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QSL Information Pages - Cuba (CUB)

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Next Page : Curacao


110860 km2
11184000 inhabitants
capital : La Habana

Radio broadcast stations :
AM 169, FM 55, shortwave 1 (1998)

(Central America)

Last update for this page :
Sonntag, 17. Mai 2020

Editors E-mail

QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations from Cuba

Cuba Previous Page : Costa Rica Next Page : Curacao

  1. Domestic
  2. CMBA
  3. CMBC
  4. CMBT
  5. CMCH
  6. CMDZ
  7. CME
  8. CMES R Sagua
  9. CMFA
  10. CMGL

Domestic Stations

CMBA Index Cuba Index America Central

CUBA 670 CMBA Arroyo Arenas (R Rebelde) QSL card, stix 100d. v/s: Jorge Luis Martin Cuevas, Relaciones Publicar M.Procop-OH AMFMTVDX-ML Jan 05

CMBC Index Cuba Index America Central

CMBC Radio Progreso, Guanabacoa Cuba 640kHz - after follow-up for 1998 report by e-mail to progreso[ät] - received a Word document with a photo of their HQ inserted along with address and verification text. P.Ormandy-NZL MWDX-ML Mai 02

CMBT Index Cuba Index America Central

CMBT R Taíno 1180 letter visiting card 7 months v/s Reinaldo Muñoz Cabrera, dir de programación. A.Bue-NOR Norwegian DX News Jan 97
CMBT R Taino, Villa Maria 1180 letter 11 months. R.Torvik-NOR Norwegian DX News Jan 97

CMCH Index Cuba Index America Central

1080 CMCH Habana e-mail in 8 hours. V/s Editora. G.D.Myers-FL-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-10 Okt 02
CMCH R Cadena Habana 1120 e-post A.Bue-N Norwegian DX News 2005-03 Apr 05

CMDZ Index Cuba Index America Central

CMDZ R Progreso, Chambas 890 qsl-letter 1å (pm), v/s Reina Cepero Montenegro, Espec.Promo. A.Bue-NOR Norwegian DX News 1998-10 Dez 98


CME Index Cuba Index America Central

830 CME "CMHW Doblevé", Sta. Clara. Sent e-report, received f/d email in 50min. v/s: "Editor" (no name). cip242 (a) M.Molano Sánchez-E mwdx-ML Aug 10

CMES R Sagua Index Cuba Index America Central

R Sagua 1540 n/d e-mail in 3 weeks for a tape report. v/s William Suris, Periodista A.Skalmeraas-NOR direct to QIP Feb 06

CMFA Index Cuba Index America Central

CMFA (Radio Cadena Agramonte) 1380, Central Brasil, Camaguey. F / D " CO7IC ham " card and long personal letter from v/s Isaias Caparros Otano for SS report and US $ 1. A.Loudell-DE-USA CIDX 1999-02 Feb 99
910 CMFA Camaguey, n/d e-mail in 6d. V/s Guillermo Pavon Pacheco, Dir. Provincial de Radio. G.D.Myers-FL-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-11 Nov 02
CMFA R Cadena Agramonte 1380 e-post v/s Ester Borges, Jefa Redaccion Digital A.Bue-N Norwegian DX News 2005-02 Feb 05

CMGL Index Cuba Index America Central

CMGL R Sancti Spiritus, Yaguajay 1200 e-post, v/s Yoan Dominguez, Locutor J.Alvestad-NOR Norwegian DX News 2005-08 Nov 05

CMHT Index Cuba Index America Central

1210 CMHT Sancti Spritus e-mail in 15 minutes! V/s Carlos Rafael Dueguez B. G.D.Myers-FL-USA DX-midAMerica 2002-09 Sep 02

CMHW Index Cuba Index America Central

CMHW DOBLEVE' 840 kHz stencil letter p / d. v/s : Giberto Rivero Muniz, director. Station started 15 July 1933. 10 kW 840 kHz; 1 kW Caibarien 1250 kHz, 1 kW Sagua la Grande 1290 kHz; 1 kW Rancho Veloz 1310 kHz. Time progr. : 1100-2000 UTC. NO IRC, 235d QTH : clo EB Municipal, Santa Clara. (after F / up, sent original rpt during visit to Cuba 1997) G.Bellabarba-I Play-DX 0995 Okt 98
CMHW Doblové, Santa Clara 840 b (FFN) 17 month A.Bue-NOR Norwegian DX News 1998-09 Nov 98
CMHW / Radio Dobleve 840 Santa Clara. P / D " Memorial Ernesto Guevara " card and long personal letter in 16 months for a US $ 1. A.Loudell-DE-USA CIDX 2000-05 Mai 00
830 CME "CMHW Doblevé", Sta. Clara. Sent e-report, received f/d email in 50min. v/s: "Editor" (no name). cip242 (a) M.Molano Sánchez-E mwdx-ML Aug 10

CMKC Index Cuba Index America Central

R Revolución CMKC Pers. undet. Letter after 67 days. Frequency: 1200 kHz, heard in Guardalavaca, Cuba. Return postage 1 $. M.Grill-D direct to QIP Feb 04

CMKT Index Cuba Index America Central

CMKT R Victoria 1050 e-post v/s Lic. Alfonso Naranjo, Sub Director Gen. A.Bue-N Norwegian DX News 2005-03 Apr 05

CMM Index Cuba Index America Central

1070 CMM  "CMKS"R. Trinchera Antimperialista, sent e-F/up received 1st email in 2h. from Irina Laborde, informatica de la Redacción Digital & Yaqueline de la Rosa, periodista. A second email arrived from Yliana Rodríguez, Jefa de Redacción in 18h. Both from: cip236 (a) M.Molano-E mwdx-ML Jun 10

CMW Index Cuba Index America Central

710 CMW La Julia QSL card, note, bus. card 109d. v/s: Jorge Luis Martin Cuevas, J’Grupo Relaciones Publicas M.Procop-OH-USA AMFMTVDX-ML Mai 06

R Angulo Index Cuba Index America Central

R Angulo 740 n/d e-mail in 8 weeks for a tape report. v/s Isabel Méndez Avila A.Skalmeraas-NOR direct to QIP Mrz 06

R Ciudad del Mar Index Cuba Index America Central

Radio Ciudad del mar 1350 kHz, n/d email v/s Jorge Dominguez Morado Editor Jefe f/up 1 year all in all [auf Cuba gehört.] A.Bollin-D direct to QIP Aug 07
1350 Cuba Radio Ciudad del mar n/d email v/s Jorge Dominguez Morado Editor Jefe f/up 1 year all in all. A.Bollin-D direct to QIP Mrz 08

R Progreso Index Cuba Index America Central

Radio PROGRESO, 890 kHz, " La Onda de la Alegria ", transmitiendo desde la localidad de Chambas, Provincia de Ciego de Avila, 71d, NO IRC, v/s Reina Cepero Montenegro, Especiales, Promocion, Relaciones Publicas, Radio Progreso. Station Birthday December 15, 1.929. Address : R.Progreso, " La Onda de La Alegria " Infanta 105, Ciudad de La Habana, C.P. 10.300, CUBA. Curiously I send a reception report in 900 kHz and sending to Apartado 30-42 and they verify 890 kHz. W.Monges-VEN direct to QIP Mai 99
Radio Progresso 640 kHz, Havana. Very nice P / D personal verie letter in 4 months from v/s Reina Cepero Montenegro, Espec. Promocion, Relaciones Publicas for a taped F / U report and ms. I have been trying for many years to get a reply out of this station. Very pleased indeed. (md) M.Delmage-AB-CAN CIDX 2000-03 Mrz 00
R.Progresso 640 kHz. Two page P / D verie letter in 58 days from Reina Cepero Montenegro, Espec. Promocion, Relaciones Publicas, for USD and taped f/up report on 1998 reception. N.Pimblett-AB-CAN CIDX 2000-07 Jul 00
R Progreso 1590 e-post m/foto og lydklipp, v/s Manuel E. Andres Mazorra, Dir. General J.Alvestad-NOR Norwegian DX News 2004-07 Okt 04
R Progreso, Pinar del Rio 890 b T.B.Vik-NOR Norwegian DX News 2005-06 Okt 05

R Rebelde Index Cuba Index America Central

R Rebelde 5025 kHz, n/d qsl-card in 238 days, sticker R.Sonntag-D direct to QIP Jun 85
580 kHz, Santiago 08.02.87 20.03.87 40 days, QSL : brev mm v/s : Jorge Luis Más Zabala G.Nilsson-S direct to QIP Mrz 87
R Rebelde - det. Brief Radio-Logo 6305 kHz 1120 14.11.89 180 Tage, heard in Puerta Plata D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Mai 90
R Rebelde - det. Brief Radio-Logo 5025 kHz 0100 06.11.89 240 Tage, heard in Puerta Plata D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Jul 90
5025 I got a nice reply from Radio Rebelde yesterday. Pers letter in SS from Marisel Ramos Soca, J' de Relaciones Públicas and also a great QSL-folder. B.Fransson-S DX Window 011 Mai 96
R.Rebelde on 5025, QSL card, schedules, v/s Marisel Ramos Soca, jefe depto rel. publicas, in 60 days (Play DX # 958 Nov 24) J.Manolo Cabrera Pérez-CNR TFW 044 Nov 97
R.Rebelde on 5025, QSL, personal letter, v/s Srta Marisel Ramos Soca, jefe relaciones publicas, in 54 days. (Play DX # 969 Feb. 16) A.Micheli-I TFW 053 Mrz 98
Radio Rebelde 5025, f /d " Logo / Headphones " card, letter and iron on T-shirt decal in 67 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 1998-10 Okt 98
R. Rebelde / 5025 kHz, 210 days, detailed qsl-card, pers.qsl-letter, sticker / IRC. H.-J.Koch-D ADDX 1999-23 Dez 99
Radio Rebelde 5025 kHz, p/d card Not listed, v/s : Not listed "Fold-out" card, site : Not listed J.Dybka-TX-USA Webpage Jan 00
R. Rebelde 9600. QSL folder, letter & program schedule in 12w for USD and Spanish report. v/s Daimelis Monzon Wat, Esp. Relaciones Publicas. Written email address on card appears to be and web R.Jary-SA-AUS Cumbre DX 280 Feb 00
5025 Radio Rebelde heard on 29 September 1999 at 1019. E-mail response in 5 days to my DX Report in Spanish, then a mail reminder, then an attempted FAX follow-up to a number always busy, and finally an E-mail which drew the reply. G.Glotzbach-NM-USA Cumbre DX 307 Aug 00
5025 - Rádio Rebelde - La Habana - Cartão QSL, carta e prog. - 45 dias. v/s : Maribel Santa Colome. QTH : Casilla 6277 - CP 10600 - Habana 6 - Cuba. J.Moacir Portera de Melo-MT-B Atividade DX 000 Nov 00
R. Rebelde / 5025, 80 days, detailed letter, K, Sticker / IRC. H.Wolff-D ADDX 2001-06 Mrz 01
RADIO REBELDE 9660 QSL V/s: DAIMELIS MONZON Esp.Relaciones Publicas. SENT 1 $ (QUITE STRANGE) E-MAIL: (QSL-REPORT, Monitoring Times, FEBR.2001) R.Jary-SA-AUS Play-DX 1105 Mrz 01
Recibí una preciosa QSL de Radio Rebelde. La captación la había hecho via Radio Habana el día 23 de febrero de este año, en Milán a la hora 13.35 por los 15.230 KHz. Recuerdo que fue una captación bastante linda porque fue desde el programa de las comunicaciones que tiene en esa emisora Manolo de la Rosa. Se emitió una grabación y tuve la suerte de grabarlo yo también. Nunca había podido sintonizar Radio Rebelde y fue una buena ocasión para verificarla. EN la QSL da la dirección de internet y la página Nunca pude acceder a esta página desde allá, no sé si por imposibilidad de mi servidor o el de la emisora. Sabemos que estan siendo saboteados permamentemente y eso dificulta un poco las cosas V.Castaño-URG Conexion Digital 211 Mai 03
Vorgestern traf bei mir eine schöne QSL-Karte mit allen Daten von Radio Rebelde (5025 kHz) ein. Dazu gabs noch einen Sticker. Laufzeit war 55 Tage. Ich schickte einen Tonbandmitschnitt und 2 IRC an "Apartado 6277, 10600 Habana 6". Bei der Adressenangabe im S&F steht Apartado 62-77. Der Bindestrich gehört weg ebenso wie bei der Anschrift von Radio Habana. A.Klomfar-AUT A-DX-ML Apr 04
Radio Rebelde, 5.025 kHz, full data computer generated QSL card, sticker, V/s Jorge Levis Martin (Relaciones Publicas), 70 days, rp 1 US$ R.Bessler-D direct to QIP Apr 04
Radio Rebelde 620 kHz, F/D "smiling face wearing headphones" card in 7 months for $1.00 US. V/S Jorge Luis Martin. J.Fisher-MA-USA CIDX 2004-06 Jun 04
1180 R Rebelde Villa Maria f/d cd in 180d. v/s:Jorge Luis Martin S.Paszkiewicz-WI-USA DX-MidAmerica 2004-06 Jul 04
5025 kHz. Radio Rebelde, Apartado Postal 6277, La Habana. Tarjeta QSL. Contestó en 76 días. J.Moacir Portera de Melo-MT-B Conexion Digital 286 Okt 04
Radio Rebelde, 5025, Recibida tarjeta QSL de una transmisión de fecha 11 de Septiembre de 2004. La tarjeta viene firmada por el Jefe de Relaciones Públicas, D. Jorge L. Martín, y tardó en llegar 70 días. El informe se envió por correo ordinario y por e-mail. Dirección: Apartado 6277, La Habana. mail: M.Méndez-E direct to QIP Nov 04
R. Rebelde / 5025 kHz, 143 Tage, detail. Karte D.Rosenau-D ADDX 2004-23 Dez 04
5025 kHz - R. Rebelde - La Habana - CUB. Recebido cartão QSL e adesivo. 88 dias. V/S: Ilegível. QTH: Apartado 6277, 10600 Habana 6, Cuba I.Dias da Silva Júnior-SP-B Conexion Digital 294 Dez 04
Radio Rebelde 5025 kHz, 210 Tage, det. Karte, Sticker / 2 Dollar D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Dez 04
Radio Rebelde, Urbano Noris, HO 600 kHz, heard: 2.12.2004, QSL 2005 J.Solatie-FIN mwdx-ML Dez 05
Radio Rebelde - 110 Tage, 5025 kHz, undet.Klappkarte, Sticker, Visitenkarte (1 $) K.Richter-D direct to QIP Jan 06
R. Rebelde / 5025 kHz, 62 Tage, detail. Karte, pers. B, Diploma J.Waga-D ADDX 2006-02 Feb 06
R Rebelde, 710 kHz, Full data computer generated QSL card in 26 weeks Rp 1 IRC, via R Rebelde, Apt. 6277, La Habana 10600. G.Schotmans-BEL direct to QIP Mai 06
Radio Rebelde 710, full data QSL card and friendly letter with sticker in 3 months for mint stamps. v/s Jorge Luis Martín Cuevas, J’Grupo Relaciones Públicas, Apartado 6277, 10600 La Habana 6, Cuba. J.Pogue-TN-USA direct to QIP Mai 06
6.120 kHz - R. Rebelde, La Habana. Recebido bonito QSL full datam cartao de visitas do V/S e cartao postal com mensagem do V/S no verso. 400 dias (89 dias apos follow-up). V/S: Jorge Luis Martin Cuevas (J. Grupo de Relaciones Publicas). O e-mail da emissora e: . QTH: Calle 23 nº 258 e/ L y M. ICRT, 3er piso, Vedado, Ciudad de la Habanac Cuba. R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B Atividade DX 301 Jun 06
R. Rebelde / 5025 kHz, 223 Tage, Lesezeichen, 4 Kalender / IRC D.Stange-D ADDX 2006-12 Dez 06
R. Rebelde / 5025 kHz, 168 Tage, det. K / $ S.Arndt-D ADDX 2006-12 Dez 06
R. REBELDE 5025 kHz Letter + QSL Card in 56 days. V/s : Jorge Luis Martin Cuevas. ADDRESS : Apartado 6277, 10600 LA HABANA. (REPLY in 2006) F.Carnevalini-I Play-DX 2007 Jan 07
Radio Rebelde 1180 kHz. Full data colourful Radio Rebelde ‘Club DX QSL’ card after numerous follow ups over past 2 years for IRC’s, $US dollars, CD reports in SS and EE and email reports so not sure what has worked! QSL card does show email address (Craig Edwards) C.A.Edwards-NT-AUS direct to QIP Feb 07
5025 kHz Radio Rebelde, QSL-c, sticker, pocket calendar, postal in 395 days after f/up tnx to Arnaldo Coro who help me to obtain this. N.Eramo-ARG direct to QIP Mai 07
R. Rebelde / 5025 kHz, 820 Tage, detaillierte Karte, Notiz / IRC D.Kähler-D ADDX 2007-06 Jun 07
R. Rebelde / 5025 kHz, 402 Tage, undetaillierte Karte, Brief, Sticker / 2 IRC M.Martin-D ADDX 2007-06 Jun 07
570 kHz RADIO REBELDE. E-QSL formato .jpeg. No V/S. Informe enviado a: Gracias a la informacion del colega Antonio Madrid en El Radioescucha. Demoro 3 dias. R.Rodriguez R.-CLM Lista ConDig-ML Okt 10
5025  kHz - Radio Rebelde, La Habana - Cuba. Recebido e-mail confirmatório + QSL em formato JPEG 3 dias  (após 1 ano e 2 meses tentando via carta ....) V/S: Osana Osoria. Relatório enviado pelo e-mail F.Andrade Silva-SC-B radioescutas-ML Mrz 12

R Reloj (CUB) Index Cuba Index America Central

Radio RELOJ 950 kHz per s. long letter + postcard in 216d sent 1 US $ rpt sent to WRTH 98 address v/s Juan Jose Castellano, deportista de Radio Reloj QTH : Avenida 23, n. 258, Vedado, La Habana 4. D.Taylor-G Play-DX 0997 Okt 98
Radio RELOJ 9820 kHz letter, v/s : ISIDRO BETANCOURT SILVA (Director General). (SHORTWAVE BULLETIN, N°1436, JULY 2000) C.Brunström-S Play-DX 1084 Okt 00
1270 kHz, Camaguey 05:10 28.09.02 28.10.02 30 days, QSL : e-mail G.Nilsson-S direct to QIP Okt 02

R Surco Index Cuba Index America Central

R Surco 1440 3s-b C.Brunström-S Norwegian DX News 2001-05 Aug 01

External Service

R Habana Cuba Index Cuba Index America Central

R Habana Cuba 9590 kHz, det. qsl-card in 198 days, letter, schedule, infos R.Sonntag-D direct to QIP Apr 1981
R Habana Cuba 9590 kHz, det. qsl-card in 123 days, letter, sticker R.Sonntag-D direct to QIP Jul 1986
R Habana Cuba - det. Karte Castillo de la Fuerza 9730 kHz 0745 29.01.89 120 Tage D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Mai 1989
R Habana Cuba - Grußkarte Kirche - - 29.01.89 120 Tage D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Mai 1989
R Habana Cuba - det. Karte Cafetal de la Isabelica 11705 kHz 1400 09.11.89 161 Tage, heard in Puerta Plata D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Apr 1990
R Habana Cuba - det. Karte Cafetal de la Isabelica 15300 kHz 1500 09.11.89 161 Tage, heard in Puerta Plata D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Apr 1990
R Habana Cuba - Grußkarte Castillo de la Fuerza - - 09.11.89 161 Tage, heard in Puerta Plata D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Apr 1990
R Habana Cuba 6010 kHz, det. qsl-card in 141 days, letter R.Sonntag-D direct to QIP Mai 1993
R Habana 11705 qsl-card no r.postage 109 days. C.Williams-G WDXC QSL Report Jan 1996
R Habana 9830 qsl-card no r.postage 70 days. E.Southwell-G WDXC QSL Report Jan 1996
R Habana 11875 qsl-card no r.postage 203 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN WDXC QSL Report Jan 1996
R Habana 9820 qsl-card no r.postage 368 days Z.Liangas-GRC WDXC QSL Report Jan 1996
RHC SPECIAL. QSL Manolo de la Rosa, Producer of the DX progr -Hablando de Diexismo con Manolo de la Rosa- on RHC, asked me to let everyone know that they have a Special QSL for their -10 Anos en el DX- (10 Years of DX). -Hablando de Diexismo con Manolo de la Rosa- is transmitted during the progr -En Contacto- on RHC the last Sun of every month. (Sorry but he did not give me the exact times). Reception reports can be sent to : Manolo de la Rosa, ICRT, 23 No. 258, Vedado, Ciudad Habana 4, Cuba. (translation by Fleming, Cumbre DX) J.White-FL-USA BC-DX 238 Jun 1996
R Habana 9820 qsl-card no r.postage 122 days. D.Saunders-G WDXC QSL Report Sep 1996
R Habana 9830 qsl-letter SAE 70 Sid Morris, GB S.Morris-G WDXC QSL Report Nov 1996
R Habana 9830 qsl-card qsl-letter sti sch 6m. Land nr 50 for Jan ! J.Køppen Petersen-NOR Norwegian DX News 1996-10 Dez 1996
R Habana 9830 qsl-card no r.postage 154 days. C.Williams-G WDXC QSL Report Dez 1996
R Habana 11760 qsl-card no r.postage 312 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN WDXC QSL Report Dez 1996
R. Habana on 13680, QSL, letter and report form in 122 days. (Radiorama # 1/97) L.Zazzeri-I TFW Jan 1997
R Habana 6000 11760 qsl-card no r.postage 167 days. G.Grigoriev-RUS WDXC QSL Report Mai 1997
R Habana 6000 qsl-letter no r.postage 103 days. D.Saunders-G WDXC QSL Report Jun 1997
R Habana 9820 qsl-card no r.postage 103 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN WDXC QSL Report Jun 1997
R Havana 6000 card letter avis frim 150 days. J.Svendsen-NOR Norwegian DX News Aug 1997
R Habana 13715 qsl-card no r.postage 103 days. M.Beesley-G WDXC QSL Report Sep 1997
R Habana 9830 qsl-card no r.postage 87 days, days. P.Travers-G WDXC QSL Report Nov 1997
Radio HABANA CUBA - Apartado 6240 - La Habana 9830 kHz - QSL and letter in 102 dd, no IRC - v/s Lourdes Lopez e-mail S.Mannelli-I Webpage Jan 1998
R.Habana on 9820, fd card, letter in 125 days (DSWCI, ShortWave News # 3, March 98, QSL Corner) M.Mitsuaki-J TFW 055 Mrz 1998
11970 kHz, Radio Habana, La Habana, CUBA, QSL-c (full data), letter, schedule, 125 days N.Eramo-ARG TFW 060 Mai 1998
Radio Havana Cuba 11705, f /d " Vocational High School-Dormitories, Havana " card and personal letter in 344 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 1998-06 Jun 1998
Radio Havana Cuba 11760, f /d " DX Club Logo " card and personal letter in 171 days from v/s Lourdes Lopez. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 1998-07 Jul 1998
Radio Havana Cuba 13680, f /d " Logo " card and letter in 220 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 1998-09 Sep 1998
Radio Havana Cuba 6000, f /d " Club DX Logo " card and Cuban newspapers in 5 1 / 2 months. A.Loudell-DE-USA CIDX 1998-10 Okt 1998
11970 R.Havana QSL number 4 on reverse of card Full data with Radio club Radio Havana on front. No v/signer gave skedule for 5 and half months for $ 1.00 US and an English report. J.Wright-NSW-AUS Cumbre DX 212 Okt 1998
Radio Havana Cuba 9550, f /d " Logo " card and personal letter in 164 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 1998-11 Nov 1998
9820 kHz RHC kort, brev, aviser 7m. H.V.Lollike-DNK DDXLK 1998-11 Nov 1998
R Habana Cuba f/d card with 1 IRC in 105 days. Also send letters and a summary of International Contest CMA-Radio Habana Cuba. (No.31) G.Iwata-J Japan Premium Nov 1998
R.Habana Cuba. A reply in answer to report of EG on 9820 kHz with 1 IRC. Included a only twofolded card. There is no data, no signer. Is this a verification card ? (No.29) G.Iwata-J Japan Premium Nov 1998
Radio Habana Cuba Für etwa 10 RRs ist mit dem Zertifikat über die Mitgliedschaft im DX-Klub zu rechnen. Rückporto ist nicht nötig. Den Empfang einer der nachts auf 6000 kHz hörbaren Sendungen bestätigte RHC nach 165 Tagen mit det. QSL-Karte. Adresse : Apartado 6240, La Habana, Cuba. M.Martin-D Eastside DX 04 Dez 1998
Radio Habana Cuba IRHC bestätigte den RR über 13715 kHz (jetzt abends auf EE von 20.30 bis 21.30 UTC auf 13720 und 13750) nach 98 Tagen mit QSL-Karte, persönlichem Brief und Neujahrskarte. Mitteilungen auf deutsch (wie z.B. Zeitungsausschnitte) werden leider nicht verstanden. P.Schramm-D Eastside DX 04 Dez 1998
R. Habana Cuba 13715 qsl-card qsl-letter sticker v avis 165 days., v/s Lourdes López T.Nielsen-NOR Norwegian DX News 1998-10 Dez 1998
R. Habana / div. kHz, 114-165 days, detailed qsl-card / letter, Info. diverse-D ADDX 1999-02 Jan 1999
11705 USB Radio Havana Cuba Full-data E-mail letter in 1 day for E-mail report. Signer : Arnie Coro. W.Flynn-OR-USA Cumbre DX 223 Jan 1999
R Habana 13720 qsl-card, no ret. postage, 110 days A.Baransky-UKR WDXC QSL Report Jan 1999
R Habana Cuba 9820 qsl-card, no ret. postage, 85 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN WDXC QSL Report Feb 1999
R Habana Cuba 15230 qsl-card, no ret. postage, 115 days. N.Borovenski-RUS WDXC QSL Report Feb 1999
R Habana Cuba - qsl-card, no ret. postage, 90 days. N.Zharkov-RUS WDXC QSL Report Feb 1999
Radio Havana 6000, full data card (Club DX) and letter received in 190 days for report with $ 1US. D.Davidson-SK-CAN ODXA 1999-03 Mrz 1999
Radio Habana Cuba. Two cards for reception reports of 5 Dec. 98 and 1 Jan. 99, both on 9820, full data, unsigned. S.Baca-NM-USA Cumbre DX 237 Apr 1999
Radio Havana Cuba 9820 and 13720, f /d " Logo " card, letter, pocket calendar and contest form in 100 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 1999-06 Jun 1999
RHC, CUB, u.a. 6000, 160 Tage, QSL-Karte (U.Heller-D) U.Heller-D Eastside DX 06 Jun 1999
R Habana 13720 kHz, card, rp : no, 107 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN WDXC QSL Report Jun 1999
R Habana 9820 kHz, card, rp : no, 93 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN WDXC QSL Report Jun 1999
R Habana 13715 kHz, card, rp : no, 137 days. P.Travers-G WDXC QSL Report Jun 1999
Radio HABANA CUBA 11875 kHz QSL + postcard + political magazine 139d NO IRC QTH : Apartado 6240 La Habana (Conexion 124, Marzo 1999, Argentina) H.Oguich-ARG Play-DX 1028 Jun 1999
9550 kHz. Radio HABANA, Apartado 6240, La Habana. Tarjeta QSL, carta, bases de concurso de la emisora, ejemplar del diario Granma Internacional. Contesto en 100 dias. E.Manuel Wolter-ARG Conexion Digital 013 Jul 1999
FD Card from Radio Havana DX Club and v/signer Louise Lopez letter in 14 weeks for 1 USD and p / card. J.Wright-NSW-AUS Cumbre DX 252 Jul 1999
R Habana 13720 kHz, card, rp : no, 106 days. E.Southwell-G WDXC QSL Report Aug 1999
Radio Havana Cuba 11705, f /d " Club DX Logo " card and letter in 85 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 1999-09 Sep 1999
Radio Habana beantwortete einen RR über die ab 1 UTC mit dem englischen Dienst für Nordamerika eingesetzte QRG 6000 kHz nach 79 Tagen mit QSL-Karte (Club DX RHC) Rp nicht erforderlich. In einem besonders für Briefmarkensammler gedachten Contest, der noch bis Ende Dezember läuft, wird nach dem Symbol der Stadt Havanna gefragt. v/s Lourdes Lopez, Head of Correspondence Department. Adresse : RHC, Apartado 7026, La Habana, Cuba. Fax : (537) 705810. J.Adolph-D Eastside DX 07 Sep 1999
Radio HAVANA CUBA 13700 kHz QSL card 246d. NO IRC QTH : Box 6240 Havana. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN Play-DX 1041 Okt 1999
Radio HAVANA CUBA 11760 kHz QSL f /d + letter 90d. v/s : Lourdes Lopez, segr. S.Gómez-E Play-DX 1041 Okt 1999
R. Habana / 13720 kHz, 105 days, detailed qsl-card, qsl-letter, Magazin, Ouiz A.Loose-D ADDX 1999-23 Dez 1999
Radio Habana Cuba. Full data card for reception report of 3 September on 9820 at 0230. S.Baca-NM-USA Cumbre DX 271 Dez 1999
Radio Habana 9820 kHz, f/d card, 5, v/s : Lourdes Lopez "Lenin High School" card, site : Not listed J.Dybka-TX-USA Webpage Jan 2000
Radio Habana 9830 kHz, f/d card, 5/17/95, v/s : Lourdes Lopez "Lenin Park" card, site : Not listed J.Dybka-TX-USA Webpage Jan 2000
RHC, Habana 9.550 kHz, CUB tx-site: La Habana - Bauta gehört in: AUT/Strasshof K, pers.Brief, E-Berichtform., Kalender 27.11.1999 10.03.2000 113 Tage H.Süss-AUT direct to QIP Mrz 2000
R. Habana/9550 kHz, 90 days, detailed qsl-card, pers. qsl-letter, Broschüre. K.Oxenbauer-D ADDX 2000-07 Apr 2000
Radio Havana 11750, f /d " Havana Harbour " card, newsletter and contest entry form in 8 months. (Barnes, GER) ?.Barnes-D CIDX 2000-04 Apr 2000
Radio Havanna - 13750 - det. Karte, Brief, Kalender, InfoMat., 170 Tage M.Grallert-D direct to QIP Aug 2000
Der englische Dienst von Radio Habana Cuba informierte über verschiedene Competitions der Station, u.a. zur Frage, In the last 40 years, what has Radio Habana Cuba signified for you ? ". Adresse : Radio Habana Cuba, Apartado Postal 6240, La Habana, Cuba. Fax : (537) 70 5810 E-rnail : J.Adolph-D Eastside DX 11 Aug 2000
R Habana Cuba 9820 k sch 11u. v/s Lourdes Lopez T.H.Hesjadalen-NOR Norwegian DX News 2000-08 Sep 2000
R Habana 6000 kHz, f/d card, rp : no, 140 days. R.Petraitis-LTU WDXC QSL Report Okt 2000
11875 kHz. Radio Habana Cuba, Apartado 6240, La Habana. Tarjeta QSL, diario Gramma y carta de la emisora. Contesto en 66 dias. C.A.Pivatto-ARG Conexion Digital 080 Nov 2000
RHC schickte nach 64 Tagen QSL-Karte, verschiedene Briefmarken, Infos und Mini-Kalender. Kein Rp. Frequenz u.a. 6000 kHz. Adr. : Radio Habana Cuba, P.O.Box 6240, Havanna. Fax : (537) 70 5810. M.Goerke-D Eastside DX 12 Nov 2000
R. Habana / div., 92-170 days, detailed QSL-card, B, Kalender, Info. diverse-D ADDX 2000-23 Dez 2000
Radio Havana Cuba 13750, R / D " Club DX Logo " card, pocket calendar, contest info, certificate, posters and person letter in 77 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 2000-12 Dez 2000
Radio Havana Cuba - Karte mit Neujahrswuenschen, Kalender, Programm, Info AWR - Kalender, Neujahrswuensche M.Grallert-D direct to QIP Dez 2000
Radio Habana Cuba. ( 2 Tarjetas QSL., almanaque y carta de la Jefe del Dpto. de correspondencia de la Emisora, Lourdes Lopez. Respondio en 30 dias. J.Carlos Carbajal-URG Conexion Digital 091 Jan 2001
Radio Havana 13680 kHz, F/D "RHC Club DX" card, schedule and sticker in 81 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 2001-05 Mai 2001
R. Habana Cuba / ? kHz, 50 days, detailed qsl-card, pers. letter, PG. D.Wolff-D ADDX 2001-12 Jun 2001
15230 kHz. Radio Habana Cuba, Apartado 6240, La Habana. Tarjeta QSL, esquema de horarios y frecuencias, periódico Gramma. Verificó en 90 días. C.Morales-ARG Conexion Digital 109 Jun 2001
R Habana Cuba - det. Karte UNA VOZ DE AMISTAD 13680 kHz 2145 14.04.01 87 Tage D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Jul 2001
R Habana Cuba 13750 k b sch mm. 100d B.Tandberg-NOR Norwegian DX News 2001-05 Aug 2001
Radio Havana Cuba 13680 kHz, F/D "Club DX" card, letter and tourist info in 110 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 2001-09 Sep 2001
Radio Habana Cuba 13680 kHz, 140 Tage, det. Karte, persönlicher Brief / 3 Dollar D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Sep 2001
15340 - Radio Havana - La Habana-CUB - Cartão QSL full data, schedule, jornal em português e carta pessoal - 171 dias. QTH : Apartado 6240 - La Habana - Cuba. M.Martins Pontes-SP-B DXCB 2001-09 Sep 2001
Acabei de receber um cartão QSL completo da Rádio Havana Cuba. Trata-se daquele modelo antigo e consagrado de cartão com o lema "Una voz de amistad que recorre el mundo". Informe feito em 25.05.01 por escuta feita em 15230 kHz (2310 UTC). Chegaram dois envelopes da RHC contendo o seguinte material além do QSL: boletim da programação; um exemplar da edição internacional em português do jornal "Granma" (ed. de 05.08.2001); um adesivo comemorativo do 40 anos da RHC; três envelopes de primeiro dia de circulação cubanos (chamados de "first day cover" pelos filatelistas.); e uma amabilíssima (e longa) carta pessoal datilografada (!) em espanhol assinada por Lourdes López (Depto. de Correspondência). RADIO HABANA CUBA, APARTADO 6240, LA HABANA - CUBA. R.H.Ribeiro-SP-B radioecutas-ML Sep 2001
R Habana 11705 kHz, f/d card, rp : no, 190 days. N.Borovenski-RUS WDXC QSL Report Okt 2001
R Habana 11875 kHz, f/d card, rp : no, 190 days. N.Borovenski-RUS WDXC QSL Report Okt 2001
R Habana 6000 kHz, f/d card, rp : no, 56 days. N.Borovenski-RUS WDXC QSL Report Okt 2001
R Habana 9830 kHz, f/d card, rp : no, 190 days. N.Borovenski-RUS WDXC QSL Report Okt 2001
15230 Rádio Havana Cuba, La Habana, Cuba. 95 dias. Cartão QSL, postal, calendário, jornal Granma e carta pessoal. v/s: Lourdes Lopez (Jefe Depto. de Correspondencia). QTH : Apartado 6340, La Habana, Cuba. C.Romais-RS-B radioecutas-ML Nov 2001
Confirmada Rádio Habana Cuba. Cartão QSL, carta pessoal, exemplar de jornal da cidade de Habana, calendário. 45 dias; v/s : Lourdes Lópes QTH : Apartato 6240 La Habana - Cuba. I.Cardoso-SP-B radioecutas-ML Nov 2001
RADIO HABANA 13680 QSL-card + Letter + Depliant + Schedule + Magazine. 162d. NO IRC. QTH : APARTADO 6240, LA HABANA. F.Carnevalini-I Play-DX 1133 Nov 2001
Received [.] an anniversary QSL from Radio Havana. I also received a letter from Radio Havana with a heading under the date (January 18, 2002), reading "Year of the Heroes Imprisoned by the US Empire." Usually it reads "Year of the Victorious Revolution in the New Millennium." I assume the "heroes" are the folks now taking in the sun - by force - in Guantanamo Bay ?? S.C.Hickey-NF-CAN GRDXC-ML Jan 2002
15230 kHz, Radio Habana Cuba, Apartado 6240, La Habana. Tarjeta QSL especial por reportar el programa del 1 de Enero sobre la Revolucion Cubana. Respondio en 62 dias. H.Héctor Longhi-ARG Conexion Digital 149 Mrz 2002
Der englische Dienst von Radio Habana beantwortete RRs über die 04.10 UTC mit O=3 empfangbare Frequenz 6000 kHz mit detaillierter QSL-Karte,1961-2001 40 anos llevando al mundo la verdad". V/s Lourdes Lopez, Head of Correspondence Dept. Beigelegt waren persönliche Zeilen, Tourismuswerbung, Sendeplan, Umfrage zu 40 Jahren Radio Habana [.] Adr.: P.O.Box 6240, Havana, Cuba E-Mail: J.Adolph-D Eastside DX 17 Mrz 2002
Radio Havana Cuba, 13660, simple card with RHC logo, 5 months, with personal letter fromn Head of Correspondence Dept, inviting entries into a contest about "The History of Cuban Rum"! Unfortunately, the contest closed one month prior to my QSL being sent out! B.Padula-VIC-AUS EDXP-ML Mrz 2002
RHC Habana / 13680 kHz, 38 Tage, detail. qsl-card, pers. qsl-letter. K.Oxenbauer-D ADDX 2002-08 Apr 2002
RADIO HABANA CUBA, 17750 kHz, QSL f/d, info, carta personal en 4m. 11d v/s: Lourdes Lopez QTH: Apartado 6240 La Habana. Cuba S.Gómez-E Conexion Digital 189 Dez 2002
R Habana Cuba - Grußkarte Canal de entrada Laguna de Tesoro - - 18.10.02 73 Tage D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Dez 2002
R Habana Cuba - Grußkarte Radiologo 9550 kHz 0205 18.10.02 73 Tage D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Dez 2002
R. Habana Cuba / 9830 kHz, 123 Tage, det. qsl-card, pers. letter, Werbemat. / IRC D.Stange-D ADDX 2003-03 Feb 2003
17705 - R. Havana, Cuba Recebido cartão QSL confirmando escuta de 16 de Abril, 2002, 2307 UTC, SINPO = 44435. M.Campanário-SP-B Atividade DX 136 Feb 2003
Radio Habana Cuba, 15230 kHz, Habana transmitter, full data QSL card in 93 days. A letter and a B02 schedule also enclosed. E.Zhou-CHN direct to QIP Feb 2003
Radio Havana Cuba : QSL from the station from for the reception of 12.15.2002, along with pocket calendar of 2003, and personal letter from Lourdeu Lopez. E.Ezeani-NIG direct to QIP Mrz 2003
I received a very nice letter from the staff of Radio Habana Cuba in February. Among other things, they thanked me for being a listener of over forty years, occasional reception reports submitted and for my support of Arnie Coro's programs. They knew my eleven year old grandson, Brandon, collected stamps from foreign countries and was a short-wave listener. I received a nice QSL card from Radio Habanna and some stamps from Cuba for Brandon. What a nice gesture on their part. Keep up the great work Arnie! I hope to make on air contact with you one of these days again on 20 meters (via swl) D.Fischer-USA DXLD 3-091 Mai 2003
R. Habana / 9830 kHz, 90 Tage, details qsl-card, Quizformular D.Stange-D ADDX 2003-12 Jun 2003
15.260 - 2302 UTC 11 de fevereiro de 2003 - V/S inexistente - Recebi em 92 dias. É um Cartão QSL comemorativo dos 40 anos da Rádio Havana Cuba, com o logotipo da emissora ao centro no e sobre ele a palavra "QSL"., do lado superior esquerdo está escrito "1961" e no lado direito "2001" na parte inferior afrase: " 40 años llevando al mundo la verdad" . a estampa é composta nas cores Branco, preto, azul e vermelho. A.Marques de Azevedo-MG-B Atividade DX 152 Jun 2003
Radio Havana 9820 kHz, F/D "Logo" card with schedule in 15 weeks; in same envelope, F/D Logo card 9820 kHz in 20 weeks. D.Gauvin-NB-CAN CIDX 2003-06 Jun 2003
Radio Habana Cuba escuchada en Milán, Italia el día 23 de febrero de este año a las 14.00 UTC en los 15230 kHz. La QSL conmemora los 40 años de la emisora que se cumplieron en el año 2001. Al pie de la tarjeta viene la direcciónen internet: V.Castaño-URG Conexion Digital 216 Jun 2003
Radio Habana Cuba. QSL card, schedule of English broadcasts, letter and booklet in 134 days. QSL received after my 4th reporting attempt. Address: Radio Habana Cuba, Apartado 6240, La Habana, Cuba. S.Rogov-LTU Signal DX 102b Jun 2003
17705 - R. Habana Cuba - La Habana-CUB - QSL (40 anos – 2001), carta, jornal Granma. 207 dias. V/S: Lourdes López. QTH: Apartado 6240, La Habana, Cuba J.Moacir Portera de Melo-MT-B DXCB 2003-07 Jul 2003
Radio Havana Cuba kHz, "Logo" F/D card in three months. D.Gauvin-NB-CAN CIDX 2003-08 Aug 2003
15230 - R. Havana - La Habana-CUB - Carta pessoal, selos, jornal Gramna e QSL. 155 dias. V/S: Lourdes Lopes. QTH: Apartado 6240, La Habana, Cuba C.Alberto Erdmann-RS-B DXCB 2003-08 Aug 2003
15230 kHz - R. Habana - La Habana. Recebido cartão QSL, carta pessoal e jornal. 126 dias. V/S: Ilegível. QTH: Apartado Postal 6240, La Habana, Cuba I.Dias da Silva Júnior-SP-B Atividade DX 167 Sep 2003
Radio Havana 6000 kHz, QSL cards and a copy of "Granma International," a Cuban newspaper and an invitation to participate in a contest in 4 1/2 months. S.C.Hickey-NF-CAN CIDX 2003-09 Sep 2003
Radio Havana 9600 kHz, 1 Tage, det. E-Mail QSL-Brief via Arnie Coro über Testsendung / E-Mail Report D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Sep 2003
15230 - R. Habana Cuba - La Habana-CUB - QSL. 120 dias. V/S: ?. QTH: Apartado 6240. La Habana, Cuba J.Moacir Portera de Melo-MT-B DXCB 2003-09 Sep 2003
15230 - R. Habana Cuba - La Habana-CUB - QSL, boletim de programação, jornal, calendário e carta pessoal. 105 dias. V/S: ?. QTH: Apartado 6240. La Habana, Cuba O.Fantinelli-RS-B DXCB 2003-09 Sep 2003
9550 kHz: f/d card after 2m fr eRR T.M.Rösner-D direct to QIP Okt 2003
R. Habana Cuba / 6000 kHz, 70 Tage, det. QSL-Karte, Cocktail-Rezepte & Grüße per eMail H.Matt-D ADDX 2002-23 Dez 2003
R. Habana Cuba / 6000 kHz, 119 Tage, det. QSL-Karte / RR per eMail R.Sonntag-D ADDX 2002-23 Dez 2003
15230 kHz - R. Habana Cuba - Habana - Cuba. Recebido cartão QSL com logotipo da emissora. 98 dias V/S: Manolo de La Rosa Hernandez Obs: informe de recepção enviado por e-mail: L.Gauna-MS-B Atividade DX 178 Dez 2003
15230 kHz - R. Havana Cuba, La Habana, Cuba. Recebido 3 cartões QSLs e carta pessoal datilografada. 65 dias aproximadamente. V/S: Manolo de la Rosa (apresentador do programa En Contacto). QTH: Apartado Postal 6240, La Habana, Cuba. Informes enviado ao seguinte endereço eletrônico: C.Romais-RS-B Atividade DX 180 Dez 2003
Radio Havana 6000 kHz, F/D "logo" card with stamps and first-day covers in 12 weeks. D.Gauvin-NB-CAN CIDX 2003-01 Dez 2003
17705 kHz. Radio Habana Cuba, Apartado 6240, La Habana. Tarjeta QSL, carta de la emisora. Contestó en 207 días. J.Moacir Portera de Melo-MT-B Conexion Digital 253 Mrz 2004
Radio Habana Cuba 9600 kHz, 194 Tage, det. Karte Nr 4 , Lesezeichen, Empfangsberichtvordruck / 2 Dollar D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Mrz 2004
15230 kHz. Radio Habana-Cuba, Apartado 6240, La Habana. Tarjeta QSL. Verificó en 120 días. J.Moacir Portera de Melo-MT-B Conexion Digital 258 Apr 2004
9600 kHz - R. Habana Cuba, Havana. Recebido cartão QSL e edição em português do semanário "Granma Internacional". 70 dias. V/S: Não identificado. QTH: Apartado 6240 - La Habana - Cuba. OBS.: O informe foi enviado através de formulário pela página da emissora na internet ( M.Herondino Cardoso-SC-B Atividade DX 199 Mai 2004
R Habana no 6000 kHz, f/dc 127 days, P.Gager-AUT BDXC-UK 2004-05 Mai 2004
Well I finally received a QSL from Radio Havana today Thursday the 13th of May, 2004. I logged the station on the 31st of December 2003 at 0345 UTC. Hopefully you can see the picture of the front and the back. They also included a flyer "... invite you to participate in an international contest for the Centennial of the birth of the great Cuban writer, Alejo Carpentier." B.Hopkins-ON-CAN ODXA-ML Mai 2004
15230 kHz - R. Habana Cuba - La Habana - CUB. Recebidos cartao QSL e Marcador de Livro. 113 dias. V/S: ??? QTH: Apartado Postal 6240 - La Habana - Cuba. L.dos Santos Nascimento-MG-B Atividade DX 213 Aug 2004
R Habana Cuba e 9550 kHz, c 120 days, (report sent by email to Arnie Coro - reply received by post approx 4 months later) D.Kenny-G BDXC-UK 2004-08 Aug 2004
Radio Habana Cuba 6000 kHz, 120 Tage, teilde. Brief, Lesezeichen, PG, Zeitung / 3 Dollar D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Aug 2004
Radio Habana Cuba 6000 kHz, 121 Tage, det. Karte, persönlicher Brief, PG Lesezeichen D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Aug 2004
9550 Radio Habana Cuba. QSL Number 3, in a series of a Lighthouse and Fortress. Sent along the usual contest rules, tourist information and a nice sticker. I was hoping for the special QSL they where offering for the new transmitters that came on line for this frequency, but alias it wasn't so. Total time of nine months, after sending two e-mail follow-ups. Apparently, they never got my postal report(?) E.Kusalik-AB-CAN direct to QIP Aug 2004
Radio Habana Cuba, 11760,Reciba carta con tarjeta QSL, boletín de programación y folletos en 75 días. El informe de recepción se envió a través de un formulario en la siguiente página web: www.radiohc/espanol/diexismo.htm. M.Méndez-E direct to QIP Aug 2004
Radio Habana Cuba conferma l'ascolto in lingua spagnola del 02/04/2003, 22.41 UTC, 13750 kHz, con cartolina QSL in 143 giorni. Il rapporto di ricezione era stato inviato per posta elettronica a: D.Pieracci-I Shortwave-ML Sep 2004
R Havana Cuba e-mail 6000 kHz, c 160 days, (sent sch, competition info & bookmark) A.Pennington-G BDXC-UK 2004-10 Okt 2004
Radio Havana 6000 kHz, F/D "logo" card in nine weeks. D.Gauvin-NB-CAN CIDX 2004-10 Okt 2004
RADIO HABANA CUBA. FECHA : 09 DE MAYO DEL 2004, HORA : 01.50 UTC, FRECUENCIA: 15230 kHz. VRS/ Manolo de la Rosa, Malena Negrin, Fernando Alcorta, Lilia Rosa López. Recibida TARJETA QSL especial con todos los datos completos el 2 de Noviembre , junto con programación, el informe de recepción fue enviado por E-mail a: C.Pérez Dioses-PRU Conexion Digital 290 Nov 2004
15230 Radio Habana Cuba. QSL, sked, calcos, semanario, folletos, señaladores, enviado a: Verifico en 68 dias M.Gremoliche-ARG Conexion Digital 291 Nov 2004
R. Habana Cuba / 6000 kHz, 111 Tage, detail. Karte D.Rosenau-D ADDX 2004-23 Dez 2004
Radio Havana Cuba email? nimm Ist die Adresse vom Dpartemento de Correos. Habe erst gestern eine QSL erhalten. Laufzeit ca. 4 Monate. Vorher kommt aber in der Regel bereits eine eMail-Antwort. R.Sonntag-D A-DX-ML Dez 2004
5025 kHz - R. Rebelde - La Habana - CUBA. Recebido cartao QSL e adesivo. 88 dias. V/S: Ilegivel. QTH: Apartado 6277, 10600 Habana 6, Cuba I.Dias da Silva Júnior-SP-B Atividade DX 230 Dez 2004
Radio Havana Cuba 9820 kHz, F/D "Forts on the Gulf of Mexico" card, schedule, report form, contest info, book marker and Christmas card in 127 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 2005-01 Jan 2005
5990 kHz, 6175 kHz, 7245 kHz, 11850 kHz e 13650 kHz - R. Internacional da China - La Habana (CUB), Cerrik (ALB), Xian (CHN), Montsinery (GUF) e La Habana (CUB) Recebida folha impressa (confeccionada por mim) e assinada e exemplar da Revista China Hoy. 20 dias. V/S: Gao Shizhong. Obs: Os IR's foram enviados pelo seguinte e-mail: . QTH: Rádio Internacional da China, Serviço Português, CRI - 39, P.O. Box 4216, Beijing - China - 100040 R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B Conexion Digital 300 Jan 2005
R. Habana Cuba / 6000 kHz, 90 Tage, det. Karte, PG, Kalender E.Röscher-D ADDX 2005-02 Feb 2005
15230 kHz - R HABANA CUBA - La Habana - CUB. Recebido QSL, tabela de horario e frequencias, jornal Granma, marcadores de livros, 5 envelopes de 1º dia de circulacao. 37 dias. V/S: ? QTH: Apartado 6240 La Habana Cuba. Ximenes Coutinho-GO-B Atividade DX 237 Feb 2005
17705 kHz - Radio Havana Cuba. Recebido cartao QSL, jornal, calendario e carta pessoal 120 dias. V/S: Lourdes Lopez. QTH: Apartado 6240, La Habana, Cuba. C.Jean Fischer-SC-B Atividade DX 239 Feb 2005
R. Habana Cuba / 6000 kHz, 132 Tage, det. K, PG, Lesezeichen / RR per eMail R.Sonntag-D ADDX 2005-04 Apr 2005
Radio Havana QSL, sked and bookmark in 1 month after e-mail from Lourdes Lopez of the correspondence service saying a QSL was on the way. S.C.Hickey-NF-CAN CIDX 2005-05 Mai 2005
R. Habana Cuba / 6000 kHz, 132 Tage, det. K, Sticker, Quiz / RR per eMail W.Grube-D ADDX 2005-06 Jun 2005
15230 kHz - R. Habana Cuba - La Habana - CUB. Recebidos 7 QSLs (de dezembro de 2004 a março de 2005), 25 envelopes de primeiro dia de circulação. ??? dias. V/S: ? QTH: Apartado 6240, La Habana, Cuba Ximenes Coutinho-GO-B Atividade DX 254 Jun 2005
15230 kHz - R. Habana Cuba Havana. Recebido cartao qsl, calendario de bolso e Jornal ?Granma? 149 dias. V/S: Lourdes Lopes. QTH: Apartado 6240 La Habana Cuba. M.Rheinheimer-RS-B Atividade DX 256 Jun 2005
Radio Habana Cuba 6000 kHz, 105 Tage, det. Karte, persönlicher Brief / 1 Dollar D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Jun 2005
Replied with QSL, bookmark, veri letter welcoming me to RHC's international community signed by Lourdes Lopez, info on upcoming contest in 134 days for English report emailed to Also written report sent the same day to Radio Havana Cuba, Apartado 6240, La Habana, Cuba. D.Malloy-MA-USA direct to QIP Jul 2005
6000 kHz, QSL, verification letter signed by Lourdes Lopez, bookmark arrived in 132 days for report sent to Apartado 6240, La Habana, Cuba D.Malloy-MA-USA direct to QIP Aug 2005
11730 kHz. Radio Habana Cuba, Tarjeta QSL, carta de la emisora. Contesto en 120 dias. QTH: Apartado 6240, La Habana J.Moacir Portera de Melo-MT-B Atividade DX 266 Sep 2005
R Habana Cuba 6000 k b sti 4 month C.W.Englund-S Norwegian DX News 2005-06 Okt 2005
15230 kHz. Radio Habana Cuba, Apartado 6240, La Habana. Tarjeta QSL, carta de la emisora, planilla de concurso, tarjeta de fin de año y calendario 2006. Contestó en 120 días. H.Frías-CHL Conexion Digital 343 Nov 2005
QSL Radio Habana Cuba confirmando escucha en 11875 kHz a las 04:35 el día 2 de Julio del 2005, reporter enviado por Email a, recibida en 118 dias. J.Miguel Romero Romero-E HCDX-ML Nov 2005
15230 kHz. Radio Habana Cuba, Apartado 6240, La Habana. Tarjeta QSL, carta de la emisora. Demoró 146 días. J.Moacir Portera de Melo-MT-B Conexion Digital 344 Dez 2005
15230 kHz - Radio Habana Cuba. Apartado 6240, La Habana. Tarjeta QSL. Demoro 79 dias. C.Rojas Gordillo-PRU direct to QIP Dez 2005
R. Habana Cuba / 6000 kHz, 83 Tage, detail. Karte, B, Lesezeichen, Contest D.Kähler-D ADDX 2006-02 Feb 2006
R. Habana Cuba / 11760 kHz, 187 Tage, detail. Karte, B / IRC P.Robic-AUT ADDX 2006-02 Feb 2006
Radio Havana Cuba 9550 kHz, F/D "Old Fort" card, pennant, stickers and contest info in 114 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 2006-04 Apr 2006
15230 kHz, Radio Habana Cuba, QSL especial de Radio Rebelde por el aniversario de esta emisora, V/S Manolo De La Rosa y Malena Negrin en 45 días. H.Goyena-ARG Conexion Digital 364 Apr 2006
Radio Habana Cuba, 15.230 kHz, broadcasts in Spanish to South America, confirmed two reception report (from 2005 and 2006) with two QSLs of the 45th Aniversary of the Radio in 89 days. (Listened in Santiago, Chile) E.Peñailillo-CHL direct to QIP Apr 2006
15230 R. Habana Cuba - encontacto@rhc .cu Qsl card, 60 dias. H.Goyena-ARG Conexion Digital 369 Mai 2006
R Habana Cuba 6060 kHz, det. card, 74 days for eMail-report R.Sonntag-D direct to QIP Aug 2006
QSL: RHC: heute erhielt ich eine QSL (45 Jahre RHC) aus Cuba für einen RR vom 04.05.2006. laut dem beiliegenden Sendeplan sendet man nicht mehr Richtung Europa.Außerdem lagen noch etliche Taschenkalender " 80 Anos Fidel" im Umschlag, der auch schon vor 45 Jahren hergestellt worden sein mußte, denn er kam schon in seinen Bestandteilen aufgelöst hier an. P.Vaegler-D A-DX-ML Sep 2006
15230 kHz - R. Havana Cuba, Havana. Recebido cartao QSL alusivo aos 45 anos de fundacao da emissora, um exemplar do jornal Granma em espanhol, 3 pequenos calendarios de 2006 alusivos ao aniversario de 80 anos do presidente Fidel Castro e convite para participar de concurso. 194 dias. V/S: Servico em Portugues. QTH: Apartado Postal 6240, Havana - Cuba. F.Mattos-SC-B Atividade DX 315 Sep 2006
15230 kHz - R. Habana, Cuba. Recebido QSL e calendario de 2006 comemorando os 80 anos de Fidel Castro. 118 dias. QTH: Apartado 6240, La Habana. Cuba. J.Miguel Romero Romero-E Atividade DX 317 Sep 2006
Radio Havana Cuba 6000 kHz, F/D "Lighthouse near Old Habana" card, schedule and bookmark in 67 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 2006-09 Sep 2006
QSL Radio Habana Cuba en respuesta a una escucha del 22 de abril 2006 en 15230 y calendario del 2006 conmemorando los 80 años de Fidel Castro, informe enviado a: Apartado 6240, La Habana. Cuba. Demoró 118 días. J.Miguel Romero Romero-E HCDX-ML Sep 2006
Radio Havana Cuba 6000 kHz, F/D "Long 45th Anniversary" card and bookmark in 13 weeks. E-mail acknowledging receipt of report came first! A.Loudell-DE-USA CIDX 2006-10 Okt 2006
Today (October, 29, 2006) has received 2 QSL-cards from Radio Habana Cuba for reports about reception of their transmissions. 1/V/2006 on the frequency 11760 ËçÃ. Reports sent by e-mail. The address: (via I.Lebedevsky-RUS from open_dx) I.Zelenyj-RUS Cumbre DX-ML Okt 2006
Heute kam auf einen Empfangsbericht per Mail mit der Post ein Brief aus Habana mit einer QSL-Karte zum 45. Jubiläum von Radio Habana Cuba zusammen mit einem Lesezeichen und kleinen Kalendern zum 80. Geburtstag von Fidel Castro. Der Brief hätte wohl nicht mehr viel länger unterwegs sein dürfen, denn an einer Seite war er zur Hälfte offen (schlechtes Papier). Aber es ist wohl nichts verlorengegangen. R.Schuttkowski-D A-DX-ML Nov 2006
17705 kHz - R. Habana Cuba, Havana. Recebido: cartao QSL. 157 dias. V/S:? QTH: Apartado 6240, La Habana, Cuba. Informe de recepcao enviado por e-mail atraves do seguinte endereco: R.Walter Grimm-SP-B Atividade DX 323 Nov 2006
RHC für einen Bericht vom 17.05.2006 auf 6000 kHz + Fidel-Kalender P.Vaegler-D A-DX-ML Dez 2006
9600 R.Habana Cuba (Px En Contacto), especial, carta personal, 8 días, banderin, calendario, distintivos bordados (traida por Eduardo Lopez Palma) H.Héctor Longhi-ARG Conexion Digital 409 Mrz 2007
R. Habana / 9550 kHz, 229 Tage, Brief D.Rosenau-D ADDX 2007-04 Apr 2007
Radio Habana Cuba 6000 kHz, 490 Tage, det. Karte nach reminder, Proschüre "Prisoners in the United States) / 2 Dollar D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Jun 2007
R. Habana Cuba / 12000 kHz, 137 Tage, detaillierte Karte, Info C.Preutenborbeck-D ADDX 2007-02 Aug 2007
Hoy 26 de septiembre del 2007,recibi la tarjeta qsl 45 aniversario de radio habana cuba,con fecha de confirmacion 22 de junio del 2007. son pocas las emisoras que en la actualidad proporcionan este servicio. M.Angel Reyes-MEX Onda Corta PR-ML Aug 2007
Hey All, Got my radio havana qsl card on monday! Took about 2 months, but worth it. Got some real nice station goodies as well.(qsl card, small calenders, painting on paper of a cuban artist work) Nice to hear from them! Robbie in Wyoming-USA HCDX-ML Dez 2007
Nach einer Laufzeit von 35 Tagen bestätigte Radio Habana Cuba auf 11760 mit einer detaillierten Karte und Programmheft. Gelogt auf La Palma/Kanarische Inseln. H.Deichsel-D A-DX-ML Jan 2008
RHC : eigentlich ist Post aus Habana keine große Meldung. Doch nachdem ich 20 Jahre Pause seit meinem letzten Brief hatte war ich erstaunt,das auf Details aus meinem letzten Brief von 1988 oder 87 eingegangen wurde. Das nenne ich mal eine gut gepflegte Hörerkartei. Bei anderen Sendern wird man nach zwei Jahren Pause als "Neuer Hörer" begrüßt. R.Ladusch-D A-DX-ML Jun 2008
RADIO NACIONAL DE VENEZUELA La Habana 11670 kHz, Cartolina QSL in 276 giorni. No RP. QTH: Cesar Mendez M. - 705NW 111 C. T. - Apt. 8 - Miami FL 33172 (USA). Dall'indirizzo di Caracas non è mai arrivato niente. L.Botto Fiora-I ForumRadio-ML Jul 2008
11750 kHz, QSL for e-report to, v/s Lourdes López A.Fernández Llorella-E direct to QIP Nov 2008
Hey all, About a week ago I got qsl #2 from RHC. It is their 45th ann. card. For a report from 7-1-08 on 6.140kHz. Nice card! Robbie in Wyoming-USA HCDX-ML Nov 2008
QSL von Radio Habana Cuba im Großformat nach 7 Wochen Laufzeit! M.Lindner-D A-DX-ML Dez 2008
13760 - R. Habana Cuba - La Habana-CUB - Cartão QSL, schedule e jarnal Granma. 122 dias. IR enviado por e-mail - INA I.Nunes de Assis-MT-B NoticiasDX-ML Sep 2009
Casualmente hoy me llego la targeta de QSL de Radio Habana Cuba y confirmando mi participacion en el concurso "50 Aniversario de Radio Habana Cuba" Esta terjeta es el doble de larga de una QSL regular. Esta fechada con el 15 de julio 2010 a las 16:33 utc en 13780 kHz- SIO 555. Ya vendran las otas...! I.Miranda-PRT Onda Corta PR-ML Okt 2010

Relayed Stations or Programs

China R Int (CUB) Index Cuba Index America Central

China Radio International 5990 and 9570, f /d " Dacheng Hall " card and report forms in 27 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 1999-09 Sep 99
9570, CRI via Havana, card showing Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest; gave full-data but regrettably no xmtr site; in 4 wks. D.Foster-AUS Numero Uno 1547 Okt 99
China R Int'l 5990 kHz, card, rp : no, 61 days. J.Parker-G WDXC QSL Report Jan 00
5990, CRI relay, full-data card, personal ltr, stn info, in 9 mos., v/s Ying Lian. V.Korinek-AFS Numero Uno 1588 Jul 00
China R Int. 9570 k pk sch avis 2m. K.-E.Stridh-S Norwegian DX News 2000-07 Sep 00
11650 - Radio China Int. - via Cuba?? - Belíssimo QSL parcialmente preenchido (Zhoukoudian Relics of Peking Man), pouco mais de 6 meses. v/s: Ying Lian. obs: escutado programa em inglês, mas deveria haver programa em português, às 23:30 UTC. A CRI das 23:00 - 23:30 e das 23:30 - 00:00 UTC em 13650, transmite em português para o Brasil. IR enviado via e-mail ( QTH : 16A Shijingshan Road, Beijing 100040 China - R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B DXCB 2001-09 Sep 01
CRI Relay no 5990 qsl-card 35. P.Gager-AUT BDXC-UK 2002-06 Jun 02
China R Int - det. Klappkarte Jade Emperor Temple in Hebel Province 17720 kHz 1500 29.07.02 67 Tage D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Okt 02
China Radio International 9580 kHz, F/D "Mount Lushan, Jiangxi" card in 54 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 2003-01 Jan 03
11850 - R. Internacional da China - La Habana-CUB - QSL, carta, adesivos, 2 edições de "The Messenger". 56 dias. V/S: Gao Shizhong. QTH: Beijing 100040, Rep. Popular da China L.Carqueja da Silva-RJ-B DXCB 2003-01 Jan 03
China Radio International, 5990 kHz, QSL, lt, Chinese paper craft, post card, "Donde florence la Amistad" newsletter in 72 days. S.M.Kolesov-UKR Signal DX 113b Okt 03
15120 kHz - CRI, via Havana, Cuba. Recebido cartão QSL, lembrancinha e boletim de programação. 10 dias. QTH: P.O. Box 4216, Beijing, República Popular da China. Informe enviado ao seguinte endereço eletrônico: C.Romais-RS-B Atividade DX 180 Dez 03
17720 CRI via Havana. full data card with other goodies in 30 days. E.Kusalik-AB-CAN Cumbre DX-ML Jan 04
China Radio Int'l via Sackville and Havana, 9700, 9580, Nice package containing f/d "Jinggan Mountains, Jiangxi, Dawn at Ciping" card, stickers, colorful paper pennant and personal note on a "CRI, China's Endangered Rare Animals" card depicting the Slow Loris in 22 days for 1 IRC. Not the first package from CRI but definetly the most attractive. S.R.Barbour Jr-NH-USA HCDX-ML Feb 04
6040 CRI via ? [Cuba -QIP] - QSL card, bookmark 14d, report sent to M.Procop-OH-USA direct to QIP Mrz 04
13650 kHz , 15100 kHz R. Internacional da China - La Habana , Montsinery Recebidos 02 QSL's, Revista China Hoy, carta pessoal 90 e 59 dias. V/S: Gao Shizhong. QTH: Rua José Linhares, 137 Aptº 401 - Leblon 22430-220 Rio de Janeiro - RJ. L.dos Santos Nascimento-MG-B Atividade DX 208 Jul 04
7335 kHz, 9620 kHz, 11650 kHz, 11825 kHz, 13650 kHz R. Internacional da China - Jinhua - CHN, Xian - CHN, Xian - CHN, Montsinery - GUF, La Habana - CUB e Xian - CHN. Recebidas folhas impressas confirmando 46 IR's (na realidade os IR's enviados foram devolvidos com apenas um agradecimento pelo valoroso trabalho como Monitor DX da emissora), exemplar da revista China Hoy e carta pessoal. 45 dias. V/S: Gao Shizhong. Obs: Os IR's foram enviados para o seguinte e-mail: QTH: 16A Shijingshan Road, Beijing 100040 - China R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B Conexion Digital 283 Okt 04
5990 kHz, 6175 kHz, 7245 kHz, 11850 kHz e 13650 kHz - R. Internacional da China - La Habana (CUB), Cerrik (ALB), Xian (CHN), Montsinery (GUF) e La Habana (CUB) Recebida folha impressa (confeccionada por mim) e assinada e exemplar da Revista China Hoy. 20 dias. V/S: Gao Shizhong. Obs: Os IR's foram enviados pelo seguinte e-mail: QTH: Radio Internacional da China, Servico Portugues, CRI - 39, P.O. Box 4216, Beijing - China - 100040 R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B Atividade DX 234 Jan 05
China Radio International via Havana 5990, 6040 and 9580 kHz, F/D "Three Gorges of the Yangtze River" card in 1 year. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 2005-03 Mrz 05
China Radio International via Batu 5990 kHz, F/D "Bactrain Camel" card and note in 52 days from v/s Ying Lian. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 2005-06 Jun 05
9570 China Radio International in English, QSL in 1 month. R.Roussel-NB-CAN ODXA 2005-08 Aug 05
China Radio International, Cuba relay, 9570 kHz, QSL card, letter in 43 days. A.Beryozkin-RUS Signal DX 155 Okt 05
China Radio International 9580 and 13740 kHz, F/D "Stump-tailed Macaque" card in 50 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 2005-11 Nov 05
9410 kHz, 9435 kHz, 9685 kHz, 11690 kHz, 13650 kHz e 17625 kHz - R. Internacional da China - Kashi - (CHN), Urumqui ou Kashi (CHN), Kashi - (CHN), ??, La Habana (CUB) e Santiago de Chile (CHL). Recebido CD com belas musicas chinesas, marcador de livro, dois, belos papeis recortados e folhas impressas confirmando 60 informes. 18 dias. V/S: Gao Shizhong. Obs: Os IRs foram enviados para o seguinte e-mail: . QTH: Portuguese Service, CRI - 39, China Radio International, P.O. Box 4216, Beijing, China - 100040 R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B Atividade DX 286 Feb 06
7160 kHz, 7180 kHz, 9410 kHz, 9435 kHz, 9685 kHz e 13650 kHz - Cerrik - ALB, Kunming - CHN, Kashi - CHN, Kashi - CHN, Kashi - CHN e La Habana - CUB. Recebida folhas impressas confirmando 50 informes. ?? dias. V/S: Josefina Chen. Obs: Os IRs foram enviados para o seguinte e-mail: . QTH: Service em portugues, CRI - 39, P.O. Box 4216, Beijing - P.R. China - 100040. R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B Atividade DX 295 Apr 06
China Radio International via Havana 13740 kHz, F/D "China's Endangered Rare Animals" card in 84 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 2006-04 Apr 06
Radio Internacional de China, 15.120 kHz, transmisiones en español a Sudamérica vía La Habana, confirmó informe de recepción (escucha de mayo de 2006) con su QSL "Country houses", de su serie "Jinggang Mountains, Jiangxi". También envió carta, estampado, formularios para reportes. Confirmó en 54 días. E.Peñailillo-CHL direct to QIP Sep 06
13650 kHz - R. Internacional da China Habana (Cuba). Recebido QSL, adesivos, cartão telefônico, marcador de livro, artesanato em papel, 03 CDs, carta pessoal e 10 envelopes com taxa pré paga. V/S: Florbela. Informe de Recepção enviado por e-mail para a seguinte direção: QTH: Beijing 100040 Republica Popular da China. L.dos Santos Nascimento-MG-B Conexion Digital 389 Okt 06
13650 kHz, 15540 kHz, 17645 kHz - R. Internacional da China - La Habana - CUB, Santiago de Chile - CHL e Santiago de Chile - CHL. Recebida folha impressa confirmando 11 informes e 4 belos cartoes QSL (The lacebark pine Jietai Temple - Beijing, Peony, The incense burner e The gingko tree in the Tan Zhe Temple - Beijing), carta pessoal e exemplar da revista ?China hoy?. ?? dias. V/S: Alexandra Chen. Obs: IRs enviados para o seguinte e-mail: QTH: 16A, Shijingshan Road, Beijing - 100040 - China R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B Atividade DX 336 Feb 07
7335 kHz, 9435 kHz, 11640 kHz, 13650 kHz, 15540 kHz - R. Internacional da China - Jinhua - CHN, Kashi - CHN, Bamako II - MLI, La Habana - CUB e Santiago de Chile - CHL Recebido 3 belos cartões QSL (Peony, The incense burner e Beijing's Lugou Bridge - Marco Polo Bridge), toalha com o nome da emissora, cartão e carta pessoal. 20 dias. V/S: Alexandra Chen. Obs: IRs enviados para o seguinte e-mail: . QTH: 16 A, Shijingshan Road, Bei9jing 100040 - China R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B ConDig 407 Feb 07
CHINA RADIO INTERNATIONAL: 7130 KASHI; 9570 CERRIK, ALBANIA; 5990 HAVANA; 9690 NOBLEJAS, SPAIN; 6020 SACKVILLE.  Full-data (including sites) National Stadium, National Aquatics Centre, Beijing University of Technology Gymnasium, & Olympic Sports Centre Stadium cards, all in 1 month.  Also bookmark & personal note from Ying Lian, English Service, on larger “One World One Dream” card with logos of various CRI services.  Address: China Radio International, P.O. Box 4216, CRI-2, Beijing 100040, China. W.Craighead-KS-USA DXplorer-ML Okt 08

R Nacional de Venezuela (CUB) Index Cuba Index America Central

For my report of Alo Presidente via Cuba on 15,570 kHz. six months ago, I received a large Radio Nacional de Venezuela QSL card and a friendly personal letter confirming the program name and relay station—Radio Rebelde. The letter was signed by C Ali Méndoza Martinez, Periodista y locutor de la Onda Corta de RNV. The return address is Radio Nacional de Venezuela, Ave Las Marías, El Pedrgal (that’s the way it’s spelled on the envelope), De Chapellín, Caracas, Venezuela, which is the address to which I sent my report. But the package was postmarked at Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A. Also enclosed were 4 RNV stickers, 4 RNV folders, a Venezuala travel folder, and 2 photo cards. W.Craighead-KS-USA direct to QIP Sep 03
R. Nacional de Venezuela, six E-QSLs as PowerPoint attachments, one for each fqy rptd in a comparative rpt (tnx Ralph Brandi for converting these to .jpg for me, as I don't have PP). A beautiful design, with colorful views of Venezuela, and logo, on top half, full-data veri statement, "QSL," second multi-lingual veri statement and logo again on bottom half. This was rcvd 17 days after I sent an E-mail follow-up (with a RealAudio attachment) to a 5-mo. old postal/CD rpt sent to their P.O. Box, apparently now closed. The E-follow-up bounced because Hotmail could not handle the attachment, so I re-sent it without the attachment. The day after I sent the E-mails the original postal/CD rpt came back through the postal system, whereupon I remailed it to their street address. So I don't know if it was the E-rpt or the postal rpt that brought the eventual response. The E-mail was sent to Sr. Ing. Jéferson Rodriguez at; the reply came from the same E-mail address, unsigned except for "Antena Internacional de RNV." Nice E-mail msg as well, basically "tnx for the rpt, here's a QSL, good luck." Definitely a nice way to QSL by E-mail. No mention of Cuba as xmtr site. J.Berg-MA-USA DXplorer-ML Okt 04
Heute kam per Einschreiben ein dickes Kuvert aus Venezuela von RNV, die eine Sendung vom 28. April 2004 auf 9.820 kHz via Kuba bestätigt haben. Neben einem persönlichen Brief lag ein schönes Bestätigungszertifikat, ein Mousepad, ein "Abreißblock" Sticker, Programmheft und Touristeninfo bei. Nicht zu vergessen die vielen schönen Briefmarken auf dem Umschlag. Der Senderstandort wurde übrigens nicht erwähnt. Absenderadresse war: Antena Internacional, Radio Nacional de Venezuela, P.O. Box 3979, Caracas 1010, Venezuela. R.Bessler-D A-DX-ML Nov 04
R. Nacional de Venezuela relay, 11875 kHz, pers. e-mail and full data attractive e-QSL in 6 weeks. Verie signers: C-Ali Mendez M. (Periodista) & Jose Luis Noguera (Director). V.Korinek-AFS DXplorer-ML Nov 04
RN de Venezuela $ 9820 kHz, full data card, 3month (v/s Ali Mendez) P.Cody-IRL BDXC-UK 2005-02 Feb 05
Eine freudige Überraschung: heute erreichten mich nach 77 Tagen Laufzeit ein schönes QSL-Blatt und zwei Sticker von RN Venezuela (13680 kHz). Mein Bericht ging direkt nach Venezuela. Die heutige Antwort kam von Cesar Mendez M., 705 NW 111 C.T., Ap. No.8, Miami, Florida 33172, USA. J.Waga-D A-DX-ML Aug 05
Heute kam ein det. Bestätigungsbrief von Radio Nacional de Venezuela für einen eMail-Bericht vom Juni über das Kuba-Relay (Relaystandort wurde nicht genannt). Da ich mehrere eMail-Adressen aus QIP-Meldungen verwendet habe, kann ich nicht sagen welche zum Erfolg geführt hat. Auf dem Briefumschlag ist folgende Postadresse angegeben: Final Calle Las Marias, Entre Chapellin y Country Club La Florida, Caracas Zona Postal 1050. R.Sonntag-D A-DX-ML Okt 05
Radio Nacional Venezuela via Cuba, 13680 kHz, det. letter in 125 days for eMail-report R.Sonntag-D direct to QIP Jan 06
Radio Nacional de Venezuela 13680 kHz, 120 Tage, det. Brief ohne QRT / 2 Dollar D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Nov 06
QSL RN Venezuela heute kam QSL Brief, QSL Karte samt ausführlichen Informationpaket über den Wohltäter Hugo Chávez per KURIERPOST (!) an. Das Kurierunternehmen nennt sich MRW (= Mensajeros Radio Worldwide). Neben einem geöffneten Papierumschlag, der die RNV Ingredenzien enthielt, war der Plastiktüte noch ein Annahmeprotokoll mit Ausweiskopie und Fingerabdruck des annehmenden Kurierdienst-Mitarbeiters beigefügt. Es wurden folgende email Adressen angegeben: canalinternacionalrnv at -allgemein- und freddysaac at Freddy R. Santos v/s. Die korrekte Landesbezeichnung Venezuelas ist offensichtlich República Bolivariana de Venezuela. U.Volk-D A-DX-ML Jun 07
Radio Nacional de Venezuela 13680 kHz, 400 Tage, det. Karte, det. Brief, Grußkarte, 5 Broschüren, Brief und Info über Cesar Mosco / 3 Dollar D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Jun 07
11760 kHz, RNV Canal Internacional - Received after 416 days (but then by express mail ! ) a full data QSL card and a personal letter, both signed by Freddy R. Santos, together with several booklets about Venezuela. No follow up. Sent reception report to following address (also appearing on their reply): Radio Nacional de Venezuela, Final Calle Las Marias, Entre Chapellin y Country, La Florida, Caracas Zona Postal 1050, Venezuela. M.Womes-F direct to QIP Jun 07
13680, RNV, full data RNV QSL and several SS pamphlets telling about Venezuela received via FedEx after 391 days for SS RR sent to Final Calle las Marias, Entre Chepellin y Country Club, la Florida, Caracas 1050 D.Malloy-MA-USA direct to QIP Jun 07
Radio Nacional de Venezuela, 11760 kHz, QSL letter with all relevant information except transmitter site, also a date only QSL card with various scenes of Venezuela in 4'5 months for $1. Like others, this came via 2 Day FEDEX, also lots of booklets extolling President Hugo Chavez. V/S Freddy R. Santos J.M.Fisher-MA-USA DXplorer-ML Jul 07
Canal Internacional de Radio Nacional de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. 11670 kHz, carta y tarjeta con todos los datos, postales y medio kg de propaganda chavista por correo certificado. F/V Freddy Santos freddysaac@hotmail. com Dos meses antes ya mandó un e-mail anunciando el envío y desde entonces me llena el buzón de spam. Final calle Las Marías, Entre Chapellin y Country, La Florida, Caracas Zona Postal 1050, Apartado Postal 50700, Venezuela. (via D.Monferini-I) J.Antonio Arranz Sanz-E direct to QIP Sep 07
R National Venezuela (via Cuba) - 11670 kHz, letter/card, - days, (v/s C-Ali Menter Martinez) A.Schwegeler-D BDXC-UK 2007-10 Okt 07
RADIO NACIONAL DE VENEZUELA-CANAL INTERNACIONAL; 11670 kHz, QSL-card f/d, personal letter, schedule, touristic and political promos in 125 d. v/s: Freddy R.Santos QTH: Email : (via D.Monferini-I) S.Gómez-E Play-DX-ML Feb 08
17705 15290 Rádio Nacional da Venezuela - La Habana - CUB e La Habana - CUB - Recebido dois bonitos cartões QSL sem os dados dos meus informes e confeccionados em papel de ótima qualidade (veio só com a data de envio dos QSLs e a assinatura do V/S), folhetos sobre Hugo Chávez, folheto sobre a Rádio Nacional da Venezuela, folheto "The Caracas Declaration", dois bonitos cartões postais (Aduana Principal Aérea de Maiquetia e Aduana Subalterna de Ureña), bonito pôster mostrando o Salto Angel, mapa com a cobertura do sinal da emissora e boletim de horários e freqüências. Em torno de 2 anos 11 meses e 1 ano 7 meses 23 dias. V/S: Ilegível. Informes enviados por e-mail: . Outro e-mail da emissora é: . QTH: Final Calle Las Marías, entre Chapelín y Country Club, la Florida, Caracas, Distrito Federal, Venezuela, Zona Postal 1050 R.Ferraz Pedroso-PR-B radioecutas-ML Sep 09

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