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Page : Guadeloupe |
Guatemala (Central America) |
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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations from Guatemala
Guatemala Previous Page : Guadeloupe Next Page : Haiti
Domestic Stations
La Voz de Atitlan Index Guatemala
Index America Central
La Voz de Atitlan on 2390, fd personal letter, schedules, v/s Jose Miguel Pop Tzina, Dir., in 95 days (DSWCI SWN 10/97) | M.Schnitzer-D | TFW 041 | Okt 97 |
La Voz de Guatemala
Index Guatemala Index America Central
La Voz de Nahuala Index Guatemala Index America
R La Voz de Nahuala - det. Brief Radio-Logo 3360 kHz - 04.12.94 48 Tage, heard in Managua | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Jan 95 |
La Voz de Nahuala on 3360 kHz, after 6 tentatives, with QSL, pennant, v/s Juan Fidel Lape Juarez, dep.to de programacion. (Fine Tuning 841, USA via Play DX 910 Nov. 18 1996) | K.W.Field-USA | TFW | Nov 96 |
After many reports and a visit in 1989 I received a QSL letter, lots of station info and a photo from La Voz de Nahuala on 3360 kHz. The QSL was received 4 weeks after my last report. V/s: Miguel G. Marroquin Catinac, Director. | M.van Arnhem-HOL | direct to QIP | Mrz 02 |
R Amistad Index Guatemala Index America
Radio Amistad, 4700, no data "Reception Report" QSL certificate and computer generated form letter from David Daniell of the International Mission Board of the Souther Baptist Conference in about 6 weeks. Letter gives interesting info on all of their Latin American stations. Mentions that Honduran "Radio Buenos Nuevos" Ex-4960 kHz will return but on FM instead. Return address: Ct o. Cronistas 200, Cd. Satelite, MX, 53102, Mexico City, Mexico | C.Lobdell-MA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Feb 02 |
4700, Radio Amistad verified with a no data English letter, signed/stamped my prepared card and sent along an attractive verification certificate in 48 days from v/s David Daniell, Media Consultant. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | DXplorer-ML | Feb 02 |
RADIO AMISTAD 4699 kHz V/s: DAVIS DANIELL (ON AIR RADIO, NORWAY) | R.Akesson-S | Play DX 2003 | Apr 03 |
R Buenas Nuevas Index Guatemala Index America
4799,8 kHz, San Sebastian Huehuetenango 00:50 15.08.93 06.10.93 52 days, QSL : Tryckt brev, kort, vimpel info v/s : Oläslig gerente | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Okt 93 |
4800 R.Buenas Nuevas f/d card, w / blue + green 1991 pennant, and a stn photocopied infosheet. In 45 ds for SP rpt, cassette + IRC (returned, oops). | A.Yoder-NY-USA | Cumbre DX 111 | Nov 96 |
Radio Buenas Nuevas TGMI San Sebastian Huehuetenango (4800 kHz) -QSL card in 59 days for a Spanish report, signed by Israel G. Rodas Merida, Gerente. Pennant, letter describing the station and a copy of the 23rd Psalm in Spanish also sent. | E.Bueneman-MO-USA | TFW | Jan 97 |
Radio Buenas Nuevas, 4799 kHz verified with a det. Card in 85 days. | P.Robic-AUT | direct to QIP | Nov 97 |
4799.8 R. Buenas Nuevas. Letter and small pennant received in 4 months for $ 1. | F.S.Kohlbrenner-PA-USA | Cumbre DX 168 | Dez 97 |
4800 Radio Buenas Nuevas card, letters, and station info on in 75 days for US $ 1, various radio stickers, sports souvenirs, and used US stamps. | T.Messer-WI-USA | Cumbre DX 174 | Jan 98 |
R.Buenas Nuevas on 4799.8, QSL card f /d, v/s Israel G. Rodas Merida, gerente, in 30 days for 1 USD. (Play DX # 962 Dec. 28 1997) | F.Hunger-D | TFW 048 | Jan 98 |
4800 Radio Buenas Nuevas. After follow up and 1 $ they sent a QSL, letter and beautiful little pennant. Address : San Sebastián H. 13020, Huehuetenango, Guatemala, C.A. | D.Canonica-SUI | Cumbre DX 194 | Jun 98 |
R.Buenas Nuevas on 4800, f/d card, info, pt, in 80 days for 1 USD. (DSWCI SWN # 10/98) | J.Waga-D | TFW 071 | Okt 98 |
R Buenas Nuevas 4800 kHz, det. qsl-card in 56 days, info / $ | R.Sonntag-D | direct to QIP | Okt 98 |
Radio Buenos Nueves - 4800 - Received f/d QSL card with the Quetzel bird on front, v/s Israel Rodas Merida, Gerente. Also included was a double sided data sheet in SS, including aerial photo of station grounds, giving information about the station. Received in 47 days for 1 USD. | J.Yanko-USA | TFW 075 | Dez 98 |
R Buenas Nuevas 4800 qsl-card, $ 1 180 days. | P.Cody-IRL | WDXC QSL Report | Feb 99 |
Der Tropenbandsender Radio Buenas Nuevas (TGMI) beantwortete einen spanischsprachigen RR über die Frequenz 4800 kHz nach 74 Tagen mit detaillierter QSL-Karte, kleinem Wimpel und Infomaterial. Rp war 1 US. Der Sender, wird von der " Iglesia Evangelica Nadonal Mam Centroamericana " betrieben und sendet Religion, Bildung und Kultur. Das QTH liegt an der Grenze zu Mexiko. [..] Buenas Nuevas sendet übrigens von 5.00 bis 09.45 und 15.30 bis 20.30 Ortszeit (UTC-5 bzw. 6 im Sommer). Das wird gelegentlich ausgeweitet, danach ist aber gewöhnlich Lesotho oder Transamerica auf 4800 kHz aktiv. Adresse : Radio Buenas Nuevas TGMI, San Sebastian H. 13020, Huehuetenango, Guatemala. | J.Adolph-D | Eastside DX 05 | Mrz 99 |
R. Buenas Nuevas / 4800 kHz, 80 days, partly detailed qsl-card, Info / $. | W.Werb-D | ADDX 1999-11 | Jun 99 |
Radio BUENAS NUEVAS 43d. QSL + newsletter, sent 2000 lire Marconi Italian money paper + sticker Italian radio + postcard. QTH : Huehuetenanco. | S.Micciché-I | Play-DX 1028 | Jun 99 |
R.Buenas Nuevas 4779.6 kHz : QSL Card and letter in 48 days for a Spanish report and $ 1. (No.62) | H.Katayama-J | Japan Premium 1999-07 | Jul 99 |
R. Buenas Nuevas / 4800 kHz, 54 days, detailed qsl-card, Info / $ . | R.Sonntag-D | ADDX 1999-20 | Okt 99 |
4800 TGMI R. Buenas Nuevas. Small card and letter about station and history in 2 months for USD, postcard and SS report. No veri-signer. | R.Jary-SA-AUS | Cumbre DX 265 | Okt 99 |
Radio Buenas Nuevas Partial info QSL card & letter with photo of station received in envelope with nice stamp in 39 days for Spanish language report $ 1 and a local postcard | J.Oldenburg-USA | Cumbre DX 273 | Dez 99 |
R. Buenas Nuevas, 4800 kHz, 35 Tage, $, 13020 San Sebastian H., Huehuetenango, Guatemala (U.Heller-Eisleben) | U.Heller-D | Eastside DX 08 | Dez 99 |
TGMI Radio Beunas Nuevas, Huehuetenango. Full details, no signature, 40 days, $ 1 for return postage, report and confirmation written in Spanish. | J.Miller-MI-USA | Cumbre DX 299 | Jun 00 |
R. Buenas Nuevas / 4800 kHz, 42 days, teildetailed qsl-card, qsl-letter, / $. | K.-P.Hilger-D | ADDX 2000-16 | Aug 00 |
4800 TGMI Radio Buenas Nuevas f/d 'Quetzal Bird' & fact sheet in 3 months for $2.oo & SS report. | R.Hopkins-BC-CAN | ODXA 2001-05 | Jun 01 |
R. Buenas Nuevas / 4800 kHz, 65 Tage, det. K, B / $. | M.Arndt-D | ADDX 2002-18 | Sep 02 |
Radio Buenas Nuevas, TGMI, f/d QSL-Card and f/d ppc in 5 weeks for cassette, mint stamps and SAE. V/s Irael Rodar (no title). Also enclosed 2-page info sheet. | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | DXplorer-ML | Feb 03 |
RADIO BUENAS NUEVAS 4800 kHz, Cartolina QSL e lettera QSL in 118 giorni. Inviato 1$ e audio CD. QTH: 13020 San Sebastian H. - Huehuetenango. V/s: Julian Perez Mejia - Gerente. | L.Botto Fiora-I | tigullioamfm_dx-ML | Feb 08 |
R Chortis Index Guatemala
Index America Central
R Chortís, Jocotán 3380 e-post 12 days | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2003-01 | Jan 03 |
R Coatán Index Guatemala
Index America Central
R. Croatan 4780 n / d ltr in 118 days for $ 1 v/s Domingo Hernandez. PASZKIEWICZ | S.Paszkiewicz-WI-USA | Jihad DX 25 | Mrz 95 |
Radio Coatan TGCT, 4779.6, no data photo-copied letter in 71 days. Letter gave broadcast times, history and appeal for funds. v/s Domingo Hemandez, Gerente. | K.MacHarg-EQA | Jihad DX 38 | Jun 95 |
4779,76 kHz, San Sebastian de Coatán Huehuetenango 01:10 28.07.95 26.01.96 182 days, QSL : brev v/s : Domingo Hernández, director | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Jan 96 |
Radio Coatan 4780 partial data letter in 2 months for SP report and $ 1.00. v/s Domingo Hernanadez | G.D.Myers-FL-USA | Cumbre DX 278 | Jan 00 |
Radio Cultural Coatán, 4780, recibida carta de confirmación, manuscrita, firmada por Diego Sebastián Miguel en 35 días. Se acompañó 1 US $ junto al informe de recepcíon. En la carta dice: "En el nombre del personal de esta emisora Radio Coatán, reciba un cordial saludo". "Quiero agradecerle su sintonía, gracias por su valiosa información, que recibí en la fecha del 8 de Junio, me sorprendí mucho que usted escuchara nuestra emisora". "Dios le dará mucha sabiduría e ingeligencia al estar escuchando esta señal que transmitimos desde este bello municipio de San Sebastián de Coatán, Huehuetenango, Guatemala". "Dios le bendiga y siga escuchando la señal de Radio Coatán en la onda corta, 4780 kHz"."Esta radio es cristiana, con 11 años de transmisión, idiomas: español y chuj de Coatán antena de 48 metros Enlace, 1, Guardían, 2, Locutores, 3". Dirección: Radio Coatán, T.G.C.T., San Sebastían Coatán 13025, Huehuetenango, Guatemala. Tfno. (011 502) 77583491 77585494 | M.Méndez-E | direct to QIP | Jun 05 |
Radio Coatán (call TGCT, 4780 kHz) verified my reception report in Spanish with US$1 by Prepared Form QSL card and copied handwritten letter in Spanish after 37 days. Verification signer was Diego Sebastián Miguel, locutor (announcer). According to the letter: They celebrated 11 years of educational transmission this year. They are using 48m high antenna. 3 announcers are working in the station. Address: San Sebastián Coatán 13025, Huehuetenango, Guatemala C.A. Telephone: +52 11502 7758 3491; +52 11502 7758 5494. Frequencies: 4780 kHz, FM 92.5 MHz. Languages: Spanish, Chuj de Coatán. | T.Aklabayashi-J | DXLD 5-108 | Jul 05 |
R Cultural Index Guatemala Index America
TGNA - det. Brief Radio-Logo 3300 kHz - 12.02.94 56 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Apr 94 |
TGNA - det. Karte Radio-Logo 3300 kHz - 12.02.94 56 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Apr 94 |
TGNA 3300, partial data -quetzel- QSL card plus schedule, form letter and tract in 77 days. | K.MacHarg-EQA | Jihad DX 40 | Jul 95 |
R. Cultural TGNA on 3300 kHz, QSL, letter, folder, schedule in 185 days with 1 USD, v/s Wayne Berger, chief eng. QTH : P.O.Box 601, Guatemala City (via Play DX 910 Nov. 18 1996) | S.Mannelli-I | TFW | Nov 96 |
R Cultural TGNA 3300 qsl-letter qsl-card inf 4m6d v/s Wayne Berger. | T.-H.Ekblom-DNK | Norwegian DX News 1996-10 | Dez 96 |
Radio Cultural TGNC Guatemala City (3300 kHz) -Quetzal bird on microphone card and accompanying letter in 29 days, signed by Wayne Berger, Chief Engineer. Program schedule also sent. | E.Bueneman-MO-USA | TFW | Jan 97 |
R.Cultural on 3300, QSL card, letter, info for 1 USD, mint stamp in 6 weeks (via SWN-Denmark March 1997) | A.Fernández Llorella-E | TFW | Mrz 97 |
R.Cultural on 3300, letter QSL, Christmas postcard, religious papers, v/s Wayne Berger, Chief Eng. in 127 days, no IRC sent (Play DX # 926 16 / 03 1997) | J.Quinones A.-PRU | TFW | Mrz 97 |
R Cultural 3300 kHz, det. qsl-card in 236 days, personal letter, schedule / $ | R.Sonntag-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 97 |
TGNA Radio Cultural 3300. Part data card in 47 days for IRC. | T.Vaughan-G | direct to QIP | Apr 97 |
3300 Radio Cultural verifying letters both in English (verification signer Wayne Berger, Chief Engineer) and in Spanish (verification signer Mariella Posada, Secretaria de Gerencia), also received a QSL card, a program schedule, a leaflet and a pennant. | M.Mäkeläinen-FIN | Cumbre DX 146 | Jul 97 |
R. Cultural on 3300, QSL, info sheet in 54 days. (U. Sennewald, Germany / Play DX # 950 28 Sept 1997) | U.Sennewald-D | TFW 038 | Okt 97 |
TGNA R. Cultural on 3300, QSL card, letter, schedules, info in 34 days for 1 USD. (DSWCI SWN # 12 Dec 97) | D.Nehring-D | TFW 046 | Dez 97 |
R Cultural 3300 letter card div 6 weeks. | T.Nielsen-NOR | Norwegian DX News | Feb 98 |
3300 Radio Cultural full info QSL card with illegible signature. In 93 days for English language report and 1 IRC. | J.Oldenburg-USA | Cumbre DX 183 | Mrz 98 |
TGNA R. Cultural / 3300 kHz 234 days detailed qsl card, qsl letter px-schedule / $, picture postcard. | R.Sonntag-D | ADDX 1999-06 | Mrz 99 |
TGNA 3300 kHz, p/d card 4/17/93, v/s : Wayne Berger "Quetzal" card, site : San Pedro Sacatepequez | J.Dybka-TX-USA | Webpage | Jan 00 |
TGNC Radio Cultural, GTM, 3300, for 1 USD in 32d v/s Wayne Berger Manager / Chief Engineer. Quetzal-f/d cd + ltr + bookmark. sent rpt. to Box 601 in Guatemala City and got QSL from TGNA 8625 La Prada Dr., Dallas TX 75228 | M.Zwoch-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 01 |
TGNA Radio Cultural 3300 kHz, P/D "Quetzal on microphone" card in 13 weeks. | A.Loudell-DE-USA | CIDX 2001-07 | Jul 01 |
Heute meine erste Bestätigung aus Guatemala im Kasten: Radio Cultural TGNC auf 3300 kHz bestätigte meinen Empfangsbericht vom 25.03. mit einer QSL, Wimpel, Broschüre über den Sender und Touristikinformationen. Als Clou lag eine Spendenquittung für mein Rückporto über 1 US-Dollar bei. Mal sehen ob ich sie beim nächsten Lohnsteuerjahresausgleich absetzen kann. | F.-W.Adam-D | A-DX-ML | Jun 02 |
R. Cultural / 3300 kHz, 326 Tage, undetailed qsl-card, Info, W / $; f/up. | J.Waga-D | ADDX 2002-23 | Dez 02 |
RADIO CULTURAL 3300 kHz LETTER + QSL CARD + SCHEDULE + PENNANT CLOTH 71 d. SENT 1 $ + ITALIAN RADIO STICKERS + POSTCARD. 71 d. V/s: Mrs HEYDI CHAVEZ (SEGRETARY) ADDRESS: 4 AVENIDA 30-09, ZONA 3, GUA-01007 GUATEMALA CITY. WEB : http://www.pacogarcia.com/radiocultural.htm (WITH MANY NICE PHOTOS !!) E-MAIL : tgna@guate.net | F.Carnevalini-I | Play-DX 2003 | Apr 03 |
Part 1: Heute in der Post: Ein Kuvert, verziehrt mit 5 Sonderbriefmarken, aus Guatemala. Postlaufzeit war 23 Tage. Inhalt: Brief- Auszug; We have many reports of reception from various countries around the world including USA, Japan, Australia and Germany. In this letter we includes the following: a verification card(QSL), a brochure about Guatemala, a pamphlet describing the Radio Cultural TGNA, and a small banner of our station. (Damit ist ein schöner Wimpel gemeint). Sincerely yours, Yojhana Ajsivinac- Secretary Absender: TGNA Box 601/ 01901 Guatemala City, C. A. / | P.Gager-AUT | A-DX-ML | Sep 04 |
Part 2: Briefpapieraufdruck: A Ministry of CAM International, 8625 La Prada Drive, Dallas, TX. 75228. QSL- Karte: TGNA (Transmitiendo Gratas Nuevas Alegres)- Telling the Good News Abroad. TNX-4-UR report on 3300 kHz dated March 13, 2004. In der history brochure gibt es Divergenzen bei den QRGs Angaben. (Dürfte eine veraltete QSL- Karte sein). www.radiocultural.com tgna@guate.net | P.Gager-AUT | A-DX-ML | Sep 04 |
3300, Radio Cultural, Received letter with: QSL card with the transmission power, 10 Kw., programming, Spanish from 1100 to 0300 and 0430 to 0830 UTC and English from 0300 to 0430 UTC, Guatemala touristic brochure, pennant, station programming and frequencies brochures in 2 months. I enclosed with my report 1 US $ for the reply. Radio Cultural TGN frequencies and transmitters: 730 kHz. 10 Kw. 59995 kHz. 10 Kw. 3300 kHz. 10 Kw. 100.7 MHz. FM stereo 5 Kw. Address of the Station: Radio Cultural TGN, Estudios: 4a. Ave. 30-09 Zona 3, Apartado Postal 601, Guatemala 01901, E-mail: tgn@radiocultural.com, Web: www.radiocultural.com | M.Méndez-E | direct to QIP | Sep 04 |
TGNA $ 3300 kHz, f/dc 210 days, (sent t-info, pennant, radio history brochure) | P.Gager-AUT | BDXC-UK 2004-11 | Nov 04 |
R.Cultural 3300 kHz QSL card (v/s: Heidy Chavez(Secretary)), letter, pennant, etc in 331d for Spanish report with 1$. | Ke.Hashimoto-J | direct to QIP | Jan 06 |
3300 QSL-card, letters in English and Spanish signed by Heldy Chavez, Secretary, receipt for 2$, pennant, TGNA booklet, touristic booklet, sked in 142 days for RR+2$. Address: BOX 601 GUATEMALA CITY, C.A. Frequencies: 10 kW 730 kHz, 10kW 3,300 kHz, 10 kW 5,955 kHz, 5kW 100.7 MHz FM. Half-wave folded dipoles on Short wave frequencies. Spanish Programming from 1100 to 0300 and 0430 to 0830 GMT. English programming from 0300 to 0430 GMT. | S.M.Kolesov-RUS | direct to QIP | Jan 06 |
RADIO CULTURAL TGNA 5955 kHz. QSL CARD , Perssonal letter, religius brochures, program schedule and pennant for spanish report and 1 US Dollar not sent to: RADIO CULTURAL TGNA, P.O. Box 601, 01901 Guatemala Vrs/ Heidy Chavez / Secretaria. | C.Pérez Dioses-PRU | direct to QIP | Feb 06 |
R Cultural Coatan Index Guatemala Index America
R. Cultural Coatan 4780 Khz - San Sebastian Coatan - Guatemala con e-mail da radiocoatan@hotmail.com in 255 giorni. v/s Paulo Sebastian Director [Sebastián Pablo -QIP]. Si 1 IRC. | R.Pavanello-I | direct to QIP | Jun 07 |
4780 KHz. Radio Cultural Coatan. E-mail without reception data in 60 dd for reception report with audio file & 1,00 US$ to the WRTH address. V/S Atte Sebastian Pablo Director de Radio Coatan. | F.Cecconi-I | HCDX-ML | Jun 07 |
R Evangelica de America Index Guatemala Index America
RADIO EVANGELICA DE AMERICA – GUATEMALA QSL received via e-mail on juary 30th, 2004. I listened this station on January 28th, 2004 at 05.40 to 06.20 utc on 1570 kHz Mediuum Wave.VRS/ Edna Velasquez. Manager Secretary. Promised to send to QSL via air mail. | C.Perez Dioses-PRU | HCDX-ML | Feb 04 |
R K'ekchi Index Guatemala Index America
The following QSL letter from Radio K'ekchi was received by Piet Pijpers, Netherlands : Dear Piet : Thanks for reporting your reception of Radio K'ekchi' on March 11. That happened to be the special broadcast of a worship service commemorating the 9th anniversary of the station ! The K'ekchi' have long worship services. It started at 7 p.m. and lasted til midnight. The preacher did not begin preaching until 10 : 45 p.m. Radio K'ekchi' is licensed to the Asociacion Bautista Cultural de Central America and is operated by the K'ekchi' Baptist Association. It is affiliated with the Convention of Baptist Churches of Guatemala. It is a 1.25 kW short-wave station at 4845 kHz on the 60 meter band. [..] The station's programming is mostly in K'ekchi' with a few Spanish-language programs. Good to have you aboard as a listener. Thanks for your report. The manager, Anzelmo Cuc Chub, will be glad to know RK's signal was picked up so far away ! Sincerely, DAVID DANIELL Programming and Broadcast Management Consultant DPD (EDXP # 46). | P.Pijpers-HOL | TFW | Mrz 97 |
R. K Ekchi on 4845, in 90 days ( Play DX # 958 Nov 24) | C.Catellani-I | TFW 044 | Nov 97 |
R. K Ekchi on 4845, QSL card, letter, paper pennant, v/s Anselmo Cuc Chub, gerente, in 1 year and 9 months for 1 USD and no F / up (Play DX # 958 Nov 24) | F.Hunger-D | TFW 044 | Nov 97 |
R. K'eckchi' / 4845 kHz, 225 days, certificate, pennant, qsl-letter / 2 IRC, picture postcard, SAE, special stamps, heard in DOM. | D.Schulz-D | ADDX-Kurier 1998-21 | Nov 98 |
4845 Radio Kekchi full data card, letter, business card, pennant and reception report card in 3 months for a Spanish report and $ 1.00 v/s Ancelmo Cuc Chub, Gerente | G.D.Myers-FL-USA | Cumbre DX 222 | Dez 98 |
R K´ekchi, Fray Bartolomé 4845 b, Fem guatemalteker i samme spalte! Det må vel være ny rekord?! | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2003-01 | Jan 03 |
R Mam Index Guatemala
Index America Central
4825, R. Mam, signed and stamped ppc, ltr with sked of their daily b / cs; used my SASE; in 70 days after a 2d registered rpt, for a third attempt at getting this stn verified. Total time of 4-1 / 2 yrs. v/s Jose Escalante Ramos, Director. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | Numero Uno 1485 | Jul 98 |
Radio MAM 4825 kHz pers. letter 2 years sent SS rpt v/s : Norma Ramires, segr. (Naswa, Dec. 98, USA) | K.W.Field-USA | Play-DX 1014 | Feb 99 |
R Maria Index Guatemala
Index America Central
TGML R Maria, Guatemala City 1600 b | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2003-01 | Jan 03 |
R Maya Index Guatemala
Index America Central
R Maya de Barillas - det. Brief Radio-Logo 3325 kHz 0600 03.12.94 107 Tage, heard in Managua | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 95 |
R Maya de Barillas - det. Karte Krieger 3325 kHz 0600 03.12.94 107 Tage, heard in Managua | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 95 |
R Maya de Barillas - Grußkarte Radio Maya - - 03.12.94 107 Tage, heard in Managua | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mrz 95 |
R. Maya on 3325, folder QSL card, letter, pt. on 68 days. (DSWCI-SWN Jan 97) | M.A.Cornachioni-ARG | TFW | Jan 97 |
R. Maya on 3325, photo, QSL letter, QSL card, red border cloth pennant, all ruined by rain water. v/s Jose Castaneda, gerente who is very interested in reports (Play DX # 940 June 23 1997) | B.Gornati-I | TFW 031 | Jun 97 |
Radio MAYA TGBA - 13026 Villa de Barillas - Huehuetenango 3325 kHz - QSL, letter and pennant in 103 dd, 1 USD sent - v/s José Castaneda - Gerente | S.Mannelli-I | Webpage | Jan 98 |
Radio MAYA DE BARILLAS TGBA 3325 kHz QSL letter + photo color station building v/s : Jose Castaneda, gerente. QTH : 4a Avenida 0-14, Zona 1, 13026 Barillas, Huehuetenango. Reply in 150d. Sent 1 US $. | J.Manolo Cabrera Pérez-CNR | Play-DX 0986 | Jun 98 |
T.G.B.A. - Radio Maya de Barillas. 2360 f/d QSL card w / pennant, info letter, and color photo of station building in 175 days after 3 Spanish language f/ups w / taped report & $ 1.00 (the latest f/up sent registered). v/s : Jose Castaneda - Gerente. | J.D.Stephens-AL-USA | Cumbre DX 201 | Jul 98 |
TGBA R Maya, Barillas qsl-card qsl-letter v foto 2 month (pm), v/s Jose Castañedam, Gerente | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 1998-07 | Aug 98 |
QSL from TGBA, Radio Maya, Barillas, 3325, with card, pennant and photo in 2 weeks, v/s Jose Castañedam, Gerente (DX News 7/98) | ?-? | DX Window 145 | Dez 98 |
R Maya, Barillas 3325 k av god, gammel type | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2003-01 | Jan 03 |
Radio Maya de Barillas for RR dated 11/29/02 3:25 3325 kHz (3324.8 actual) program in K'anjb'al y Españo, including pennant celebrating the 40th anniversary of station on May 2, 2002, typed name of Pedro Gaspar Pedro, Gerente. They use a Gates BC1G transmitter with 230 vatios (watts) of power. Response in 98 for mailed report with $2 and local postcards | J.Miller-MI-USA | Cumbre DX-ML | Mrz 03 |
Radio Maya de Barillas-TGBA 3325 f/d (except time) "Mayan Warrior" cd and "40 Anos Radio Maya" pennant in 90 ds for EG rpt, $1 and a Xmas cd. v/s Pedro Gaspar Pedro, Gerente. Cd mentions "transmisor GATES BC1G de 230 vatios de potencia, utilazando una antena Dipolo". Verie pleased w/ this one! | S.R.Barbour Jr.-NH-USA | DXplorer-ML | Mrz 03 |
R Tezulutlan Index Guatemala Index America
R Tezulutlan - det. Brief Radio-Logo 4835 kHz 0215 02.07.89 69 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Sep 89 |
R Tezulutlan - det. karte Radio TGTZ 4835 kHz 0215 02.07.89 69 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Sep 89 |
Radio TEZULUTLAN TGTZ - Coban A.V. 4835 kHz - QSL and letter in 57 dd, 1 USD sent - v/s Maria Guay - Relaciones Publicas | S.Mannelli-I | Webpage | Jan 98 |
Radio Tezulutlan (TGTZ) 4835 kHz, f/d card, 10/5/95, v/s : Sergio "Town" card, site : Not listed | J.Dybka-TX-USA | Webpage | Jan 00 |
R VEA Index Guatemala Index America
R. VEA, 1570 Pers letter, sticker 35d (1 $) v/s Jose Adonias Corado, Gerente General | M.Elbe-D | direct to QIP | Jan 98 |
La Voz Evangelica de America / Radio VEA 1570 kHz. They replied with a (nice) letter, postcard and stickers after 87 days. This was my third report and this time heard in Germany (after two reports from Denmark). US Dollar was included. Veriesigner Lic. Leopoldo Valdez, Director y Gerente General | J.Stiller-D | direct to QIP | Feb 00 |
R Vea 6311 kHz, letter, rp : no, 83 days. | Z.Elias-CZE | WDXC QSL Report | Sep 01 |
Radio VEA, 1570 kHz, letter after 79 days (1$) v/s José Adonías Corado, Gerente de Producción y Programación, addr: 30 Av. "A" 7-33, Zona 7, Tikal, Apartado 1213, Ciudad de Guatemala, e-mail: radiovea@yahoo.com | H.-D.Buschau-D | direct to QIP | Apr 03 |
TGVE Radio VEA, Voz Evangelica de America, 1570, letter after 14 weeks | M.van Arnhem-HOL | direct to QIP | Mai 03 |
1570 TGVE Radio VEA, Cdad. de Guatemala, GTM, sent e-F/up, received email 1day. v/s: Samuel Corado A. <radiovea (a) radiovea.org> | M.Molano-E | mwdx-ML | Apr 10 |
R Verdad Index Guatemala
Index America Central
R. Verdad QSL : 4052.5 Chiquimula, Guatemala I received today a very nice n / d color QSL card, f/d letter in EG from v/s : Dr. Édgar Amilcar Madrid Morales, Manager; and (get this) a bright red felt covered pressboard in the shape of a house w / raised lettering inscribed " Dios bendiga este hogar " (God Bless this house). It's about 6x9 inches with a picture hook. All this in 1 month for $ 1 (w / receipt from station). The full name of the station is 'Estación Educativa Evangélica Radio Verdad'. They are using 800 watts into a bi-pole full wave oriented NE / SW. Sched is 1125-0120 UTC. Power goes out all of the time and they are not using a compressor so they are purposely overmodulating to compensate. What Glenn and I heard in reference to their call letters TGW-1 is actually SW-1 or 'Short Wave One'. When they get their call letters they will probably be TGAV. I quote " Now, you have won a (?) | T.Palmersheim-MT-USA | HCDX-ML | Apr 00 |
R Verdad QSL : Dr. Édgar Amílcar Madrd Morales, the director of Radio Verdad, Guatemala, sent a very nice personal letter after 3 weeks. He says that my report was the first one from Germany. In the meantime he already received several reports from abroad, naturally most of them from the US and Latin America, but also reports from Sweden and Italy. The station is operating with 820 watts only. [..] The letter contains a nice QSL-card too, which shows the station manager standing on the antenna tower, inclusive a contribution receipt about one US dollar, which I enclosed to my report. It's really the first time that I get such a receipt from a radio station. I tuned in to Radio Verdad on 4052.5 on April 15 at around 00.15 UTC during the recent DX-Camp Bavaria using a 300 m beverage antenna. Let me finally say that I was very happy about that nice QSL-letter, which gives a certain insight into the special problems of a new and young radio station, into its struggle with local authorities and insufficient power supply. Address : Estación Educativa Evangélica " Radio Verdad ", Apartado No. 5, Chiquimula, Guatemala | M.Schnitzer-D | HCDX-ML | Mai 00 |
4052.5, R. Verdad, very friendly ltr, info sheet, and no-data " Q.S.L. card " in 41 days from Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid Morales, Gerente. Card has a photo of him atop a short (12 m. high) tower. Says has rcvd rpts from US, Canada, several L.Am countries, Sweden and Italy, and that mine " es quiza el mejor que he recibido. " Xmtr uses only 820 watts, and is Italian-made. Sked is 1125-0020; they s / off early " porque ya no alcanza el voltaje. " No call ltrs have been assigned yet, but " will probably be " TGAV. v/s is a 1965 graduate of George Fox University in Oregon. | J.Wilkins-CO-USA | Numero Uno 1580 | Mai 00 |
4052, 5 kHz. Radio Verdad, Apartado Nro.5, Chiquimula. Tarjeta QSL (verificador : Dr.Edgar Amilcar Madrid Morales), carta de la emisora, calcomanias, libro sobre la historia de la radio. Respondio en 45 dias. | T.Inoue Nozaki-J | Conexion Digital 061 | Jun 00 |
4052.50 Radio Verdad, Chiquimula; verified my report on 27 / MAR / 2000 in 45 days, with a long letter, program schedule, computer-printed original QSL card and paper pennant, and an interesting document about the station history. v/s : Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid Morales. Mail address : Apartado No.5 Chiquimula, Guatemala. QTH : 4ta Avenida 2-24, Zona 1, Chiquimula, Guatemala. Tel : 9-20-362 (home), 9-425-689 (office). According to the letter, the station already received reception reports from the following countries : Canada, USA, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Italy, Sweden, Germany, and now Japan. Radio Verdad is equipped with an Italian made transmitter of " Omnitronx " brand and its effective output is nominally 1 kW. However, the station is currently providing 0.8 kW on airwaves. The station started the transmissions on February 25, 2000 at 17 : 00 local time (i.e. 23 : 00 UTC). Its nominal frequency is 4052.5 kHz (SW1). The transmitter site is located at Monte Horeb y Cerro de la Gloria, in Chiquimula, Department of Chiquimula, Guatemala. The station had applied for the Ministry of the Telecommunications for the shortwave broadcasting license, and it was provisionally authorized to broadcast on the shortwave frequency. The callsign is still not given, but it may be TGAV. | T.Inoue Nozaki-J | Cumbre DX 300 | Jun 00 |
R.Verdad 4052.5 kHz P / D QSL card and letter from Dr.Edgar Amilcar Madrid Morales, Gerente, in 53 days for a US $. Also sent paper pennant, program sked, calendar, and list of places from which reports have been received. | N.Pimblett-AB-CAN | CIDX 2000-07 | Jul 00 |
4052, R. Verdad, rcvd another ltr from Edgar Amilcar Madrid Morales and a paper pennant. Says xmtr was down to 300 watts in June, but in spite of that rcvd rpts from Australia and Japan. Hopes to install new transformer soon and augment power and xmit at night until 2300 local time. However, they have not yet found a nighttime ancr--any applicants ? | J.Wilkins-CO-USA | Numero Uno 1588 | Jul 00 |
4052, R. Verdad, lovely personal ltr in EG from v/s Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid Morales (Director & Manager). As with John Wilkins, power when logged was 300 watts but it has been cranked up to 850 at times. They are forced to close down at 7 p.m. (0100 UTC) because of low voltage. Replied in 38 days for $ 1. | D.Foster-AUS | Numero Uno 1590 | Aug 00 |
Radio VERDAD 4050 kHz LONG letter, signed by Dr.EDGAR AMILCAR MADRID MORAL (Gerente) QTH : APARTADO 5, CHIQUIMULA, GUATEMALA. | C.Bellabarba-I | Play-DX 1084 | Okt 00 |
R. Verdad, I QSLed this one back in May 2000, but just rcvd another envelope from them with sked, info on SW rcpn, calendar, etc. Says they have been hrd in 19 countries. | J.Berg-MA-USA | Numero Uno 1610 | Dez 00 |
4052.5, R. Verdad, verified with an EG ltr, full-data QSL-card, pennant and sked in 24 days, from v/s Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid Morales, Director and Manager. The 1 kw solid state Italian Omnitronix xmtr is still using just 300-500 watts due to extreme humidity, which makes the antenna tuning condenser spark, and other problems. Although they still do not have call ltrs, he thinks they are going to be TGAV (TG=Transmissions of Guatemala; A=Identification of the eastern area of Guatemala; V=R. Verdad or Radio Truth). He is a 59 year old Guatemalan graduate of George Fox Univ. in Newberg, OR, class of 1965. He has been interested in SW and electronics since childhood. | R.D'Angelo-PA-USA | Numero Uno 1610 | Dez 00 |
R. Verdad, Card, paper pennant and long ltr in EG from Director, Dr. Amilcar. In two mos. for taped rpt and $ 1. | T.Williamson-ON-CAN | Numero Uno 1610 | Dez 00 |
4052.5, R. Verdad, rcvd the same stuff that others did (sked, calendar, summary of countries from which they have rcvd rpts, and tips for better rcpn). From the usual Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid. | J.Wilkins-CO-USA | Numero Uno 1611 | Dez 00 |
Radio Verdad 4025.5, no data card, paper pennant, letter and station info sheet in 1 month for English rpt., tape and $ 1.00. v/s Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid. | G.D.Myers-FL-USA | Cumbre DX 329 | Jan 01 |
4052, R. Verdad, follow-up data sheet, ltr, New Years calendar, from director, as others have rcvd. No new rpt. | T.Williamson-ON-CAN | Numero Uno 1614 | Jan 01 |
4052,5 kHz, Chicuimula 00:20 16.12.00 29.01.01 44 days, QSL : brev mm v/s : Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid Morales | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Jan 01 |
4052.5 Radio Verdad full data PPC's, signed & stamped, station QSL / verie ltr / with complete schedule & paper pennant in 40 days time. v/s Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid Morales. | E.Kusalik-AB-CAN | Cumbre DX 335 | Feb 01 |
R Verdad, Chiquimula 4052,5 k b. | T.B.Vik-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2001-02 | Feb 01 |
4052.5, R. Verdad, with partial-data logo card, paper stn emblem/pennant, computer-generated calendar and no data thank you ltr in one mo. for a cassette and $2 (receipt rcvd). v/s Dr. Edgar Amilecar Madrid Morales, Gerente. | J.L.Sgrulletta-NY-USA | Numero Uno 1617 | Feb 01 |
4052.5, R. Verdad, Long personal SP ltr, no-data card, paper pennant, sked and calender in 2 wks. for SP taped rpt; from Dr. Edgar Amilicar Madrid Morales. In my rpt to him I mentioned that I owned a machine shop, and in his reply he said he is an inventor and might want us to make some parts for him! | C.Lobdell-MA-USA | Numero Uno 1618 | Feb 01 |
4052.5 Radio Verdad Very nice letter in English from the owner, Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid Morales. Also enclosed QSL-card, pennant, calender and a receipt for the enclosed USD. Heard during my stay in Florida, answer received here in Sweden in 4 weeks. | C.Olsson-S | Cumbre DX 337 | Mrz 01 |
R Verdad, v/s Dr Edgar Amilcar Madrid Morales, Director y Gerente 4052 kHz, card, rp : $1 30 days. | S.M.Kolesov-UKR | WDXC QSL Report | Apr 01 |
4052.5 RADIO VERDAD. Chiquimula, Apartado 5 Confirmacion a traves de Tarjeta QSL con una amablecarta del Director Edgar Amilcar Madrid M. Incluyendo Banderin en Papel, Almanaque de la emisora, listado de paises desde donde han reportado la escucha de la emisora y Recibo de Caja No. 2124 por valor de Un Dolar que envie como ayuda para el franqueo. Contesto en 6 semanas. | R.Rodriguez R.-CLM | Lista Conexion Digital-ML | Mai 01 |
R Verdad, Chiquimula 4052.5 b v kal mm Ah, LA-vimpler. | C.Brunström-S | Norwegian DX News 2001-04 | Jun 01 |
4052 kHz. Radio Verdad, Apartado 5, Chiquimula, Guatemala 20901. TarjetaQSL sin datos y carta personal verificatoria con datos completos. También envió un banderín de papel, la programación de la emisora y un listado de los países de los cuales la emisora recibió cartas y reportes de sintonía. Lo curioso es que en la tarjeta QSL hay una foto del personal de la emisora y, al fondo, se ve la antena de Radio Verdad, con una persona en el extremo superior de la misma la que, según nos dice en la carta su director, el señor Edgar Amilcar Madrid Morales, se trata de él mismo, que así aparece en este fotomontaje. Demoró algo más de un mes. | A.L.Slaen-ARG | Conexion Digital 121 | Aug 01 |
Heute lag ein schöner Brief im Kasten: QSL von Radio Verdad aus Guatemala, 4052,5 kHz. Ein langer Brief, Papierwimpel, QSL-Karte, ein einfacher Wandkalender, eine Statistik über bisher eingegangene Empfangsberichte und eine Spendenquittung für den Dollar! Laufzeit 25 Tage. Laut Brief wird der italienische 1 kW-Sender nur mit 300-700 Watt Sendeleistung betrieben, mehr verkraftet der Kondensator des Antennenanpaßgerätes nicht. Erst vor einigen Tagen habe ich Radio Verdad um 0455 UTC gehört, Signal wie Ecos del Torbes in der guten alten Zeit. Verie-Signer ist Dr. Édgar Amílcar Madrid Morales, Director and Manager. Er ist 60 Jahre alt, emeritierter Professor, hat in den USA Theologie studiert, man braucht sich also nicht einen Bericht in Spanisch abzubrechen. Er schreibt, daß er sich seit seiner Jugend für Kurzwellenempfang und Elektronik interessiert. | M.Elbe-D | A-DX-ML | Sep 01 |
4052 kHz - Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, Guatemala. Recebido QSL (que mostra uma foto do pessoal da estação e antena da emissora), flâmula de papel, recibo dos $ 2 que enviei, calendário e longa carta de agradecimento mencionando que eles já receberam informes de recepção de 28 países (inclusive do Brasil). Enviado além do relatório de recepção um postal de NY e $2. Demora de 15 dias. v/s Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid Morales. | M.Toniolo dos Anjos-NY-USA | Radioescutas-ML | Sep 01 |
R Verdad : der Brief bekannten - und fuer den DXer sehr erfreulichen - Inhalts (QSL Karte, Papierwimpel etc.) kam nach 23 Tagen von R Verdad (Guatemala/4052.5 kHz). Gesendet wird seit einiger Zeit mit 1 KW (italienischer Sender der Marke Omnitronix), was die gute Hörbarkeit in den letzten Wochen erklaeren dürfte. Mein Bericht war uebrigens der erste aus der Schweiz, interessanterweise hat die Station – zumindest bis zum 25. 9.01 - noch keine Berichte aus Laendern wie Frankreich, Daenemark, den Niederlanden und auch Oesterreich erhalten. | E.Glantschnig-SUI | A-DX-ML | Okt 01 |
Radio Verdad, 4052 kHz, QSL card, letter, paper pennant, sked, 29 days for 1$. v/s Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid, Director y Gerente Addr. : Estación Educativa Evangélica "Radio Verdad", 4a Ave., 2-24, zona 1, Apartado No.5, Chiquimula, Guatemala | H.-D.Buschau-D | direct to QIP | Okt 01 |
Radio Verdad 4052 kHz, 23 Tage, Stations QSL-Karte, persönlicher Brief, Programm Info, Spendenquitung, Wimpel, Kalender Blatt, QSL Statistik / 3 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Nov 01 |
4052 kHz - Radio Verdad, Chiquimula. QSL card, pennant and signed receipt for the $ 2 that I sent along the reception report. 15 days. v/s Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid Morales. | M.Toniolo dos Anjos-NY-USA | Cumbre DX 378 | Dez 01 |
4052 - Radio Verdad - Chiquimula-GTM - Cartão QSL (que mostra uma foto do pessoal da estação e antena da emissora), flâmula de papel, recibo dos $ 2 que enviei, calendário e longa carta de agradecimento mencionando que eles já receberam informes de recepção de 28 países (inclusive do Brasil). Enviado além do relatório de recepção um postal de NY e $2 - 15 dias. V/S Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid Morales. QTH: ? | M.Toniolo dos Anjos-NY-USA | DXCB 2001-12 | Dez 01 |
R Verdad 4052 b k avis v 21d v/s Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid Morales. | T.-H.Ekblom-FIN | Norwegian DX News 2001-08 | Dez 01 |
TGAV RADIO VERDAD 59d. SENT 1 IRC. | R.Pavanello-I | Play-DX 1134 | Dez 01 |
TGAV RADIO VERDAD 30d. SENT 1 $. | S.Nuzzi-I | Play-DX 1134 | Dez 01 |
QSL Radio Verdad GTM : Today I received a QSL card, a paper pennant, a personal letter, a calendar and a radiation area info sheet in 4 weeks for a report (in Spanish) incl. an IRC and a recording of their programme on CD. They said it was the first recording they ever got on a CD. The radiation info sheet lists also the countries from which they received reports. Belgium was not on their list until now. V/s is Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid, Director y Gerente. | G.Schotmans-BEL | HCDX-ML | Jan 02 |
R Verdad 4052,5 b k v kal | C.Brunström-S | Norwegian DX News 2002-01 | Jan 02 |
R. Verdad / 4052 kHz, 23 Tage, undetail. qsl-card, pers. qsl-letter, W, Kalender / $. | A.Schmid-D | ADDX 2002-04 | Feb 02 |
R Verdad - teildet. Karte Radio Verdad 4052,5 kHz 0300 03.01.02 29 Tage | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Feb 02 |
QSL Radio Verdad : In rund 20 Tagen bestätigte Radio Verdad mit detaillierter Karte, (Papier-) Wimpel und langem persönlichem Brief in englisch vom Direktor Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid.Man sendet derzeit mit 580 Watt auf 4052 kHz. Bis jetzt hat man 215 Empfangsberichte aus 34 Ländern erhalten. Übrigens liebe Nachbarn in Österreich: Auf dieser Aufstellung vom 9.April 2002 ist bis jetzt noch kein Bericht aus A verzeichnet. Wer ist der erste? | R.Sonntag-D | A-DX-ML | Apr 02 |
R Verdad, lt,cal stamped, addressed envelope 4052.5 qsl-card 33. (v/s Dr. Amilcar Madrid, Director & Manager) | G.Brown-G | BDXC-UK 2002-06 | Jun 02 |
R. Verdad / 4052 kHz, 21 Tage, undet. K, B, Kalender, W / $. | J.Waga-D | ADDX 2002-13 | Jul 02 |
R. Verdad, 4052.5, QSL report: full data "4th" [quarto?] QSL paper, paper pennant (different type from NASWA Journal April page 37), nice letter, calendar, receipt for $1 for English report, in one month. V/s is Edgar Amilcar Madrid, Director and Manager; he is 60 years old, retired professor from State University. He wrote they have already received reports from 213 different towns in 34 countries and 16 provinces of Guatemala. Their transmitter is 1 kW; however, they have been using 300 to 700 watts reduced power due to some governmental limitations. He wrote on QSL back that the power was 300 watts when I received R. Verdad at DXpedition in November of last year. They still do not have call sign. Schedule as of March is 0500-2300 Guatemalan time, 1100-0500 UT. They have celebrated second anniversary on Feb 25 this year (Radio Nuevo Mundo June 7 via DXLD) | T.Sejimo-J | DXLD 2-107 | Jul 02 |
Radio Verdad 4052 kHz 72d. NO IRC. | V.Korinek-AFS | Play-DX 1162 | Jul 02 |
R Verdad $1 4052 kHz, lt/d 14 days. (v/s Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid, Director & Manager) | C.Rooms-G | BDXC-UK 2002-08 | Aug 02 |
R Verdad 4052,5 b k v 4u | R.Granholm-FIN | Norwegian DX News 2002-05 | Aug 02 |
Radio Verdad, 4052,5 kHz confirmed two reports in one month from a follow up. The manager, Edgar Amilcar Madrid, a senior professor at the State University of Guatemala, sent to me a full data QSL card, a long letter, one paper pennant and one radio station calendar home made with Pc, and a report about the reports sent to Radio Verdad. They got, so far as 30 October 2002, reports from 37 countries, also from Sicily that is considerd a separate country as for HAM. He writes that when I heard them in Settembre 2001, they were on air with 500 w, instead in February 2002 with 610 w. But now, professor Amilcar Madrid says they are on air since June with only 280 watts, because the tx is broken. They ask also help to find a transistor producer to get a “power transistor” not to expensive. Edgar Amilcar Madrid is 60 years old and in the past he liked to listen to short waves. Address: Radio Verdad, 4 Ave. 2-24, zona 1, Apartado n.° 5, Chiquimula, Guatemala | G.Bernardini-I | HCDX-ML | Nov 02 |
R Verdad 4052,5 b k div | C.Brunström-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2002-08 | Dez 02 |
R Verdad, Chiquimula 4052 b v m.m., v/s Edgar Amilcar Madrid | O.Forr-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2003-01 | Jan 03 |
RADIO VERDAD 4052, 5 kHz V/s: Dr. EDGAR AMILCAR MADRID (DIRECTOR & GERENTE) (SWB 1496, SWEDEN) | C.Brunström-S | Play-DX J2003 | Apr 03 |
RADIO VERDAD 14 d. SENT 1 $ | C.Rooms-G | Play-DX J2003 | Apr 03 |
Radio Verdad 4052.5 kHz, P/D "QSL #4 - Construction of Radio Verdad site" card and P/D verie letter, pennant, station 2003 calendar, info sheets and tract in 29 days from v/s Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid, Director and Manager for a taped report and 1 IRC. | M.Delmage-AB-CAN | CIDX 2003-07 | Jul 03 |
4052, R. Verdad, Got a friendly EG/SP e-mail from the daughter of the stn manager(?) Edgar Amílcar Madrid. She lives in Guatemala City and her father in Chiquimula asked that she contact me to say he was very happy with my report and that a QSL, banner, and 2004 calendar would be on the way as soon as they arrive from the printers (last week). | D.Valko-PA-USA | Cumbre DX-ML | Dez 03 |
Received today (March 22) AeroMail from Radio Verdad, Guatemala a wonderful QSL package. A nice large Pendant/ Banner, A QSL card, a long personel letter from DR MADRID explaining Radio Verdad, and technical aspects as well as history. Even got a receipt for the US $ I sent. (Donation for postage). What was cool, they had a list of reception reports from all the continents and countries in the world and a tally of how many from each. (United States has reports from 28 states, Canada 4 Provinces !!) Even some guy in Greenland sent them a reception report. The report came to me in just over 3 weeks time. And beautiful stamps on the envelope. Dr Madrid states he is a fellow long time DXer as well. Hats off to Radio Verdad. I highly recommend them for those who wants to see how much QSLing can be a fun thing ! | T.Messer-WI-USA | HCDX-ML | Mrz 04 |
Radio Verdad, 4.052,5 kHz, full data computer generated QSL card, kind pers. letter from Dr. Édgar Amílcar Madrid (Director), receipt for rp 1US$, pennant, 45 days | R.Bessler-D | direct to QIP | Mai 04 |
TGAV R Verdad 4052,45 kHz, card letter v mm. | A.Bue-NOR | Norwegian DX News 2004-04 | Mai 04 |
Ich erhielt kürzlich eine QSL von R. Verdad 4052.5, (f/d Karte + Infobrief + Wimpel in 28d). Im Infobrief von Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid heißt es: | M.Zwoch-D | A-DX-ML | Jun 04 |
RADIO VERDAD, 4052 kHz, Karte, Infos. Brief, großer Wimpel, 38 Tage | A.Schwegeler-D | EAWRC 326 | Jul 04 |
4052.5, Radio Verdad, Recibida carta aérea con bonitos sellos de Guatemala conteniendo tarjeta QSL con datos completos, en la que se hace constar que en el momento de la transmisión sintonizada transmitían con una potencia de 650 watts, precioso banderín de la emisora, recibo justificante de haber enviado 1 US $ "por su ofrenda voluntaria para la Estación Eductiva Radio Verdad", carta firmada por Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid, Director Gerente, que copio más abajo, pues me parece de interés, carta reseñando todos los países de los que han recibido reportes, carta explicativa de como sintonizar Radio Verdad en onda corta y dos folletos, todo ello en 23 días. Junto al informe de recepción se envió 1 US $ para ayuda del franqueo de la carta de respuesta. La transmisión captada por mí en la costa de la provincia de Lugo, España, con un receptor Grundig Satellit 500 y una antena de cable de 8 metros. Dirección: Radio Verdad, Apartado 5, Chiquimula, Guatemala. | M.Méndez-E | direct to QIP | Sep 04 |
R Verdad $1 4052 kHz, fd/c 59 days, | P.Cody-IRL | BDXC-UK 2004-10 | Okt 04 |
4052,5 Radio Verdad, FECHA: 22 de SEPTIEMBRE del 2004, HORA : 02.20 UTC, FRECUENCIA: 4052.5 kHz. VRS/ Edgar Amilcar Madrid - Director y Gerente. Recibida QSL con todos los datos completos el 19 de Octubre, junto con un bonito banderín, calendario 2004, programación, el informe de recepción fue enviado por correo aéreo. | C.Pérez Dioses-PRU | Conexion Digital 286 | Okt 04 |
R Verdad 2 IRC 4052.5 kHz, letter 30 days | T.Edge-G | BDXC-UK 2005-01 | Jan 05 |
Heute lag in der Post ein dicker Briefumschlag von Radio Verdad Neben der Qsl-card lagen ein Wimpel, ein Aufkleber, ein Kugelschreiber, ein Wandkalender, eine Spendenbescheingung über den 1 US-Dollar, den ich als Rückportorersatz beigelegt hatte und 2 Seiten Informationen über die Station. Laufzeit war 31 Tage, Beilage 1 US-Dollar Adresse Apartado No 5 Chiquimala Guatemala gehört habe ich die Station um 0200 UTC auf 4052,5 kHz. | D.Knust-D | A-DX-ML | Apr 05 |
Radio Verdad 4052,5 kHz, 53 Tage, Respuesta Provisional (Provisorische Antwort)da der Direktor nicht in Guatemale ist, am 7 Mai zurück QSL-Karte soll folgen, Brief / 3 Dollar | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Apr 05 |
Radio Verdad 4052,5 kHz, 99 Tage, det. Karte, großer Wimpel, diverse Sticker, viel Info / 5 EURO | D.Kraus-D | direct to QIP | Mai 05 |
R. VERDAD 4052.5 kHz. QSL card + NICE PAPER PENNANT + Calendar + Info Schedule in 90 days. NO IRC SENT. V/s: Edgar Amilcar Madrid (Director y Gerente) | C.Pérez Dioses-PRU | Play-DX 2006-01 | Jan 06 |
R Verdad 4052 kHz Letter + Depliant + Paper Pennant in 108 days. V/s: Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid Morales. Address: Apartado 5, 20901 Chiquimula. | F.Carnevalini-I | Play-DX 2006-01 | Jan 06 |
Radio Verdad (TGAV), long friendly letter, pennant, calendar and other goodies in 51 days for US$1. v/s Dr. Édgar Amílcar Madrid, Director and Manager. Address was 4th Ave. 2-24, zona 1, Apartado No. 5, Chiquimula, Guatemala. | J.Pogue-TN-USA | direct to QIP | Feb 06 |
Radio Verdad 4052, f/d cd, ltr, history, 5 weeks for EE report, 1 IRC, $1US | R.Lay-NC-USA | direct to QIP | Feb 06 |
Radio Verdad 4052.5, f/d paper card, personal letter, brochure, calendar, decal and yellow cloth pennant in 26d for English report and $1. Station power = 200w, v/s Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid. | B.Jordan-TN-USA | Cumbre DX-ML | Apr 06 |
Radio Verdad, 4,052.5 kHz, 4/15/06, 0345-0415 UTC, F/D card less v/s. Package included card, cover letter, pennant, sticker, reading material, and a report showing that from 1/1/06 through 10/5/2006, they received 392 reception reports from 46 countries, and from 30 states within the U.S. Power is listed at 720 watts. | J.Miller-MI-USA | direct to QIP | Mai 06 |
Radio Verdad-TGAV, 4052.5, full data card and many goodies for US$1 in 50 days. v/s Dr. Édgar Amilcar Madrid, Apartado Postal 5, Chiquimula, GUATEMALA. | J.Pogue-TN-USA | direct to QIP | Mai 06 |
Radio Verdad 4052, full-data QSL in 30 days, v/s Dr. Edgar Madrid, also included banner, articles about the station, and a receipt for the $1 I sent for postage. My e-report to the Radio Verdad (Guatemala) address in PWBR 2006 bounced as undeliverable. My snail mail report resulted in a e-message from Dr. Edgar Madrid, promising a QSL is in the mail. The correct e-address is: radioverdad@intelnett.com. The postal address is: Radio Verdad, Apartado 5, Chiquimila, Guatemala. | J.R.Renfrew-NY-USA | direct to QIP | Mai 06 |
4052 Radio Verdad. F/d cd in 1 month for EE report, also letter in EE, pennant, other goodies, $3 US and IRC | R.Lay-NC-USA | ODXA 2006-12 | Dez 06 |
Radio Verdad /Guatemala, det. QSL, ausführlicher Brief, Wimpel, Kalender, Liste der Empfangsbericht-Länder, in 26 Tagen für 1$. | E.Bierwirth-D | A-DX-ML | Jan 07 |
Radio Verdad, 4052.5kHz,f/d confirmed in 26 d. with f/d QSL cd + pers. letter(english) + sticker + nice cloth pennant + calendar + div. rel. material + receipt for 1-US-$ sent. QTH: Radio Verdad, Apartado Postal 5, Ciquimula, Guatemala C.A. v/s: Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid / Director and Manager | G.D'Amico-SUI | direct to QIP | Feb 07 |
4052.5, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, reciba carta con 5 sellos de Guatemala, conteniendo tarjeta QSL con datos completos, carta de agradecimiento con datos e historia de la emisora, v/s Edgar Amilcar Madrid, calendario de Radio Verdad, tamaño A4 para 2007, banderín, pegatinas y 2 CD's con himnos y canciones. Tardaron en contestar 10 días. El informe de recepción se envió por e-mail a la siguiente dirección: radioverdad5@yahoo.com. Su dirección postal: Radio Verdad, P. O. Box 5, Chiquimula, Guatemala. Centroamérica. | M.Méndez-E | direct to QIP | Mrz 07 |
RADIO VERDAD, 4054 kHz. Tarjeta QSL, sticker, banderín, demoro 30 días, VRS. Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid, Director Gerente, IR enviado a Radio Verdad, Apartado 5, Chiquimula, Guatemala. | C.Perez Dioses-PRU | ConDig 417 | Apr 07 |
GUATEMALA, 4052.5, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, recibida carta con bonitos sellos, conteniendo tarjeta QSL conmemorativa del 8? aniversario de la emisora, bander?n de Radio Verdad, varios calendarios y pegatinas y carta del director Edgard Amilcar Madrid, agradeciendo el informe de recepcion y narrando la historia de la emisora. El informe de recepcion se envio hace un mes. No IRC, no 1 US$. En la QSL se hace constar que transmiten con 650 watts de potencia. Direccion: Radio Verdad, Apartado Postal 5, Chiquimula, Guatemala | M.Mendez-E | HCDX-ML | Mai 08 |
Relayed stations or programs
Radiodifusión Bíblica
Index Guatemala Index America Central
Red de Radiodifusión Bíblica (auf 3300 kHz via R. Cultural) schickte einen Brief mit frommen Sprüchen und ein spanischsprachiges Büchlein mit religiösem Inhalt, nahm aber auf meinen RR sonst keinen Bezug. | E.Gehrig-E | direct to QIP | Apr 99 |
Union R (AWR) Index Guatemala Index America
5981,6 kHz, Guatemala 01:10 28.12.90 19.02.91 53 days, QSL : kort mm | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Feb 91 |
AWR/Union R 5981, card and sticker in 7 weeks for 1 IRC, | L.Weirell-S | direct to QIP | Apr 91 |
AWR -Union Radio-; 5980 kHz -- full data map + angels card, -Union Radio- pennant and sticker, all in 1 month for SS report + $ 1.00. (McVicar) | R.McVicar-EQA | Jihad DX 47 | Aug 95 |
AWR / R Unión TGMU 5981 card 120 days. | T.-H.Ekblom-DNK | Norwegian DX News | Mrz 97 |
AWR Guatemala on 5981.5, QSL Letter, pocket calendar, plush pennant, materials, v/s Rolando Garcia, Director (Play DX # 932 28 / 04 / 1997) | O.Alm-S | TFW | Apr 97 |
AWR 5980 qsl-card no r.postage 127 days. | G.Grigoriev-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Mai 97 |
TGMUA Union R. AWR on 5981.5, QSL card f /d in 112 days. Sent F / up to AWR USA hq. and got reply tnx DX er A.Peterson, QSL mng AWR. Guatemala QTH did not reply (Play DX # 940 June 23 1997) | S.Gómez-E | TFW 031 | Jun 97 |
AWR 5980 qsl-card no r.postage 116 days. | G.Grigoriev-RUS | WDXC QSL Report | Okt 97 |
5980 Adventist World Radio / Union Radio, Guatemala City. Full data logo card, 2 cloth pennants, AWR 25th annivesray stickers, AWR World Time Indicator dial, and 6 AWR QSL stamps (similar to the old EKKO stamps from the early days of radio) in 29 days after 3rd Spanish followup, taped report, and $ 1.00 - this time I sent it registered. No v/s. | J.D.Stephens-AL-USA | Cumbre DX 180 | Mrz 98 |
AWR Union R. on 5980, QSL card f /d, cloth pennant lilas + yellow beautiful old style, in 42 days for 1 USD. (hrd in Mexico / Play DX # 979 April 20) | B.Gornati-I | TFW 059 | Mai 98 |
Adventist World Radio 5030,1 kHz, 04:40 19.10.97 03.07.98 257 dagar, Cahuita Costa Rica CA kort | G.Nilsson-S | direct to QIP | Jun 98 |
Union Radio (Adventist World Radio). QSL card and pennant in 198 days for my Spanish report with $ 1. (No.85) | I.Nagatani-J | Japan Premium 1999-12 | Dez 99 |
TGMU Union Radio 5965,00 kHz, Wavescan Contest 87 days, qsl-card, details : yes. | P.E.Boeck-D | EAWRC Bulletin 291 | Aug 01 |
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