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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations from Puerto
Puerto Rico Previous Page : Panama Next Page : Saint Barthélemy
Domestic Stations
Catolica R Ponce Index Puerto Rico Index America
88,9 Católica Rádio Ponce-Porto Rico Carta, adesivos e cartão de visitas 105 dias. v/s: Alan Corales (Diretor). QTH : 2250, Ave. Las Americas suite 529 00717-0777. | C.Rotolo de Moraes-SC-B | DXCB 2001-04 | Apr 01 |
R Aeropuerto Int Index Puerto Rico Index America
1520 kHz, San Juan PR 01:15 22.08.93 18.02.94 180 days, QSL : brev visitkort v/s : Millie Cuevas Announcer | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Feb 94 |
R Oro Index Puerto
Rico Index America Central
92,5 MHz - R. Oro, Porto Rico. Recebida confirmacao em 2 dias. V/S Alan Corales Valle. Gerente Geral. acorales@radioorofm.com | S.Cássio Martins Santos-SP-B | Atividade DX 325 | Nov 06 |
R Revelacion Index Puerto
Rico Index America Central
88,1 MHz - R. Revelación, Guayama - 20 dias. Recebido e-mail confirmatório com logotipo da emissora (em cores). QTH: P.O. Box 344, Guayama, Puerto Rico 00655 OBS: Emissora ouvida em Florianóplis (Praia do Bom Abrigo), num domingo à noite em companhia do Claudio Rotolo de Moraes. Um detalhe: Pesquisar o endereço postal da Radio Revelacion foi uma façanha. O Google, diretamente, não aponta endereço postal no site da Rádio Revelacion. Depois de muita pesquisa, lancei uma nota numa lista de FMTVDX que assino, porém acho que o pessoal foio meio cético, duvidando ter ouvido FM de Porto Rico em Florianópolis. Depois de quase uma semana, um dexista alemão até então desconhecido (que se tornou amigo desde então, temos trocado emails), fez uma pesquisa num site norte-americano intitulado 'Radio-Locator', e me fez a gentileza de enviar uma imagem da página com o endereço da Rádio Revelacion 88.1 MHz, Puerto Rico. No rádio, e na busca de confirmações, desanimo, jamais. A Radio Revelacion prometeu enviar em separado um material promocional deles. Espero que realmente venha, porque em geral quando a emissora assim escreve, nem todas cumprem. | R.Walter Grimm-SP-B | Atividade DX 137 | Feb 03 |
88.1 MHz Radio Revelación, Guayama-Porto Rico (PRC), 44 dias. Recebido: Carta confirmatória, pequenos calendários, um belo chaveiro, uma caneta esferográfica de ótima qualidade, uma agenda 2003, uma pequena agenda telefonica. V/S: Sra. Carmita Rodriguez, Presidenta de Radio Revelación. QTH: P.O. Box 344, Guayama, Puerto Rico 00785 (**) Escuta verificada em Florianópolis no mes de janeiro último. [..] | R.Walter Grimm-SP-B | Conexion Digital 203 | Mrz 03 |
R Vida Index Puerto
Rico Index America Central
90,5 Radio Vida, Apartado 188, Carolina, PR 00986-0188. Carta QSL con datos completos. Ademas, remitio dos bonitos adhesivos, un hermoso reloj de escritorio y otros recuerdos. v/s Dr. Federico Iglesias, Director de la emisora. Demoro 20 dias. | A.L.Slaen-ARG | Conexion Digital 156 | Apr 02 |
Sonorama FM Index Puerto Rico Index America
98.3 - Sonorama FM - Quebradillas-Puerto Rico - Carta, 5 canetas, 2 camisetas - 42 dias. v/s: Idalia Arzuaga (Gerente Geral Sonorama). QTH : Divulga Box 980 e apartado 1553 - 00678 Quebradillas - Puerto Rico. | C.Rotolo de Moraes-SC-B | DXCB 2001-03 | Mrz 01 |
VWOB Index Puerto
Rico Index America Central
VWOB ESTEREO TIEMPO 97,5 MHz letter + stickers v/s : Felix A.Bonnet Alvarez, vice ent. QTH : P.O.Box 3822, Marina Stadon Mayaguez, PR 00681-3822 (hrd in Brasil !, in QSLs Atividade DX 167, DX Clube Paulista, Brasil) | C.Rotolo de Moraes-SC-B | Play-DX 0995 | Okt 98 |
WABA Index Puerto
Rico Index America Central
WABA LA GRANDE 850 kHz QSL letter n / d v/s : Rosa M.Pellot VP gerente gen. sent stickers very nice reply in 60d. sent 1 US $ QTH : Aguadilla Radio and Television, P.O.Box 188, Aguadilla 00608 (hrd in the Caribbean) | C.Bellabarba-I | Play-DX 1002 | Nov 98 |
WABA 850 kHz LETTER + STICKER + DEPLIANT 60d. NO IRC. v/s : Miss ROSA M. PELLOT, VP & GERENTE GENERAL. QTH : CALLE MUNOZ RIVERA 17, AGUADILLA. | R.Gori-I (sticker) | Play-DX 1059 | Mrz 00 |
WALO Index Puerto
Rico Index America Central
WALO - Puerto Rico 1.240,00 kHz, AK, SAE, Rp, PPC 378 Tage, B, Details : ja, geh. in DOM. | D.Schulz-D | EAWRC Bulletin 298 | Mrz 02 |
WAPA Index Puerto
Rico Index America Central
WAPA, San Juan 680 kHz: F/d ppc and business card in 3 weeks for a taped report, SASE. V/s Ing. Jorge G. Blanco, Gerente de Operaciones. | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | direct to QIP | Okt 01 |
WBMJ Index Puerto
Rico Index America Central
1190 kHz, San Juan PR 00:20 19.01.91 25.02.91 37 days, QSL : brev v/s : Carol Bahr | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Feb 91 |
WBMJ 1190, letter and sticker in 8 weeks for 1 IRC, | L.Weirell-S | direct to QIP | Apr 91 |
WBMJ - Box 367000 - San Juan 00936-7000 1190 kHz - Letter and folders in 50 dd, 1 USD sent v/s Aimee Cloquell - Office Manager e-mail WBMJ@compuserve.com | S.Mannelli-I | Webpage | Jan 98 |
WBMJ 1190 kHz San Juan v/s : Sylvia Tolbert. office manager (in Distance 11, 98, Sweden) | F.Dourén-S | Play-DX 1006 | Dez 98 |
Received QSL letter from 1190 WBMJ, San Juan, Puerto Rico. in 20 d. v/s : Sylvia Tolbert, Gerente de Oficina. ADDR : PO box 367000, San Juan, PR 00936-7000, e-mail : radio@cem-wbmj.org. | M.Molano Sánchez-E | HCDX-ML | Jan 99 |
WBMJ "The Rock" Radio Network 1190 n/d letter and some religious pamphlets in 9 weeks for a tape recording and mint US stamps. v/s Janet Luttrell, Presidente and Carmen Gutiérrez. | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | direct to QIP | Apr 06 |
WBQN Index Puerto
Rico Index America
WBQN 1160 kHz letter form 22d. + stickers v/s : Angel M.Rivera, presid. & Luis R.Rivera, gerente QTH : P.O.Box 1625, Manati, PR 000674-1625. FAX : (+ 1) 787-8543738. | G.Bellabarba-I | Play-DX 1032 | Jul 99 |
WBQN Borinquin 1160 letter QSL-letter pk. | K.Norlin-S | Norwegian DX News 1999-10 | Dez 99 |
WCAD Index Puerto
Rico Index America Central
WCAD 105, 70 MHz letter + stickers " ALFA ROCK " 30d. signed by RALPH PEREZ RAMIREZ (Gerente General) QTH : P.O.BOX 9024188 SAN JUAN, P.R. 00902-4188. WEB : www.alfarock.com E-MAIL : alfa[ät]alfarock.com | C.Bellabarba-I | Play-DX 1088 | Nov 00 |
WCMN Index Puerto
Rico Index America Central
WCMN 1280 kHz form letter 90d. + stickers v/s : Byron Mitchell, ger. general QTH : P.O.Box 436, Arecibo, PR 00613, FAX : (+ 1) 787-8801112. | G.Bellabarba-I | Play-DX 1032 | Jul 99 |
WCMN Arecibo 1280 e-post 9d-5m v/s Angel Robles og Maria Mitchell | A.Bue-N | Norwegian DX News 2005-03 | Apr 05 |
WCMN Arecibo 1280 e-post 9d-5m v/s Angel Robles og Maria Mitchell | K.-E.Stridh-S | Norwegian DX News 2005-03 | Apr 05 |
WDEP Index Puerto
Rico Index America
WDEP "R Isla 1320" 1490 e-post v/s Jorge E Seijo, Periodista | A.Bue-N | Norwegian DX News 2005-01 | Jan 05 |
WDEP R Isla, Ponce 1490 kHz, e-post 23d | A.Bue-N | Norwegian DX News 2005-04 | Mai 05 |
WEGA Index Puerto
Rico Index America
WEGA 1350, Vega Baja, e-mailed QSL for e-mailed follow up, 7 days. Report was sent to wega1350[ät]vegabaja.com answer came from Jesús D. Meléndez, jedmele[ät]coqui.net Original report and two follow-ups remained unanswered. | M.Elbe-D | direct to QIP | Apr 00 |
WGIT Index Puerto
Rico Index America
WGIT, La Gigante 1660 AM, zweiseitiger Bestätigungsbrief, Postkarte und Visitenkarte. 39 Tage Laufzeit, 1 US $ als Rückporto. Postadresse: La Gigante 1660 AM, Apartado 7, Moca, Puerto Rico 00676. Straßenadresse: Avenida Monserrate de Villa Fontana, Carolina, Puerto Rico. Tel. 787-891, 818-0850, 818-1340, Fax 882-1343. Auf dem Brief wird auch eine eMail-Adresse angegeben: email-wuna@centennial pr.net (sic!) Ich vermute, richtig muß das wuna@centennialpr.net heißen. Der Brief kommt von den beiden Presidentes, Aureo A. Matos und Olga Rosario. [] | M.Elbe-D | A-DX-ML | Mrz 01 |
WGIT 1660 'La Gigante' mit persönlichem Brief, Postkarte und Visitenkarte nach 44 Tagen. Adresse: WGIT 1660 AM, P.O. Box 7, Moca PR 00676 | J.Stiller-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 01 |
QSL letter dated Feb 20 from "WGIT 1660 AM" received by Rolf Fredriksson, Sweden, who says he heard the station on Feb 3, at 0415. The letter was written in Spanish and signed by Olga Rosario de Matos, Presidente. The address used by Rolf - and now confirmed by station - is P O Box 7, Moca, PR 00676. Rolf says that address info was provided by fellow countryman Kurt Norlin, who suggested the address for WZNA 1040, whose owner Aurelio Matos is listed by the FCC as one of the WGIT licensees. | H.Klemetz-S | HCDX-ML | Mrz 01 |
1660 PR, WGIT, Camuy [Canovanas?], p/d 2-page ltr. in Sp., post card and business cd. in 12d for Sp. rpt. and tape. V/s Aureo A. Matos & Olga Rosario, Presidentes. Addr. PO Box 7, Moca, PR 00676. | G.D.Myers-FL-USA | AMDX 7-01 | Apr 01 |
1660 WGIT PUERTO RICO, Moca, received full detail QSL letter in SS in18d for taped SS report. Mentions station is 10 KW days and 1 KW nights. Address: WGIT, La Gigante 1660 AM, PO Box 7, Moca PR 00676. v/s: Aureo A. Matos & Olga Rosario, Presidentes. I am really pleased with this. PR QSL #2, a really tough area to hear from the NW. | P.Martin-OR-USA | HCDX-ML | Apr 01 |
WGIT Moca 1660 b. | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2001-04 | Jun 01 |
WGIT "LA GIGANTE 16-60" 1660 kHz PERS.letter 24d. SENT 1 IRC. V/s: AUREO A. MATES & OLGA ROSARIO DE MATOS Presidentes. QTH : P.O.BOX 7, MOCA, PR-00676. (MY 2nd Puertorican AFTER 1979 WMDD 1480 kHz) | H.-D.Buschau-D | Play-DX 1118 | Jul 01 |
WGIT Carolina PR 1660 b pk (to svar). | K.Norlin-S | Norwegian DX News 2001-08 | Dez 01 |
1660, WGIT-La Gigante, partial-data card in 28 weeks. V/s's Sra.Olga Rosario de Matos (Vice Presidente) and Sr.Aureo A.Matos (Presidente). | V.Korinek-AFS | DXplorer-ML | Mrz 02 |
WGIT "La Gigante" Canovanas 1660 k. | O.Forr-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2002-02 | Mrz 02 |
1660 kHz, Canovannas PR 22:10 08.02.01 25.03.02 410 days, QSL : email v/s : Olga Matos wuna@centennialpr.net | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Mrz 02 |
WGIT "LA GIGANTE 16-60" 1660 kHz QSL-Card 200d. NO IRC. V/s: Mrs. Olga Rosario de Matos (Vice Presidente) & Aureo A. Matos (Presidente) QTH: WRTH 2002. | V.Korinek-AFS | Play-DX 1163 | Jul 02 |
WGIT Canóvanas PR 1660 kHz, e-post 5d (pm) | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2002-06 | Sep 02 |
WGIT 1660 kHz LA GIGANTE. POST card signed by Mrs.OLGA ROSARIO DE MATOS (VICE PRESIDENTE) Address: P.O.BOX 7, ZIP*00676, MOCA. | G.Bellabarba-I | Play-DX 1175 | Nov 02 |
WGIT Carolina PR 1660 kHz, e-post 2d Land nr. 186 for Tore. | T.Nielsen-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2003-08 | Nov 03 |
WGIT "La Gigante", Canóvanas 1660 n/d QSL-card in 13 months for mint stamps after a follow up letter. v/s Sra. Olga Rosario de Matos, Vice-Presidente and Sr. Aureo A. Matos, Presidente | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | direct to QIP | Jan 04 |
WGIT "La Gigante" Canovanas PR 1660 e-post card 1d-18m (pm), v/s Olga Matos | K.-E.Stridh-S | Norwegian DX News 2004-07 | Okt 04 |
WGIT La Gigante, Canovanas 1660 e-post | J.Alvestad-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2006-02 | Feb 06 |
WGIT La Gigante, Canovanas 1660 e-post | O.-J.Sagdahl-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2006-02 | Feb 06 |
WGIT 1660 kHz - P.O. Box 7 . Moca PR 00676 - Puerto Rico con e-mail allegata in 68 giorni. v/s Jason Matos Administation. Si 1 IRC. | R.Pavanello-I | direct to QIP | Jan 09 |
WHOY Index Puerto
Rico Index America Central
WHOY - Radio Hoy - Box 1148 - Salinas 00751 1210 kHz - QSL in 45 dd, 1 USD sent v/s John - Chief Engineer | S.Mannelli-I | Webpage | Jan 98 |
WIAC Index Puerto
Rico Index America Central
WIAC 740 kHz letter, no sticker, hi ! v/s : Luis A Mejia, president for letter requesting sticker. NO IRC, QTH : P.O.Box 4504, San Juan. | G.C.Panzeri-I (sticker) | Play-DX 0989 | Aug 98 |
WIPR Index Puerto
Rico Index America
PR 91.3 WIPR San Juan, v/l in 14d aft. f/u #2. V/s Edwin Elias, Gerente Ingenieria. | G.Myers-FL-USA | AMFMTVDX-ML | Nov 09 |
WISA Index Puerto
Rico Index America
1389,98 kHz, Isabela 00:30 28.12.99 29.02.00 63 days, 'R Noroeste', QSL : brev v/s : Edwin Nieves Montano Director de Programación | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Feb 00 |
GD : so, in the end I can add PTR to my collection with WISA after no success with WLUZ, WMDD and WEGA. They respond through their Director de Programación Edwin Nieves Montano with a personal letter and two postcards. Address : Box 750 Isabela PR 00662 or Box 4504 San Juan, PR 00905 They confirm announcing Cadena Radio Puerto Rico and of course WISA as I heard and reported. | J.Stiller-D | HCDX-ML | Mai 00 |
WISA R Noroeste 1390 b 2k 55d. | R.Torvik-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2000-06 | Jun 00 |
WISA Isabela 1390 b 2pk f/up. | K.Norlin-S | Norwegian DX News 2000-10 | Dez 00 |
WISA Isabela, PR 1390 Schönen Brief und Postkarte nach 87 Tagen für 1$ | J.Stiller-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 01 |
WISA R Puerto Rico 1390 kHz, letter blyant pin badge kart turistbro 3m v/s David I. Mercado, Gerente General | A.Bue-N | Norwegian DX-News 2004-04 | Mai 04 |
WJIT Index Puerto
Rico Index America Central
WJIT R Hit 1250 brev sti 42d v/s Jose D Soler, President/CE | A.Bue-N | Norwegian DX News 2005-03 | Apr 05 |
WKAQ Index Puerto
Rico Index America Central
WKAQ R Reloj, San Juan 580 e-post b 24-34 days, v/s Nestor Perez Perez, Adm. de Ingenieria | G.Fredheim-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2006-01 | Jan 06 |
WKAO R Reloj,San Juan 580 e-post b 10 days, v/s Nestor Perez Perez, Eng. Mgr. | O.-J.Sagdahl-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2006-02 | Feb 06 |
WKAO R Reloj,San Juan 580 e-post b 10 days, v/s Nestor Perez Perez, Eng. Mgr. | T.Nyen-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2006-02 | Feb 06 |
580 kHz, San Juan PR 01.01.87 05.05.87 124 days, QSL : stenciler penna mm v/s : Carlos Valladares | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Mai 87 |
WKAQ Radio Reloj 580 n/d letter as a Word attachment by e-mail in 2 days. v/s Néstor Pérez Pérez, Administrador de ingeniería | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | direct to QIP | Jul 06 |
WKCK Index Puerto
Rico Index America Central
WKCK R Cumbre, Orocovis 1470 brev cm 42d v/s Julio A. Garcia Rivera | G.Fredheim-N | Norwegian DX News 2005-01 | Jan 05 |
WKCK R Cumbre 1470 brev cm 6 uke (weeks) | A.Skalmeraas-N | Norwegian DX News 2005-02 | Feb 05 |
WKJB Index Puerto
Rico Index America Central
WKJB - det. Brief Radio-Logo 710 kHz - 19.12.96 46 Tage, heard in Cabarette | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Feb 97 |
WLUZ Index Puerto
Rico Index America Central
1600 kHz, Bayamon PR 07:00 03.01.89 09.02.89 37 days, ' R Luz', QSL : julkort vykort mm v/s : Migdalia Medina | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Feb 89 |
WLUZ R. Luz on 1600, letter in Spanish for a report in English which the v/s said she didn't understand much of but nevertheless did confirm. In 4 months for mint stamps. v/s Migdalia Medina, Depto. Tráfico | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | direct to QIP | Mai 96 |
WLUZ R Lu, Bayamon 1600 qsl-letter. | O.Forr-NOR | Norwegian DX News 1996-10 | Dez 96 |
WLUZ - Radio Luz - Box 9394 - Santurce 00908 1600 kHz - Letter in 43 dd, 1 USD sent v/s Migdalia Medina - Ejecutiva de Ventas | S.Mannelli-I | Webpage | Jan 98 |
WMDD Index Puerto
Rico Index America Central
WMDD R Tropical, Fajardo 1480 e-post 1 day | T.Nyen-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-08 | Nov 05 |
WMDD R Tropical, Fajardo 1480 e-post | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2006-01 | Jan 06 |
WMSW Index Puerto
Rico Index America Central
WMSW R Once, Hatillo 1120 e-post | J.Alvestad-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-08 | Nov 05 |
WMSW R Once, Hatillo 1120 e-post | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2006-01 | Jan 06 |
WNEL Index Puerto
Rico Index America Central
WNEL 1430 kHz QSL 14d sent 1 US $ v/s : Luios Soto. QTH : P.O.Box 487, Gaguas, 00726 (WRTH 98) | D.Taylor-G | Play-DX 0989 | Aug 98 |
WNEL R Tiempo, Caguas 1430 qsl-letter sticker., v/s Luis A Soto, Dep ing. | O.Forr-NOR | Norwegian DX News 1998-10 | Dez 98 |
WNEL 1430 kHz letter 45d. sent 1 US $ sent back ! v/s : Ing. Luis A.Soto, dep.to Ingenieria, QTH : P.O.Box 487, Caguas, PR 00726-0487. | C.Rooms-G | Play-DX 1037 | Sep 99 |
1430 kHz, Caguas PR (R Tiempo) 06:40 01.11.88 25.01.00 33 days, QSL : email v/s : Luis A + Indira Bocanegra (indira@salsoul.com) Ny rapport : 23.12.99 | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Jan 00 |
WNEL R Tiempo 1430 kHz, letter inf 13d v/s Luis de León, Gerente General | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2004-04 | Mai 04 |
Heute hatte ich eine grössere Überraschung in meinem Briefkasten. Ein Brief von Uno Radio. Uno Radio? Hab ich am Anfang auch gedacht. Radio Tiempo (WNEL, 1'430 kHz) aus Puerto Rico. Der Sender gehört zur Uno Radio Group. Die PPC wurde unterschrieben am 7. Oktober 1997. Der persönlich addressierte Brief, der auch auf meinen Aufenthalt in Guadeloupe eingeht, ist datiert vom 26. Mai 2004. Leider steht nicht drin, wo die PPC in der Zwischenzeit geblieben ist. Der gleiche, nagelneue $ kam auch zurück. Unterschrieben hat nach einer Laufzeit von mehr als 6,5 Jahren Luis de León, Gerente General Radio Tiempo. Ein Reminder von mir ging nie raus. Man soll die Hoffnung also nie aufgeben. | S.Blatter-SUI | A-DX-ML | Jun 04 |
WNEL R Tiempo 1430 f/d letter, station information and information about the town of Caguas in 6 weeks for a tape recording and mint US stamps. v/s Luis de León who is also a licenced but not active radio amateur with the call sign WP4KAJ | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | direct to QIP | Mrz 06 |
Received in one month QSL letter f/d from WNEL 1430, Caguas, Puerto Rico. V/S: Luis de León, Gerente General (WP4KAJ). ADDR: P.O.Box 487, Caguas, PR 00725-0487 | M.Molano-E | mwdx-ML | Mrz 10 |
WNIK Index Puerto
Rico Index America
WNIK Unica R, Arecibo 1230 e-post, v/s for begge Joel Feliciano, Gerente Adm. | J.Alvestad-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-08 | Nov 05 |
WNIK Unica R, Arecibo 1230 e-post 2 days | T.Woxen-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2006-01 | Jan 06 |
WNIK Unica R, Arecibo 1230 e-post 2 days. Denne hadde fatt feil signatur forrige gang. | T.Nyen-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2006-02 | Feb 06 |
WNIK Única Radio 1230 n/d e-mail in 2 days for an e-mail report with audio file. v/s Manolo Santiago, Propietario | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | direct to QIP | Aug 06 |
WOSO Index Puerto
Rico Index America
WOSO 1030 kHz LETTER + STICKERS 23d.v/s : SERGIO FERNANDEZ (Station Mgr.) QTH : P.O.BOX 9023940 SAN JUAN, P.R. 00902-3940. (QSL-DX-CLUBE DO BRASIL, n°191, JUNE 2000) | J.Cordeiro Pereira-B | Play-DX 1088 | Nov 00 |
WPAB Index Puerto
Rico Index America Central
WPAB - Box 7243 - Ponce 00732 550 kHz - Letter in 70 dd, 1 USD sent v/s Alfonso Giménez Porrata - Presidente | S.Mannelli-I | Webpage | Jan 98 |
WPAB 550 kHz short letter 25d. v/s : Alfonso Gimenez Porrata, presidente QTH : P.O.Box 7243, Ponce PR 00732, FAX : (+ 1) 787-8403530. | G.Bellabarba-I | Play-DX 1032 | Jul 99 |
WPAB 550 kHz letter. signed by ALFONSO GIMENEZ LUCCHETTI (GERENTE GENERAL) Address: P.O.BOX 7243, ZIP*00732-7243 PONCE, PR. | G.Bellabarba-I | Play-DX 1175 | Nov 02 |
WQBS Index Puerto
Rico Index America
WQBS "La Gran Cadena QBS" 880 e-post 3 uke (weeks) | A.Skalmeraas-N | Norwegian DX News 2005-02 | Feb 05 |
WQBS La Gran Cadena QBS, San Juan 870 e-post m/div. vedlegg v/s Nec Hernandez | J.Alvestad-N | Norwegian DX News 2005-03 | Apr 05 |
WQBS La Gran Cadena QBS, San Juan 870 e-post m/div. vedlegg v/s Nec Hernandez | A.Bue-N | Norwegian DX News 2005-03 | Apr 05 |
WSKN Index Puerto
Rico Index America
WSKN 630, San Juan (La Super Kadena Noticiosa). P / D verie letter, coverage map and media kit in 1 week from v/s Reinaldo Royo Jr., President for ms. | A.Loudell-DE-USA | CIDX QSL Column 2000-09 | Sep 00 |
WUNO Index Puerto
Rico Index America
Noti Uno / 1280, 30 days, B, Sticker / Rp., SAE; geh. in DOM. | D.Schulz-D | ADDX-Kurier 2001-06 | Mrz 01 |
WVOZ Index Puerto
Rico Index America Central
WVOZ R Voz 1520 brev pk 9 uke (weeks) | A.Skalmeraas-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-02 | Feb 05 |
WVOZ San Juan 1520 brev | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-03 | Apr 05 |
WVOZ R Voz, San Juan 1520 kHz, brev pk | O.Forr-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-04 | Mai 05 |
WVOZ R Vox, San Juan 1520 b pk 6 month v/s Margarita Nazzaro, Gerente | G.Fredheim-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2005-08 | Nov 05 |
WXEW Index Puerto
Rico Index America Central
WXEW - Radio Victoria - Box 100 - Yabucoa 00767 840 kHz - e-mail message in 12 dd, followed by letter and stickers in 32 dd, 1 USD sent v/s Víctor M. Calderón - General Manager e-mail Victor Calderon victor@radiovictoria.com | S.Mannelli-I | Webpage | Jan 98 |
Radio VICTORIA 840 kHz WXEW 30d. stickers + pers. letter signed by José L.Calderon, dir. ejecutivo. QTH : P.O.Box 100, Yabucoa, PR-00767. | C.Bellabarba-I | Play-DX 1043 | Nov 99 |
Relayed Stations or Programs
Puerto Rico Index America
12689.5 AFRTS via USN Key West bestaetigte per eMail nach zwei Tagen. | H.Kuhl-D | ADXB-OE-ML | Nov 98 |
Hier kam heute eine interessante QSL an : Das Naval Media Center in Washington bestaetigte per Brief meinen Empfangsbericht vom Juli 98 ueber AFRTS auf 12689.5 und 6458.5 kHz. Als Standorte wurden angegeben Key West (Florida) und Puerto Rico. Soweit so gut. Aber habe ich nun Key West oder Puerto Rico bestaetigt bekommen ? Oder tatsaechlich beide Standorte ? Und ist das nun eine Rundfunk- oder eine Utility-QSL ? Egal : Der kurze Brief ist auf jeden Fall eine interessante Erinnerung an ein kurzfristiges Comeback von AFRTS auf Kurzwelle. Nicht mehr, aber auch nicht weniger. | H.Kuhl-D | ADXB-OE-ML | Dez 98 |
12689.5 and 6548.5 confirmation letter from Wayne Eternicka, Broadcast Operations Specialist, Naval Media Center, 2701 S. Capitol Street SW, Washington DC 20373-5819. A portion of the letter is excerpted : " This letter serves as confirmation of your 7 Aug 1998 reception of Armed Forces Radio and Television. The signal originates from Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station, Key West Florida and Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station, Puerto Rico at 12689.5 and 6458.5 kHz. " I thought that DXers had established that this broadcast comes from Key West only. Does this mean that I may have verified Puerto Rico on shortwave ? | J.R.Renfrew-NY-USA | Cumbre DX 220 | Dez 98 |
AFRTS-Key West 12689.5 USB. Part data- letter-not site specific-in 139 days. v/s Wayne E. Eternicka, Broadcast Operations Specialist. | T.Vaughan-G | direct to QIP | Dez 98 |
Today I received after 3 months a confirmation letter from AFRTS 12689.5 / 6458.5 kHz. v/s was Wayne E.Eternicka, Broadcast Operations specialist. Adress : Department of the navy, Naval Media Center, Navsta Anacostia Bldg. 168, 2701 South Capital street sw, Washington DC 20373 5819 | R.Vos-HOL | HCDX-ML | Dez 98 |
12689.5 / 6458.5, AFRTS, confirmation ltr after 3 mos. from Wayne E. Eternicka, Broadcast Operations Specialist, Department of the Navy, Naval Media Center, Navsta Anacostia Bldg. 168, 2701 South Capitol Street SW, Washington, DC 20373-5819. (Vos-Netherlands in HC-DX; same rptd rcvd by Robert E. Gearing II in rec.radio.shortwave) 12689.5 and 6458.5, AFRTS, Dept. of the Navy's " Naval Media Center " verified in 134 days from v/s Wayne E. Etesmaka, Broadcast Operations Specialist. My rpt was sent to March AFB. The ltr opens the possibility that some, or all, of the xmsns came from Puerto Rico : " This ltr serves as confirmation of your 29 July, 1998 rcpn of Armed Forces Radio & TV. The signal originates from Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station, Key West, Florida and Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station, Puerto Rico at 12689.5 and 6458.5 K kHz. " | R.Vos-HOL | Numero Uno 1505 | Dez 98 |
AFRTS 12189, 5 kHz NON QSL letter, from Sgt Dave Norquist, at Portorico AFRTS Base, frequency in use till satellite feeder will be installed on all US navy in the gulf. E-mail : norquist@caribe.net " I cannot verify the reports you questioned due to the fact that we don't monitor the programming " (Kurzwellen Freunde Sachsen, Germany). | B.-A.Möller-D | Play-DX 1003 | Dez 98 |
AFRTS KEY WEST FLORIDA 12689, 5 kHz 8 kW (reduced 1 kW in Sept 98) reply by E-MAIL from Charles P.Barker, e-mail : barkecp@dodmedia.osd.mil or affrel@dodmedia.osd.mil FAX : (+ 1) 909-413-2604 QTH : 1363 Z Street, Building 2730, March, ARB, CA 92518-2017 USA. Station is operating for " Unitas " army exercise period 08 July - 10 November 98. So after 10 Nov. they will close ! '. Charles will reply to all corrects reports VIA E-MAIL | B.Gornati-I | Play-DX 1006 | Dez 98 |
AFRTS Puerto Rico 27.10.1998 01:00 - 01:30 UTC 6458.5 kHz QSL: 21. Dez. 98 teildet. QSL-Brief, signiert von Wayne E. Eternicka | M.Bauer-D | direct to QIP | Dez 98 |
AFRTS Hello, as stated in the following QSL-e-mail, the location of 12689.5 kHz is Key West, Florida and for 6458.5 kHz it is the Naval Computer and Telecommuni- cations Station in Isabela, Puerto Rico. Thanks to Mr. Wayne E. Eternicka and Mr. Barker for the following response to my message : " Sir, I apologize for a slight delay in this response, but I have updated this letter to include the information I have available about each of the two AFRTS antennas. - Mr. Willi Passmann, - This letter serves as confirmation of your Dec 29, 1998 reception of Armed Forces Radio and Television. The signal originates from Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station, Key West, Florida at 12689.5 kHz and Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station, Puerto Rico at 6458.5 kHz. Naval Computer and Tele- communications Area Master Station, Key West, Florida broadcasts with a 48 foot inverted cone antenna from Boca Chica, Florida with 8 kilowatts of power. Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station, Puerto Rico broadcasts with a groundbased, omnidirectional wire antenna with a 30 foot diameter. The signal is broadcast at 10 kilowatts from Isabela, Puerto Rico. [...] We are pleased that you have received the AFRTS shortwave signal and thank you for your interest and confirmation of the signal's quality. Wayne E. Eternicka, Broadcast Operations Specialist | W.Passmann-D | Cumbre DX 227 | Jan 99 |
Armed Forces Radio and Television 12689.5 kHz Aug.15 1998. Partial data letter, signed by Wayne E.Eternicka - Broadacast Operations Specialist of Naval Media Center in 118days with US $ 1. (No.37) | S.Arai-J | Japan Premium 1999-01 | Jan 99 |
6458.5 & 12689.5, AFRTS, rcpn last Aug, says signals came from " Naval Computer and Telecommunication Area Master Stn, Key West, Florida, and Naval Computer and Telecommunication Stn, Puerto Rico. " Address was Naval Media Center, 2701 S. Capitol St., SW, Washington, DC 20373-5819, v/s Wayne E. Eternicka, Broadcast Ops Specialist. | J.Campbell-G | Numero Uno 1508 | Jan 99 |
AFRTS 6458u and 12689u, f /d verie letter in 64 days from v/s Wayne E. Eternica, Broadcast Operations Specialist. | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | CIDX 1999-02 | Feb 99 |
6458.5 AFRTS partial data form letter e-mail QSL from Wayne Eternicka 10 hours after sending my e-mail reception report. QSL wording was exactly the same as that received by Willi Passmann. | G.Maroti-NY-USA | Cumbre DX 228 | Feb 99 |
6458.5 USB AFRTS Full data e-mail letter received in less than 12 hours of my sending a reception report via e mail. v/s is Wayne E. Eternicka, Broadcast Operations Specialist eternicka@mediacen.navy.mil. | R.E.Hankison-KS-USA | Cumbre DX 228 | Feb 99 |
AFRTS site-specific e-mail QSL received in 11 hours for e-mail report of the 6458.5 outlet. They are broadcasting from the Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station, Isabela, Puerto Rico, with 10kW. Message also said the outlet on 12689.5 comes from the Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station, Key West, FL, with 8kW. v/s is Wayne E. Eternicka, Broadcast Operations Specialist, eternicka@mediacen.navy.mil | R.Keeney-RI-USA | Cumbre DX 228 | Feb 99 |
12689.5 USB AFRTS Naval Computer & Telecommunications Area Master Station, Key West, FL, partial data email reply to a snail-mail report; exact same form letter others have been reporting, so I won't quote it here. Received in 5 days from Wayne E. Eternicka, Broadcast Operations Specialist. His email address is eternicka@mediacen.navy.mil. | R.Stewart-MO-USA | Cumbre DX 228 | Feb 99 |
6458.5 AFRTS Isabela verified e-mail-report after 3 days. Because of sending my report via barkecp, @dodmedia.osd.mil and it passing on to OM Wayne it took such a long time, hi. Report answered by eternicka@mediacen.navy.mil | K.W.Elsebusch-D | Cumbre DX 229 | Feb 99 |
6458.5U AFRTS / AFN E-mail confirmation letter received in four days. v/s- Wayne Eternicka. | F.S.Kohlbrenner-PA-USA | Cumbre DX 231 | Feb 99 |
AFRTS confirmed within 24 hrs per e-mail the frequencies of 12689.5 and 6458.5 kHz. v/s was Wyne E. Eternicka, Broadcast Operations Specialist. | E.Gehrig-E | HCDX-ML | Feb 99 |
6, 458, 5; AFRTS Isabela; verified eMail-Report after 3 days. Because of sending my report via barkecp, @dodmedia.osd.mil and it passing on to OM Wayne it took such a long time, hi. Report answered by eternicka@mediacen.navy.mil | K.W.Elsebusch-D | HCDX-ML | Feb 99 |
6458.5U, U.S. Navy AFRTS xmsns, QSL in via E-mail with promise of snail mail to follow; in 18 hours from Wayne Eternicka at USNavsta Anacostia, Washington, DC. Details on xmtr same as in previous E-mail QSLs. | D.Henderson-MD-USA | Numero Uno 1513 | Feb 99 |
6458.5 / 12689.5, AFRTS, standard E-mail form ltr (see Numero Uno 1512) from Wayne E. Eternicka in 2 days for E-mail rpt. | J.Herkimer-NY-USA | Numero Uno 1513 | Feb 99 |
6458.5U, AFRTS / AFN, partial-data E-mail in 8 hours (!) for an E-mail rpt. v/s Wayne E. Eternicka, B / Cing Ops Specialist. | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | Numero Uno 1514 | Feb 99 |
AFRTS NAVAL COMPUTER KEY WEST 12689, 5 kHz, 6458, 5 kHz QSL letter n / d 60d. NO IRC Ws : Wayne E. Eternicka, broadcast operations specialist. Correct QTH for rpts is : NAVAL MEDIA CENTER, 2701 SOUTH CAPITOL Street SW, WASHINGTON DC 20373-5819 | R.Pavanello-I | Play-DX 1014 | Feb 99 |
AFRTS / 6458, 5 kHz 157 days detailed qsl letter, Adresse : Department of Navy, Naval Media Center, Navsta Anacostia Bldg. 168, 2701 South Capital Street SW, Washington DC 20373-5819 (wirkich PTR ? -ed.). | H.-J.Koch-D | ADDX 1999-06 | Mrz 99 |
AFRTS Key West / 12689, 5 kHz 157 days detailed qsl letter v/s Wayne E. Etemicka, Broadcast Operat. Specialist. | H.-J.Koch-D | ADDX 1999-06 | Mrz 99 |
6458.5 AFRTS E-mail QSL letter from Wayne E. Eternicka, Broadcast Operations Specialist, Isabela, Puerto Rico, for email report in four days. His address is eternicka@mediacen.navy.mil. | J.Evans-TN-USA | Cumbre DX 232 | Mrz 99 |
6485.5 AFRTS Isabela. Non-specific E-mail letter QSL in 1 day for E-mail report. This is beamed to U.S. Forces, not the general public, so I list it as a non-broadcast station. | W.Flynn-OR-USA | Cumbre DX 232 | Mrz 99 |
Today I received a QSL letter from Armed Forces Radio and TV. Key West, FL transmits on 12.689, 5 kHz with 8 kW, Puerto Rico transmits on 6458, 5 kHz with 10 kW. " AFRTS sw radio transmissions have historically existed to provide AFRTS radio service to US Navy vessels and outlying military posts receiving limited American radio or TV through other means. The signals will be in existance for a limited time until a new technology, which is currently being tested, alows for reception of AFRTS via satellite ", according to the QSL. v/s Wayne E. Eternicka, Broadcast Operations Specialist, Naval media Center, 2701 S. Capitol St., SW, Washington, DC 20373-5819, USA | M.van Arnhem-HOL | HCDX-ML | Mrz 99 |
AFRTS, Puerto Rico - My only reply from them has been via the email address, and after a quick hunt I am stuffed if I can find the emailed QSL printout. I have never seen a QSL reported for the hardcopy address. If I find the silly thing, I will report the address ! | R.Jary-SA-AUS | HCDX-ML | Mrz 99 |
6458.5, AFRTS via Naval Computer and Telecommunications Stn, Isabela, date and fqy E-mail confirmation in one day for E-mailed rpt. E-mail gives info on power and antenna for AFRTS xmsns from Florida and Puerto Rico. v/s Wayne E. Eternicka, Broadcast Operations Specialist, eternicka@mediacen.navy.mil | H.Sellers-ON-CAN | Numero Uno 1518 | Mrz 99 |
12689.5U, AFRTS, written response to written rpt in 3 mos., usual v/s. | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | Numero Uno 1518 | Mrz 99 |
12689.5, AFRTS / AFN, E-mail confirmation in two days from Wayne Eternicka. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | Numero Uno 1519 | Mrz 99 |
6458.5, AFRTS / AFN, E-mail confirmation in two days from Wayne Eternicka. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | Numero Uno 1519 | Mrz 99 |
6458.5 (PR) & 12689.5 (FL), Naval Media Center, ltr rcvd from v/s Wayne E. Eternicka, Broadcast Operations Specialist, for August rcpn. Same text as E-mail replies rcvd by many. Address on ltrhead is NMC, 2701 S. Capitol St., SW, Washington, DC 20373-5819; on envelope it's NMC, NAVSTA Anacostia Bldg. 168, then S. Capitol St. address above. Both NMC and AFRTS logos are on the ltrhead. Ltr is dated Feb 18, but postmarked Mar 19 and also marked " Returned for Postage " (had only 27 cents postage, although US Govt can, of course, mail without any postage). Somehow it got here. (Berg-MA) What apparently is the std form ltr from Wayne E. Eternicka with " thanks for tuning into our Puerto Rico location " penned at the bottom. I figured I'd better bag this one while it was still active, just in case I ever start country counting again. He did not comment on my remarks re the value of having AFRTS on SW. (Dexter-WI) Ditto in 14 days. VIC 211. (Wilkins-CO) 6 wks. for US $ 1. | T.Williamson-ON-CAN | Numero Uno 1520 | Mrz 99 |
AFRTS 6458.5, Date / Freq computer generated " form letter " confirming my reception of their Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station relaying AFRTS from a 10 kW transmitter located at Isabela, Puerto Rico. They also mentioned that 12689.5 is from an 8 kW transmitter at Boco Chica, Florida. This reply came in 102 days from v/s Wayne E. Eternicka, Broadcast Operations Specialist. The reply was postmarked Mississauga, Ontario¼ (md) | M.Delmage-AB-CAN | CIDX 1999-04 | Apr 99 |
The same letter being received by others for AFR. I only reported 6458.5 kHz in hopes of a specific verification for the Isabela transmission, but the letter nonspecifically mentions both Isabela 6458.5 kHz and Key West 12689.5 kHz. | J.R.Renfrew-NY-USA | Cumbre DX 237 | Apr 99 |
12689.5U, AFRTS Key West, usual verie ltr in longer than normal 10 days (E-mail really spoils us !). | D.Foster-AUS | Numero Uno 1522 | Apr 99 |
6458.5U, AFRTS Isabela, standard E-mail ltr in 2 days from Wayne E. Eternicka (Broadcast Operations Specialist). | D.Foster-AUS | Numero Uno 1522 | Apr 99 |
AFRTS KEY WEST 12689, 5 kHz & 6458, 5 kHz form letter n / d in 92d. NO IRC v/s : Wayne E. Eternica, broadcast operations specialist. QTH : Naval Media Center, 2701 South Capitol Street, SW Washington DC 20373-5819. | B.Gornati-I | Play-DX 1023 | Apr 99 |
(Puerto Rico) 6458.5 AFRTS Isabela relay, usual email form letter from Wayne E. Eternicka, Broadcast Operations Specialist (eternicka@mediacen.navy.mil). Partial data--frequency AND site-specific. I asked Eternicka to make the verie site- specific, so he kindly added to the first paragraph of the form letter, " This letter serves as confirmation of your May 8, 1999 reception of Armed Forces Radio and Television from our Puerto Rico location at 6458.5 kHz. " Email received in one day for my email report. Needless to say, new SWBC country for me. | R.Stewart-MO-USA | Cumbre DX 242 | Mai 99 |
AFRTS 6458 kHz, letter, rp : no, 55 days. | J.Parker-G | WDXC QSL Report | Mai 99 |
AFRTS Isabela / 6458, 5 kHz, 25-40 days, partly detailed qsl-letter, / $. | diverse-D | ADDX 1999-11 | Jun 99 |
AFRTS Key West / 12689.5 kHz, 25-40 days, partly detailed qsl-letter, / $. | diverse-D | ADDX 1999-11 | Jun 99 |
AFRTS 6458.5, P / D verie letter with site in 2 weeks. | A.Loudell-DE-USA | CIDX 1999-06 | Jun 99 |
AFRTS std E-mail response from JO1 Wayne Eternicka in 28 days. | B.Churchill-CA-USA | Cumbre DX 248 | Jun 99 |
6458.5, AFRTS / AFN, full-data verie ltr direct from US Navy Media Center in Washington, in 40 days, for a follow-up to my E-mail verie. Usual v/s. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | Numero Uno 1531 | Jun 99 |
AFRTS 12889, 5 kHz. QSL 116d. & 21d. NO IRC QTH : Naval Media Center, 2701 S. CapitoI Street, SW Washington DC 20373-5819 (Conexion G RP, n. 124, Marzo 1999, Argentina) | A.L.Slaen-ARG | Play-DX 1030 | Jun 99 |
AFRTS 12889, 5 kHz. QSL 116d. & 21d. NO IRC QTH : Naval Media Center, 2701 S. CapitoI Street, SW Washington DC 20373-5819 (Conexion G RP, n. 124, Marzo 1999, Argentina) | J.Luis Aloy-ARG | Play-DX 1030 | Jun 99 |
AFRTS 12889, 5 kHz. QSL 116d. & 21d. NO IRC QTH : Naval Media Center, 2701 S. CapitoI Street, SW Washington DC 20373-5819 (Conexion G RP, n. 124, Marzo 1999, Argentina) | M.A.Cornachioni-ARG | Play-DX 1030 | Jun 99 |
AFRTS Isabela / 6458, 5 kHz, 28 days, qsl-letter, / $. | W.Jangel-D | ADDX 1999-14 | Jul 99 |
AFRTS : 6.458.50 P / D e-mail in 31 days. v/s Wayne Eternicka. eternicka@mediacen.navy.mil | R.Comeau-MA-USA | direct to QIP | Jul 99 |
4278.5, AFRTS, obviously someone has taken over for Wayne (using his E-mail address), as he told me would happen in an E-mail from him before he left on an assignment. He said he would look into who was on 4278.5. Then I get an E-mail confirming my 4278.5 rpt of Feb 13 with the standard form E-mail NOT mentioning this fqy but filed, nevertheless, under their E-mail system as " 70 meter band report. " | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | Numero Uno 1536 | Jul 99 |
AFRTS 6458.5 usb, P / D e-mail in 31 days from v/s Wayne Eternick Fehler ! Textmarke nicht definiert. | R.Comeau-MA-USA | CIDX 1999-08 | Aug 99 |
AFRTS verifizierte 6458.5 kKz (10 kW, QTH Isabela, P.R.) nach 44 Tagen mit teildetailliertem Brief. Frühaufsteher brauchen SSB-Empfänger und etwas Geduld, da die Frequenz Öfters durch stärkere Utility-Stationen blockiert wird. Wenn es klappt, kommen vor allem Übemahmen großer amerikanischer Sendeketten. Rp 1 US. v/s Wayne E. Eternicka. | E.Röscher-D | Eastside DX 07 | Sep 99 |
AFRTS RRs von März und April wurden Ende Juni 99 nach 70 Tagen von v/s Michael T. Foutch, Jr.; Broadcast Operations Specialist bestätigt. Rp war 1 US. Die Frequenz wird vorläufig parallel zu Satellitentests eingesetzt und soll perspektivisch durch diese ersetzt werden, ganz sicher ist man da offenbar noch nicht. Adresse : Naval Media Center, BC Operations, 2701 S. Capitol St., SW, Washington, DC 20373-5819, U.S.A. | J.Adolph-D | Eastside DX 07 | Sep 99 |
6458.5, AFRTS, date / fqy E-mail ltr QSL in 4-1 / 2 mos. from Wayne Eternicka. | C.Lobdell-MA-USA | Numero Uno 1549 | Okt 99 |
6458.5 (LSB) U.S. Armed Forces Radio 0310 A relay of the CBS Radio Sports coverage of the Monday Night NFL Greenbay Packers- San Francisco 49er's game was being played. Commercial on 1 / 4 hour for Training Center, History Piece on US Transcontinental railroad at 0327. Brief news repot @ 0330 and back to game. Strong utility station interference. SINPO=22333. | J.Oldenburg-USA | HCDX-ML | Nov 99 |
AFRTS Isabela 6458, 5 E-mail. | K.Norlin-S | Norwegian DX News 1999-10 | Dez 99 |
AFRTS, v/s Wayne E Eternicka 6458 kHz, letter, rp : $1 56 days. | P.Cody-IRL | WDXC QSL Report | Jan 00 |
6458.5 Armed Forces Radio and Television Service via Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station, Puerto Rico. Heard 6 February 2000 at 0215-0230. SINPO=45444. Full data letter from Naval Media Center, Washington, DC in 166 days from Michael Foutch, Broadcast Operations Specialist. Responding to my DX Report, but did not use my SASE. | G.Glotzbach-NM-USA | Cumbre DX 306 | Aug 00 |
6458.5, frequency/date and technical info letter with site, v/s Michael Foutch- Broadcast Specialist, in 15 months. | J.Talbot-AB-CAN | Cumbre DX 306 | Aug 00 |
AFRTS, 6458, 5 USB kHz, QSL letter en 132 d. v/s : Michael Foutch. QTH : Naval Media Center. 2713 Mitscher Road SW. Washington DC-20373-5819 USA | S.Gómez-E | Conexion Digital 078 | Okt 00 |
AFRTS, 6458.5, E-mail QSL rcvd. . | J.Berg-MA-USA | Numero Uno 1600 | Okt 00 |
6458.5, AFRTS, date & fqy personal (paper) ltr, in 22 wks., v/s Michael Foutch. | V.Korinek-AFS | Numero Uno 1600 | Okt 00 |
6458,5 kHz, San Juan PR 03:44 26.08.00 05.10.00 40 days, QSL : email v/s : Michael JOC Foutch | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Okt 00 |
AFRS ISABELA 6458, 5 kHz USB, letter, v/s : MICHAEL FOUTCH, (Broadcast Operations Specialist) QTH : NAVAL MEDIA CENTER, 2713 MITSCHER ROAD, SW, WASHINGTON, DC.20373-5819 (SHORWAVE BULLETIN N°1439, AUGUST 2000) | B.Eriksson-S | Play-DX 1085 | Okt 00 |
6458.5U AFRTS via Isabela n / d letter in 6 wks v/s Michael Forth Chief Operations Specialist. | R.Hopkins-BC-CAN | ODXA 2001-01 | Jan 01 |
AFTRS Isabela / 6458, 5, 158 days, detailed letter; v/s Michael Foutch. | P.E.Boeck-D | ADDX 2001-03 | Feb 01 |
AFRTS Isabela / 6458, 5, 40 days, eMail / RR per eMail. | R.Sonntag-D | ADDX 2001-03 | Feb 01 |
AFTRS Isabela / 6458, 5, 0 days, teildet. eMail nach 3 Stunden; v/s M. Foutch. | W.Fiedler-D | ADDX 2001-03 | Feb 01 |
AFRTS Puerto Rico 6458,50 1 US-$, Report in Englisch, 70 Tage, QSL-Brief, Details : ja. | P.Robic-AUT | EAWRC 285 | Feb 01 |
AFTRS Puerto Rico / 6458, 5, 0 days, det. eMail nach 6 Std. / RR per eMail. | M.Manke-D | ADDX 2001-06 | Mrz 01 |
AFRTS Puerto Rico 6458,50 AK SAE - 106 Tage, QSL-Brief. | D.Schulz-D | EAWRC 286 | Mrz 01 |
AFRTS 6458.5 kHz sent f/d site-specific letter in 133 days for snail-mail report (with no rp) to March AFB address in WRTH. The site-specific text inadvertently confirmed both the Florida and P. Rico sites and frequencies. Reply came from v/s MICHAEL FOUTCH, Chief Broadcast Operations Specialist, Naval Media Center, Mobile Detachment TWO, 2713 Mitscher Road SW, Naval District Washington Anacostia Annex, Washington, D.C. 20373 - 5819. SWBC VIC no. 159 for me. | A.Rugg-ON-CAN | CIDX 2001-05 | Mai 01 |
AFRTS - USB - 12689.5 - (Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station, Key West, Florida, 8 KW), - 6458.5 - (Naval Computer and Telecommuni- cations Station, Isabela, Puerto Rico, 10 KW), - 10940.5 (Naval Air Station Sigonella, Sicily) - 13362 - (Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station Guam), det. pers. letter / IRC, sent to AFRTS Broadcast Center, Affiliate Relations Division, 1363 Z Street, Bldg. 2730, March Air Reserve Base, CA 92518-2017 USA - received from Dept. of the Navy, Naval Media Center, Anacostia Annex, 2713 Mitscher Road SW, Washington D.C. 20373-5819, v/s Michael Foutch, Chief Broadcast Operations Specialist, 105 days | M.Grallert-D | direct to QIP | Mai 01 |
AFRTS 12689 kHz, e-mail, rp : no, 13 days. | S.M.Kolesov-UKR | WDXC QSL Report | Mai 01 |
AFRTS 6458 kHz, e-mail, rp : no, 13 days. | S.M.Kolesov-UKR | WDXC QSL Report | Mai 01 |
AFRTS Isabela / 6458,5 kHz, 179 days, detailed qsl-card, pers. letter / $, AK. | K.Oxenbauer-D | ADDX 2001-12 | Jun 01 |
AFTRS Isabela / 6458,5 kHz, 204 days, part. detailed qsl-letter, nach f/up. | K.-P.Hilger-D | ADDX 2001-12 | Jun 01 |
AFRTS 6458, 5 E-MAIL TEXT 42d. QTH : SEE DIEGO GARCIA. | N.Reiner-D | Play-DX 1118 | Jul 01 |
AFRTS 6458,50 kHz, 1 IRC 35 days, B, IRC retour, details : yes. | P.Vaegler-D | EAWRC 291 | Aug 01 |
AFRTS / 6458,5 kHz, 35 Tage, detailed qsl-letter / IRC zurück. | P.Vaegler-D | ADDX 2001-18 | Sep 01 |
6458.5 - AFRTS, Puerto Rico. Carta QSL. Demora de 17 dias. Assinado por April Ball. Naval Media Center, Mobile Detachment TWO, 2713 Mitscher Road SW, Naval District, Washington Anascotia Annex USA | M.Toniolo dos Anjos-NY-USA | Radioescutas-ML | Sep 01 |
6458 USB AFRTS, Roosevelt Roads, Porto Rico. 3 dias. Recebido: Email confirmatório (QSL anexo ao email). v/s: April Ball, Broadcast Operatins Specialist. Endereço: QSL@mediacen.navt.mil | R.Walter Grimm-SP-B | Radioescutas-ML | Dez 01 |
AFRTS - det. E-Mail QSL Radio-Logo 6458 kHz - 20.12.01 6 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Dez 01 |
6458U AFN/AFRTS Roosevelt full data letter in 40 days v/s April Ball Broadcast Operations Specialist | M.Humenyk-ON-CAN | ODXA 2002-02 | Feb 02 |
AFRTS Isabela / 6458,5 kHz, 89 Tage, qsl-letter / $. | K.Oxenbauer-D | ADDX 2002-08 | Apr 02 |
AFRTS IRC 6458.5 lt 74. (v/s Bruce Moody, Broadcast Operations Specialist) | C.Stacey-G | BDXC-UK 2002-04 | Apr 02 |
AFRTS no 6458.5 lt 35. | D.Kenny-G | BDXC-UK 2002-04 | Apr 02 |
6458,5 kHz. AFRTS, Naval Media Center, Naval District Washington, Anacostia Annex, 2713 Mitscher Road SW, Washington DC 20373-5819, Estados Unidos. Carta QSL (Verificadora: April Ball, Especialista en Operaciones de Radiodifusion). Contesto en 60 dias. | C.Morales-ARG | Conexion Digital 152 | Apr 02 |
AFRTS/Roosevelt Rds 6458.5 e-post 1d | B.Tandberg-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2002-03 | Apr 02 |
AFRTS Armed Forces Network 9458, 5 kHz e-mail Reply. 31d. V/s:Mrs.Jennifer Gray, (Broadcast Operations Specialist) QTH: Naval Media Center, 2713 Mitscher Road SW, ZIP*20373-5819 Washington, DC. | F.Carnevalini-I | Play-DX 1163 | Jul 02 |
Roosevelt Roads, AFN Relay. 7507 Received a p/d Letter (no freq or time) in 14 days from National Public Radio (NPR), 635 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC, 20001-3753. V/s Jeff Rosenberg, Director, NPR Worldwide. Mr. Rosenburg stated that "As we do not own nor operate a transmitter, we do not issue QSL cards. Our interest is exclusively in the programming and the impact we can have with the content of the shows." He astutely concluded that I since could pick up the station in high quality FM audio simultaneously on a local station I must be more interested in picking up distant stations than in the actual content of the programming. NASWA Country Number 165. | B.Harms-MD-USA | direct to QIP | Jul 03 |
5446.5, Armed Forces Radio and Television at Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico verified an e-mail report with a Word attachment in 1 day from April Ball, Broadcast Operations Specialist indicating "The signal originates from Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Station, Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico." My reception report was consist with published reports that initially put this frequency as coming from the Florida Keys so the reply is somewhat confusing. I have not heard from them for my 7 MHz report and a follow up e-mail inquiry about transmitter sites has gone unanswered. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Jul 03 |
AFN Puerto Rico QSL Roosevelt Roads, Isabella, 7507. Full data letter in 35 days with wrong frequency (noted as old frequency of "6458.5 kHz"). V/s was Brooke Armato, J03 (SW), Broadcast Operations Specialist. The return address was another iteration – Department of Navy, Naval Media Center, 2713 Mitscher Road SW, Anacostia Annex, DC, 20373-5819. | B.Harms-MD-USA | direct to QIP | Aug 03 |
AFRTS, 7507U, p/d verie letter in 21 days for m/s (not used). V/S Brooke Armato, JO3(SW), Broadcast Operations Specialist. | S.R.Barbour Jr-NH-USA | DXplorer-ML | Sep 03 |
AFRTS Puerto Rico / 6458,5 kHz, 0 Tage, det. QSL per eMail nach 5 Minuten | H.Matt-D | ADDX 2002-23 | Dez 03 |
AFRTS TX ISABELLA 6458, 5 kHz Letter F/d. V/s : BROOKE ARMATO JO3 (SW-Broadcast Operations Specialist) 38 d. NO IRC. QTH : NAVAL MEDIA CENTER, NDW ANACOSTIA ANNEX, 2713 MITSCHER ROAD SW, ZIP*20373-5819, WASHINGTON, DC, USA. WEB : http://www.afrts.osd.mil (VIA MONITORING TIMES, MARCH 2004, USA) | F.Hilton-USA | Play-DX J2003-4 | Apr 04 |
AFN 6458.5 kHz, f/d e-QSL received on 3/13/06 for an 11/14/02 reception. It took at least three email followups to the original email report, the last one yesterday! Robert Winkler, of the Defense Media Center in Riverside, CA indicated that the QSL function is being moved to Riverside and that QSL cards are being printed up. They should be available in about four weeks. The email address for QSL requests is: QSL@dodmedia.osd.mil | D.L.Srebnick-NJ-USA | direct to QIP | Mrz 06 |
Today the QSL drought was broken with a nice card from AFRTS (AFN) in Puerto Rico for a report from March 2004. SWBC Country #170 verified! I'm happy with this one. | M.Foltz-CA-USA | ABDX-ML | Jul 06 |
Heute sind nach mehreren Versuchen Empfangsbestätgungen vom AFRTS in Form von "richtigen" QSL Karten eingetroffen! AFRTS Diego Garcia, 4.319 kHz, detailierte Karte, 6 Monate, 1 US$ zurück. AFRTS Puerto Rico, 7.507 kHz, detailierte Karte, 3 Jahre, 1 US$ zurück. die letzte Erinnerung liegt ca. 2 Monate zurück. Adresse auf Karten und Umschlag: Department of Defense, NMC DET AFRTS-DMC, 23755 Z St, Bldg. 2730, Riverside CA 92518-2017, USA. | R.Bessler-D | A-DX-ML | Jul 06 |
PUERTO RICO - AFRTS 6458.5 kHz for 5th email followup on Nov. 2002 email report. F/D card v/s Robert Winkler. Email address: Robert.Winkler "at" dodmedia.osd.mil Postal Address: Department of Defense, MNC DET AFRTS-DMC, 23755 Z St, Bldg. 2730, Riverside, CA 92518-2017 | D.L.Srebnick-NJ-USA | direct to QIP | Jul 06 |
American Forces Radio and Television Service 6458 kHz, 1740 Tage, det. Karte / 2 Dollar wieder retour | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Sep 06 |
AFRTS / 7507 kHz, 1129 Tage, det. K mit QTH / $, f/up | E.Röscher-D | ADDX 2007-02 | Feb 07 |
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