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QSL Information Pages - Germany (D) - Part 10

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Germany 11


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QSL-Information for broadcast-radio stations from Germany - Part 10

Germany Previous Page : Germany 9 Next Page : Germany 11

  1. Relay (other relays)
  2. R Sunshine (D)
  3. R Sweden (D)
  4. R Taiwan Int (D)
  5. R Telefis Eireann (D)
  6. R Traumland (D)
  7. R Vilnius (D)
  8. R Vlaanderen Int (D)
  9. R Wolga
  10. R Zusa (D)
  11. Reformed Faith Life (D)
  12. Remnants Hope (D)
  13. Restoration R Net (D)
  14. RMRC (D)

Relayed Stations or Programs

R Sunshine (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

R Sunshine via Jülich 6015 kHz, card, rp : no, 28 days. Z.Elias-CZE WDXC QSL Report Jul 01
6015 Radio Sunshine bestätigte nach zwei Wochen per QSL-Karte und Formbrief über die bekannte Anschrift. Fax: 0032-87-558440. In der gestrigen Sendung bat man um die Beilage von Rückporto und Rückumschlag. H.Kuhl-D A-DX-ML Mai 01
Gerade per Post eingetroffen: detailierte QSL-Karte + Brief nach 7 Tagen. 1 $ Rueckporto lag meinem Bericht bei. J.Thiel-D A-DX-ML Mai 01
Radio Sunshine 6015 kHz, 35 Tage, det. Karte, Brief / 1 Dollar D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Aug 01
Radio Sunshine via DTK 8 days, qsl-card, B, details : yes. P.Vaegler-D EAWRC Bulletin 291 Aug 01
R. Sunshine via Jülich / 6015 kHz, 45 Tage, detailed qsl-card, B / $. J.Waga-D ADDX-Kurier 2001-18 Sep 01
R. Sunshine via DTK / 6015 kHz, 8 Tage, detailed qsl-card, B. P.Vaegler-D ADDX-Kurier 2001-18 Sep 01
6015 Radio Sunshine, BEL 12 Tage, det. QSL-Karte, B, IRC, AK. M.Martin-D Eastside DX 15 Sep 01
R Sunshine/Jülich 6015 k inf 3m. v/s Rainer Kölsch, programleiter K.-E.Stridh-S Norwegian DX News 2001-06 Sep 01
Radio Sunshine 6015,00 kHz, 1 US-$ D 12 Tage, K, B Details : ja. P.Robic-AUT EAWRC Bulletin 294 Nov 01
R. Sunshine / 6015 kHz, 13-35 Tage, detailed qsl-card, B. diverse-D ADDX-Kurier 2001-23 Dez 01
RADIO SUNSHINE 14d. NO IRC. L.B.Fiora-I Play-DX 1134 Dez 01
R. Sunshine via DTK / 6015 kHz, 74 Tage, QSL, qsl-letter. F.-W.Adam-D ADDX-Kurier 2002-04 Feb 02
Radio Sunshine 6.015,00 kHz [Jülich-D -QIP], 1 US-$, AK, SAE 63 Tage, K, Infos Details : ja. D.Schulz-D EAWRC Bulletin 298 Mrz 02
R. Sunshine via DTK / 6015 kHz, 63-67 Tage, detail. qsl-card, Info. diverse-D ADDX-Kurier 2002-08 Apr 02

R Sweden (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

Heute lag eine QSL von Radio Schweden für das Programm vom 22.07. auf 6005 kHz mit den Zusantz "über Radio 700!" im Briefkasten. F.-W.Adam-D A-DX-ML Aug 2008

R Taiwan Int (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

Radio Taipei International : 6120 kHz, f/d QSL card ("T System, Alemania") from spanish section, after 3m for eRR. T.M.Rösner-D direct to QIP Feb 04
6120 kHz - R. Taiwan Internacional, via Jülich, Alemanha. Recebido cartao QSL, postal, boletins de horarios e frequencias, caneta, modelos de informes de recepcao, periodico ?Radio Taiwan Internacional? e lista de ouvintes. 77 dias. QTH: Apartado 24-38, Taipei 106, Taiwan. E-mail: C.Romais-RS-B Atividade DX 239 Feb 05
6120 kHz, 9690 kHz, 11720 kHz, R. Taiwan Internacional, Jülich, D, Okeechobee-USA Recebidos 06 QSL´s, Canetas, Postais, Impressos para I.R, Boletins. Entre 47 e 28 dias. V/S: Pablo Wang QTH: P.O Box 24-38 Taipei, Taiwan 106. Republica da China. L.dos Santos Nascimento-MG-B Atividade DX 246 Apr 05
R.Taiwan Int. via DTK, 6120 kHz, full-data card, schedules, reception report forms, magazines in 12 weeks. V.Korinek-AFS DXplorer-ML Aug 05
RTI Spanish section 5960 QSL, RR-form, booklet, sticker, book mark, newsletter, post card, list of pen-pals, address label, sked in 70 days after filling form on Web site. Year is shown: 2005 while report dated 2004. No. 55 Pei An Road Taipei 104 Taiwan, R.O.C. e-mail: S.M.Kolesov-RUS direct to QIP Okt 05
RTI, Wertachtal 6060 kHz, QSL-cards, RR-form, postcard, letter in 67 days. Address: No. 55 Pei an Road Taipei 104 Taiwan, R.O.C. e-mail: S.M.Kolesov-RUS direct to QIP Jan 06
6120 kHz - R. Taiwan Jülich. Recebido QSL, boletins, impressos para I.R. 54 dias. V/S: Pablo Wang. QTH: P.O.Box 24-38 Taipei Taiwan. L.dos Santos Nascimento-MG-B Atividade DX 287 Feb 06
6120 R. Taiwan Internacional QSL. I received two QSL cards, including newsletters for Radio Taiwan Internacional via Jülich on 6120 21 nov. 2005 2110, 77 days after sending an reception report via web form at N.Marabello-I direct to QIP Feb 06
Radio Taiwan International, via Nauen, 5975, col card shows Dragon Boat Races, one month from Spanish Section B.Padula-VIC-AUS AusSWDXgroups-ML Jun 06
6120 kHz - R. Taiwan Jülich (D). Recebido QSL, boletins, impressos para I.R, lista de enderecos. 85 dias. V/S: Pablo Wang. QTH: P.O.Box 24 38 Taipei Taiwan. L.dos Santos Nascimento-MG-B Atividade DX 308 Jul 06
Radio Taiwan International 5975 kHz, 56 Tage, det. Karte vom spanischen Dienst Motv Ceremony in Honor of Confucius,Grußkarte Motiv Weaving Straw Hats Info,PGs, / 1 Dollar D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Okt 06
April, 30 received 2 QSL cards from RADIO TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL. I was listening them in Russian January, 29 and February, 25 (there is written like that on QSLs, although I was listening them 4 times). 1300-1400 on 15430 kHz frequency (through France), 1700-1800 on 6160 kHz frequency (through Germany) Y.Dimbovsky-LVA Riga DX 2007-05 Mai 07
I received QSL from RADIO TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL. I was listening to their Russian programs February, 25 1300-1400 on the 6160 kHz frequency through Germany. Y.Dimbovsky-LVA Riga DX 2007-06 Jun 07
I received a letter from Sabine Garvol, Back Office Shortwave Sales at T-Systems, in which she stated that my reports from April 4, 2004 to October 2006 were correct. She listed IBC Tamil, CVC, RTI and WRN. Quite a change from Walter Brodowsky (via QSL Report, Aug NASWA Journal) M.Field-MI-USA DXLD 7-093 Aug 07

R Telefis Eireann (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

15600 RTE via Jülich sent full data Atlantic coast line postcard in 71 days. R.D'Angelo-PA-USA Cumbre DX 114 Nov 96
RTE Dublin via Deutsche Telekom Jülich on 9815, QSL card in 6 weeks for mint stamps. A.Skalmeraas-NOR direct to QIP Nov 96
RTE - All Ireland football final 9815 12055 13820 15600 qsl-card 1 IRC 38 days. D.Saunders-G WDXC QSL Report Dez 96
RTE-1 via Jülich relay 13820 qsl-card no r.postage 57 days. Z.Elias-CZE WDXC QSL Report Jan 97
RTE Ireland via Jülich on 7155, f /d QSL in 49 days. (Play DX # 950 28 Sept) V.Korinek-AFS TFW 038 Okt 97
RTE via Jülich 1 card for 5 frequencies they being 6010, 15170, 15195, 11835, 13660. for Dates 28 Sept and 29 October. Card shows river scene in Ireland. Sent info on RTE satellite b / casts. All for 1 USD and p / card J.Wright-AUS Cumbre DX 168 Dez 97
RTE Radio 1-Jülich relay 11605. Full data card in 12 days. T.Vaughan-G direct to QIP Mrz 98
RTE IRELAND 9815, 12055, 13820 and 15600 f /d " Ireland's Landscape " card in 61 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX QSL Column 1998-06 Jun 98

R Traumland (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

5925 kHz, R Traumland, additional full data qsl-letter (tx site 'Jülich' mentioned, incl. even coordinates) as an E-mail attachement (x.rtf), arrived 2 days after the printed qsl-card. In 7 days for a report in German to M.Schöch-D direct to QIP Dez 2004
5925 kHz, R Traumland, full data qsl-card (tx site 'Jülich' mentioned, incl. even coordinates), card is computerprinted, no v/s. Also included a small sheet with station info. In 5 days for a report in German with 1 USD rp to Radio Traumland, Postfach 15, B-4730 Raeren, Belgien. M.Schöch-D direct to QIP Dez 2004
5.925 kHz via Jülich, f/d paper QSL, info, 14 days, rp R.Bessler-D direct to QIP Dez 2004
Hallo Liste, heute kam per Post die sog. "QSL-Karte" von Radio Traumland. Während der QSL-Brief, der per Mail kam, noch ein farbiges Logo hatte, handelt es sich bei der Karte um einen schmalen Streifen Karton in schwarz-weiß, in den mit Kugelschreiber die relevanten Daten eingetragen sind. Schade ums Porto, wenn man's mit dem Brief vergleicht. A.Schmid-D A-DX-ML Jan 2005
R. Traumland Jülich 5925 kHz, E-QSL in 5 giorni. E-rpt spedito a: QTH: PF 15 - B-4730 Raeren (Belgio). L.Botto Fiora-I BCL-News-ML Jan 2005
Radio Traumland 5925 kHz 7 Tage, det. Karte, Anschreiben / 1 Dollar D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Jan 2005
Radio Traumland, DTK Jülich 5925 kHz, full data card, 3 weeks, via Postfach 15, B-4730 Raeren, Belgium G.Huijbens-BEL direct to QIP Jan 2005
Radio Traumland via Jülich 5925 kHz verified with a det. card in 21 days. 1 US-$ for RP. QTH: Postbox 15, 4730 Raeren, Belgium. P.Robic-AUT direct to QIP Jan 2005
R Traumland/Jülich 5925 e-post kart brev 11d B.Tandberg-NOR Norwegian DX News 2005-01 Jan 2005
R Traumland/Jülich 5925 e-post kart brev 11d K.-E.Stridh-S Norwegian DX News 2005-01 Jan 2005
E-mail QSL from Belgian station Radio Traumland (relayed via Jülich) came on 18 Dec. Station writes that email reports can only be confirmed with electronic QSLs. If you wish to have a paper verification, send your report by snail mail to: Radio Traumland, Postfach 15, B - 4730 Raeren, Belgien. Don't forget to enclose 1 IRC, or 1 US$, or 1 Euro, or mint Belgian/German stamps. D.Mezin-RUS Signal DX 136 Jan 2005
R. Traumland / 5925 kHz, 14 Tage, det. eMail / RR per eMail A.Schmid-D ADDX 2005-02 Feb 2005
5925 kHz - R. Traumland Jülich. Recebido e-mail confirmatorio. 5 dias. E-mail enviado para: QTH: PF 15 - B-4730 Raeren (Belgio). L.Botto Fiora-I Atividade DX 236 Feb 2005
5925 Radio Traumland via DTK-Jülich Transmitter. Full data Mini -QSL karte (card) , in German. Indicated too, the transmitter and power. Reply in 20 days for a report sent to Belgium address. E.Kusalik-AB-CAN direct to QIP Mrz 2005
R. Traumland / 5925 kHz, 8 Tage, det. K / Rp. A.Heiles-LUX ADDX 2005-04 Apr 2005
R. Traumland / 5925 kHz, 9 Tage, det. K M.Goerke-D ADDX 2005-04 Apr 2005
R. Traumland / 5925 kHz, 7 Tage, det. K, Info / IRC K.-P.Hilger-D ADDX 2005-06 Jun 2005
R. Traumland / 5925 kHz, 13 Tage, det. K, Infos / Rp. O.Schmitt-D ADDX 2005-06 Jun 2005
R Traumland sase 5925 kHz, qsl-card 1 months P.Cody-IRL BDXC-UK 2005-09 Sep 2005
Gestern erhielt ich eine QSL von Radio Traumland.(Empfangen am 16.04.) Neben der bekannten Adresse Postfach 15 in 4730 Raeren, Belgien, ist auch eine Adresse in Deutschland angegeben: RTR-Radio Postfach 1142 52157 Rötgen Außerdem gibt es auch eine Homepage: und eine E-Mailadresse: Raeren und Rötgen liegen wohl nur knapp 20 km auseinander. P.Vaegler-D A-DX-ML Mai 2006
09.07.2006, 5945 kHz, det. Karte, V/S: ohne, 15 Tage S.Walzog-D direct to QIP Jul 2006
R. Traumland / 5920 kHz, 7 Tage, det. K, Info D.Stange-D ADDX 2006-12 Dez 2006
Radio Traumland (RTR Radio) on 5965 kHz. Received detailled QSL card and standard letter after 51 days. RR sent with 1 IRC by postal mail. T.Rösner-D direct to QIP Dez 2006
R. Traumland via Jülich, 5945 kHz, full data card and a form letter in German 6 weeks after follow up. Heard in Europe. V.Korinek-AFS DXplorer-ML Apr 2007
Radio Traumland, Raeren via Juelich 5965 kHz, f/d cd, lt 3 weeks. addr.: Postfach 15, B-4730 Raeren, Belgium N.Reiner-D direct to QIP Mrz 2008
Radio Traumland 5945 kHz, 2 Tage, via Diplom Hörerclub Ottenau D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Nov 2009

R Vilnius (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

R Vilnius relay 9855 kHz, card, rp : no, 41 days. C.Elliott-TAS-AUS WDXC QSL Report Nov 99
R Vilnius relay 9855 kHz, card, rp : no, 59 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN WDXC QSL Report Okt 00
R Vilnius relay 11690 kHz, card, rp : no, 36 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN WDXC QSL Report Dez 01
5910 Radio Vilnius (via Germany) f/d card showing Radio Vilnius emblem. Included schedule card identifying English Language schedule (9.710 [ät] 0930 6120 [ät] 0030 until May, 6 then 9560). Received in 65 days. B.Pollack-MD-USA Cumbre DX 086 Mai 96
R. Vilnius relay on 9560, QSL card, personal letter, postcard v/s Vladas Dobilas, mailbag Manager in 8 weeks. (DSWCI-SWN Jan 97) V.Korinek-AFS TFW Jan 97
5890 R. Vilnius (via Jülich, Germany), prepared full-data card in 5 weeks, signed by Director of the Programme. J.R.Renfrew-NY-USA Cumbre DX 131 Mrz 97
R Lithuania 5910 qsl-card no r.postage 27 days. J.Crowley-IRL WDXC QSL Report Mrz 97
Radio Vilnius-Jülich relay 5890. Part data card (no mention of transmitter site) in 39 days. T.Vaughan-G direct to QIP Apr 97
Radio Vilnius (Lituania via Germany ?) 5905 (/ 5880), full data -Lithuania THE LAND OF AMBER- card in 21 days plus schedule card for e-mailed technical report. The e-mail was acknowledged within 24 hours. O.Siegel-ON-CAN ODXA QSL Album 1998-02 Feb 98
Radio Vilnius 6120, f /d " Lithuania-Land of the Amber " card and schedule in 29 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX QSL Column 1998-06 Jun 98
Radio Vilnius 5890, f /d " Land of the Amber " card and schedule in 58 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX QSL Column 1998-07 Jul 98
Radio Vilnius 9855, f /d " Blue Logo " card in 42 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX QSL Column 1998-11 Nov 98
DTK / Radio Vilnius ---- E 9855 72 days, Det. K., Info. P.E.Boeck-D RMRC-D Webpage Jun 99
R. Vilnius via DTK/9855 kHz, 72 days, detailed qsl-card, Info. P.E.Boeck-D ADDX-Kurier 2000-07 Apr 00
6120 Radio Vilnius via Jülich (apparently these guys will relay anyone for a buck) verified in 31 days with a full data card. (Jensen) R.Jensen-WI Cumbre DX 302 Jul 00
Radio VILNIUS 6120 kHz, Jülich TX.QSL + SCHEDULE, 41d. NO IRC. QTH : KONARSKIO 49, LT-2600 VILNIUS, LITHUANIA. L.B.Fiora-I Play-DX 1084 Okt 00
Radio Vilnius via Jülich 9855, f /d " Blue Logo / Flag " card in 59 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX QSL Column 2000-12 Dez 00
RADIO VILNIUS RELAY Jülich 9855 QSL 59d. NO IRC. QTH : KONARSKIO 49, LT-2674 VILNIUS. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN Play-DX 1094 Jan 01
6120 (DTK) & 9875 (Sitkunai), R. Vilnius, two full-data cards, one with stylized flag and design, the other looking like something more appropriate to Ireland; in 7 wks. for taped rpt. Alas, no xmtr sites shown, despite request. . J.Berg-MA-USA Numero Uno 1619 Feb 01
Radio Vilnius 9855,00 kHz, AK, Rp, SAE - 34 Tage, QSL-Karte, via Deutsche Telekom Jülich. D.Schulz-D EAWRC Bulletin 286 Mrz 01
Radio Vilnius via Jülich 6120 kHz, P/D "blue logo" card (no site indicated) in 57 days for US$1. (Wood, MA) ?.Wood-MA-USA CIDX QSL Column 2001-05 Mai 01
Radio Vilnius 6120 kHz, F/D "Logo" card in 2 months. A.Loudell-DE-USA CIDX QSL Column 2001-07 Jul 01
Radio Vilnius via Jülich 11690 kHz, F/D "Land of Amber" card in 36 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX QSL Column 2001-11 Nov 01
11690 Radio Vilnius via Jülich f/d 'Lithuania -Land of Amber' cd. in 36 days M.Humenyk-ON-CAN ODXA QSL Album 2002-02 Feb 02

R Vlaanderen Int (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

11680, RVI relay via Jülich, full-data card in 6 mos. V.Korinek-AFS Numero Uno 1481 Jun 98
Radio Vlaanderen International 11680, f /d " Water Paintings " card in 84 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 1998-09 Sep 98
RVI Brüssel, BELGIEN, 5960 (D-Rel.), 19 Tage, K., hist. Manneken-Pis Motiv, Nr.100 / 415, auf Anfrage J.Adolph-D Eastside DX 08 Dez 99
RVI Relay / 5960 kHz, 31 days, detailed qsl-card. E.Röscher-D ADDX 2000-12 Jun 00
RVI via Jülich / 5960, 14 days, detailed QSL-card. H.-J.Koch-D ADDX 2001-03 Feb 01
RVI via Jülich / 5960, 14 days, detailed QSL-card. E.Röscher-D ADDX 2001-06 Mrz 01
Radio Vlaandern via DTK 17590,00 kHz, - 13 Tage, K, PG, ST Details : ja. P.E.Boeck-D EAWRC 287 Apr 01
R Vlaanderen via Jülich 5985 kHz, card, rp : no, 13 days. N.Sharpe-G WDXC QSL Report Apr 01
Radio Vlaanderen International via Jülich 13710 kHz. F/D "Brussels-Cultural Capital of Europe" card in 36 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 2002-04 Apr 02
R Vlaanderen Int Jülich det. Karte Brügge 2002 Blau Logo 5985 kHz 0700 28.07.02 14 Tage D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Aug 02
13650 RVI via Jülich. Full data 'Ieper,Lakenhalle' card with schedule in 19 days M.Humenyk-ON-CAN ODXA 2003-04 Apr 03
Radio Vlaanderen International via Jülich 13650 kHz, F/D card in 20 days. M.Crystal-ISR CIDX 2003-05 Mai 03
5965 RVI via Jülich - QSL card 9d, report sent using form at M.Procop-OH-USA direct to QIP Mrz 04
R Vlaanderen Int./Jülich 5910 kart sti 2 uke (weeks) C.W.Englund-S Norwegian DX News 2005-02 Feb 05

R Wolga Index Germany Index Euro West

R Wolga 261 kHz, det. qsl-card in 12 days / return postage R.Sonntag-D direct to QIP Jan 92
R Volga v/s is Nikolai Rjasanow, Chefredakteur. Reception reports are welcome, but don't forget to include 2 IRC's. The address is Menzelsstraße 5, D-O 1560 Potsdam. Also Pawel Norenko have replied to reception reports. (R Volga) (M.Paltenghi via Play-DX) M.Mäkeläinen-FIN Kotalampi's Euronews Mrz 92
261 kHz, Potsdam/Burg 12:40 12.04.92 08.05.92 26 days, QSL : folderlapp v/s : P Norenko G.Nilsson-S direct to QIP Mai 92
261 R Wolga v/s is W.Rodin, Stellv.Chefredakteur. V.-J.Rinkinen-FIN Kotalampi's Euronews Jun 93

R Zusa (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

R. Zusa, via DTK, 6045, received QSL card, returned PPC, stickers, brochures and CD for an old report, v/s Reinhard Kaiser. All in 16 weeks. A.Fernández Llorella-E HCDX-ML Jun 2008

Reformed Faith and Life (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

Reformed Faith & Life 11705,00 kHz, IRC, Report in Englisch, 50 Tage, QSL-Brief, Details : ja. P.Robic-AUT EAWRC Bulletin 282 Nov 00
Reformed Faith and Life Jülich 11705 kHz, Lettera QSL in 72 giorni. No IRC. QTH : B.P. 21193 - 2522 Noordbrug (Sudafrica). v/s : Pasteur Eric Kayayan. ? GRAL-MNOL 2000-11 Nov 00
11705 kHz, Reformed Faith and Life. Via Deutsche Telekom AG, Geschaftsbereich Rundfunk und Breitbandkabel, Rundfunksendestelle Jülich, Merscher Hohe, D-52428 Jülich. Carta QSL, esquema de programacion, fotografia del centro emisor de Jülich. Verifico en 35 dias. M.A.Cornachioni-ARG Conexion Digital 083 Dez 00
Reformed Faith & Life 11705,00 kHz, AK, SAE, PPC, - 33 Tage, PPC, B, Foto via Deutsche Telekom Jülich. D.Schulz-D EAWRC Bulletin 286 Mrz 01
REFORMED FAITH AND LIFE RADIO VIA TX Jülich 5965 QSL 72 d. NO IRC.V/s: Pasteur ERIC KAYAYAN. QTH : B.P. 21193, NOORDBURG 2522, SOUTH AFRICA. L.B.Fiora-I Play-DX 1105 Mrz 01

Remnants Hope (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

6110 Remnants of Hope (via Jülich), partly detailed card, personal letter, for emailed report in 3 weeks, v/s Pastor Tim Butler H.Kuhl-D A-DX-ML Feb 02
Full data QSL card + kind personal letter from "Remnants Hope Ministry" via Jülich, 6110 kHz, 12:25-12:50 UTC,received after 19 days. Sent a RR via e-mail to remnantshope[ät] QSL signer Pastor Tim Butler. S.Tanini-I direct to QIP Feb 02
13810 Remnants Hope Ministry via Jülich, Full data HANDMADE (!) "Sunrise" QSL card and a letter in 14 days for an English report with 1 IRC. v/s is Pastor Tim Butler. E- mail:remnantshope[ät] K.Ogino-J Cumbre DX 392 Mrz 02
Remnants Hope / 6110 kHz, 21 Tage, teildetail. qsl-card / RR per eMail. J.Leyder-LUX ADDX-Kurier 2002-08 Apr 02
Remnants Hope Min. no 6110 qsl-card 14.(via TDK. v/s Pastor Tim Butler. Individually hand drawn QSL card-each one done like this by Pastor Tim`s XYL !!) T.Read-G BDXC-UK 2002-06 Jun 02
6100 kHz, REMNANTS HOPE MINISTRY, full data QSL-card in English (incl. site and power), card is self-painted (and handwritten) and shows the sunrise, v/s Tim Butler, personal letter, in 18 days for a report with 1 USD to Remnants Hope Ministry, P.O. Box 1915, Orangeburg, S.C. 29116, USA. M.Schöch-D direct to QIP Jun 02
Remnants Hope Ministry/Jülich 13810 k b sch 16d v/s Tim Butler B.Tandberg-NOR Norwegian DX News 2002-04 Jun 02
Remnants of Hope e-m 6110 kHz, qsl-card 12 days. J.Parker-G BDXC-UK 2002-08 Aug 02
Rem. Hope Ministr. / 6110 kHz, 14 Tage, undet. personal letter, K. K.-P.Hilger-D ADDX-Kurier 2002-23 Dez 02
Remnants Hope BC / 6110 kHz, 74 Tage, PPC, Foto, B D.Schulz-D ADDX-Kurier 2003-06 Mrz 03

Restoration R Net (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

Restoration R. Network via Jülich, 15650 kHz, partial data pers. letter, station info, religious material in 26 weeks; v/s illegible. V.Korinek-AFS DXplorer-ML Mrz 04

RMRC (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

RMRC via HCJB / 3975 kHz, 35 Tage, det. K / Rp. P.Vaegler-D ADDX 2005-04 Apr 2005
RMRC via HCJB / 3955 kHz, 22 Tage, det. K / RRV E.Röscher-D ADDX 2005-06 Jun 2005
3955 kHz, 'RMRC' (dx-px produced by the Rhein-Main Radio Club) (part of the German dx-px of HCJB), full data colored QSL-card (excl. tx site), cards shows the RMRC QSL-calendar. In 11 days for a report in German with 1,00 EUR in German stamps to RMRC, Radiosendungen, Postfach 700849, D-60558 Frankfurt/Main. M.Schöch-D direct to QIP Feb 2006
RMRC via HCJB Relay / 3955 kHz, 7 Tage, Karte / Rp. M.Geissler-D ADDX 2006-06 Jun 2006
Rhein-Main Radio Club via Radio HCJB 6015 kHz, 78 Tage, det. Karte /Portoersatz D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Sep 2006
RMRC via HCJB Relay / 6015 kHz, 41 Tage, detaillierte Karte H.Süss-AUT ADDX 2007-04 Apr 2007
RMRC / 3955 kHz, 38 Tage, detaillierte Karte / SASE F.-W.Adam-D ADDX 2007-06 Jun 2007
Vom Rhein-Main-Radio-Club erhielt ich heute eine Sonder QSL Karte zum RMRC Sommer DX-Camp 2008. Ich hatte meinen Bericht nur an Radio 700 geschickt und mich schon über die rasche Antwort aus Euskirchen gefreut, das der RMRC hier nun auch noch eine Karte versendet finde ich erwähnenswert. Danke an Heinz Schulz und das ganze RMRC Team für diesen Service. C.Ratzer-AUT A-DX-ML Aug 2008

RTBF (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

15715, RTBF, relay of test xmsns to Africa, full-data card for first day b / c (Dec 14) in 9 days for E-mail rpt. Card shows communications tower and satellite dish, printed in EG, note on reverse says " Emission Test 'la Premiere.' ". H.Sellers-ON-CAN Numero Uno 1507 Dez 98
RTBF 15715 via Jülich, full data card, stickers in 2 weeks for a French report and $ 2.00 (returned). G.D.Myers-FL-USA Cumbre DX 226 Jan 99
RTBF 15715 via Jülich, Full data card in 3 weeks for English email report, no rp. R.Jary-AUS Cumbre DX 226 Jan 99
RTBF test via DTK Jülich 21540 kHz : RR + letter, no return postage. Detailled QSL card (Jülich not mentioned) after 7 days, pocket calendar, stickers. U.Volk-D direct to QIP Jan 99
I rcvd an RTBF QSL for their test transmissions on 15715 kHz, 21 Dec. 1998, in 14 days for e-mail report. Full data, long color postcard of RTBF TV5 Satellite Dish & microwave tower; also sticker and pocket calendar with FM sta. freqs. (Via Jülich) C.P.Crawford-KY-USA HCDX-ML Jan 99
RTBF via DTK (test-broadcast) 21540 kHz Dec. 21 '98 Full data card, sticker in 34 days with e-mail report. (No.40) K.Oikawa-J Japan Premium 1999-01 Jan 99
RTBF 21540 kHz Dec.24 1998. Full data card, sticker and calender in 10days by e-mail report. (No.37) S.Arai-J Japan Premium 1999-01 Jan 99
15715, RTBF via Jülich, verified with a full-data card with pix of satellite receiving equipment in 13 days, indicating " Emission TEST 'la premiere.' ". Ditto. (Berg-MA) R.D'Angelo-PA-USA Numero Uno 1509 Jan 99
RTBF test transmission 21540 qsl-card, no ret. postage, 21 days A.Baransky-UKR WDXC QSL Report Jan 99
QSL RTBF (Africa px) mit Karte, Programmplan und Sticker. Bericht abgeschickt am 3.2. Antwort angekommen am 10.2. Unterzeichnet von Dominique Caffiers (?). H.Meixner-AUT ADXB-OE-ML Feb 99
15715, RTBF-Belgium test, full-data ppc; 5905, R. WelleWest, full-data ppc; 7150, IBC-Tamil, full-data ppc; all signed and stamped, plus a verie ltr from DTK-Jülich Transmitter Stn, in 22 days. v/s Walter Brodowsky, Technical Advisor for SWBC Stn-Jülich. Address for direct rpts : Deutsche Telekom AG, Rundfunksendestelle Jülich, Merscher Hobe, D-52428 Jülich, Germany; FAX 49-2461-697-372 c / o Walter Brodowsky; voice 49-2461-697-350. E.Kusalik-AB-CAN Numero Uno 1513 Feb 99
15715, RTBF-Belgium test, full-data QSL of stn / towers, in 28 days, v/s illegible; from RTBF-Belgium. E.Kusalik-AB-CAN Numero Uno 1513 Feb 99
RTBF via Jülich 21540 qsl-card, no ret. postage, 21 days. J.Parker-G WDXC QSL Report Feb 99
RTBF Int via Jülich Rel 1650 qsl-card sticker inf 5 days. T.-H.Ekblom-DNK Norwegian DX News 1999-03 Mrz 99
RTBF (Belgian Broadcasting and Television - relay of test transmissions to Africa) 15715, full data card for first day broadcast (Dec.14th) in 9 days for e-mail report. Card shows communications tower and satellite dish, printed in English, note on reverse says " Emission Test 'la Premiere' ". H.Sellers-ON-CAN ODXA 1999-03 Mrz 99
RTBF Radio Balkans 7345. Jülich relay. Full data card in 9 days. Address; Room 7M57, Boulevard Reyers 52, B-1044 Brussels, Belgium. T.Vaughan-G direct to QIP Mai 99
13820, RTBF via Jülich, full-data card, skeds, Jülich site tech. data sheet, sticker, in 6 wks. V.Korinek-AFS Numero Uno 1532 Jun 99
DTK / RTBF ---- E 9490 11 days, 2 det. K., Sendeplan, Sticker. P.E.Boeck-D RMRC-D Webpage Jun 99
DTK (RTBF Int. 17800 kHz), Letter and photo in 40 days. Reported to DTK with 1IRC. (No.70) T.Gouhara-J Japan Premium 1999-08 Aug 99
RTBF Int. via DTK 17800 kHz, QSL card, sticker, and program in 9 days. Reported by e-mail. (No.70) T.Gouhara-J Japan Premium 1999-08 Aug 99
RTBF via Jülich 9490, f /d " Building & Satellite " card and schedule in 1 month. A.Loudell-DE-USA CIDX 1999-11 Nov 99
RTBF via DTK / 9490 kHz, 11 2 days, detailed qsl-card, PG, Sticker. P.E.Boeck-D ADDX 2000-07 Apr 00
RTBF via Jülich 15715 kHz, f/d card, rp : no, 13 days. R.D'Angelo-PA-USA WDXC QSL Report Apr 00
RTBF International 21565,00 kHz, AK, SAE - 15 Tage, QSL-Karte, via Deutsche Telekom Jülich. D.Schulz-D EAWRC Bulletin 286 Mrz 01
RTBF via DTK Jülich 9490,00 kHz, - 15 Tage, K, PG Details : ja. P.E.Boeck-D EAWRC Bulletin 287 Apr 01
RTBF (Belgium) via Jülich 17570 kHz, F/D "Transmission Towers" card, schedule and report form in 73 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 2001-09 Sep 01
RTBF Relay no 9970 qsl-card 10. P.Gager-AUT BDXC-UK 2002-06 Jun 02
9970, RTBF International verified in 19 days with a full data Map Card from an illegible verie signer. R.D'Angelo-PA-USA DXplorer-ML Jun 02
RTBF via Jülich 17570 kHz, F/D "Globe/Logo" card in 31 days from v/s P. Gjir. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 2003-01 Jan 03
RTBF International via Jülich, 9490, QSL card, program schedule, and report forms in 19 days for a French report. 1 IRC (returned). A.Lisowski-VA-USA direct to QIP Feb 03
9490 - RTBF International - Jülich-D - Recebido cartão QSL. ? dias. V/S: não identificado. QTH: B-1044 Bruxelas, Bélgica M.Roberto Polheim da Silva-SC-B DXCB 2003-08 Aug 03
17570 RTBF via Jülich. Full data 'Globe/Logo and Tower' card in 38 days. M.Humenyuk-ON-CAN ODXA 2004-08 Aug 04
RTBF via Jülich 17570 kHz, F/D "Globe" card in 30 days from v/s P. Login. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX 2005-02 Feb 05

RTR 1 R Europa (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

QSL RTR 1 (war Radio Traumland) neu: letztes Jahr wurden noch Radio Traumland- Karten verschickt, obwohl man sich schon RTR nannte. Jetzt gibt es Radio RTR- Karten. QSL- Sammler, nichts wie ran ans Gerät am Sonntag auf 5965 kHz um 14 h UTC. Es sind jetzt am Computer gefertigte Karten. Radio RTR 1, Postfach 15, B- 4730 Raeren, Belgien. 1 IRC als Beilage. H.Leuker-D A-DX-ML Feb 2008
RTR 1 5945 kHz verified with a det. card in 49 days. 1 US-$ for RP. QTH: Postfach 15, 4730 Raeren, Belgium. P.Robic-AUT direct to QIP Aug 2008
RTR 1 Radio Europa 5945 kHz, 22 Tage, det. QSL /1 Dollar D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Nov 2009
RTR 1 Radio Europa 5945 kHz, 28 Tage, det. QSL /1 Dollar D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Nov 2009

Russian R Int (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

Non-confirmation e-mail reply received for e-mail reception report sent to Russian Media Group for reception of 17705, Russian Radio International via DTK, 1428-1500* on Aug 30 from Gary Flom, Online Customer Support, Russian Media Group, LLC: "Unfortunately, our company does not broadcast any short-wave radio. This is not something that we are in the position to give you more information about. "Services offered by the Russian Media Group consist of 3 premium Russian language television channels via satellite. If this type of service is of interest to you, please contact our call enter at 1-800-222-2786." [This was sent to a wrong E-mail, to an American company with he same name -QIP] R.D'Angelo-PA-USA DXplorer-ML Sep 03
DTK - Jülich: The following Prepared Verification Cards where sent back after posting reports to DTK-Jülich. The Cards where my own design with a photo of the Jülich Towers, super imposed on a verification statement. Cards where signed and stamped. They are: 17555 - Radio Rhino International, 17705 Radio Kompanya Golos Russia, 15650 Waymarks International Ministries, 15650 Greater Victory Church, 15650 World Bible Mission,, 9555 Russian International Radio. Sent along with the reply was three photo's of the Juilch site, one of the transmitter and two of the towers and curtain aerials. Reply in 4 months, two weeks after sending a e-mail follow-up inquiry. V/s: Ralf Welf. E.Kusalik-AB-CAN direct to QIP Aug 04
RUSSIA, 9555, Russian Int'l Radio(via DTK-Jülich), f/d "St.Petersburg is 300 years old" VOR card with RIR info handwritten in Russian. Included was a Russian langauge letter on VOR letterhead. All in 617 days for 1 IRC and an EG rpt. S.R.Barbour Jr-NH-USA DXplorer-ML Aug 05
RUSSIA 17705, Russian International Radio via Jülich ("Russkoye Mezhdunarodnoye Radio") verified with a full data English Voice of Russia "St. Petersburg is 300 Years Old" card with Russian language details plus a Russian language letter in 705 days from R.D'Angelo-PA-USA DXplorer-ML Aug 05

Salama R (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

Salama R. / 13855 kHz, 75 Tage, PPC D.Schulz-D ADDX 2004-06 Mrz 04

Sawtu Linjiila (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

Sawtu Linjiila via Wertachtal 9655 kHz verified with a det. letter in 69 days. 1 US-$ for RP. QTH: Lutheran World Federation, 150 route de Ferney, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland. v/s Jukka Latva-Hakuni, Media Consultent. P.Robic-AUT direct to QIP Jun 2008
Lutheran World Federation/Sawtu Linjiila, 9655, via DTK, received a non detailed e-mail from Mr. Jukka Latva-Hakuni, Media Consultant for e-mail report. A.Fernández Llorella-E HCDX-ML Jun 2008
QSL from Lutheran World Federation : 9655, Lutheran World Federation, via Wertachtal, DTK. As he had promised via e-mail, I received a full detailed confirmation letter by post from Mr. Jukka Latva-Hakuni, Media Consultant. He states that the programme is in Fulani language. The letter came from Lutheran World Federation, 150 Route de Ferney, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland. On the envelope it can be read P.O. Box 2100, CH-1211 Geneva 2. I sent my report by e-mail to the HQ in Geneva and the previous answer from Mr. Latva-Hakuni came from A.Fernández Llorella-E HCDX-ML Jun 2008
Cameroon 9655 Sawtu Linjiila/ Lutheran World Federation via Wertachtal Transmitter. Full data ( w/site) Verification Letter, with additional information about their broadcasts as being in the Fulani Language. This for a e-mail report with attached 5 minute MP3 audio file. Response in 19 days for this verification. A quick e-mail response back to the V/S thanking him for his response to my request. v/s: Jukka-Latva Hakuni, Media Consultant. E.Kusalik-AB-CAN direct to QIP Sep 2008
9655 Sawtu Linjiila via Media Broadcast/Wertachtal Transmitter. Received six days ( 25 days) later ( e-mail verification) my PPC, signed and stamped for a Postal report with two audio files (CD MP3 format) for July the 20th and 27th. Also sent a compliment card. v/s the same as above. E.Kusalik-AB-CAN direct to QIP Sep 2008

Seed Of Abraham (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

Seed of Abraham program via High Adventure via DTK Jülich. 22 days. "Confirmation of Reception - QSL" f.d. letter. Dec. 30, 2002.1600-1615UTC-9860 kHz. v/s - David Depew, radio Bible teacher and president of ministry. Return address - 1446 N. Rose Street, Burbank, CA 91505, USA. G.Politika-LTU direct to QIP Jan 03

Seed-time Ministries (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

9850 Bible Study BCB from the Seed-time Ministries (via Pam American Broker) via Julich Transmitter.Freq. and Site QSL card, for report that was forward to this address: Seed-time Ministries, Inc. 5080 North 4th Street, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83815 USA. web site: e-mail address:, from DTK-Telekom, Julich Facilities. Reply in 21/2 months.. E.Kusalik-AB-CAN direct to QIP Mai 2008
11900 Seedtime Ministries via Wertachtal Relay. Full data (w/ site) .pdf E-mail QSL from Michael Puetz. This for my report from Pam American forward to Media Broadcast for verification. Reply in 14 days. E.Kusalik-AB-CAN ODXA-ML Mai 2010
13830 Seed-Time Ministries via Ulich (? – I think they mean Julich, but which is no longer available) Germany. Full data (w/ site) QSL Card with mention that this BCB directed to Middle East. This report was forward by Pam American BCB to Seed-time Ministries. Their address for reports is: 5080 North 4^th Street, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, 83815 USA. E-mail for reports: <> E.Kusalik-AB-CAN ODXA-ML Mai 2010
11900 Seedtime Ministries via Wertachtal Relay. Full data (w/ site) .pdf E-mail QSL from Michael Puetz. This for my report from Pam American forward to Media Broadcast for verification. Reply in 14 days. E.Kusalik-AB-CAN ODXA-ML Mai 2010
13830 Seed-Time Ministries via Ulich (? – I think they mean Julich, but which is no longer available) Germany. Full data (w/ site) QSL Card with mention that this BCB directed to Middle East. This report was forward by Pam American BCB to Seed-time Ministries. Their address for reports is: 5080 North 4^th Street, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, 83815 USA. E-mail for reports: <> E.Kusalik-AB-CAN ODXA-ML Mai 2010
Seed-time Ministries relay, 11900 kHz, card in 42 days. (via D.Monferini-I) V.Korinek-AFS BCL-News-ML Aug 2010
Seed-time Ministries relay, 11900 kHz, card in 42 days. V.Korinek-AFS Play-DX-ML Aug 2010

Stimme des Evangeliums (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

Ich erhielt gester einen detaillierte QSL-Brief der "Evangelischen Missions-Gemeinden in Deutschland" für meinen Bericht vom 05. September 2003 um 17.30 UTC auf 6015 kHz via Telekom Jülich. K.Köhler-D A-DX-ML Sep 03
6015 kHz, Evangelische Missionsgemeinden in Deutschland / STIMME DES EVANGELIUMS (Relay via T-Systems Int (DTK Jülich), ausführlicher QSL-Brief auf Briefpapier der Betreiber, mit großem Stempel. Zusätzlich freundl. pers. Brief, v/s ?.Salen (?), in 12 Tagen für 1,0 EUR in BM (0,45 zurück) an Evangelische Missionsgemeinden, Radiosendungen, Jahnstraße 9, 89182 Bernstadt. M.Schöch-D direct to QIP Sep 03
9860, Evangelische Missions-Gemeinden in Deutschland via T-Systems at Wertachal, Germany verified with a full data letter and signed/stamped my prepared card in just 10 days. Address: Jahnstraße 9, DE-89182 Bernstadt, Germany. Verie signer was illegible. R.D'Angelo-PA-USA DXplorer-ML Sep 03
Evangelische Missionsgemeinden via DTK Jülich 6015 kHz verified with a PPC in 7 days. D-stamp for RP. QTH: Jahnstr. 9, D-89182 Bernstadt. P.Robic-AUT direct to QIP Okt 03
9860 Evangelische-Missions Gemeinden via DTK-Wertachal. Full Data QSL Card, accompanying letter in German, with schedule, in 15 days, after receiving one of their magazines, in 4 days, for my report. E.Kusalik-AB-CAN DXplorer-ML Okt 03
A QSL from Evangelische Missions (9860) via Wertachtal arrived in today's snail mail. Card has all info except transmitter site..bright yellow with logo, in 7 Days !!!! for $ 1. Snail mail address is Evangelische Missions, Jahnstr. 9, D - 89182 Bernstadt, Germany J.Fisher-MA-USA DXplorer-ML Okt 03
9860, Evangelische Missions-Gemeinden (via DTK), gold card with Bible-flame-cross logo, "QSL," full-data plus "T-Systems" as sender, handstamp and illegible V/S. Also sent a pad of calendar postcards. In turnaround time--12 days, for CD rpt. J.Berg-MA-USA DXplorer-ML Nov 03
Evangelische Missions-Gemeinden via DTK, 15525, f/d orange cd (same as JB's) w/ wrong date and freq, (correct time though 1100-1130) and station seal in 21 days for 1 IRC. Listed reception as 11/5 when it was really 11/8 and frequency as 15223 instead of 15225. 11/5 was a Wednesday and they dont use 15225 or 1100-1130 that day, Wednesday's is 6015, 1830-1859 and 9860, 2200-2230. Whatever! S.R.Barbour Jr-NH-USA HCDX-ML Nov 03
Evangelische Missions Gememeinden - 9860 kHz qsl-card 12 days (via TDK. Sent pad of calendar postcards) J.Berg-MA-USA BDXC-UK 2003-12 Dez 03
Evangelische Missions-Gemeinden via Jülich, 9860 kHz, full data card in 21 days: v/s illegible. V.Korinek-AFS DXplorer-ML Mrz 04
Evangelische Missions Gemeinden 6015 kHz QSL in 7 days, rpt to Jahnstrasse 9, D 89182 Bernstadt, no Rp D.Tambuchi-I direct to QIP Mai 04
EMG / 6015 kHz, 4 Tage, QSL, Info, PG F.-W.Adam-D ADDX 2004-12 Jun 04
Ev. Missionsgemeinden / 6015 kHz, 8 Tage, QSL, Kalender J.Leyder-LUX ADDX 2004-18 Sep 04
Ev. Missionsgemeinde / 6015 kHz, 5 Tage, detail. card, PG, Reklame D.Stange-D ADDX 2004-20 Okt 04
9860 kHz. Evangelische M-G, Jahnstr.9, D-89182 Bernstadt. Tarjeta QSL, folletos de la radio. Verifico en 54 dias. J.Moacir Portera de Melo-MT-B Atividade DX 226 Nov 04
Evangelische Missions 15225 kHz QSL card (v/s:N. Berg) and Pamphlet in 103d for English report with 1$. K.Hashimoto-J direct to QIP Nov 04
Evangelische Missions-Gemeinden, 6.015 kHz via Jülich, f/d QSL card, info, 7 days, v/s Michael Herrmann, rp R.Bessler-D direct to QIP Dez 04
EMG / 6015 kHz, 22 Tage, det. K, Beilagen P.Vaegler-D ADDX 2005-04 Apr 05
Evang. Missionsgem. / 6015 kHz, 3 Tage, det. K E.Röscher-D ADDX 2005-06 Jun 05
Evang. Missionsgem. / 6015 kHz, 24 Tage, det. K, Notiz, Traktat K.-P.Hilger-D ADDX 2005-06 Jun 05
Evangelische Miss. sase 6015 kHz, f/dc 1 months P.Cody-IRL BDXC-UK 2005-09 Sep 05
01.01.2006, 6055 kHz, det. Karte, V/S: ?, 2 Tage S.Walzog-D direct to QIP Jan 06
Evangelische Missionsgemeinden 6055 kHz, 4 Tage, det. Karte, Info, rel. Broschüre / 5 EURO D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Apr 06
Ev. Missionsgemeinden / 6055 kHz, 2 Tage, detailierte Karte, Zeitschrift, Schriften / RR per Fax M.Geissler-D ADDX 2006-06 Jun 06
European Music Radio 6045 kHz, 9 Tage, det. Karte,Info / 2 Dollar D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Jun 06
On June 25, 2006 I received a E-QSL from EMR, MV Baltic Radio Germany 6045 kHz. June 18, 2006. sent reception report via e-mail and received new full data E-QSL card in 7 days via e-mail. V/S Tom Taylor, QTH: EMR c/o A. Taylor 32 Sheraring Drive Carlshalton Surrey SM5 1BL England N.Marabello-I direct to QIP Jun 06
European Music Radio 6045 KHz QSL-card and letter with the station's History 11 dd. Report and audio file send via email at Reply rceived via air mail from U.K. the pictures availeble on F.Cecconi-I Shortwavedxing-ML Jun 06
Ev. Miss. Gemeinde / 6055 kHz, 3 Tage, det. K, Werbematerial D.Stange-D ADDX 2006-12 Dez 06
Die Evangelischen Missionsgemeinden bestätigten eine Sendung via Wertachtal und zusätzlich "ordentlich" Lesematerial P.Vaegler-D A-DX-ML Dez 06
EVANGELISCHE MISSIONS GEMEINDEN 6055 kHz, very professional QSL-Card. NO Rp, in 20 days. ADDRESS : Evangelische Missions-Gemeinden, Jahnstrasse 9, DE-89182 BERNSTADT. WEB : J.Antonio Arranz-E Play-DX 2007 Jan 07
Ev. Gemeinden / 6055 kHz, 8 Tage, detaillierte Karte, Info / Rp. A.Heiles-LUX ADDX 2007-04 Apr 07

Stimme des Trostes (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

6.015 kHz via Jülich, f/d paper QSL, letter, info, 10 days, Missions-und Erholungsheim "Arche", CH-9642 Ebnat-Kappel, Switzerland, Fax 071 992 25 55, rp R.Bessler-D direct to QIP Feb 2005
Stimme des Trostes via Jülich 5945 kHz verified with a det. card and letter in 14 days. 1 IRC for RP. QTH: Missions- und Erholungsheim "Arche", CH-9642 Ebnat Kappel, Switzerland. P.Robic-AUT direct to QIP Sep 2005
6055 kHz, Stimme des Trostes [Voice of Consolation - Most times called Missionshaus Arche, but that is the name of the *producer*] (Relay via DTK Jülich), partial data computer-written QSL-letter (tx site not mentioned), v/s unreadable (covered under a large rubber stamp). An additional QSL-card shows mountains and lists the relay sites. The letter also contained a personal letter from Herbert Skutzik, Secretary. In 14 days for a report in German with 1 USD to Missionshaus Arche, Stimme des Trostes, 9642 Ebnat-Kappel, Schweiz. M.Schöch-D direct to QIP Dez 2005
01.01.2006, 6055 kHz (via Jülich/D), det. Karte, V/S: P. Steiner - Furrer, 7 Tage S.Walzog-D direct to QIP Jan 2006
Stimme des Trostes / 5945 kHz, 14 Tage, detail. Karte, B / IRC P.Robic-AUT ADDX 2006-02 Feb 2006
Missionwerke Arche via DTK, 5945, full data personal letter in German, partial data card in 17 days. V.Korinek-AFS DXplorer-ML Mrz 2006
20.08.2006, 5945 kHz (via Jülich/D), det. Karte, V/S: P. Steiner - Furrer, 13 Tage S.Walzog-D direct to QIP Sep 2006
Missions- und Erholungsheim "ARCHE" 6055 kHz, 14 Tage, det. Brief / 5 EURO D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Nov 2006
Stimme des Trostes 6055 kHz, 14 Tage, det. Karte Motiv Alpen mit See und Schiff D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Nov 2006
St. des Trostes / 6055 kHz, 10 Tage, undet. K, B F.-W.Adam-D ADDX 2007-02 Feb 2007
Missionswerk Arche-Stimme des Trostes 6055 kHz via Germany, undetailierte QSL Karte, innerhalb einer Woche mit Postkarte und Zeitung A.Spiegel-D direct to QIP Jul 2008
Missionswerk Arche-Stimme des Trostes 6055 kHz via Germany, volldetailierter QSL Brief, innerhalb 14 Tagen mit viel Infomaterial und Zeitung A.Spiegel-D direct to QIP Aug 2008
Wie von mir Anfang des Jahres vermutet legte Stimme des Trostes (Missionswerk Arche Ebnat-Kappeln, Schweiz) auch ein Sommer- Motiv (Berge) bei den QSL-Karten auf. Ich bekam diese heute undetailliert zugesandt plus detailliertem QSL- Brief für RR vom 19.10.08; 11 h UTC; 5945 kHz. Dazu noch ein persönlicher Brief eines Mitarbeiters zu dem "Nebeneinander" der helvetischen Stämme, der sich als DLF-Fan outete. H.Leuker-D A-DX-ML Okt 2008

Studio DX / AWR (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

Volevo segnalare una conferma QSL dell'ascolto del 21/12/2003 in onde corte su 11.730 kHz ricevuta dopo 16 gg per un rapporto inviato per posta elettronica. Vs. Stefano Mannelli Redattore programma Studio DX - AWR - Radio Voce della Speranza, Trasmettitore: Jülich, Germania Potenza 100 KW N.Marabello-I BCL-News-ML Jan 2004
AWR (studio DX) no ret.-postage, 11880 kHz, f/de 42 days (add: AWR, Viuzzo del Perfolino, I-50137 Florence Italy) R.Petraitis-LTU BDXC-UK 2004-01 Jan 2004
AWR-Studio DX 9790 kHz, E-letter confirmation in 9 d. v/s: Roberto Scaglione QTH: (via D.Monferini-ITA) S.Gómez-E direct to QIP Okt 2007

Sunrise R (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

Sunrise Radio-Jülich relay 5840. Part data letter with wrong frequency on, in 35 days for SAE. v/s Somaira Ramman, PA to Chief Executive. T.Vaughan-G direct to QIP Apr 98
Sunrise Radio verified within 6 days with pd letter (stencil), only QRG stated; v/s Somaira Rahman (OM / YL ?); (tx via Germany) K.W.Elsebusch-D Cumbre DX 189 Mai 98
5850, Sunrise Radio (via Jülich), date-only ltr on colorful ltrhead, v/s typed as Somaira Rahman, PA to Chief Executive, but looks like a different signature. Tel. 0181-574-6666, FAX 0181-813-9800. In 10 wks. for taped rpt. J.Berg-MA-USA Numero Uno 1479 Jun 98
Sunrise R Jülich 5850 qsl-letter no r.postage 17 days, v/s : Somaira Rahman, PA to Chief Executive. C.Elliott-TAS-AUS WDXC QSL Report Jun 98
Sunrise R Jülich 5850 sheet rp : mint stamps 15 days. D.Saunders-G WDXC QSL Report Jun 98
Sunrise R Jülich 5850 qsl-letter SAE 8 days, days, v/s : Somaira Rahman, PA to Chief Executive. P.Travers-G WDXC QSL Report Jun 98
SUNRISE Radio 5850 kHz via tx Jülich. QSL letter 15d. NO IRC. QTH : Sunrise House, Sunrise Road, Southhall, MDX, UB2 4AU United Kingdom. v/s. Somaira Rahman (not Somara !) . (Gral Liguria) L.B.Fiora-I Play-DX 0986 Jun 98
Sunrise R 5850 qsl-letter no r.postage 14 days. Z.Elias-CZE WDXC QSL Report Jul 98
Sunrise Radio via Skelton relay 5850. Letter confirms freq, and verify statement. v/s Somaira Rahman PA to Chief Excecutive. Air in 4 months for 1 IRC and postcard. [NOT Skelton BUT Jülich ! -QIP] J.Wright-AUS Cumbre DX 204 Aug 98
Sunrise R relay 5850 qsl-letter SAE 19 days. J.Parker-G WDXC QSL Report Aug 98
Sunrise R relay 5850 qsl-letter no r.postage 14 days. Z.Elias-CZE WDXC QSL Report Aug 98
SUNRISE Radio UK 5850 kHz via tx Jülich QSL letter 12d. NO IRC. QTH : Sunrise House, Sunrise Radio, Southhall, Middx UB2 4AU United Kingdom. C.Ghibaudo-F Play-DX 0988 Aug 98
Sunrise Radio UK 5850, letter in about two weeks, identifies the frequency, but not the date, time or Jülich site. J.R.Renfrew-NY-USA Cumbre DX 211 Okt 98
5850.0, Sunrise Radio, partial data ltr in 13 days. v/s Somaira Sadeghi, PA to Chief Executive. T.Sejimo-J Numero Uno 1502 Nov 98
Sunrise Radio 5850 qsl-letter, no ret. postage, 49 days. G.Grigoriev-RUS WDXC QSL Report Nov 98
SUNRISE Radio LONDON 5850 kHz (English News at 1800 UTC) reply in 9d. with stickers, sent only italian radio stickers. FAX : (+ 44) 181-8139800. C.Bellabarba-I Play-DX 1001 Nov 98
SUNRISE Radio LONDON via tx Jülich 5850 kHz form letter 70d. NO IRC v/s : Somaira Rahman, personal assistant to chief executive) QTH : Sunrise House, Sunrise Road, Southall, Middlesex UB2 4AU, U.K. V.Korinek-AFS Play-DX 1001 Nov 98
5850 kHz Sunrise Radio via Jülich brev (v/s J. Shelby) 7d. T.-H.Ekblom-DNK DDXLK qsl-hjørnet 1998-12 Dez 98
Sunrise Radio bestätigte den RR über die tagsüber gut hörbare QRG 5850 kHz (Relais) mit detailliertem QSL-Brief. Laufzeit : 10 Tage. v/s Somaira Sadeghi, PA to Chief Executive. Die KW-Programme von Sunrise führten in einigen Gegenden mit indischen Einwanderern zum Ausverkauf sämtlicher greifbarer Radios mit Kurzwellenteil. Rückporto bisher nicht nötig. Adresse : Sunrise Radio, Sunrise House, Sunrise Road, Southall, Middlesex UB2 4AU, Great Britain. J.Adolph-D Eastside DX 04 Dez 98
Sunrise R 5850 qsl-card 2 weeks., v/s Someira Sadeghi T.H.Hesjadalen-NOR Norwegian DX News 1998-10 Dez 98
Sunrise Radio via DTK-Germany 5850 kHz, Letter in 22days. Reported with 1 $ and tape. (No.39) T.Gouhara-J Japan Premium 1999-01 Jan 99
5850, Sunrise Radio via Jülich, plain fqy-only ltr in 21 days from v/s Somaira Sadeghi, PA to Chief Engineer. R.D'Angelo-PA-USA Numero Uno 1508 Jan 99
5850, Sunrise Radio, fqy confirmation ltr, with verie statment, in 25 days. v/s Somaira Sadeghi, PA to Chief Executive. E.Kusalik-AB-CAN Numero Uno 1511 Jan 99
Sunrise R. via Jülich / 5850 kHz 11 days part. detailed qsl letter. diverse-D ADDX-Kurier 1999-06 Mrz 99
Sunrise Radio / 5850 kHz 13 days part. detailed QSL card / RR per Fax; Fax No. : 0044-181-8139700; v/s Somaira Sadeghi. J.Leyder-LUX ADDX-Kurier 1999-06 Mrz 99
SUNRISE Radio 5850 kHz f /d letter 43d. v/s : Somalra Sadeghi, p. ass. to executive off. QTH : Sunrise Radio, Sunrise House, Sunrise Road, Southall, Middlesex, UB2 4AU, GB S.M.Kolesov-UKR Play-DX 1022 Apr 99
SUNRISE Radio 5850 kHz letter 174d. NO IRC via relay DW QTH : Sunrise House, Sunrise Road, Southall, Middlesex (via Conexion 124, Marzo 1999, Argetina) A.L.Slaen-ARG Play-DX 1028 Jun 99

Swiss R Int (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

SRI relay Jülich 5850 kHz card + schedule in 70d. NO IRC rpt sent to : SRI, Giacomettistraße 1, CH-3000 Bern 15, Switzerland. V.Korinek-AFS Play-DX 0988 Aug 98
Swiss R Int Jülich det. Karte Wappen Basel Land 9885 kHz 0800 03.07.98 83 Tage D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Sep 98
Swiss Radio Intl via Jülich 11860. Card shows " The Old Town ", full data on reverse in 3 months. J.Wright-NSW-AUS Cumbre DX 221 Dez 98
Swiss R Int'l relay 15315 kHz, card, rp : no, 59 days A.Baransky-UKR WDXC QSL Report Aug 99
SRI Bem via Jülich / 17580 kHz, 16 days, detailed qsl-card. H.Süss-AUT ADDX 1999-20 Okt 99
Swiss R Int Jülich det. Karte verschiedene Ansichten 15220 kHz 2030 05.10.99 60 Tage D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Dez 99
Swiss R Int Jülich det. Karte Wappen Luzern 17580 kHz - 05.10.99 60 Tage D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Dez 99
SRI via DTK/9535 kHz, 20 days, qsl-card, Info / RR per eMail. H.-J.Koch-D ADDX 2000-07 Apr 00
Swiss R Int Jülich det. Karte verschiedene Ansichten 13735 kHz 1200 04.04.00 18 Tage D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Apr 00
Schweizer Radio Int 6110,00 kHz, AK, SAE, Rp - 17 Tage, K, Infos via Deutsche Telekom Jülich. D.Schulz-D EAWRC 286 Mrz 01
Swiss Radio Int. - Jülich, Germany. F/d QSL cd (with tx site) 17685 kHz, sent by economy mail, in 65 days A.Ogorodnik-BLR direct to QIP Jun 01
Swiss Radio International via Jülich 15220 kHz F/D 'Windows of Switzerland' card in 31/2 months. E.Kusalik-AB-CAN CIDX 2001-10 Okt 01
Swiss R Int no 13635 qsl-card 45. P.Gager-AUT BDXC-UK 2002-04 Apr 02
9885 kHz, SWISS RADIO INT (Swiss Info), full data QSL-card in German (site : Jülich), card shows different views of Switzerland, v/s D.Zanolla (?), lots of promotional material, in 64 days for a report without RP to Schweizer Radio International, Giacomettistraße 1, 3000 Bern 15, Schweiz. M.Schöch-D direct to QIP Apr 02
9775 SRI via Jülich . Full data 'Photo's of Switzerland' card with schedule/information folder/letter in 36 days M.Humenyk-ON-CAN ODXA 2003-04 Apr 03
Swiss R Int no rp 13750 kHz, qsl-card 22 days (via DTK Nauen) L.Botto Fiora-I BDXC-UK 2003-08 Aug 03
Swiss Radio International 15515 kHz, F/D "montage" card in five weeks. D.Gauvin-NB-CAN CIDX 2003-01 Dez 03
SRI via Jülich / 13650 kHz, 14 Tage, det. QSL-Karte H.-J.Koch-D ADDX 2004-03 Feb 04
Swiss Radio Int. 24/9/2003, from 0730GMT, on 13650kHz, from Jülich. E.Ezeani-NIG direct to QIP Feb 04
9885 kHz - R. Suíça Internacional - Jülich. Recebido QSL 63 dias. V/S: English Programme. QTH: Giacomettistrasse 1 CH-3000 Berne 15 - Suíça. L.dos Santos Nascimento-MG-B Atividade-DX 205 Jun 04
SwissInfo via Jülich / div. kHz, 22-48 Tage, detail. card H.-J.Koch-D ADDX 2004-20 Okt 04
13795 kHz, R. Suica Internacional - Jülich - D. Recebido QSL. 43 dias. V/S: Redaction Francophone. QTH: Giacomettistrasse 1, CH -3000 Berna 15 - Suica. L.dos Santos Nascimento-MG-B Atividade-DX 224 Okt 04
SRI Relay / 15445 kHz, 39 Tage, detail. Karte / RR per eMail E.Röscher-D ADDX 2004-23 Dez 04
Swissinfo Relay / 15445 kHz, 30 Tage, Karte F.-W.Adam-D ADDX 2004-23 Dez 04
The following stations verified via DTK-Jülich: 11815 & 13645 Swiss Radio International, 13650 Radio Free Syria, 13855 Minivan Radio. Received back my Prepared QSL's,(which the design shows the Jülich Transmitting Towers)with schedule and Confirmation letter from v/s Walter Brodowsky. Reply in 3 months after sending a follow-up enquirely. E.Kusalik-AB-CAN Cumbre DX-ML Feb 05

SWLCS (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

Radio HCJB via SWLCS 3955 kHz, 23 Tage, det. Karte Motiv Karte Weihnachten 2004 / Portoersatz D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Dez 04
SWLCS via HCJB / 6015 kHz, 62 Tage, det. QSL-Karte / Rp. P.Gager-AUT ADDX 2005-08 Aug 05
SWLCS via HCJB / 3955 kHz, 58 Tage, det. QSL-Karte / Rp. P.Vaegler-D ADDX 2005-08 Aug 05
SWLCS via Radio HCJB 6015 kHz, 60 Tage, det. Karte Sonder QSL Karte vom 31. Internationalen SWLCS-Dx-Camp Farbe blau/lila / Portoersatz D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Sep 05
SWLCS via Radio HCJB 6015 kHz, 60 Tage, det. Karte Motiv Peter Hell SWLCS Programm Produktion / Portoersatz D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Nov 05
SWLCS via Radio HCJB 3955 kHz, 20 Tage, det. Karte Motiv Weihnachten 2005,Grußkarte,Sticker/ Portoersatz D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Dez 05
SWLCS via Radio HCJB 3955 kHz, 60 Tage, det. Karte Motiv Sendung vom 28. Januar 2006 / Portersatz D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Mai 06
SWLCS via Radio HCJB 3955 kHz, 60 Tage, det. Karte Motiv Sendung vom 25.03.2006 / Portersatz D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Mai 06
SWLCS ms return postage, 6015 kHz, qsl-card 67 days (via HCJB) P.Gager-AUT BDXC-UK 2006-09 Sep 06
Saar DX via HCJB Relay / 6015 kHz, 62 Tage, det. K / Rp. P.Gager-AUT ADDX 2007-02 Feb 07
SWLCS via HCJB / 3955 kHz, 110 Tage, detaillierte Karte, Ansichtskartes / Rp. F.W.Adam-D ADDX 2007-06 Jun 07

TNT R (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

TNT Radio Jülich 5910 kHz, E-QSL in 1 d. E-rpt sent to: V/s: Walter Brodowsky. L.Botto Fiora-I Japan Premium 401 Jan 06

Trans World R (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

TWR after 85 days set from Monaco. I sent the letter to Germany Sked, f/d QSL Z.Liangas-GRC Webpage Jan 1996
TWR via Jülich on 7155, f /d card, red and white paper pennant, in 42 days. (Play DX # 950 28 Sept) V.Korinek-AFS TFW 038 Okt 1997
TRANS WORLD Radio tx Jülich 5840 kHz QSL card + pennant + sked 44d. NO IRC QTH : BP 349, MC-98007 Montecarlo, Monaco. John Moore. L.Botto Fiora-I Play-DX 1014 Feb 1999
Trans World Radio-Jülich relay 9745. Full data card in 23 days. v/s John Moore. T.Vaughan-G direct to QIP Mrz 1999
TWR Jülich 6045,00 kHz, Report in Englisch, 8 Tage, QSL-Karte, Details : ja. P.Robic-AUT EAWRC 282 Nov 2000
TWR 9490,00 kHz, AK, SAE, Rp - 14 Tage, QSL-Karte, via Deutsche Telekom Jülich. D.Schulz-D EAWRC 286 Mrz 2001
TWR via DTK Jülich 6045,00 kHz, IRC, DL-Kontest 107 days, qsl-card, details : yes. P.E.Boeck-D EAWRC 291 Aug 2001
Trans World R Jülich det. Karte Radiating Goods News Across Europe...& Beyond 6045 kHz 0730 28.07.01 22 Tage D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Aug 2001
TWR relay Jülich no 11905 qsl-card 61. P.Gager-AUT BDXC-UK 2002-04 Apr 2002
TWR Nauen no ret. postage 7135 qsl-card 23 days L.Botto Fiora-I BDXC-UK 2003-03 Mrz 2003
TWR Jülich no ret. postage 5945 qsl-card 42 days P.Gager-AUT BDXC-UK 2003-03 Mrz 2003
TWR Relay ms 7135 kHz, qsl-card 16 days P.Gager-AUT BDXC-UK 2003-10 Okt 2003
Radio Trans World Radio 6045 kHz, 260 Tage, det. Karte / 2 Dollar D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Apr 2004
6105, Trans World Radio via Wertachtal verified an electronic report sent to T-Systems with a second electronic reply in 7 days from Walter Brodowsky, T-Systems Media & Broadcast, Account & Product Manager for Short-wave Broadcasting. Walter noted that the program I heard was "broadcasted towards UK by using a 100 kW transmitter from Short-wave Radio Station Wertachtal." R.D'Angelo-PA-USA DXplorer-ML Dez 2007
The following where received in 22 days, after sending a follow-up to "Brodowsky, Walter" <> E-mail verification statements for each of these stations : 5950 Trans World Radio via Julich Romanian BCB to Europe E.Kusalik-AB-CAN direct to QIP Jan 2008
The following where received in 22 days, after sending a follow-up to "Brodowsky, Walter" <> E-mail verification statements for each of these stations : 7170 Trans World Radio via Wertachtal Russian BCB E.Kusalik-AB-CAN direct to QIP Jan 2008
6105, Trans World Radio via Wertachtal verified direct from Austria with a full data, including site, "TWR Europe" card in 53 days from v/s Beth Chick. R.D'Angelo-PA-USA DXplorer-ML Feb 2008
TRANS WORLD RADIO Wertachtal 6105 kHz, E-QSL in 18 giorni e cartolina QSL in 26 giorni. E-rpt spedito a: Risposta ricevuta da: V/s: Sabine Gawol. L.Botto Fiora-I tigullioamfm_dx-ML Feb 2008

Truth for the World (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

Truth for the World 9740 via Nauen. Very brief, but friendly, unsigned no-data personal letter in 5 weeks for their English broadcast via Bible Voice Broadcasting. Very different from the response of a few months ago to my report of their Chinese broadcast via Taiwan. I reported this to various DX organizations at the time but am repeating part of it here since it was such a contrast to their recent reply and because of their surprising use of RTI QSL card and pennant. In 16 days I received the following: partial-data letter from John M. Grubb, Mr. Grubb`s business card in English & Chinese, full-data Radio Taiwan International QSL card, and small but elaborate multi-colored embroidered cloth Radio Taiwan International pennant. W.Craighead-KS-USA DXplorer-ML Apr 06

T-Systems Jülich Index Germany Index Euro West

T-Systems Jülich / 5970 kHz, 54 Tage, det. pers. B, FhG-DRM-Test / IRC D.Kähler-D ADDX 2006-10 Okt 06
T-Systems / 5945 kHz, 99 Tage, Brief, Programmheft J.Waga-D ADDX 2007-02 Aug 07

United Methodist Church (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

UMC Test Program 15485 1816-1852 4 December : E-mail acknowledgement with thanks in 8 days from Donna Niemann, Program Producer. Promises E-mail before starting regular schedule. W.Flynn-OR-USA Cumbre DX 325 Dez 00
"General Board of Global Ministries - The United Methodist Church " Received an e-qsl from Donna is one day for a report on their Jan 1 broadcast. H.Johnson-USA Cumbre DX 328 Jan 01
In one of the tests (on December 10, 2000) they announced the following : E : -mail : radio[ät], Fax : (212) 870-3748, Postal mail : 475 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10115 (USA). It is a large organization, so to hopefully get my report to the right office or division I took it upon myself to address my report as follows : General Board of Global Ministries, Attn : Shortwave Broadcast Reports, The United Methodist Church, 475 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10115 L.Silvi-OH-USA HCDX-ML Jan 01
USA [non], Received today a full data QSL letter on " General Board of Global Ministries - The United Methodist Church " letterhead stationary for the 0400 UTC December 9 and 10, 2000 test broadcasts on 13685 kHz. Letter opens with " Greetings from the new African Radio Project of the General Board .. " and gives the frequencies / times as of 1 / 1 / 2001. Signer was " Donna Niemann - Program Producer ". (QSL Received January 2, 2001) L.Silvi-OH-USA HCDX-ML Jan 01
15485 United Methodist Church via Jülich f/d e-mail QSL response for their Inaugural Broadcast of January 1st. Said QSL cards will be sent out soon v/s Donna Niemann Program Director H.Sellers-ON-CAN ODXA QSL Album 2001-01 Jan 01
15485, General Board of Global Ministers of the United Methodist Church sent a partial data letter in 49 days from signer Donna Nieman, Program Producer. (Jensen) R.Jensen-WI Cumbre DX 333 Feb 01
15485 Global Ministries of the UMC via Jülich full data form verie letter with acknowledgment reply letter in 14 days for a postal report to NYC address. Used my SASE v/s Donna Niemann Program Producer. E.Kusalik-AB-CAN Cumbre DX 335 Feb 01
United Methodist Church 13810,00 kHz, 1 US-$, Report in Englisch, 24 Tage, QSL-Brief, Details : nein. P.Robic-AUT EAWRC Bulletin 285 Feb 01
13685, United Methodist Church (Global Ministries), full-data personal ltr, sked, in 5 wks., v/s Donna Niemann (Prgm Producer). V.Korinek-AFS Numero Uno 1624 Apr 01
United Methodist Church via Jülich / 11775 kHz, 14 days, detailed qsl-letter, / RR per eMail. R.Sonntag-D ADDX-Kurier 2001-12 Jun 01
United Meth. Church / 15485 kHz, 21 Tage, detailed qsl-letter. K.-P.Hilger-D ADDX-Kurier 2001-23 Dez 01
United Methodist Radio 13.810,00 kHz [Jülich-D -QIP], AK, SAE, Rp, PPC 18 Tage, B, Infos, PPC Details : ja. D.Schulz-D EAWRC Bulletin 298 Mrz 02

Universal Life (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

5890 Universal Life via Jülich relay. FD QSL in 10 working days for 1 USD plus schedule and other information on religion. J.Wright-AUS Cumbre DX 163 Nov 97
Universal Life R. 5890 pf 5343 97006 Wurzburg Germany QSL info 1 irc 51 dd R.Pavanello-I Gatflash-I 112 Dez 97
Universelles Leben, Jülich 5890 card calendar information schedule 14 days. T.Nielsen-NOR Norwegian DX News Mai 98
Universelles Leben / 1323 kHz, 28 days, detailed qsl-card, qsl-letter, Info. H.Süss-AUT ADDX-Kurier 1999-20 Okt 99
Die Kosmische Welle 9495 kHz, card, rp : no, 148 days V.Rozhkov-RUS WDXC QSL Report Feb 00

Victory Thru Truth (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

15650, "Victory Thru Truth" prgm via Jülich, handwritten ltr from Pastor Henry Miller in 5-1/2 mos. for CD rpt and some stamps. Address: P.O. Box 630, Woodville, FL 32362. Was 1530-1545 Sundays only in July 2003. J.Berg-MA-USA DXplorer-ML Dez 03
15650 Greater Victory Church via Jülich. Full data prepared card, signed and stamped via Jülich, in 35 days. v/s Ralf Weyl E.Kusalik-AB-CAN Cumbre DX-ML Jan 04
Victory Thru Truth Broadcast (Greater Victory Church), 15650, via Jülich, long and friendly handwritten QSL letter in 3 months; v/s Pastor Heny Miller. V.Korinek-AFS DXplorer-ML Jan 04
DTK - Jülich: The following Prepared Verification Cards where sent back after posting reports to DTK-Jülich. The Cards where my own design with a photo of the Jülich Towers, super imposed on a verification statement. Cards where signed and stamped. They are: 17555 - Radio Rhino International, 17705 Radio Kompanya Golos Russia, 15650 Waymarks International Ministries, 15650 Greater Victory Church, 15650 World Bible Mission,, 9555 Russian International Radio. Sent along with the reply was three photo's of the Juilch site, one of the transmitter and two of the towers and curtain aerials. Reply in 4 months, two weeks after sending a e-mail follow-up inquiry. V/s: Ralf Welf. E.Kusalik-AB-CAN direct to QIP Aug 04

Vo America (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

Vo America Munich det. Karte White House 3980 kHz 1600 12.04.89 27 Tage D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Mai 1989
Vo America Munich det. Karte Space shuttle 1197 kHz 1730 14.04.89 27 Tage D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Mai 1989
Vo America Munich det. Karte White House 3980 kHz 1600 19.04.89 23 Tage D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Mai 1989
Vo America Munich det. Karte Master Control room 3980 kHz 0630 24.06.89 37 Tage D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Jul 1989
Vo America Munich det. Karte White House 3980 kHz 0600 17.09.89 41 Tage D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Okt 1989
Vo America Munich det. Karte VOA Bethany 3980 kHz 0530 23.11.91 44 Tage D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Jan 1992
VOA Lampertheim 11725 qsl-card no r.postage 112 days A.Ogorodnik-BLR WDXC QSL Report Jun 1996
VOA Holzkirchen 1593 9520 qsl-card no r.postage 42 days A.Ogorodnik-BLR WDXC QSL Report Sep 1996
VOA Munich 1197 qsl-card no r.postage 39 days A.Ogorodnik-BLR WDXC QSL Report Sep 1996
VOA Holzkirchen 11885 qsl-card no r.postage 66 days. G.Grigoriev-RUS WDXC QSL Report Okt 1996
VOA Holzkirchen 11885 qsl-card no r.postage 46 days. Z.Elias-CZE WDXC QSL Report Okt 1996
VOA Munich 1197 qsl-card no r.postage 80 days. I.Wilson-G WDXC QSL Report Mrz 1997
VOA Holzkirchen 1593 card schedule 3 weeks. T.H.Hesjadalen-NOR Norwegian DX News Apr 1997
VOA Holzkirchen 1593 qsl-card no r.postage 38 days. J.Parker-G WDXC QSL Report Apr 1997
VOA Holzkirchen 6105 9565 qsl-card no r.postage 52 days. I.Zhurkin-RUS WDXC QSL Report Mai 1997
VOA Holzkirchen 1593 qsl-card no r.postage 17 days. P.Travers-G WDXC QSL Report Mai 1997
VOA Lampertheim 7245 qsl-card no r.postage 43 days. Z.Elias-CZE WDXC QSL Report Mai 1997
VOA Munich 1197 qsl-card no r.postage 43 days. Z.Elias-CZE WDXC QSL Report Mai 1997
VOA Lampertheim 9625 qsl-card no r.postage 38 days. P.Miroshnikov-RUS WDXC QSL Report Okt 1997
6130 VOA relay Biblis for the special Public Health broadcast on Sep 30. VOA card shows sunset over Georgia boat scene. Air in 5 weeks plus schedule and stickers J.Wright-NSW-AUS Cumbre DX 163 Nov 1997
VOA Munchen 1197 card sticker schedule 82 days. T.Nielsen-NOR Norwegian DX News Feb 1998
VOA Holzkirchen 1593 card calendar guide 2 months. T.Woxen-NOR Norwegian DX News Feb 1998
1197 kHz. VOA (Estacion repetidora de Munich, Alemania), B / EOF, 330 Independence Ave S.W., Washington DC 20547, Estados Unidos. Tarjeta QSL, folleto de programas, Escuchada en Amsterdam. Contesto en 14 dias (la respuesta llego a la Embajada de Estados Unidos en Buenos Aires de donde fue reenviada) A.Leonel Slaen-ARG Conexion Digital 011 Jul 1999
VOA Lampertheim 9770 kHz, card, rp : no, 33 days. R.Petraitis-LTU WDXC QSL Report Jan 2000
Voice of America 5995 kHz, f/d card, 8/21/94, v/s : John Vodenik "Sunrise @ Greenville" card, site : Wertachtal J.Dybka-TX-USA Webpage Jan 2000
VOA 11875 TX LAMPERTHEIM QSL f /d. + MATERIALS. 51 d. NO IRC. RPT TO : VOA, B / K. 4353 COHEN, WASHINGTON, DC. 20547 USA. L.Botto Fiora-I Play-DX 1063 Apr 2000
VoA Lampertheim 13750 k sti 6m. K.-E.Stridh-S Norwegian DX News 2000-07 Sep 2000
1197 kHz, VOA, full data " VOA Morocco Transmitting Station " card with site - " Munich ", in 3 months, no v/s, for taped report to Washington DC address, returned the tape with stickers and VOA World / USA map. This from Oct 2000 DXped at Don Momans QTH. J.Talbot-AB-CAN HCDX-ML Jan 2001
VoA Ismaning 1197,00 kHz, - 72 Tage, K, PG, Lineal Details : ja. P.E.Boeck-D EAWRC 287 Apr 2001
VoA/Biblis 9750 k sti alm 14m. K.-E.Stridh-S Norwegian DX News 2001-03 Apr 2001
15205, VOA via Lampertheim, full-data "Sao Tome xmtg stn" card with stuff in 48 days. "Verified by MZV." J.Wilkins-CO-USA Numero Uno 1627 Apr 2001
15455, VOA via Munich, full-data "Udorn Curtain antennas" card in 30 days, site listed on website as Holzkirchen. J.Wilkins-CO-USA Numero Uno 1630 Mai 2001
VOA Biblis 9565 kHz, card, rp : no, 39 days. S.M.Kolesov-UKR WDXC QSL Report Aug 2001
VOA Lampertheim 7245 kHz, card, rp : no, 39 days. S.M.Kolesov-UKR WDXC QSL Report Aug 2001
VoA München 1197 k sti 58d. T.Nielsen-NOR Norwegian DX News 2001-08 Dez 2001
VOICE OF AMERICA RELAY LAMPHERTEIM 7245 + RELAY BIBLIS 9565 QSL-cards + VOA Guide. 40d. NO IRC. Rpt to WASHINGTON. S.M.Kolesov-UKR Play-DX 1134 Dez 2001
VoA/Holzkirchen 11885 k. K.-E.Stridh-S Norwegian DX News 2002-01 Jan 2002
1197 Voice of America, via Muenchen-D. 342 dias. Recebido: cartão QSL, calendario 2002 e VoA Guide. v/s: Ilegivel. Informe de recepção enviado via eletronica por: Escuta ocorrida no norte da Alemanha em fevereiro de 2001. R.Walter Grimm-SP-B radioecutas-ML Jan 2002
Voice of America / 1197 kHz, 43 Tage, detail. qsl-card; RR per eMail. W.Fiedler-D ADDX 2002-04 Feb 2002
BBC Lampertheim no rp, 17695 kHz, qsl-card, 63 days. (v/s John Vodenik. VoA QSL Card) P.Gager-AUT BDXC-UK 2002-09 Sep 2002
15410 VOA via Biblis - F/D "Morocco transmitting station" card 3 months after Sept f/up for April log. Also rec'd program guide and 16-month wall calendar covering Jan 2003 thru April 2004. 30th VOA site QSL'ed. J.Wilkins-CO-USA DXplorer-ML Dez 2002
11815 VOA via Jülich. F/D card for March '02 reception. F/up had been sent in July. Looks like they're still cleaning house. J.Wilkins-CO-USA DXplorer-ML Jan 2003
VoA Relay / 1197 kHz, 162 Tage, detailed qsl-card, Kalender, PG M.Goerke-D ADDX 2003-06 Mrz 2003
VoA - QSL, site given as Lampertheim, Germany. It was for my report of 27th nov. 2002 on 9825 kHz E.Ezeani-NIG direct to QIP Mrz 2003
VOA, Munich (1197 kHz): f/d card after 1m T.M.Rösner-D direct to QIP Mrz 2003
Voice of America: 6105 (Holzkirchen, Germany). QSL featuring 500 KW txers in Morocco. 65 days. Report sent to (via open_dx) D.Kalnoy-UKR Signal DX 093 Mrz 2003
VoA no ret. postage 11865 qsl-card 65 days (via Lampertsheim) P.Gager-AUT BDXC-UK 2003-04 Apr 2003
11945 VOA via Holzkirchen. F/D "Saipan Transmitting Station"card in 75 days for f/up report. 32nd VOA site QSL'ed. J.Wilkins-CO-USA DXplorer-ML Jun 2003
VOA via Jülich, 12110, full data card, VOA magazine in 7 months. V.Korinek-AFS DXplorer-ML Sep 2003
Sent a report to VOA, 12110 via Jülich, not DX, but fun to get. Card came in 2 weeks. What was remarkable was a nice goodie pack came witht he card, A laminated map of the USA and the World, VOA mouse pad, and beautifull VOA wall calander. AS I am a US citizen, I have never received goodies from the station, just QSLs for which I have been most gratefull. This was a nice New Years surprise. Later : The report was sent to Washington DC. 330 Independence Av. SW Washington DC 20237 USA J.M.Fisher-MA-USA DXplorer-ML Jan 2004
VoA Relay / 11875 kHz, 75 Tage, PPC D.Schulz-D ADDX 2004-06 Mrz 2004
VoA Relay Biblis 3980 kHz verified with a det. card, stickers, programme schedule and a calender in 46 days. P.Robic-AUT direct to QIP Feb 2005
11835 VOA/IBB English BCB via Lampertheim. Full data 'Morocco Transmitter Site' (w/site) along with VOA Schedule, Magnetic Sticker, Pens in a Large Brown Envelope. All in 54 days v/s: J.Brant. E.Kusalik-AB-CAN direct to QIP Apr 2005
VoA via Ismaning / 1197 kHz, 110 Tage, det. QSL-K / RR per eMail u. direkt nach Ismaning E.Röscher-D ADDX 2005-10 Okt 2005
QSL: On 7170 kHz from 1730-1800 UTC via Wertachtal S.Basu-IND Cumbre DX-ML Sep 2006
11835 VOA via Lampertheim Relay. F/d 'Sao Tome Xmitter Station' cd in 621 days M.Humenyk-ON-CAN ODXA 2007-02 Feb 2007
Station: - Voice of America. Date: - 24-07-2007. Frequency: - 7260 kHz. Time: - 1600 UTC. Language: - Hindi. Description: - Satellite antennas at the International Broadcasting Bureau Transmitting Station in Germany help to relay VOA radio and TV programs around the world. M.Kumar-IND direct to QIP Okt 2007
9565 VOA/IBB Pashtu BCB via Wertachtal. E-mail verification reply in 48 hours, from DTK-Telekom. v/s: Walter Brodowsky E.Kusalik-AB-CAN direct to QIP Dez 2007
The following where received in 22 days, after sending a follow-up to "Brodowsky, Walter" <> E-mail verification statements for each of these stations : 9520 IBB/VOA via Julich Persian BCB to Asia E.Kusalik-AB-CAN direct to QIP Jan 2008

Vo Charity (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

( Freq. ?) Voice of Charity via Jülich. Full data Ruins QSL card in 35 days D.Weronka-NC-USA ODXA 2004-10 Okt 04

Vo Hope / HAM (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

Voice of Hope relay 5975 kHz, card, rp : no, 26 days. C.Elliott-TAS-AUS WDXC QSL Report Nov 99
Voice of Hope 5975 kHz, card, rp : no, 31 days. R.Takács-ROU WDXC QSL Report Feb 00
15715, Voice of Hope via Jülich, loaves and fishes card designed for -Tbilisi, Georgia- xmtr, but that location crossed out and -Jülich, Germany- substituted. Full-data provided. Reply in 16 days from High Adventure Ministries' Hereford address. D.Foster-AUS Numero Uno 1476 Mai 98
V.O.Hope via Jülich -QSL- 15715 kHz : Full data card in only 6days ! J.Yamada-J Listening Points Japan 1998-10 Jun 98
Voice of Hope via Jülich 6015. Full data card in 5 days. Address; P.O.Box 109, Hereford HR4 9XR, GB. T.Vaughan-G direct to QIP Sep 98
VoH : 6015, High Adventure Ministries (Voice of Hope) via Jülich f/d card in 11 days via Hereford, England address. R.D'Angelo-PA-USA Numero Uno 1491 Sep 98
VoH : High Adventure Ministries via DTK Jülich 6015 f/d card in 20 days for report to Box 109 in Hereford, England. Return postage : 2x30p stamps, no v/s given. M.Schöch-D Cumbre DX 210 Okt 98
Voice of HOPE via tx Jülich 6010 kHz QSL 9d. NO IRC QTH : P.O.Box 109, Hereford HR4 9XR, U.K. (Gral Liguria) L.B.Fiora-I Play-DX 1001 Nov 98
THE Voice of HOPE relay DW Jülich 15715 kHz QSL + station info 14d NO IRC QTH : P.O.Box 109, Hereford, HR4 9XR, United Kingdom. V.Korinek-AFS Play-DX 1006 Dez 98
High Adv. Min. via Jülich / 6015 kHz, 9 days, detailed qsl-card, progr. schedule / RR via Fax to the UK. H.-J.Koch-D ADDX-Kurier 1999-02 Jan 99
15715* High Adventure Ministries / Jülich, Germany / : QSL-card, info from Hereford 19 days. (heard in Iran, via E.Bergmann-D) I.Hegedüs-HNG direct to QIP Jan 99
Voice of Hope / 6015 kHz 5 days detailed QSL card px-schedule. E.Röscher-D ADDX-Kurier 1999-06 Mrz 99
High Adventures Ministry Jülich 15715, f /d Bible painting w / scripture and logo card in 16 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX QSL Column 1999-04 Apr 99
High Adventures Ministry relay 15715 kHz, card, rp : no, 16 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN WDXC QSL Report Apr 99
High Adventures Ministry relay 15715 kHz, card, rp : no, 16 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN WDXC QSL Report Mai 99
DTK / High Adventures Ministry IRC E 5975 12 days, Det. K. Bf., Sendeplan, Postkarte. P.E.Boeck-D RMRC-D Webpage Jun 99
VoHope / 6015 kHz, 32 days, detailed qsl-card, / IRC. B.Westphal-D ADDX-Kurier 1999-14 Jul 99
Voice of Hope via Jülich 15715, card in 1 week, L.Weirell-S direct to QIP Aug 99
High Adventures Ministries - 5975 - det. Karte, Freq.Plan, 11 Tage M.Grallert-D direct to QIP Mrz 00
High Adv. Min. via DTK / 5975 kHz, 12 days, detailed qsl-card, qsl-letter, PG, picture postcard / IRC. P.E.Boeck-D ADDX-Kurier 2000-07 Apr 00
15715 V. Hope via Jülich f/d card in 20 days for $ 1. No v/s. T.Palmersheim-MT-USA HCDX-ML Mai 00
High Adventure Ministries 15715 kHz, card, rp : no, 26 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN WDXC QSL Report Mai 00
High Adv. Min. via Jülich / 5975 kHz, 11 days, detailed qsl-card, prog.-guide. M.Grallert-D ADDX-Kurier 2000-12 Jun 00
High Adventure Ministry via Jülich 15715, f /d " Logo " card in 26 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX QSL Column 2000-06 Jun 00
Vo Hope/Jülich 5975 k b 21d. Ø.J.Vang-NOR Norwegian DX News 2000-10 Dez 00
21460 Voice of Hope broadcasting in English and a Slavic Language from Deutsche Telekom's Jülich station. Personal letter in English from Mr. Walter Brodowsky + photo of Jülich antenna area + current schedule in 23 days in response to my DX Report in English + IRC + Santa Fe postcard. G.Glotzbach-NM-USA Cumbre DX 334 Feb 01
Vo Hope via Jülich / 5970, 15 days, K, Infos, AK / Rp., SAE. D.Schulz-D ADDX-Kurier 2001-06 Mrz 01
High Adventure Ministries 5975 kHz, 162 Tage, det. Karte via Adesse in Canada / 3 Dollar D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Aug 01
High Adventure/Jülich 5975 k sch bro 61d B.Tandberg-NOR Norwegian DX News 2001-05 Aug 01
High Adventure Ministries 15715 kHz, card, rp : no, 78 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN WDXC QSL Report Aug 01
HIGH ADVENTURE MINISTRIES 15715 kHz, F/D "Globe/Logo/Peace Dove" card in 80 days. M.Humenyk-ON-CAN CIDX QSL Column 2001-09 Sep 01
Vo Hope / 5975 kHz, 74 Tage, detail. qsl-card, PG; RR per Fax. P.Vaegler-D ADDX-Kurier 2002-08 Apr 02
15175 kHz. Voice of Hope, Box 425, Station E, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6H 4E3. Tarjeta QSL de una emision via Deutsche Telekom (Alemania), esquema de horarios y frecuencias, material religioso. Contesto en 51 dias. C.Morales-ARG Conexion Digital 154 Apr 02
Vo Hope/Jülich 5975 2k b sch bro 294-347d B.Tandberg-NOR Norwegian DX News 2002-03 Apr 02
High Adventure Ministries, Voice of Hope - 17550 kHz [Jülich ? -QIP] - 88 days: large QSL card showing the Earth view from outer space. Schedule, bookmark. I wrote to England, but received the reply from Canada: P.O.Box 425, Station E, Toronto, Ontario, M6H 4E3. (Avia Kvadrat) A.Yekaterinyuk-RUS Signal 054 Apr 02
High Adv. Min. / 15715 kHz, 18 Tage, det. K / $. J.Waga-D ADDX-Kurier 2002-13 Jul 02
Vo Hope, Jülich, Reported : 02.07.00, Reply : 21.11.00, UTC : 1520, Lang.: E 15715 kHz, card, sticker 142 days V.Ostroverkh-D Signal 072 Sep 02

Vo Orthodoxy (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

Voix de L'Orthodoxie Last year, I received a QSL from Voix de L' Orthodoxie for Russian programme on 11900 kHz. The following addr is written on a card : B.P. 416-08, 75366 Paris Cedex 08, France. As for me, I used their address in Russia for sending my report -- merely to save some money. That is : Nab. Leitenanta Shmidta 39, St.Petersburg, 199034 Russia. D.Mezin-RUS HCDX-ML Mrz 00
Vo Orthodoxy via Jülich 11900. Letter confirming report and also QSL card (actually postcard size piece of green paper), as well as info on leaflet. v/s Michel Solovieff, General Secretary, in 7w for USD. Station advises current schedule is via Almaty, Kazakhstan on Tuesday & Friday from 1530-1600 on 9355. Address is BP 416-08, 75366 Paris Cedex 08, France. Email : irinavo[ät] R.Jary-AUS Cumbre DX 296 Mai 00

Vo Prophecy (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

Vo Prophecy via DTK J. 5975,00 kHz, IRC, - 25 Tage, QSL-Karte, Details : ja. P.E.Boeck-D EAWRC Bulletin 287 Apr 01

Vo Russia (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

R Moscow, Wachenbrunn (påskr) 1323 qsl-card div 5 weeks A.Håkedal-NOR Norwegian DX News 1996-10 Dez 1996
Voice of Russia Wachenbrunn 1323 qsl-card no r.postage 34 days, v/s : Olga Troshina. I.Wilson-G WDXC QSL Report Feb 1997
VoRussia, Moskau 1.323 kHz, RUS tx-site: Wachenbrunn gehört in: AUT/Strasshof K, pers.B, Fragebogen/Questionnaire 20.02.1999 25.03.1999 33 Tage H.Süss-AUT direct to QIP Mrz 1999
Vo Russia v. Wachenb. / 1323 kHz, 33 days, detailed qsl-card, pers.qsl-letter, Fragebogen. H.Süss-AUT ADDX 1999-20 Okt 1999
Voice of Russia relay 1323 kHz, card, rp : no, 29 days. R.Petraitis-LTU WDXC QSL Report Nov 1999
Stimme Rußlands / 1323 kHz, 65 days, detailed qsl-card. M.Weidner-D ADDX 1999-23 Dez 1999
St. Rußlands / 1323 kHz, 7 days, qsl-card, PG. H.Joeres-D ADDX 2000-04 Feb 2000
Stimme Rußlands / 1323 kHz, 37 days, detailed qsl-card, PG. P.E.Boeck-D ADDX 2000-07 Apr 2000
Voice of Russia 1323 kHz via Wachenbrunn. f /d " We Talk to the World " card (with site), personal verie letter mentioning site and power of 1000 kW, New Years card, frequency and program schedules in 37 days from v/s Elena Frolovskaya, Letters Department for a taped report. M.Delmage-AB-CAN CIDX 2001-02 Feb 2001
Voice of Russia 1323 kHz Wachenbrunn. Full data QSL card, letter, broadcast schedule and wallet calendar in 78 days from Elena Osipova, Letters Department. They must have had a huge stock of those Radio Moscow envelopes ! N.Pimblett-AB-CAN CIDX 2001-03 Mrz 2001
Voice of Russia Wach. 1323,00 kHz, - 45 Tage, K, PG Details : ja. P.E.Boeck-D EAWRC 287 Apr 2001
V of Russia relay 1323 kHz, card, rp : no, 20 days. N.Sharpe-G WDXC QSL Report Apr 2001
Vo Russia/Berlin 603 k sch inf 2m v/s Irina Gardarina. K.-E.Stridh-S Norwegian DX News 2001-08 Dez 2001
Vo Russia / 603 kHz, 36 Tage, detail. qsl-card, PG / RR per Fax. P.Vaegler-D ADDX 2002-04 Feb 2002
1323 kHz, Wachenbrunn 07:30 17.12.01 11.02.02 56 days, QSL : brev kort v/s : Olga Troshina G.Nilsson-S direct to QIP Feb 2002
Vo Russia relay no rp, 1323 kHz, qsl-card, 50 days. P.Gager-AUT BDXC-UK 2002-10 Okt 2002
Stimme Rußlands (1323 kHz - Wachenbrunn) : f/d QSL-card incl. location after 3w fr Email-RR. T.M.Rösner-D direct to QIP Nov 2002
1323 kHz, VOICE OF RUSSIA, full data qsl card in English (tx site not included), card shows '3 old towers of the Kremlin' as well as a modern radio, v/s on personal letter Alla Smirnowa, Deutschsprachige Redaktion, also enclosed a sticker and a px-guide, in 70 days for a report without rp to Stimme Rußlands, Deutscher Dienst, Pjanitskaja 25, 113326 Moskau, Rußland. M.Schöch-D direct to QIP Dez 2002
Stimme Rußlands / 603 kHz, 70 Tage, det. qsl-card, Weihnachtskarte F.-W.Adam-D ADDX 2003-03 Feb 2003
11655 Voice of Russia via Jülich. Full data card with site for the Russian BCB to Middle East. Reply in 33 days after sending an inquiry via e-mail, which in turn they requested to send my report via regular mail. E.Kusalik-AB-CAN DXplorer-ML Apr 2003
21515, V.of Russia via Jülich, full data card, personal letter, schedule in 7 weeks. V/s Olga Troshina. V.Korinek-AFS DXplorer-ML Jun 2003
Vo Russia no rp 21515 kHz, qsl-letter 40 days (via DTK Jülich. Report sent to Jülich) L.Botto Fiora-I BDXC-UK 2003-08 Aug 2003
17705, Russian Radio International via Jülich confirmed through an e-mail from Walter Brodowsky, Account Manager for Shortwave Broadcast, at T-Systems International in 10 days indicating that the station was the "Voice of Russia." Walter forwarded my report to VOR. R.D'Angelo-PA-USA DXplorer-ML Sep 2003
Vo Russia/Jülich 7260 k 3m K.-E.Stridh-S Norwegian DX News 2003-06 Sep 2003
Stimme Russlands / 1323 kHz, 28 Tage, det. QSL-Karte mit QTH H.-J.Koch-D ADDX 2002-23 Dez 2003
Vo Russia relay no ret.-postage, 603 kHz, qsl-card, 55 days P.Gager-AUT BDXC-UK 2004-01 Jan 2004
Voice of Russia (603 kHz - Berlin) f/d card via from german dept., after 1m fr eRR T.M.Rösner-D direct to QIP Jan 2004
St. Russlands / 1323 kHz, 56 Tage, det. QSL-Karte H.-J.Koch-D ADDX 2004-03 Feb 2004
Vo Russia Relay / 17670 kHz, 10 Tage, PPC, PG D.Schulz-D ADDX 2004-06 Mrz 2004
Vo Russia via Wachenbrunn / 1323 kHz, 133 Tage, det. Karte J.Waga-D ADDX 2004-06 Mrz 2004
VOICE OF RUSSIA 9515 kHz QSLcard + Schedule. In 102 d. Report VIA EMAIL : S.M.Kolesov-UKR Play-DX 2003-4 Apr 2004
VOICE OF RUSSIA 21515 kHz VIA TX Jülich, QSLcard + SCHEDULE 42 d, NO IRC SENT. V/s : Miss OLGA TROSHINA. ADDRESS AS WRTH 2004. V.Korinek-AFS Play-DX 2003-4 Apr 2004
603 kHz - Voice of Russia, Moscow via Zehlendorf-D. Recebido: E-mail confirmatório. 4 dias. V/S: Ms. Olga Troshima, World Service in English, Voice of Russia. QTH: . R.Walter Grimm-SP-B Atividade DX 199 Mai 2004
Vo Russia / 1323 kHz, 81 Tage, det. K P.Gager-AUT ADDX 2004-12 Jun 2004
1323 kHz Radio Voice of Russia, via Wachenbrunn-Alemanha, 132 dias (follow-up enviado em 11.08.2004). Recebido email confirmatório (por ora!!!). V/S: Olga Troshina, World Service in English Voice of Russia. QTH: Voice of Russia, ul. Pyatniskaya 25, 115 326 Moscou, Russia. Email: . Vejam a mensagem recebida: Dear Mr.Grimm, Thank you for writing to us. We are always glad to hear from our listeners. We confirm that you received the Voice of Russia in Russian on April 3, 2004, at 1420 UTC on 1323 kHz. R.Walter Grimm-SP-B Conexion Digital 277 Aug 2004
DTK - Jülich: The following Prepared Verification Cards where sent back after posting reports to DTK-Jülich. The Cards where my own design with a photo of the Jülich Towers, super imposed on a verification statement. Cards where signed and stamped. They are: 17555 - Radio Rhino International, 17705 Radio Kompanya Golos Russia, 15650 Waymarks International Ministries, 15650 Greater Victory Church, 15650 World Bible Mission,, 9555 Russian International Radio. Sent along with the reply was three photo's of the Juilch site, one of the transmitter and two of the towers and curtain aerials. Reply in 4 months, two weeks after sending a e-mail follow-up inquiry. V/s: Ralf Welf. E.Kusalik-AB-CAN direct to QIP Aug 2004
Vo Russia Relay / 1323 kHz, 48 Tage, detail. QSL-Card H.-J.Koch-D ADDX 2004-18 Sep 2004
1323 kHz Radio Voice of Russia, via Wachenbrunn-Alemanha, 125 dias (follow-up enviado em 10.08.2004). Recebido email em 12.08 e agora um cartão QSL. V/S: ?. QTH: Radio Voice of Russia, 25 ul. Pyatniskaya, Moscow 113326 Russia. Email: . R.Walter Grimm-SP-B Conexion Digital 280 Sep 2004
Vo Russia Relay / 603 kHz, 120 Tage, detail. Karte D.Rosenau-D ADDX 2004-23 Dez 2004
VoRussia, Moskau 603 kHz, RUS tx-site: Berlin-Zehlendorf gehört in: AUT/Strasshof K, Neujahrs-Grusskarte 21.11.2004 25.01.2005 50 Tage H.Süss-AUT direct to QIP Jan 2005
VoRussia, Moskau 1.323 kHz, RUS tx-site: Wachenbrunn gehört in: AUT/Strasshof K, Neujahrs-Grusskarte 21.11.2004 25.01.2005 50 Tage H.Süss-AUT direct to QIP Jan 2005
VOICE OF RUSSIA Zehlendorf 603 kHz, E-QSL in 5 giorni e cartolina QSL in 56 giorni. E-rpt spedito a: QTH: Pyatnitskaya Ulitsa 25 - Mosca 115 326 (Russia) V/s: Elena Osipova. Stazione ascoltata con DX Tuners Germania. L.Botto-Fiora-I BCL-News-ML Feb 2005
1323 Wachenbrunn (VOR) QSL card, schedules 17d f/up. v/s: none (Address: 25, ul. Pyatnitskaya, Moscow 113326, Russia) M.Procop-OH-USA DX-MidAmerica 2005-02 Feb 2005
Voice of Russia relay no return postage 603 kHz, card 74 days D.Kenny-G BDXC-UK 2005-03 Mrz 2005
Voice of Russia, Oranienburg/Berlin 693 kHz, Full data card St.Petersburg is 300 Years old, 4 weeks, on e-mail report G.Huijbens-BEL direct to QIP Mrz 2005
Voice of Russia Relay Oranienburg 693 kHz verified with a det. card in 85 days. QTH: ul. Pyatnitzkaya 25 115326 Moscow. P.Robic-AUT direct to QIP Jun 2005
Vo Russia Relay / 1323 kHz, 29 Tage, det. QSL-K, pers. B, PG U.Wicke-D ADDX 2005-10 Okt 2005
Vo Russia Relay / 630 kHz, 42 Tage, det. QSL-K mit QTH U.Wicke-D ADDX 2005-10 Okt 2005
Vo Russia Relay / 1323 kHz, 74 Tage, detail. Karte U.Wicke-D ADDX 2006-02 Feb 2006
Voice of Russia Relay Königslutter 630 kHz verified with a det. card (incl. tx site), letter and programme schedule in 85 days. QTH: ul. Pyatnitzkaya 25, Moscow 115326, Russia. v/s Elena Frolovskaya. P.Robic-AUT direct to QIP Apr 2006
Stimme Rußlands Relay Wilsdruff 1431 kHz verified with a det. card (incl. tx-site "Dresden") in 39 days. P.Robic-AUT direct to QIP Mai 2006
Voice of Russia 1431 kHz, 72 Tage, det. Karte Motiv St. Petersburg Summer Garden's Cental Gate,PG.Brief / 1 Dollar D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Jul 2006
Vo Russia Relay / 1323 kHz, 104 Tage, Karte, Programm-Guide H.Süss-AUT ADDX 2006-08 Aug 2006
Radio Stimme Rußlands 1575 kHz, 45 Tage, det. Karte Motiv Greater Neva, Spit of the Vasillievsky Island White night. Palace Bridge, Brief / 1 Dollar D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Sep 2006
Vo Russia Relay / 1431 kHz, 46 Tage, det. K mit QTH U.Wicke-D ADDX 2006-10 Okt 2006
Stimme Rußlands Relay Burg 1575 kHz verified with a det. card in 45 days. QTH: ul. Pyatnitzkaya 25, 115326 Moscow, Russia. P.Robic-AUT direct to QIP Okt 2006
Vo Russia Relay / 1575 kHz, 41 Tage, det. K mit QTH / RR per eMail E.Röscher-D ADDX 2006-12 Dez 2006
Vo Russia Relay / 1575 kHz, 62 Tage, det. K, PG H.Süss-AUT ADDX 2007-02 Feb 2007
Vo Russia Relay / 630 kHz, 96 Tage, det. K, PG S.Arndt-D ADDX 2007-02 Feb 2007
Vo Russia Relay / 630 kHz, 60 Tage, detaillierte Karte, Ansichtskarte / RR per eMail E.Röscher-D ADDX 2007-04 Apr 2007
Stimme Russlands / 1431 kHz, 52 Tage, detaillierte Karte F.-W.Adam-D ADDX 2007-04 Apr 2007
Vo Russia Relay / 1575 kHz, 63 Tage, detaillierte Karte, Grußkarte U.Wicke-D ADDX 2007-04 Apr 2007
Stimme Russ. no return postage 1323 kHz, qsl-card 165 days P.Gager-AUT BDXC-UK 207-04 Apr 2007
Stimme Russlands / 1323 kHz, 165 Tage, detaillierte Karte P.Gager-AUT ADDX 2007-06 Jun 2007
6175, V. of Russia via Wertachtal, card (incl. the site) in 70 days. V.Korinek-AFS DXplorer-ML Aug 2007
V.of Russia via Wertachtal, 6175 kHz, card in 70 days, no IRC. (via D.Monferini-ITA) S.Gómez-E direct to QIP Nov 2007
The following where received in 22 days, after sending a follow-up to "Brodowsky, Walter" <> E-mail verification statements for each of these stations : 6155 Voice of Russia via Wertachtal EG BCB to NA E.Kusalik-AB-CAN direct to QIP Jan 2008
Stimme Russland 1323 kHz, 46 Tage, det. Karte Motiv 80 Jahre The Voice of Russia,PG,Brief / 1 Dollar D.Kraus-D direct to QIP Mai 2009
1323 - GERMANY, Voice of Russia relay sent QSL card in about a month for report+MP3 sent to Card was specific as to date/time/freq, but not site. B.Portzer-WA-USA IRCA-ML Dez 2009
VO Russia 1323 kHz, for DEC 23 2009 reception, though the transmitter site is not mentioned on the card. . J.R.Renfrew-NY-USA IRCA-ML Feb 2010

Vo the Lord (D) Index Germany Index Euro West

15750 KAF Voice of the Lord, P.O. Box 425, Station E, Toronto, Ontario M6H 4E3, Canada. Tarjeta QSL con datos completos en 29 dias. Esta emisora pertenece a High Adventure Ministries. A.L.Slaen-ARG Conexion Digital 132 Nov 01
15750 kHz KAF The Voice of The Lord, Filipinas via Alemanha, cartão QSL em 123 dias. Curioso que já havia recebido outro QSL para o mesmo informe vindo da High Adventure, agora recebi da Kol Adonai Foundation direto das Filipinas. A emissora informa que agora transmite em 9405 kHz para o Oriente médio, destino desta transmissão. Informa também os seguintes e-mails: kaf[ät] e shofar[ät] S.Cássio Martins-SP-B Atividade DX 075 Dez 01
15750 KAF-Voice of the Lord via High Adventure full data card with schedule in 36 days. Reply came from Box 425 Station 'E' Toronto, Ontario M6H 4E3. E.Kusalik-AB-CAN ODXA QSL Album 2001-12 Dez 01
15750 KAF-The Voice of the Lord via Jülich Full data card w/ religious booklet in 3 months direct from the Philippines. E.Kusalik-AB-CAN ODXA QSL Album 2002-02 Feb 02
15750 KAF-Voice of the Lord via Jülich. F/d cd w/ inf. Ltr. In 3 months via Toronto address reply, 4 months direct reply from the Philippines. E.Kusalik-AB-CAN ODXA QSL Album 2002-04 Apr 02

Voice Int see CVC

Index Germany Index Euro West Previous Page : Germany 9 Next Page : Germany 11