, B per ES / $ | J.Waga-D | ADDX 2006-02 | Feb 06 |
Radio Nacional de Angola, Lunada. No data QSL Card in 5 months time. | D.Weronka-NC-CAN | ODXA 2006-02 | Feb 06 |
External Service
R Nacional Angola (Ext)
Index Angola Index Africa
4950 kHz. Radio Nacional de Angola, Rua Comandante Gika, C.P. 1329, Luanda. Tarjeta QSL. Demoró 233 días. | J.Hernández Madrid-E | Conexion Digital 164 | Jun 02 |
4950 - R. Nacional de Angola - Mulenvos-AGL - Recebido carta confirmando recepção e cartão postal. 72 dias. V/S: não assinada. QTH: Caixa Postal 1329, Luanda, Angola. | M.Roberto Polheim da Silva-SC-B | DXCB 2002-09 | Sep 02 |
4940 - Rádio Nacional de Angola - Mulenvos - AGL - Recebido cartão QSL e carta pessoal. Enviado 1 IRC. 114 dias. V/S: Ilegível. QTH: Caixa Postal 1329, Luanda, Angola IDS | I.Dias da Silva Júnior-SP-B | Radioescutas-ML | Apr 03 |
Recebi ontem (24/04/2003) QSL da Radio Nacional de Angola, juntamente com carta pessoal, demorou 225 dias. IR enviado por e-mail: josela30[ät]hotmail.com. V/S: não assinado. QTH: Caixa Postal 1329, Luanda, Angola. E-mail: diop[ät]rna.ao | J.Roberto da Silva Cunha-MG-B | Radioescutas-ML | Apr 03 |
4950, Radio Nacional de Angola, Full data (wrong date however) tri-lingual computer generated QSL card in 4 months for a fresh report after numerous follow-ups since 1997 went un-answered. A big thank you to Marcelo Toniolo who helped me translate my report to Portuguese. | G.Maroti-NY-USA | direct to QIP | Jun 03 |
Radio Nacional: 4.950 F/D cd in 107 days for MS and PP report (used a free internet translator). Also rcvd ltr. C/V #165. R. Nacional de Angola, Caixa Postal 1329, Luanda, ANGOLA | R.Comeau-MA-USA | direct to QIP | Jun 03 |
Radio Nacional de Angola, 4950 kHz, QSL, lt in 90 days after 1 f/up with 1 IRC. QTH: Cx. Postal 1329, Luanda. Fax (00244-2)324123. E-mail: diop[ät]rna.ao. | S.M.Kolesov-UKR | Signal DX113b | Okt 03 |
RN Angola / 4950 kHz, 159 Tage, undet. eMail | H.Matt-D | ADDX 2002-23 | Dez 03 |
4951 kHz Radio Nacional de Angola, Luanda. Recebido: Email confirmatório. 45 dias. V/S: Edith Daniel, Gabinete de Intercambio, Opinião Pública e Relações Internacionais. QTH: Caixa Postal 1329, Luanda, Angola. | R.Walter Grimm-SP-B | Atividade-DX 189 | Feb 04 |
RADIO NACIONAL DE ANGOLA QSL received via e-mail on February 13th, 2004 I listened to that station on january 14,2004 at 04.40 to 05.20 Utc on 4950 kHz VRS/ Alberto Souza Promised to send to QSL via air mail. | C.Perez Dioses-PRU | HCDX-ML | Feb 04 |
R Nac de Angola 4950 kHz, 2 e-post 2d v/s Maritza Paulo og Engrácia Mota. For QSL er Departamento1332[ät]hotmail.com den korrekte e-postadressa. | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2004-04 | Mai 04 |
Following the note seen in DXLD concerning the new Maritza Paulo's E-mail address for reports to Radio Nacional de Angola Departamento133 [ät] hotmail.com I sent my old one dated December 2003 (already sent without results to two other E-addresses) and finally the reply came in just 24 hrs -:) | L.Botto Fiora-I | DXLD-ML | Jun 04 |
Nachdem sich vor ein paar Tagen schon jemand gemeldet hat, dass er eine Karte von Radio Nacional de Angola bekommen hat, ist mir heute das gleiche passiert. Allerdings mit längerer Wartezeit. Vielleicht bauen sie ja die Pendenzen ab? Per Einschreibebrief wurde ein RR in Portugiesisch von März 2004 bestätigt. Ohne Reminder meinerseits. Beigelegt war damals eine Ansichtskarte und 1$. Die QSL-Karte wurde am 21. Mai 2004 ausgefüllt. Keine Ahnung wo die Karte bis zum Poststempeldatum vom 4. März 2005 herumgelegen ist. | S.Blatter-SUI | A-DX-ML | Mrz 05 |
Radio Nacional de Angola: ich habe auch den Eindruck, daß dort ein wenig aufgeräumt und der QSL-Berg abgearbeitet wird. Gestern erhielt ich ebenfalls ein Einschreiben aus Angola für einen Bericht vom 11. Januar 2004. | J.Thiel-D | A-DX-ML | Mrz 05 |
4950 kHz - R. Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos Recebido cartao QSL e carta. 330 dias. Enviado 1 IRC. V/S: nenhum. QTH: CP 1329, Luanda, Angola. | C.Jean Fischer-SC-B | Atividade-DX 241 | Mrz 05 |
4950 kHz - R. Nacional de Angola, Luanda - ANGOLA, Recebido carta pessoal e cartao QSL. 148 dias. V/S: ? QTH: Caixa Postal 1329, Luanda, Angola. (via lista radioescutas) | M.Rogerio Rodrigues-B | Atividade-DX 242 | Mrz 05 |
Radio Nacional de Angola 4950 kHz verified with a det. card and letter in 339 days. 1 IRC for RP. QTH: C.P. 1329, Luanda, Angola. e-mail: diop[ät]rna.ao | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Mrz 05 |
Radio Nacional de Angola 4950 kHz, 345 Tage, det. Karte zweite Bestätigung,persönlicher Brief in Portugisisch per R-Brief | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 05 |
Radio Nacional de Angola 4950 kHz, 345 Tage, det. Karte,persönlich Brief in Englisch per R-Brief / 2 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 05 |
Radio Nacional de Angola, 4950 kHz, Full data card + letter, 16 weeks afther many letters in the past, Cx. Postal 1329, Luanda | G.Huijbens-BEL | direct to QIP | Mrz 05 |
4950, R. Nacional de Angola --- After 9 weeks the station sent me a nice QSL-card and letter. In the past I have sent many letters to this station without success. Now, this time, I was lucky to receive their answer (via DSWCI DX Window) | M.van Arnhem-HOL | DXLD 5-076 | Mai 05 |
RN Angola / 4950 kHz, 268 Tage, det. K, persönl. B per ES / IRC, f/up | E.Röscher-D | ADDX 2005-06 | Jun 05 |
Radio Nacional De Angola, a beautiful yellow coloured qsl card for my report on 4950kHz of 27:08:04. | E.Ezeani-NIG | direct to QIP | Aug 05 |
RN Angola / 4950 kHz, 430 Tage, det. QSL-K, B / Mitschnitt, IRC | H.Wolf-D | ADDX 2005-10 | Okt 05 |
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